Interchangeability in SAP

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Parts Interchangeability PDF download from SAP Help Portal: Created on April 15, 2014

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Table of content

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Table of content 1 Parts Interchangeability 1.1 Fully Interchangeable Parts 1.1.1 Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) External Manufacturer (Manufacturer Code) Interchangeability Type and Interchangeability Category Input and Output Conversion of Material Numbers 1.1.2 Form-Fit-Function Class (FFF Class) Maintaining Fully Interchangeable Parts Automatic Creation of FFF Classes Maintaining an Inventory-Managed Part as a ​Link​ MPN-MRP Set Interchangeable Manufacturer Parts in MRP Consumption-Based Planning of Parts in MPN-MRP Sets MRP of Parts in MPN-MRP Sets Creating and Changing MPN-MRP Sets Generating MPN-MRP Sets Automatically NATO Stock Number (NSN) 1.1.3 Manufacturer Part Profile 1.1.4 Material Types "Interchangeable Part" and "FFF Class" 1.1.5 Data Consistency 1.1.6 Graphical Display of All Interchangeability Relationships 1.2 One-Way and Restricted Interchangeable Parts 1.2.1 Maintaining Restricted Interchangeable Parts 1.2.2 Interchangeability Code 1.2.3 Settings for Material Exchange and Restricted Interchangeability 1.2.4 Data Consistency 1.2.5 Graphical Display of All Interchangeability Relationships 1.3 Material Exchange Using SAP SCM 1.3.1 Parts Interchangeability in Goods Movement Transaction MIGO 1.3.2 Parts Interchangeability in Plant Maintenance Orders Parts Interchangeability in Upgrade Orders Upgrade Order Creation Determination of Installation Locations (iPPE Structure Nodes) f 1.3.3 Parts Interchangeability with Configuration Control 1.3.4 Parts Interchangeability in Subcontracting 1.4 Material Exchange 1.4.1 Material Exchange in Purchasing Material Exchange in RFQs and Quotations Material Exchange in Purchase Orders Subitem Logic Subitem Pricing Material Exchange in Schedule Lines 1.4.2 Material Exchange in Inventory Management Material Exchange in MIGO During Goods Issue Process Material Exchange in MIGO During Goods Receipt Process 1.4.3 Material Exchange in the Sales Order Product Selection 1.4.4 Material Exchange in Stock Transport Orders 1.4.5 Material Exchange in Replenishment Deliveries 1.4.6 Material Exchange in PM Orders, PP Orders, and Networks 1.5 Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Interchangeability of Parts 1.6 Supersession

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Parts Interchangeability Purpose In logistical processes it is often necessary to interchange parts. Within Discrete Industries and Mill Products (DIMP), the following functions are provided.

Features Parts interchangeability comprises the following functions: ● Fully interchangeable parts ○ Parts that are fully interchangeable with each other and are grouped in a common class of interchangeable parts - a form-fit-function class (FFF class). ○ You can group fully interchangeable parts of an FFF class in MPN-MRP sets subject to plant and MRP area. The system treats these parts as fully interchangeable parts in planning, inventory management, and the availability check. ○ Inventory-managed manufacturer parts Some parts from different manufacturers are interchangeable in the purchasing, MRP and availability check functions due to having the same technical characteristics. The system recognizes these as interchangeable and manages them with their own individual stocks. ● Restricted or one-way interchangeable parts These parts cannot belong to the same FFF class. You use interchangeability codes to group these parts. Restricted interchangeability is available for all processes that support MPN. ● Material exchange functions are available in the following applications: ○ Material Exchange Using SCM ○ Material Exchange in Purchasing ○ Material Exchange in MRP ○ Material Exchange in Inventory Management Goods movement using transaction code MIGO. You can interchange parts in the following: ■ Goods issue for the stock transport order and reservation ■ Goods receipt for the purchase order ○ Material Exchange in the Sales Order Product Selection ○ Creation of subitems in stock transport orders. For more information, see Material Exchange in Stock Transport Orders. ○ Material Exchange in PM Orders, PP Orders, and Networks ● Supersession Changes to the design, form and function of parts require vendors and manufacturers to replace obsolete parts with new versions of the same parts. If a new version of a part can replace the old version, the system issues a new part number. The new number requires changes to be made in stock, in procurement, in production, in material requirements planning and in sales; that means in all core processes in the supply chain. You must also determine replacement rules and validity dates for the new part. For more information, see Supersession.

1.1 Fully Interchangeable Parts Definition Parts that are fully and two-way interchangeable in terms of their use in procurement, MRP, and sales processes.

Use You group parts, which have the same technical properties (in terms of form, fit and function), but are made by different manufacturers, as fully interchangeable parts in a common class of interchangeable parts – a Form-Fit-Function (FFF) Class .

Structure Fully interchangeable parts are always inventory-managed manufacturer parts with material type Interchangeable Part (or equivalent). Every inventory-managed manufacturer part is uniquely assigned to a Form-Fit-Function-Class (FFF Class), which the system uses to determine the parts that are interchangeable.

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If a part has already been assigned to an FFF class, the FFF class is displayed in the Basic Data view of the material master record. You assign parts to an FFF class in another maintenance transaction, not in the material master. For more information, see Maintaining Fully Interchangeable Parts.

An FFF class must be assigned to a manufacturer part profile; all parts in the FFF class “inherit” certain properties applying to interchangeability from the profile. You can also assign a part directly to the manufacturer part profile. The properties defined with the profile are valid only for this part. If a part is assigned to an FFF class and a manufacturer part profile, the properties of the directly-assigned manufacturer part profile are valid. Some of the fields in the material master data for the parts that are grouped in an FFF class have to be identical. For example, the base unit of quantity must be identical for the parts in an FFF class to allow the correct comparison of substitute stock.

Integration You can display a complete overview of the fully interchangeable parts and of the restricted and one-way interchangeable parts for a particular part. For more information, see Graphical Display of all Interchangeability Relationships.

Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Part Use Inventory-managed manufacturer parts have the same technical characteristics and are fully interchangeable parts. Each inventory-managed manufacturer part belongs to an FFF class and has its own stock. An inventory-managed manufacturer part has a material master record on the Basic Data tab page that contains the following information: ● Manufacturer part number (MPN) ● External manufacturer

Features Like every other part in the SAP system, an inventory-managed manufacturer part has an SAP-specific material number that uniquely identifies it. If this material number is uncommon or unknown to the vendor, you can do the following: ● Enter a part with its MPN and its external manufacturer, and not just with its material number. This is possible because of the input conversion of material numbers. ● The system displays this part with its MPN and the external manufacturer in lists and screens. This is possible because of the output conversion of material numbers You define inventory-managed manufacturer parts with a material type, which you determine in Customizing for use with inventory-managed MPN. You can use the default material type HERB Interchangeable Part for this purpose. Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) Definition Specification for a manufacturer’s part in the parts catalog. Manufacturers use the manufacturer part number (MPN) to identify their parts.

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Use To support large systems, the manufacturer supplies a catalog with illustrations and text for all replacement parts that can be ordered. The customer has to use the part ID (either the MPN or the vendor’s own number) used in the catalog.

Structure The MPN is an attribute in the material master record (within the Basic Data view) of an inventory-managed manufacturer part.

Integration The MPN is not necessarily unique. Two different manufacturers might use the same MPN for two completely different parts, although this is highly improbable. The MPN only uniquely identifies a part when used together with the external manufacturer (manufacturer code). Other identifiers are also used for parts (for example, the item reference, the supplier reference number, or the supplier master number). In industry sectors dealing with defense, the term “part indicator” has become standard over the last few years; military standards (MIL-STD) use the part number (PART NUMBER) and the reference number (REFNO).

External Manufacturer (Manufacturer Code) Definition The manufacturer’s own code, not the SAP manufacturer code.

Use You use the external manufacturer together with the manufacturer part number (MPN) to uniquely identify an inventory-managed manufacturer part.

Structure You define the external manufacturer as an attribute in the vendor master record (within the Controlling view).

Integration The external manufacturer is not the same as the vendor number used for the manufacturer in the SAP system; it is an additional attribute in the manufacturer or vendor master record. In the aviation industry, the manufacturer requests a manufacturer code from the National Codification Bureau of the relevant country; this is the Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE Code) . In the civil aviation industry, the request still goes to the National Codification Bureau, even if the manufacturer has first requested a CAGE assignment from the Air Transport Association (ATA).

Interchangeability Type and Interchangeability Category Definition These two terms are often used as synonyms for one another. The interchangeability type, or category, is a two-character code with a descriptive text: 01 Interchangeability for Supersession 02 Interchangeability for Inventory-Managed MPN 03 Restricted Interchangeability 98 Manually-defined interchangeability (subcontracting) 99 Freely-defined interchangeability (BAdI)

Input and Output Conversion of Material Numbers Use Like every other part in the SAP system, an inventory-managed manufacturer part has an SAP-specific material number that uniquely identifies it. If this material number is uncommon or unknown to the vendor, you should consider the following (especially in the purchasing process): · You can enter a part with its Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) and its External Manufacturer , and not just with its material number. This is possible because of the input conversion of material numbers.

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· The system displays this part with its Manufacturer Part Number and the External Manufacturer in lists and screens. This is possible because of the output conversion of material numbers. You have to increase the maximum field length for input and output values in the Output Length for Material Numbers field to enter and display the MPN and the manufacturer code in one field

Prerequisites You have made the following settings in Customizing: · You have activated the conversion exit for material numbers. · You have maintained a delimiter. The delimiter separates the MPN and the external manufacturer when they are entered or displayed in one field. · You have specified a maximum output length for material numbers. This means that the fields for the long material number are scrollable, and the output columns for lists are wider. You configure and activate the conversion exit for material numbers in Customizing by choosing Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Set Up Conversion Exit for Material Numbers .

Features Input Conversion If you have activated the conversion exit, you can enter the relevant MPN instead of the material number in the relevant input fields.

If the MPN is not unique, you enter the external manufacturer in the same field, separating the MPN and the external manufacturer by the delimiter defined in Customizing.

You have defined: as the delimiter. Enter 45L700W:36121 ( Manufacturer Part Number, Delimiter ,and External Manufacturer) for the part, instead of material number 1011. If the MPN is unique, you only have to enter 45L700W (the Manufacturer Part Number ). You can now scroll the input field for the material number. This allows you to enter the maximum output length for material numbers, which has also been defined in Customizing.

Input conversion gives you an alternate and additional input option. You can still enter the ERP material number to identify a part. The system determines the correct material number from your input, and passes it to the program logic. The system handles your input as follows: · If your entry contains the delimiter, the system splits the entry at the delimiter, interprets both parts of the entry as the Manufacturer Part Number and the External Manufacturer respectively, and searches for a part corresponding to these entries · If your entry does not contain a delimiter, the system interprets your entry as an (ERP) material number, and searches for the corresponding part in the material master. If this is unsuccessful, the system interprets your entry as an MPN, and searches for the corresponding part. If the system cannot determine a part clearly, or the search is unsuccessful, it issues an error message. Value Range for MPN on the Selection Screen The system converts the MPN into a material number internally. To ensure that the system correctly interprets the value range for an MPN that is entered as selection criteria, when the conversion exit is activated, the system provides both the material number and the MPN as selection criteria in the selection screen.

Output Conversion If the conversion exit is activated, the output conversion ensures that the system displays the MPN and the external manufacturer on screens and in lists, separated by the delimiter in the field or column that usually displays the ERP material number.

If the Output Length for Material Numbers field in Customizing is not long enough to display both the MPN and the external manufacturer, the system displays the MPN, if it is unique. If the MPN is not unique or the output length too short, the system displays the ERP material number. The system displays parts with the output length defined in Customizing. In addition: · You can scroll the output field for the material number on screens. · The system adjusts the layout of lists to the output length. List Formatting If you use the inventory-managed MPN, you have to change the list formatting as follows: · Variable length of the material number in reports In cases of the automatic conversion of the material number into an MPN and external manufacturer, the system takes account of the Output Length for Material Numbers field (defined in Customizing) when it structures the lists for selected reports. This ensures that columns are aligned, line breaks are correct, and the lists can be read. · Adding a field for the external manufacturer The external manufacturer should also be displayed in lists because the MPN, into which the material number is automatically converted, is not always unique. In Customizing, you have defined whether the external manufacturer should be displayed with the MPN. The system adds the field for the external manufacturer immediately after the field for the MPN in lists and on the screen. You can display the external manufacturer with or without an active conversion exit. · Sorting by MPN, not by material number

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You can sort some lists by material number. You can sort by MPN in cases where the MPN is displayed instead of the material number.

Form-Fit-Function Class (FFF Class) Definition Grouping of fully interchangeable parts that have identical technical properties in terms of form, fit, and function.

Use An FFF class is used as a “link” to group fully interchangeable, inventory-managed manufacturer parts.

Structure Every FFF class is represented in the system by a part with material type FFFC ( Form-Fit-Function Class ). This part contains the “header data” of the FFF class. Unlike interchangeable parts, the part representing the FFF class is not inventory-managed and cannot be procured. Therefore, a material master record has only a Basic Data view for this material type. The FFF class is managed and determined within the system; you cannot see it. Every FFF class is assigned to a manufacturer part profile that defines the FFF class properties, and indirectly, the properties of the parts grouped within it.

