Intermediate Accounting Stice Stice Skousen
Short Description
Analysis of Financial Statements St atements MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Theory/Definitional Qe!tion!
1 2 3 4 # & + 1 11 12 13 14 1# 1& 1+ 1 1
Usefulness of the common-size financial statement Use of common-size statements True/false st statements ab about fifinancial st statement an analysis Effect of current asset/liability increase on worin! ca"ital $urrent ratio as measure of short-term sol%ency Effect of F'F( to )'F( chan!e *ust before risin! "r "rices E,am"les of transactions increasin! current ratio Use of tra.e recei%ables in in aci. test an. recei%able tu turno%er 0hether a hi!her cu current ratio al always me means a better co com"any efinition of of historical co cost/constant .o .ollar ac accountin! efinition of current cost/nominal .ollar accountin! efinition of an unrealize.! !ain E,am"le of monetary item! bo bon.s "a "ayable as as a he.!e a! a!ainst inflationary titimes E,am"le of nonmonetary item $urrent cost accountin!- -can be either nominal .ollars or constant .ollars rimary factor in in .e .eterminin! fu functional cu currency of subsi.iary isclosure of translation a. a.*ustments 5eetin! the nee.s of international in%estors
Co"#tational Qe!tion!
2 21 22 23 24 2# 2& 2+ 2 2 3
$om"utation of current ratio $om"utation of accounts recei%able turno%er $om"utation of in%entory turno%er $om"utation of !ross mar!in $om"utation of times bon. interest earne. $om"utation of return on common stochol.ers6 e7uity $om"utation of number of .ays8 sales in a%era!e in%entories $om"utation of "rice-earnin!s ratio $om"utation of times interest earne. ratio $om"utation of in%entory turno%er $om"utation of "rice-earnin!s ratio 1
$ha"ter 21 Analysis of Financial Statements
31 32 33 34
Effect of of "r "re"arin! fifinancial st statements a. a.*uste. fo for "r "rice-le -le%el ch chan!es 9aluation of machinery on a "rice-le%el a.*uste. balance sheet $om"utation of of "urchasin! "o "ower loss on on ne net monetary items $om"utation of of re realize. ho! !a !ain un cu current co cost/nominal .o .ollar accountin! etermination of of en! in in%entory on on co com"arati%e co constant "u "urchasin! "ower a.*uste. balance sheet $om"utation of unrealize.! !ain current cost/nominal .ollar accountin! $om"utation of unrealize.! !ain $om"utation of net monetary "osition $om"utation of translate. net income $om"utation of of translation a. a.*ustment amount
3# 3& 3+ 3 3 4
re"are common-size balance sheet com"arin! "ercenta!es $om"utation of of in in%entory tu turno%er ra rate an an. nu number of of .a .ays6 sa sales in in in%entory $om"utation of of current ratio: ne net an. !r !ross mar!in: .ebt-to-e7 -e7uity ratio:
3 etc; 4 # & + 1 11 12 12 13 13 14 1# 1& 1+ 1 1 2
$om"utation of of in in%entory tu turno%er: nu number of of .a .ays6 sa sales in in in in%entory: !ross mar!in $om"utation of recei%ables turno%er: number of .ays6 sales in recei%ables $om"utation of o f ea earnin!s on o n e7 e7uity: ti times bo bon. in interest ea earne.: E ES: "rice-earnin!s ratio: boo %alue "er share: .ebt-to-e7uity ratio $om"utation o f to total e7ui"ment "u " urchases: ca c ash " ai ai. fo f or ta t a,es an a n. .i%i.en.s $om"utation of en. of year "urchasin! "ower !ains/losses re"are balance sheet restatement $om"utation of of re realize. ho! !a !ain or or lo loss an an. un unrealize. ho! !ain or loss re"are an an in income st statement re restate. in in te terms of of en en.-of-year co constant .ollars; re"are translate. balance sheet re"are translate. trial balance re"aration of Form 2F reconciliation $om"rehensi%e statement of cash flows Accountin! .ifferences an. ratio analysis Accountin! .ifferences an. ratio analysis Accountin! .ifferences an. ratio analysis re"aration of Form 2F reconciliation re"aration of Form 2F reconciliation
Test etu >eturn rn on on in%es in%estm tmen entt .; Total tal asset asset turn turno% o%er er &; 'f a fir firm m cha chan! n!es es its its in% in%en ento tory ry me metho. tho. fro from F' F'F( to )'F )'F( ( *us *ustt "ri "rior or to to a "erio. of ris risin! in! "ri "rice ces s: the effect in the ne,t e,t "erio. rio. will be $urrent $urrent >atio >atio 'n%ent 'n%entory ory Turno% Turno%er er a; @o effect 'ncrease b; @o effect ecrease c; 'ncrease ecrease .; ecrease 'ncrease
