Internship Report of Nishat Mills Ltd.

August 17, 2018 | Author: Shafaq_twil7 | Category: Weaving, Employment, Salary, Payroll, Cotton Mill
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This is my own report which submitted last year at my University that is Virtual University. I did Internship at Nishat ...


Shafaq Mustafa Khan






Shafaq Mustafa Khan

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

First of all I want to say Thanks a lot to Almighty Almighty Allah Allah who is most !n!fi"ial an# $!r"if%l&

'!#i"ation( I want to dedicate my all achievements to my parents. I further want to dedicate my work to all those persons including my teachers from my school level till university level and then all the teachers at Nishat mills Limited who help me out throughout my life who teach me that how to face the realities of life and attain your own goal by hard work, by competing to others and by justice.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

Tal! of )ont!nt( •

A"knowl!#g!m!nt ***********************& +,

O%r Vision**************************& +-

O%r $ission ************* ***********************&*& **********&*&&& +-

E.!"%ti/! s%mmary ************* *********************&& ********&& 0+

Intro#%"tion****&&***&****************& 00


T!.til! E.3ort R!/i!w*****************&***04

5%sin!ss Vol%m!********************** 06

'!3artm!nts of N$L *******************&&& 77

T!.til! E.3ort R!/i!w *******************&& 76

$y int!rnshi3 ran"h*******************&& 66

L!arning E.3!ri!n"!******************** 62

$y Int!rnshi3 Program& ***************&***&72

S8OT analysis***********************2+





Shafaq Mustafa Khan

A"knowl!#g!m!nt( I want to explain that I have completed my internship at Nishat Mills limited which was on !th of May !"# and completed on !$th of %une!"# by the grace of &lmighty &LL&'. I am very much grateful g rateful to &lmighty &lmighty &llah that by the grace of 'im I have completed this internship and learn a many new, informative informative and many of activities regarding office environment and practical work of all these working which I have done during my study time period. I feel much obliged to &lmighty &llah first of all then to my (arents whose prayers and good wishes for me enabled me to gain this status. I am much grateful to all my teachers for seeking guidance, g uidance, advices and all the instructions during my study study time time period over here.

I specially want to thanks a lot lot to the staff at Nishat

Mills limited limited that they enabled me to accomplish accomplish this task which are namely namely as. 

Mr. Muhammad &mir )aki

&ccounts and finance manager  Nishat mills Limited *hikki 

Mr. Muhammad %aved I+bal

eputy &ccount-s manager  Nishat mills Limited *hikki 

Mr. Muhammad &fal shaheen

/enior &ccounts 0fficer, 0fficer,  Nishat mills Limited *hikki

Shafaq Mustafa Khan 

Mr. Muhammad &bdul 'ameed

 &ssistant (ayroll

O%r Vision( 1o transform transform the 2ompany into a modern and dynamic yarn, cloth and a nd processed 2loth and finished product manufacturing 2ompany that is fully e+uipped to play a Meaningful l role on sustainable basis in the economy econo my of (akistan. 1o transform transform the 2ompany into a modern and dynamic power generating 2ompany that is fully e+uipped to play a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the economy econo my of (akistan.

O%r $ission( 1o provide +uality products to customers and explore new markets to promote3expand /ales of the 2ompany through good governance and foster a sound and dynamic 1eam, so as to achieve optimum o ptimum prices of products of the 2ompany for sustainable and e+uitable growth and prosperity of the 2ompany.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

E.!"%ti/! S%mmary(  Nishat Mills Limited is the leading company in textile industry in (akistan. Nishat has grown from a cotton house, now days this is the leading company in (akistan with 4 listed companies and these businesses are 1extiles, *anking, 2ement, (ower 5eneration and Insurance. 1oday, Nishat Mills Limited is at no. in (akistan as growing and fastest industry in (akistan as it has a big name at international level. I have completed my internship recently at Nishat Mills Limited and it was a good experience for me to learn all these points practically which I have done during my learning process at my university. I have done internship almost all the departments related to my field. I got a lot of experience. Now I have understand the real putting and usage of generally accepted rules regarding accounting, finance, payroll and excise etc. 1he internship I have done at Nishat Mills Limited is basically related to gain knowledge about doing business at different different level and the way of enhancing enhancing your business business at upper  level. In this report I have explained a brief description related to the mill-s working and its its opera operati tion on..

uri uring ng my inte intern rnsh ship ip I have have gain gain kno knowl wledg edgee about about almo almost st all all the the

departments of organiation. I have also made a /601 analysis. In this report I have explained about my stay over here in this place and about my learning and about my experience which I have gain from here. I have just tried to explain all the information which I have gained from here in this report. I have hav e putted all my efforts, handwork, and all the knowledge which I have gained from here.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

I have discussed about my training that-s all about planning, policies, procedures, strategies and whole structure of the organiation about which I have understands over here.