A workflow definition in your system creates an FFF class and assigns a part to the FFF class subject to the material type of every part that you create. If necessary, you can activate this workflow. This means that you no longer have to create an FFF class. For more information, see Automatic Creation of FFF Classes.

Integration You enter the NATO Stock Number (NSN) for the part that represents an FFF class to use the NSN to commonly identify interchangeable, inventory-managed manufacturer parts in Materials Management .

Maintaining Fully Interchangeable Parts Use You group inventory-managed manufacturer parts that are fully interchangeable with each other in a common class of interchangeable parts Class (FFF Class).

a Form-Fit-Function

Prerequisites Making Global Settings

If you are setting the Manufacturer Part Number indicator for the first time, activate the MPN and BMA indicators for the MARA-BMATN field to avoid performance loss. To use manufacturer part numbers, you have to set the Manufacturer Part Number indicator. To set the indicator, in Customizing choose Logistics Material Master → Basic Settings → Make Global Settings .

General →

Defining a Manufacturer Part Profile A manufacturer part profile can be relevant to either only inventory-managed parts or only non-inventory-managed manufacturer parts. You define this in the profile attributes using the IM Manufacturer Part indicator . You define the manufacturer part profile in Customizing for Purchasing under Material Master → Define Manufacturer Part Profile .

Creating Master Records for Manufacturers You have created individual master records for the manufacturers of interchangeable parts, and entered the external manufacturer name in the External Manufacturer field in the control data of the vendor master. The system uses the external manufacturer together with the manufacturer part number (MPN) to uniquely identify an inventory-managed manufacturer part. ● If the manufacturer is not also the vendor, you create the manufacturer as a vendor with a limited vendor master record. You can use account group MNFR. ● If the manufacturer can also be the vendor, you create a full vendor master record. You create this vendor master record with an account group assigned to a partner schema that takes account of the partner role HS. (In Customizing for Purchasing choose Partner Determination → Partner Settings in Vendor Master Record to define the partner schemas and assign them to account groups .) For more information about maintaining vendor master records, see

Maintaining Vendor Master Records.

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Procedure Maintaining Full Interchangeability of Parts 1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Central Functions → Engineering → Interchangeability of Parts → Maintain . 2. If you want to assign parts in an FFF class, enter the FFF Class on the selection screen and choose Goto → Full Interchangeability . If you enter an FFF class that does not exist, the system calls material master maintenance to allow you to create the new FFF class. In such a case, you create one material master record with material type FFFC Form-Fit-Function-Class . In the Basic Data view, you assign the part to a manufacturer part profile, which defines the basic attributes of the interchangeable manufacturer parts in this FFF class.

On the selection screen, you can also enter a part in the Material field. If the part is already assigned to an FFF class, the system display this part in the group box at the bottom along with all the parts that are interchangeable with it. If a conversion exit is activated, you can either enter the SAP material number or the MPN. The system converts your entry into the MPN and adds the external manufacturer to it. The system displays all the interchangeable parts that are already grouped in this FFF class in the group box at the bottom. 3. In the group box at the bottom, enter the parts that should be assigned to the entered FFF class, or the parts that should be interchangeable with the entered part. If you enter a part that does not exist, the system calls material master maintenance to allow you to create the part. In such a case, you create a material master record with material type HERB Interchangeable Part . In the Basic Data view, you maintain the following: ○ External manufacturer ○ Manufacturer part number (MPN) used in the manufacturer’s parts catalog.

Some of the fields in the material master data for the parts that are grouped in an FFF class have to be identical. For example, the base unit of quantity must be identical to allow the correct comparison of substitute stock. When you assign parts to an FFF class, the system checks the consistency of the data entered in these fields. You can use a report to copy the common fields from a reference part to all other parts. For more information about consistency checks and copying of material master data, see Data Consistency in Material Master Maintenance. 4. Save your entries. 5. The system assigns the new parts to the FFF class of the part that you entered. What happens if you enter parts that are already assigned to another FFF class or MPN-MRP set? You have entered part A. If you now want to maintain part X, which belongs to a different FFF class, as interchangeable with part A: ● If part X is the only part in its FFF class, the system enquires whether you want to assign part X to the FFF class of part A. On confirmation, the system assigns it to the FFF class and sets a deletion indicator on the original FFF class of part X.

● If part X is not the only part in its FFF class, the system asks whether ○ You want to move only part X to the FFF class of part A, or ○ You want to move all parts in the FFF class of part X to the FFF class of part A, and set a deletion indicator for the FFF class of part X ( Extend to FFF Class ).

● If you work with MPN-MRP sets and part Xtogether belongs with other parts to an MPN-MRP set, the system ensures that the total MPN-MRP set changes its FFF class. The system asks whether ○ You want to move all the parts in the MPN-MRP set of part X as well as the MPN-MRP set to the FFF class of part A ( Extend to MPN-MRP Set ), or ○ You want to move all the parts in the FFF class of part X including their MPN-MRP sets to the FFF class of part A, and set a deletion indicator for the FFF class of part X ( Extend to FFF Class ).

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If you want to move only part X, you have to remove it from the MPN-MRP set. For more information, see Creating and Changing MPN-MRP Sets.

MPN-MRP sets can overlap in different plants. If you use Extend to MPN-MRP Set , you may include parts into the full interchangeability that belong to other MPN-MRP sets (in other plants). In such a case, the system provides the Extend to MPN-MRP Set function again.

It is not possible to merge two FFF classes if they each contain MPN-MRP sets that have the same name.

Deleting Full Interchangeability of Parts If you no longer want some parts to be fully interchangeable with others in the same FFF class, you select the parts to be deleted in the list of fully interchangeable parts and choose Edit → Delete Line .

MPN-MRP Sets If the part that you want to delete belongs to an MPN-MRP set in the FFF class, you have to remove the whole MPN-MRP set from the interchangeability. The system helps you by asking the relevant questions. If the part that you want to delete from full interchangeability belongs to different MPN-MRP sets in different plants in the FFF class, you have to remove all the MPN-MRP sets from the interchangeability. The system helps you by asking the relevant questions. Automatic Creation of FFF Classes Use This function allows you the option of setting up the system in a way that supports the automatic creation of an FFF class. When you create a new part, you might want the system to automatically create a Form-Fit-Function (FFF) class and assign the part to it. If so, you use a workflow definition to create an FFF class, subject to the material type of the part that you create, and assign the part to that FFF class. You can activate this workflow. This means that you no longer have to create FFF classes.

Prerequisites You have knowledge of the WebFlow Engine and have set up workflow-specific Customizing. ( Tools → Business Workflow → Development → Utilities → Automatic Workflow Customizing .) For more information on workflows, see

WebFlow Engine (BC-BMT-WFM).

Features A workflow with workflow template WS80000041 ( Creation of FFF Class in Background ) creates an FFF class for a part, assigns the part to the FFF class, and sends a mail to the user who created the part. If any errors occur, the system sends you a mail. Workflow template WS80000041 is linked to the triggering event BUS1001006.created ( Standard Part Created ).

Activities Defining Start Conditions If you do not want the workflow to start every time you create a new part, you define starting conditions to determine when the workflow should start. For example, it could start when you create a particular material type, or when a particular user creates a part. 1. To define start conditions, from the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Tools → Business Workflow → Development → Definition Tools → Events → Event Linkages → Workflow Start Conditions. 2. Define start conditions for the event linkage between the triggering event BUS1001006.created and workflow template WS80000041.

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Setting Initial Values You have to define the following parameters as initial values of the workflow definition, so that the system can create an FFF class: · Material type · Industry · Description · Manufacturer part profile 1. To set initial values, change workflow template WS80000041 and choose Goto → Assign Initial Values . 2. Assign the relevant initial values to the following container elements in the workflow container: ¡ MaterialType (default value FFFC) ¡ IndustrySector ¡ MaterialDescription ¡ MPNProfile

Maintaining an Inventory-Managed Part as a “Link” Use The part that you use as a “link” for fully interchangeable parts must also be in stock so that it can be ordered. This condition may arise if you use the NATO Stock Number as the manufacturer part number (MPN) for the link part. In such a case, you do not create the part with material type FFFC.

The concept described elsewhere in this application documentation explains how to group an inventory-managed interchangeable manufacturer part into a common non-inventory-managed part known as the FFF class. The following procedure deviates from this concept!

Procedure 1. Create the link part as a part with material type HERB. 2. Enter a manufacturer part number. 3. Enter a manufacturer part profile.

Result This part is now an inventory-managed part that you can also use as a link because of its link to a manufacturer part profile. You can now assign this part with material type HERB to all the interchangeable inventory-managed manufacturer parts, by entering it in the FFF Class of their basic data. (You do not need a part with material type FFFCfor this scenario.) MPN-MRP Set Definition The parts in a manufacturer part number-material requirements planning set (MPN-MRP set) are a subset of the inventory-managed manufacturer parts in one FFF class and should be treated as fully interchangeable parts in MRP, inventory management, and the availability check. Every MPN-MRP set has exactly one leading part that represents this MPN-MRP set from the MRP view. If the joint stock of all of the parts in the MPN-MRP set cannot satisfy the requirement, the leading part is procured substitutionally for the parts in the MPN-MRP set.

Working with MRP Areas ● If you work in MRP without MRP areas, the following applies: MPN-MRP sets group the parts in an FFF class in a plant without overlap. Every part in an FFF class can only belong to a maximum of one MPN-MRP set in a plant. ● If you work in MRP with MRP areas, the following applies: MPN-MRP sets group the parts in an FFF class in a plant and an MRP area without overlap. Every part in an FFF class can only belong to one MPN-MRP set in a plant and an MRP area. A part can belong to different MPN-MRP sets in a plant, if the MPN-MRP sets belong to different MRP areas. An MRP area is an organizational unit with one or more storage locations in a plant. A storage location in a plant can be assigned to only one MRP area. Every plant has a plant-MRP area with all of the storage locations that have not been allocated to an MRP area of their own.

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Use You can group interchangeable parts in an MPN-MRP set. The system considers the stock and requirements of parts in an MPN-MRP set as cumulative. ● For MRP, this means that the system generates a new procurement proposal, only if the requirement for a part in the MPN-MRP set can no longer be covered by the overall stock of the other parts in the MPN-MRP set. The procurement proposal is generated for the leading part in this MPN-MRP set.

In a plant, the MRP for part D is subject to the MRP area and the MPN-MRP set, and ranges from either the parts B, D, E (MPN-MRP set C in MRP area B, part D is procured) or the parts A, B, C, D, E, F (MPN-MRP set B in MRP area A, part C is procured). ● With regard to the automatic availability check in Sales and Distribution (SD) for sales orders, the stock that is used to fulfill a sales order is taken from the cumulated stock of all parts in the MPN-MRP set. If the available quantity of the originally ordered part is too low to fill the order, the system adds one or more parts from the same MPN-MRP set to the order.

The availability check in SD for part D is dependent on the MRP area and the storage location, and applies either only to parts E and F, or also to parts A, B, C, and E. Parts X, Y, and Z are never taken into account by D in the availability check, although they belong to the same FFF class. In the manual availability check in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service (PM/CS) for maintenance and production orders, the system proposes other interchangeable parts if a material component is not available. For this purpose, the system takes account of all fully interchangeable parts in the same FFF class; different colored traffic-light icons show whether they belong to different MPN-MRP sets.

Structure You define each MPN-MRP set for one plant and one MRP area (if necessary).

If you work without MRP areas, the easiest way to define an MPN-MRP set is to group all the parts in an FFF class into one MPN-MRP set for each plant. If you work with MRP areas, the easiest way to define an MPN-MRP set is to group all the parts in the FFF class into one MPN-MRP set for each plant and plant-MRP area. The system automatically creates the plant-MRP area, which has the same number as the plant and includes the whole plant with all the storage locations that are not planned separately. All parts also belong to the plant-MRP area. You assign selected parts (for example, those which you plan separately for certain customers and which you want to have available) to an MRP area that you have created for this purpose by creating the segment for the MRP area in the material master. You group these parts in one MPNMRP set for this MRP area.

Integration Planning File On changing an MPN-MRP set (by adding or deleting part for example), the system makes an entry in the planning file, because requirements and replenishment elements can also be transferred in or out with the part. The entry is always for the leading part in the MPN-MRP set irrespective of the affected part. A separate entry is written to the planning file for parts that have been deleted from an MPN-MRP set. For additional information about the processes in material requirements planning and the use of planning files, see the PP documentation - Material Requirements planning , under

Checking the Planning File.

Product Group Exactly one product group on the plant level can be generated for every MPN-MRP set. You cannot generate different product groups with different MRP areas on plant level. Product groups and MPN-MRP sets contain the same parts. Once a product group has been generated, the system ensures it remains consistent

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with the MPN-MRP set because changes to the MPN-MRP set also change the product group. You can use the product groups in the overview functions (for example, in the stock/requirements list) to select all the parts that belong to an MPN-MRP set. Do not use these product groups, which represent MPN-MRP sets, in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP).

