Instrumentation Construction Activity
Short Description
Instrum nst rume ent Field Field docum d ocume ents and Commissioning Activities
Table Table of Contents
Symbols Symbols and abbre abbrevi viat ation ions s .............................. ............................................ ............................. ............................... .............................. ......................... ........... 3
General General............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................. ............................... .............................. ............................ ............................. ............... 3
Instru Instrum mentat entation rece receiv iving ing and and storage storage ............................... ............................................. ............................ ............................. ........................ ......... 4 3.1. 3.1. Genera Generall............................ .......................................... .............................. ............................... ............................. ............................ ............................... ................... 4 3.2. 3.2. Elect Electron ronic inst instrrument ents............................. ............................................. .............................. ............................ ............................. ........................ ......... 4 3.3. 3.3. P neum neumat atic ic instr instrum umen ents ts ................ .............................. ............................ ............................ ............................... ............................... .................... ...... 4 3.4. 3.4. Local cont contro roll pane panels ls .............................. ............................................ ............................. ............................... .............................. ......................... ........... 5 3.5. 3.5. Dial therm thermom omet eter ers, s, pressur pressure e gauges, gauges, and gauge gauge glasses glasses............................ ........................................... ............... 5
Docum Documentation ation.......... ........................... ............................... ............................ ............................ ............................... ............................... ............................ ................... ..... 5 4.1. 4.1. Genera Generall............................ .......................................... .............................. ............................... ............................. ............................ ............................... ................... 5 4.2. 4.2. Records Records .............................. ............................................ ............................. ............................... .............................. ............................. ............................. .............. 6
Installa Installattion inspect inspection ion............. ........................... ............................... ............................... ............................ ............................... ............................... .................... ...... 6 5.1. 5.1. P rereq rerequ uisites isites............................ .......................................... ............................... ............................... ............................ ............................ ........................ .......... 6 5.2. 5.2. Genera Generall............................ .......................................... .............................. ............................... ............................. ............................ ............................... ................... 6 5.3. 5.3. Instrum Instrument ent inspect inspection ion check checks s .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................... ............................... ................ 7 5.4. 5.4. P iping, iping, condu conduit it,, cable, cable, and and tub tubing ing ............................ .......................................... ............................... ............................... .................... ...... 8 5.5. 5.5. Control Control valve valves s inspect inspection ion check checks s ............................ .......................................... ............................. ............................. ....................... ......... 9 5.6. 5.6. Temper Temperat atur ure e instru instrum ment ents inspect inspection ion checks checks ................................... ................................................. ............................ .............. 9 5.7. .7. Flow Flow in instr struments.............................. ............................................ ............................. ............................. ............................ .............................. ................ 10 5.8. 5.8. Level Level instrum instrumen entts.......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................... ............................... ............................ ................. ... 11
Loop che check ck and and system system check checkout out.......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................... ............................... ................. ... 11 6.1. 6.1. P rereq rerequ uisites isites............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................... ............................... ............................ ...................... ........ 11 6.2. 6.2. Genera Generall............................ .......................................... .............................. ............................... ............................. ............................ .............................. ................ 12
6.3. 6.3.
Instru Instrum ment ent calibrat calibration ion and checkout checkout............................. ........................................... ............................ ............................. ............... 12 2
6.4. 6.4.
System Systems checkout checkout............................. ........................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ .............. 20 20 0
6.5. 6.5.
Alarm system system com compone ponent nts s.......................... ........................................... ............................... ............................ ............................. ............... 21 1
6.6. 6.6. Logic syste system m compo compone nent nts............ s.......................... ............................ ............................ ............................... ............................... ................ .. 21 21 1 Commissioning issioning complet pletion… ion… ……………… ……… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………… ………………… ……… 22
Page 2 of 22
Symbols and abbreviations abbreviations a.c.
Alternating current.
Distributed co control syst em.
Differential pr pressure.
Instrument/Electri cal.
Current-t o-pressure.
Intrinsi c safet y.
Lower range value.
Piping an and in instrum rument dia diag gram ram.
Process automation system.
Programmabl e logic controll er er.
Resist istance temper perature dete detecctto orr.
Safet y instrumented syst em.
Upper range value.
General a.
For all checkout checkout and commi commissioning ssioning activities activities,, safety safety shall shall be the prima primary ry concern concern and and responsibility of all involved personnel. It is required that all commissioning personnel be qualified to perform their assigned activities.
Personnel involved in calibration and commissioning commissioning of instrument systems shall have experience and verifiable training to included but not limited to the following: following: 1.
Calibr Calibratio ation n of of instru instrumen ments ts bei being ng insta installed lled..
Use of of com compres pressi sion on fit fitti tin ngs. gs.
Installation Installation/inspec /inspection tion of electr electrical ical equipment equipment in hazardou hazardouss areas areas..
Commissio Commissioning ning personne personnell shall shall review, review, be familiar familiar with, with, and adhere to all relev relevant ant portions of Health, Safety and Environmental Environmental (HSE) documents documents and procedures.
Prior Prior to comme commencing ncing any work, work, a Job Job Safety Safety Analysi Analysiss (JSA) (JSA) or other other equivale equivalent, nt, site site specific, procedure shall be conducted to confirm that persons involved are trained and competent, ensure that appropriate Personal Protection Equip ment (PPE) is worn, review emergency response plans, and emphasize that each person is empowered to stop the work if it is perceived to be unsafe.
If hazardou hazardouss materials materials (chemica (chemicals, ls, fluids, fluids, etc.) etc.) are part of the commission commissioning ing procedure procedure,, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall shall be reviewed by all involved personnel prior to proceeding with any related commissioning commissioning activity.
The safe and effic efficient ient commiss commissioning ioning of any any facility facility requires requires associated associated instrume instrumentatio ntation n to be installed completely, checked for integrity and commissioned for use. use. The steps involved in achieving this process should be clearly clearly understood un derstood and followed. Page 3 of 22
3. 3.1.
Refer Refer to Annex Annex A for for example exampless of checkou checkoutt and pre-comm pre-commissioning issioning of instrum instrument ent and control systems.
Prior Prior to initiati initiating ng any checkou checkoutt and/or and/or commission commissioning ing activities activities,, mechanical mechanical completion completion checklists and other appropriate documents shall be reviewed and confirmed as complete and all components are acceptable for subsequent commissioning efforts.
Defect Defective ive instrum instrument entss shall shall be replac replaced ed or or rep repaire aired. d.
Instrumentation receiving receiving and storage Gen er al a.
Upon Upon rece receipt, ipt, instru instrumen ments ts shall shall be check checked ed for for:: 1.
Complia Compliance nce with with purcha purchase se specific specificati ations ons..
Correct ect tag tagg ging ing.
Ship Shippi ping ng damag amagee.
Relevant Relevant documentat documentation ion (installa (installation tion and handling handling instruction instructions). s).
After inspection, instruments instruments shall be: 1.
Replace Replaced d in the their ir origin original al fac factory tory boxes. boxes.
Correctly ta tagge gged.
Store Stored d on she shelve lvess in a dry dry,, enclos enclosed ed are area. a.
Pneumatic Pneumatic and electr electrical ical opening openingss should should be closed closed with with proper proper plugs and and screw screw caps should be securely in place if storing i nstruments prior to installation.
Integrity Integrity of of sealed sealed protective protective covers covers shall shall be maintained maintained during during storage storage..
For instruments instruments or control control panels panels that have have been been pre-mo pre-mounted unted on on the machine machinery ry package package and cannot be stored in a dry, enclosed area, special arrangements should be made.
Removal Removal and and indoor indoor stora storage ge of prepre-mo mounte unted d instrum instruments ents and and contro controll panels panels may be required if such devices cannot be protected from rain, humidity, temperature, or dusty conditions.
El ec t r o n i c in in s t r u m en t s a.
Electronic Electronic instruments instruments shall shall be stored in a dust-fr dust-free ee room between between 8°C and and 45°C (45°F and 110°F).
If humidity is excessive, instruments instruments shall be sealed and stored in plastic wrap, placed in a box with desiccant outside the plastic wrapping, wrapping, and stored indoors.
Manufacture Manufacturerr recomm recommendat endations ions shall shall be reviewed reviewed to determine determine if climate climate-con -controlled trolled storage facilities are required.
