Internet and World Wide Web

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Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan

The Internet Definition:  The Internet (also known as Net)  is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of business, b usiness, government agencies, educational educational institutions, and individuals. Services Found on the Internet:Following Followi ng are a few services that can be found on the internet:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

E-mail Web File ile Trans ransfe ferr Chat Mess Messag age e Boar Board d In Inst stan antt Mess Messag agin ing g

History of the Internet The ARPANET   The The histor history y of the intern internet et can be re retra traced ced to late late 196 1960s 0s and earl early y 197 1970s 0s whe when n a networking project started by the Pentagon’s Advance Research Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense. ARPA’s goal was to build a network that could do following two things:(i) (i) (ii (ii))

Al Allo low w sc scie ient ntis ists ts at di diff ffer eren entt phys physic ical al locat locatio ions ns to sh shar are e in info forrma mati tion on and wor work k together on military and scientific projects. Functio unction n if the the part part of of ne netwo twork rk wer were e disab disabled led or d dest estro royed yed by a n nucl uclea earr at attac tack. k.

 The network called ARPANET became functional in September 1969, linking scientific and academic researches across the United States.   The The origin original al ARPANE ARPANET T consis consisted ted of fou fourr ma main in com comput puters ers,, one each each loc locate ated d at the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of California at Santa Barbara, the Stanford Research Research Institute, and the University of Utah. Each computer served as host, more commonly known as server, is any computer that provides servic services es and connections to other computer over the network. Expansion of the ARPANET ARPANET As researcher researcher and ot other her people realized the great benefit of the use of ARP ARPANET’s ANET’s e-mail to share data and information, ARPANET ARPANET underwent phenomenal growth. By 1984, ARPANET ARPANET had more than 1000 individual computers linked as hosts. Some organizations connected theirr entire thei entire network to ARPANET ARPANET to take take advantag advantage e of the high-spee high-speed d commu communica nication tion it offered.



Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan In 1986, 1986, the Na Natio tional nal Scienc Science e Found Foundati ation on (N (NSF) SF) connec connected ted its hug huge e netwo network rk of fiv five e supercomputer centers, called NSFnet to ARPANET. This configuration becomes known as the internet. Until 1995, NSFnet handled the bulk of the communication activity, or traffic, on the interne inte rnet, t, in 1995, NSFnet terminated terminated its network network and resume resumed d its status as a resear research ch network. Internet of Today  Today,  Today, Internet consists of many local, regional, national, and international international networks. Numer Num erous ous corpor corporati ations ons,, commer commercia ciall firms, firms, and other other compan companie ies s suc such h as IBM provi provide de networks to handle the Internet traffic. Both public and private organizations own networks on the internet. Who Controls the Internet? – No One Even as the Inter Even Internet net grows grows,, it re remai mains ns a pub public lic,, coo cooper perati ative, ve, and ind indepe epende ndent nt network. netw ork. Each organiza organization tion on the internet internet is only responsibl responsible e for maintain maintaining ing its own network. No single person, company, institution, government agency controls or owns the internet. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)   The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) overseas research and sets standards and guideline for many areas of the Internet. The mission of W3C is to contribute to the growth of the web. Nearly 400 organizations from around the world are members of the W3C. They advise, define standards, and address other issues. Internet2 Internet2 is another non-profit project connects more than 206 educational and 60 research institutions via a high-speed private network. When used solely as a research tool, Internet2 applications process massive amount of data, such as linking observatories atop Hawaii’s tallest tallest mountains and video conferences from 20 remote sites across the world.

Connecting to the Internet We can connect to internet by one of the following ways:1. Di Dial al-u -up p Acc Acces ess s 2. Dig Digita itall Subsc Subscrib riber er L Line ine (DSL) (DSL) 3. Cable ble Mod Modem 4. Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) 5. Fixed ixed Wir Wirel eles ess s 6. Wirel ireles ess s Mode Modem m 7. Wi Wire reles less s Fideli Fidelity ty (Wi-F (Wi-Fi) 8. Sa Sate tell llit ite e Mode Modem m


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan 1. Dial-up Access:Dial-up Access takes place when the modem inside the computer uses a standard telephone line to connect to internet ➢

Dial-up is a slow speed technology.

2. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL):DSL is a technology technology that provides provides high-sp high-speed eed inte interne rnett conne connection ctions s usin using g reg regular ular copper telephone lines. 3. Cable Modem:A Cable Modem allows access to high speed Internet services through the cable television network. 4. Fiber to the Premises (FTTP):FTTP uses a fiber-optic cable to provide high-speed Internet access to home and business users. 5. Fixed Wireless:Fixed Wireless high-speed internet connections use a dish-shaped antenna on the house or business to communicate with a tower location via radio signals. 6. Wireless Modem:A Wireless Modem allows access to the internet through a cellular network. 7. Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi):A Wi-F Wi-Fii netw networks orks uses radio radio signals signals to provide provide Inter Internet net conne connection ctions s to wir wireles eless s computers and devices. ➢

Wi-Fi is used by mobile users. ➢ Hot Spot: Many public locations such as airports, hostels, schools, shopping malls, and the coffee shops, are hot spots that provide Wi-Fi internet connections. 8. Satellite Modem:A Satellite Modem communicates with a satellite dish to provide high-speed internet connections via satellite. ➢ ➢

In most cases Broad Band Internet access is always on i.e., it is connected to the Internet the entire time the computer is running. In Dial Dial-U -Up p Acc cces ess s we ne need ed to conn connec ectt to the the In Inte tern rnet et ev ever ery y time time we tu turn rn our our computer on.


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan

Accessing the Internet Access Provider:An access provider is a business that provides individuals and companies access to the internet free or for a fee  There are two types of Access Providers which provide users the access to the internet:-

1. Regional or National Internet Service Provider (ISP) 2. Wireles Wireless s Interne Internett Serv Service ice Prov Provider ider (WISP) (WISP) 1. Regional or National ISP:An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a regional or national access provider. (i) Regional ISP:A regional ISP usually provides Internet access to a specific geographic area. (ii) National ISP:A na nati tion onal al IS ISP P is a bu busi sine ness ss th that at pr prov ovid ides es In Inte tern rnet et acce access ss in citi cities es and and to town wns s nationwide. 2. Wireless Internet Service Provider:A WISP is a company that provides wireless Internet access to desktop and notebook computers and mobile devices or to computers using wireless modems or wireless access capabilities. ➢ ➢

Wireless modems are usually in form of a card that inserts in a slot in a computer or a mobile device. Generally it dials a telephone number to establish a connection with the wireless internet.

How Data Travels the Internet Computers connected to the internet work together to transfer data and information around the world using servers and clients. On the internet internet our computer is a client that can access data, information, and services on a variety of servers.   The inner structures of the internet works much like a transport system. Just as interstate highways connect major cities carry the bulk of automotive traffic across the countr cou ntry, y, sever several al mai main n transm transmiss ission ion media media ca carr rry y the hea heavie viest st amo amount unt of tra traffi ffic c on the internet. ➢

Internet Backbone: The major carriers of the network traffic are known as the Internet backbone.


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan

How a Home User’s User ’s Data Might Travel the Internet Using DSL: The data of a home user might travel the internet using cable modem by taking the following steps:Step 1: You initiate action to request data from the internet. Step 2: Modem converts digital signal to analogue signal. Step 3: Data request travels through telephone line to ISP. Step 4: Data request passes through router. Step 5: Regional ISP uses leased line to send data to a National ISP. Step 6: National ISP routes data request through internet backbone to server. Step 7: Server computer sends the requested data back to you. So, technically saying it goes as follow:➢ ➢ ➢

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

 Your Computer Modem Dial-up Program  Telephone Lines / Cables ISP Server  Your Requested data

Internet Addressing IP Address:An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet. IP address usually consists of four groups of numbers, each separated by a period; the number in each group is from 0 to 255. For example, the numbers are are an IP address. In general, the first portion of each IP address identifies the network and the last portion identifies the specific computer computer.. Domain Name:A Domain Name is the text version of an IP address. Because IP addresses are very difficult to remember and use, the internet supports the use of a text name that represents one or more IP addresses. As with IP addresses the domain name are also separated by periods Example:Domain Name: m

IP Address: 216.239.3 9.99


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan

The World Wide Web   The The World orld Wi Wide de Web (or Web) consis consists ts of a wor world ld wide wide colle collecti ction on of ele electr ctroni onic c documents. Web:Each electronic document on the web is called a web page, which can contain text, graphics, audio, and video. Web Pages usually built0in connections to other documents. Web ➢ Some web pages are static (Fixed), others are dynamic (changing). Static Web Page: Visitors to a Static Web page all see the same content. Dynamic Web Page: Visitor can customize some or all the viewed contents. Such as desired stock quotes, ticket availability for flights.

