Internship Report 1 (1)
Short Description
Internship Report On
Submitted to:
Sir Usman Ahmed
Submitted by:
Farhan Saeed BBA-s12-039
Department of Business Administration Administration University Of The Punjab. Jhelum Campus
In The Name of
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
In The Name of
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
Dedication I dedicate this report to my Parents. Without their Patience, understanding, support, and most of all their love and prayers, the completion of this work would not have been possible.
!"n #he name $% A&&ah' #he m$s# Gra(i$)s' #he m$s# mer(i%)&*
Internship remained a reat e!perien"e for me as it added a lot to my #no$lede. %o$e %o$eve verr "omp "omple leti tion on of Inte Intern rnsh ship ip &epo &eport rt $as $as not not an easy easy tas# tas#.. It re'u re'uir ires es "ontinuous hard $or# and (eal. I thin# that there are many people $ho "ontributed a lot to this report and "ompletion of this report $ould have not been possible $ith out the support of all these people) my respe"ted tea"hers) my friends and my $ell $ishers. $ishers. I $ould $ould li#e to mention mention that that *r. Abdul Abdul Jabbar Jabbar Athar Athar)) $ho $as $as *ateria *ateriall *anaer at ICI has been very #ind and supportive throuh out my stay at there.
I $ould li#e to pay my ratitude to all my respe"ted tea"hers for their uidan"e and assistan"e in the "ompletion of this report.
*y rati ratitud tude e $ill $ill al$ays al$ays remai remain n due due to the CO*+A CO*+AT T+ Insti Institu tute te of Inform Informati ation on Te"hnoloy and espe"ially ICI Pa#istan ,td.) +oda Ash Business for in"reasin my #no$l #no$led ede e and and e!pe e!perie rien"e n"e by prov providi idin n me su"h su"h an oppor opportun tunity ity.. Both Both these these prestiious institutions $ill have a lastin impa"t on my life.
Ma+ A&&ah Bes#$, is B&essin.s $n A&& $% Us
Farhan Saeed
/ar# One
"n#r$d)(#i$n $% "C"
isi$n S#a#emen#
Missi$n S#a#emen#
Oe(#ies $% "C"
G$a&s and S#ra#e.ies ........................................................
/ar# ,$
C$m4an+ mana.emen# s+s#em ...................................... Or.ani5a#i$na& (har#
/ar# hree
Adminis#ra#ie s#+&e .............................................................. SWO Ana&+sis
/ES Ana&+sis
/ar# F$)r
/r$d)(#i$n %a(i&i#ies .................................................... A$)# /r$d)(#s
/ar# Fie C$m4an+ Mar6e#in. Mi7
3C Ana&+sis Mar6e#in. Mi7
............................................................... .............................................................
Mar6e#in. Mi7 S#ra#e.ies
/ar# Si7
rainin. /r$.ram .........................................................
/ar# Seen C$n(&)si$n ................................................................ 8e($mmenda#i$n ......................................................
/ar# Ei.h#
W$r6 d$ne + me ..............................................................
"n#r$d)(#i$n $% "C"
ICI $as established in -/0) $hile it started it Pa#istan "hapter by establishin +oda Ash Plant at 1he$ra) Distt. Jhelum in -22. It is one of the oldest and fully automated "ompanies of Pa#istan. ICI has "urrently five business in Pa#istan in $hi"h +oda Ash Business is the oldest and important one.
ICI $as in"orporated in -34 and listed on 1ara"hi +to"# 5!"hane in -36 as 1he$ra +oda Ash Company and this name $as "haned to ICI Pa#istan ,imited in -76. 8o$ ICI is operatin as a subsidry of A#(o8obel $hi"h is the "hemi"al industry leader around the lobe.
*ain purpose the internship $as to e!tra"t pra"ti"al #no$lede by $or#in in a dynami" orani(ation in order to apply the #no$lede a"'uired durin *BA proramme. &eport in"lude in depth analysis of the orani(ation and "arry finan"ial) te"hni"al) manaerial and stratei" aspe"ts $hi"h have been evaluated to analy(e the "urrent position of the orani(ation.