Electronic Electronic instrum instruments ents that cannot cannot be stored stored in a protec protective tive environm environment, ent, shall shall be protected protected as follows: 1.
Desicc Desiccan antt should should be placed placed in in instr instrum ument ent encl enclosu osures res..
Instrumen Instruments ts should should be covered covered to protect protect against against water water entry entry..
Control Control valve valve ports ports should be protec protected ted against against contamina contamination tion by solids (example (example stones, soil, etc).
Pn eu mat i c i n s t r u m en t s Pneumatic instruments shall be stored in a dry area, protected from the elements.
Page 4 of 22
4. 4.1.
L o c al c o n t r o l p an el s a.
Panel Panel labell labelling ing shoul should d be visible visible throug through h packagin packaging g to avoid open opening. ing.
If labelling is not visible, packaging shall be opened just enough to identify the control panel, then resealed and placed in a dry, enclosed or protected protected area with temperature between 8°C and 45°C (45°F and 110°F).
In high-hum high-humidity idity areas, areas, desic desiccant cant shall shall be placed placed inside the packaging packaging before before resea resealing. ling.
Panels Panels with with inter internal nal heate heaters rs shall shall be energi energized zed during during stor storage age..
Dial ial the therm rmom ome eters, ters, pre pressure ssure gaug gauge es, and gaug gauge e gla glasses sses a.
Dial thermom thermomete eters, rs, pressure pressure gauges, and gauge gauge glasses glasses shall shall be protected protected against against physical physical damage from construction activities.
Such protection may require require tagging and storage in a dry, enclosed area. In that case, case, process connections connections shall be capped or plugged with metal caps/plugs until the instruments are installed.
Documentation Gen er al a.
Pre-commi Pre-commission ssioning ing docume documentation ntation shall be be organize organized d either either by system system or by area. area.
Commissioning activities shall be performed performed using the current edition of the following project documents: 1.
Loop diag iagrams ams. *
Piping Piping and instrum instrument ent diagram diagramss (P& (P&ID IDs). s). *
Instru strum ment inde ndex.
Instru Instrumen mentt data data sheets sheets and/or and/or specifica specification tions. s. *
Inst Instrum rumen entt calc calcul ulat atio ion n she sheet ets. s. *
Level Level tran transmi smitte tterr URV and and LRV calcu calculat lation ionss (if applic applicab able) le).. *
Orif Orific icee insp inspec ecti tion on rec recor ords ds.. *
Inst Instrum rumen entt desig design n draw drawin ings gs..
Instr Instrum umen entt loca locatio tion n draw drawin ings gs..
Wiring diagrams. diagrams.
Junc Juncti tion on box box draw rawings ings..
Cable sc schedules les.
Instru Instrume ment nt install installatio ation n detail detail drawin drawings gs..
Rele Releva vant nt mot motor or sche schem matic aticss. *
Marsha arshall lling ing cabine abinett dra drawin wings gs..
Shutd Shutdow own n sche schema matic ticss (if app applic licab able le). ). *
Specialized Specialized documenta documentation tion unique unique to specific specific loop loop types types (for (for example example,, trip trip point point calculation for current switches, panel drawings, etc.). *
Inst Instru rume men nt supp suppli lier er data data..
10. Factory Factory calibr calibrati ation on certific certificati ation. on. * 11. Control Control Strate Strategy gy Diagram Diagramss (if (if applica applicable). ble). *
Page 5 of 22
Rec o r ds a.
5. 5.1.
The items indicated indicated above above with with an asteris asterisk k (*) should should be the the minimum minimum assem assembled bled drawing drawingss in a loop check folder for ready reference:
As each each instrume instrument nt is checked checked,, calibrated calibrated,, and commissio commissioned, ned, a certifica certification tion record record shall be completed. These records shall include the following following information: 1.
Complete Complete listing listing of calibr calibration ation test equipmen equipmentt being used and acceptab acceptable le toleranc tolerances. es.
Record Record of test test equipmen equipmentt calibrati calibration on check checkss that have been performed performed..
Readou Readoutt or or outpu outputt value valuess from from the calib calibrat ration ion..
Commi Commissi ssion oning ing ser servic vices es per perfo form rmed ed..
Deficie icienc ncie iess noti noticced. ed.
Conc Conceerns rns ide identif ntifie ied d.
Factory certification shall shall be included for factory-calibrated instruments. These instruments should be verified, but not recalibrated, in t he field.
For each instrum instrument ent loop, loop, a separa separate te document document file file shall shall be maintai maintained. ned. The The following following items shall be included in the file: 1.
As-bui s-built lt stat statu us of of insta install llat atio ion. n.
Calibration Calibration,, testing, testing, and and final final instrume instrument nt loop loop certifica certification tion of control control system system components.
Subsy Subsyste stem ms provid provided ed for for the the fac facil ility ity..
A complete complete set set of project project drawings, drawings, marke marked d up to to reflect reflect the as-built as-built condition condition of of all all instruments and subsystems, shall be required at the end of t he project.
Changes Changes to documents documents shall be recorded recorded to show the “as-bu “as-built” ilt” condition condition of the document document.. The following colour-coded format should b e used: 1.
Addi Additi tion onss sh shall all be be in red red.
Dele Deletio tions ns sha shall be be in in gre greeen
Comme Comment ntss shou should ld be in blue blue or grey grey.
Installation inspection Pr er eq u i s i t es a.
Air headers, headers, takeoff takeoff lines, lines, and signal signal tubes tubes shall be cleaned cleaned by blowing blowing clean, clean, dry air before connecting to instrument components.
Before the installation of inline instrumentation components, process process lines, tanks, and pressure vessels vessels shall be prepared as follows: 1.
Cl eaned.
Pre Pressu ssurere-test testeed.
Blo Blown down down,, if if appl applic icab able le..
Plac Placeed in serv servic icee, if feas feasib ible le..
Gen er al a.
Some installation installation inspection inspection activiti activities es may be deferred deferred and comb combined ined with with system system checkout or loop check.
A mechanical completion completion documentation (including a punch list) shall be submitted. Page 6 of 22
Inspection Inspection of of local local gauges gauges shall shall be performed performed just before before comm commissionin issioning g activities activities are started.
Miscellaneou Miscellaneouss and special special instrume instruments nts shall shall be checked checked for for correc correctt installation installation in accordance with manufacturer instructions and instrument specifications.
Instrume Instruments nts shall shall be isolated isolated during during initial initial field field inspec inspection tion as follows follows:: 1.
Signa Signall and and proc process ess valves valves shall shall be close closed. d.
Instr Instrume uments nts shall shall be be elec electric trically ally de-ene de-energi rgized zed..
In s t r u m en t i n s pec ti ti o n c hec k s Installation inspection for instruments and associated components (including junction boxes, control valves, relief valves, and meters) shall include checks for the following, as applicable: a.
Identif Identifica ication tion tags tags shall shall be che checked cked as follow follows: s: 1.
Comp Comply ly with with the the ins instr trum umen entt Data Data Shee Sheet. t.
Prop Propeerly engr ngrave aved.
Prop Propeerly attac ttache hed. d.
Iden dentify tify each ach dev device ice.
Missing or damaged tags shall shall be replaced.
Engraved Engraved namep nameplates lates have have been been provided provided and correc correctly tly installed installed with stainless stainless steel steel holders for all field instruments, including: 1.
Transmitter ters.
Pro Process cess swit switcches. hes.
Rem Remote ote mou mount nted ed ind indicat icator ors. s.
Control rol valv valvees.
Considerat Consideration ion should should be given to tagging tagging the location location of the instrume instrument nt as well, well, so that that when the instrument is removed the location is sti ll identified.
Location, Location, mater material, ial, and and orienta orientation tion comply comply with with Manufac Manufacturer turer recommend recommendations ations and installation design drawings.
Instru Instrume ment nt and system system configu configurat ration ion is correc correct. t.
Access Access for for observing observing,, adjusting adjusting,, setting, setting, and calibratin calibrating g does does not require require climbing climbing over, under, or through equipment and piping.
Piping Piping connecti connections ons have have been been made, made, and piping piping and valving valving comply comply with with Manufac Manufacturer turer recommendations recommendations and installation design drawings.