Website:Websi ebsite te is a co coll llec ecti tion on of rel elat ated ed web web pa page ges s and and asso associ ciat ated ed item items, s, such such as documents and pictures, stored on a web server. ➢

A website may be used for advertisement, advocacy, and news etc. ➢ Home Page: The Page:  The first page of the website display.

Web Server:A Web Server is a computer that delivers requested web pages to your computer. ➢

 The same web server can store multiple websites.

Web Browser:A Web Browser (or Browser) is application software that allows the users to access and view web pages. ➢ ➢ ➢

 The more widely used web browsers for personal computers are: Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Opera, Netscape, and Safari. Downloading:: Downloading is a process of computer receiving information, such as Downloading web page, from a server on the internet. Connecting to a Web Browser: Step 1: Connect to the internet. Step 2: Open the Web Browser. Step 3: Type 3:  Type the web URL. Step 4: Connection to the server occurs and a home page is displayed.

Web Address (URL):A web page has a unique address, called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). ➢

Every Web Site has a unique address called a URL.

We need to enter the web address correctly in your web browser otherwise it would not open the desired page for you.


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan  The entered web address will deliver the requested web pages from the computer called the web servers. ➢ Web Servers: The Servers:  The computers that hold the web pages are called the web server. ➢

Hyperlink:A or Hyper Hyp link kof(short (sh ly kno known wn as lin link) k) is a builtbuilt-in in con connec nectio tion n to anothe anotherr re relat lated ed webpage a erlin part theortly webpage. ➢

 There are two types of hyper-links:(i) Hypertext: Hypertext refers to links in text-based documents.


➢ ➢

Hypermedia: Hypermedia combines text-based text-based links with graphic, audio, Links allow us to obtain information in an indirect way. Recognizing Links:i. Li Link nks s may may be unde underl rlin ined ed an and/ d/or or disp displa laye yed d in in d dif iffe ferren entt c col olor ors. s. ii. ii. The The p poi oint nter er chan change ges s tto o a sma small ll ha hand nd as as it it iis s rrol olle led d ov over er.. iii. iii. The Link Link s some ometim times es change changes s iits ts appear appearanc ance ew when hen poi pointe nterr iis s roll rolled ed over over iit. t. Tabbed Browsing:Many current pages now a day’s support Tabbed Browsing, where the top of  the browser displays a tab for each page that we visit.

Searching for Information on Web Search Tools: There are two types of search tools:(i) (ii)

Search Engine Subject Directory

(i) Search Engine:A Search Engine is a program that finds Web Web sites, Web pages, images, videos, news, and other information related to the specific topic. Some Search Engine search through web pages for all types of information. Other search engines can restrict their searches to a specific type of information, such as following items, Images, Videos, Audios, News, Maps, People or Business, Blogs. ➢ Search Text/Key Word: Search engine requires that you enter a word or phrase, called Search Text or Key Word. That describes the item that you want to find. Hits: The  The result of the search is called hits, that link to the web p pages. ages. Each hit in the ➢ Hits: list has a link when clicked, displays an associated web site or web page. ➢ Techniques to improve Search:1. Use spe speci cific fic nouns nouns and put the most import important ant terms terms firs firstt in the sea searc rch h text. 2. Lis Listt all all possi possible ble spelli spellings ngs.. 3. Before using a search engine read its help information. 4. If the search search is unsuccess unsuccessful ful with one search search engine engine tr try y another. another. ➢

(ii) Subject Directories:-


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan A subject directory provides categorized list of links arranged by subject. Each time we click a category link the subject directory directory displays a list of sub category links form which you again choose. We continue in this fashion until the search tool displays a list of web pages about the desired topic. ➢ Maj Major or Proble Problem: m: Ma Major jor Pr Probl oblem em wi with th the sub subjec jectt dir direc ector tory y is dec decidi iding ng whi which ch ➢

categories to choose as you work through the menus of links presente presented. d.

