Intermediate 3 Answer Keys PDF

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Intermediate Intermed iate 3 Workbook Answer Key UNIT 1: Couples Nick and Emily – page 7 a.

a-7 b –   – 2 c- 8 d –   – 1


1. looking  2 interested  3. about  4. sense of humor 


1. for a short time (“my first day on the job”)  job”)   2. Tom surprised her. (He gave her an engagement ring and she got palpitations.) 3. His sister told him (“Emily called and told me that she recognized you at the   restaurant.”)   restaurant.”) 4. knew (Emily told him about her engagement.) 5. agreed (I guess that means “Yes”.)  “Yes”.) 

e –  – 4  4 f-3 g-5 h-6

5. ask her out  6. worried  7. hanging out  8. think about 

A New Acquaintance – page 9 a.

1. Judy 2. Meg 3. Judy

5. Judy 6. Judy 7. Meg

4. Meg b.

1. True 2. False 3. True

4. True 5. True 6. False


1. spend 2. easygoing 3. humor 4. date

5. funny 6. upset 7. trust 8. mistake


Divorced – page 11 a.

Talk about a decision: Tony and I are getting divorced. We’ve both just both just changed so so much over the years. Express an opinion: I’m very sorry to hear that.  that. 


Talking about a decision: 4, 6, 9 Expressing an opinion: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8


SAMPLE: Dialogue 1  Alison: Hi Tony. I’m so sorry to hear about the divorce. divorce.   Tony: Don’t be sorry. It’s what we both want./ We don’t love each other any more.  more.   Alison: But maybe you decided decided too quickly. quickly. / Perhaps you should should think about the kids. Tony: We decided decided divorce divorce was the right right thing thing for all the the family. Dialogue 2 Sam: Hi, Tony. Keep smiling. You made the right decision. Tony: Thank you. But it wasn’t easy./ It was a was  a joint decision. Sam: Yes, but it’s obviously the best thing. I think you should come out with the  the   guys tonight. Now you can be a free man with no cares! Tony: Yes, I think so too.

Past Form of Modals: Should/Could Have – page 13 a. 

Accept all logical answers.



1. b 4. e 2. c 5. d 3. a Accept all logical answers.


Accept all logical answers.


UNIT 2: SPORTS AND FITNESS College Sports – page 15 a.

1. “College “College Sports” Sports”   2. Tina Lawrence 3. to speak about her volleyball team that lost the competition 4. optimistic


1. c 2. b


1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. False


1. expected 2. exhausted 3. concentrate 4. blow


1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b


SAMPLE: o f the team?  1. How long have you been a member of 2. Did you get sick?  3. How did you feel about losing?  4. How did you manage to overcome being so upset?  ne xt year?  5. What do you think about your chances for next

3. a

5. handle 6. build up 7. strength 8. finals

5. f 6. d / h 7. d / h 8. g

Health and Fitness Today – page 18 a.

1. Eat nutritious meals and exercise daily. 2. They open very early in the morning/they do not close until late at night. 3. a large and well-equipped gymnastics facility with weight-lifting equipment 4. Check with a doctor before any fitness program. 5. Choose a program that matches your physical abilities.



SAMPLE: club slogan - “Do it Now”; namename- Eat Right and Stay Fit Health Club; We offer: a large well equipped gym/weight lifting equipment/ tennis / flexible hours; suggestion - call us at 212 -568 7393


1. developed my muscles 2. harmful 3. your own pace 4. variety of activities


SAMPLE: Things you should do: You should: eat nutritious meals, exercise daily, go at your own pace, get into shape, do an exercise program which best suits you.

5. give up lunch 6. flexible hours 7. nutritious meals

Things you shouldn’t do: do: You shouldn’t: do exercise that’s wrong for you, over-exercise, you,  over-exercise, start a fitness program before seeing a doctor Ten Miles – page 20 a.

You shouldn’t have run so far.  far.   You shouldn’t lift weights without a partner nearby. It’s dangerous.  dangerous.  


Giving advice 1, 3, 5, 6 Reprimanding  2, 4, 7 Reprimanding

More Conditionals: Past Conditionals – page 21 a.