Capabil Capability ity to to rod out out instru instrume ment nt piping piping has has been prov provide ided, d, if requir required ed..
Sloping of instrument piping and tubing is in the correct direction and at adequate gradient. gradient.
Instrume Instruments nts are supported supported in accordance accordance with with specified specified require requiremen ments ts and no excessive excessive strain is placed on connected tubing.
Electrical Electrical equipme equipment nt is certif certified ied for for the process process area area in which it is being being used, used, as required required by the area classification drawing. Manufacturer Manufacturer nameplates or stickers shall indicate that the instruments or systems are listed or approved for use in the specified electrical area classification.
Case bolts, bolts, stem clamps, clamps, yoke yoke lockouts, lockouts, and travel travel indicators indicators are are tight and and packing packing gland bolts are torqued in accordance with with Manufacturer instructions.
Low-tempe Low-temperature rature thread sealants sealants have have not been used in in high temperature temperature applications. applications.
High point point vents vents and and drains drains have been provided provided,, if require required, d, and and verified verified that that they have pipe plugs. Page 7 of 22
Air vents and exhaust ports have bug screens installed. installed.
No physic physical al damage, damage, includ including ing paint paint damage damage or or cracked cracked glass, has occurred occurred to the equipment.
Unused Unused instrument instrument and elec electrical trical equipment equipment are plugged with with proper proper plugs. plugs.
For instruments instruments and tubing tubing that that require require heat heat tracing tracing,, installatio installation n inspec inspection tion shall shall be according to the following: 1.
Verif Verifica ication tion of adequate adequate cover coverage age,, arrange arrangemen ment, t, and accessib accessibility ility..
Continu Continuity ity testi testing ng of the heat heat trac tracing ing inst installa allatio tion. n.
Heat limiting limiting arrangeme arrangement nt to preven preventt boiling boiling in impulse impulse lines and accelera accelerated ted corrosion.
Pi pi pi ng ng , c o n du du i t, t, c ab l e, e, an d t u b in in g
5. 4. 1.
Gen er al
Piping, Piping, conduit, conduit, cable, cable, and and tubing tubing shall be inspecte inspected d for prope properr support support in accordanc accordancee with with specified requirements.
Piping and tubing in instrument signal air service shall be tested in accordance with with ISA 7.0.01.
Tubing Tubing connect connections ions shall shall be tight and and in accordanc accordancee with with Manufac Manufacturer turer specificat specifications. ions.
Tubing Tubing connectors connectors (nuts, (nuts, ferrule ferrules, s, and fittings) fittings) shall shall be from from the same same manufac manufacturer turer and and of the same type.
Tubing Tubing and instru instrumen ments ts shall be leak-tes leak-tested ted and the the inside inside diame diameter ter of tubing and piping piping verified.
Leak Leak tes testt shou should ld con consis sistt of the follo follow wing: ing:
5. 4. 2.
Apply Apply the maxi maximum mum input input signal signal input input pressur pressuree to the process process connec connection tion..
Close Close the the inlet inlet and and discon disconnec nectt the pressu pressure re sourc source. e.
Observe Observe the gauge on the signal signal inlet and and ensure ensure there there is no no fall-off fall-off of pressure pressure over over a given period.
If leaks leaks are eviden evident, t, these shall shall be elimina eliminated ted and the test repeated repeated..
Field mounte mounted d electrical electrical instru instrument mentss using using conduit conduit shall shall have seals insta installed lled with with sealan sealantt as specified.
Tu bi bi n g co mp mp re res s i o n f i tt tt in gs gs
For instrument instrument tubing tubing runs, runs, each compression compression fitting fitting shall shall be inspected inspected by one of the following methods: 1.
Manufac Manufactu turer rer go/no go/no-go -go inspec inspection tion gauges. gauges.
Disassem Disassembly, bly, where whereby by the fitting fitting is disconnec disconnected ted after after makeu makeup, p, inspected, inspected, and made made up again. At least 10% of the fittings in process service (primary tubing runs) shall be disassembled for inspection. For each improperly made up fitting, an additional two fittings shall be inspected by disass embly. embly.
Inspection criteria for tubing tubing compression fittings shall include: 1.
Clea leanliness.
Burrs Burrs or deep deep longi longitudin tudinal al scratc scratches hes..
Squ Square tube ends.
Gall Gallin ing g of the the fer ferru rule le or or fitt fitting ing sea seat. t.
Tubing Tubing is is out of round round from from bends bends being being locate located d too close close to the fittin fitting. g. Page 8 of 22
5. 4. 3.
Tube Tube bo bottom ttoms in fitt fittin ing g bod body y.
Ferru Ferrule le adequate adequately ly biting biting the the tube tube and back back from from the the tube tube end. end.
Ferr Ferru ule(s) le(s) fit fitted ted cor corre rect ct way way round round..
Wi r e an d c ab l e
Field Field wirin wiring g shall shall be inspec inspected ted acco accord rding ing to the follo follow wing: 1.
Check Check wiring iring again against st draw drawing ings. s.
Conf Confirm irm wire labe labell lling ing is co correc rrect. t.
Veri Verify fy wire wire size size and and ty type. pe.
Check for for proper proper circuit circuit isolation isolation at junction junction boxes boxes and term termination inations. s.
Low voltage voltage signals shall be be isolated isolated from from power. power. IS circuits circuits requi require re barriers barriers and isolation.
Verify Verify wiring wiring termin terminals als are the correct correct type type and wiring wiring has has been properly properly dressed-ou dressed-outt to provide easy access to terminations.
Electrical gland connections shall be tight and electrical tape not added as filler.
Co nt r o l v al v es i n s pe pec t i o n c he hec k s a.
Control Control valves valves and and regulators regulators shall shall be checke checked d to ensure ensure that installati installation on orientation orientation agrees agrees with process flow direction.
Lubricators and isolating valves shall be checked for proper proper installation and loading.
Valve plugs and shaft shaft orientati orientation on on rotary valves valves shall be checke checked. d.
Control Control valves valves and regulators regulators shall shall not be inline during during piping piping hydrostatic hydrostatic tests or or line flushing. If left installed, they shall either be blocked-in or slip-blinded.
Control Control valves, valves, regula regulators, tors, and and accesso accessories ries shall be checked checked against against namep nameplate late data data and instrument data sheets, and the results recorded.
Pressure Pressure regulator regulator nameplate nameplate set pressur pressuree value value shall shall be checked checked against against Manufactu Manufacturer rer specification data.
Split range range positioners positioners and and positioner positionerss that require require air loadings loadings greater greater than 0,2-1,0 0,2-1,0 bar(g bar(g)) (3-15 psig) should be checked to ensure that b ypasses are either secured or not included.
Diaphragm Diaphragm and piston-o piston-operated perated control control valves valves shall be bench check checked ed as follows: follows: 1.
Stems Stems shall be be inspec inspected ted for for burrs burrs or paint, which which shall be removed removed if present present to prevent valve packing damage.
If requi required, red, valves shall shall be lubricated lubricated in accordance accordance with with Manufactu Manufacturer rer instruct instructions. ions.
Throttling Throttling butterfly butterfly valves valves shall shall be be checked checked for a mark mark to indicate indicate vane position. position.
Valve visual inspection and checks shall include at least the following: following: 1.
Verify Verify that interna internall moving parts parts of valve valve actuators actuators are correc correctly tly lubricated lubricated (where (where applicable) to ensure safe operation.
Ensure Ensure that that required required extension extension stems stems or or other operating operating devices devices that that are necess necessary ary for for operation but are not indicated b y drawings or specification have been installed.
Visual Visually ly inspec inspectt facili facility ty piping piping system systemss and valve intern internals als for for damage damage and verify verify the correct installation of internals.
Verify Verify that valves valves are in the correct correct open or or closed closed operating operating mode. mode.
Temp er er at at ur ur e i ns ns tr tr um umen ts ts in in s pe pec ti ti on on ch chec ks ks a.
Thermo Thermocou couple ple systems systems shall shall be check checked ed for for:: Page 9 of 22
Doubl oublee reve reverrsals sals..
Prop Propeer poin pointt iden identific tificat ation ion..
Prop Proper er burn burnou outt indi indica cati tion on..
For thermocouple elements, elements, the following shall be verified: 1.
