Instant Producer 9.3 Manual ENGL
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Manual Workforce Performance Builder Document Version: 1.0 – 2014-10-15
SAP Workforce Performance Builder 9.3 Instant Producer
Typographic Conventions
Type Style
Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options. Textual cross-references to other documents.
Emphasized words or expressions.
Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R .
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Typographic Conventions
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Starting the Instant Producer....................................................................................................................... 5
3 3.1 3.2
Recording of Projects ....................................................................................................................................6 Recording audio ................................................................................................................................................ 6 After the Recording .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5
Administration of Projects ............................................................................................................................8 Structure of the Project Explorer ..................................................................................................................... 8 Properties in the Project Explorer .................................................................................................................... 9 Exporting Archives............................................................................................................................................ 9 Importing Archives ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Project Attachments........................................................................................................................................ 11
5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Editing of Projects ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Structure of the Project Editor ....................................................................................................................... 12 Editing the Bubble Content ............................................................................................................................ 13 Playback a Project .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Publishing of a Project .................................................................................................................................... 14 5.4.1 Publication on SAP Mobile Documents .......................................................................................... 15 Generating a Video ......................................................................................................................................... 15 5.5.1 Generate Video Dialog Box ............................................................................................................. 15 5.5.2 Crop Size and Video Size ................................................................................................................ 18 Finish Editing................................................................................................................................................... 19
The Settings Dialog Box ............................................................................................................................. 20
7 7.1 7.2 7.3
Working with the Manager ......................................................................................................................... 22 Setting up a Connection ................................................................................................................................. 22 Exchanging Projects ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Project Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Technical Support ....................................................................................................................................... 25
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Table of Contents
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With the SAP Workforce Performance Builder Instant Producer you can easily create and edit content which guide the user through the processes of your enterprise applications. The slender building of the Instant Producer as well as the process-oriented and intuitive user guidance allow a fast and efficient recording of your business processes without previous training, e.g. to create simulations or documentations. The Instant Producer can be used for example in authoring teams in which the projects are initially recorded by the subject matter experts, product- & process owner, key user and other professional experts. Therefore the knowledge of internal and external employees can be stored and reused very easy. Due to the simple use of the Instant Producer is a few technical IT knowledge required and your professional experts can directly record the system- and process knowledge by operating with the respective system. The further processing and finalization of the projects will be done afterwards by trained authors in SAP Workforce Performance Builder Producer. The Instant Producer is the perfect tool to store the knowledge of each employee in high quality and time saving and transfer it to projects as easy as the push of a button. This document gives you an overview of the structure and functions of the Instant Producer to be able to begin directly with the creation of projects.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Introduction
Starting the Instant Producer
After launching the Instant Producer for the first time, a dialog box will appear with two different options to choose from:
Record new project: This option will immediately create a new project and start the recording.
Open Project Explorer: This option will open the Project Explorer so that you can edit existing projects or record new projects.
You can close the Instant Producer by clicking on Cancel.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Starting the Instant Producer
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Recording of Projects
With the recording functionality in Instant Producer a process can be recorded easily. For each recorded user action, a macro with the application’s screenshot for a particular action will be created.
Recommendation If you made any operational errors while recording, then it is advisable, to reject the project and record it again. This might be faster and minimizes a subsequent editing effort. To record a process with Instant Producer, proceed as follows: 1.
From the toolbar in the Project Explorer view, click on New Project . Alternatively, you can start a recording immediately upon launching the Instant Producer. Refer to the section on: Starting the Instant Producer
A settings dialog box and the record bar will then appear. In the dialog box you can define the following criteria: o Name – here you can enter the name of your project o Language – this option determines which language should appear in text bubbles o Running Applications – here you can select the target application for the recording o Profiles – shows the application profile for the target application o Associate with selected application – defines, that the profile will always be used for the target application o Record Audio - here you can activate the recording of audio
Start the recording with the Record button. If you would like to stop your recording, click on Cancel and you will return to the Project Explorer window.