Types of Websites:Following Followi ng are the eight types of websites:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Portal News Info Inform rmat atio iona nall Busi Busine ness ss/M /Mar ark ketin eting g Ed Edu ucati cation ona al Ente Entert rtai ainm nmen entt Advocacy Person ona al

1. Portal:A po port rtal al is a Web Site Site that that offe offers rs a Var arit ity y of inte intern rnet et serv servic ices es fo forrm a sing single le,, convenient location. Most portals offer the following free services: search engines, subject directory, news, sports, weather, web publishing, reference reference tools, such as yellow pages, stock quotes, maps, shopping, e-mail, and other forms of online communication. ➢ Online Community: An Online Community is a Web Site that joins a specific group of people with similar interests and relationship. ➢ Most popul popular ar Portal Portal ar are: e: AltaVista, AltaVista, Excite, Excite,,, iGoog iGoogle, le, msn., com, yaho, m, looksmart, Lycos, Netscape.

2. News:News web sites contains news worthy material including stories and articles relating to current events, life, money, sports, and the weather. ➢

Newspapers and TV and Radio Stations are some of the media that maintain news Web Sites

3. Informational:Informational Web Sites contains factual information. ➢

Many government agencies have informational websites providing information such as census data, text codes, and the congressional budget.

4. Business/Marketing:-


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan A Business/Marketing Web Sites contains content that promotes or sells product or services nearly every business has a Business/Marketing website. ➢

Many of these Many these com compan panie ies s al also so al allow low you to pur purcha chase se the their ir pr produ oducts cts or servi service ces s online.

5. Educational:An educational Web Site offers exciting, challenging avenues for formal and informal teaching and the learning. 6. Entertainment:An entertainment Web Site offers an interactive and engaging environment. ➢

Popular entertainme Popular entertainment nt web sites offer music, videos, and sports, games, on going web episodes, sweep stakes, charts, and more.

7. Advocacy:Advocacy Web Web Site contains content that describe a cause, opinion, or idea. ➢

 These websites usually present views of a particular group or association. association.

8. Personal Web Site:A personal Web Site is a Web Site that is about a single individual or a group that is either maintained by them or may be some other. other.

Multimedia on the Web:Multimedia:Multimedia Multimedi a re refers fers to any applicat application ion that combines text with graphic graphics s anim animation ation,, audio, video, and virtual reality. ➢

Multimedia Web Pages often require specific hardware and software and take more time to download because of their heavy sizes

Graphics:A grap graphic hic or a grap graphica hicall image image is a digital digital representa representation tion of non-t non-text ext information information,, such as drawing, chart, or photo. ➢

General Formats: Following are the most commonly used graphical formats on the web: BPM, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. ➢ Thumbnail: Thumbnail is a smaller version of larger graphic. We usually click a thumbnail to display a larger image. Animation:-


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan Animation is the appearance of motion created by displaying the series of still images in sequence. ➢ ➢ ➢

Animation can make web page more visually appealing  They draw attention to important information or links. General Format: GIF is the format used for animations.

Audio:Audio includes music, speech, or any other sound. ➢

Player: To listen to an audio file on your computer, you need a special file called player. ➢ Streaming: Streaming is a process of transferring data in a continuous and even flow. ➢ Audio Streaming: Streaming: Audio Streaming is a process of transferring audio data in a continuous and even flow. ➢ General Formats: General Formats used for audio are: MP3, WMV, RA, AAC, AIFF, ASF, WAV, and QT. Video:Video consists of full-motion images that are played back at various speeds. ➢

Streaming Video: Streaming Video allows us to watch longer or live video images as they are downloaded to our computer. ➢ GENERAL FORMATS: FORMATS: General video formats used are, WMV, MPEG-4, AVI, and RM.

Plug-In:A plug-in (or an add-on) is a program that extends the capability of the web browser. ➢ ➢

Most web browsers have the capability of displaying basic multimedia elements on a Web Page. Plug-in is a configuration software software

Web Publishing Web Publishing is the development and maintenance of Web pages. Steps to Web Publishing: The five major steps to Web Publishing are as follow:Step 1:

Plan a Web Site

Step 2:

Analyze and Design the Web Site

Step 3:

Create the Web Site

Step 4:

Develop the Web Site

Step 5: Maintain the Web Site.


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan

E-Commerce E-Commerce (short for Electronic Commerce) Commerce) is a business transaction that occurs over an electronic network such as the internet. Anyone with access to Internet connection and a mean to pay for purchased goods or services can participate in e-commerce. ➢ M-commerce: M-commerce: The  The e-commerce that is done through mobile devices is sometimes referred to as m-commerce.