Elemen Elementt type type is as as specif specified ied (for (for exam example, E, K, K, R). R).
Junction Junction type is correct correct (earthed/gro (earthed/grounde unded d or or unear unearthed/un thed/unground grounded). ed).
Thermowe Thermowells lls shall shall be checke checked d to verify verify that that they comply comply with with the Data Sheet. Sheet. This This check check may include verifying the correctness of: 1.
Flange rating. ng.
Inser sertion tion le length. th.
RTD transm transmitters itters and receivers receivers shall shall be checke checked d to ensure ensure that RTD material material matches matches the Data Sheet.
Fl o w i n s t r u m en t s a.
Corr Correc ectt flow flow dire direct ction ion sha shall ll be ver verif ified ied..
For differential pressure pressure type flow instruments, instruments, the primary instrument piping connections shall be verified that they are properly made up at both the element connection and differential pressure instrument connections. The correct orientation of t he high side versus the low side shall be verified.
Lines containing containing inline inline flow flow elemen elements ts shall shall be cleaned cleaned and and flushed flushed before installation installation of the flow element.
Inline flow flow elemen elements ts shall shall be removed removed before before lines lines are flushed flushed or or hydrostatic hydrostatically ally pressu pressure re tested.
Differen Differential tial pressu pressure re type type flow flow instrumen instruments, ts, during during hydrostatic hydrostatic pressure pressure tests: tests:
Orific Orificee tap tap shu shutoff toff valve valvess shall shall be closed closed..
Instru Instrume ment nt drai drain n valve valvess sha shall ll be opened. opened.
Rotam Rotamet eter erss sh shall all be check hecked ed to ensu ensure re:: 1.
Insta nstall llat atio ion n is plum plumb. b.
Shippi Shipping ng stop stopss shall shall be be remov removed ed and float floatss inser inserted ted..
The follow following ing meters meters shall shall be checke checked d for for free free operation operation of interna internall parts: parts: 1.
Rota me meters.
Tur Turbine bine meter ters.
Posit Positiv ivee disp displa lace cem ment meters ters..
Differen Differential tial flow eleme elements nts and and meter meter runs runs shall shall be checked checked for for comp compliance liance with Manufacturer and relevant specifications.
The follow following ing shall shall be checked checked for for dimension dimension and materia materiall complianc compliancee with with the Data Sheet: 1.
Flow Flow orif orific icee met meter er runs runs..
Venttu urri tu tubes bes.
Flow noz nozzles les. Page 10 of 22
For orifice plates, bores shall be callipered before before installation as follows: 1.
Bore Boress shall shall com comply with with the the spec specif ific icati ation. on.
Bores Bores shall shall be within within toleran tolerance cess shown shown in in Tabl Tablee 1. 1. Table 1 - Practical tolerances for orifice diameters Or if i c e di am et er
6 9,5
0,250 0,375
0,0075 0,01
0,0003 0,0004
12 25 25+
0,500 1,0 1,0+
0,0125 0,0125 0,0005 (per mm of diameter)
0,0005 0,0005 0,0005 (per inch of diameter)
Result Resultss shall shall be reco recorde rded d on certif certifica ication tion docu documen mentat tation ion..
Orifice Orifice plates plates shall shall be visually visually checke checked d for an upstrea upstream m sharp sharp edge. edge.
Orifice Orifice plates plates shall be instal installed led after after flushing flushing and cleaning cleaning operation operationss are complete. complete.
Orifice Orifice plate installati installation on shall be check checked ed to ensure ensure that orifice orifice plate is in the correct correct line. line.
L ev el i n s t r u m en t s
Pr ac t i cal t ol er anc e (+/-)
Installatio Installation n of the follow following ing shall shall be checked checked for for proper proper installation installation:: 1.
Gauge glasses.
Gauge cocks.
Illu llumiin naatto orrs.
Ball checks.
Heat tra traciin ng g.
Othe ther acc accesso essorries. ies.
External float and displacer type level instruments instruments shall be checked as follow: 1.
The float float chambe chamberr shall shall be blocked, blocked, drained, drained, and vented vented during during hydrost hydrostatic atic testing. testing.
The opera operation tion shall shall be field field checked checked mechanical mechanically ly by raising raising and lowering lowering the displacer with water.
The The cage cage shal shalll be chec checked ked to ensur ensuree it is plum plumb.
Internal Internal float float and displacer displacer type level instrume instruments nts shall shall be removed removed during during hydros hydrostatic tatic testing.
Loop check and syst em checkout Pr er eq u is i t es a.
The foll follow owing ing shall shall be verifi verified ed before before loop loop check check or syste system m checkou checkout: t: 1.
All item items are are mec mecha hanic nical ally ly com comple pleted ted..
Inst Instal alla latio tion n inspe inspect ction ion is is comple completed ted..
Compli Compliance ance with with local local requir requireme ements nts and regulat regulations ions..
Pressure testing and blowing out out of tubing runs shall be completed before initial connection to instruments. Page 11 of 22
All docum documentation entation pertaining pertaining to to the loop should should be available available as as per per section section sub-clau sub-clause se 4.1.c
Gen er al a.
The follow following ing procedu procedure re should should be followe followed d to ensure ensure all elemen elements ts in the loop are are checked: 1.
Check each each loop loop in accord accordance ance with the the latest latest revision revision of the “approved “approved for for construction” loop diagram.
As the the loop loop check check proceeds proceeds and element elementss are checke checked, d, highlight highlight verif verified ied portions portions of the loop drawing.
Comple Complete te the the appro appropria priate te loop loop check check docum documen entati tation. on.
When a loop loop check check is complete complete and signed signed off, off, place place a green green dot dot on all all major major components. If any work that could affect the loop is subsequently performed, notify instrument personnel to recheck the loop.
The loop check check should should include include a test test label, label, with with tester’ tester’ss initial initial and date for traceability.
Discrepancies, errors, errors, or deficiencies shall be corrected and rechecked. rechecked.
The sequence sequence of loop certif certification ication shall be be coordina coordinated ted with with area area construct construction ion schedules schedules..
Loops Loops shall shall be be checked checked as a complete complete system, system, from inputs inputs to outputs. outputs.
Loop check checkss shall shall involve involve checking checking compone components nts in all position positionss and under under all scenar scenarios ios to ensure they work correctly, both locally and from t he process automation system (PAS).
If an impac impactt to operati operations ons may may occur occur,, Operatio Operations ns shall shall be advis advised ed of the the loop to be be checked. In such cases, the state of the input shall be verified before proceeding.
A functio functional nal loop loop check check shall shall be made while while all all loop loop instrumen instruments ts are energized energized..
In s tr tr u m ent c al i b r at i o n an d c he hec k ou ou t
6. 3. 1.
Gen er al
Factory Factory calibra calibrated ted instrume instruments nts should should be be verified verified by corres corresponding ponding certificat certification. ion.
Instruments that have been factory factory calibrated shall not be recalibrated in the field.
Calibrate Calibrate in the field field only if not already already facto factory ry calibrated calibrated.. If certified certified factory factory calibration calibration is found to be wrong, the Manufacturer should be notified and t he instrument replaced. Do not recalibrate onsite.
If the calibration calibration check check indicates indicates that that the instrume instrument nt will operate operate within within the manufac manufacturer turer stated accuracy, additional calibration shall not be required.
Calibration Calibration of instrument instrumentss shall be be reserve reserved d only for for those devices devices that, that, upon check checking, ing, are not within their specified operating range.
Calib Calibra ratio tion n chec checks ks shal shalll be doc docume umente nted d.
Stickers Stickers with the following following information information shall shall be attached attached to instrume instruments nts that have been checked and calibrated:
Date Date and time time of calibr calibrati ation on verif verifica ication tion..
Tech Techni nici ciaan ident identif ific icat atio ion. n.
To verify verify,, calibra calibration tion check checkss should should be perfo perform rmed ed as follo follows ws:: 1.
At a minimu minimum m of three three calibr calibration ation points points (0%, (0%, 50%, 50%, and 100% 100% of operating operating range) range),, or otherwise indicated.
For smart smart transm transmitters itters,, use use electron electronically ically simulated simulated outputs. outputs. Page 12 of 22
For standard standard analogue transmitters transmitters,, use use simulate simulated d process process variable variable inputs. inputs.