Intro#%"tion of Nishat $ills Limit!# ;5hikki< ;8h!r! I #i# Int!rnshi3<

7ecently I have completed my Internship at Nishat Mills Limited 8*hikki9.1his is namely as !! :nit 86eaving9 86eaving9 of Nishat 5roup. 1his :nit is manufacturing 5rey cloth which is known as 7aw 2loth. 1his section of Nishat Mills Limited is weaving unit and mostly  pay attention on manufacturing 7aw 2loth. 1here are several departments which are working under the rules and regulations. 1hese departments are arranged according to the needs and corporate culture. ;or ; or each sector there is a separate department. de partment. 1hese are the ;ollowing epartments of Nishat Mills Limited< •

5eneral Manager 0ffice

6eaving :nit

;olding :nit

&ccount epartment

'uman 7esource epartment

&dmin epartment

(ayroll epartment

=xcise epartment

;inance epartment

1here are Modern and well e+uipped Machines for each epartment. 1he employees of  Nishat Mills limited, limited, *hikki are very trained, educated and highly profiled. 1hey take keen interest to their work. &ll the staff of NML *hikki has learning and coordinating

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

*ehavior with their 2olleagues and Internees. 1heir *ehavior with me during My internship was learning.

Intro#%"tion( Th! T!.til! T!.til! In#%stry( I n#%stry(

&t the time of partition there were only > companies only which ! were open. In (akistan ?4$ was the year of industrial revolution. *ut now days there are 4?> textiles mills out of which ##! Mills are in operation. In (akistan-s economy the share of textiles regarding foreign exchange, employment rate, export, revenue generation, investments and regarding many of other factors is at top and is the largest share in 5*. 1his leads to the growth of the country toward progress. *ut in (akistan, due to bad b ad conditions of economy, terrorism, unstable political conditions and many other bad b ad factors leads this industry toward bad crises.

T!.til!s E.3orts from Pakistan( In (akistan-s economy the major export is the export of 2otton and textiles. 1extiles total earnings are about more then the >"@ of total 5*. 1he major export items are 2loth,  bed sheets, towels and yarn. 0ur (akistan-s textile Items are famous throughout the world. 1he major buyers of these products are :/, :&=, :A, Italy, Italy, 5ermany, 'ong Aong and some others. 1hey really like (akistani products.  Now in (akistan the export of textiles can be improved by many of new techni+ues like< Improved and modern marketing techni+ues can improve the textile export in many other  countries. 1he exporters of cotton must have to produce p roduce the best +uality textiles products so that many of new contracts can be gained. &ll the major textiles industries whether they are doing work on national or on international level they must has to implement the I/0?"" for the best +uality standard and I/0 #""" for the environmental standard for counting the globaliation threats.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

5ri!f Intro#%"tion of Nishat $ills Limit!#(  Nishat Mills Limited Limited is the leading company in (akistan which was incorporated in ?4and listed in all (akistani /tock =xchanges. *asically Nishat Mills Limited is engaged in manufacturing 1extiles. 1extiles. 1his Mill is Involved in the activities of /pinning, 2ombing, 6eaving, 6eaving, *leaching, yeing, (rinting, /titching, and buying and selling of textiles. Nishat Mills Limited is dealing with Barn, Barn, Linen, cloth and other verities related to textiles. 1here is no problem related to funds, power generation and other problems in manufacturing 2loth. 1his 2ompany is selling its products within and outside the country. 1his company has its highest ranking in selling its products internationally. 1he company-s total exports for the year !"C are. ue to the continuous hardworking and best planning of employees of Nishat Mills Limited, this mill is here at this stage and getting continuous progress.

)omm!n"!m!nt )omm!n"!m!nt of Nishat $ills Limit!#( 

 Nishat Mills Limited started its business as partnership partnership in ?4.

1hen this company was incorporated as private limited in company in ?4?.

 Nishat Mills Limited was listed in Aarachi /tock =xchange in ?>.

 Nishat Mills Limited was listed in Lahore /tock =xchange in ??!.

! &c+uired the operating assets of Nishat 1ek Limited and Nishat ;abrics in ??>.