Navigate through the application to capture your process.
Interrupt a recording: If you want to interrupt the recording, you can use the Pause button in the record bar. The recording can be resumed anytime using the Record button.
You can finish the capturing by pressing the Stop button. The record bar will be closed thereby.
Recording audio
The Instant Producer allows you to record a simulation with audio. This means you can integrate narrated information directly into the associated content.
Preparation A microphone is required to record audio. The Instant Producer uses the standard system microphone. Make the device you are using the default device.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Recording of Projects
Settings The Settings dialog box contains general settings for selecting the recording device and audio format. Refer to the section on: The Settings Dialog Box
Recording Before you start recording, you need to activate the Record Audio setting in the settings dialog box. Refer to the section on: Recording Projects When recording you can execute your process and speak at the same time. If you want to pause the recording, press the Pause button on the record bar. In the project editor, the audio is displayed with an audio icon in the thumbnail of each step. The audio is separated into pieces and connected to each step.
Editing The Instant Producer supports general recording, which enables you to easily create audio simulations. Audio files can be edited and optimized in Producer.
After the Recording
Once you have finished recording, a dialog box will appear with the following editing options:
Save project: This option will save your project and open the Project Explorer with your project overview. Refer to the section on: Administrations of Projects
Playback project: The project will be played back in the trainer. Now you can check your recording and decide how you would like to proceed with your project. Refer to the section on Playback a Project
Edit project: This option will open the project editor and display the topics from your project. For more information, refer to the section on Editing of Projects
Delete project: This option will completely delete the recorded project and remove it from the Project Explorer.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Recording of Projects
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Administration of Projects
The administration of the recorded projects will be executed in Instant Producer in the Project Explorer. In this, the projects are displayed and can be selected for exporting into archives for post-editing in Producer. Furthermore, the recording of new projects can be started in the Project Explorer.
Structure of the Project Explorer
The Project Explorer is divided into the following areas:
Toolbar The toolbar contains the functions for the o New Project o Export Archive o Import Settings Refer to the section on Importing Archive Files o Settings Refer to the section on The Settings Dialog box o Show Properties Refer to the section on Properties in the Project Explorer When you are already connected to the Manager, the following additional options are also available: Refer to the section on Working with the Manager o Check out projects... o Save to server
Project list The project list organizes all your recorded projects. Projects appear in chronological order. You can reorganize them by clicking on the column titles. o Projects Projects are displayed in this column with the name that was allocated to them at the time of recording. If you would like to change the name of a project, select the project and click one time on the project name (do not double-click). Then you can change the name. o Date This column displays the date and the time when a project has last been edited.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Administration of Projects
Status The status defines the current editing status of the project. This is specified when saving the project in the Project Editor. From the Project Explorer view, you can edit this by clicking on the icon Change status.
Properties Refer to the section on Properties in the Project Explorer
Properties in the Project Explorer
When editing a project, the properties editor can be made visible or hidden by clicking on the option Display properties. In the heading area of the properties dialog box, you will find various options to choose from for editing and managing a project:
Change status
Open documentation
When the properties are not displayed here, these settings appear as links next to each project. The following options are available:
Keywords In this text field, you can enter keywords for your project. If you would like to define more than one search term, you can separate them with a semicolon. For example: Search_term1;search_term2 Search terms serve to help you quickly search for and manage your projects in the Producer and library.
Description In this text field, you can enter a description for your project content. The text you enter here will appear in documentation that you generate from your project. Moreover, the description can be used for additional editing work in the Producer and Manager as well as for displaying projects in the library.
Attachments Refer to the section on Project Attachments
When you are already connected to the Manager, the following additional options are also available:
Refer to the section on Working with the Manager
Exporting Archives
The export of projects makes it possible to import them into the Producer and edit them further. The archive file is saved in the *.dkp format.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Administration of Projects
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This is how you create an archive: 1.
Select the projects you want to archive.
