November 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
הוטרינרים םי פורה
ל ישר
ננרע 22 . .ת פק 09-7419929 :טל
43100 09-7431778 :
Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine Instructions to Authors The Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine is the official publication of the Israel Veterinary Medical Association. It is published quarterly quarterl y and is devoted to all aspects of veterinary veterinar y medicine with emphasis on research and events in the Middle East and Mediterranean Basin. All original articles pertaining to veterinary medicine and research will are welcome and will be considered for publication after undergoing the peer review process. underst anding that their contents have not been Manuscripts will be accepted on the clear understanding published previously and that they have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Short communicatio communications ns documenting important new findings that warrant rapid publication will also be considered. Letters to the editor will be limited to comments on contributions already published in the journal; if a letter is accepted, a response for simultaneous publication will be invited from the author of the original contribution.
Adherence to principles outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Animals, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 2011, 2011, is implicit in animal experimentation. The journal j ournal requires written author verification of compliance with animal a nimal welfare and ethics policies. All material published in the Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine must adhere to high ethical and animal welfare standards. standards. Prior to acceptance of a manuscript, to verify verif y compliance with the above policies, the authors must 1) Sign a covering letter certifying that legal and ethical requirements have been met with regards to the humane treatment of animals described in the study; 2) Specify in the covering letter and in Materials and Methods the international, national, and/or institutional guidelines followed; 3) Provide evidence, such as a signed animal use form or protocol number, of compliance with ethical review at the institution or practice; 4) For studies using client-owned animals, demonstrates a high standard (best practice) of veterinary care and involves informed client consent; The Editor retains the right to reject manuscripts on the basis of animal ethical or welfare concerns. All manuscripts are subject to editorial review b y experts in the field appointed by the editorial board of the journal. The reviewers will advise the editor as to the manuscript's scientific quality. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision together with members of the editorial board members regarding acceptability of the t he manuscript for publication. publication.
Conflict of Interests Authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interests (e.g. financial remuneration, personal relationships and competing interests) which they might have with with the company whose product features prominently, or with a company making a competing product in order to reduce any bias bias and/or influence of judgment judgment of authors. If any conflict of interests is suspected by the editor, further enquiries will be made. ma de. If the editor is dissatisfied dissatisf ied or uncertain that there may be some form of conflict of interests of any nature whatsoever the article will be rejected. Animal rights The Journal places emphasis on the subject of animal rights. Adherence to principles outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Laborator y Animals, is implicit. The journal j ournal requires written author verification that the protocol was approved a pproved by an ethics review committee of the institution where the study was conducted. This information must be stated in i n the materials and methods section. The editor retains the right to reject manuscripts on the basis of animal ethical or welfare concerns. Informed consent Owner consent is not required by the journal. Only in the case of animal experimentation involving pets (dogs, cats, etc.) belonging to owners will the journal will require all the requirements as set out under unde r the “animal rights” section. The pets will not be identified by owner.
Correspondence, exchange journals, books for review, etc. should be addressed to the Editorial Board, P.O. Box 22, 43100 Raanana, Israel. Manuscripts should be submitted by E-mail. E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (Editor). Confirmation of arrival of the manuscript will be sent to the author within one week. We do not supply reprints. The author of each article will receive a copy of the issue in which his article was published. Manuscripts preparation: The entire manuscript should be double-spaced on standard A4 or
8Ω X 11 inch paper, typed on typed on one side only, with 3 cm margins. The editor reserves the right to change the style and grammar of the manuscript if necessary Page numbers must be included in the upper right-hand corner of each page. Manuscripts must be formatted with line numbers in the left hand margin. Manuscripts must be submitted in English using English spelling and must be grammatically correct. Authors whose native language is not English are advised a dvised to seek assistance in manuscript preparation prepar ation from someone fluent in written English.
PAPERS SHOULD BE SUBDIVIDED AS FOLLOWS: Title page: The first page of each paper should contain the title, t itle, in capital letters (short, specific and informative), followed by the name(s) with initials and affiliation(s) and professional degrees of the author(s), including address(es). Further, the complete mailing address of the person to whom correspondence should be sent (including
Phone and Fax numbers, as well as E-mail address). A short running title of maximum 4 words. A minimum of 4 keywords must be provided. provided. Abstract: the abstract should include a self-contained summary of the objectives, results and significance of the study. study. Uninformative sentences such as “the significance of the the results is discussed” are not acceptable. acceptable. Introduction : A concise and clear statement of the background, purpose and significance of the work. Material and Methods: The work and methodology used should be described and referenced, including the experimental design. Sufficiently informative protocols should be given to permit repetition of experimental work. Technical descriptions of methods should be detailed only when such methods are new. ne w. Sub-headings should be used for clarity.
· Common methods or procedures need not be described in detail, and where possible citation should be made to techniques that have been reported elsewhere. · A statement of animal care must be made · A concise description of the statistical methods should be provided including analytical software and citation of sources for unusual methods. Results: The statements should be presented concisely, with the aid of tables or figures where appropriate. Duplication of the text of this section s ection and data presented in tables and figures should be avoided. Discussion: This section must relate to the significance of the work to existing knowledge in the field and indicate the importance of the contribution of this study. Needless recapitulation of the results must be avoided. A comparison with related published studies should be made and conclusions drawn. References: In the text, identify references by Arabic numbers (in brackets) in sequence of their appearance. Number references in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.
Material submitted for publication but not yet accepted should be noted as “unpublished data” and not be included in the in the reference list. The list of references should include only those publications, which are cited in the t he text. Journal citations: Name(s) and initial(s), Title, Journal, Vol.,page(s), year. Example: Goodchild, W. M. and Cooper, D. M.: Oviduct adenocarcinoma in laying hens. Vet. Rec. 82:389-390, 1968. Book references: Whole book: Author (or editor), Title, Publisher, City, Year. Example: Clarke, E. G. J. and Clarke, M. L.: Veterinary Veterinar y Toxicology, Bailler Tindal, London, 1975. Book chapter: Author: chapter title, Editor: book title, Publisher, City, pages, Year.
Example: Clarkson, T. B., Shively, C. A. and Weingand, K. W.: Animals models of dietinduced atherosclerosis. In: Beynen, A. C. and West, C. E. (Eds.): Use of animal models in human nutrition. Karger, Basel, pp. 56-82, 1998.
These must be intelligible without reference to the text and should be planned to fit the page size of the journal. Tables and figures should be numbered, in Arabic numerals, in the sequence in which they are mentioned in the text. The same data may not be reproduced in both table and figure format. Each table must have a title and on each column there should be a heading that clearly clearl y identifies the data therein. Illustrations and diagrams should be kept to a minimum; the figure number must autho r’s name name and an arrow marking to theappear top. only on the reverse side, together with the author’s Units must conform to the International System of Units and should be expressed in metric units units Abbreviations: These should be used sparingly; they should be defined when first used in the text. Drugs: When referring to a drug, use the generic name. The trade name, manufacturer's name, city and state abbreviation should be provided Equipment: When describing products or equipment, the generic name should be used in the text and the details of the product (brand name, manufacturer, city and state) should be provided. The format of articles and references refe rences can be viewed at the website of o f the journal at