Interchangeable Manufacturer Parts in MRP Use This function enables you to exchange manufacturer parts in material requirements planning (MRP). In MRP, the system takes account of the interchangeability of inventory-managed manufacturer parts. This ensures that part “A” is not ordered, if part “B”, which is interchangeable with “A”, is in stock. Interchangeable parts, which can and should be jointly planned, are grouped in plant-specific MPN-MRP sets. MPN-MRP sets contain all the parts in a Form-FitFunction (FFF) class or at least some of the interchangeable parts in an FFF class. While the common FFF class expresses the technical and functional interchangeability from the manufacturer’s point of view, the grouping into MPN-MRP sets expresses the customer’s business point of view.

Prerequisites You have maintained the MPN-MRP sets for the interchangeable parts in an FFF class. For more information, see Creating and Changing MPN-MRP Sets.

Features Parts Planning The manufacturer parts in an MPN-MRP set are planned together. This means that the system takes account of the pegged requirements and the replenishment elements for all parts. The determined requirement is covered by a procurement proposal for the leading part in the MPN-MRP set. The following planning features are available: · Consumption-based planning of parts in MPN-MRP sets · Material requirements planning of parts in MPN-MRP sets

Master Production Scheduling (MPS) and Long Term Planning MPS and long-term production planning take account of MPN-MRP sets. For more information, see

Long Term Planning and

Master Production Scheduling.

Planned Independent Requirements from Forecasting The system interprets all the planned independent requirements that result from forecasting of the different parts in an MPN-MRP set as a planned independent requirement for the leading part. Consequently, a planned independent requirement for a part can be satisfied by another part in the same MPN-MRP set.

Pegging/Order Report The joint MRP of the interchangeable parts in an MPN-MRP set means that the different requirements for the different parts can be satisfied by the replenishment element of the leading part. The system takes this into account with both

Pegged Requirements and


Consumption-Based Planning of Parts in MPN-MRP Sets Use This function enables you to perform consumption-based planning of parts in MPN-MRP sets. Consumption-based planning is based on past consumption-values and provides an estimate of future requirements with the help of forecasts or statistical procedures. The future requirement is the result of either a shortfall for a defined reorder point or forecast requirements that the system calculates using past consumption values. · Reorder point planning In this material requirement planning (MRP) procedure, procurement is triggered when the total of the warehouse stock and the fixed receivables is lower than the reorder point. The reorder point and the safety stock are central control parameters in reorder point planning. They can be defined by the MRP controller or calculated by the system. Reorder point planning has two different procedures: ¡ Manual reorder point planning If you want to use manual reorder point planning, you define the reorder point and safety stock in the material master record. ¡ Automatic reorder point planning If you want to use automatic reorder point planning, the integrated forecast program determines the reorder point and safety stock. The program determines forecast values for the future requirement by using past consumption values. The program calculates the reorder point and safety stock subject to the service level and replenishment time of the part, which have been determined by the MRP controller. The program copies the reorder point and safety stock to the relevant material master record. The program is executed at regular intervals, therefore the reorder point and safety stock are adjusted to the respective consumption and delivery situations. This contributes to stock reduction. · Forecast-based planning Forecast-based planning is also aligned with material consumption. As in automatic reorder point planning, the integrated forecast program determines

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forecast values for future requirements. As opposed to reorder point planning, however, in forecast-based planning these forecast values create the requirement quantities for the planning run. Therefore, the forecast values are immediately effective as forecast requirements in requirements planning. The system performs forecasting at regular intervals; it forecasts the future requirements based on past data. This is beneficial, because the requirement, which has been determined automatically, is adjusted to the current consumption pattern. Material withdrawals reduce the forecast requirements; therefore, the system does not re-plan the implemented portion of the forecast requirement.

Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Parts If you use inventory-managed manufacturer parts, the system carries out planning (MPN-MRP) set. The system accumulates the historical

forecasting for the leading part in the manufacturer part number-material requirement

consumption values for all parts in the MPN-MRP set.

In reorder point planning, the system compares the total from the warehouse stock and fixed receipts for all parts in the MPN-MRP set with the reorder point of the leading part.

Features Forecast of Parts in MPN-MRP Sets The leading part represents the whole MPN-MRP set and is procured if there is a requirement. To forecast the requirement of the leading part on plant level, it is not sufficient to take account of only the past consumption of that part. The system also has to take account of the stock and cumulative historical consumption values for all parts in the MPN-MRP set. Therefore, the period indicators have to match for all parts in an MPN-MRP set. The system uses the procurement data of the leading part. It considers the service level of the leading part to calculate the safety stock and the reorder point for reorder point planning. The forecast values (forecast consumption) of the leading part in an MPN-MRP set are the forecast values of the whole MPN-MRP set.

Total Consumption of MPN-MRP Sets The Consumption view of the material master for the leading part displays the individual consumption value for the leading part and the cumulative consumption value for all parts in the MPN-MRP set. You cannot enter or change the cumulative consumption value for all parts in the MPN-MRP set.

Activities To switch between the individual consumption values and the cumulative consumption values from the past, you use Set Totals On / Set Totals Off in the Consumption view of the material master for the leading part. (This function does not exist in the Consumption view for non-leading parts.) MRP of Parts in MPN-MRP Sets Use This function enables you to perform material requirements planning of parts in MRP-MPN sets. MRP is oriented to current and future sales. Planned and exact requirements quantities trigger the net requirements calculation. In MRP, the requirements elements are sales orders, planned independent requirements, material reservations, and so on, as well as dependent requirements, and so on, that arise from the BOM explosion. Within MRP, the system initially performs the net requirements calculation for all the requirements quantities that have to be planned. This means that the available warehouse stock and planned receipts from Purchasing and Production are compared with planned independent requirements, material reservations, and incoming sales orders. If there are any shortages, meaning the available stock (including fixed receipts) is lower than the requirements quantity, the system generates order proposals.

Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Parts If you use inventory-managed manufacturer parts, the system takes account of all the parts in an MPN-MRP set and generates an order proposal for the leading part in

requirements planning.

Features MRP can only take place for the leading part in an MPN-MRP set. The system automatically considers the MRP elements of all the parts in the MPN-MRP set. The system automatically deletes receipts that are not fixed for non-leading parts during the planning run.

You cannot carry out MRP for the non-leading parts in an MPN-MRP set.

MRP List The MRP list always represents the requirements and stock situation from the latest planning period, and is used by controllers as a base. The system does not take changes made after the planning date into account; the list is static.

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The MRP list only exists for the leading part of an MPN-MRP set; it does not exist for the non-leading parts. The MRP list for the leading part contains all the information about all the parts in the MPN-MRP set.

Current Stock/Requirements List The stock/requirements list shows the current trend of valid stock and requirements. As opposed to the MRP list, the stock/requirements list reads and displays different MRP elements each time it is created. This provides you with up-to-date information on part availability (dynamic view), whereas the MRP list provides you with the stock and requirements situation at the time of planning (static view). You access the current stock/requirements list for the leading and non-leading parts in an MPN-MRP set. The information on the part that you enter is displayed when you call up the current stock/requirements list.

In the stock/requirements list, you can switch between the single material view and the aggregated view for FFF classes as required. This also applies to the stock overview (transaction code mmbe).

Activities You call up the current stock/requirements list for any part in an MPN-MRP set. Choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock/Requirements List .

Showing/Hiding MPN-MRP Set Totals When you call the list, the default view is determined by the Do Not Display Aggregated Stock checkbox in the user settings. This checkbox defines whether the system displays the aggregated view (checkbox remains unflagged; this is the system default setting) or the standard single material view (checkbox is flagged). If you choose

Show MPN-MRP Set, you can display the stock/requirements information for the complete MPN-MRP set.

You can use this function for showing and hiding MPN-MRP set totals irrespective of the setting in the checkbox Do Not Display Aggregated Stock. If you show the MPN-MRP set total: · The (first) row of the MRP element Stock displays the cumulative stock of all parts in the MPN-MRP set. Double-click on any field in this row to display the different partial stock of manufacturer parts. · An additional column displays the parts in the MPN-MRP set that have requirements contributing to the displayed stock/requirements situation. · The statistical data (balance, receipts, withdrawals, range of coverage, and so on) in the header data of the part always applies to the total MPN-MRP set. If you hide the MPN-MRP set total, the statistical data always applies to the part you entered to call the current stock/requirements list. If you choose

Hide MPN-MRP Set, you return to the current stock/requirements list for the part in the MPN-MRP set that you entered.

/ set.

Show MPN-MRP Set and Hide MPN-MRP Set

are only available in the current stock/requirements list for the parts in an MPN-MRP

Displaying Interchangeable Parts To display all the parts that are interchangeable with the entered part, choose Environment → Display Interchangeabilities . The graphical display of interchangeability relationships appears. For more information, see Graphical Display of all Interchangeability Relationships. Creating and Changing MPN-MRP Sets Use You group interchangeable parts that belong to one Form-Fit-Function (FFF) class in manufacturer part number-material requirement planning (MPN-MRP) sets, if the system should take account of the interchangeability of these parts in material requirements planning (MRP).

The system can create the MPN-MRP sets for all parts that are contained in the same FFF class. For more information, see Generating MPNMRP Sets Automatically.

Prerequisites The parts that should be included in MPN-MRP sets · Are assigned to a common FFF class and must exist in the plant · Have an MRP type that allows MRP · Have the same attributes that are relevant for MRP These attributes are material type, base unit of measure, MRP group, MRP type, period indicator for forecast requirements, and so on.

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MRP Areas If you want to use MRP areas to plan requirements and create MPN-MRP sets, you have to · Activate MRP for MRP areas in Customizing for Requirements Planning · Create MRP areas in the plant and assign storage locations · Assign one or more MRP areas to the planning parts by creating an MRP area segment for each MRP area in the material master.

A plant-MRP area already exists and covers all storage locations in the whole plant by default. Once you create your own MRP areas, the system removes the storage locations in these MRP areas from the plant-MRP area. Every part is assigned automatically to the plant-MRP area. You can define parameters for requirement planning and forecasting for each part and assigned MRP area. These parameters can be different to those defined for the whole plant. For more information, see

MRP Area.

Procedure 1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Central Functions → Engineering → Interchangeability of Parts → Maintain . 2. On the selection screen, enter a Material or an FFF class and choose Goto → MPN-MRP Sets. If conversion-exit is activated, you can enter the SAP material number or the MPN. The system converts your entry into the MPN and adds the external manufacturer to it. 3. Choose Edit → New Entries . Then enter the following data: ¡ A name for the MPN-MRP set ¡ The parts in the FFF class that you want to group in the MPN-MRP set ¡ One part in the MPN-MRP set as the leading part 4. Save your entries. If an error occurs, the system displays an error log. The MPN-MRP set is not saved. To run consistency checks, choose Utilities → Check .

Functions for Changing MPN-MRP Sets Menu Utilities → MPN-MRP Set → Generate MPN-MRP Set ( Generate Set )

Use Copies all FFF class parts to an MPN-MRP set. If you do not enter an MRP area, the system enters the plant-MRP area. If the MPN-MRP set does not exist, the system adds all parts in the FFF class. Select a part as the leading part . If the MPN-MRP set exists, the system adds the parts that belong to the FFF class, which are not in the MPN-MRP set. The leading part of the MPN-MRP set remains the same.

Utilities → MPN-MRP Set → Copy MPN-MRP Set ( Copy Set )

Copy the complete MPN-MRP set of the selected part from a plant or MRP area to another plant or MRP area.

Utilities → MPN-MRP Set → Delete MPN-MRP Set ( Delete Set )

Deletes the complete MPN-MRP set of the selected part.

Utilities → MPN-MRP Set → Split MPN-MRP Set ( Split Set )

Moves the selected parts to a new MPN-MRP set.

Utilities → MPN-MRP Set → Connect MPN-MRP Sets ( Connect Sets )

Connects the whole MPN-MRP set of selected parts to another existing MPN-MRP set.

Utilities → MPN-MRP Set → Move Set ( Move Set )

Moves the whole MPN-MRP set of the selected part to another plant or MRP area.

Utilities → Product Group → Generate Product Group ( Generate Product Group )

Generates a product group that contains the same parts as in the MPN-MRP set. The system copies subsequent changes to the MPN-MRP set automatically to the product group.

Utilities → Product Group → Delete Product Group ( Delete Product Group )

Deletes a product group.

Generating MPN-MRP Sets Automatically Use The system generates the relevant manufacturer part number-material requirement planning (MPN-MRP) sets containing all the Form-Fit-Function (FFF) class parts for a selection of FFF classes.

Prerequisites You have maintained and assigned the parts and the FFF classes.

Procedure 1. To carry out mass maintenance for the MPN-MRP sets, call transaction PIC31. 2. Enter the required data.

