Instant Healing Meditation (Basic)_David Alan Ramsdale

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This Amazing Gift from the Unknown Enlightened Monk Will Improve or Fix Just About Any Physical, Emotional or Mental Problem (Literally "A to Z" — from Asthma to Smoking to Zoophobia) in Just 30 Minutes! Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A.

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Copyright & Permissions Page SHARE THE "INSTANT HEALING MEDITATION" WITH YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY! Copyright © 2011 By David Alan Ramsdale The "Instant Healing Meditation" (IHM) book is published by Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A. The contents and design are copyrighted by Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A.

THIS REVOLUTIONARY HEALING BOOK IS FREE TO SHARE! This ebook guide to a revolutionary new self-healing system – virtually unknown to the world! – is free for you to personally use, to freely distribute to others and to freely share worldwide on the condition that it is kept intact as it is and it is not changed in any way. However, it is okay to share excerpts from this book for the purpose of review or to inform people about it. We ask that you refer to “Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A." as the author of IHM and that you refer to the web site for the complete IHM Home Study Course: Love, Healing and Blessings, Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A. Guided Sessions & Latest Updates: IHM Course:

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IMPORTANT — PLEASE READ — LEGAL DISCLAIMER Legal Disclaimer: The "Instant Healing Meditation" is a spiritual self-healing technique based on knowledge first revealed to Robert Hover in Burma (Myanmar) in 1961 by an unknown Buddhist monk. The person who uses this unique meditation technique does so at their own risk. Since this is a self-help technique that you do yourself, you must be willing to take full responsibility for your actions and the consequences of your actions. The author of this book does not provide medical advice or prescribe the use of any method as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature in order to help you in your efforts to help yourself and achieve personal wholeness, fulfillment, freedom and enlightenment. Should you choose to use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions. Neither the author or publisher nor anyone else associated with the creation, publication, and distribution of this book (collectively, the "publishers") is liable or responsible for any real or perceived mishap, malady, or injury, physical or mental or emotional or psychological, or exacerbation of any condition resulting from following any of the instructions or advice given within this book. And you hereby release and forever discharge the author, his publishers and artists and distributors, and all heirs and successors and assigns from all claims and demands which might arise by reason thereof. While self-help and self-healing is the main focus of this book, there are no guarantees or warranties that you will experience or achieve anything whatsoever from following any of the instructions, procedures, techniques and advice within this book. Personal experiences vary too widely for any guarantees or predictions to be made about anything offered or discussed within this book. Furthermore, since the results from this method are based solely upon individual efforts, there is no way for the author or publisher to know if the reader will apply the method correctly or with sufficient effort. You, the reader, represent that you are solely responsible for any physical, mental, emotional, psychological or spiritual problems and maladies, whether real or perceived or imaginary, that might arise or that you might perceive to arise from following any of the ideas, procedures, techniques and advice offered within the pages of this book, whether directly stated or perceived or implied or assumed. The "Instant Healing Meditation" is a self-help self-healing method that you do yourself. It is not in any sense intended to replace the services of a physician, psychiatrist, psychotherapist or other healing professional. We fully support treatment by conventional allopathic medicine and strongly recommend full compliance with your physician or other licensed medical professional.

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ABOUT REVEREND DAVID ALAN RAMSDALE, M.A. David is a published author with more than 300,000 physical books in print. He has two books on As the Founder of Instant Healing Meditation method, David is the world’s leading expert in this little-known self-help system.

Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A. (aka “Healer David”)

At one time, Reverend Ramsdale (aka “Healer David”) was best known as one of the leading Tantra teachers in the world. During that phase of his life, he wrote the best seller "Sexual Energy Ecstasy" published by Bantam Books, New York which sold 275,000 copies. He is also the author of "Red Hot Tantra," inspired by a great Tantric classic, the profound "Vigyana Bhairava Tantra" sacred text. For years, David actively promoted "Sexual Energy Ecstasy" via live talks, classes and workshops. He appeared on over 50 live radio and television shows, including "The Maury Pauvich Show." He was featured on the front page of "The Wall Street Journal." On the Playboy Channel, he became the first person in history to demonstrate an energy orgasm on TV. In 1994, David decided to enter into semi-retirement in order to more deeply pursue his spiritual path. Tired of being in the public eye, he returned to the private life. David happily faded into obscurity and enjoyed a life of deep meditation. David received Instant Healing Meditation in 1980. He personally used it with great success. Eventually, he began using it to help others. Astounded by the ease of use and fast healing power of this amazing self-help meditation, David decided to dedicate his life to sharing its speed healing secrets with the world.