b )(1
+; 0hich 0hich of of the the fol follo lowi win! n! tra trans nsac acti tion ons s wou woul. l. inc incre reas ase e a fir firm6 m6s s cur curre rent nt rat ratio io= = a; urchase of in%entory on account b; aymen aymentt of of accou accounts nts "ayable "ayable c; $ollecti $ollection on of of acco account unts s recei% recei%able able .; urchas urchase e of tem"ora tem"orary ry in%estm in%estment ents s for cash cash
c )(1
; ow ow are are tra tra.e .e rec recei ei%a %abl bles es use use. . in the the calc calcul ulat atio ion n of each each of of the the fol follo low win!= in!= >ecei%able $urrent >atio Turno%er a; @ot use. @umerator b; @umerator @umerator c; @umerator enominator .; enominator @umerator
b )(1 )(1
c )(4
; 'n com"arin! the current ratios of two com"anies: why is it in%ali. to assume that hat the the com" com"an any y with the the hi! hi!he herr cur curre rent nt rat ratio is the bett better er com" com"an any y= a; A hi!h current current ratio may in.icate ina.e7uate ina.e7uate in%entory in%entory on han.; han.; b; A hi!h hi!h current current ratio may in.ica in.icate te ineffic inefficient ient use of %arious %arious assets assets an. liabilities; c; The two two com"anies com"anies may .efine worin! worin! ca"ital ca"ital in .iff .ifferent erent terms; terms; .; The two two com"ani com"anies es may be .iffer .ifferent ent sizes sizes;; 1; 1; A met metho ho. . of accou account ntin in! ! base. base. on meas measur ures es of hist histor oric ical al "rice "rices s in .olla .ollars rs:: each of wh which ha has th the sa same !eneral "u "urchasin! "ower: is a; current current cost/ cost/cons constant tant .oll .ollar ar accounti accountin!; n!; b; current current cost/ cost/nom nominal inal .olla .ollarr accounti accountin!; n!; c; historic historical al cost/con cost/constan stantt .ollar .ollar account accountin!; in!;
Test ate when .i%i.en.s were .eclare. an. "ai.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;2## Translate. net income for 22 is a; C&41:2#; b; C&+:#; c; C131:2#; .; C+:#;
b )(#
4; Toyo Enter"rises: a subsi.iary of 0orl.wi.e Enter"rises base. in allas: re"orte. the followin! information at the en. of its first year of o"erations all in yenB assets--11::? e,"enses--41::? liabilities-+:#:? ca"ital stoc--#:#:? re%enues--4::; >ele%ant e,chan!e rates are as followsB (n .ate subsi.iary stoc was "urchase.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C;# A%era!e rate for the year;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+ At year en.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;+# As a result of the translation "rocess: what amount is recor.e. on the financial statements as the translation a.*ustment= a; C21: .ebit a.*ustment b; C+&: .ebit a.*ustment c; C21: a.*ustment .; C+&: a.*ustment
PRO$LEMS Problem 1
$om"arati%e balance sheet .ata for the A..yson $o; at the en. of 21 an. 22 followsB A..yson $om"any $on.ense. $om"arati%e etaine. earnin!s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Total stochol.ers6 e7uity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Total liabilities an. stochol.ers6 e7uity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+:# #: 4&: 13:3 C2&: C34+:4
+:# #: 4&: 13&: C24:4 C22:3
re"are a common-size balance sheet com"arin! financial structure "ercenta!es for the two-year "erio.; Solution 1
)(1 A..yson $om"any $on.ense. $ommon-Size etaine. earnin!s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Total stochol.ers6 e7uity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Total liabilities an. stochol.ers6 e7uity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Problem 2
The in%entory of efun. >ecei%able;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1:+#
C 2:2 41:# +: 3: #: 3# 1:4
The followin! a..itional information relates to 22B a @et income for the year: C1:; b e"reciation e,"ense for the year: C+:4; c 'ncome ta, e,"ense for the year: C3#:; . urin! the year: e7ui"ment was o%erhaule. at a cost of C2:#; The cost was .ebite. to accumulate. .e"reciation; e urin! the year: e7ui"ment with a boo %alue of C1: was sol.; A loss of C1:1 was realize. on the sale; $om"ute the followin!B 1 Total e7ui"ment "urchases .urin! the year; 2 $ash "ai. for income ta,es .urin! the year; 3 $ash "ai. for .i%i.en.s .urin! the year; Solution
