Intermediate 3 Exit Test

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English Discoveries Exit Test  Intermediate 3 


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Exit Test Test  – Interm  Intermediate ediate 3 Time: 50 min utes   Student Name: ______________________________ The test test is w orth 100 points. It It contains two reading comp rehension texts, followed by gr ammar ammar questions and a writing task. Part Pa rt 1. Read Read the text and cor rect the sentences sentences that follow . ((30 30 poin ts)

Famous Fa mous L overs

Cleopatra VII was one of the most famous women in history. She was the last Pharaoh of  Egypt. Although  Egypt. Although today she is known for her beauty, Cleopatra was also a gifted mathematician and was fluent in nine languages. nine languages. Very  Very few people know that she had studied to be a nun and was extremely religious. She was one of the most popular rulers and politicians of her time. Even though most people associate her with Marc Antony, her first husband was her younger brother, Ptolemy. She married him in order to have greater political power. However, she realized that in addition she needed the support of Rome so she became the mistress of the Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general and Roman leader. Following Caesar's death, the Roman general Marc Antony traveled to Egypt to advance the growing power of Rome. Antony was quickly captivated by Cleopatra’s charm and beauty and they soon became lovers. Roman society disapproved of their affair. It especially bothered Roman politicians, who saw Egypt as a threat to their power. Yet, despite the disapproval of Rome, Antony and Cleopatra married in 36 B.C. They believed that they could conquer Rome by combining their power. But in 31 B.C. the Roman general Octavian destroyed the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra in the battle of Actium. When Antony heard a false report that Cleopatra was dead, he was so full of despair, he decided to kill himself by falling on his sword. When Cleopatra realized that their dream was over and that her  lover was dead, she had a poisonous snake bite her. That was the end of the rule of the Pharaohs. It had lasted for four thousand glorious years and ended due to a love affair that caused disaster. Egypt soon became a Roman province. A new era in history began when Octavian (later Augustus) became the first Roman Emperor.

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1. Cleopatr Cleopatra a was a Roma Roman n empre empress. ss.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 2. Cleopatr Cleopatra a could could only speak speak the Egyptia Egyptian n language language..  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 3. Cleopatra’s first husband was Pharaoh.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 4. Marc Antony met her while she was still Julius Caesar’s mistress.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 5. Marc Antony Antony had gone to Egypt Egypt to help help Egypt Egypt get more power.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 6. Once they they were were married, married, they they lost lost their interest in politics. politics.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 7. Cleopatr Cleopatra a killed killed hersel herselff by falling falling on her her sword. sword.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 8. Cleopatr Cleopatra a died died before before Marc Antony. Antony.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 9. The Pharaoh Pharaohs s had ruled ruled Egypt Egypt for hundre hundreds ds of years. years.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 10. Octavian was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ Part Pa rt 2. Read Read the text and answer the questions that foll ow. (20 (20 poi nts ) Kitchen Science Science

The alchemists were the scientists of the Middle Ages. In their laboratories, they tried to change ordinary metal into gold. Of course, they didn't succeed. Now, five hundred years later, alchemists are back; only now, they are not scientists, but chefs doing strange things with food! Chef Heston Blumenthal is the owner of a restaurant called the Fat Duck. His restaurant is in Bray, a small village in the south of England. If you are thinking of eating there, I recommend the snail porridge and egg and bacon ice cream. Sounds horrible? Read on. Copyright © 1990-2020 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved .



Blumenthal is one of a number of international chefs who are turning their kitchens into laboratories. In fact, the Fat Duck is the first restaurant in the world to have a research lab. In his lab Blumenthal does a lot of experiments, and comes up with a lot of strange dishes: like salmon poached with liquorice, sardine-on-toast sorbet and, wait for it, meringue "cooked" in liquid nitrogen. That's right, liquid nitrogen! Blumenthal's style ofBlumenthal. cooking has"People been called not the best term", says think"molecular you need agastronomy". doctorate in "It's nuclear physics to work here. In fact, molecular cooking is simply about chemical and physical combinations. Physics enters the kitchen when we ask, why does a soufflé rise? Chemistry comes in when we ask, why does rosemary work with lamb? It's just about understanding science in the kitchen. " Blumenthal believes that if you know more about the chemical properties of food, you can make your dishes even more delicious. Guests at the Fat Duck agree. It is a very popular restaurant that has won many awards. Blumenthal's success is even more remarkable because he is a self-taught chef. Blumenthal is not the only chef experimenting with food combinations. White onion risotto with Parmesan air and espresso is on the menu at El Bulli, near Barcelona. Here, FerranKeller Adria who offerishis guestsfor the of hissorbet experiments. In California chef Thomas famous hisresults cucumber is both chef and owner of the French Laundry in Napa Valley. The Laundry was recently voted the world's No.1 restaurant by a panel of 100 international experts in Restaurant magazine. Along with Heston Blumenthal in Bray and Anthony Flinn, known for his roast breast of duck with olive oil and chocolate bonbons, in Leeds, these chefs are the heart of the new molecular cookery movement. Food, like fashion, is famous for its fads. However, there is no denying molecular cookery's success with the public. Of course, a meal with wine for two does not come cheap at the Fat Duck. The only way to find out if this kind of food lives up to its reputation is to try it for yourself. As they say...the proof of the pudding is in the eating!

1. Who does does the writer writer compar compare e chefs chefs such as as Blumenth Blumenthal al to?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 2. What What do the they y have have in in commo common? n?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 3. What What is molec molecul ular ar cook cooking ing? ?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________

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4. How does does Blumenthal Blumenthal think think you can can make food food more delici delicious ous? ?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 5. Why is Blumenthal’s success so surprising?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 6. Why are the the names names of other other chefs chefs mentione mentioned d in the articl article? e?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 7. What expression expression does does the writer writer use to to say that that the food food at these these restaurants restaurants is expensive?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 8. In what what way way is is food food like like fash fashion ion? ?  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________ 9 Would you like to eat in Blumenthal's restaurant? Why/Why not? (4 points)  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________

Part Pa rt 3. 3. Complete the foll owi ng sentences. (30 (30 poi nts ) 

1. If Marc Marc Antony Antony ____ _______ ______ _______ _______ _____( __(not come) to Egypt, he  ______________  _______ _________( __(not meet) Cleopatra. 2. They should_ should_____ _______ _______ ________ _______ ______ ______( ___(be) more careful during the battle of Actium.

3. Cleopatra, Cleopatra, ____________ ____________ was first first married married to Ptolemy, Ptolemy, later later married married Marc  Antony. 4. Cleopatra was not only a mathematicia mathematician n _____________ _______________ __ a gifted gifted linguist. linguist. 5. The new chefs, ________ _______________ _______ they they may work, know know about the chemical chemical properties of food. 6. Blumenthal,______ Blumenthal,____________ ______ restaurant restaurant has won many awards, developed developed the science of molecular gastronomy.

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7. Not only does Blumenthal Blumenthal use use his knowledge knowledge of of chemistry while preparing preparing his dishes, ________________his knowledge of physics. 8. Read Read the foll follow owing ing sent sentenc ence: e: If the writer had tasted the egg and bacon ice cream, he would have loved it.

What does the sentence mean? 

He tasted the egg and bacon ice cream.

He didn’t taste it.

He may taste it.

9. The following following words make up two sentences. sentences. Write the two sentences sentences in the correct order: like / neither / wouldn’t / I / to / sardine / would / eat / sorbet / I   ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________

10. Read the problem and write write a possible reason for the situation situation,, using must have. The chef hasn’t come home from work.

 ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________  ________________________  ___________ _________________________ _________________________ ______________________ _________

Part 4. Write a review about a restaurant you have eaten Part eaten at. (20 (20 poin ts) Include the following in formation: 

The name of the restaurant

The kind of food they serve

The service and the atmosphere

 A description description of a dish dish that you you had Your general opinion of the restaurant

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