Instructions for the B737NG Dispatch Sheet v4_9_7...
Instructions for the B737NG Dispatch Sheet v4.9.7 The Boeing 737NG dispatch sheet sheet can be used for planning ights !ith !ith the 737 Ne"t Generation. It !as designed to be used !ith #$DG 737NG% but is to so&e e"tend also applicable !hen using the i'l( 737NG or the default 'S% 737)*++. The dispatch sheet includes an airport and run!a( database as !ell as so&e so&e ,uite co&ple" calculation &odels that- based on user input- !ill calculate infor&ation about fuel consu&ption- !eights- and ti&e for a planned ight. The sheet !ill also help calculating taeo/ taeo/ and landing perfor&ance. This !ill allo! allo! the user to obtain 0)speeds and possible engine de)rates for taeo/. The dispatch sheet is an e"cel e"cel spreadsheet spreadsheet and needs no other soft!are soft!are than $S 1"cel 1"cel or an( other piece of soft!are that can handle $S e"cel 2++7 les. The t!o free!are oce pacs 5pen5ce and 6ibre 5ce have been tested !ith the spreadsheet- and sadl( the( cant handle the for&atting and the database tables nor the e&bedded &acros. 8lso $S 1"cel versions earlier than 2++7 have troubles. $acros The sheet uses active &acros. &acros. So&e of the functions re,uire re,uire that 1"cel 1"cel is set up to allo! these &acros. B( default &acros are disabled- but can easil( be enabled lie this a: ;lic on the !indo!s !i ndo!s icon in the upper left in 1"cel. 8nd in the !indo! that opens select 1"cel settings C io: !hich it !as designed for. S&all adust&ents in design allo! for &ore e/ective deceleration and also allo! a bit steeper angle of attac on approach and a corresponding lo!er landing speed.
The Drag Bias is a value uni,ue to ever( aircraft. 8s aircraft age the( !ill be less e/ective thus using &ore fuel than !hen the( !ere ne!. The sheet is based on real life perfor&ing docu&entations but fuel consu&ption calculations are still corrected to e"perienced #$DG NG% fuel burn. If (ou for so&e reason al!a(s nd that the fuel calculations deviate fro& (our e"perienced consu&ption- this is !here (ou !ould adust the calculations. 8 value of ?++ is e,ual to &( average e"perienced consu&ption using the #$DG NG%. 8 value of ?+? si&pl( add one percent to the calculated air ti&e fuel usage. Ground fuel used for 8# and ta"i is not a/ected. =ou can also dene the seating conguration of the aircraft. It is possible to select three di/erent seat classes = fro& there.
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