Intercultural Marketing Communication

October 29, 2018 | Author: Alex Tite | Category: Anthropology, Science, Science And Technology, Business, Science (General)
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Cultural marketing •

globalization has often been mistaken for homogenization the standardization and individualization of international marketing strategies commercial actions of an international character, with a focus on international standardization and expansion, without appreciating the significance of cultural differences failure determined by the cultural background on the international markets the role of culture in marketing - the vision of marketing marketing of the future

International sportswear brand Puma launched a pair of limited edition trainers in the colours of the UAE flag (2011)

The problem: feet are considered to be unclean in Islam; they remove their shoes before entering their homes and/or the mosque. The message: Puma did not intend to offend the Emirati people. However, placing the colors of the national flag on their feet was seen as walking on their flag , thus, associating their colors with the lowest of insults.

Nike Black And Tan sneakers (2012, St . Patrick’s Day ) Americans think of black and tan as Harp-or Bass-mixed with Guinness.

The problem: People in the UK see it differently. The Black and Tans were a British paramilitary unit responsible for various horrific actions against the Irish, back in the '20s.

Nike run a LeBron James advertisement in China, defeating traditionally dressed Chinese elders, women, and a dragon

The problem: Many Chinese people are still quite traditional. •

Dragons - power, strength, and luck.

Elders - high sense of respect and authority.

The message: People were ffended by the ‘weakening’ f their strong traditional figures that the ad received negative  publicity .

Tesco, a London grocery store chain was accused of "insensitive marketing."

 Employees at Tesco set up a "Ramadan Mubarak" or "Blessed Ramadan" display box for a popular Pringles flavor: Smokey Bacon – any form of Pork is prohibited in Islamic diets.

United Airlines unknowingly got off on the wrong foot during its initial flights from Hong Kong. To commemorate the occasion, they handed out white carnations to the passengers. The problem: When they learned that to many Asians white flowers represent bad luck and even death, they changed to red carnations.

1994 World Cup - Heineken printed the flag of each qualifying country under the bottle cap.

Saudi Arabia was included, which has a holy verse on its flag = the verse was then associated with alcohol. Heineken reacted by recalling all the bottles and stopping their marketing campaign.

Glocalization •

Globalization  + localization , term first appeared in a late 1980s publication of the Harvard Business Review . In 1997, the sociologist Roland Robertson stated that glocalization means the simultaneity –  the co-presence –  of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies. In marketing - glocalization means the creation of products or services for the global market by adapting them to local cultures. e.g. in France, McDnald’s replaced its familiar Rnald McDnald masct with Asterix. •

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The Bank HSBC – advertising campaign HSBC Holdings PLC, the wrld’s sixth largest bank by total assets, is a British multinational banking and financial services company. It was established in its present form in London in 1991 by The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited to act as a new group holding company. The origins of the bank lie mainly in Hong Kong and in Shanghai, where branches were first opened in 1865. HSBC: The Wrld’s Lcal Bank ”The HSBC will never underestimate the importance of local knowledge, that is the reason why we have local banks staffed by local people in over 80 cuntries acrss the glbe.” Culture Stereotypes In Advertising ???

HSBC commercial series =PLAEKUX2eV4jJEqwQnxJjXjlz09G7GGk7f 420C4662FF2&index=3

Models of National Culture •

Edward T. Hall (1914-2009) is an American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher. Geert Hofstede (born 1928) is a Dutch social psychologist, former IBM employee, and Professor Emeritus of Organizational Anthropology and International Management at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Fons Trompenaars (born 1953) is a Dutch-French organizational theorist, management consultant and author in the field of cross-cultural communication.

Trompenaars' model of national culture differences

Hall’s Cultural Factors - context

Low and High Context (direct and Indirect communication) •

2 examples of presentation of scientific institutions (Switzerland and Argentina)

Paul Scherrer Institute is the biggest research centre in the area of engineering and natural sciences in Switzerland. Research works are focused on three main subjects: matter and materials, energy and protection of environment, as well as human and health. The Institute designs, builds and manages complex installations on a big scale. Every year 2000 scientists from Switzerland and the whole world come to the Institute to conduct in this exceptional place their experiments, which couldn’t be carried out anywhere else. The Institute employs 1500 people and has an annual budget worth about CHF 365 million. It is financed mainly by the Swiss Confederation. The Institute belongs to the association of scientific-technical universities and research institutions of the Swiss Confederation (ETH-Bereich), which includes also ETH Zürich and ETH Lausanne, as well as research institutes Eawag, Empa and WSL. The Institute is located in the Aargau canton on the territory of the Communities of Villigen and Würenlingen on both banks of the Aare river. The Institute contributes to raising the qualifications of  future generations by educating professionals, as well as students and doctoral students. The Institute offers the iLab laboratory to students.

Switzerland is classified as a country inclined towards a direct style of communication. clear and factual message, which can be easily understood by the recipient and which provides all the necessary data to make a decision satisfies the expectations present in low-context locations a lot of factual data supported with figures is focused on the substantial presentation of the Institute

Science-Technology Park FAUBA in cooperation with Area Science Park and the University of Parma-PcyT Fauba was established in order to implement research results in companies from the agricultural and  food sector. The activities of the Park cover the creation of a network  between companies from this production sector or ancillary sectors, as well as research and innovation companies and units, which facilitates the creation of an engine in which specialization of production can be maintained and developed over time. Relations between PcyT Fauba and public institutions, credit institutions, as well as national and international research centres make Park a point of reference for innovations, development and internationalization of small and medium companies from the food and agriculture sector in Argentina.  Additionally, PcyT Fauba takes advantage of the support of the Council of Advisors, which consists of personages from the public and private sectors, who cooperate in order to help Park satisfy the real needs of the country. Argentina is classified as having an inclination towards indirect style of communication. the script focuses on establishing and maintaining social relations going directly into the essence of the matter could be regarded as a breach of the rules of interdependence and reducing the contact to the impersonal layer. the focus is on mutual relations  we cannot find any figures

by train or plane

Polish hosts talk about something with passion

a creative-looking meeting

 joint celebration of the started cooperation contextual data: the location of Poland, Pznao is close to the Polish-German border ??

apart from images, we can hear a voice

detailed description

reference to statistical data

historical data

Sources •

Pawel Pietrasienski, International Marketing Strategies, Polish Economic Publishing House, 2005. Dominika Hirsch, International marketing communication - cultural context , MINIB, No. 4(5), 157-170, 2012. rketing_Instytucji_Naukowych_i_Badawczych-r2012-tn4(5)/Marketing_Instytucji_Naukowych_i_Badawczych-r2012-t-n4(5)-s157170/Marketing_Instytucji_Naukowych_i_Badawczych-r2012-t-n4(5)-s157-170.pdf Delia Pop-Flanja, Provocarea intercultural ă în epca glbalizării, EFES, Cluj-Napoca, 2015.

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