C$#>C &c+uired the &ssets of :mer ;abrics in !""4

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

Th! man of Vision= Vision= "o%rag! an# int!grity( 1he 2hief =xecutive 0fficer of Nishat Mills Limited is Mian Muhammad Mansha. 'e is the man of great vision, great and an d feasible thinker who enables the Nishat group to this state. 'e was born in 2hiniot. uring independence of /ub 2ontinentD he was running the  business of Leather in Aolkata. Mian Mansha-s life story is the story of much hard work, spirit to do work and feasible thinking and the sincerity with his work. 1his is in the list of top five industries regarding &ssets having and shares in the market. 1extile 1extile =xport 7eview< 1he NML is the largest exporting and manufacturing unit in /outh &sia especially in (akistan as this mill has fantastic employees and perfect planning.

M#$% Bu$%& '( N$)#! M$** L$+$!&,: 


P'.&/ G&%&/#!$'%




Organi9ational 1i!rar"hy )hart(

Shafaq Mustafa Khan















Shafaq Mustafa Khan

Finan"! '!3artm!nt( Finan"! an# a""o%nting '!3artm!nt( '!3artm!nt(





















)omm!nts on Organi9ational Str%"t%r!( &s Nishat Mills Limited is amongst the largest organiations of (akistan and it has to pay much attention on its structure. Nishat Mills Limited is following the e very work is done by 'ead office. 1he sites offices can )!ntrali9!# syst!m , each and every not take any decision, all the decision are taken by head office. &s in this 'ierarchy, 'ierarchy, it is

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

shown that there is a proper system of hierarchy. &t each and every level there are officers and performing their duties according to a complete format. 1here is a proper hierarchy system and everyone is following this. /o it-s a good point of Nishat Mills Limited 8*hikki9. *ut there must be ecentralied system to some extent. &s it is shown by this hierarchy that there is proper system of 0fficers working pattern. &s in this hierarchy, the chief =xecutive is at top then 5eneral Manager and then other officers are performing their actions.

T&-!$*&:  The Nishat textiles textiles are further divided divided int t! su" divisin# •

N$)#! F#$#*##,

N$)#! C)u%$'%

 The textile $a%a$it& $a%a$it& f this unit is the lar'est lar'est in suth (ast )sia* This Nishat +ru%s li,ited has a "rief $a%a$it& t %rdu$e ,an& f textiles textiles %rdu$ts* The& are %rdu$in' 're& $lth- "ed sheets- "a"& sets- 'ar,ents- t!els and ther textile %rdu$ts*

T)& T&-!$*& E-6'/! R&7$&.: Nishat ,ill li,ited is the lar'est textiles unit in .a/istan and this unit earns ,re than 55 f $untr&s ttal frei'n earnin's* The ,ar ex%rts f this ,ill are $ttn- $lth- "lan/ets- "ed sheets and ther textiles textiles ex%rts* This ,ill is full& equi%%ed !ith !ellesta"lished envirn,ent envirn,ent !hether related t la"rs- sta- te$hnl'&- ,a$hines and ther fa$ilities* This ,ill is %eratinall& $a%a"le f 'ainin' the value added %rdu$ts and l! end textiles textiles %rdu$tin "th at natinal and at internatinal levels* levels* NM is the leadin' ex%rter f the $untr& !ith 3 share f ttal ex%rts f .a/istan* urin' this ti,e %erid f une- 2014- it has sh!n a tre,endus %erfr,an$e in sh!in' its nan$ial re$rds* !ever the !ea/enin' the d,esti$ %ri$es f &arn and hi'h %ri$es f $ttn has ,ade a tre,endus tre,endus ee$t n $,%an&s %rt ,ar'in* !ever the

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

redu$tin in the "rr!in' rates and "etter !r/in' $a%ital ,ana'e,ent has in$reased its %rt ,ar'ins* NM s &ein' and nishin' unit is $nsidered the ,st lar'est d&ein' %lants l$ated in Suth (ast )sia *:verall NM has 28 Manufa$turin' units* NM has ttal %lant $a%a$it& f

18"09 S6$%,*&- 12 Su*&/" 95; A$/ t has "een in$r%rated in as a free Cne esta"lished in u"ai a$$rdin' t the la!s f ?nited )ra" (,irates* >t is a li,ited lia"ilit& $,%an& esta"lished in u"ai* >t has "een re'istered under in 2 P/'@/ #(!&/ !#-#!$'%:"85"448 !#-#!$'%:"85"448 T'!#* C'+6/&)&%$7& $%'+& ('/ !)& =&#/ ;0  u%&"201;:21"45"1  u%&"201;:21"45"1 N&! 7#)&, u&, $% @%#%$%g #!$7$!$&:4";8";1 #!$7$!$&:4";8";1 C#) #%, #) &u$7#*&%! #! !)& &%, '( !)& =&#/ u%&;0" 201;5"202"124

