Internship Report On Duniya News

January 24, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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In the name of ALLAH the most compassionate and beautiful, who gave me the wisdom and knowledge to perform this challenging task. A lot of prayers and thanks to Holy Prophet (A!", his life is a source of guidance and knowledge for humanity. #rust on ALLAH and follow life of   prophet has helped me in fulfilling this task. I am heartedly and gratefully thankful to  Faiza Latif , acting incharge of $epartment of %ass &ommu &om muni nicat catio ion, n, La Lahor horee &oll &olleg egee for for !omen men 'niv 'niver ersi sity ty fo forr th thei eirr im imme mens nsee su supp ppor ortt and coopera coo peratio tion. n. I would would like to pay thank thank to Sir Naveed Iqbal  an and Sir Zaeem Yasin  and my teachers who gave me their time, support supp ort and their help in competition of my proects. I am also thankful to Naveed Kashif  manging   manging director $unya tv, Salman hani bureau &hief  $unya )ews Lahore, Irfan Asghar Asghar director programming $unya news Lahore. Sir kh!rram Awan Iqbal internship supervisor and all other concerning staff which help me out in my work 

throughout my internship. I would also like to acknowledge the support of parents especially my brother otherwise I would not be able to do work in practical field. In the end I also want to thank my friends who helped me a lot in my work.

Fazila Shafiq!e


Preface #he purpose of my internship is to work in more professional way with e*pertise. I choose dunya news because its renowned renowned organi+ation operating in Pakistan where I learned learned a lot in field field and gained confidence to handle task and to work in pressure to meet deadlines. #his report focuses on assignments assigned to me by my supervisor, my work e*perience, obectives and organi+ational structure of dunya news. It was a great e*perience for me to work in a news channel and learn various things regarding to  broadcast media which is very helpful for me in my professional career. career.


&ontent Internship $etails $etailspg pg bservation bservation . . Introduction ister Publication Publication ... ... $epartments of $unya )ews )ews. . rgani+ational tructure tructure  Internship /*perience /*perience  !orking /*perience.. /nvironment /nvironment  . . &onclusion &onclusion  . .


Internshi" #etails


$unya )ews

tarting $ate

-st April 01-2

/nding $ate

31th %ay


0 %onths


Programming 4 )ews 5oom


bservation !hen !h en I star starte ted d work workin ing g at du duny nyaa ne news ws I obser observe ved d en envi viro ronm nment ent of du duny nyaa ne news ws is very very cooperative. #he people are much supportive. /veryone helped me out in my assigned duties and work. I have observed the professional way of working in a news channel. How people working there meet me et thei theirr deadl deadlin ines es an and d ho how w they they ov over ercom comee time time pr pres essu sure re whil whilee work workin ing g fo forr ne news ws.. In  programming how top stories of the day got selected. How a current affair show got planned and how an entertainment show got handled. I also noticed that producers have to be very efficient and sure to manage all the things for the show. !hile working in news department I noticed the hurry of breaking news. 5eporters and other employs of news room should have a great news sense and sense of preparing good news and should always ready to do work assigned any time.


Introduction #!n$a News is an 'rdu language news and current affairs television channel in Pakistan. #he

channel is governed and operated by )ational &ommunication services (%&" Pvt. Ltd. Its head office is situated at Lahore, Pakistan. $unya news commenced it first ever #ransmission on $ecember -, 0116 on Intelsat7-1.the channel has been giving the strong competition to the other leading news channel of the country. %r. %IA) A%/5 A%/5 %AH%$ is the ole  ole %ember and Principal /8uity stakeholder in the &ompany &hairman and &hief /*ecutive fficer, $')9A #/L/:II) )/#!5; 

#he channel has taff strength of over -,111 -,11 1 permanent personnel. !ith head 8uarter in Lahore It has bureau offices in<











$era Ismail ;han

@ureaus Abroad




All bureaus are connected conn ected live 02B through satellite and fiber optics op tics A fleet of 01 $)> :ans with auto7locking satellite mobile links for instant )ews coverage.

A )etwork of 0CD vigilant and ever7present team of outstation reporters (5s" across Pakistan to get facts any time of the day from every corner of Pakistan

$unya )ews has beautifully constructed, purpose7built premises spanning over an area of BE,111 s8 feet. It has si* state of the art, fully e8uipped tudios with >rid7based :irtual :irtual Augmented.

5eality and scalable graphics based on H$:>, giving most accurate and detailed Fvideo7as7 te*tureG solution with D1 or E1H+ constant video frame rate.


$unya news also have a huge modern and impressive E,111s8 ft Production tudio with automated lighting ystem, and world famous latest version of Ikegami &ameras e8uipped with I5 calibration to offer unlimited virtual imaging possibilities via :i :irtual rtual >rid and the #racking ystem.

Its news content is impartial and it critici+es the government without any fear due to which it has to bear a lot of pressure. It is e8uipped with the latest software and hardware facilities facilities to meet the re8uirements of modern era. ?ully e8uipped $)>s are to broadcast live transmission. /ye


captivating programs, news sets and its presentation force the viewer not no t to switch the channel. Latest comers for news H$ cameras for programs and apple software and hardware are used for  )on Linear /diting ( )L/". imilarly the hardworking team of core $unya news especially the renowned anchors and ournalists are adding more colors on it.

%echnical Facilities at &ead office

%&5 (%aster &ontrol room"



D #'$Is

D P&5s (Production &ontrol 5oom"

'() *'AS%+) (,N%),L ),,'-

%&5 stands for master control room. In dunya news %&5 control co ntrol what is going to be aired on on what time and which commercials. !hatever we watch on our #: screens in our homes is aired and by controlled by %&5 either live or recorded programs or )ews etc.