1. c 2. b

3. a


1. c 2. e 3. a

4. d 5. b


1. If he had had enough money to join a health club, he would have become fit. 2. If the health club hadn’t closed early last night, Susan would /could have  have  exercised. 3. If Tom had taken his tennis racket to work, he could have played tennis during his lunch break. 4. If Dr. Kane had given his patients enough information about exercising, they wouldn’t would n’t have injured themselves.  themselves. 


UNIT 3: PROBLEMS AT WORK News – page 23 a.

1. f 2. t 3. t 4. f


1. Management 2. Workers 3. Workers


1. walk out of 2. increase in wages 3. close down 4. call for a strike 5. throughout the world 6. accept incentives

5. t 6. f 7. f 8. T 4. Management 5. Workers

7. continue with negotiations Fifty Days and Counting – page 26 a.

1. a cut in wages 2. foreign competition 3. the management 4. both workers and management 5. The strike started fifty days ago and no one knows when it will end.


1. strike 2. decrease in wages/lower salaries 3. close down


1. If the management (1) had been aware of the strength of the competition, we (2) would be in the plant now. 2. If it (3) were not for the plant, many people (4) wouldn’t be able to able to make a living. 3. If it (5) hadn’t been for been for the loyalty of the workers, the plant (6) would not have survived as long as it has.


1. make a living 2. cut in wages 3. financial difficulties 4. quit

6. loyalty 7. Plant 8. solution 9. Unproductive

5. Predicted

10. Under the circumstances

4. employees 5. closing down the plant


Quitting – page 28 a.

1. c 2. a


Accept all logical answers.


Accept all logical answers.


Accept all logical answers.

3. d 4. b

More Relative Clauses: Non-Restrictive – page 30 a.

1. Flemming Steel, which is located in Hamilton, …  …  2. David Warren, who is chief warehouse clerk at the plant, …  …  3. The workers, who are still striking, …  …  4. Foreign competition, which was the cause of the company’s co mpany’s financial difficulties,… difficulties,…   5. Wiskowski, who represents the employees, …  … 


1. Mrs. Smith, who is one of the worker’s wives, went on strike with her husband.  husband.   2. Solid Steel, which is going to close down tomorrow, is the largest plant in our region. 3. Hank Wiskowski, who represents the employees, disagrees with the management. 4. The workers, who went on strike fifty days ago, are still striking. 5. Incentives, which were rejected by the workers, were offered by the management./Incentives, which were offered by the management, were rejected by the workers.


UNIT 4: A HELPING HAND Call-in – page 31 a.

1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

b. b.  

1. c 2. e 3. a

4. d 5. b

Does Homeless Mean Helpless? – page 33 a.

1. fact 2. opinion

3. opinion 4. fact


1. Mr. Burns 2. Kevin 3. Mrs. Jacks

4. Kevin 5. Mr. Burns


1. Kevin 2. Mrs. Jacks

3. Mr. Burns


take steps provide housing/provide an alternative life give a point of view make a difference offer an alternative alternative life/housing

Do You Need Help?  – page 35 a.

1. offering help: Ma’am, do you need help…? / Let me help you …   2. accepting help: Well OK, young man. 3. refusing help: No. I’m fine. I’m  fine. / No thanks. I can really manage by myself.


offering help: 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 refusing help: 2, 4, 7 accepting help: 8, 9


SAMPLE: Dialogue 1 Social Worker: Homeless Person:

Do you need help finding a place to stay? Yes, that’s very kind of you.  you.  

Social Worker: Homeless Person:

Can I help you with your shopping? Yes, that’s very kind of you.  you.  


Social Worker: Homeless Person: Dialogue 2 Social Worker: Homeless Person: Social Worker: Homeless Person: Social Worker: Homeless Person:

Is there anything else I can do for you? Oh, all right. You can drive me to the doctor’s.  doctor’s.   Do you need help finding a place to stay? I prefer to depend on myself, thanks. Would you like me to help you find a job? I don’t want your help. I can manage by myself.  myself.  Can I at least offer you a hot meal and a cup of coffee? I’ve told you before - I like doing things my way.

More Relative Clauses: Review – page 37 a. 

1-d; 1. which, 2. whoever, 3. whatever, 4. what 2-c; 1. where, 2. wherever, 3. whatever 3-b; 1. whose, 2. who, 3.whatever 4-a; 1. who, 2. who, 3. whatever


1. who

3. whoever

2. whatever

4. where


UNIT 5: HEALTH AND HAPPINESS A Healthy Diet – page 39 a.