Nishats net sales in$reased si'ni$antl& 52"429"0;0 !' 44"24"101 $%  2013* Sales f Nishat ,ills li,ited has in$reased 16*70 fr the &ear ended 30th une- 2013as $,%ared $,%ared t %revius &ear* The $,%an& Sales 're! 120 ex%nentiall& "& last ve &ears* .erfr,an$e .erfr,an$e f r,s !eavin' divisin is es%e$iall& re,ar/a"le* re,ar/a"le* Nishat Mills i,ited %rts after tax has in$reased si'ni$antl& "& 47*89*

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

!ever the %rta"ilit& fr textiles and 'ar,ents divisins f the $,%an& de%ressed durin' this &ear* &ear* >ts "e$ause f l! sales in ?S and (ur%ean ?nins re'in* >n this Mill- i,%rved i,%rved ,ethds f %rdu$tin and eH$ien$ies f la"r have in$reased its +rss .rt fr, .Is* 6-789-191 t 9-044-485Is* The +rss %rt has in$reased 33*22 ver this &ear*  The ttal dividend f Nishat ,ills li,ited li,ited has als in$reased in$reased fr, 2-266-279.Is* 2-266-279.Is* t 2-226-339 2-226-339 .Is*

O6&/#!$'%#* )$g)*$g)!:  The $ttn %ri$es re,ained re,ained stead& durin' the rst rst ,nth f $urrent $urrent nan$ial &ear*  The fldin' de%art,ent f NM has 100-000 100-000 ,eter %rdu$tin %rdu$tin dail&* dail&*  The ttal %rdu$tin %rdu$tin f +re& $lth fr, fr, NM Ahi//i is 3 la$* ,eters %er da&*

D&6#/!+&%! '( N$)#! M$** L$+$!&,: ;Jhere > did >nternshi%= ere in Nishat Mills i,ited the e%art,ents are ,ainl& invlve in Manufa$turin'#

P&/> P&/> S&!$'%: 'ere in this first stage a pre plan is made and yarn warp on *eam and it starts its working then that *eams taken to siing, afterward chemical process is started. 2hemicals are applied on cloth for making it mare strong and impressive. 

6eaving 6eaving /ection<


Shafaq Mustafa Khan S3inning '!3artm!nt(

 Nishat Mills Limited Limited has seven spinning units which are located in ;aisalabad. 1hese units are furnished with latest and modern machines in all the sectors of company. In this unit cotton is converted co nverted into yarn. &s Barn Barn is considered very important for best b est +uality cloth. /o spinning department pays a lot attention on the +uality of cloth. *asically spinning department is start from Mixing department. In mixing department cotton bales are mixed and impurities are taken out, then they are blower and taken to record room. 1here are two kinds of yarns here, carded yarn and combed yarn. 1he combed yarn is of  better +uality and its process is bigger and better then carded cloth. 'ere in this spinning department there are many +uality checkers who check the +uality of cloth at each stage. Important parameters for yarn and a nd fiber. •



Micronaire value

2olor grade

1rash percentage

1he spinning unit has recorded the impressive profit ratio this year. year. 1here are lots of reasons for getting higher profit this year by this department which are stable prices of cottons, better services to customers and their trust and better +uality of products. ue to the continuous increasing importance of spinning division, NML is also paying much attention on this sector.

8!a/ing #!3artm!nt(

1he weaving division sales increased by4$" Million during this year as compared to  previous year. 1his 1his year the NML has increased its its demand for weaving products not only in (akistani but also gained many orders from &merican brands. Now days the NML has its key markets in Italy, 5ermany, 5ermany, :A, %apan and ;ar =ast. 1his department is very similar to spinning unit. 1his department is also well e+uipped with modern machinery and latest units- installation for providing the best and optimum

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

 products to customers. In this department there are proper +uality check departments which check the +uality of yarn at each stage this department use the end products of spinning department. 1he cones of yarn are brought from spinning unit to weaving unit.

8ar3ing %nit(

&fterward it is taken to warping one in which the beams are prepared. In this unit after weaving the cloth is further processed for warping and a nd after warping.

Si9ing %nits(

1hen these goods are taken to siing department. In this siing department there are different kinds of chemicals are applied for better result of yarn +uality. 1he chemicals are applied for minimum yarn breakage.