I have evaluated the "ompany by te"hni'ues li#e finan"ial ratio li#e Profitability) A"tivity and Debt ratios. These ratios are sho$in "onstru"tive sins for the future prospe"ts of the "ompany. *anaement is "apably utili(in the assets of the "ompany in order to enerate sales. Overall finan"ial position is ade'uate. 9urther supportive material reardin the finan"ial situation of the "ompany is also in"luded in the report.
I am sure that this report $ill provide you a "omplete and "lear imae of orani(ation.
Our History The history of ICI Pa#istan predates the formation of Pa#istan. 9rom a small tradin "on"ern $ith a sinle manufa"turin unit) over the de"ades) the "ompany has transformed into one of the larest industrial "onlomerates of the "ountry enjoyin an i"oni" stature.
C$m4an+ %r$m F$)nda#i$n #i&& N$, ear -22
-34 -36 -03 -00 -00 -07 -6= -64 -6 -7= -7/ -7/ -73 -76
A(hieemen#s It establishes its first manufa"turin site for the produ"tion of +oda Ash at 1he$ra. The 1he$ra +oda Ash Company is In"orporated as a Publi" ,imited Company. The 1he$ra +oda Ash Company is listed on 1ara"hi +to"# 5!"hane :;< ,imited. ICI Pl" a"'uires 3=> shares of 9uller The name of 1he$ra +oda Ash Company "hanes to ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited. ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited in"reases "apa"ity of +oda Ash Plant to 23)=== tons. ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited "ommissions its +pe"iality Chemi"als Plant at 1ara"hi. ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited sets up its Pharma"euti"al Pro"essin Unit in Dha#a :formerly 5ast Pa#istan< 9uller "hanes its name to Painte! ,imited. ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited in"reases "apa"ity of +oda Ash Plant to 03)=== tons. ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited is listed on ,ahore +to"# 5!"hane :;< ,imited. ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited sets up Polyester plant at +hei#hupura $ith a "apa"ity of -/)=== tons. ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited Commissions ne$ Dense Ash Plant at 1he$ra. Imperial Chemi"als Industries :Pa#istan< :Private< ,imited and Painte! ,imited mere into ICI Pa#istan *anufa"turers ,imited. The "ompany name "hanes to ICI Pa#istan ,td.
-76 -----/ -4 -4 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -0 -6 -7 -
/=== /==/==/ /==2 /==0 /==0 /==0 /==0
ICI Pa#istan in"reases "apa"ity of Polyester Plant to -)=== tons. ICI Pa#istan Po$er;en ,imited is in"orporated as a Publi" ,imited Company. ICI Pa#istan laun"hes its +eeds Business. ICI Pa#istan 9oundation is reistered as a "haritable trust. ICI Pa#istan in"reases "apa"ity of +oda Ash Plant to -==)=== tons. ICI Pa#istan Business introdu"es Dulu! &ane of natural $hite "olours $ith added fraran"e. ICI Pa#istan "ommissions a plant for manufa"turin of spe"iali(ed automotive . ICI Pa#istan adds Polyol blendin fa"ility to its +pe"iality Chemi"al Plant. ICI Pa#istan in"reases "apa"ity of +oda Ash plant by 3=)=== tonnes to -73)=== tonnes. ICI Pa#istan mar#s the 3= th anniversary of +oda Ash produ"tion at 1he$ra. ICI Pa#istan?s operatin profit "rosses the one billion rupee mar# for the first time. ICI Pa#istan "ommissions +odium Bi"arbonate plant. ICI Pa#istan laun"hes +%5 :+afety) %ealth @ 5nvironment< Challene /===. ICI Pa#istan in"reases Polyester fibre "apa"ity to 0=)=== tonnes and polymeri(ation "apa"ity to -)===. ICI Pa#istan ,imited is listed on Islamabad +to"# 5!"hane :;< ,imited. ICI Pa#istan "ommissions its PTA plant. ICI Pa#istan is a$arded se"ond