Click on Export Archive.
The dialog for specifying the destination path and filename will then open. Provide this information as appropriate. Confirm the dialog by clicking on Save to create the archive.
Note Note for the export of projects: They can be imported from the Instant Producer into the Producer, but not reversed. This is due to other configurations which are created in Producer and do not exist in Instant Producer.
Importing Archives
Archive files (*.dkp) can be imported into the Instant Producer. These files can contain resources or projects. In cases where the Manager is not being used, we recommend that you use this import function. The other alternative would be to manage your resources and projects from one central workstation. Refer to the section on Working with the Manager
Importing resources The Instant Producer uses standardized resources, such as bubbles or settings. In order to be able to make changes to resources, the project leader can make these available to authors as a resource archive, which can be imported into the Instant Producer.
Importing projects Importing allows you to exchange projects between different work stations. Note that you can only import projects that were not used in the Producer. Projects used with the Producer may contain configuration settings that are not compatible with the Instant Producer.
Executing an import The following explains how to import an archive file: 1.
Open the Instant Producer.
From the toolbar, click on Import archive.
Select the archive and confirm your choice by clicking on Open.
After importing resources, restart the Instant Producer so that the new settings will take effect. A dialog box will prompt you to do so.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Administration of Projects
Project Attachments
Attachments can be linked to projects from the project explorer view. Attachments can be documentation that has already been generated or imported files, such as supplemental documentation or files that are to be further worked on in the Producer. Refer to the section on Properties in the Project Explorer The following buttons are available for attachments:
Add: This button allows you to add an attachment to your project. A dialog box will open prompting you to select a file. Choose a file and click on Open to attach it to your project.
Delete: This button allows you to delete the selected attachment.
Open: This button will open the selected attachment. Alternatively, you can double-click on an attachment to view the file.
Open Folder: This button allows you to open the folder with the included files.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Administration of Projects
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Editing of Projects
The editing of a project will be executed in Instant Producer within the Project Editor. It can be opened via the Project Explorer when clicking on the Edit option for a project. Alternatively this can be opened after completing a recording within a displayed dialog with using the Edit button. In the Project Editor, texts of the bubbles can be edited and the object areas adjusted.
Structure of the Project Editor
The Project Editor is divided into the following areas:
Toolbar The toolbar contains simple functions for editing the currently opened project: o Project Explorer o Save o Undo and Redo o Playback o Generate Documentation o Generate Video o Publish
Thumbnail View The thumbnail view displays the steps in sequential order with all of the projects’ associated macros. A step contains a screenshot and its associated action. Moreover, it can contain an explanation if this has already been defined in the field Note for learners. Overview of the macros o Simulation Start o Simulation End o Screen o Mouse Action o Text Input o Select Single o Radio Button o Key Stroke o Explanation
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
Step view On the right hand side, the screenshot of the currently selected step will be displayed. Furthermore the highlight of the recorded control and the corresponding bubble is shown.
Notes for Authors and Learners Two note fields are located at the bottom of the project editor. You can toggle between them by clicking on the tab. The following information can be entered in these fields: o
Notes for Authors In this field, you can enter comments and notes for an author who will be further editing the project in the Producer. This info box is useful for making comments, providing additional useful information or to point out possible problem zones.
Notes for Learners In this field, you can enter useful notes for the learners who will be using your project. In this particular case, an explanation bubble is created that is displayed as its macro icon in the thumbnail view. The actual bubble becomes visible to the learner when the project is played back in the trainer. It is possible to make changes to this explanation bubble once the project has been imported into the Producer. Refer to the section on Playback a Project
Editing the Bubble Content
By selecting a recorded action macro it can be edited in the view window on the right hand side. Each macro has a highlight for the recorded control, and a bubble with the appropriate instruction text. The bubble size and position can be changed, when pulling the handles.