'rawing #!3artm!nt(

&fterward the next step is the drawing, in this sector the yarn is converted into fabric. 6hen the cones are designed on beams then yarn is taken to /ulers room so that yarn is converted in to weave goods. 1h! yarn whi"h is on w!ft= !for! w!ft it has to ! mak!s 'rawing& 6hen the yarn is designed on o n beams and 5rieg is made then its taken inspection department. In inspection department there are two kinds of cloth division< •

 A grade

 B grade

& grade cloth-s process is bit longer then * grade.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

 NML has biggest weaving unit in *hikki which is e+uipped with latest latest and modern &ir  jet rooms. 1his unit has following following kinds of machines<



Rotatory 3rinting ma"hin!s




Air @!t ma"hin!s


Th!rmo sol! #y!ing ma"hin!s


Fol#ing #!3artm!nt(

;olding department is the last department of processing unit. u nit. &fterward &fterward the ;abric is transferred to 5/2. In folding department # methods are a re used for the inspection of +uality check.

5arments ivision< 5arment division has gained good name in this division and earn a good name in this sector. 1he 1he sales volume increased by #.?F@ during this year as compared to previous year. 1he future of NML garments is bright and will get more progress. (akistan (a kistan makes the best +uality 5arments throughout the world.

;abric Guality 2ontrol<

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

'ere is in this Mill there is a +uality control section which control the +uality and making it sure that all the functions of production and all the procedures have been b een fully fulfilled. 1he staff of +uality check department first of all checks the +uality of yarn before taking into process. 1his is the surety that the faulted cloth has no t produced. If there is any fault at any stage so then they try to remove that and try to not repeat that mistake next time. If  there will occur any fault during production p roduction stage they try to eliminate that fault and separate that cloth with insured +uality cloth. ;ollowing Important (arameters of ;abric, .





Microniar Halue


2oloring 5rade




1rash percentage


Guality co control de department<


uri uring ng the the manu manufa fact ctur urin ing g of text textil iles es,, the the +ual +ualit ity y is is check checked ed at at each each sta stage ge for for ensuring that each and every process is performed well designed and every work is done according to the standard of NML. 1hese are the following checks are held at different levels of manufacturing.

2hecks while printing< •



Shafaq Mustafa Khan •

ry 2leaning

2hlorine 1est

)h!"ks aft!r "%ring( •



)h!"ks aft!r st!nt!r 3ro"!ss( •

Light fastness




Pilling "h!"ks aft!r Raising( o

Guality check 

%ality "ontrol LA5 ma"hin!s(

1hese are the machines which are used in +uality checking process for ensuring highest +uality.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan          

2rock meter  (illing machines 5arment washing machines ura wash 6ascator machine Light box &uto wash Light fastener 1ester  &ir parameter  ata color visco meter.

=xport 0ffice< In this Mill all the time a lots of orders which are in process or going to be accomplished are there. 'ere all the machines are on working for !# hours a day and for C>4 days. 1here are three shifts of working. *ut the shift-s shift-s labors are replaced. *ut the working is for !# hours a day. /o it can imagine that they have lots of orders. Marketing department-s 'ead office office always is in touch with export department for making it  products worldwide advertisement and tries to get more and more new orders. 1he export office department continuously in touch with other department for taking orders, making  plan to fulfill these orders on time and they try to issue production before the maturity maturity date. 1his is also the big mark of success of their contracts. ;or this purpose they give tasks to labors by motivating them for incentives. 1hey have to give a task if they will complete before the timing then they have to give incentives. Lin! staff or s%33ort!rs of Pro#%"tion #!3artm!nt(

7eceipt 7oom<

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

1his department second name is store room. 1hey keep the record and make a connection  between the departments for gaining and putting the accurate data. 1hey keep the records of some other things which are important for other departments dep artments for  making ""@ insured data.

Barn Guality epartment< In this department the +uality of yarn is checked che cked and insured that this is up to mark and according to the +uality of Nishat group. 1hey check the following things in yarn<

Im3ortant 3aram!t!rs of Yarn( 

Barn count

/trength L2/(

: percentage

1hin (laces

1hick places


I(I 8Imperfection9

Barn ;lexibility<

/ingle yarn strength


 T!ist  T!ist ,ulti%lier ,ulti%lier

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

&ccounts department< I spent most of my time in this department during du ring my internship at Nishat Mills Limited. 1he reason is that my professional working and my field is related to this department. In this epartment all the transactions takes place, from where Nishat Mills Limited has to gain money, in which sector how much funds they have to transfer 1he matters regarding this are discussed over here. 1he &ccounts department is further divided into these categories.  Payroll '!3artm!nt  )ash '!3artm!nt  Pro#%"ti/ity '!3artm!nt

1hese epartments are using u sing following method of recording 1ransactions< 

%ournal Houcher 

2ash (ayment

2ash 7eceipt

(etty 2ash (ayment Houcher  1!r! in this '!3artm!nt I ha/! l!arnt that(

'ow to make payment to 2ontractors 8local or national9 1here is a proper system of record keeping of attendance of all employees and then at the end of the month the salary is paid to employees. ;or this purpose there is a proper epartment of (ayroll. In accounts there are (ayroll department and cash department and also work related to other departments is discussed in this epartment.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

'uman resource department< In this department the working related to recruiting, selection, transfer, promotion and all the procedure related to human resource management is done. 1he staff of this department is very competentD they know that which person is best for which job 1hey have enough experience and know how in hiring matter.