Check calibra calibration tion from from each each field field device device through through the the PAS PAS to each each device device that uses uses the the selected variable and any combination of devices that use t he selected variable and other variables.
Chec Check k loop loop compo ompone nent ntss for: for: 1.
Correct Correct readout or res response ponse at each each transmitter transmitter input level. level.
Correct Correct action of the contr controller oller,, positione positioner, r, and cont control rol valve.
Incorrec Incorrectt response response or readout readout shall be reported reported for correct correction. ion.
Instrument covers covers and enclosures that were removed removed for calibration shall be replaced.
Loop check personnel personnel shall shall not not change calibrati calibration on or system system ranges ranges without without approv approval. al.
Conflicting Conflicting data data encountered encountered between between calibr calibration ation ranges of field field devices devices and and display displayed ed or or configured ranges within the PAS shall be brought to attention for resolution.
Signals Signals shall shall be simulated simulated at the input input of the end device device as shown shown in Table Table 2 (for (for analogue analogue transmitters) and Table 3 (for switches). Table Table 2 - Simulatin Simulatin g signals at analogu e transmitt ers
T y p e of t r ansm i t t er
Pr o c ed u r e
Pre Pressure, orifice meter, and d/p Temp Temperat eratu ure
Pum Pump up at 0%, 50%, and 100%. Read Read the temperat eratu ure. re.
Level (d/p type)
Fill column with approved liquid to 0%, 50%, and 100%.
Analogue transmitters, for which the process parameter cannot be simulated
Check at zero. Use U se a calibrator calibrator (for exam example, ple, Altek) to input a current at 0%, 50%, and 100%.
Table Table 3 - Simulatin Simulatin g sign als at swi tches T y p e of sw i t c h
Level P ressure or d/p Tran Transm smiitter curr curren entt
Pr o c ed u r e
Fill float chamber with approved liquid to trip the switch. P ump it up to trip the switch. Pum Pump up the tran ransmit smittter (pre (pressu ssure re,, d/p d/p,, or or ori orifice fice d/p), /p), use a temperature calibrator (for example, Altek), or fill the column with liquid.
Digital Digital communica communications tions devices devices may may be used used to set set smart smart transmitter transmitter output output to the the required required levels for loop checking.
Smart Smart transm transmitte itters rs shall shall be operation operationally ally tested tested and and digitally digitally ranged. ranged.
Input devices should be checked as follows:
Read and confirm confirm correct correct value(s) value(s),, as appro appropriate priate,, on the PAS, at at the panel, and and at the the marshalling cabinet (if the device is a relay input).
For signa signals ls that that enter multipl multiplee locations locations [for exam example, ple, surge surge control control points and programmable programmable logic controller (PLC) points], values should be checked at all input locations.
For PLC input inputs, s, use a voltmet voltmeter er or or check check the input card indic indication ation light light..
For For relays relays,, use a voltme voltmeter ter or or visually visually chec check k the relay relay state state..
Check Check local local indica indicator torss or other other remo remote te indica indicator tor read readings ings..
If feas feasible ible,, correct correct outp outputs uts shou should ld be verif verified ied as show shown n in Table Table 4. 4. Page 13 of 22
Table Table 4 - Outpu Outpu t verifi cation Ty p e o f o u t p u t
Pr o c ed u r e
Cont Controll rollers ers wi with con control rol valves
Put con controll roller er in manual and chec check k valv alve movement ent corresponding to 0%, 50%, and 100% output.
Discrete outputs
Confirm that the output state (either DCS , P LC LC, or relay) at the end device matches the expected output state. Check the valve at 0% and 100%. Shu Shut of off ai air su supply (ty (typical cally block ock an and ven ventt) an and ch check eck for for failure.
Automated valves Val Valves wi with a fai faillure pos posiition
6. 3. 2.
6. 3. 3.
6. 3. 4.
Using Using loop loop drawing drawingss or or shutdown shutdown schematics, schematics, input input and output output interaction interaction should should be checked for action direction as follows: 1.
For control control loops, loops, increasi increasing ng or decrea decreasing sing transm transmitter itter input input should should open open or or close the control valve, as applicable.
For shutdo shutdowns, wns, toggling toggling the inputs inputs shoul should d cause solenoid solenoid valves valves or other end devices devices to open or close or b e on or off, as applicable.
After After input input wiring wiring has been confi confirmed rmed to the shutdown shutdown panel, panel, subse subsequent quent toggling toggling of the the input may be accomplished by removing the appropriate fuses at the inp ut termination strip.
Cal ib ib r at at io io n t es est eq ui ui pm pmen t
If calibration calibration is required required the test test equipmen equipmentt shall shall be according according to this section. section.
Shop test equipment (excluding pressure pressure generating devices, such as manometers and dead weight testers) shall require certification. Certification shall be: 1.
Curren Currentt with within in one one year year of testing testing activi activity. ty.
Tracea Traceable ble to a recog recognize nized, d, approv approved ed certi certific ficati ation on agency agency..
Kept on file.
Calibratio Calibration n test equipment equipment shall shall be selec selected ted to be more accurate accurate than than the manuf manufacture acturer r advertised accuracy of the equipment being tested. Order of magnitude of 10 if feasible.
Transmitt Transmitting ing or receiving receiving signal signal accuracy accuracy of calibr calibration ation equipmen equipmentt shall shall be greater greater than the instrument to be calibrated.
Pneumatic Pneumatic calibra calibration tion gauges, gauges, electronic electronic test meter meterss and equipment, equipment, and digital strain strain gauge instruments shall have an accuracy of at least 0 ,1% full scale.
Portable Portable field field test test devices devices shall shall be tested for for accurac accuracy y at least least twice twice a week against against shop shop calibration equipment.
Air for for the calibrat calibration ion of pneumatic-ac pneumatic-actuated tuated instrum instruments ents shall shall be instrumen instrument-qual t-quality ity air. air. If instrument air is not available onsite at the time of calibration, dry bottled filtered air shall be used.
Rec ei v i n g in i n st ru ru m en t s
Controller Controllers, s, recorde recorders, rs, and and indicator indicatorss shall shall be checke checked d for alignme alignment nt in accordan accordance ce with with the Manufacturer-supplied manual.
Recorder charts and pens shall shall be prepared for use.
Charts Charts and and scales scales shall be checked checked for range in accordan accordance ce with with specif specification ications. s.
Sw i t c h es
Instrumen Instruments ts that that are two-position two-position devices devices should should not not be calibra calibrated ted over over their their full full range. range. Only the trip point and dead band (reset point) should be checked. Page 14 of 22
6. 3. 5.
Switches used in alarms, shutdown, shutdown, or signal switching service shall be set to specified values by applying a rising and falling signal.
Dead Dead bands bands shall be chec checked ked to ensure ensure they they are within within the Manuf Manufact acturer urer publis published hed tolerance.
Co nt nt ro rol v al al ve ves an an d pr pr es ess ur ur e r eg egu la lat or or s
Valve funct function ion tests tests shall shall be perform performed ed to ensure ensure that that valves valves operate operate effectiv effectively ely,, have no damage, and have correct fail functions.
Valve failure position shall be checked to ensure failsafe operation operation on loss of motive fluid.
Solenoid Solenoid valves valves mounted mounted on on control control valves valves shall shall be energize energized d and de-energ de-energized ized to ensure ensure that the control valve fails correctly. correctly.
Butter Butterfly fly valve valvess shall shall be checke checked d to ensu ensure re that: that: 1.
The vane vane move movess freely freely in upst upstream ream and down downstre stream am pipin piping. g.
Mechanical Mechanical stops are set as specified specified on the Data Data Sheet. Sheet.
Throttling Throttling butter butterfly fly valves valves are are set for maximum maximum travel travel restriction restrictionss in accord accordance ance with specifications.
The The foll follow owing ing sh shall all be comp comple leted ted and and rec recorde orded: d:
Chec Check k val valve ve fail failur uree acti action on..
Set Set posi positi tion on in indicat icato or.
Opera Operation tion of valve valve acces accessor sories ies shall shall be chec checked ked,, includin including: g: 1.
Sole Solen noid valve lves.
Limit switch tches.
Handwh Handwheel eelss shall shall be in neutra neutrall position position befo before re stroki stroking ng valve valves. s.
