Internet Access via Cable TV Network

June 5, 2016 | Author: best279 | Category: Types, School Work, Homework
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Internet Access Via Cable TV network




Internet Access Via Cable TV network Seminar Report On

“INTERNET VIA CABLE TV NETWORK” Submitted in partial fulfillment of The requirements for the 7th Semester Sessional Examination of

BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN Information Technology by Sibananda Mahanata Regd.No.0701222279 Under the esteemed guidance of

”Sanyasi Pradhan” Senior Lecture Dept of,IT


Department of Information technology


Internet Access Via Cable TV network


This is to certify that the Seminar work entitled “Internet Access Via Cable TV Netwok” is done by Sibananda mahanta, 0701222279

in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the 7th Semester Sessional Examination of Bachelor of Technology

in Information

Technology during the academic year 2010-11. This work is submitted to the department as a part of evaluation of 7th Semester Seminar. Dt: Place: (Sen. Lt. Sanyasi Pradhan)

(Prof. P. C.

Mishra) GUIDE


& MCA Dt:



Internet Access Via Cable TV network

(Mr. K. Jaganmohan Rao) PRINCIPLE Dt:

Internet Access via Cable TV Network

ABSTRACT Internet is a network of networks in which various computers connect each other throughout the world. The connection to other computers is possible with the help of ISP (Internet Service Provider). Each Internet users depend dialup connections to connect to Internet. This has many disadvantages like very poor speed, may time cut downs etc. To solve the problem, Internet data can be transferred through Cable networks wired to the user computer. Different type connections used are PSTN connection, ISDN connection and Internet via Cable networks. Various advantages are High availability, High bandwidth to low cost, high speed data access, always on connectivity etc. The huge growth in the number of Internet users every year has resulted in the traffic congestion on the net, resulting in slower and expensive internet access .As cable TV has a strong reach to homes, it is the best medium for providing the internet to house-holds with faster access at feasible rates. We are witnessing an unprecedented demand from residential and business customers, especially in the last few years, for access to the Internet, corporate intranets and various online information services. The Internet revolution is sweeping the country with a burgeoning number of the Internet users. As more and more people are being attracted towards the Internet, traffic congestion on the Net is continuously increasing due to limited bandwidths resulting in slower and expensive Internet access.


Internet Access Via Cable TV network The number of household getting on the Internet has increased exponentially in the recent past. First time internet users are amazed at the internet's richness of content and personalization, never before offered by any other medium. But this initial awe last only till they experienced the slow speed of internet content deliver. Hence the popular reference "World Wide Wait"(Not World Wide Web). There is a pent-up demand for the high-speed (or broad band) internet access for fast web browsing and more effective telecommuting. India has a cable penetration of 80 million homes, offering a vast network for leveraging the internet access. Cable TV has a strong reach to the homes and therefore offering the Internet through cable could be a scope for furthering the growth of internet usage in the homes. The cable is an alternative medium for delivering the Internet services in the US, there are already a million homes with cable modems, enabling the high-speed internet access over cable. In India, we are in the initial stages. We are experiencing innumerable local problems in Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi, along with an acute shortage of international Internet connectivity. Accessing the Internet on the public switched telephone networks (PSTN) still has a lot of problems. Such as drops outs. Its takes along time to download or upload large files. One has to pay both for the Internet connectivity as well as for telephone usages during that period. Since it is technically possible to offer higher bandwidth by their cable, home as well as corporate users may make like it. Many people cannot afford a PC At their premises. Hardware obsolescence in the main problem to the home user. Who cannot afford to upgrade his PC every year? Cable TV based ISP solution s offer an economic alternative.

SIBANANDA MAHANTA REG NO. 0701222279 7th semester BRANCH: Information Technology


Internet Access Via Cable TV network


My sincere thanks to Prof. P. C. Mishra, Head Of the Department of CSE, IT & MCA, Institute Of Advanced Computer and Research, Rayagada for his encouragement and valuable suggestions during period of my seminar work. No words would suffice to express my regard and gratitude to Senior Lecture Mr. Sanyasi Pradhan, Designation of guide, Department of CSE, IT & MCA, Institute Of Advanced Computer and Research, Rayagada for his inspiring guidance, constant encouragement, immense support and help during the course of the Seminar. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. K. Jaganmohan Rao, Principle IACR, Rayagada for permitting me to carry out this Seminar work.