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All MPN-MRP sets have the same name. 3. Set the processing parameters as required: ¡ Determine lead part in dialog? : If you select this indicator, you must determine the leading part in the dialog for each MPN-MRP set that is generated. If you do not set it, the system automatically marks the first part in the MPN-MRP set as the leading part. ¡ Extend existing sets : If you select this indicator, the system adds the FFF class parts that are not yet contained in the existing MPN-MRP set. ¡ Test run NATO Stock Number (NSN) Definition Unique label for a part that is manufactured in a NATO member state.

Use The NSN is issued by the " national codification bureau " (NCB) of the relevant country of manufacture in accordance with a standardized classification procedure. This allocation is not dependent on the country of the consumer.


1.1.3 Manufacturer Part Profile Definition A manufacturer part profile contains indicators and control parameters, which define the conditions for using (inventory-managed or non-inventory-managed) manufacturer parts in the procurement process.

A manufacturer part profile is used either only for non-inventory-managed manufacturer parts or only for inventory-managed manufacturer parts. You use the Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Part indicator in the profile attributes to define the use.

Use You assign the manufacturer part profile in the Basic data view of an FFF class. The attributes defined in the profile are valid for all the inventory-managed manufacturer parts that belong to that FFF class.

You can also assign a manufacturer part profile directly to a part. The attributes defined in the profile are then valid for that part.

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If you select the Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Part indicator, you can select only the following profile parameters: Indicator MPN Change

Use If you set this indicator, you can exchange the part assigned to the profile in the procurement process. You should always select this indicator.

User-Defined Exchange in Quotation

If you set this indicator, you can accept the exchange of a part that has been quoted, even if the part quoted by the vendor does not belong to the same FFF class as the part that you originally requested.

Restricted Interchangeability Between FFF Classes

If you set this indicator, the restricted interchangeability between two materials also refers to all other materials in the same FFF classes. For more information, see Maintaining Restricted Interchangeable Parts.

Integration You define the manufacturer part profile in Customizing for Purchasing by choosing Material Master → Define Manufacturer Part Profile .

Material Types Interchangeable Part and FFF Class Definition The material types for Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Part Numbers are: · HERB Interchangeable Part · FFFC Form-Fit-Function Class

Use · You use material type HERB Interchangeable Part for interchangeable, inventory-managed manufacturer parts. You can maintain all views for a part with this material type. In the Basic Data view, you can maintain the External Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number . · You use material type FFFC Form-Fit-Function Class for the part that defines an FFF class, and that is a link grouping all interchangeable inventorymanaged manufacturer parts. You can only maintain the Basic Data view for this material type. You have to specify a Manufacturer Part Profile .

Structure When you define new material types you should consider the following fields for the material type properties: ·

Non-Inventory-Managed Manufacturer Part indicator You use a material type with this attribute for standard non-inventory-managed manufacturer parts. Do not select this indicator for material types that you use as inventory-managed manufacturer parts (for example, material type HERB Interchangeable Part ). · FFF Class indicator You can maintain only the Basic Data view of a material type with this attribute. You must set this indicator for material types that you use for FFF classes (for example, material type FFFC Form-Fit-Function-Class ). You can select one of these indicators or neither of them.

1.2.4 Data Consistency Use This function enables you to perform a check on data consistency. To guarantee data consistency in case of full or restricted interchangeability, certain master data fields must contain the same values for all interchangeable parts.

Prerequisites In tables MARA or MARC in the material master, you have defined the fields that have to contain identical data in the List of Common Fields that can be found in Customizing under Logistics General → Interchangeability of Parts → Determine Common Fields for Interchangeable Parts . You can define whether each field is included in the check.

Features Automatic Consistency Check When you create interchangeability relationships (fully or restricted interchangeable), change the material master, or perform material exchange, the system checks the list of common fields and writes inconsistencies to an error log.

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In Customizing, you can set the message category ( Error or Warning ) for the inconsistency in the error log. If the error log contains only warnings, you can continue processing, otherwise you must correct the inconsistent data. You set the message category in Customizing by choosing Logistics – General → Interchangeability of Parts → Change Characteristics of System Messages .

The check for the common base unit of measure is always carried out (the check behavior cannot be changed in Customizing). If the check ascertains that the units of measure for the materials are not all the same, an error message is raised.

To resolve inconsistencies in the material master you can save your changes despite error messages from the data consistency check if the authorization object ADPIC_CFC is assigned to your user profile. For example, an FFF class contains four parts, two with unit ‘liter’ and two with unit ‘cm’. If you try to change one part with unit ‘liter’ to ‘cm’, the system does not allow you to save because the fourth part still has a different unit of measure (liter).

Field Synchronization The system can copy the common data from a reference part to another part belonging to the same FFF class.

If you carry out the field synchronization in test mode without changes to the database, the log displays the possible inconsistencies between interchangeable parts in an FFF class. The system copies the content of plant-specific fields in the reference part to the same plant, providing you also create the target part in this plant.

The system does not create new material master views for the target part. It copies the field content only if the corresponding view to which this field belongs has already been created in the master data of the target part.

Activities 1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Central Functions → Engineering → Interchangeability of Parts → Synchronization of Interchangeable Parts . 2. Enter a reference material. 3. Choose Program → Execute .

Graphical Display of All Interchangeability Relationships Use This function enables you to use a graphical overview to display the interchangeability relationships (fully and restricted) of a part. One part can have full interchangeability with some parts, but only restricted interchangeability with others.

Features On the left of the screen, the graphical overview displays all parts that are: · Fully interchangeable with the originally entered part · Restricted or one-way interchangeable with the originally entered part. The parts are grouped by their interchangeability relationships (the long text of their interchangeability codes). On the right of the screen, the graphical overview displays a selected part from the tree structure with the manufacturer part number, external manufacturer, and FFF class. For each selected part, you can: · Branch to the material master ( · Display the product structure (

Material Master ) Product Structure )

· Display the assigned documents from the Document Management System (DMS) ( · Display the long text describing the interchangeability relationships in more detail (

Documents ) Long Text )

Membership of Fully Interchangeable Parts in MPN-MRP Sets An icon in front of each entry shows whether the part belongs to the same MPN-MRP set as the original part: ·

· ·

(green traffic light): The part belongs to the same MPN-MRP set as the original part. This icon only appears if the system can clearly determine an MPN-MRP set for the original part (on calling the graphic, the Plant and perhaps the Storage Location or MRP Area were also specified). (yellow traffic light): The part does not belong to an MPN-MRP set. (red traffic light): The part does not belong to the same MPN-MRP set as the original part, or the system cannot clearly determine the MPN-MRP set because it does not have sufficient details about the part, the storage location, and the MRP area.

Activities 1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Central Functions → Engineering → Interchangeability of Parts → Display . 2. On the selection screen, enter a part in the Material field and choose Goto → Full Interchangeability . If conversion exit is activated, you can enter the SAP material number or the MPN. The system converts your entry into the MPN and adds the external manufacturer to it.

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If the part is assigned to a FFF class, the part and all other parts that are interchangeable with it are displayed in the lower group box. 3. Choose Graphic . 4. If you also want to display information about the MPN-MRP Sets, enter a Plant , a Storage Location , and an MRP Area . The graphical overview appears. 5. To display a part on the right of the screen, choose

Display next to the required part in the tree structure on the left of the screen.

One-Way and Restricted Interchangeable Parts Definition Parts that have a one-way interchangeability or parts that can be exchanged if they meet certain technical restrictions.

One-way interchangeability: you can exchange chemical ABC for chemical XYZ without restriction, but not vice versa. Restricted interchangeability: you can exchange chemical XYZ for chemical ABC if the operating temperature of 74°C is not exceeded and you wear protection gloves during the process. Restricted and one-way interchangeability: you can exchange a 1m board for a 2m board if you carry out an additional production step for “cut-tolength ” . You cannot exchange a 2m board by a 1m board. You use interchangeability codes to classify the restrictions and reasons for one-way or restricted interchangeability. You can maintain a short text and a descriptive long text for each interchangeability code.

Use The system displays the parts that are restricted or one-way interchangeable for selection or for information purposes, as it does with parts that are fully or two-way interchangeable.

Integration A part that has one-way or restricted interchangeability with another part is not allowed to belong to the same FFF class as the other part. If the parts belong to the same FFF class, the parts are two-way or fully interchangeable inventory-managed manufacturer parts by definition; therefore, two parts that have one-way or restricted interchangeability cannot belong to the same FFF class. For more information about the maintenance of restricted interchangeability, see Maintaining Restricted Interchangeable Parts. You can display a complete overview of fully, restricted, and one-way interchangeable parts for a part. For more information, see Display of all Interchangeability Relationships.

Maintaining Restricted Interchangeable Parts Use You maintain all restricted interchangeable parts for a part. The interchangeability code defines the restrictions and conditions of interchangeability. Restricted interchangeability functions are available for all processes that support MPN. You may want the restricted interchangeability of two parts to apply to all other parts in the same FFF class. You control this using the indicator Restricted Interchangeability Only Between FFF Classes in the manufacturer part profile.

You consider two FFF classes with their elements and maintain the interchangeability relationship: Part A has restricted interchangeability with part X .

Subject to the indicator Restricted Interchangeability Only Between FFF Classes in the manufacturer part profile of the respective FFF class, the following combinations are stored in the database: ● Indicator not set in both FFF classes: Part A has restricted interchangeability with part X.

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● Indicator set in the FFF class of part A: The restricted interchangeability of part A is extended to parts B, and C in the FFF class.

● Indicator set in the FFF class of part X: The restricted interchangeability of part X is extended to part Y in the FFF class.

● Indicator set in both FFF classes: The restricted interchangeability is extended to all possible combinations.

You can display a graphical overview of all parts that are fully and restricted interchangeable. For more information, see Graphical Display of all Interchangeability Relationships.

Prerequisites You have assigned all parts that should be considered during restricted interchangeability maintenance to a manufacturer part profile. You carry out this assignment indirectly in an FFF class or directly as an entry in the material master. In Customizing, you have maintained the interchangeability codes that determine the possible types of interchangeability relationships. You should include authorization object ADPIC_RIC in the user profile if you want to be able to select the restricted interchangeable material.

Procedure Maintaining One-Way or Restricted Interchangeability 1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Central Functions → Engineering → Interchangeability of Parts → Maintain . 2. On the selection screen, enter a material and choose Goto → Restricted Interchangeability . If conversion-exit is activated, you can enter the SAP material number or the manufacturer part number (MPN). The system converts your entry into the MPN and adds the external manufacturer to it.

If you enter a part that has no setting for interchangeability in its manufacturer part profile, the system displays a warning. You can still maintain the restricted or one-way interchangeable parts, but you will not be able to use them. 3. Choose Edit → New Entries . Enter the interchangeable parts with their interchangeability codes, and, if required, an FFF class. 4. Save your entries.

Assigning Documents

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You can assign a document to every interchangeability relationship to explain the reasons and conditions of interchangeability. The document management system must recognize this document, which may be a technical drawing, graphic, or text. 1. Select an entry. 2. Choose Goto → Documents → Maintain Documents . 3. Enter the document info record. For more information about creating documents, see

Creating a Document in the CA Document Management documentation.

Creating Descriptions You can assign a long text to an interchangeability relationship. 1. Select an entry. 2. Choose Long Text . 3. Enter a language code. 4. Enter and save the text.

1.2.2 Interchangeability Code Definition The criteria by which a part can be exchanged using one-way or restricted interchangeability. Interchangeability codes can be technical restrictions, external circumstances, the reason for exchanging the part, or prerequisites that have to be met.

Examples of interchangeability codes are: · Restricted interchangeability after an additional production step · Restricted interchangeability only if a category temperature is not exceeded

Use Interchangeability codes are used to classify and describe the one-way or restricted interchangeability of two parts. They are therefore only applicable when the interchangeability type is 03 .

Structure The Interchangeability Code used with inventory-managed manufacturer parts is a two-character, alphanumeric key with a (language-dependent) description.

Integration You maintain interchangeability codes and their descriptions in Customizing by choosing Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Maintain Interchangeability Codes .

You only have to maintain interchangeability codes if you want to use the functions for one-way and restricted interchangeability.

Settings for Material Exchange and Restricted Interchangeability Purpose The Customizing table ADPIC_SETTING, which you can find in Customizing under Logistics - General → for Material Exchange and Restricted Interchangeability , controls the following:

Interchangeability of Parts

→ Define Settings

● Whether restricted interchangeability is supported by the process ● The settings for material exchange ○ Whether material exchange should be triggered automatically ○ Whether interchangeable materials should be selected automatically

By default, the indicator for activating restricted interchangeability is not flagged. Customizing Settings Considered for the Different Pseudo Process Codes Pseudo Process Code

Process Code Description

Automatic Material Exchange

Restricted Interchangeability


Unplanned Material Exchange in Subcontr



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Restricted Interchange in CO09




Purchasing Documents




Material exchange in MIGOI




Material exchange in MIGO - Goods Issue




Stock Overview




Restricted Interchange in PM Order




Stock Transport Order via BAPI for PO




Stock Transport Order via ME21N/ME22N




Support Restrict. IC




Replenishment Delivery for STO



1.2.4 Data Consistency Use This function enables you to perform a check on data consistency. To guarantee data consistency in case of full or restricted interchangeability, certain master data fields must contain the same values for all interchangeable parts.