Training #!3artm!n #!3a rtm!nt( t( 6hen new hiring procedure is started and the new persons are hired according to their level, experience, +ualification and other o ther +ualities. &t &t the time of hiring they hired according to their previous experience and +ualification but afterward they have to learn work according to the Nishat rules and policies. ;or that cause they have to turned to training department for training. =xcise department&

8ast! #!3artm!nt( 1his department is related to the record of wastage that how much material they have hav e utilied and how much material is waste 1his department is purely related to the wastage material and this department knows better about the utiliation of this waste material.

Air "on#itioning #!3artm!nt(

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

 1his department is related to the air conditioning througho ut the Mill and the housing colonies of employees. 1his department is expert in this field&

A#min s!"tion( 1his section appoints the persons on jobs, their salaries, bonuses, incentives, medication, schooling and other faculties to the employees. 1his department provides all these services to employees according to their level of job.

T!.ti !. til! l! E.3or .3 ortt R!/i! !/ i!w( w(  Nishat Mills limited is leading export of cloth and cloth material in the country-s total export with with C @ 8;B!9. 8;B!9. 1his mill mill is engaged in the working working of spinning, spinning, combing, combing, weaving, folding, bleaching, dyeing, printing and stitching. Its total plant capacity is< &s Nishat Mills Limited is amongst the leading companies in (akistan its total assets are< S3in#l!s


Toyota Air B!t Looms


Pi"anol Loom


Ca. Prof!ssional $a"hin!ry


Th!rmosol! 'y!ing $a"hin!s


Shafaq Mustafa Khan

 Nishat Mills Limited Limited dyeing and ;inishing :nit is considered to be the largest dyeing  plan in /outh =ast &sia. &sia. Nishat Mills Limited has !F manufacturing units overall the the country which are in /heikhupura, Lahore and ;earoe 6atwan.

Guality (olicy< IN this Mill all the management, staff, labors, working units and all other persons whether they are directly related to this field or indirectly doing work for it, they cooperation and work just like a team. 1his is also the biggest feature of this Mill. ;or that cause this mill-s production is of higher +uality. +uality.

$a@or )om3!titors( 1hese are the major 2ompetitors of Nishat mills Limited< •










Shafaq Mustafa Khan •

5ul &hmed

Th! 5ran"h of Nishat gro%3s wh!r! I #i# Int!rnshi3 that is Nishat $ills Limit!# ;5hikki<

I have started my Internship at Nishat Mills Limited 8*hikki9 on 07th of $ay 7+02 and have completed on 74th of B%n!= 7+02. 'ere in 1his *ranch of Nishat Mills Limited I have done internship for six weeks. 1his :nit of NML is engage in the activities of producing grey cloth. 1his sector is manufacturing raw cloth then further working is done means designing and dyeing. ;orecasting the demands and increasing and different needs of different customers they are upgrading their weaving u nit. /o that they can get margin and more market share at international level especially in =uropean 2ountries. uring 0ctober, !"C, new $$ (iconal &ir %et Looms are in operation. 1he  purpose of these installations is to focus on fashion and technical fabrics In =uropean markets.  During my internship period at Nishat Mills Limited (Bhikki) I did internship in these departments.

'!3artm!nts;wh!r! I #i# int!rnshi3<

Starting #at! of Int!rnshi3

En#ing #at! of Int!rnshi3

(ay roll

!th Ma  May, !"#

!st May, !"#


!!nd Ma  May, !"#

st %une, !"#


!nd %u  %une, !"#

"th %une, !"#

&ccount and finance

th %u  %une, !"#

!"th %une, !"#

Barn offices

!st %u  %une, !"#

!$th %une, !"#

$y Int!rnshi3 3rogram( (Why I have chosen this Mill)

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

1o know about something new and to gain knowledge about many of many things, it-s my crae. I have done a lot of search on many of organiations before starting internship at Nishat Mills Limited. I have done a vide search on most of the biggest and growing industries in (akistan. Nishat Mills Limited is one of them. /o I tried to do internship over here. *y the grace of &llah I succeeded to get training over here. &s I have explained that Nishat 5roup is among the largest groups of (akistan, It is on 1extile base and my interest is in textile sector. I wanted to know about this sector a lot. ThatDs why I #i# int!rnshi3 in Nishat $ills Limit!# ;5hiki$@of the salary is given to =mployees and ?.4@ provident fund is cut off.

