Intel inside case
Short Description
Interl inside ingredient branding ppt...
Group 6 Agrima Saxena Pushkar Singh Kshitij Gupta
About Intel
Founded in 196 b! "obert #o!$e and Gordon %oore Started produ$ing semi$ondu$tors b! 19&'s Compan! based in Santa Clara( Cali)ornia
Approx* +(''' emplo!ees
#et re,enue o) -.6*/ billion
First $hip( 0''0 as introdu$ed in 19&1 hi$h as a 0 bit mi$ropro$essor
'' as introdu$ed in 19&. hi$h ran at nearl! ti$e the speed In 19&&( apple produ$ed 2rst desktop $omputer 3non intel mi$ropro$essor4 marking beginning o) modern era desktop $omputing 5! 19'( Intel garnered &' share o) o,erall desktop mi$ropro$essor market In 19/( )amous +6 $hip as introdu$ed in market
%ain Issue
%ain thing e,en Polla$e( ,i$e president and dire$tor o) intel7s orldide marketing operations as $on$erned about as i) it as ise to extend 8intel inside7 brand $ampaign to other produ$t $ategories
5rand elements
5rand name Intel :Computer inside ;ogo intel inside ?nl! about 9 o) all $ompanies make use o) sound to make their brands more distin$t( re$ogni@able and memorableB = Brand Sense by Martin Lindstorm
Intel 5unn! PeopleB $hara$ters in 199& Super=5ol hi$h be$ame instant hit
Intel Inside
0:+ Jhat do !ou think o) the 5lue %an Group ad,ertisements Jh! does ;enes $onsider this $ampaign to be >one o) the biggest ad,ertising breakthroughsB in the $ompan!7s ten=!ear histor! o !ou agree ith the dire$tion the $ampaign appears to be taking
Dhe 5lue %en Group Ad
Dhe 5lue %en Group Ad 5lue
%an Group is a per)orman$e musi$ and art group
Intel used the Group )or ad,ertising Pentium +( Pentium 0 and Centrino line o) pro$essors
> Pentium 0 pro$essor: the $enter o) !our digital orldB
"esear$h suggested the $ampaign had signi2$ant appeal and re$ognition orldide
group represented immense $reati,it!( inno,ation and simpli$it!
Hes ( I agree ith the dire$tion that the $ampaign is taking as the! are su$$ess)ull! bridging the gap beteen the te$hni$al details and the emotional experien$e o) $ustomers using the $utting edge te$hnolog!
/*From a $onsumer perspe$ti,e( ho
does the Intel Inside logo aMe$t !our PC bu!ing de$isions
$reated a per$eption that CPLs ere most important $omponent o) a $omputer*
Dhe point that there are signi2$ant diMeren$es in per)orman$e a$ross $hips as brought up*
per$ei,e a strong brand $ould redu$e the risk asso$iated ith pur$hase*
1* %odern .* igh te$h
ho bu! PCs ith Intel Chips are thought as**
the $ompan! extend the >Intel InsideB branding $ampaign to other non= PC $ategories su$h as $ell phones and PAs Jh! or h! not
the! should( As o) no the Phones PA7S( %P+ et$ are merging ith ea$h other in )ormation o) a single de,i$e ith hi$h there $omputing poer is groing * Intel has $reated a strong brand euit! o,er last de$ade and it ill be in best interest o) the $ompan! to le,erage this euit! that the! ha,e in this emerging market it$h $an gi,e them an ad,antage o,er up$oming $ompanies* Dhis ill help them to $reate a position )or themsel,es in $hanging market $onditions
6:. Jhat does Polla$e mean hen she sa!s( >Je need to be thinking about $omputing( hi$h $an en$ompass an! number o) diMerent de,i$esB
is tr!ing to $on,e! that the $ompan! needs to expand its brand euit! in the emerging market o) smart phones as she sees the potential In this $ategor!( she is able to see that the $omputing poer )or these de,i$es is onl! going to in$rease in )uture here there is a huge opportunit! )or the $ompan! to expand
&:1 Jhat does it take to brand an >ingredientB Can an! $ompan! pull it oM In an! produ$t $ategor!
Jhat it takes
Customer Superior istin$t
and diMerentiable produ$t
s!mbol representation
Lnderstanding Hes
the bene2ts
a $ompan! $an pull it oM in an! produ$t $ategor! i) the! )ul2ll abo,e mention reuirements
&:. Could another $omponent manu)a$turer ha,e pulled oM a similar )eat in the PC $ategor!
)or an! other $omponent manu)a$turer to pull it oM su$$ess)ull!
onl! $onsumer per$eption as there )or A% and others*
#o As
other reuirement as )ul2lled
in toda!Rs s$enario ual$omm has done it ith its snapdragon pro$essors )or smart phones*
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