Prerequisites In tables MARA or MARC in the material master, you have defined the fields that have to contain identical data in the List of Common Fields that can be found in Customizing under Logistics General → Interchangeability of Parts → Determine Common Fields for Interchangeable Parts . You can define whether each field is included in the check.

Features Automatic Consistency Check When you create interchangeability relationships (fully or restricted interchangeable), change the material master, or perform material exchange, the system checks the list of common fields and writes inconsistencies to an error log. In Customizing, you can set the message category ( Error or Warning ) for the inconsistency in the error log. If the error log contains only warnings, you can continue processing, otherwise you must correct the inconsistent data. You set the message category in Customizing by choosing Logistics – General → Interchangeability of Parts → Change Characteristics of System Messages .

The check for the common base unit of measure is always carried out (the check behavior cannot be changed in Customizing). If the check ascertains that the units of measure for the materials are not all the same, an error message is raised.

To resolve inconsistencies in the material master you can save your changes despite error messages from the data consistency check if the authorization object ADPIC_CFC is assigned to your user profile. For example, an FFF class contains four parts, two with unit ‘liter’ and two with unit ‘cm’. If you try to change one part with unit ‘liter’ to ‘cm’, the system does not allow you to save because the fourth part still has a different unit of measure (liter).

Field Synchronization The system can copy the common data from a reference part to another part belonging to the same FFF class.

If you carry out the field synchronization in test mode without changes to the database, the log displays the possible inconsistencies between interchangeable parts in an FFF class. The system copies the content of plant-specific fields in the reference part to the same plant, providing you also create the target part in this plant.

The system does not create new material master views for the target part. It copies the field content only if the corresponding view to which this field belongs has already been created in the master data of the target part.

Activities 1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Central Functions → Engineering → Interchangeability of Parts → Synchronization of Interchangeable Parts . 2. Enter a reference material. 3. Choose Program → Execute .

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Graphical Display of All Interchangeability Relationships Use This function enables you to use a graphical overview to display the interchangeability relationships (fully and restricted) of a part. One part can have full interchangeability with some parts, but only restricted interchangeability with others.

Features On the left of the screen, the graphical overview displays all parts that are: · Fully interchangeable with the originally entered part · Restricted or one-way interchangeable with the originally entered part. The parts are grouped by their interchangeability relationships (the long text of their interchangeability codes). On the right of the screen, the graphical overview displays a selected part from the tree structure with the manufacturer part number, external manufacturer, and FFF class. For each selected part, you can: · Branch to the material master ( · Display the product structure (

Material Master ) Product Structure )

· Display the assigned documents from the Document Management System (DMS) ( · Display the long text describing the interchangeability relationships in more detail (

Documents ) Long Text )

Membership of Fully Interchangeable Parts in MPN-MRP Sets An icon in front of each entry shows whether the part belongs to the same MPN-MRP set as the original part: ·

(green traffic light): The part belongs to the same MPN-MRP set as the original part. This icon only appears if the system can clearly determine an MPN-MRP set for the original part (on calling the graphic, the Plant and perhaps the Storage Location or MRP Area were also specified).

· ·

(yellow traffic light): The part does not belong to an MPN-MRP set. (red traffic light): The part does not belong to the same MPN-MRP set as the original part, or the system cannot clearly determine the MPN-MRP set because it does not have sufficient details about the part, the storage location, and the MRP area.

Activities 1. From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Central Functions → Engineering → Interchangeability of Parts → Display . 2. On the selection screen, enter a part in the Material field and choose Goto → Full Interchangeability . If conversion exit is activated, you can enter the SAP material number or the MPN. The system converts your entry into the MPN and adds the external manufacturer to it. If the part is assigned to a FFF class, the part and all other parts that are interchangeable with it are displayed in the lower group box. 3. Choose Graphic . 4. If you also want to display information about the MPN-MRP Sets, enter a Plant , a Storage Location , and an MRP Area . The graphical overview appears. 5. To display a part on the right of the screen, choose

Display next to the required part in the tree structure on the left of the screen.

1.3 Material Exchange Using SAP SCM Use You can branch to the SAP SCM system from the ERP system to use the rules-based availability check functions (also known as rules-based ATP check) with material exchange in the following areas: ● Plant maintenance orders (including upgrade orders and refurbishment order consumption components) You can: ○ Perform the rules-based availability check on individual components ○ Use structure nodes to check the permissibility of a material component in a PM order against a technical object list, for example, a master parts list (MPL). Depending on your Customizing settings, the structure node can be manually entered or/and the structure node can be checked or determined by the MPL. For more information, see Parts Interchangeability in Plant Maintenance Orders. ● Goods movement transaction MIGO When posting goods receipts and goods issues in transaction MIGO, interchangeable materials can be determined in SAP SCM using the rules-based ATP logic. For more information, see Parts Interchangeability in Goods Movement Transaction MIGO. ● Configuration Control You can determine interchangeable parts using SAP SCM within configuration control functions. For more information, see Parts Interchangeability with Configuration Control. ● Subcontracting For rework materials of subcontracting orders. For more information, see Parts Interchangeability in Subcontracting.

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Integration ● We have integrated the SAP SCM repair or buy function in spare parts planning (SPP) with SAP ERP so that planning results from SPP can be further processed with all associated information in SAP ERP to execute repairs internally or externally. This integration provides material exchange functions in the upgrade order (for internal repairs) and subcontracting order (for external repairs). ● SAP SCM 5.1 or higher must be connected to the ECC-DIMP system. ● The following business functions must be activated: ○ DIMP_SDUD ○ AD_MPN_SCM ○ AD_MPN_SCM_2

Prerequisites You must make the following settings for all the SAP SCM interchangeability functions listed above: ● The materials must be APO-relevant and you must use the APO-ATP check (one active integration model with ATP check). ● If you want to work with structure nodes in rules-based ATP, you must create additional fields in the field catalog in SAP SCM. You must create the following data elements to receive unique text information for the customer-specific field in the field catalog: ○ STRUC_CODE ○ STRUC_CLASS ○ STRUC_CLASSTYP If you want to add additional fields to the field catalog in SAP SCM containing information from the SAP ERP system, you use method ENRICH_FIELDCAT in BAdI AD_MPN_RBA_IC. You maintain the fields in Customizing for SAP SCM under Advanced Planning and Optimization → Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) → Product Allocation → Maintain Field Catalog. For more information, see SAP Library under SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) → SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO ) → Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) → Settings for Global ATP → Product Allocations Settings → Maintaining Field Catalogs. ● In the ERP system, you must maintain the Customizing settings for Interchangeability with SAP SCM under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Checking Groups for Parts Interchangeability with SAP SCM and Define Requirement Profile. Note, that the requirement profile must have the same name in SAP ERP and SAP SCM. ● In SAP SCM, you must maintain the Customizing settings for global ATP. For more information, see SAP Library under SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) → SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO ) → Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP).

Parts Interchangeability in Goods Movement Transaction MIGO Use The Aerospace and Defense (A&D) solution provides a material exchange function during goods movements in transaction MIGO. You can now also determine interchangeable materials according to the rules-based availability check in SAP SCM. When you trigger a material exchange in the ERP system using the rules-based availability check in SAP SCM, the system behaves in the same way. This function is available for material exchange during: ● ● ● ● ●

Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods

issue of a manually created reservation issue for a plant maintenance order issue for a PP order issue for a stock transfer order receipt for purchase order

Prerequisites ● A checking group is assigned to your materials in material master MRP view ● Your materials are active in a CIF integration model ● You have set the indicator IC Relevant under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Material Exchange Using SAP SCM → Define Checking Groups for Parts Interchangeability with SAP SCM for: ○ MIGO Goods Issue for: ■ Goods issue of a manually created reservation ■ Goods issue for a plant maintenance order ■ Goods issue for a PP order ■ Goods issue for a stock transfer order ○ MIGO Goods Receipt for goods receipt for purchase order.

The system uses either the SAP SCM or ERP interchangeability. If no parts are found using the interchangeability functions in SAP SCM, the ERP system does not serve as a fallback system, even if the IC Relevant interchangeability indicator is set in the ERP system.

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Parts Interchangeability in Plant Maintenance Orders Use The rules-based availability check with material exchange in SAP SCM can be performed on the consumption components for: ● Standard plant maintenance orders ● Refurbishment orders ● Upgrade orders Rules-based availability check with material exchange in SAP SCM is also possible for the main component for upgrade orders. The results of the rules-based availability check are displayed in the SAP SCM system. Here, you can accept or modify the proposals which are then adopted in the component list of the respective order, which is updated, for example, with the new results of a material exchange or location substitution.

Features ● You can separately control the behavior of the rules-based availability check in SCM for the different types of plant maintenance orders listed above. ● There is an enhanced advice code function for the components of a PM order. The advice code is entered in the material reservations during the submission of the results of the rules-based availability check if a material exchange for the components was executed. With the advice code you can prevent a further material exchange of the components. ● Determination of installation locations (iPPE structure nodes) You can use structure nodes to check the permissibility of a material component in a PM order or refurbishment order against a technical object list, for example, a master parts list (MPL). The structure node is displayed on the Component tab page of the plant maintenance order. It is composed of three columns; structure code, class number and class type. Depending on your interchangeability-specific Customizing settings, the structure node can be manually entered and/or the structure node can be checked or determined by the MPL. This is controlled by the following Customizing flags: ○ Configuration Control relevant Controls if the structure node is checked or determined. This is only possible if it is a valid installation location for the material in the component record. ○ Manual Structure Node. Controls if the structure node is editable. For this check, interchangeability information maintained in SAP SCM can also be used for all materials active in APO. The structure node can be set or replaced using BAdI AD_MPN_RBA_IC. You find this BAdI in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Business Add-Ins (Add-Ins) → BAdI:Customer Adjustment for Configuration Control and ATP. The Customizing settings can be changed using BAdI AD_MPN_RBA_2_IC. You find this BAdI in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Business Add-Ins (Add-Ins) → BAdI: Enhancements for Maintenance Orders.

Prerequisites ● To use the rules-based availability check in SAP SCM for the consumption/main components of the different PM orders, you must set the IC Relevant indicator and enter an ATP requirement profile in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Checking Groups for Parts Interchangeability with SAP SCM → Plant Maintenance Order or Refurbishment Order Consumption Components or Upgrade Orders . ● You must make Customizing settings for maintaining master parts lists for technical structures using iPPE and define checking groups under Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements → Availability Check → Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning → Define Checking Group. For more information see Determination of Installation Locations (iPPE Structure Nodes). ● Make Customizing settings to control which advice code is entered in the reservation for a PM order type, priority and availability check group of the material use advice code in Customizing under Defense Forces & Public Security → Materials Management → Advice and Status Code → Define Advice Code for Maintenance Order. To use this function you must have activated the business function DefenseForces&PublicSecurity (EA-DFP). ● You must make settings for the rules-based availability check. For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM) under SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO ) → Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) → Rules-Based Availability Check.

Constraints ● Only the manual availability check can be used. The overall material availability check and the automatic check are not supported. ● Rules-based availability check with material exchange in SCM is not possible for the main component of refurbishment orders. ● When you convert planned orders into refurbishment orders (MD04), consumption components are not adopted in the refurbishment/upgrade order. The main component is adopted. ● There are special rules for MRP relevancy of the refurbishment order (controlled by the flag AUDISP). These rules are not be supported by the upgrade order (upgrade component). In the upgrade order, RBA with material exchange using SCM is only possible for components that are MRP-relevant. The component of the upgrade order that should be upgraded (main component) is always MRP-relevant. The MRP relevancy of the consumption components is controlled by order type specific customizing (transaction OIOE).

Parts Interchangeability in Upgrade Orders Use An upgrade order is a type of refurbishment order that allows a material number change for a serviceable or unserviceable part which is to be upgraded or

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modified during repair and returned as a serviceable part. For example, you require a part (material B). Rather than procure a new part, you want to check the stock using the rules-based availability check to see if there is an available part (material A) that can be repaired or upgraded to fulfill your requirement. Rulesbased availability check with material exchange in SCM can be performed on the main component or consumption components of upgrade orders. For more information, see Upgrade Order Creation.

Prerequisites ● Define the upgrade order by setting the Upgrade Order and Refurbishment Order indicators in Customizing under Plant Maintenance and Customer Service → Maintenance and Service Processing → Maintenance and Service Orders → Functions and Settings for Order Types → Indicate Order Types for Refurbishment Processing. ● You must define requirement profiles for an upgrade order in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Checking Groups for Parts Interchangeability with SAP SCM → Upgrade Order . You must also activate preselection in the requirement profile in SAP SCM so that the complete requirement quantities are checked for all alternative materials during the rulesbased availability check. ● For main components, you must define the business event in the requirement profile in Customizing for SAP SCM under Advanced Planning and Optimization → Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) → General Settings → Requirements Profile → Maintain Requirements Profile because the checking rule (as it is known in ERP) or business event (as it is known in SCM) is taken from the requirement profile in SAP SCM and not from the check control of the order type in SAP ERP). ● You must activate preselection in the requirement profile in SAP SCM so that the complete requirement quantities are checked for all alternative materials during the rules-based availability check. ● You must enhance the field catalog with the field RSCOMP (Spare Part Indicator) so that you can process the main component using both own business events and conditions. You maintain the field in Customizing for SAP SCM under Advanced Planning and Optimization → Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP) → Product Allocation → Maintain Field Catalog. ● You must define in rule control in SAP SCM (transaction /SAPAPO/RBA04) that only one substitution is possible.