1. false 2. true 3. true

4. true 5. false


1. processed  2. artificial 

3. pronounce  4. diet 

After a Heart Attack – page 41 a.

1, 3, 4, 5


1. You shouldn’t smoke. 2. Don’t drink too much alcohol. 3. You should eat small amounts of fish and chicken 4. You shouldn’t drink shouldn’t drink whisky. 5. You should eat fresh fruit and vegetables. 6. You should weigh yourself weekly. 7. You should exercise at least three times a week.


You may smoke two cigarettes a day. You may not drink wine. You may eat as much grilled fish and chicken as you wish. Don’t worry about your weight. w eight. Don’t weigh yourself more than once a month. It’s a good idea to exercise once in a while. Exercising too much can weaken your heart.


1. Greg - because he has more vegetables and fruit and less sweet food.

Can I Help? – page 43 a.

1. in the gym 2. to help the woman with the weights 3. she put the wrong weights on the bar 4. put the extra weights on the bar 5. yes


Offer help: Can I give you some help? Do you want me to …  …  Accept help: Sure, if it’s no trouble. Yes please, if you wouldn’t mind.  mind.  



1. Offering help 2. Accepting help 3. Offering help 4. Accepting help

5. Offering help 6. Accepting help 7. Offering help

Past Form of Modals: Might/May/Must Have – page 45 a.

Possible Answers: Answers:   1. b 4. a / b / c 2. d 5. e / f 3. a 6. e / f


1. must have had 2. must have decided 3. must have not finished

4. must have gone 5. must have been


UNIT 6: GOING OUT Opera Review – page 47 a.

1. musical events 2. two 3. recommends


1. Allegra 2. Ray 3. Allegra


1. top of the list 2. hilarious 3. cheered 4. musical comedy 5. lots of money


Musical Disturbance Disturbance  

4. don’t agree  agree  5. check out the events themselves 6. once a week

4. Ray 5. Allegra

6. outstanding 7. talented 8. on tour 9. recommend 10. worthwhile

Kind of event: musical comedy Audience reaction: cheering Success: sure to be a classic Ray’s recommendation: recommends it  it  Allegra’s recommendation: doesn’t recommend it  it  The Astonished Genius Kind of event: dramatic opera Audience reaction: loved it Success: probable hit Ray’s recommendation: never heard of it  it  Allegra’s recommendation: strongly recommends it e.

1. a dramatic opera 2. hits / musicals 3. enjoyed the show


1. The music is intolerably loud and the singers are untalented. 2. The director, Noel Hill, is usually successful. / It is directed by the same person who directed directed the successful “The Astonished Genius”.  Genius”.   3. The main performers were ill. 4. It is long running and popular. 5. She knew “The Astonished Genius” would would be successful.

4. Musical Disturbance 5. The Astonished Genius


Planning a Party – page 50 a.

1. Invite  2. Decide  3. Shop  4. Prepare 


1. Express  2. Stressed  3. give up hope  4. Tips 

5. Decorate  6. Wear  7. Enjoy 

5. Invited  6. Presented  7. decorated 

Lunch – page 52 a.

Expressions of satisfaction: Leave-taking:

Wow, that lunch was delicious. Yes, it was. I’m full.  full.  Well, I’ve got I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll speak to you soon.  soon.   Take it easy. Take care of yourself. Bye. See you.


1. satisfaction 2. leave taking 3. satisfactio satisfaction n 4. satisfactio satisfaction n 5. leave taking

6. satisfaction 7. leave taking 8. leave taking 9. leave taking


Conjunctions: Review – page 53 a.

1. So do I. 2. I did, too. 3. Neither did I.


1. You can have either grilled fish or chicken. 2. The audience not only cheered but they also stood up and applauded. 3. I enjoyed neither “Never on Monday” nor “Musical Box.”  Box.”   4. We can either go out for dinner or go to the movies. 5. Not only didn’t my iron work, but there was also a power cut.


1. I guess so. 2. I’m afraid not. 3. Either 4. I hope so. 5. neither

4. I didn’t either.  either.  5. My daughter does, too.

6. I think so. 7. not only 8. or 9. I guess not.


UNIT 7: RESTAURANT REVIEWS Family – page 55 a.