%&5 in $unya news contains<


Automation ystems.

A media deck client for backup

0 n7air >raphics %achine


- for channel branding


- for other graphics (i.e. L shape" and backup

0 #icker application systems


'sed to on air scroll ticker, breaking ticker, flip ticker, event ticker and regional ticker.

IN+S% AN# A)(&I.+

In $unya news I)>/# and A5&HI:/ departments are to save data e.g programs, news, and footages. Ingest department save data and move it further to %&5 or P&5. !hile Archive  preserves data after it got final or aired by channel. I)>/# and A5&HI:/ in $unya news &ontains<

21#@ H$$ space for :i :ideo deo Ingesting.

-2 #@ A) fiber storage used as a bridge between ingest, )L/, Archive and Play7out servers. #his storage is connected to all )L/ system

 )umber of e*ternal drives use to provide backup.





$)P &lients


Automation installed on each client for database access


%ac Pro )L/ suites for news editing connected connec ted to Apple centrali+ed storage via fiber.


i%ac systems for editing connected to Apple centrali+ed storage via %ac Pro systems.


&ameras operation

7 &ameras for news working on virtual set

7 ib camera can be used on virtual as well as on physical ph ysical

7 &ameras for news programs working on physical sets



'sed for live and recorded programs


3 cameras



'se for live and recorded programs

2 cameras

St!dio04 o

'se for :irtual :irtual Packages and Programs

3 cameras



tudio7D ('nder &onstruction"

D cameras operation for morninggrand shows

N,( #e"artment

 )& department is one of the four carriers of $unya tv network. It provides different different satellite links or I$s to $)>s outside the head8uarters. through #hese I$s e*ternal sources from other cities or remote locations can connect to $unya news head8uarter.

?I/$ LI); 


treaming server 



Facilities at 6!rea! ,ffices

Islamabad ,ffice


0 studios0 P&5s

Karachi ,ffice

@oth are 3 camera operation



0 tudio0 P&5Js

3 camera operation

Sister ,rganization of #!n$a News

 )ational &ommunication services ()&" launched its #ail$ News"a"er named )oznama #!n$a in 27128 #his e*celled instantly after its release. It is being published in all over the


Its upcoming Proects include<


#!n$a +nglish News"a"er


#!n$a +ntertainment (hannel

#e"artments of #!n$a News Network 

$unya news network consists of following departments<


News de"artment #istrib!tion #e"artment 9rogramming #e"artment



(reative #e"artment (amera #e"artment Archive #e"artment Ingest #e"artment 6roadcast: I% #e"artment &!man )eso!rce #e"artment Acco!nts #e"artment Administration #e"artment Sales and 'arketing #e"artment )esearch and develo"ment #e"artment 9rod!ct #evelo"ment #e"artment


,b;ectives of Internshi"

bectives of Internship are<   

#o get encounter along with use to know7how work with cooperative environment. en vironment. #o recogni+e the actual working environment of automated press information station. /*periencing each of the press re8uirements associated with automated press confirming in addition to encoding.


Na!man 'azaq aq )aat?8 )aat?8 It is an infotai I;az?8 It is a big production of dunya #: and Highly rated program. In this program guests from

showbi+ and politics are invited on same set. >uests are being interviewed on their life and comedians crack okes on them. #he other beauty of %+aa8 5aat is its >#@?8 #@ sings parody songs in the show. In %a+a8 5aat my first duty was to make >9N? file on Photoshop Photoshop for the subtitles. Later n I was given the script and ask to make 01 twenty (=uick 8uestion Answer" for  the show. In this show I learned a lot from production point of view. Lightening the studio, light balancing. It was a big show with seven camera production. In this this show I have observed the functioning of P&5 8 How a producer handle the situation in the P&5. How 8uick he coordinates with the cameramen. #he other maor thing I have learned from ma+a8 raat is post production. !hen we record a show it take hours and it contain long interviews of guests while in post production due to time limit you have to make a complete  program in specific time. o the content selection which is going to be aired is a most important and most learnable part. In this program I have also learned the coordination with guests with huge crew, with audience with technical and non technical staff. It was a great e*perience of  learning in %a+a8 5aat. N!qta0e0Nazar


#he ne*t Program was >N!qta0e0Nzar? Hosted by >&abib Akram?  and >'!;eeb0!r0)hman Shami is the analyst of this show. show. #his is a live show. Kh!rram Awan Awan Iqabl is the producer of 

this show. In this show my learning e*perience was different from rest of the others. As they were recorded programs but it is a live show. /*perience of a live program is very different in it everything has to be very accurate and on time. #here is no space for a single mistake in this. In this program I have learned how to use i%A& systems, how to retrieve data especially footages from the drive. How to edit them on final cut pro and how to write script script for the program program o I have learned a lot in )u8ta7e7)a+ar. Indian +lection S"ecial live %ransmission

$uring my work in $unya #v I also got chance to observe a live transmission of Indian /lections. #his was special transmission on -E %ay, 01-2 election result day of India. In this transmission senior analysts got invited and they have debate on upcoming policy of Indian new P% %odi. It was such a great e*perience of learning to handle a live transmission. In this transmission I was assigned to do research on @P. #o find out about the winning seats of Indian  party @P in India. After that I was assigned to coordinate with the guests and to provide them the things they want, e.g. coffee, #ea. It was a great e*perience to do a live transmission.
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