Habla sobre las distribucion logistica internacional...
Int!rnational Trad! D!"n!d as !cono#ic transactions that ar! #ad! b!t$!!n contri!s% Int!rnational trad! transactions ar! &acilitat!d by int!rnational "nancial 'ay#!nts( in $hich th! 'ri)at! ban*ing syst!# and th! C!ntral Ban*s o& th! trading nations 'lay i#'ortant rol!s%
Trad! Agr!!#!nts Th! 'r'os! o& Trad! Agr!!#!nts is to cr!at! o''ortniti!s &or citi+!ns and h!l' to gro$ in)ol)!d 'arti!s, !cono#y% Ad#inist!ring trad! agr!!#!nts in)ol)!s
• •
.onitoring th! trading 'artn!rs, i#'l!#!ntation% N!gotiating and signing trad! agr!!#!nts that ad)anc! th! Pr!sid!nt/s trad! 'olicy
An i#'ortant ty'! o& trad! agr!!#!nt is th! Trad! and In)!st#!nt 0ra#!$or* Agr!!#!nt 1TI0As2
Physical distribtion !nco#'ass!s all th! acti)iti!s in)ol)!d $ith th! 'hysical #o)!#!nt o& 'rodcts throgh distribtion chann!ls% S'!ci"cally( physical distribution includes all activities related to the storage, handling, and movement of goods to make these goods available when and where customers demand them
Systems Approach to Physical Distribution
CUSTO.ER ORDER Th! b!ginning o& th! chain starts $ith a P4O( S4O 0or *no$ing ho$ #ch to ord!r and $h!n ( co#'ani!s ( actally th! 'rocr!#!nt ar!a has to stablish th! ROP 1r!ord!r 'oint2
ROP = UR x LT + Safety Stock Average order size 1 AOS2 and average number of orders 1 ANO2 ga)! s th! UR 1sag! rat!2 LT 5 L!ad ti#!
6! ha)! to ch!c* • •
In)!ntory 1stoc*2 L!ad ti#!s &or d!li)!ry o& ro$ #at!rial( s''li!s or "nish!d7goods that $! co##!rcialis! to *no$ i& $! can acco#'lish or cli!nt,s d!adlin!s%
Costs associat!d to this acti)ity• •
0ollo$ ' o& th! csto#!r Costs o& allocating a 'rchas! ord!r to or s''li!rs
Ord!r Proc!ssing L!ad ti#! conc!'t is in)ol)!d 0inanc! is &nda#!ntal to ha)! or '4o( '4s on ti#! 8no$ing and &ollo$ th! co#'any,s rl!s is basic not to g!t or r!9ir!#!nt r!:!ct!ds ;IT conc!'t - 'ro)id!rs as $!ll as or co#'any o
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