position for Best Corporate A""ounts in the nonfinan"ial se"tor for its -7 Annual &eport by the +outh Asian 9ederation of A""ountants. ICI Pa#istan PTA Business demeres into a separate entity) Pa#istan PTA ,imited. ICI Pa#istan laun"hes 5&P :+AP< implementation. ICI Pa#istan in"reases "apa"ity of Polyester Plant by 22#pta "ompleted throuh 9ay(an *anufa"turin *odaraba. estril of ICI Pa#istan?s Pharma"euti"al Division be"ome the top sellin a"einhibitor in Pa#istan. As a part of an asset moderni(ation and improvement plan the Polyester Business "ommissions a si!th pro"essin line. ICI Pa#istan laun"hes seven "ore values E set of belief and prin"iples) $hi"h the employees live and $or# by. ICI Pa#istan "rosses the &s. / billion mar# in operatin result for the first time. ICI Pa#istan?s Pharma"euti"al Division enters the antiinfe"tive sement $ith its first branded eneri" I"ef.
/==0 /==0 /==6 /==6 /==6
/==6 /==6
ICI Pa#istan a"hieves "omplian"e $ith +e"tion 2=2 of the +arbanes O!ley A"t. ICI Pa#istan?s business laun"hes is first super premium rane E 3 in - te"hnoloy brand Dulu! Pentalite Classi". ICI Pa#istan "ompletes 3=#pta e!pansion of its +oda Ash Plant. ICI Pa#istan announ"es 03#pta e!pansion of its +oda Ash Plant. ICI Pa#istan is a$arded the Third Best Corporate &eport a$ard for the year /==0 by the Institute of Chartered A""ountants of Pa#istan an the Institute of Cost and *anaement A""ounts of Pa#istan. ICI Pa#istan "ompletes 3= years of "ontinuous listin on 1ara"hi +to"# 5!"hane :;< ,imited. ICI Pa#istan "onstru"ts and hands over a ;irl?s Primary +"hool at Barar#ot 8ear ;arhi %abibullah to 5arth'ua#e &e"onstru"tion and &ehabilitation Authority. A#(o 8obel be"omes the ultimate holdin "ompany of ICI Pa#istan ,imited.
ICI’s vision is to be the industry leader in creating value for customers and share holders. ICI will succeed by operating at the highest levels of excellence, acquiring unrivalled knowledge of key markets and using technology creatively. The result will be products which deliver greater benefits for the company’s customers,
increased rewards for employees.
e will remain market leaders in !oda "sh and derivatives business in #akistan by strengthening our customer base while being the lowest cost producer in the region and the most reliable supplier of quality products.
Strategies of ICI:
Business Strategy Employee Communication Specialist Help Change Management %ispute Resolution %iversity Management
'rgani+ation an" #orkorces Re,uirement Succession Planning
Part Two: Company Management System :
Right People
Re#ar" an" Recog$ nition Mana.emen# S#r)(#)re
Right Time Right Motivation
Job Profling
Qualifcation Skills Experience Competencies
Before $e dis"uss the manaement stru"ture of the +oda Ash Business) it is important that $e first observe the board stru"ture of the $hole "ompany.
Perormance B$ard $%Management Dire(#$rs:
Recruitment Appointment Carrier Development Potential Appraisal ICI Board "onsist of ten members) headed by the Chairman of the board. Currently
is "omprise of si! none!e"utive dire"tors and four e!e"utive dire"tors. *r. *. J. People Perorming to &ull potential Training Jaffer :none!e"utive dire"tors< is the "urrent "hairman of the board and *r. Fa'ar !earning An" A. *ali# is the "hief e!e"utive of the "ompany. E"ucation *ain responsibilities of the board is to uide the "ompany and system form poli"ies Employee Inormation "onsistent $ith obje"tives of the "ompany i.e. bein the industry leader in "reatin 'utput Aligne" to (usiness ')*ectives value for the "ustomers and shareholders.