Types of e-commerce: Three different types of e-commerce are:1. Bus Busine inessss-to-C to-Cons onsume umerr (B2C (B2C)) 2. Con Consum sumer er-to -to-Co -Consu nsumer mer (C2C (C2C)) 3. Bus Busine inessss-toto-Bus Busine iness ss (B2B (B2B)) 1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C):A Business-to-Consumer occurs when a consumer, instead of going to the stores, purchases purchase s the product over o ver the internet (from the company’s website) by ordering for it.  The consumer visits an online business website through electronic software, which contains images, descriptions, and a shopping cart. ➢ Shopping Cart: A shopping cart allows the consumer to collect purchases. purchases. ➢ When ready to complete the sale consumer enters the personal data and the method of payment. ➢

2. Consumer-to-Consumer:A consumer-to-consumer e-commerce occurs when one consumer directly sells (or buys), to (or from) another consumer. ➢

Online Auction: An online auction is a web site where users bid in the items that are sold by someone else. The highest bidder at the end of the bid purchase purchases s the item. ➢ EBay is one of the most popular C2C website.

3. Business-to-Business:A Business-to-Business e-commerce takes place between businesses. ➢

Business often provide goods and services to other o ther businesses, such as online advertising, recruiting, credit, sales, market research, technical support, and training.

Other Internet Services E-mail:E-mail (short for electronic mail) is the transmission of messages and files via a computer network.


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan E-mail is one of the original services on the internet. ➢ Messages can consist on simple texts or can contain attachments such as documents, graphics, or audio/video clips. ➢ E-mail services can be provided either by internet service providers or internet services (which may be paid or may be free) such as, AOL, msn, yahoo. ➢ E-mail Program: An e-mail program is used to create, send, receive, forward, store, print, and delete e-mail messages. Outlook Express and Windows Mail are two popular e-mail programs. ➢ E-mail Address: E-mail address address is a unique name that consists of a user name and domain name that identifies the user.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP):File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other computers on the internet. ➢

FTP Server: An FTP Server is a computer that allows users to upload/download files using FTP. ➢ FTP Site: An FTP site is  is  a collection of file including text, graphics, audio clip, video clip, and program files that reside on an FTP server. ➢ FTP FTP is the simple simplest st and and most most secur secure e way way of file file tra transf nsfer errin ring g ove overr the interne internet. t. Whether we know it or not we use FTP all the time.

Newsgroup:A ne news wsgr grou oup p is an onl onlin ine e are are in whic which h us user ers s ha have ve wr writ itte ten n disc discus ussi sion on abou aboutt a particular subject ➢

 To participate in a discussion, a user sends a message to the newsgroup, and other users in the newsgroup read and reply to those messages. groups’ topic areas include news, re recre creatio ation, n, soci society, ety, busi business ness,, ➢ Some major news groups’ science, and computers. ➢ News Server: A news server is a computer that stores and distributes news group messages. ➢

Newsreader: A newsreader is software which we need to participate in newsgroup.

Message Board:A message board is a popular web-based type of discussion group that does not require a newsreader is a message board. ➢

A message board does not need a newsreader.

Mailing List:A mailing list (also called a distribution list) is a group of e-mail addresses given a single name.


Internet and World Wide Web Iqrash Awan When a message is sent to the mailing list, everyone in the mailing list receives it. ➢  To add your name to a mailing list you must subscribe to it ➢ Mailing lists are also used for advertiseme advertisement nt purpose. ➢

Chat:Chat is a real-typed conversation that takes place on a computer. ➢ Fr From om Real type we mean that we and the person we are chatting with must be online at the same time. ➢ Chat Room: A chat room is a location on an internet server that permits users to chat with each other. ➢ Anyone in the chat room can chat with anyone. Instant Messaging (IM):Instant messaging (IM) is a real-timed internet communication that notifies you when one or more people are online and allows you to exchange messages or file. ➢ ➢

Some IM service providers support voice and video conversation. For IM to work both parties must be online. Many IM services can alert you to information such as calendar appointment, stock quotes, weather or sports score.

Netiquette:Netiquette (is the short form for Internet etiquette) is the code of acceptable behavior users should follow while on the internet; that is, it is the conduct expected of the individuals while online. ➢

It includes rules from all aspects of internet, including the World Wide Web, e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, FTP, and newsgroups and messages boards. ➢  The Golden Rule of Netiquette is: “Treat others as you would like them to treat you.”

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