Diaph Diaphragm ragm and and pistonpiston-ope opera rated ted contro controll valves valves shall be pneuma pneumatica tically lly stroke stroked d using using a regulator and test gauge.
The following shall be verified to be in accordance accordance with Manufacturer nameplate nameplate data and job specifications (if applicable) and recorded: recorded: 1.
Valve ac action.
Mec Mechan hanica ical se seatin ating g.
Spring Spring range range or bench bench setting setting show shown n on valve valve name namepla plate. te.
Valve Valve trave travell (inc (inclu ludin ding g bench bench set). set).
Valv Valvee failu ailure re posi positi tion on..
Actuator Actuator setting (either (either reverse reverse or direct direct action) action) is is in accorda accordance nce with with Manufacture Manufacturer r specifications.
Limit Limit swit switche chess indicat indicatee full full open open and and clo close. se.
Soleno Solenoid id valves valves bleed bleed the actuato actuatorr when when energize energized d or de-ene de-energ rgized ized..
Boosters Boosters amplify amplify the pneumatic pneumatic signa signall in comp compliance liance with Manuf Manufacturer acturer specifications.
10. Handwheel, if provided, provided, opens and closes closes the valve and in neutral position, position, permits permits automatic control. 11. Relays, Relays, if provided, provided, activate activate in accordance accordance with Manufacturer Manufacturer specifica specifications. tions. Page 15 of 22
12. Rotary valve valve plugs plugs seat properly properly and are operat operating ing in the proper proper quadrant. quadrant. 13. Local valve valve position position indicators indicators are installed installed prope properly rly to match valve valve position. position.
6. 3. 6.
If valve valve includes includes a volume volume booster booster bypass valve, valve, the gain gain shall shall be set by backing out out the adjusting screw 1-1/2 to 2 turns from closed and shall be checked for stable operation.
I/P trans transducer ducerss that that output output to control control valve valvess shall be calibrate calibrated d to be direct direct acting, acting, with an output range of 0,2-1,0 b ar (g) (3-15 psig) or 0,4-2,0 bar (g) (6-30 psig) for a corresponding input of 4 to 20 mA.
Valve positioners positioners and and other auxiliary auxiliary devices devices (for (for example, example, limit limit switches, switches, position position transmitters, and trip relays) shall be verified in accordance with nameplate data and Manufacturer specifications.
Manually Manually operated operated valves valves (including (including skid mounted mounted valves) valves) shall shall be manually manually sequenced sequenced and spindle rotation and int egrity shall be verified.
A ut om om at ed Val v es
Automa Automated ted valve valve shall shall be be chec checked ked as foll follow ows: s: 1.
Str Stroke valv valvee fro from m the the PA PAS.
Check limit switch switch settings settings,, open and closed. closed. Lim Limit it switches switches should be less less than than 90 degrees apart from each other (approximately 85 degrees).
Verify Verify that that the follo following wing all all match match the valve valve posit position ion::
b. 6. 3. 7.
Valve shaft.
Veri Verify fy the valv valvee fail fail posit positio ion n as fol follow lows: s: a)
For fail last, last, open the valve, valve, turn turn off off power power at the field field junction junction housing, housing, and and ensure the valve holds the open position.
Repeat the same procedure for for closed valve position.
If valves valves are are fitted fitted with with handwhee handwheels, ls, manually manually stroke the valve valve with with the handw handwheel heel..
Chec Check k trav traveel sto stops ps..
After automated valves are checked, checked, valves shall remain energized.
Tem p er at u r e i n st st r u me men ts ts
Temperat Temperature ure indicato indicators rs shall shall be checke checked d at ambient ambient conditions conditions,, where where practical. practical.
Certification of calibration calibration should be provided b y equipment Manufacturers Manufacturers that embed devices in their products (for example, motor winding RTDs).
Thermocou Thermocouples ples and RTDs RTDs should should not not require require calibration calibration checks checks if accompanied accompanied with vendor test certification and/or if they are removable in s ervice.
Thermocou Thermocouples ples and RTDs RTDs that are wired wired directly directly to any any type of readout readout device device (for (for example, digital control system, multipoint temperature indicator, or recorder) shall be field checked to verify operation as follows: 1.
Chec Check k fo for am ambient bient read reading ing..
Remove Remove RTD/t RTD/thermoc hermocouple ouple to verify verify the correc correctt point point is being being read. read.
Check Check output output of RTD and and therm thermoc ocoup ouple le elem elements ents:: a)
For RTD eleme elements, nts, measure measure element element resistance resistance and compare compare measuremen measurementt to the ambient temperature.
For thermocouple thermocouple elements, measure millivolt output and compare measurement measurement to the ambient temperature. Page 16 of 22
Verify Verify the signa signall at the receiv receiving ing instru instrume ment nt and/o and/orr PAS. PAS.
For thermocouple thermocoupless or RTDs RTDs that are not replaceab replaceable le while process process equipmen equipmentt is running running (for example, reactor thermocouples and tube skin thermocouples), checkout of temperature elements shall be performed and shall consist of a three-point calibration check using a controlled temperature bath before installation, if feasible. feasible. After installation, the measurement shall be compared to ambient temperature.
Bimetallic Bimetallic dial dial thermom thermometers eters shall shall not be field field calibrat calibrated. ed. The dial or or pointer pointer shall shall be set set to the ambient temperature known at the time of installation.
For instruments instruments with with suspec suspected ted calibrati calibration on and/or and/or calibrati calibration on is deeme deemed d necessary necessary the following guidance should apply: 1.
Thermal-f Thermal-filled illed system system temperature temperature instruments instruments shall shall be calibrated calibrated as follow follows: s: a)
At three three calibration calibration points, points, minimum minimum (0%, 50%, 50%, and and 100% 100% of operating operating range) range)..
By immersing immersing the sensing bulb in a precisely controlled and agitated temperature bath that is continuously monitored with a precision thermometer.
Non-facto Non-factory ry calibrated calibrated thermocou thermocouple ple transm transmitters itters and and receivers receivers shall be be calibrate calibrated, d, if required, as follows: a)
Apply Apply upscale upscale and downsca downscale le millivolt millivolt signals signals from from a precision precision voltage source. source.
Verify and adjust upper and lower lower operating limits.
Rech Rechec eck k the the thre threee-po point int cal calibr ibrat ation ion..
Non-facto Non-factory ry calibrated calibrated RTD transm transmitters itters and and receiver receiverss shall shall be checke checked, d, if required required,, as follows: a)
Use Use a prec precis ision ion deca decade de res resist istanc ancee box. box.
Verify and adjust upper and lower lower operating limits.
Rech Rechec eck k the the thre threee-po point int cal calibr ibrat ation ion..
Temperatur Temperaturee switches switches shall shall be checked checked and and set set in accorda accordance nce with with procedure proceduress in Table Table 5. Table 5 - Checks for different types of temperature switches Sw itit c h t yp e
C hec k i n g pr oc oc ed u r e
All All ty types
Chec Check k dea dead d ban band d to to con conffirm irm that it is is within thin Man Manufact factu urer rer stat stated tolerance. Che Check an and set set to sp specif cified tr trip po point by by immersion sion in fluidised sed sand bath or controlled temperature bath (depending on temperature range). Chec Check k usin sing a preci recisi sion on volt oltage age sou source. rce. Che Check using a precision decade resistance box.
Fil Filled
Ther Therm mocou ocouple ple RTD RTD
6. 3. 8.
Fl o w i n s t r u men t s
Flo Flow ind indicat icator orss sha shall be zer zeroe oed. d.
Transmitting and indicating rotameters in which which the float is not visible shall be calibrated as follows:
Manu Manual ally ly posi positi tion on the the flo float at..
Adjust the indicator indicator or or transm transmitter itter output output to the the correc correctt value at 0% and 100%.
Equipment Equipment associated associated with with meters, meters, rega regardless rdless of whether whether or or not they are used used for for custody custody transfer and allocation, calibration should be verified according to Man ufacturer standards and relevant specifications.
Page 17 of 22
6. 3. 9.
The follow following ing meters meters shall shall have have their their zero zero and span checked checked in accordance accordance with Manufacturer recommended procedure: 1.
Tur Turbine bine meter ters.