E7e()#ie Mana.emen# eam:
The manaement of ICI is done throuh an e!e"utive team headed by the Chief 5!e"utive of the "ompany. Team in"ludes head of the manaement team from ea"h business :enerally Gi"e President or ;eneral *anaer< and also in"ludes Chief 9inan"ial Offi"er and ;.*. %uman &esour"es. +o the team of eiht members is formed $hi"h manae the overall business of the ICI Pa#istan ,td. The 5!e"utive *anaement Team is responsible for deliverin the ;roup?s t$o major stratei" thrusts of drivin performan"e and reshapin the portfolio. The members of the team have an indepth e!perien"e of manain "omple!
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART international businesses and fun"tions $ithin ICI and other leadin "ompanies. SODA ASH BUSINESS
Or.ani5a#i$na& Char#:
Operations Manager Marketing Manager
Prouction Manager
Meical !uperin" #inance ten Manager
H.R Manager Technical Manager
Materials Manager $ngineering Technical
Accounts & !tores
#inance ept.
IT %ept.
/ar# hree :
SWO ANALS"S +FOT Analysis is a simple frame$or# for eneratin stratei" alternatives from a situation analysis. It is appli"able to either "orporate level or the business unit level and fre'uently appears in mar#etin plans. +FOT stands for +trenths) Fea#nesses) Opportunities and Threads. The +FOT frame$or# $as des"ribed in the late -0=?s by 5dmund P. ,earned) C. &oland Christiansen) 1enneth Andre$s) and Filliam D. ;uth in Business Poli"y) Te!t and Cases :%ome$ood I,H Ir$in) -0: +alt is the main ra$ material for the +oda Ash produ"tion. +o salt is
pur"hased main from the P*DC :Pa#istan *ineral Development Corporation< in 1he$ra and some portion is also pur"hased from the private mines in 1he$ra and nearby areas. 9urther ICI also has an areement to "olle"t the rain $ater that is a""umulated in the pools of the +alt *ine of 1he$ra. This saves a lot of time and $or#in for the plant.
Lime S#$ne: ,ime stone is partially "olle"ted from the o$n uarries at Tobar @ Dandot.
ICI has a"'uired the 'uarries in order to et the hih 'uality lime stone timely and rest is pur"hased from the lo"al "ontra"tors and miners. 4=43 days buffer sto"# is al$ays
8a, Ma#eria&s:
Sa =NaC&>: +alt is the main ra$ material for the +oda Ash produ"tion. +o salt is
pur"hased main from the P*DC :Pa#istan *ineral Development Corporation< in 1he$ra and some portion is also pur"hased from the private mines in 1he$ra and nearby areas. 9urther ICI also has an areement to "olle"t the rain $ater that is a""umulated in the pools of the +alt *ine of 1he$ra. This saves a lot of time and $or#in for the plant.
Lime S#$ne: ,ime stone is partially "olle"ted from the o$n uarries at Tobar @ Dandot.
ICI has a"'uired the 'uarries in order to et the hih 'uality lime stone timely and rest is pur"hased from the lo"al "ontra"tors and miners. 4=43 days buffer sto"# is al$ays maintained at the $or#.
C$6e: Co#e is pur"hased from Pa#istan +teel 8ear 1ara"hi on Advan"e payment
throuh 1ara"hi %ead Offi"e. +teel is pur"hased and handed over to "ontra"tors for pro"essin as this "o#e is 7=mm in si(e. They pro"ess it and re'uired si(e "o#e :4= 43mm< is sent to the plant. 432= days sto"# is al$ays maintained at the plant.