1. t 2. f 3. f 4.t


1. fabulous 2. dishes 3. started off 4. instead of 5. appetite


wonton soup, egg rolls, chicken wings, noodles and vegetables vegetables,, fried rice, sweet and sour chicken, sesame chicken, fried bananas

5. t 6. f 7. f

6. skip 7. favorite 8. restaurant 9. used to be

A Seafood and Steak Surprise  – page 58 a.

1. h 2. d 3. a 4. g 5. e


1. cannot afford expensive restaurants restaurants 2. they don’t like smoking  smoking  3. weren’t happy with the food  food   4. they had gone out for pizza 5. sorry 6. the terrible experience at the restaurant


1. the roast beef 2. shrimp 3. shrimp


1. We had to wait nearly two hours. 2. not even a tablecloth on our table 3. The waiter brought the wrong food. 4. My girlfriend’s steak was burned.  burned.   5. We had to cancel our plans for the weekend.

6. b 7. i 8. f 9. c

4. restaurant 5. restaurant 6. tablecloth and silverware



1. We had to wait almost an hour 2. The tablecloth didn’t look clean.  clean.  3. The waiter brought the food after a long wait. 4. My girlfriend’s roast beef was rare.

Recommendations – page 61 a.

Asking for an opinion: Giving an opinion:

Agreeing with an opinion: Making a suggestion: Asking for an explanation: explanatio n: b. b.  

Is the food good here? I believe so. I’m certain the food is horrible.  horrible.   Their recommendations are always terrible. I suppose you’re right.  right.  We’d better go somewhere else.  else.  What do you mean?

1. Giving an opinion 2. Asking for an explanation or clarification 3. Giving an opinion 4. Asking for an opinion 5. Asking for an explanation or clarification 6. Giving an opinion 7. Giving an opinion 8. Asking for an explanation

More Conditionals: Mixed Time Conditionals – page 63 a.

1. b 2. c 3. a


1. …didn’t order pizza.  pizza.  2. …didn’t have to sit on the floor.  floor.  3. …she was so hungry. 4. …didn’t give it a good review.  review.  5. …didn’t enjoy the buffet.  buffet. 

c.  c. 

1. I wouldn’t be washing…  washing…  2. …if we hadn’t had an argument.  argument.   3. …if we had made a reservation.  reservation.   4. …I wouldn’t be standing here.  here.  

4. f 5. d 6. E


UNIT 8: MEETING PEOPLE Soap Opera – page 65 a.

f, d, h, b, a, c, i, g, e, j


1. Regret 2. Regret


1. Do I shake her hand 2. affectionatel affectionately y 3. episode 4. coming back to me

3. Hope

5. separated 6. in common 7. personalities 8. soap opera

The Day I Met Mick  – page 67 a.

Good things:  things:  The policeman was really cute. The policeman only gave her a warning. She wasn’t hurt.  hurt.  The driver of the sports car was the musician, Mick Starlight. He gave her tickets to the concert. Bad things:  things:  The alarm clock didn’t ring.  ring.  There was no hot water for the shower. A policeman signaled her to stop. A sports car crashed into her car.


1. signaled 2. nervous 3. ironed 4. wet 5. embarrassed

Nice Meeting You – page 69 a.

1, 2, 4, 5, 7


1. c 2. a 3. b

4. e 5. d

6. warning 7. mess 8. intersecti intersection on 9. right into


Past Form of Modals: Review  – page 71 a.

Michelle’s list - Things I should have done: I should have remembered my boss’s name.  name.  I should have taken my laptop from the car. I should have remembered to take my credit card. I should have borrowed money from someone. I should have spoken to the girls at work. I should have moved away from the computer and gotten some exercise. I should have remembered the car keys. Should have left them on the table. I should have drunk something.

Michelle’s list - Things I shouldn’t have done:  I shouldn’t have forgotten my boss’s name.  name.   I shouldn’t have forgotten my laptop in the car.  car.   I shouldn’t have forgotten my credit card.  card.  I shouldn’t have been so nervous with the other girls at work.  work.   I shouldn’t have have sat stuck to the computer all day. b.

2. He must have left. 3. He must have gotten stuck in traffic. 4. They must have gone to the mall. 5. They must have forgotten us!

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