)(& 1
etaine. Earnin!s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
C2:# C3: 3+:# 1#: C2:#
The !eneral "rice in.e, for 22 is as followsB ate rice 'n.e, Danuary 1 1 Duly 1 11 urin! the first half of 22: the !eneral "rice in.e, rose e%enly an. the followin! transactions occurre.B A"ril 1 5ay 1 Duly 1
urchase. e7ui"ment with a three-year estimate. useful life an. no sal%a!e %alue for C#2:# cash strai!ht-line .e"reciation use.; ai. C1#: towar. the! liability; >ecor.e. .e"reciation on e7ui"ment .e"reciation is the amount of o"eratin! loss as there were no re%enue-"ro.ucin! acti%ities;
re"are a balance sheet restate. in terms of Duly 1: 22: .ollars; Solution "
)(4 0estlon $or"; ealize.! !ain;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C 3#: Unrealize.! !ain;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
C14: :
4 $urrent costOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; C 2: urchase "rice;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +: >ealize.! !ainOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO C 12: Unrealize.! loss;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
C #: &:
C &:
C 1:
Problem 11
The income statement "re"are. in con%entional form for the Thon $o; on ecember 31: 22: is as followsB Thon $o; 'ncome Statement For Hear En.e. ecember 31: 22 Sales;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $ost of !oo.s sol.B 'n%entory: Danuary 1: 22;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C1#+:# urchases;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #+: oo.s a%ailable for sale;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C+2+:# 'n%entory: ecember 31: 22;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2:# ross "rofit on sales;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ("eratin! e,"enses;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'ncome before income ta,es;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'ncome ta,es;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @et income;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
&4#: C34#: 22#: C12: 4+:# C +2:1#
The followin! .ata were a%ailable in a.*ustin! the income statementB $onsumer rice 'n.e, etaine. earnin!s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
&4: +4: 12:# 2:# 1+:
The e,chan!e rate for Jorean won on Duly 1#: 22: is C;+; re"are a translate. balance sheet as of Duly 1#: 22; Solution 12
)(# 'n Jorean 0on
$ash;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Accounts recei%able;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'n%entory;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lant assets net;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Accounts "ayable;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @on-current liabilities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $a"ital stoc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; >etaine. earnin!s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
in thousan.s 11:2# &2:# #+:2# 4: 1+:
>ate C;+ ;+ ;+ ;+
'n U;S; C C +:+# 43+:# 4:+# 342:3 C1:2#:3
&4: +4: 12:# 2:#
;+ ;+ ;+ ;+
C 44: #24:3 +:# 1:# 1+:
C1:2#:3 Problem 13
Financial information for Toro Enter"rises at the en. of 22 is as followsB French Francs $urrent assets;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 14:#: E7ui"ment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :+#: $urrent liabilities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &:#: )on!-term .ebt;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3:2: $a"ital stoc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1:&: >etaine. earnin!s Danuary 1: 22;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :2#: >e%enues;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1:4#: E,"enses;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &:+#: >ele%ant e,chan!e rates are as followsB 0hen Toro was "urchase.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $urrent e,chan!e rate;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A%era!e rate for the year;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
C ;2 ;32 ;2