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REVOLUTION! The “Instant Healing Meditation” Method Welcome! You're ready to learn the Basic Instant Healing Meditation method. I call it the "basic" method because it really is enough for many situations. The fundamentals never change, but there are conditions where special insights and methods make it much easier to dissolve the obstruction. I talk about that later in the IHM Home Study Course at the Intermediate and Advanced levels. It has to do with dismantling more complicated "constructs." But the Basic IHM method is the foundation, so let's learn the Basic method first and practice it. Then you can learn the rest. I am giving you everything you need to heal yourself in this training course right here. You will be fully equipped.

The 5 Steps of the Instant Healing Meditation Method

Finally... you're ready to go! Here are the 5 steps of The Basic Instant Healing Meditation Method. For some people, it is easier to be guided through the method, especially in the beginning. They are relieved of the need to guide themselves. By just following the instructions from their Instant Healing Meditation coach, they are freed up to totally focus on DO-ing the self-healing action itself. I offer guided IHM self-healing sessions like this.

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The best way to grasp the essence of how the Instant Healing Meditation Method works is by DOING it... not just by reading about it. You will "get" what this is only when you experience it for yourself. Why? Because it's not like anything else you have done. I guarantee it! Here are the 5 Basic steps. I will go over each step in detail in a moment. Sometimes these steps are all that is needed. Other times you need to use the other methods that I will teach you later. Either way, you still end up following these 5 key steps in the order shown.

First You DETECT It ==> Then You DESCRIBE It ==> Then You Make It DISAPPEAR! To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To



IN SHORT... YOU LOCATE THE "TRASH"... AND THEN YOU TAKE OUT THE "TRASH." YES, IT REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE! Yes, some problems are more challenging than others. Some situations take longer than others. But the basic principles and steps stay the same. The thing to remember when doing Instant Healing Meditation is this: The Instant Healing Meditation Method is really SIMPLE! It is so simple that a child can do it. When I say "SIMPLE," I really do mean S-i-m-p-l-e! There is nothing complicated about it at all. You can overthink anything and make it complicated and confusing. The Instant Healing Meditation Method is no different. That's why I say "Just DO the method!" So remember the K.I.S.S. Principle: "Keep It Simple, Instant Healing Meditation doer!" NOTE: You are the DOER. Nobody else does this method for you. Nobody else can do it for you. Even when you are being guided in a session, you still have to DO the work. You are still the DOER.

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What Does It Mean "You are the Doer"? By that I mean, you do the action part of it. You bring to the problem region your will power, your focus, your energy, your life force, your concentrated effort. Nobody else in the whole wide world can do this for you. You do it yourself. You are helping yourself. This is self-help self-healing. What Are You "Doing" Exactly? You are intensifying and consolidating the "life force" at the place where it is needed most. You mobilize your life force in that location. You impact the congested or stuck "stuff" (stagnant "life force") and get rid of it. You... Detect it... then you Describe it... then you Dissolve it (Destroy it).... YOU... do... it. You are the one who puts out the effort. Nobody else. You... DO... it. This method takes focus and effort. It is not lazy passive watching. It is powerful focused doing. There is nothing passive about this method at all. It is not like the inert "watch and wait" style of mediation. You are not "waiting" for anything. You are bringing the party. You are not waiting for the calvary to rescue you. You are the calvary! You are the action taker. But the action is internal, meaning it takes place inside of your body. To the outside observer, you will look like you are resting or meditating or praying, or even sleeping. But you are not. Yes, it can be called a kind of "meditation." But it is an active meditation! The guide in a Guided Instant Healing Meditation Session is just that — a guide. He or she is a teacher, a mentor, a coach, a guide. He does not do the work. YOU DO THE WORK! That means that if you experience some kind of improvement or healing, then YOU ARE THE HEALER. You healed yourself. You are the DOER. You produced the healing. You are the healer, the doer, the miracle worker. The guide was on the sidelines giving some directions. That's all. The guide was a coach. The coach does not win the game. The coach is on the side coaching. The player wins the game. You win the game for yourself. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


