Short Description
1. Briefy Briefy describe describe the two two types o visual visual acuity acuity.. The two types o visual acuity acuity is dynamic and and static. Dynamic Dynamic is the ability ability o the driver to see objects in motion. On the other hand, Static is the ability o the driver to see stationary object iven that the driver is stayin on a speci!c location. ". Di#erentia Di#erentiate te amon the three three types o vehicle vehicle characteris characteristics tics.. There are are three types o vehicle characteristics characteristics.. Static, $inematic and Dynamic. Static is the characteristic characteristic that describes the weiht and dimensions o the vehicle. $inematic describes the motion o vehicle without considerin the orces that brins it in motion. %astly is Dynamic, it describes the orces that causes the vehicle in motion. &. 'hat are are the advantaes and disadvantaes disadvantaes o machine machine vision (video imae imae detection) when compared with other orms o detection* The advantaes o usin these these type o devices devices is we can now easily ather ather data plus it can reduce human error. The disadvantaes is that it is e+pensive and not recommendable recommendable or sinle use. n addition to disadvantaes, disadvantaes, it is machine which is prorammed to a speci!c job. t can-t handle technicalities lie human can. /. Select and describe the method and e0uipment e0uipment you you will recommend or trac volume counts or each o the road sections iven below. 2ive reasons or your recommendations. recommendations. a) 3 private private road leadin leadin to an industri industrial al developmen developmentt recommend the use o nductive Burial %oop 4ehicle 5ounter. This device is buried under the roads and counts vehicles that pass throuh it. t is recommended in this types o location because or sure the vehicles will o to this area will increase over time because it is an industrial development development area and you will need to conduct a number o surveys to this area. b) 3 resi residen dentia tiall stre street et The volume o vehicles vehicles in this location is not not much as hihways, hihways, recommend recommend to use stic method to count the vehicles. t will be cheaper compared with the use o electronic devices. c) 3 rur rural al collec collector tor road road recommend the use o 6neumatic 7oad Tubes. This device counts the vehicle every time a vehicle pass throuh the hose. recommend this because a sinle survey can be enouh or this area because oriin o vehicles is just in a speci!c locations which can say the number o vehicles can be constant or a lon period o time. d) 3 section section o a reeway reeway hihw hihway, ay, say say 8%9:
recommend the use o 3utoscope, recommend the use o this advance device in hihway lie 8%9: because it can handle hue volume o vehicles. ;nlie other devices it doesn-t depends on interaction o vehicles with the devices. t uses video imae detection which is suitable or ree hihways or the drivers not to be disturbed durin their travel. miles o travel (4?T) This survey is used or measurement o miles traveled by vehicles within a speci!ed reion or a speci!ed time period. The data athered can be used in spot speed o vehicles and helps to set a speed limit or a speci!c reion o hihway. d) 6ea hour volume (6@4) This survey counts the capacity o hihway iven a consecutive A= minutes which is normally done by atherin data every our consecutive 1< minutes and ettin its averae. t use or developin trac routin and parin reulations. t can also be used in plannin the eometric characteristic o hihway. A. Describe the di#erent trac>count prorams carried out in the country or in your locality. 'hat data are collected in each proram, i there is any* 67O59D;79S 7O3D S;749S done by ??D3 alon 9DS3. The researchers crossed overpasses and e+amined the e#ects o ellow %anes, ;>turns and speed o the fow o vehicles. %iewise investiations o the most re0uently encountered problems were observed. C.
Describe the ollowin types o trac volume counts and e+plain when they are used (a) screen>line counts, (b) cordon counts, (c) intersection counts, and (d) control counts.
a.The study area is divided to di#erent lare sections by puttin imainary lines. To mae the study easier, manmade barriers lie rivers, railway, tracs or any easily reconiEed locations are used as screen lines. t is used to determine the trac volume in the area and to determine trac fow direction due to chanes in land> use pattern o the area.
b.5ordon counts is done by puttin an imainary loop into a speci!c area (oten central business district o a city) particular in a speci!c time. That imainary loop will serves as countin lines. By the use o this method, you can determine the rate o vehicle oin inside and outside o the area. This count method is used or plannin parin acilities, updatin trac operational techni0ues and main lon rane plans or reeway and arterial street systems. c.ntersection counts is used to determine classi!cations o vehicles passin the area and the turnin movements in the intersections. The study is used or determinin phase lenths and cycle lenths or sinaliEed intersections or by improvin the intersection. d.5ontrol counts is done seasonally or monthly in the previous location o volume counts. The purpose o this to count the e+pansion or infation o vehicles to determine year round averae values rom short counts. F. @ow are travel time and delay studies used* Describe one method or collectin travel time and delay data at a section o a hihway. The study is used to determine travel time and the causes o delay in transportation in a speci!c lenth o hihway. One method to determine travel time is 3verae speed techni0ue. t is done by drivin the test car alon the speci!c lenth o hihway at a speed that the drivers thin is averae then the test is repeated into a minimum number o times to et the averae travel time. G. 9+plain how to obtain the ollowin inormation rom the data collected (a) travel time, (b) operational delay, (c) stopped time delay, (d) !+ed delay, and (e) travel time delay. a.Travel time can be obtained by the use o timer or in an unconested road by dividin distance o hihway over speed. b.Operational delay is obtained by recordin the delay caused by the impedance o other trac. 9+ample o these parin or unparin o vehicles causin blocin in the path o way. c.Stopped time delay is obtained by recordin the delay durin the vehicle is at rest. d.Hi+ed delay is obtained by recordin the delay caused by control devices such as trac sinals. e.Travel time delay is obtained by ettin the di#erence o actual travel time and the delayed travel time. 1=.Discuss parin studies its uses, important terms, methods, and important data or the conduct o one. mportant terms
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