'n a..ition: the com"ute. retaine. earnin!s balance from the "rior year8s translate. financial statements is C2:4#:; re"are a translate. trial balance for Toro Enter"rises;
Solution 13
)(# $urrent assets;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; E7ui"ment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; E,"enses;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
'n Francs in thousan.s 14:# :+# &:+# 31:
$urrent liabilities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &:# )on!-term .ebt;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3:2 $a"ital stoc;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1:& >etaine. earnin!s Danuary 1: 1:2#com"ute. >e%enues;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1:4# Translation a.*ustment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 31:
E,chan!e >ate ;32 ;32 ;2 ;32 ;32 ;2 2:4# ;2
'n U;S; C in thousan.s C 4:&4 3:12 1: C : C 2: 1:24 32 2:2& # C :
Problem 14
The followin! financial information is a%ailable for aul $om"any: a hy"othetical nonU;S; firm with shares liste. on a U;S; stoc e,chan!eB @et income com"ute.! to home country AAOOOO;; : Stochol.ers8 e7uity com"ute.! to home country AA;; :: ossible obli!ation for se%erance benefits to be "ai. to em"loyees in future years? reco!nize. this yearOOOOOOOOOOOOO; 3:: oo.will recor.e. as a subtraction from e7uity rather than as an asset occurre. three years a!oOOOOOOOOOOOOOO;; 3:2: 'f aul were followin! U;S; AA: the !oo.will woul. ha%e been recor.e. as an asset an. amortize. o%er a "erio. of 4 years;! to U;S; AA: the "ossible obli!ation for se%erance benefits woul. not be reco!nize. until it ha. become "robable; re"are a reconciliation of aul8s re"orte. stochol.ers8 e7uity an. net income to the amounts of these items U;S; AA;
Solution 14
)(3 aul $om"any >econciliation of Stochol.ers8 E7uity to U;S; AA Stochol.ers8 e7uity com"ute.! to U;S; AAOOOO C :: A.*ustments re7uire. to conform to U;S; AAB oo.will: a.*uste. for amortizationB 3:2: P M3:2: , 3/4NOOOOOOOOOOOO 2:&: ossible obli!ation for se%erance benefitsOOOOOOOOO; 3:: Stochol.ers8 e7uity in accor.ance with U;S; AAOOOOO; C13:&: aul $om"any >econciliation of @et 'ncome to U;S; AA @et income! to home country AAOOOOOOO;; A.*ustments re7uire. to conform to U;S; AAB ossible obli!ation for se%erance benefitsOOOOOOO; oo.will amortization 3:2:/4 yearsOOOOOO;; @et income in accor.ance with U;S; AAOOOOOOOO;;
3:: : C3:+2:
Problem 15
The followin! sche.ule shows the net chan!es in the balance sheet accounts at ecember 31: 21: as com"are. to ecember 31: 22: for the 0illiams $om"any; The statement of cash flows for the year en.e. ecember 31: 22: has not been "re"are.; 'ncrease Assets ecrease $ash an. cash e7ui%alents;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C &: Accounts recei%able net;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &&: 'n%entories;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3+: re"ai. e,"enses;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2: ro"erty: "lant: an. e7ui"ment net;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &3: Total assets;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C22: )iabilites Accounts "ayable;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C 4&: Short-term notes "ayable;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2: Accrue. liabilities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2:# etaine. earnin!s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 43+:+ A""ro"riation of retaine. earnin!s for "ossible "lant e,"ansion;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3: Total stochol.ers8 e7uity;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C22:3 The followin! a..itional information has been !athere.B a The net income for the year en.e. ecember 31: 22: was C1+2:3; b urin! the year en.e. ecember 31: 22: uncollectible accounts recei%able of C2&:4 were written off by a .ebit to Allowance for oubtful Accounts; c A com"arison of ro"erty: lant: an. E7ui"ment: as of the en. of each year followsB ecember 31 'ncrease 22 21 ecrease ro"erty: "lant: an. e7ui"ment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C#+:# C#1: C&:# )essB Accumulate. .e"reciation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 22#:# 22: 2:# C34#: C22: C&3:
. e
f !