Go to where the problem is. Whatever the problem is, it is going to be associated with an area(s) of your body. If you have a headache, then your head is the location. If you have a backache, then your back is the location. If the problem is stress or anxiety attack or depression or gambling addiction or alcoholism or can't stop smoking, to most people this sounds more complicated, more difficult, more mysterious. For the Instant Healing Meditation Method, there is nothing vague or mysterious about it at all. It is just more"stuff." When you look at these things directly, you don't find much difference between physical, emotional or psychological constructs. They are all just assemblies to be disassembled. Notice that when you are having, say, the craving associated with needing a drink or needing to smoke a cigarette, you are having feelings. Those feeling are associated with a particular region of your body. These feelings are kind of like physical sensations. They can be very very strong. They can push you and drive you. The best time to work with psychological problems with the Instant Healing Meditation Method is when the issue is really "up," when it's most intense. With a physical problem, it will be at whatever level of intensity it is at when you do the session. You don't have much choice about it. But with a psychological addiction, you can delay it and delay it and put it off until it's really driving you crazy. Not so crazy that you have to give in, of course, but you want the addiction feelings "up" and on the surface. So if you're a smoker and you really want to stop smoking, then say "No" to smoking a cigarette until the craving is really strong. Depending on the addiction, this could take hours or days. When the craving is really strong, it is easy to detect. Also, not only is it easy to find and work with, you are more likely to be able to pull it right out by its roots at that time because more of it is exposed. This is because the craving is out in full force. It is not hiding from you. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


This means close your eyes first. Then go to the physical location on or in your body where you are experiencing the problem. If it is a backache, then go where the back is aching. Go to the location of the pain or discomfort. If it is an anxiety attack, you probably have feelings in your stomach or chest. For mental and emotional issues, the stomach or gut area is usually involved. So you can always start by looking there. Be there in the internal region of the body. Feel what is there. Make contact with what is there. Reach out and touch it if you can... with your feeling awareness. There IS something there. Stuck energy "stuff" is definitely there. Be at the physical location means exactly that. Be there and experience what is there. Use your natural ability for internal sensing. Be aware, feeling, reaching out and touching, exploring, experiencing, sensing, seeing of whatever is there. Use your natural ability to focus your attention and have tactile felt awareness of the space inside your body. A few people have trouble doing this, but I'm convinced that anybody can do it with practice. I believe we have this ability intact as children. Though denial and neglect, we forget about it as adults. But it's still there! If there is a problem or a lack of harmony at a location, then there is also some "stuff" stuck there. If there is noticeable discomfort so that you want to do a Instant Healing Meditation session around that discomfort, then "stuff" is there. This "stuff" is stuck or congested "life force." It is waiting to get unstuck, to get decongested. Then it can start happily flowing smoothly again. That’s the Big Rule of Thumb.

This "stuff" is an "energy" object. That is, it has some kind of shape. It can be described. It has substance and density. It is congested "life force." Sometimes I call it "pain substance." I usually just call it stuck "stuff." It doesn't matter what you call it. It is causing you trouble and you want to get rid of it. The Instant Healing Meditation Method is designed to just that – get rid of it! To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


An Important Tip: Do NOT Ignore Your "Minor" Aches and Pains By the way, don't ignore your aches and pains. Instead, treat them on the spot with the Instant Healing Meditation Method. When you notice it, do self-healing on it. You noticing these symptoms in the moment is a form of early detection. This early detection is a gift from your body. Your body is very wise. I have noticed that many people with major aches and pains and even disabilities have the habit of ignoring their pain. Maybe they are hoping it will go away. I can tell you right now it probably won't. Over time, minor symptoms that you routinely ignore have a good chance of growing into major symptoms. I'm not saying they definitely will, but why take the chance? The reason they don't just go away is that an ache or a pain is a sign from the body that something is out of balance. It is a message from the body. Now that you know the Instant Healing Meditation Method, you can hear your body's message, its warning signal, and act on it immediately. No need to theorize about it. Just get rid of it now. Take action now. Be the Doer. Get rid of it. By self-treating right away with the Instant Healing Meditation Method, the minor symptoms go away. They don't bother you again. They don't grow and get bigger. Which outcome do you prefer? I hope it is using Instant Healing Meditation to get rid of the minor discomfort right away for good!