Features ● The main component of the upgrade order is the part that is to be upgraded or repaired. The main component is the first item in the component overview of the upgrade order. ● Consumption components are also displayed under the main component and the rules-based availability check in SCM with material exchange can also be carried out for these. ● The main component can only be changed using the rules-based availability check in SCM. The material number of the main component, the storage location, and the plant can be changed, and the quantity can be reduced. ● You create upgrade orders in transaction IW81 or MD04 (conversion of planned order). ● Batches and split valuation can be maintained for the upgrade order AFTER material exchange has taken place. ● Serial numbers can only be entered during goods movement, not in the upgrade order.

Constraints ● You cannot create an upgrade order from a malfunction report. ● The rules-based availability check in SCM with material exchange can only be performed on the main component for upgrade orders, not for standard refurbishment orders. However, the rules-based availability check in SCM with material exchange is possible for consumption components for all three order types. ● Only the manual availability check can be used. The overall material availability check and the automatic check are not supported. ● In IW8W (goods receipt for refurbishment orders), the material exchange function does not work for upgrade orders if the upgrade order indicator is set in Customizing for the order. ● In planned orders, consumption components are not adopted in the refurbishment/upgrade order. The main component is adopted. ● ERP ATP for main components is allowed in upgrade orders but material exchange cannot be used. Results from an ERP ATP check can be used for information purposes, for example, for accounting/inventory purposes. ● Unlike refurbishment orders, an upgrade order cannot be created from a notification in transaction IW21. Upgrade Order Creation Purpose When you create or change an upgrade order, you can use the gATP check in SCM to search for all availability materials, and additionally use material exchange and storage location substitution functions.

Prerequisites ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

The main component and the interchangeable part must have the same base unit and controlling area. The interchangeable part must not be a configurable material. No batch is maintained in the component. No serial numbers or equipment is assigned to the upgrade order. The object list must not contain any serial numbers. The main component must not be connected to stock determination Special stock must not be maintained for the main component. The cross-plant material status of the interchangeable part allows in-house production.

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Process Flow 1. You enter the part you ultimately require (material B) in the upgrade order. On the Header Data tab page of the upgrade order, there is a ‘From’ material field and a ‘To’ material field. At this stage, both fields contain material B. ‘From’ = B ‘To’ = B 2. On the Components tab page of the upgrade order, you trigger a material availability check which uses gATP in SAP SCM to see if any materials (material A) are available to fulfill your requirement, in other words that you can upgrade or modify. The results are displayed on the APO Availability Check screen with the material numbers and the location substitutions. When you choose one of these materials, it possible to carry out a material exchange, a storage location substitution, and/or a change of plant. You can also reduce the quantity required, and the component, header, consumption components, capacity planning/rescheduling and order status are automatically adjusted. 3. You choose one of the lines to take into the upgrade order. If you choose a different material, material exchange is carried out and material A is exchanged with the ‘From’ material B. This is reflected on the Header Data tab page of the upgrade order. ‘From’ = A ‘To’ = B 4. Goods issue of material A takes place (261 or 313 (transfer posting)). If the material is serialized, the serial numbers are maintained in the goods issue (not in the upgrade order). 5. Material A is repaired or upgraded 6. Goods receipt is carried out in transaction IW8W. When you post, a two-step posting is carried out automatically a. Goods receipt of material A with goods movement 101 or 315 b. Material exchange from A to B with goods movement 309. 7. If the material is serialized, serial numbers are proposed in IW8W and the serial numbers are reassigned from A to B. Before the goods receipt, these serial numbers are not allowed to exist already for B.

Example You require a motor (material B). You look in stock to see if you can find an available motor (material A) that can be modified or upgraded to fulfill this requirement. You run an availability check and choose one of the results from the APO Availability Check screen. This is adopted in the upgrade order.

Determination of Installation Locations (iPPE Structure Nodes) for Component Materials in PM Orders Use The system uses structure nodes to check the permissibility of a material component in a PM order or refurbishment order consumption components against a technical object list, for example, a master parts list (MPL). The structure node is displayed on the Component tab page of the plant maintenance order. It is composed of three columns; structure code, class number and class type. Depending on your interchangeability-specific Customizing settings, the user can manually enter the structure node here and/or the structure node can be checked or determined by the MPL. This is controlled by the following Customizing flags, which you find in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Checking Groups for Parts Interchangeability with SAP SCM → Plant Maintenance Order and Refurbishment Order Consumption Components. ● Configuration Control relevant Controls if the structure node is checked or determined. This is only possible if it is a valid installation for the material in the component record. To use this, the plant maintenance order must refer to a functional location or piece of equipment. This is only possible for the functional location or piece of equipment entered under Reference Object on the Header Data tab page of the PM order. ● Manual Structure Node. Controls if the structure node is editable. Setting the indicators in various combinations gives the following results: CC-Relevant Indicator

Manual Structure Code

System Behavior



You can manually enter a structure node in the PM order. If you have implemented customer BAdI AD_MPN_RBA_IC (method CHECK_STRUC_CODE), the BAdI checks the permissibility of the structure node according to the customer’s defined settings. If the system determines that the structure node is valid, it is copied into the PM order.



You can manually enter a structure and it is checked against an MPL using configuration control. If you enter nothing, the system determines the structure node automatically.



Only the BAdI can set or check the structure node.



The system automatically determines permissibility of structure nodes against an MPL. The results, if more than one, are displayed in a popup.

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Prerequisites ● You can only manually enter structure nodes in PM orders if the indicators IC relevant and Manual Structure Node are set in the checking groups for the material. ● If you want to check the interchangeable material of a component in a PM order against the MPL of an equipment you must define a requirement profile in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Requirement Profile . For more information, see the IMG activity documentation.

Features For this check, interchangeability information maintained in SAP SCM can also be used for all materials active in APO. You can make customer-specific adjustments to these indicators, or replace this function with customer-specific checks using BAdI AD_MPN_RBA_2_IC. You find this BAdI in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Business Add-Ins (AddIns) → BAdI: Enhancements for Maintenance Orders. Using BAdI AD_MPN_RBA_IC, you can make customer-specific settings for the determination of installation location information (iPPE structure nodes) instead of the configuration control (PM-EQM-CC) in the plant maintenance order. If you use the MPL, the system also checks if the component material is an interchangeable part which is defined in the FFF class or in rules-based ATP in SAP SCM. If you are manually entering structure codes, you can also change existing structure nodes.

Parts Interchangeability with Configuration Control Use Using the configuration control application, you can evaluate parts interchangeability information from SAP SCM during the configuration check in the Configuration Control Workbench (CCM2) and during the equipment installation or exchange procedure in transaction Installation and Swap of Components (IE4N).

Prerequisites ● You must make the following Customizing settings for the check to see if a material is allowed under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Checking Groups for Parts Interchangeability with SAP SCM ○ Configuration Control Default You must enter a default plant and storage location. ○ Configuration Control Workbench You must set the IC Relevant indicator and enter the ATP requirement profile. ● You must make general Customizing settings in the ERP system for: ○ Plant Maintenance and Materials Management ○ Master Parts Lists for technical structures using iPPE ● You must make general Customizing settings in SAP SCM to be able to use interchangeability data. ● You must make Customizing settings for global ATP in the ERP system and SAP SCM.

Function Parts Interchangeability in the Configuration Control Workbench (Transaction CCM2) You use the Configuration Control Workbench to compare the actual configuration with the allowed configuration of a technical object structure. During the configuration check, the system takes material exchange information defined in SAP SCM into account. The actual configuration is defined as an equipment structure and/or functional location structure. The allowed configuration is defined as a master parts list (MPL) structure. When you click on the MPL node in the allowed configuration in the Details for Node of Allowed Configuration screen area, the valid interchangeable parts that were determined during the evaluation of the exchange information in SAP SCM are displayed.

Parts Interchangeability in the Equipment Installation or Exchange (Transaction IE4N) Using this transaction, parts interchangeability functions are available for: ● PMIN – Equipment Installation Without Goods Movement ● PMIN – Equipment Installation With Goods Movement ● SWAP – Exchange During equipment installation in a functional location or technical structure, the system checks if the piece of equipment that is to be installed is allowed at this specific location. During the check of the allowed configuration, the system also takes material exchange information that was determined in SAP SCM into account.

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Parts Interchangeability in Subcontracting Use You can use the SCM rules-based availability check (RBA) on rework materials (main components) in subcontracting orders. The rules-based availability check in SCM for subcontracting focuses on the issuing plant.

Prerequisites ● You must define a requirement profile in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Requirement Profile ● You must define the checking group for the subcontracting order as follows in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Parts Interchangeability with SCM → Define Checking Groups for Parts Interchangeability with SAP SCM → Subcontracting Order: ○ Set the IC Relevant indicator ○ Under ATP-ReqPrf enter a requirements profile ○ If you set the indicator SLoc Required you must enter the storage location at component level. Also the result of rules-based ATP check must be transferred with a valid storage location. Optional ○ The indicator MRP Areas s pecifies that direct reservation in the plant is permitted for the maintenance order. If the indicator is set, you can transfer the available stock of the MRP area to the maintenance order. ● You must assign material provision indicator ‘S’ (rework material) to the material component. ● No serial numbers must be assigned to the material component. ● You must define the checking group of the availability check in the material master.

Features You trigger the check by choosing Check availability in the Components area of the Component Overview screen. The results of the RBA are displayed in the ATP popup, where you can accept or modify the ATP proposals. ● If one interchangeable material is detected, the material is automatically adopted from SCM in the Component Overview screen in ERP. ● If several interchangeable materials are detected, the user can only select one material. Once the material is selected, it and its quantity are then used for further processing to update the exchange material, quantity, material, plant, and storage location at component level and the results are displayed on the Component Overview screen of the subcontracting order. If the RBA determines that the requirement cannot be covered, the system adopts the quantity available and reduces the requirement quantity automatically in the subcontracting order on the Component and Header Data tab pages and on the item overview screen. The consumption components required are reduced in the same relation. For example if the original requirement was 20 pieces of material A with 30 consumption components and only 10 pieces of material A are available, the requirement for the consumption components is reduced to 15. If the material number of the rework material is changed on the Component screen , the subcontracting type is updated automatically on the Spec2000/SC tab page to 2 Refurbishment with Changed Material Number .

Constraints You cannot use RBA for consumption components.

Material Exchange Use You can use the material exchange function for interchangeable parts in the following areas: ● Purchasing When processing quotations and purchase orders, you may have to exchange the part in the current process with another part, because you have received a quotation, notification, or delivery for an alternative part. The system supports you in changing and allocating the relevant order items so that the follow-on steps (in particular, goods receipt and invoice verification) refer to the part that was actually delivered. ● Inventory Management The system holds different manufacturer parts in stock as separate parts. This gives you an overview of the manufacturer parts that are actually available, and allows the system to manage additional information, such as serial numbers or valuation. You can use transaction MIGO to carry out material exchange for goods issues and receipts. ● Sales Order Product Selection If a part is not available, you can use the sales order product selection to exchange the interchangeable materials. ● PM Orders, PP Orders, and Networks If a component is not available, the system proposes interchangeable materials.

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● Replenishment Deliveries ● Stock transport orders You can exchange parts in stock transport orders (STO) manually or automatically.

1.4.1 Material Exchange in Purchasing Use This function enables you to exchange one part partially or fully with one or more other parts in the procurement process.

Prerequisites You have determined the parts that are fully interchangeable with each other. You have also determined the parts that are restricted or one-way interchangeable.

● You use membership to a common FFF class to maintain parts that are fully interchangeable with each other. For more information, see Maintaining Fully Interchangeable Parts. ● You use the interchangeability codes to maintain parts that are restricted or one-way interchangeable. For more information, see Maintaining Restricted Interchangeable Parts.

Features The features are described in the following sections: ● Material Exchange in the RFQ and Quotation ● Material Exchange in the Purchase Order

Material Exchange in RFQs and Quotations Use This function enables you to exchange a part in the request for quotation (RFQ) or in the quotation, which you might want to do if the supplier cannot deliver the part that you requested and provides an alternative quotation.

Features You can replace a part that you have already created in the request for quotation or quotation with another part. In follow-on documents that reference the quotation, only the material number quoted in the quotation is used, allowing an integrated procurement process. The new part overwrites the original entry. After the parts have been exchanged, all the purchasing functions (such as supplier determination or price determination) apply to the new part. You can replace the original part with · A fully interchangeable part · A one-way or restricted interchangeable part · A part that has no relationship with the original part

You can use this last option only if you have selected User-defined Exchange in the Quotation in the manufacturer part profile to which the original part has been assigned either directly or indirectly by its Form-Fit-Function (FFF) class. The system displays an overview of all the parts that are fully or restricted interchangeable with the original part.

