Internal Audit Checklist

May 22, 2019 | Author: Shahrakeshc | Category: Construction Management, Request For Information, Audit, General Contractor, Business
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Audit Checklist...


Project Assessment Checklist







B 1

Obecti!e "!idence # A$$ comments in b$ue %ont are pro!ided as &uidance to t'e auditor and s'ou$d be o!er(ritten b) t'e auditor (it' t'e obecti!e e!idence obser!ed.*


 $



SHARP Required !oes the project or office have an active safety awareness ca"pai%n in effect includin% at a "ini"u" a dedicated bulletin board with the followin% infor"ation& 'u"ber of days since last recordable( )ed or State *S+A poster( Panel of physicians,if applicable-( safety perfor"ance data( industry news pertainin% to safety( safety( copy of safety co""ittee "eetin% "inutes( and wee#ly safety "essa%es?

Section reser!ed %or Proect Speci%ic Sa%et) P$an #PSP*/Hea$t' and Sa%et) P$an #HASP* requirments Add to t'is per proect Is there there a written written and up to date copy copy of the Project Project Safety Safety Plan? Plan?  Are the required sections included in the PSP?




+as the Project Safety Mana%er 7 0e%ional Safety Mana%er reviewed and approved the PSP8+ASP?

 All PSP require the the followin% sections at a "ini"u"& Project *wner and Project 'a"e( 'a"e of Safety Mana%er( Scope of .ontract( Scope of /or#( 0is# Analysis( Project Safety ud%et( ist of ey Project Sta#eholders( Subcontractor Safety Plan Sub"ittals( Project Schedule( Initial +a4ard Analysis and 5rainin% 0equire"ents( *ther 0is#s ,Identified and !ocu"ented-( PSP Mana%e"ent Structure( Safety Incentive Pro%ra"( and /or#ers .o"p Pro%ra"6

should also be reviewed annually with PMP review

Are MS!S MS!Ss s on file file for for all che"i che"ical cals s used used in the the wor#pl wor#place ace? ? Is a list of che"icals used in the wor#place ,and their location"aintained?


Audit ate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Project Assessment Checklist


C 1 2 3 


Section reser!ed %or O%%ice Sa%et) P$an #OSP* requirements #on$) as+ i% pro&ram/proect sta%% (or+ in o%%ice or PSP/HASP re%erences OSP* Add to t'is per proect/O%%ice Is there a written and up to date copy of the *ffice Safety Plan? +as the *ffice Safety Mana%er 7 0e%ional Safety Mana%er reviewed should also be reviewed annually with PMP review and approved the *SP?


Is there an e"er%ency action plan in place? Are MS!Ss on file for all che"icals used in the wor#place? Is a list of che"icals used in the wor#place ,and their location"aintained?


Subcontractor Requirments %or sites !id each contractor8subcontractor have an acceptable safety plan in place 19 days prior to "obili4ation?

Sub"ittal lo%s should be reviewed to ensure that the plan was sub"itted( reviewed( and accepted ,not :approved:- prior to a contractor bein% allowed to co""ence wor#6 A Subcontractor site specific safety plan review sheet is to be co"pleted and si%ned by the reviewer6

!oes safety plan address current scope of wor#?

5he plan should be reviewed by the auditor to ensure the scope of wor# "atches the content of the safety plan6 Plans should not only include policy and procedure that would be %eneral for every project( but also include project specific e;a"ples of A+A( 1 or si"ilar "ust be co"pleted6 conduct a subcontractor pre"obili4ation "eetin% on or before the first day of "obili4ation and did it contain specific site safety require"ents? Is there docu"ented evidence that durin% wee#ly pro%ress "eetin%s written su""aries of upco"in% wor# tas#s and associated ris#s and control "easures are presented by the subcontractor or our superintendent if we are self perfor"in% wor#?

Superintendents and subcontractor supervisors that attend these "eetin%s discuss the ris# and "iti%ation "easures6 5he su""aries identify upco"in% "obili4ation8de"obili4ation( audits( inspections( co"petent person chan%es( and trainin%6 =;hibit 22>1 or si"ilar "ust be co"pleted and included in "eetin% lo%6

*ther& ,ota$-



Audit ate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Project Assessment Checklist




Audit ate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"oca#on !!!!!!!!!!!!



Project Assessment Checklist

Audit ate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Project Assessment Checklist

Audit ate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"oca#on !!!!!!!!!!!!

Audit Date

Project Manager/Auditee

Job Number

Project/Program Name








!omments / "bj# $%idence/NA basis

oes the P0 hae co+ies of conformed construc#on C0 ersi'ht documents)

PAC$ 1%.2

oes the P0 retain co+ies of the Contractor4s insurance C0 ersi'ht and Performance ond if re5uired y Contract)

PAC$ 1&.3

oes the P0 retain co+ies of Permits if re5uired y C0 ersi'ht Contract)

PAC$ 1&.3

oes the P0 maintain a current aily iary to Parsons C0 ersi'ht standards)

PAC$ 1%.1

Are +ro'ress mee#n's held ith the contractor at C0 ersi'ht fre5uencies commensurate ith +roject ac#ity)

PAC$ 1&.3

oes the P0 reie and sumit +eriodic +ro'ress re+orts C0 ersi'ht ith +hotos)

PAC$ 1%.& and 1%.%

Are chan'e order (les maintained) C0 ersi'ht

PAC$ 1%.1

Are ,e5uests for *nforma#on 9,:*;ed re'ularly to the client) n

PAC$ 12.2

*f a++licale= is there a documented +roject closure irect Construc#o +rocedure) n

PAC$ 1%.%

*f a++licale= are the +roject closure +rocesses ein' irect Construc#o im+lemented) n

Pace 1%.%

$xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht $xtra 5ues#on C0 ersi'ht

Re% 1

Resu&t '( )( N/A

C0 oes the P0P ade5uately descrie the a++roach to +roject execu#on ersi'ht and C0 oersi'ht) See notes elo. C0 oes the P0 maintain co+ies of conformed construc#on ersi'ht documents)

P0P em+late Parsons ,ecords 0't Procedure? ,ecords 0't Plan

C0 oes the P0 retain co+ies of the Contractor4s insurance and ersi'ht Performance ond if re5uired y Contract)

Client Contract? PAC$ 1&.1

C0 oes the P0 retain co+ies of Permits if re5uired y Contract) ersi'ht

Client Contract? PAC$ 1&.1

C0 oes the P0 maintain a current aily iary to Parsons standards) ersi'ht

Construc#on ersi'ht  Project 0't iaries

C0 Are +ro'ress mee#n's held ith the contractor at fre5uencies ersi'ht commensurate ith +roject ac#ity)

Client Contract? Project P0P? PAC$ 1%.2

C0 oes the P0 reie and sumit +eriodic +ro'ress re+orts ith ersi'ht +hotos)

Client Contract? Project P0P? PAC$ 1%.7

C0 Are chan'e order (les maintained) ersi'ht

Project P0P? PAC$ 1%.7

C0 Are ,e5uests for *nforma#on 9,:*;
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