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Some people get confused by this step. They think they need to get fancy with their description. The situation is no different than if somebody asked you to describe an ordinary cheap writing pen that is sitting on your desk. "I have an object on my desk. It is cylindrical in shape. It's about 8 inches long. It's about a quarter inch in diameter. It has a hard surface. This surface feels like plastic." Just describe it using simple down to earth concrete words. Really basic words. No metaphors. No analogies. No symbols. No stories. No theories. Just describe what you find there at the location of the problem. Describe what you find there here and now with your natural instinctual internal feelingsensing-seeing ability. You can do it. A child can do it. If a child can do it, and you're having trouble, it's because you're making it too complicated. It's not complicated at all. It's super-simple. Another possibility is that your mind needs to calm down and get focused. You can use prayer, a mantra, focus on breathing or your favorite method to calm yourself first.

After you've described the "stuff" that you find at the location, you don't just leave it there or passively watch it. You take action to get rid of it and push it out of your body. Since this "stuff" is definitely playing a role in creating your pain, suffering and discomfort, physical and/or mental, then you want to get rid of it! Sometimes, if it already is solid and in one piece, you can just push it out. Other times you have to pack the "stuff" together into a little ball — then you push it out. Other times, quite often, you have to nibble or chew away at the stuff or slice or cut or scrub or "plane" through it side to side or front to back or from some other angle. Keep trying methods and eventually you will find one that you like and reliably works for you. By the way, when you "nibble" it you are not taking in any "toxins" or bad stuff. What you are doing is returning "stuck" energy to its natural state which is “empty” space. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


In the previous step, you pushed the "stuff" right out of your body. You pushed it totally out of your body, far far away until you have no contact with it anymore. Or you dissolved the "stuff" by planing, chewing, nibbling, scrubbing, sweeping, sawing or whatever action you felt like doing. The final step in the Basic Instant Healing Meditation Method is to do an "ecology" check. The ecology check is to make sure there is nothing left. You are not done until everything you detected is gone. You position yourself above or below the region you worked on. Then you go through it using your sensing skills for detecting inside the body. Sometimes it is all gone. Other times there might be very wispy faint residual "stuff." To your internal tactile sensing ability, it may seem like "dust." You can pack or squeeze that "dust" into a firm ball. Then push it right out of your body, far far away until you have no contact with it. If it helps, think in terms of pushing it far out into space. You continue this methodical process of scanning with your internal sense of touch. You detect whatever is left and then you eliminate it. You may find you can plane through the residual "stuff" and get rid of it that way. But at some point when you go to the area and then go down through it sensing and scanning and feeling and looking, there is nothing left. The stuff that was there is no longer there. It is gone. You got rid of it. You took out the trash! When you reach that point, there is still one more thing to do. It is the rotary soothing smoothing motion.

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The Soothing - Smoothing - Gentle - Kind - Forgiving “Rotary Motion” You go down through the entire area that you worked on and intend a kind gentle loving state of harmony and wholeness for it. You may want to extend forgiveness, too. This movement is very specific. It is a rotary spinning motion. Make it very big so that it is sure to cover the entire area that was worked on... and then some. Once you have gone through this smoothing step, you are completely done. Some people find that this smoothing step feels really good. All of a sudden the difficult area becomes very pleasurable as energy gets harmonized and released at the same time. This is an important action and it needs to be done. So be sure to do it. If you need a mental image to get you started, think of an old vinyl LP record. It is spinning on an "old school" turntable. It is spinning around and around and around. Or think of a rotary sanding machine. The image is to just get you started, of course. Don’t just “think” or “picture” the rotary smoothing motion... BE THERE... FEEL IT! Don't "Think" About It — Just "Do" It and Get Your Results! I hope this hasn't sounded too difficult for you. It really isn't. Probably the main problem is just keeping the mind open to it long enough to actually try it and discover that it works. It is not a theory. It is a DO-ing. If somebody says the method doesn't work, then they don't really understand it. They have a theory, but their theory is wrong. What does an orange taste like? I could describe what it's like to eat an orange, but that won't do it for you. Now you have heard more words, but you still don't know for yourself. The only way to know is for you to eat an orange, right? Likewise, the only way to "get" the Instant Healing Meditation Method is to do it. Saying the Instant Healing Meditation Method doesn't work is like saying you can’t open the door because you can’t find the doorknob. Just find the “stuff” – the “doorknob" – and you will be able to open the door to Instant Healing Meditation. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