When double clicking on a bubble, the bubble toolbar appears which contains various functions for editing the content and the display of the bubble. The text of the bubble can directly be edited within the bubble. Furthermore, the bubble size and position can be changed, when pulling the handles.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
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Playback a Project
You have the ability to preview a project in the form of demo mode. Start this by using the button Playback, in the tool bar of Instant Producer. This starts the project in trainer. The trainer is the program for playing back the modes of projects.
Playback demo mode from certain step The demo mode can alternatively be played back from a certain step. Thereby made changes can be viewed directly. To do so, select a step and open the context menu with the right mouse button. Then click on Preview from here to start the demo mode from this step.
Publishing of a Project
The following explains how to export a project as a playable EXE or SLC file. 1.
Click on Publish.
Insert the following values: o Type - Executable, SLC o Target File - file name and target folder
Click on OK. The publishing process will now be executed and a process dialog box will appear.
Confirm the process dialog box by clicking on OK.
A dialog box will then appear in which one of the following actions can be executed: Open folder, Start publication or Close dialog box.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
Publication on SAP Mobile Documents
Content published utilizing the SLC format can be opened and consumed directly on an iPad and iPhone via the SAP Mobile Documents App for Apple iOS. To publish your content on SAP Mobile Documents you will need SAP Mobile Documents for Windows in latest version 1.2 at minimum. Once you have installed the application publish your contents in format SLC directly to your local SAP Mobile Documents folder (by default: Mobile Docs > My Documents in your local user directory). After publishing synchronization to server will start automatically, providing you with the ability to load, play and share the published content within your SAP Mobile Documents App.
Generating a Video
Video is an additional format for simulation playback. This allows you to use the simulation in a portable format and to publish it on media platforms. Videos can be created for projects with or without audio in the AVI or MP4 format.
Generating a video To generate a video, proceed as follows: 1.
Open a project in the project editor.
Click on Generate Video The Generate Video dialog box opens.
Change the settings in the dialog box as required. See also the chapter Generate Video Dialog Box.
Click on Record Video to generate the video. Video generation starts and a progress bar displays the status.
Click on Finish to close the dialog box.
The video is stored in the project as attachment demo.avi/mp4. You can open the project folder by using the Open Folder button in the object editor.
Generate Video Dialog Box
The Generate Video dialog box is used to generate video for simulation projects. The dialog box contains settings and commands for video generation and video preview and can be opened by using the Generate Video button. The dialog box has the following areas:
Project Settings This area displays a preview of the current frame for video generation. When the dialog box is opened, the image displays the first frame.
Video Settings The area contains the following settings for video generation:
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
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Presets: Contains different formats to allow a video generation regarding specific use cases.
Video Codec: Displays the active codec for video generation. The codec defines the format of the video. o Settings...: Opens a dialog box to configure the active codec. The drop-down list displays all installed codecs. Only compatible codecs are displayed.
Crop Size: Defines the size of the displayed image are of the simulation pages in pixels. Select a percentage value to change the size. o Custom Size: The option allows you to enter an individual crop size. The text fields are activated. o Show... / Hide: Opens a window for resizing the video manually. Changing the size of the window also changes the image. Once you have finished resized, close the window to apply the changes.
Video Size: Defines the size of the video in pixels and scales the images. Select a percentage value to change the size. o Custom Size: The option allows you to enter an individual size of the video. The text fields are activated.
Frame Rate (Frames per seconds): Defines the number of images displayed in one second. The initial value is 24. Note that a high frame rate leads to a longer generation time and a larger file size.
Audio Format: Displays the active output format of the audio. The active audio format can be changed in the Change Audio Format dialog box.
Video Output The area contains information about the generation process.
Buttons The bottom of the dialog box contains the following buttons and button statuses: Icon
Description Reload: Reloads the project after video generation was canceled. This allows you to change the settings and start generation again. A reload can be necessary, if changed settings are not applied correctly.
Generate: Starts video generation.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
Description Pause: Pauses video generation. Continue: Continue video generation from the paused status with the current settings.
