Interchange 2 - Quiz Units 5 & 6 - Revisión Del Intento

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2/2/23, 20:16

INTERCHANGE 2 - QUIZ UNITS 5 & 6: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / Pce ing A2 / Quiz 5 & 6 / INTERCHANGE 2 - QUIZ UNITS 5 & 6

Comenzado el

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2023, 19:32



Finalizado en

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2023, 20:15


43 minutos 3 segundos

empleado Calificación Pregunta 1 Correcta Se puntúa 1.00

Sin calificar aún Listen to the conversations. Check the correct information.  

sobre 1.00


Seleccione una: A. Eric is not going to go fishing this year. B. Wendy is going to visit Eric’s grandparents. C. Wendy might go camping in August. 

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 2

Listen to the conversations. Check the correct information.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: A. Eric says Wendy doesn’t have to make reservations. B. Eric thinks Wendy should go to Acadia.  C. Wendy is going fishing this summer.

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 3

Listen to the conversations. Check the correct information.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: A. Leah and Martha were roommates last year. B. Martha and Leah are both very neat. C. Leah doesn’t like being messy. 

Respuesta correcta


2/2/23, 20:16

Pregunta 4

INTERCHANGE 2 - QUIZ UNITS 5 & 6: Revisión del intento

Listen to the conversations. Check the correct information.

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: A. Leah’s mother was always yelling at her. B. Martha likes to listen to music while studying.  C. Leah can study while watching TV.

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 5 Correcta

Complete the conversations. Use be going to or will and the given verbs. 

Se puntúa 4.00 sobre 4.00

1. A: What are

you going to do

B: I’m definitely going to see 2. A: When are

a movie with a friend. (see) they going to take

B: I think they will go

Pregunta 6 Correcta Se puntúa 3.00 sobre 3.00

after class today? (do)

their vacation this year? (take)

on a cruise in June or July. (go)

Circle the correct word or phrase. 1. She needs to get new 2. You must take your

hiking boots passport

3. We shouldn’t forget to bring

  before she goes to the mountains tomorrow.  when you go to another country.


 for buying souvenirs.

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 7 Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Example: Please take the cat out. (Can you) -- Can you please take the cat out?

Turn on the lights, please. (Could you) --  Could you turn on the lights, please

Pregunta 8

 ?

Please clean up your mess. (Would you) --

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Pregunta 9

Would you please clean up your mess

 ?

Don’t sit there. (Would you mind) --

Incorrecta Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 1.00

Would you mind do not sit here

 ?


2/2/23, 20:16

INTERCHANGE 2 - QUIZ UNITS 5 & 6: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10 Correcta

Complete the conversation. Use the correct modals for necessity and suggestion. DO NOT USE CONTRACTIONS

Se puntúa 4.00 sobre 4.00

A: We should

make our reservations! It’ll be hard to get cheap flights later. (should / do not have to)

B: Yes! And perhaps, we ought to

buy round-trip tickets because they’re cheaper. (have to / ought to)

A: Also, you’ll rent a car, so you need to B: Yes! And you should not

Pregunta 11 Parcialmente correcta Se puntúa 2.00 sobre 3.00

bring your driver’s license. (need to / ’d better)

forget your new camera. It’ll be fun to use it. (must not / should not)

Select the correct word. 1. Please throw


2. Could you please hang 3. Can you turn

 the garbage. It’s starting to smell! up


 some clean towels in the bathroom?

 the TV while I’m on the phone?

Respuesta parcialmente correcta. Ha seleccionado correctamente 2.

Pregunta 12

Read the letter to Sylvia and her response. Then, check the correct answers. (Para visualizar mejor la imagen, da click


derecho sobre la misma y ábrela en una nueva pestaña).

Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

  How did the teens respond to the neighbor’s request? Seleccione una: A. They didn’t say anything.  B. They said, “We’re sorry. We’ll try to drive slowly.” C. They said, “Are you kidding? We like to drive fast.”

Respuesta correcta


2/2/23, 20:16

Pregunta 13

INTERCHANGE 2 - QUIZ UNITS 5 & 6: Revisión del intento

What is the problem with the dogs?

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: A. They are outside barking all the time.  B. They aren’t allowed to go outside. C. They are kept inside all day.

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 14

What happened to the garbage that was dumped on the front lawn?

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: A. The garbage was used to feed the dogs. B. The new family left it there.  C. The teenagers just looked at it.

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 15

What was Sylvia’s advice?

Correcta Se puntúa 1.00 sobre 1.00

Seleccione una: A. Call the neighbors when the dogs bark. B. Let the police solve the problems.  C. Stop being polite to the neighbors.

Respuesta correcta


2/2/23, 20:16

Pregunta 16 Finalizado Puntúa como 25.00

INTERCHANGE 2 - QUIZ UNITS 5 & 6: Revisión del intento

Paso 1. Escribe tu nombre completo y código de estudiante.  Paso 2. Da click en finalizar intento.  Paso 3. El docente a cargo del espacio de examen te evaluará la producción oral y procederá a finalizar la calificación de tu examen. Paso 4. Puedes revisar tu calificación total en la plataforma.



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