What Happens In An “Instant Healing Meditation” Session? So just turn the knob – locate the “stuff” – and open the door. Once the door is open, you just walk through it. You are done and you move on. The result? Your problem, or a big chunk of it, is now behind you. This skill is something you already do a little bit. Our culture does not teach it and value it. As a result, you don't realize that you have this power. You had it as a child. In fact, you use it right now to some extent. When you rub an area that is sore or in pain, you are doing a crude version of the Instant Healing Meditation Method. Some people do find it easier to be guided through a session as this releases their skepticism, frees up their attention and opens their mind. When they discover how simple and easy it is, they relax and just do it. After the guided session, they find it easier to do it on their own, if that's what they want. Sometimes after an Instant Healing Meditation Method session, there is a temporary worsening of symptoms. This is not a cause for alarm. It is a positive sign that the stuck energy has loosened up. It is a welcome sign of good things happening. For example, a headache could get worse before it gets better. This all occurs during the session, perhaps right after you get to work on it. When something is resting, you don't feel it much. When it starts moving, you feel it more. You are impacting the stuff and moving the stuff. So there is more to feel in that region than there was before you got started. There is no way that the Instant Healing Meditation Method can hurt you. You are just using your own energy, your own Life Force, in an original and constructive way. It's similar to meditation, only really it's easier than that. Meditation and prayer don't hurt you. Neither does the Instant Healing Meditation Method. What follows next is a short Guided IHM Session. This is the actual session transcript. When I first began teaching the Instant Healing Meditation, my assumption was that people would just do as I did: quickly pick up the technique and then just start doing it. But what I discovered is that people like to be guided. So I ended up doing one-on-one private sessions with people. I think the challenge is two-fold. First, the Instant Healing Meditation really is different from any other self-healing method. Second, the Doer must be able to maintain a stable focus of awareness while they take an inner action. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


"Searing Pain in Left Kneecap" SESSION DETAILS: D: Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A. (Guide) L: Lani S. of San Francisco, CA (Doer) Date: September 2, 2010. Location: San Francisco, CA. Session conducted in person. Time: Session took about half an hour. Subject was lying on her back. Comment: Subject started the session in extreme pain. But she was able to concentrate and do good work. I suspect that the burning pain motivated her. She made a strong effort and was rewarded with good results.

SESSION TRANSCRIPT: D: What are you experiencing? L: My leg really hurts. I'm in a lot of pain. D: Where specifically are you hurting? Is it your whole leg? L: No. It's my kneecap. My kneecap is on fire. It is really burning. D: Which kneecap? L: The left one. D: Please go to the area above the kneecap. Be above the area that hurts. Are you there? L: Yes, I'm there. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


D: Now slowly go down to the area. Tell me what you see... sense... feel... make contact with... there? L: It's like it alive. It's moving around. I guess it's the pain. I don't know. D: How far does it extend above the kneecap? L: It goes up to here. D: In words, please. Tell me in inches. How many inches above the kneecap? L: Two. Two inches. D: On the sides of the kneecap. How many inches does this stuff extend? L: Two inches on the side. D: Below the kneecap? L: It ends with the kneecap. Doesn't really go below it. D: Inside the kneecap. Behind it. How far into the body does it go? L: It doesn't really go into the body. It's just right there, at the surface. D: So it's at the surface area and just inside. But it does not extend down into the knee area, into the leg area behind the kneecap? L: No, it's just on the surface of the knee, just goes in a little bit. But it's all on the surface, I would say. D: This stuff that you're feeling, how would you describe it? L: It's really painful. D: Yes, I know it's painful. That's why we are doing this. Please make feeling contact with the substance. Position yourself above it on the leg and move down to it. Sense it... feel it... touch it... experience it... see it. What is it like? L: I don't know. It's kind of moving around. But it's a substance. D: Would you say it is soft like cotton? Sticky? Like water? With an oatmeal texture?