Activities 1. Select the item and choose Item → More Functions → Exchange Part . A selection screen appears, displaying all fully and restricted interchangeable parts. 2. Double-click on one part for the exchange, or enter a part in Part in the Quotation .

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Use This function enables you to exchange a part in a purchase order, which you might need to do if: ● You create the purchase order with reference to a requisition ● The goods receipt is different than the purchase order.

Features Material Exchange in a Purchase Order with Reference to a Purchase Requisition You, the buyer, decide to purchase a different part than the one requested in the purchase requisition. Therefore, you copy the requested part into the purchase order and replace it with ● One or more fully interchangeable parts ● One or more one-way or restricted interchangeable parts The system displays a selection of all the parts that are fully interchangeable and one-way or restricted interchangeable with the original part. You select the parts and adjust the individual order quantities. When you convert the purchase requisition into a purchasing document (such as, purchase order, contract release, scheduling agreement delivery schedule line, request for quotation), you can assign the requested source of supply to any requisition item. In the source determination, the system also takes account of the suppliers of interchangeable parts.

If the originally requested part belongs to a MPN-MRP set, the source determination is restricted to the parts in the MPN-MRP set.

Material Exchange/Distribution After Issuing the Purchase Order During the ordering process, the supplier might partially or fully exchange the ordered part with another similar part. Partial deliveries of different parts may also take place. It is possible that you learn of this only on delivery. You have to amend the purchase order item, so that the subsequent processes, such as shipping notification, goods receipt, and invoice verification, actually apply to the parts that were delivered. Subject to the information that you receive from your supplier, you replace the originally ordered part in the purchase order with ● One or more fully interchangeable parts ● One or more one-way or restricted interchangeable parts The system displays a selection of all the parts that are fully interchangeable and one-way or restricted interchangeable with the original part. You select the parts and adjust the order quantities.

Material Exchange in Documents Created with Reference to Contract If a purchase order item is created with reference to a contract and a material exchange is carried out, the subitems no longer refer to the original contract. As a result of the material exchange, the purchase order item may contain materials that are different to those in the contract. The system displays a message so the user knows that there is no reference to the original contract and the contract is not updated. You can make a Customizing setting to change the message type (error, warning, information). If a purchase order item referring to a contract was already saved, material exchange is no longer possible for this item. The reference to the contract must be deleted manually and the document saved. If you delete the reference from the item, material exchange is possible again.

Changing a Purchase Order - Creating Subitems The system generates subitems for the material exchange. The header item is only a "noted item" that contains the original MPN and quantity. The generated subitems are required in the posting of the goods receipt and the invoice.

Activities Create the purchase order as usual. For more information, see

Creating a Purchase Order.

To exchange a part in the purchase order: 1. In the item overview, select the item with the part to be exchanged and choose Material Exchange . The system creates a subitem, which is a copy of the main order item. 2. In the lower Item group box, select the item details for the main item. 3. Go to the Material Exchange tab. 4. Choose Other Material Numbers . The Display Interchangeable Parts screen appears; it contains all fully and restricted interchangeable parts, from which you can select. 5. Select the parts for the exchange. 6. Enter the Order Quantity . 7. Save the purchase order.

If you are not authorized to change a purchase order, you can only exchange parts under Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Part Interchange Item in Purchase Order (transaction MEM1).

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Page 31 of 40 Subitem Logic Use The part exchange in order processing is based on a subitem concept.

Features You create a purchase order with reference if required. Subitems are only required if an exchange has taken place, or if a partial delivery has been posted and further partial deliveries with interchangeable parts are possible. The system converts the original purchase order item into a statistical main item that can no longer be directly posted . This item is a noted item and is linked with one or more subitems. The subitems contain the parts that were actually delivered and billed. Goods receipt always takes place on subitem level; the sub-item contains the inventorymanaged manufacturer parts. External communication takes place on the original item level by order printout, EDI, or other media. This applies to, for example, subsequent purchase order changes by purchasing and dunning.

Purchase Order History To look at a purchase order history on the item level, choose Item → Statistics → Purchase Order History .

· If you call this function for the main item, the system displays the purchase order history for all subitems. The main item contains cumulative information about the purchase order history of the subitems. · If you call up this function for one subitem, the system displays only the purchase order history for that subitem. Subitem Pricing Use This function enables you to recalculate the prices in the purchasing document, which you have to do if a part exchange has caused a statistical main item to be replaced by one or more subitems.

Prerequisites In the Purchasing Data view of the vendor master record, you have entered 09 as the Schema group, vendor (the group for calculation schema).

Features Different net prices for each price unit can exist for the original part in the main item and the parts in the subitems, because of the different gross prices and conditions that are stored in the purchasing info records. In the case of a partial exchange of parts, different net prices can also exist for the same part because of different scales. The system has the following pricing methods for subitems: · Individual pricing · Pricing by copying from the main item · Price comparison between main item and subitem

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You set the Subitem Pricing indicator in the Purchasing Data view of the vendor master record to define the methods that the system should use in pricing.

The example is based on the following pricing conditions: Part Hella : $101.43, from 10 items: $90.67 Part Osram : $112.50 Part Eurolux : $81.54

Individual Pricing The system calculates a separate price for every subitem in individual pricing. The price is not subject to the price of the original part; it can be higher or lower. The conditions that you have to enter for the main item are an exception. The system copies these conditions from the main item to the subitem, and takes them into account during pricing. The system calculates scale prices subject to the purchase order quantity of the subitems.

Pricing by Copying from the Main Item The system retains the net price of the original part for the exchanged part. The system copies all the conditions from the main item to all the subitems; the system takes the purchase order quantity of the main item into account when calculating scale prices. The system does not take account of the conditions and scale prices that exist for the interchangeable parts. You cannot change the conditions that you copied from the main item on the subitem level. However, you can define additional conditions for each subitem.

Price Comparison Using Best Price The system compares the net price of the original part with the individual net prices of the parts in the subitems. The system selects the lowest price.

Material Exchange in Schedule Lines Use This function enables you to exchange parts in schedule lines. You use the schedule lines for a purchase order item to specify that the delivery of the ordered quantity is to be scaled according to a defined schedule. For a part exchange in a purchase order item with schedule lines, the system also uses the schedule lines for the subitems.

Features The system copies the main item schedule lines successively to the subitems, which were created for the part exchange.

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You can change the subitem schedule lines after a part exchange. The system changes the main item schedule lines, which you can no longer change, accordingly.

Material Exchange in Inventory Management Use This function enables you to perform various activities (see below) in inventory management. Because goods receipt always takes place on a manufacturer part number level, the system also holds manufacturer parts in stock as individual parts. This gives you an overview of the manufacturer parts that are actually available, and allows the system to manage additional information, such as serial numbers or valuation. A cumulative stock analysis also exists for all interchangeable parts.

Features Stock Overview The stock overview provides you with an overview across all organizational levels of the stock for a part. Functions for inventory-managed manufacturer parts have been added to the stock overview to allow you to display the following from one part: ● The total stock of all other parts that are interchangeable with it ● The total stock of all other parts that belong to the same MPN-MRP set as it

Goods Issue For more information, see Material Exchange in MIGO During Goods Issue Process.

Goods Receipt For more information, see Material Exchange in MIGO During Goods Receipt Process.

Activities Stock Overview From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview or choose transaction code MMBE. Enter the part. You can also enter selection criteria to restrict the stock overview. Stock Overview for all Interchangeable Parts You are in the stock overview for an FFF class part. To display the total stock of all parts that are interchangeable with this part (that is, the parts that belong to the same FFF class), select a stock line and choose FFF Class . The system displays the total stock of all the parts in the FFF class. From the total stock for all the parts belonging to an FFF class, you can go to the individual stock for these manufacturer parts. To do this, select a line and choose Members/Display FFF Class Members in the stock overview to split the cumulative stock into its individual parts.

In the stock overview, you can switch between the single material view and the aggregated view for FFF classes as required. This also applies to the stock/requirements list (transaction code MD04) .

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Stock Overview for all Parts in the Same MPN-MRP Set You are in the stock overview for a part in an MPN-MRP set. To display the total stock of all parts that are interchangeable with this one (that is, the parts that belong to the same MPN-MRP set), choose MPN-MRP Set . The system displays the total stock for all the parts in the MPN-MRP set. From the total stock for all the parts belonging to an MPN-MRP set, you can go to the individual stock for these manufacturer parts. To do this, select a line and choose Members/Display MPN-MRP Set Members in the stock overview to split the cumulative stock into its individual parts.

Material Exchange in MIGO During Goods Issue Process Use During goods issue you may find that the material you require is unavailable. You can issue another interchangeable material instead of the original material. The following functions are available: ● The interchangeable materials can be either fully interchangeable or restricted interchangeable. ● You can work with batch-managed materials and/or serialized materials and you can see the stock available in different storage locations ● Materials/batches found during material exchange in MIGO during goods issue are sorted automatically. The automatic quantity distribution and display of the materials on the material exchange screen is carried out based on this sorting sequence: ○ First the original material/batch. ○ Next all other materials/batches sorted by their available quantity in descending order. ○ To influence this behavior, you can use BAdI BADI_ADPIC_MIGO_GI_SORT. ● You can assign serial numbers. You can define if these serial numbers should be maintained manually or automatically in Customizing for Logistics – General under Interchangeability of Parts → Set Up Screen for Material Exchange in Goods Movement Transaction (MIGO) → Screen Settings → Serial Number Determination . You can use BAdI BADI_ADPIC_MIGO_GI_SER to filter the serial numbers found during material exchange in MIGO during goods issue. Only those serial numbers which pass the checks implemented by this BAdI are considered for further processing. ● In Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Set Up Screen for Material Exchange in Goods Movement Transaction (MIGO) → Screen Settings , you can additionally change the initial table display in the following ways: ○ You can define if materials or storage locations are displayed at the higher level in the tree. ○ You can define if you display selected items or all

Prerequisites ● If you want to exchange materials for PM, PP and network orders during the goods issue process, authorization object M_PIC_EXCH must be included in the user profile.

Procedure To exchange parts in the goods issue process, proceed as follows: 1. Enter transaction code MIGO to create the goods issue document. 2. In the item overview, choose with the quick info text Trigger Material Exchange . This icon only appears if the material is interchangeable. The interchangeability information appears. On the left you see the different interchangeable materials that you can choose from with their available quantities. On the right hand side in the Selected Quantity column, the quantity to be issued is distributed automatically across the interchangeable materials. You can make manual changes to this distribution. You can hide the materials with no quantity selection by setting the Display Selected Entries Only indicator. If you want to assign serial numbers, choose with the quick info text Serial Numbers. A popup appears. You can define if these serial numbers should be maintained manually or automatically in Customizing for Logistics – General under Interchangeability of Parts → Set Up Screen for Material Exchange in Goods Movement Transaction (MIGO) → Screen Settings → Serial Number Determination. 3. Choose Confirm Selection. 4. When you choose Check or Post , the system carries out a check. 5. Choose Post to update the material document and post the material document for the items.

Constraint ● Goods issue in transaction MIGO does not support material exchange of materials in special stocks. ● Material exchange can be only be done if the ATP check does not take the replenishment lead time into account. Ensure the Check without RLT indicator is set in Customizing under Materials Management → Inventory Management and Physical Inventory → Goods Issue / Transfer Postings → Set Up Dynamic Availability Check under Define Checking Rules.

Material Exchange in MIGO During Goods Receipt Process Use You may need to exchange parts in the goods receipt process when the parts that have been received are different from the parts in the purchase order.

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Prerequisites If you want to be able to update the purchase order and exchange materials during the goods receipt process, authorization object M_PIC_EXCH has to be included in the user profile.

Procedure To exchange parts in the goods receipt process, proceed as follows: 1. Enter transaction code MIGO to create the goods receipt document for the purchase order. 2. In the item overview, choose Material Exchange (Mat Exchg) next to the material in the item overview. The Material Exchange tab page appears in the foreground.

3. 4.



You can also navigate to the tab page for the items that have this material exchange icon next to the material description. For non-interchangeable materials, this icon does not appear. In the column Quantity , enter the quantity you want to be posted in the goods receipt document. Press Enter to create a subitem for which you want the material document to be created. The data is inherited from the main item when the subitem is created. However, if any changes occur to the main item once the subitems have been created, these are not taken over to the existing subitems. When you choose Check to check the item, the checks are performed on the main item, which contains the obsolete material. No checks are performed for the subitem. A warning message: Check of the interchangeable item will be performed during posting (message number ADPIC001) is displayed in the application log. Choose Post to update the purchase order with the new subitems and post the material document for the subitems.

If there are any errors during subitem creation in the purchase order, an interchangeability error log is created. You can access this log by choosing

on the screen between the item overview and the item details.