&fter # days a new task was given to me in whom I had to calculate the loan and interest of employees.

I had also done work on welfare funds. I learnt that these welfare funds are nor  refundable. 1hese are just given to employees for their welfare those are more needy.

 Learning %perience at !ayroll$

Shafaq Mustafa Khan •

I have completed my internship at Nishat Mills limited, *hikki, and istrict /heikhupura. uring my internship in this mill I have gained lots of knowledge regard regarding ing the working working of each each depart departmen ment. t. I have have learne learned d all the techni technical cal knowledge practically. In which department I did internship, it was an excellent experience for me. I gained much knowledge and difference between the practical working and the working of accounting and working of other departments.

&ll the staff of NML is excellent. 1he Management of NML is +uite well and excellent of each epartment. 1hey were always ready to help me regarding each of matters. 1hey sorted out lots of my problems. 6henever my supervisor has given me any task, they had given me lots of good advices regarding working of   NML rules. rules.

1hey had given me lots of useful information regarding the working of NML-s  policies and had given me lots of advices regarding the working of office and office environment.

I have learnt about new software which is 0racle. 1his is +uite different and much useful for those who really want to use them and want to use them in a right way. 1here are lots of new features are installed in this software which are helpful for  staff.

Organi9ational Analysis( 0rganiational analysis is as follows<  Market segmentation$

Market segmentation is explained as the /ubdivision of Market into smaller units. 1he market of NML is subdivided according to the customers and market share. It is helpful

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

for creating the better ideas about the customers need, market-s share and supply of  (roducts. &ustomers$

&s the customers are the key important for any *usiness. &s Nishat Mills Limited is also  paying much attention on *uyers needs, 2ulture of customers, age, gender and all other  aspects of customers regarding their needs and likings. NML is engaged in different sectors of 1extiles .  !roducts$

 Nishat Mills Limited Limited is producing much higher +uality products and therefore they have a great reputation in the market at both national and at international level. It-s working in the sector of /pinning, /pinning, weaving and home textiles, textiles, *leaching, stitching stitching and buying and selling of yarn and other fabrics and many of other products they are producing with best +uality. &ompetitors$

1he major 2ompetitors of Nishat Mills Limited are 2henab, 5ul &hmed, &roo &roo and some others. *ut the management of Nishat Mills Limited Is highly competitive, they are innovative and they know that how to exist in the modern and competitive era.(rices of   Nishat Mills Limited Limited are high because of their best +uality products.  Brands$

&ll the products regarding 1extiles and other sectors are superb and according to the international standard. 1hey are producing and selling their products at national and at international level.  'ources$

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

Nishat Nishat Mills Mills Limite Limited d has wonderful wonderful sources sources whethe whetherr they they are financ financial ial or hum human an sources. 1hey have wonderful sources and continuously co ntinuously increasing day by day.  Machinery$

 Nishat Mills Limited is e+uipped with modern and a nd up to date machinery and has many of  new machineries for different manufacturing purposes.  uman sources$

 Nishat Mills Limited has highly +ualified staff which is helpful in making its products famous and highly +ualified. Nishat Mills Limited is paying much attention on improving the +uality of their 'uman sources. &entralied 'ystem$

In open /ystem 1hinking, each and everyone have right to speak and to do work. *ut in Nishat mills limited, as the system is centralied so only 'ead 0fficers can take actions and can make innovations. *ut the site officers can give their view points in meetings. #uture !ro*ects$

1hese are the projects of Nishat Mills Limited< •

;air (rice shops at different &reas of country and at international level.

;urther Investment is weaving :nits and making their units up to grade and 'iring of Gualified Labors.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan •

Much Mu ch atte attent ntio ion n on incr increa easi sing ng Mark Market et shar shares es both both at nati nation onal al and and at international level.

Making Investment In different /ectors like =lectricity sources for textile sectors.

/601< &/ each and every organiation of the world have some plus point and some negative  points. Nishat Mills Limited Limited also has some

/trength< These are the strength of Nishat Mills Limited: •

:p to mark and according to the international production methods are applied during manufacturing cloth etc.

Modern machinery is applied for manufacturing cloth.

Gualified, experienced and technical knowhow staff.

/trong internal and external cooperate environment. e nvironment.

'igh share in markets at national and at international level.

'ealthy flow of funds at each level.

/trong goodwill.

/trong financial sources and its generation.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan •

I/0?""!""" certified.

'igh +uality products re produced.

/taff is highly motivated by many of good opportunities.

0wn power generation resources.

*est market information knowledge availability. availability.