Sibananda Mahanta


Internet Access Via Cable TV network




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Internet Access Via Cable TV network

INTRODUCTION: Internet is a network of networks in which various computers connect each other throughout the world. The connection to other computers is possible with the help of ISP (Internet Service Provider). Each Internet users depend dialup connections to connect to Internet. This has many disadvantages like very poor speed, may time cut downs etc. Miraculous developments in telecommunication systems and information technology have created marvels for the new generation i.e. Internet using a phone line. Internets via phone connections are painfully slow, especially when downloading photographs, graphics, or video images and large files.To solve the problem, Internet data can be transferred through Cable networks wired to the user computer. The cable modem technology for the Internet provides an 'always on' feature for individuals to access the Internet rapidly, while its digital broadband network technology allows user to move around quickly. Various advantages are High availability, High bandwidth to low cost, high speed data access, always on connectivity etc.The huge growth in the number of Internet users every year has resulted in the traffic congestion on the net, resulting in slower and expensive internet access .As cable TV has a strong reach to homes, it is the best medium for providing the internet to house-holds with faster access at feasible rates.

ACCESS ON INTERNET We are all quite familiar with the Internet browsing via fax modem through dial-up. The Internet is accessed using a telephone line as the transmission media. The analogue telephone lines originally meant for voice transmission now carries data but at very low speeds. The basic disadvantages of this method are the occupation of the telephone line while the Internet is being accessed, and the telephone bill, in addition to the fees for Internet account, which can touch the roof! The disconnections and redialing required quite often during the browsing, is distressing more so when the connection gets cut while you are downloading important information or large files. Whereas broadband access technologies enable data transfer at high speeds. Therefore, any medium or technology that allows data transfer speeds of more than 64kbps can be called as broadband technology. The medium can carry numerous voice, video and data channels simultaneously since each channel takes up a different frequency and there is


Internet Access Via Cable TV network no interference with one another. A co-axial cable TV is a classic example of broadband technology as it can broadcast several channels simultaneously, but only in one direction. The same technology principles are now applied for delivering rich multimedia content in two-way direction.

CABLE NETWORK: .For access of Internet through the cable network you need a cable modem instead of a telephone modem. The cable modem is however, not just a modem, its encryption and security features are in-built and user can also access television channels simultaneously through the cable connection, optionally, as shown in figures 1 and 2. A cable modem is a device that allows high-speed access to the Internet via cable TV network. It typically has two connections, one to the cable wall outlet and the other to a computer and TV through a splitter. With cable TV network and Using a phone line, connections are painfully slow, especially when downloading photographs, graphics, or video images.

Fig. 1: Single-user premise equipment configuration

The cable modem technology for the Internet provides an always-on feature for individuals to access the Internet rapidly, while its broadband network allows user to move around quickly.


Internet Access Via Cable TV network One gets unlimited time of surfing at a very high speed. As a result, information providers are able to offer better-quality content as more consumers gain Higher-speed access to the Internet.

• The cable network was designed to deliver TV signals in one direction from the HeadEnd to the subscribers homes.

• To provide TV services Cable Operators had to recreate a portion of the over-the-air radio frequency (RF) spectrum within a sealed coaxial cable line. •

Operators had to upgrade the cable network so that signals could flow in both directions

Cable Operators assign a spectrum of signal frequencies to the cable network

• One spectrum is used for the signals that move from the Head-End towards the cable subscriber.

• Another spectrum of signal frequencies are used for the signals that move from the cable subscriber towards the Head-End.

• By replacing existing one way amplifiers with two way amplifiers Cable Operators are able to separate the upstream and downstream signals and amplify each direction separately in the right frequency range.

(Up to 16 pes with current software configuration) Fig. 2: Multi-user premise equipment configuration

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Internet Access Via Cable TV network

Fig. 3: A Modern Cable network:

COMPARISONS: The revolution of digital technology and evolution of cable TV network (broad band technology) helps to access Internet, the cable modem's speed varying widely. In the downstream direction from network to the computer, speeds can be any where up to 36Mbps. Few computers will be capable of connecting at such high speeds; a more realistic number for computers is 3 to l0Mbps
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