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Insulation Resistance Test and Polarization Index Test:
Both Insulation Resistance Test (IR Value Test) and Polarization Index Test (PI Value Test) are conducted on HV machine to determine service condition of the insulation. In HV machines and winding are likely likely to e a!ected y moisture and contamination. IP test is conducted s"ecially to determine the dryness and cleanliness of winding insulation.
In insulation resistance resistance test# test# a high $% voltage voltage is is a""lied across# conductor and ground more s"eci&cally. The voltage voltage is a""lied across the insulator. insulator. $ue to this a""lied high $% voltage there voltage there will e a current current through the electrical insulator.. By dividing the a""lied voltage insulator voltage y y this current current we get the actual resistive value of the insulator. insulator.
Say th Say thee app appli lied ed hi high gh voltage voltage is V and corresponding current current through the insulator is I. Hence as per Ohm’s law law the value of insulation resistance resistance is is [math] R!"!frac#V$#I$[%math] &his test is generally done 'y means of megger . (egge (e ggerr gi give vess re re)u )uir ired ed di dire rect ct *d *dc+ c+ voltage voltage across the insulator an it also shows the resistive value of insulator directly in ( ohm range .&he megger are generally of ,-- V /., 0V an , 0V. ,-- V megger are ,- are used for insulation test upto 1.1 0V rated insulation. 2or high voltage voltage transformer other HV e)uipment and machines /., or , 0V megger are are used. 3s al alll in insu sula lato tors rs that aree di ar diel elec ectr tric icapplication in na natu ture re of they the y have ha ve ac alwa al ways ys the a ca capa paci citi tive ve property. 4ue to during voltage voltage acro ross ss the electrical
insulator initially there will 'e a charging current. 5ut after some time when the insulator is totally charged the capacitive charging current current 'ecomes 6ero and then only resistive conductive current current presen presents ts in the the insulator insulator.. &hat is is why it is always recommended to do insulation resistance resistance test test at least for 1 minut mi nutee as it is proved proved th that at ch char argi ging ng current current tot totall ally y 'ecome 'ecomess 6ero 6ero afte afterr 1 minute. Only measuring insulation resistance resistance 'y 'y megger for for 1 minute does not always give relia'le result. 3s the resistive value of an electrical insulator also also varies with temperature. &his difficulty is partially solved 'y introducing polarity inde7 test or in short 8I value test. &he philosophy 'ehind 8I test is discussed 'elow. 3ctually when a voltage voltage is is applied across an insulator there will 'e a lea9age current from line to ground. current 3lthough this lea9ag 3lthough lea9agee current current is very small small is in milli milli ampere ampere or sometimes sometimes in micro ampere range 'ut it has mainly four components. 1+ :apacitive component. /+ Resistive or conductive component. ;+ Surface lea9age component.
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