Amm$nia Anh+dr$)s: It is pur"hased from the fertili(er plant havin surplus sto"#. It is
enerally pur"hased from *Ks Da$ood %er"ules @ Pa# China 9ertili(ers) %aripur.
O#her Chemi(a&s: 9urther some other "hemi"als are also involved $hi"h are
+odium +ulphide Ammonium +ulphate
%ydro Calori" A"id
8al"o Fater
These "hemi"als are first pur"hased from the lo"al mar#et. +ome of them are not available in Pa#istan. +o these are pur"hased from forein "ountries.
Man)%a(#)rin. $% s$da ash #hr$).h S$&e+ 4r$(ess
Main 8a, ma#eria&:
-. ,ime +tone :CaCO4< /. Co#e :C< 4. &o"# +alt :i.e.< +odium Chloride :8aCl .%/O< as brine 2. Ammonia :8%4<
+olvey Pro"ess "onsists of the follo$in stepsH
1? /re4ara#i$n $% Amm$ni(a& Brine
Brine is pumped into to$er and a steam of ammonia as is passed throuh it. The brine be"omes saturated $ith ammonia. At the same time "al"ium :Ca< and manesium :*a in"rement althouh his $or# $as less and duties $ere easy one as "ompared to first one.
Pur"hase department is very important department of any "ompany and
produ"tion depends a lot on pur"hased of timely ra$ material) plant e'uipment and other supplies. +o pur"hase department $as already fa"in a hih burden) further 'uarry department $as also added in it and 'uarry staff $as also $or#in in the same premises produ"in a lot of diffi"ulties. +o +oda Ash Business should separate the 'uarry department and it $ould be most suitable if it is shifted at the site $here 'uarry is lo"ated so that burden on pur"hase department de"rease and 'uarry staff also not has to travel daily bet$een site and pur"hase department.
Pur"hase Department $as handlin a lot of suppliers at a time. They have
to enter into "orresponden"e $ith a lot of suppliers $hile supplier?s evaluation $as in delay for a "ouple of years. *any suppliers $ere ivin no response and be"ause they $ere not evaluated) that?s $hy there $ere "onta"ted every thin $hen their related material $as re'uired resultin in loss of time and money. +o supplier?s evaluation should not be delayed and should be "arried out at least on"e in a year.
Consumer +ervi"es Department but "ouldn?t et $hat and $here it is. Fell
the name suests that it should be most visible and a"tive department) I $onder if it is there If it is there it should be orani(ed at a larer s"ale and efforts should be made to intera"t more fre'uently and at a personal level $ith the "onsumers.
,ast of all I must T%A81 ICI and CIIT on"e aain for providin me the olden opportunity of spendin 0 $ee#s in su"h a $onderful pla"e $here most people "an only dream of. It $as an e!perien"e of life time. I ot the "han"e of sittin amon the ideal sort of people) professionals $hose names are enraved as pioneers and eniuses of the field. I learned about meetin and dealin $ith people. I must say that the interation of this internship proram $ill definitely a sinifi"ant improvement in my future professional life.
I end my report here by aain than#in A&&ah A&mi.h#+ $ho ave the ability to "omplete
this tedious tas# and all other people $ho have helped me in this tas#.
B"BL"OG8A/ 1? We:
$$$.i"i."om.p# $$$.$i#ipedia."om $$$.investopedia."om
2? Ann)a& 8e4$r#' "C" /a6is#an L#d?
3? Em4&$+ees "n#erie,
Mr? Ad)& aar A#har :*aterial *anaer) ICI +oda Ash Business< Mr? Adnan :Assistant Pur"hase @ uarry *anaer< Mr? S? M? Aamir :Asst. %& *anaer< Mr? Waar Kha,aa :Assistant A""ounts *anaer< Mr? As.har Ma&i6 :Plannin Offi"er< Mr? ahid M)hammad Shei6h :Pur"hase Offi"er= Mr? Asad As&am :%ouse Offi"er) %ospital<
@? C$m4an+ Ma.a5ines
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