Close: Closes the Generate Video dialog box after video generation was canceled. Cancel: Cancels video generation. You can reload the project afterwards. Finish: Closes the Generate Video dialog box after video generation was finished successfully.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
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Crop Size and Video Size
The image shows you the use of the Crop Size and the Video Size for the video generation:
The full image is kept in the generated video. During playback of the video the focus moves to the position of the current highlight and bubble. The video size can be smaller as the crop size - the image is scaled.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
Finish Editing
If you would like to stop editing, you can click on Save to save your changes. Then from the Project Explorer view, switch to project overview by clicking on Project Explorer. Here in the Project Explorer, you can define the status of your projects by clicking on Change status. If you close the Project Editor without saving the project, it will show a note dialog, where you can save your unsaved changes.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Editing of Projects
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The Settings Dialog Box
The settings dialog box displays the version number of the Instant Producer and gives you an overview of the current configuration. This dialog box can be opened from the Project Explorer by clicking on Settings. The following settings can be found here:
Language: You can define the user interface language by selecting the language of your choice from the drop-down list.
Show hidden notes: This setting allows you to display notes that had been previously set to hidden. Note that this setting is only enabled when note fields have been set to hidden.
Advanced Accessibility Features: Enables the advanced accessibility features (magnifiers) of the Instant Producer. If the features are not needed, deactivate the option to save memory.
Confirm your changes by clicking on Apply. Now you can restart the Instant Producer and work on projects with the new settings.
Workarea Here you will find a list of resources that are available. The following options are also available:
Copy: This option will copy the list of resources to the clipboard so that you can insert the information into a text file. This overview can be useful for internally managing resources.
Refresh workarea: When loading the structure of a workarea, it is stored by default in the cache so as not to slow down your PC performance. Once changes to the structure have been made, this option allows you to manually update and save your workarea.
Get resources from server (Manager): This downloads the current resources from the Manager.
Record Application This area displays the active settings for the recordings.
Audio Recording This area contains settings for the recording of audio. The following settings are available:
Recording Device: Use the Recording Device dropdown menu to select an available device. Choose the Configure… button to open a system dialog box with further settings for the device.
Output Format: Defines the format used for the audio during playback of the content.
Editing Format: Defines the format used for the audio during editing of the content.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder The Settings Dialog Box
About This area displays the version of the Instant Producer you are using. Click on Close to close the settings dialog box.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder The Settings Dialog Box
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Working with the Manager
The SAP Workforce Performance Builder Manager is a server-based productive environment to support groups of authors, in which the learning units are collected and managed centrally. Amongst other benefits, this allows uniform resources to be made available to all authors and projects to be set up centrally and to be assigned to the respective authors for recording. In addition, the projects can be recorded in the Instant Producer and made available centrally for further editing in the Producer.
Update resources The option Get resources from server, which is found in the settings dialog box, allows you to manually update the local resources of a workarea with the resources from the Manager, After selecting this option, the resources will be automatically updated. Refer to the section on The settings dialog box
Setting up a Connection
To set up a connection to the Manager, you can start a file named connection.managerConnection from its workarea screen. This file contains all the necessary settings for establishing a connection. To do this you need to be able to access the Manager. If this is not the case, contact your administrator. The procedure to establish a connection to the Manager is as follows: 1.
First, log on to the Manager with your user data.
Then, select the workarea where the projects of the Instant Producer are to be stored.
Click on button Connection Instant Producer to establish a connection.
Then click in the download dialog on Open. This will open a dialog that contains the URL and the user login.
Enter your password in this dialog and confirm it with Ok. Then, all the available resources from the Manager will be downloaded to your local system.
Confirm the process dialog with Ok and restart the Instant Producer.
The Instant Producer is now connected to the Manager and you can start creating your projects.