Posit Positiv ivee disp displa lace cem ment meters ters..
Vortex tex me meters.
Ultr ltrasoni sonicc meter ters.
Coriol iolis me meter ters.
Magne agnettic meter ters.
Targe rget meter ters.
Thru-f Thru-flow low type type flow switche switchess shall shall be mecha mechanic nically ally chec checked ked only. only.
Diffe Differen rentia tiall pressur pressuree type flow flow switche switchess shall be che checke cked d as follow follows: s: 1.
Calibration Calibration shall be against against a stand standard ard water water column column manometer manometer or or precision precision gauge. gauge.
Dead Dead band band of switch switchees shall shall be verif verified ied again against st the Data Data Shee Sheet. t.
L evel i n s t r u men t s
For cage cage displ displacer acer type type inst instrum ruments ents,, the follow following ing shall shall be check checked: ed: 1.
Pneumatic Pneumatic or electron electronic ic transmi transmitter tter with with output output gauges gauges or or meters meters for for smooth smooth and full output change.
Operation Operation of the pneuma pneumatic tic contro controller ller and verification verification that that the the set set action action (direct (direct or or reverse) complies with the Data Sheet.
Level indicators shall be zeroed.
External External displa displacer cer type level level instrume instruments nts shall shall be calibrate calibrated d as as follows: follows:
Set Set spec specif ific ic grav gravity ity adju adjustm stmen entt to 1,0. 1,0.
Fill chambe chamberr with clean water, water, while while using using clear clear plastic plastic tubing tubing connec connected ted at the the bottom drain as a gauge glass.
Check Check calib calibra ration tion at at three three points points (0%, (0%, 50%, 50%, and and 100% 100% of span span). ).
After After each each cali calibra bration tion adjustm adjustmen ent, t, rechec recheck k for for zero. zero.
Reset Reset spec specif ific ic gravity gravity adju adjustme stment nt to operat operating ing condi condition tions. s.
Internal Internal displace displacerr type type level level instrume instruments nts shall shall be removed removed from from the vesse vessell and bench calibrated as follows: 1.
Set Set spec specif ific ic grav gravity ity adju adjustm stmen entt to 1,0. 1,0.
Check Check calib calibra ration tion at at three three points points (0%, (0%, 50%, 50%, and and 100% 100% of span span). ).
After After each each cali calibra bration tion adjustm adjustmen ent, t, rechec recheck k for for zero. zero.
Reset Reset spec specif ific ic gravity gravity adju adjustme stment nt to operat operating ing condi condition tions. s.
To verify verify calibration calibration of of differ differential ential press pressure ure (d/p) (d/p) level level instru instrument ment checks checks should be performed at three points points (0%, 50%, and 100% of span).
Level Level instr instrume ument nt switch switches es shall shall be be chec checked ked and and set set as foll follow ows: s: 1.
Float Float operated operated level level switche switchess shall be be checked checked for for switch switch operat operation ion by filling filling the the float float chamber with water.
Head, displacer, displacer, or or differen differential tial pressure pressure opera operated ted level level switches switches shall shall be set set at the required trip points.
Dead Dead band of of the switch switches es shall shall be verif verified ied against against the Data Data Shee Sheets. ts.
Page 18 of 22
6. 3. 10.
6. 3. 11.
Ultrasonic Ultrasonic,, radar, radar, capacitance capacitance,, and other other special special types types of level instrume instruments nts shall shall be checked in accordance with Manufacturer recommendations. recommendations.
Pr es ess ur ur e i ns ns tr tr um um en ts ts
Pressur Pressuree gauge gaugess shall shall be checke checked d at ambien ambientt condit condition ions. s.
To verify calibration of pressure and differential differential pressure (d/p) transmitters transmitters checks should be performed at at three points (0%, 50%, and 100% of span).
Switch Switches es sha shall ll be chec checked ked and and cali calibra brate ted d as follo follows ws:: 1.
Calibrate Calibrate pressu pressure re switche switchess using hydrau hydraulic lic tester, tester, dead-weight dead-weight tester, tester, or precisio precision n air regulator and an output gauge to s et the required alarm and trip point.
Verify Verify dead band band of of the switche switchess agains againstt the Data Data Sheet Sheet..
If pressure pressure gauge gauge reading reading suspect, suspect, the manufac manufacturer turer should should be notified notified and the instrument instrument replaced.
For critica criticall pressu pressure re gauge gaugess the follow following ing may may apply apply:: 1.
Bourdon Bourdon tube tube type pressure pressure gauges gauges should be checke checked d at 10%, 10%, 50%, 50%, and 90% 90% of full scale. If gauge varies more than ±1,0% from true reading at any of the three poi nts, gauge should be replaced and/or recalibrated.
Draft Draft type instruments instruments shall shall be bench calibr calibrated ated using using an inclined-tu inclined-tube be manometer manometer or precision accuracy strain gauge at 0%, 50%, and 100% of range.
Receiver Receiver type type pressure pressure gauges gauges should should be be field field checked checked to verify calibration calibration at three three points (0%, 50%, and 100% of span).
Diaphragm Diaphragm type draf draftt gauges gauges shall be be field field checked checked to verify verify calibrat calibration ion as as follows follows:: a)
Verify Verify calib calibrati ration on at three three points points (0%, (0%, 50%, 50%, and 100% 100% of of span) span)..
Use a water column column or inclined tube manometer in accordance accordance with Manufacturer recommended procedure.
An al yt ic ic al al in i n st st ru ru me men ts ts
Sample Sample systems systems shall not not be connecte connected d to proce process ss piping piping before before commiss commissioning ioning,, at which which point they should be: 1.
Instal Installed led and cleane cleaned d to meet meet analyse analyserr system system requir requirem ement ents. s.
Inspe Inspecte cted d for proper proper instal installati lation on,, operati operation, on, and and tightness tightness..
If specification calls for the instrument instrument Manufacturer to furnish the services of a factory factory service engineer for checkout and calibration purposes, this work shall be performed under the factory service engineer’s direction.
The The foll follow owin ing g shal shalll be ver verifie ified: d: 1.
Neces Necessa sary ry standa standard rd and calib calibrat ration ion samp samples les are are availab available le..
Spare Spare parts parts (including (including filters. filters. coalesc coalescers, ers, and and consuma consumables) bles) nece necessary for for initial initial calibration, startup, and testing are available.
Analyser Analyser housing housing has appro appropriate priate approvals approvals for the area area classifica classification. tion.
Calibration Calibration shall be in accordance accordance with Manufacture Manufacturerr recomme recommended nded procedure procedure using sample gases or liquids provided.
Analy Analytica ticall instrum instrumen ents ts shall shall be be checked checked as fol follow lows: s: 1.
Analyser Analyserss shall shall be inspected inspected for for correc correctt installa installation tion of piping and wiring. wiring.
A two-p two-point oint fie field ld calibr calibration ation chec check k shall shall be perfo performe rmed. d.
Page 19 of 22
6. 3. 3. 12 12.
Analysers Analysers and sampling sampling system systemss shall shall be checked checked as as calibrated calibrated using standard standard samples, samples, if available, to verify analyser output against laboratory analysis. The following tests and checks shall be performed, as applicable: 1.
Analy Analyse serr is reco record rding ing proper properly ly..
All ala alarm rmss are are func functio tiona nal. l.
Peak Peak pick pickin ing g capa capabi bility lity is ope opera ratin ting. g.
Inter Interrup ruptt funct function ionss operate operate correc correctly tly..
Automa Automatic tic shutof shutofff of sample sample flow flow is func function tioning ing..
Sam Sample flow flow rate ate is is ade adequat quatee.
Sample Sample tra trans nspo port rt time time is acce accepta ptable ble..
Analy Analyser serss shall be prote protecte cted d during during hydro hydrosta static tic testin testing g as follow follows: s: 1.
Sam Sample taps taps sha shall ll be be iso isola late ted. d.
Analy Analyse serr tubing tubing shal shalll be disc disconn onnec ecte ted. d.
After After completi completion on of the hydrostatic hydrostatic testing, testing, sample sample piping piping shall shall be dried dried with with dry air and sealed.
If housing housing is purge purged, d, proper proper operation operation of the the purging purging system system shall be verified verified,, including including alarms when purge pressure is lost. Settings and results shall be recorded on the certification documentation.