urin! 22: machinery was "urchase. at a cost of C4#:; 'n a..ition: machinery that was ac7uire. in 1# at a cost of C4: was sol. for C3:&; At the .ate of sale: the machinery ha. an un.e"reciate. cost of C4:2; The remainin! increase in "ro"erty: "lant: an. e7ui"ment resulte. from the ac7uisition of a tract of lan. for a new "lant site; The bon.s "ayable mature at the rate of C2: e%ery year; 'n Danuary 22: the com"any issue. an a..itional 1: shares of common stoc at C14 "er share u"on e,ercise of! stoc o"tions hel. by ey em"loyees; 'n 5ay 22: the com"any .eclare. an. issue. a #G stoc .i%i.en. on its! stoc; urin! the year: a cash .i%i.en. was "ai. on the common stoc; (n ecember 31: 22: there were 4: shares of common stoc!; The a""ro"riation of retaine. earnin!s was ma.e in antici"ation of the construction of a new "lant; The notes "ayable relate to o"eratin! acti%ities;
re"are a statement of cash flows for the year en.e. ecember 31: 22: usin! the in.irect metho.;
Solution 15
0illiams $om"any Statement of $ash Flows For the Hear En.e. ecember 31: 22 $ash flows from o"eratin! acti%itiesB @et income;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C1+2:3 A.*ustmentsB e"reciation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 41:3 1 Amortization of bon. .iscount;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1:2 )oss on sale of machinery;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; & 2 'ncrease in accounts recei%able;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &&: 'ncrease in in%entory;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3+: 'ncrease in "re"ai. e,"enses;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2: ecrease in accounts "ayable;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4&: ecrease in short-term notes "ayable;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2: 'ncrease in accrue. liabilities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2:# @et cash flow "ro%i.e. by o"erations;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
C +2:
$ash flows from in%estin! acti%itiesB Sale of machinery;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C 3:& urchase of machinery;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4#: urchase of lan.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &3:# 3 @et cash flow use. by in%estin! acti%ities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 14: $ash flows from financin! acti%itiesB 'ssuance of common stoc4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;C14: >etirement of bon.s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2: ayment of .i%i.en.s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2: # @et cash flow "ro%i.e. by financin! acti%ities;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2: @et increase in cash an. cash e7ui%alents;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C &: @oteB $om"letion of the formal statement of cash flows woul. re7uire .isclosure of the be!innin! an.! cash an. cash e7ui%alents; $om"utationsB 1
Accumulate. .e"reciation--be!innin! balance;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Accumulate. .e"reciation--machine sol. C4: - C4:2;;;;;;;; Accumulate. .e"! balance;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; e"reciation e,"ense for the year 22;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
C22: 43: 22#:# C 41:3
$ha"ter 21 Analysis of Financial Statements 2
eturn on sales I C4: ÷ C3: I ;1 The followin! a..itional information has been assemble.B a Dames uses the )'F( metho. of in%entory %aluation; 8s sole .e"reciable asset was "urchase. on Danuary 1: 1; The asset cost C12: an. is bein! .e"reciate. o%er + years with no estimate. sal%a!e %alue; Althou!h the +-year life is within the acce"table ran!e: most firms in $>8s in.ustry .e"reciate similar assets o%er 12 years;
$ha"ter 21 Analysis of Financial Statements
c For 22: $> .eci.e. to reco!nize only #G of an C1: liability for future en%ironmental cleanu" costs; 5ost other firms in $>8s in.ustry ha%e similar en%ironmental cleanu" obli!ations but ha%e .eci.e. that the amounts of the obli!ations are reasonably estimable an. ha%e reco!nize. the full amount of the liability; Show how the %alues for the 3 ratios com"ute. abo%e .iffer if $> ha. use. )'F(: .e"reciate. the asset o%er 12 years: an. reco!nize. the full amount of its en%ironmental cleanu" obli!ation; $om"ute how the financial statements woul. .iffer if the alternati%e accountin! metho.s ha. been use.; o not treat the use of these alternati%e metho.s as accountin! chan!es; '!nore any income ta, effects; Solution 1!
)(2 A.*ustmentsB a Usin! )'F(B! in%entory .ecreases by C1#:# C43: - C#:#; @et income for 22 .ecreases by C3:# MC43: - C3&: - C#:# C4:N;
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