Material Exchange in the Sales Order Product Selection Use This function enables you to make use of an availability check. Because fully interchangeable parts have the same technically properties, you can use the interchangeable materials for cases in which there is no availability, even if another part has been reserved. You can configure product selection so that the system performs the availability check for the inventory-managed manufacturer part that you enter in the sales order item and for all other interchangeable parts. If the entered part belongs to an MPN-MRP set, the system takes account of all the parts in the set during the availability check. If the entered part does not belong to a set, the system takes account of all the interchangeable materials.

Prerequisites You have maintained MPN-MRP sets. For more information, see Creating and Editing MPN-MRP Sets. In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, Result B is assigned to Substitution Reason 0009. For more information, see

Creating Substitution Reasons.

The document type of the sales document that you are using is assigned to a material determination procedure. For more information, see Procedures to Sales Document Types.


To avoid conflicts in the requirements transfer, the product selection is only allowed to take place if the availability is checked against the ATP quantity and not against the forecast. Therefore, in the master data of the parts in an FFF class, a strategy group is used to refer to a requirements class that is flagged for an availability check using ATP logic. As a rule, you can use Strategy Group 10. In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, the schedule line categories have been set up so that for sales document items the main item has schedule lines of type CD and the subitems have schedule lines of type CP. The Availability indicator has been set for schedule line type CP.

Features The product selection of inventory-managed manufacturer part numbers is an enhancement to the standard product selection. The system assigns Category Type TAPA to the original item, which is a statistical item. The system looks at the quantity of interchangeable parts and determines the available ATP quantity for each part. The system adds a new subitem with Category Type TAN to each part that it determines. This item refers to the original item. The system repeats this process until it reaches the original order quantity or the quantity of interchangeable parts is exhausted. The system looks at the originally entered part; the sequence in which it processes the parts is not fixed. If an unconfirmed quantity remains at the end, the system annotates the original part.

The system also adds a new subitem, if the original part is fully available. The original item and the subitem contain the same part. The reservations generated by the system refer to the new items and are MRP-relevant for the selected interchangeable parts.

If MRP is active on the level of the MRP area, a part in one plant can belong to different MPN-MRP sets. In such a case, the storage location in the sales document determines the MPN-MRP set that is used in the product selection. If the system is unable to clearly determine an MPN-MRP set, the system does not carry out the product selection.

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Rescheduling of Sales Documents for Inventory-Managed MPN The selected material interval used in rescheduling of sales documents includes all the parts in the relevant FFF classes. To reschedule sales documents, from the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Backorders → Rescheduling → Execute with Restriction of MPN or Supersession Part .

Material Exchange in Stock Transport Orders Use You may want to change parts in the stock transport order because the availability check fails for the material that you originally requested. Hence, an interchangeable part that is available can be used instead of the original material. You can exchange parts in stock transport orders (STO) manually or automatically. You can define the unit of measure in the material master. If the issuing unit of measure is defined in the material master, the subitems are always created in the issuing unit of measure. Otherwise, subitems are created in the base unit of measure.

Features ● Manual interchangeability in creation of stock transport orders Subitems are created with subitem category P. This means that you can only change the quantity or delivery date of the main item. When you make such a change, this automatically triggers a new ATP check, which creates new subitems. The ATP popup appears displaying the available exchangeable materials, their available quantities, and you can manually choose the quantity you require. Note, that you can also work with existing STOs with subitems with subitem category 8. ● Automatic interchangeability in stock transport orders If the ATP check fails during creation of the STO, the system carries out an automatic material exchange. Automatic material exchange is only possible if you set the reaction of message number 450 (application area 06) to E (error message) or W (warning message). You do this in Customizing for Materials Management under Purchasing → Environment Data → Define Attributes of System Messages → System Messages. ● Consumption sequence control You can now manually adjust the consumption sequence that was defined for automatic material exchange on the ATP popup for STOs. To do this you use the new BAdI BADI_ADPIC_STO_CONSLOG. You can access this BAdI in Customizing under Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Business Add-Ins (Add-Ins) → BAdI: Manual Adjustment of Consumption Logic.

Prerequisites In Customizing for Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Define Settings for Material Exchange and Restricted Interchangeability , you must set the material exchange to Automatic or Manual for pseudo process code STOME.

Constraints ● ● ● ●

Material exchange with issuing unit of measure is only supported in transaction codes ME21N and ME22N. Material exchange in goods movement transaction MIGO (goods issue and goods receipt) is always done in the base unit of measure. Material exchange in VL10B is only possible if the STO items are created in base unit of measure. Stock transport requisitions do not support interchangeability.

Material Exchange in Replenishment Deliveries Use This function is based on the core transaction code VL10B. For more information on this, see the online help documentation in the SAP Library under my SAP ERP → SAP Central Component → Logistics → Logistics Execution → Shipping → Delivery Processing → Collective Processing of Documents due for Delivery. If the availability check fails and a delivery is not created, the system tries to create a subitem in the stock transport order with the material that is available. If the availability check fails and the delivery is created with a partial quantity or with a zero quantity, the system creates an error report and the incorrect delivery is displayed on the corresponding tab page. If the creation of subitems caused errors, the system creates an error report and the stock transport order displayed on the appropriate tab page.

Prerequisites ● If you want to activate the function forcreating subitems in stock transport orders when availability fails during the creation of the replenishment delivery, you must have made settings for the automatic creation of subitems and the automatic selection of material for process code VL10STO in Customizing under Logistics General → Interchangeability of Parts → Define Settings for Material Exchange and Restricted Interchangeability . ● For delivery creation, you must ensure that the item category used for replenishment delivery has the following settings: ○ The Check Quantity 0 should be set to error ○ AvailCkoff should be blank You can make these settings in Customizing under Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries → Define Item Categories for Deliveries. ● For the error log, you must ensure that for the profile used for roles in VL10B to create replenishment deliveries, Log F Code is set to ‘Y’ = Display Log in

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the same window . You can make this setting in Customizing under Logistics Execution → Shipping → Worklists → Configure List Profile

Activities You call transaction code VL10B to select all the open stock transport orders. · All the data for the open orders is collected and prepared · The function Interchangeability Errors may be visible in the application toolbar of the error log for VL10B. This function enables you to view the documents for which errors occurred when subitems were created or during delivery creation.

Features Error Report for Transaction Code VL10 The system displays the message Errors for interchangeability during delivery creation . The long text of this message requests you to choose the Errors for interchangeability function in order to check these errors.

If there are no errors, the system displays a message informing you that subitems have been created. There are 2 tab pages: ● A tab page that contains the stock transport orders for which subitems could not be created and for which no deliveries exist. You can access the change mode for the stock transport order by double- clicking the corresponding stock transport order or by choosing Change Ref. Doc. . ● A tab page that contains deliveries that were created with partial quantity or zero quantity. You can access the delivery by double-clicking on the row for each delivery. You can delete the delivery without changing the reference stock transport order by choosing Delete Delivery . You can delete the delivery and change the reference stock transport order by choosing Del. Delvry->Change Ref. Doc ..

Material Exchange in PM Orders, PP Orders, and Networks Use If you want to check the availability of a specific interchangeable material (component) for a maintenance order, production order or PS network order, and the material is not available, the system suggests alternative interchangeable materials (full and restricted interchangeable) and displays them in the ATP popup screen. You can then simply select interchangeable materials directly on the popup screen and transfer them back to the maintenance order, production order or PS network components. You can also use the rules-based global ATP check within PM orders if the material is APO-relevant.

Features ● You can trigger material exchange using with the quick info text Trigger Material Exchange in the following ways: ○ In PM/CS order on the Components tab page ○ In the PP order and PS network order, on the Component Overview screen ● The ATP popup with interchangeable materials has a Selected Quantity column. Here you enter the quantity of each interchangeable material you require. You can distribute the quantity you require across several interchangeable materials. If you are working in display mode in a production order, this column is not displayed in the ATP popup. If you are working in display mode in PP orders and network orders, the popup is not displayed at all. ● If the system creates an item for an exchanged material, the item number of the original item is stored in the Reference Item column in the Component Overview table. Depending on the order type, this column can be found as follows: ○ Within the maintenance order, on the Component s tab page. ○ In the production order, by choosing

with the quick info text Component Overview .

○ In the PS network order, by choosing with the quick info text Component Overview for Network . ● It will not implement a sub item logic; this means no automatic reference or action will be done at any changes neither at the original item nor the exchanged item. The field is only a comment, that the user can see what the original item was. ● The system transfers the quantities you enter in the ATP popup to the PM order, PP order or PS network order. The system checks these quantities against the original item quantity.

Activities In Customizing for Logistics - General → Interchangeability of Parts → Define Settings for Material Exchange and Restricted Interchangeability, you can set the system to automatically carry out material exchange. Select Automatic under Material Exchange and Automatic under Select IC Materials. The values for the selected quantity are then calculated by the system and suggested in the ATP popup.

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Interchangeability of Parts In Customizing under Logistics – General at your disposal:

→ Interchangeability of Parts

→ Business Add-Ins (Add-Ins) , you have the following business add-ins (BAdIs)

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Business Add-In (BAdI)



BAdI: Enhancements for Adjusting ATP Quantities in Stock Transport Orders


BAdI: Manual Adjustment of Consumption Logic


BAdI: ATP Popup Enhancements for Stock Transport Orders


Add-In: Prepare PO for Material Exchange and Adjust PO After Material Exchange


Add-In: Automatic Determination of Material and Quantity for Exchange


Add-In: Prepare PO Data Before Calling Exchange to Create Subitems in PO


BAdI for Serial Number Selection in MIGO Goods Issue


BAdI for Sorting on Screen in MIGO Goods Issue


BAdI: Customer Adjustment for Configuration Control and ATP


BAdI: Customer Adjustments for Processing Components of Subcon. Orders


Add-In: Define and Filter Freely-Defined Interchangeable Materials


BAdI: Enhancements for Maintenance Orders

1.6 Supersession Purpose Changes to the design, form and function of parts require vendors and manufacturers to replace obsolete parts with new versions of the same parts. This is particularly important for the aftermarket environment where technical innovations produce a constant flow of new parts of a better quality or in a different form that supersede older parts. This constant process of exchange can now be mapped using the SAP System. If part A must be substituted by part B, a relationship exists between part A and part B. This relationship is documented using a chain, in which parts replace each other. Part B can be replaced by part C and part C by part D. The following graphic shows the relationship between the partners in the aftermarket environment: the Supersession application is particularly useful for distribution centers that receive orders for replacement parts from customers through the dealers. The distribution center then orders these parts from the manufacturer or the vendor and then finds out about possible material replacements. In the system, the originally ordered part is replaced by the superseding part and is ordered from the manufacturer or vendor. The parts are staged in the distribution centers and are sent to regional depots. The regional depots then send them to the dealer and the customer.

Up to now, you could only use the product selection function in Sales and Distribution to replace parts. You can use supersession to take into account supersession chains in all logistical functions, such as, in procurement (in purchase orders, shipping notifications and goods receipts), in MRP (in the requirements calculation, stock overview and forecasting) and in sales (in orders, backorder updating, rescheduling and delivery), thus making this application cross-component. There are original and follow-up parts in a supersession chain. An original part is replaced by a follow-up part. If the construction or manufacturing method of an article changes, the system documents the versions using new item references, so that it is possible to differentiate between the versions in stock, in the procurement process and in the sales process. The supersession chains consist of the expansion of the relationships with the individual objects (= item reference). Superseded and superseding relationships are a requirement.

Implementation Considerations If you execute the availability check for one plant only, ERP with SAP for Automotive (as of Automotive system 2.0) with a basis of the R/3 System 4.6B is sufficient. For planning materials in several plants and for alternative products, the rules-based ATP check from APO is quicker and its functions are better suited to the task.

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The Supersession application is supported by the product selection function in Sales and Distribution. The master data is entered in a function that has been created solely for Supersession. You cannot use the discontinued parts function from MRP for the Supersession process.

Features The following functions are available: · Master data: you can create, change and display supersession chains in a function for this purpose. · Purchasing: 1. A material replacement is possible in requests for quotations, quotations themselves, in purchase requisitions, purchase orders and inbound deliveries. 2. You can determine prices for Supersession. 3. You can verify an invoice and post the goods receipt if the purchase order is changed subsequently. · Forecasting: you can use consumption-based forecasting to generate forecast requirements for the supersession chain. · Material Requirments Planning: 1. Enhancements in MRP enable you to execute a requirements planning run for supersession parts. 2. You can calculate planned independent requirements for supersession parts. 3. Enhancement of stock/requirements list: you can access a period overview for a supersession part and a complete view for the other parts in the chain. 4. There is an improved stock overview displaying the stocks of all parts in the supersession chain. · Stock overview: enhancements to the stock overview enable you to display the stock situation for all members of the supersession chain. · Sales and Distribution: 1. You can execute rescheduling for supersession chains. 2. You can execute the ATP check for supersession chains both in the ERP System and in APO (rules-based). · CIF: there are enhancements to the integration model for the transfer of supersession data from the SAP Automotive System to APO.

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