Power Power connect connections ions to to the analyser analyser and a.c. circui circuits ts to the distribution distribution panel panel shall shall be verified.
Process connections shall remain remain closed until after startup.
Sample Sample system system piping piping shall shall be flushed flushed with with process process fluid fluid for for several several hours hours before before allowing allowing samples to enter enter analyser.
Mi sc sc el el la lan eo eo u s f ie ield i n st st ru ru me men t s
Density Density or specific specific gravity gravity meters meters as a minimum minimum shall have have their zero zero and and span checked checked in accordance with Manufacturer recommended procedure.
Special instruments not discussed in this document shall shall be checked and calibrated in accordance with Manufacturer instructions and relevant specifications.
Sy s tem s c heck o u t
6. 4. 1.
Gen er al
The complete complete functions functions tested during during FAT FAT should should not be retested retested onsite. onsite.
Retesting or an acceptable subtest should be required only to verify proper installation installation and integration with other systems onsite.
Contro Controll system systemss compone components nts shal shalll be chec checked ked as as follow follows: s:
Check dynamic dynamic variable variabless on each graphic graphic screen screen during during loop check checkss and verify readings are correct.
Verify Verify command commandss from from oper operato atorr console consoless and and screen screens. s.
Chec Check k pri prin nted ted logs logs and and re report ports. s.
Casca Cascade de system systemss shall shall be checked checked to ensu ensure re proper proper func function tioning ing of: of: 1.
Prim Primary loop loop con contro troll se set point points. s.
Sec Secondar ndary y loo loop.
Control rol act action ion. Page 20 of 22
6. 4. 2.
Interlock, Interlock, safety, safety, and sequential sequential contro controll systems systems shall be be checked checked for continuity continuity and verified with a functional test of each circuit.
Control Control system system loop cont continuity inuity and output output action action shall shall be checke checked d as follows follows:: 1.
Verify Verify that control control actions actions are are set set in accordance accordance with specificat specifications ions..
Obser Observe ve cont contro roll outputs outputs and and contr controll oller er respon responses ses..
Check and obser observe ve auxiliary auxiliary functions functions (for (for example, example, alarms, alarms, ratioing, ratioing, etc.) etc.)..
Loop Loop points points shall shall rema remain in disab disabled led until until they are loop loop chec checked ked..
Points Points that that are are loop loop checked checked shall remain remain active active on on the control control system. system.
Co n t r o l l er s
Ratio controllers controllers shall shall be checked checked by fee feeding ding a known known signal signal into the the station station and observing observing the output for various set ratios.
Set control modes, set points, and tuning parameters. parameters.
After After loop checking, checking, contro controllers llers shall shall be left in manual manual mode. mode.
A l ar m s y s t em c o mp o n en t s a.
Annunciato Annunciators rs shall shall be checked checked through through to the final final display display window window or PAS PAS scree screen n as follows: 1.
Low, Low, high, high, or devia deviation tion alarm alarm oper operation ation..
Auxiliary contact operation.
Proper per se seque quence nce.
Verify Verify correc correctt actuation actuation of each each device device as desc described ribed in in the specif specification ication for for the particular type of instrument. instrument.
Alarm windows windows and nameplates shall be verified for accuracy and correct correct location.
For alarm and switch switch sensing sensing elemen elements, ts, the the following following shall shall apply: apply: 1.
Verify Verify operati operation on and point point continuity continuity by a functional functional test test of each each circu circuit it using the the primary instrument. This test shall involve actuating actuating all field contacts, as shown on the instrument loop diagrams dia grams or elementary diagrams, for the following:
Abnorma Abnormall conditions conditions shall be simulated simulated by either either of the the following following methods: methods: a)
Simu Simula late te the proce process ss vari variab able le..
Manually trip the switch.
The corre correct ct operation operational al sequence sequence and actions actions of related related devices devices shall shall be checke checked. d.
Switch Switch terminal terminalss shall shall not be jumpe jumpered red to simulate simulate actuation actuation without without approval approval..
L o g i c s y s t em c o m p o n en t s a.
Electrical Electrical device devicess that that are part part of an interlock interlock,, shutdown, shutdown, or auto start circuit circuit shall shall be checked as follows using a pre-developed test plan: 1.
Devices Devices shall shall be thoroughly thoroughly checke checked d as an integr integrated ated system for continuity continuity and operation.
Shutdown Shutdown and interlock interlock responses responses shall be checked checked against shutdown shutdown and interloc interlock k logic diagrams.
Switching and shutdown systems shall shall be checked as follows: 1.
Perform Perform check check from from the originati originating ng device device to the switching switching or shutdow shutdown n function. function.
Verify Verify the operation operation of each circuit circuit using the latest latest issue issue of the design designated ated logic/ladder drawings. Page 21 of 22
Record Record changes changes to logic/ladd logic/ladder er drawing drawingss and show on “as-bu “as-built” ilt” logic/ladde logic/ladder r drawings.
Check PLC system systemss using Manufactu Manufacturerrer-provided provided system system test proced procedures. ures.
Process-ac Process-actuated tuated switches switches and proces processs transmitte transmitters rs shall shall be checked checked as as follows: follows: 1.
Activa Activate te by simu simulat lating ing the the proce process ss variab variable le or or by manual manual trip. trip.
Perfor Perform m func function tional al tes test, t, witho without ut use of jumper jumpers. s.
Each shutdo shutdown wn system system shall be chec checke ked d as foll follow ows: s: 1.
Verif Verify y fai failsa lsafe fe des design ign philo philoso sophy phy..
Verify Verify the corre correct ct state state of each each output output on loss loss of power power to the the logic logic syste system m and on loss of power to the field devices.
Commission ing completion a.
Before Before comm commissioni issioning, ng, mechan mechanical ical comp completion letion documentatio documentation n (includin (including g a punch list) shall be submitt ed.
Pre-commissioning Pre-commissioning shall consist of preparing instrumentation for plant startup, including the following tasks: 1.
Confirm Confirm that that installation installation inspection inspection,, calibration calibration and loop check check tasks tasks have have been completed.
Place process process control control valves valves and other other final final eleme elements nts in the the status status specif specified ied by the startup requirements.
Open or close close instrument instrument block block valve valvess as spec specified ified by the startup startup requirem requirements. ents.
Pour Pour elect electric rical al seals seals where where cond conduit uit is used used..
Fill conden condensate sate pots pots and check check that that legs legs are filled filled with with the specif specified ied seal seal fluids. fluids.
Place Place cont contro rolle llers rs in manual anual mode mode..
Warm Warm up up instrum instrumen ents, ts, such such as analy analyser sers, s, as requ require ired. d.
Set airset airsetss at the correct correct press pressure ure and open instrument instrument air valves valves to place enclo enclosure sure air air purges in service.
Make electric electrical al power power supplies supplies and pneuma pneumatic tic pressure pressure sourc sources es ready ready for service. service.
10. Confirm Confirm electrical electrical and pneumat pneumatic ic power system systemss are operating operating correctly correctly.. 11. Energize Energize electric electric heat heat tracing or or cut in steam tracing tracing on instrum instrument ent tubing and instrument enclosures. 12. Ensure Ensure protection protection devices devices are in working working order and and are not bypassed bypassed or overri overridden. dden. 13. Place instruments instruments in in service by opening or or closing instrument shutoff shutoff valves and equalizing valves in instrument manifolds. 14. Vent Vent air from from instrum instrument ent sensing sensing lines lines in liquid liquid service. service. 15. Drain Drain liquids liquids from instrum instrument ent sensing sensing lines lines in gas service service.. c.
Instrumen Instruments ts and loops shall shall remain remain powered powered or or pressurize pressurized d with switches switches and and valves valves set set in accordance with the startup requirements.
Control Control and instrume instrumentation ntation is consider considered ed to be commissione commissioned d and ready ready for for startu startup p when: 1.
Mechan Mechanica icall completi completion on check checklists are are signed signed off off as comp complete lete..
All loop loop chec checks ks and and system system chec checkout kout are are signed signed off off as as comple complete. te.
All punch punch lists lists are signed signed off off as as com complete plete..
All comm commissioning issioning activities activities are are signed signed off off as as complete complete and and ready ready for startup. startup. Page 22 of 22
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