Exchanging Projects
The Manager facilitates basic processes involved in working with projects. The projects can either be created directly in the Instant Producer or you can download blank projects that were pre-defined in the Manager and assigned to the respective author. Subsequently, the relevant processes are recorded and edited in the Instant Producer. In the final step, the projects are saved on the server to make them available centrally.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Working with the Manager
Functions in the toolbar Once the connection to the Manager has been established the following functions will be available in the toolbar of the Instant Producer:
Get projects...: With this command you can download all the projects stored in the Manager that were assigned to you as author to your local system. If there are no projects assigned to you on the server, a corresponding message will be displayed in a dialog.
Save on the server: This command saves the projects currently selected in the Project Explorer on the Manager server. Once activated, a dialog with the following options is displayed: o
Save and end editing: Saves the project on the server in its current state and relinquishes write authorization for the project.
Save: Saves the project on the server in its current state.
Note The projects stored on the Manager server are subject to a so-called write authorization. The purpose of this is to prevent problems caused by several people editing a project simultaneously; consequently, only one author can be authorized to edit a project at any one time. As soon as an author starts working, they are automatically assigned the write authorization. By selecting command Save and end editing you relinquish this authorization.
Project Settings
When exchanging projects between the Instant Producer and the Manager, there are a variety of settings that can be configured to facilitate working with both applications. Once changes have been made to the settings, you can transfer these changes by clicking on the option Save to the server.
The project status In the Project Explorer, you can assign a status for the editing progress of the project on the basis of pre-defined values. When working with the Manager, you need to bear in mind that for centrally saved projects it is the status selection from the Manager that is used and that the values in the status list of the Instant Producer are replaced. When you save a locally created project on the Manager server, this will initially not be assigned a status on principle. Since the project is now available locally and centrally, the status values in the Instant Producer will be replaced by those of the Manager. Select the desired status for the project and save the project once more on the server to transmit the value. To edit the status of a project, you can click on Change status, which is found in the Project Explorer. Refer to the section on Structure of the Project Explorer
Settings in the properties dialog box The settings specifically configured for the Manager from the properties dialog box will affect the workflow of your projects.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Working with the Manager
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The data is downloaded from the Manager and displayed in the settings. The following settings are available:
Author: The editor for the project can be selected from the drop-down list.
Type: The type of editing to be done on the project can be selected from the drop-down list.
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SAP Workforce Performance Builder Working with the Manager
Technical Support
Please use the SAP Incident Wizard on the SAP Service Marketplace to submit your incidents on the following components:
KM-WPB // Workforce Performance Builder KM-WPB-PRO // Workforce Performance Builder – Producer KM-WPB-IPR // Workforce Performance Builder – Instant Producer KM-WPB-MGR // Workforce Performance Builder - Manager KM-WPB-NAV // Workforce Performance Builder - Navigator KM-WPB-CXH // Workforce Performance Builder - Context Sensitive Help KM-WPB-APR // Workforce Performance Builder - Application Profiles KM-WPB-SMI // Workforce Performance Builder - Solution Manager Integration
If you are not familiar with the SAP Service Marketplace, read the following information:
To access the SAP Support Portal you need an S-user ID and password. You can request access data from your SAP Super Administrator or register online on the SAP Service Marketplace page under ‘Registration‘. With this user, you have read-access to all the contents of the SAP Support Portal, you can use the SAP Community Network and SAP Help Portal, and you can also book courses under SAP Education. If you want to work with the support applications (Incident Wizard, license key request, system data maintenance, manage remote connections, software download and so on), you need the corresponding authorizations, which your SAP Super Administrator can give you. You can find information for new users and about support applications on the Support Portal Homepage under ‘Learn More‘. There you can also register for a personal overview demonstration of the SAP Support Portal. In case of problems with SAP Service Marketplace contact you local Customer Interaction Center. An online webform is available on This webform should be used for all written communication with your local customer interaction center. More Details about Incident Processing, Support Addresses and Hotline Numbers can be found here: Are you interested in a tour through the SAP Support Portal? Register for an online demo.
SAP Workforce Performance Builder Technical Support
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