&s Nishat Mills Limited is at top ranking in (akistan so there is no need for this Mill to buy 7aw Material from 0utsiders.

 Nishat-s Management provides an excellent working environment to its  Newcomers employees.


1his Mill has a good name in the market both at national and at international level but at the same time this mill also has some weaknesses. 1hese weaknesses area as follows<

 No proper utiliation of sources for that cause its cost of production is high. /ometimes the decision and mostly the biggest decisions are made on upper level. ;or that cause there is lack of lower level management-s importance and they  prefer in this smatter to 2entralied 2entralied system.

 No job security to employees they can be fired.

 No proper relaxation time period for labors annually or periodically. periodically.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan •

Hery Hery low budget for advertisement.

Hery low market share at international level because of lack of intention over this sector.

Lack of other benefits to employees which can keep them on job for a long time  period.

O33ort%niti!s(  1hese are the opportunities, if the Nishat Mills Limited will adopt these so obviously it would pass more successful stages. 1hese are as follows<

(roper advertisement at both national and at international level will enhance its  productivity.  productivity.

1his organiation can hire more educated and +ualified staff for enhancing its  products.

If this organiation would find more new and advanced markets it would be better  for increasing its sale to potential customers.

1his organiation can decrease it-s per unit variable cost by adopting new and more productive methods of production.

1here are lots of good and developing programs for Nishat Mills Limited for  increasing their =xports.

Shafaq Mustafa Khan

 Nishat can introduce a new unit at in their productions unit and that is the

/titching :nit of 5arments.  Nishat Mills Limited can make its environment of o f this type that it can involve its

 precious employees into the development of exporting material in their local areas.


 ;ollowing these are the threats to the Nishat Mills limited<

1hreat of new entrants in the market.

&s change in fashion can reduce its sale and share in market.

2hange of 5overnment policies regarding taxation and selling rules.

Load shedding of electricity reduces its products.

egrade the value of money in (akistan.

;luctuation in the prices of raw material and other material which is used in the  production.


Shafaq Mustafa Khan

 No doubt that Nishat Mills limited is the leading company in (akistan. 1he functions, technol technologi ogical cal syste system, m, managem management ent sys system tems, s, its workin working g areas, areas, locati locations ons,, (olici (olicies, es, decentralied decision making all these points are outstanding and unpaid. In this report I  just tried to explain all these points and also defined those areas where more improvement is necessary. In the modern world, the modern techni+ues of production, uses uses of technol technology ogy are very much much import important ant and lead lead toward toward progress. progress. 1he overall overall scenario which I want to explain and I have seen and observed over here is that this mill is getting progress and improving its capabilities capabilities day and night. *ut still still there are some areas where this mill has to pay attention and government should also make enough ade+uate facilities and policies for this sector. &s &s this is the backbone of any country.

R!"omm!n#ations( 1hese are some recommendations to this mill from me and these are as follows. 1he organiation should provide job security to its employees especially to labors. 1here is also a big problem to employees is the working overload they are not following the rules of labor Laws. 1hey must have to adopt these rules. 1he special incentives on Muslims religious festivals must be arranged by the mill and should provide discount to the employees on buying dresses and other accessories. Ann!.!s(

R!f!r!n"!( 

Nishat Mills. (1951). Annual (1951). Annual report 2011. Available: 2011. Available: ishat/pdf/annual11.pdf. 11.pdf. Last accessed 5th !ul" #1$.

Nishat %&oup. (1951). History & Development. Available: Development.  Available: http://nishatpa'.com/histo&"anddev http://nishatpa'.com/histo &"anddevelopment.html. elopment.html. Last accessed nd !ul" #1$

Shafaq Mustafa Khan 

Nishat %&oup. (1951). Product and Business. Available: Business.  Available: oducts.htm. Last accessed nd !ul" #1$

Nishat %&oup. (199#). Nishat hunian *etails. Available: Available: Last accessed +&d !ul" #1$.

Nishat %&oup. (nd !une 1995). Nishat Pakgenpoer. Available: Pakgenpoer.  Available: http://pa',enpowe&.com/. Last accessed #th !ul" #1$

Nishat %&oup. (-th eptembe& 19#). Adam!ee 19#). Adam!ee "nsurance "nsurance Details.Available: Details.Available: http://www.adam0eeinsu& http://www.adam0eeinsu&2home.asp. de2home.asp. Last accessed #th !ul" #1$.

> en$,%ass used lts f ther d$u,ents fr 'ain /n!led'e a"ut the r'aniCatin li/e ne!s %a%ers- $,%aninshi% les et$* > use a ,a/e a nte f  %ad thru'hut ,& internshi% that later n hel% ,e %re%arin' ,& re%rt*

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