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L: Wood. It's like wood. D: So it's hard? L: Yes. D: Please go behind the kneecap. Be inside the kneecap looking out from inside the knee, inside the leg. It's like the kneecap is a window and you are looking out. Are you there? L: Yes. D: Look all around that area, looking from the inside out. Scan that whole area of the back of the kneecap. Go over it, touching it, sensing it, feeling it. Do you find any soft spots? Are there any areas that are less hard? L: No, it's all equally hard. D: You're sure? There are no soft spots? Usually if it's hard on the outside, from the inside a soft spot can be found to work on. No soft spot? L: No, sorry. No soft spot. D: No need to apologize. You are doing good work! Since there is no soft spot, let's start above the knee. Please position yourself above the knee again. Above the area where the stuff starts. Are you there? L: Yes. D: Now slowly move down from above the kneecap. Tell me when you make contact with the stuff that is there. L: I'm there. D: Is it hard like wood? L: Yes. NOTE: Usually I would tell the Doer to just push the stuck "stuff" right out. In this case, I knew the Doer felt confident in her ability to nibble or plane, so I had her do that.. In general, you first want to exert effort to push it right out of the body. There is a very good chance it will move right out!

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D: Good. Now we're going to eat away at this stuff. You can chew away at it, nibble at it, sandpaper it, plane it side to side, dissolve it. Which would you like to do? L: I would like to plane it side to side. That sounds natural for me. I used to work on wood with my dad. D: Okay, go ahead. Slowly work through that stuff with your planing motion. Let me know when you're done. L: (10 seconds later). I'm done. D: You work fast! You went all the way through the kneecap? L. Yes. D: Where are you now? L: I'm below the kneecap. D: Okay. Please position yourself a few inches above the kneecap. Are you there? L: Yes, I'm there. D: Now go back down through the kneecap and scan, feel, sense, touch... tell me what you see or sense or report is there. L: Should I go smooth it out now? D: No. We're not ready to smooth it out. We need to get rid of everything first. Now go down through the knee. What do you find this time? L: There's not much there. But there's a hard ball. A hard little ball. D: Where is this hard little ball? L: It's on the left side of the kneecap. It hurts there. D: Please position yourself inside the kneecap behind this little ball. L: Okay. D: Now push this little ball right out of your knee. Just push it out. L: Just push it out? To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


D: Yes. Take a deep breath and then use all of your will, all of your strength and push it out. Push it out, far far away, away from your body until you can't feel it anymore, until you don't experience it anymore. Push it far away, way out into space, so that it's gone... gone... gone. L: I'm pushing it. D: Is it out of your body? L: Yes. D: Can you still feel it, see it? L: Yes. D: Keep pushing. Push it all the way out from your body, out far far away until you can't feel it anymore at all. Push it out into space, so it's gone forever. L: Ouch! All of a sudden my left ankle is hurting! D: Did you push the ball all the way out until it's gone? L: No, it's like my ankle is holding it back. D: Do you see a string, some kind of connector? There can be a connection from one part of the body to another. L: No, no connector. I don't see any string or anything. D: Good. Focus on the ball. Push it. Push hard. Is it gone? L: Yes! It's gone. I don't see it any more. I don't feel it. It's gone. D: Great. Good work! Now position yourself above the kneecap again. I want you to slowly go down the area and tell me what you find. What is there now? L: Not much. I really don't find anything. But my knee still hurts a little bit. D: No stuff. You're not finding any stuff there now in the kneecap? L: No. There is no stuff. It's all gone.

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D: Okay, good. Now position yourself above the knee and do the big rotary motion down through the kneecap, from above it, down through it, and then out to well below the knee. L: How big is this motion? D: It is wider than the leg. It is a circular motion that extends out in all directions and stretches out beyond the leg on all sides. L: Okay. D: Slowly go through the knee area that you just worked on with a kind gentle feeling, a feeling of "May my kneecap be harmonious and whole and smoothly operating." Go through the whole kneecap in this way with the smoothing rotary motion that is wider than the leg, so that it covers the whole area. L: Okay. I've gone through the area. It feels a lot better. D: Good. You are a fast worker. Now, tell me, how does it feel? L: To be honest, it still hurts, but it's not nearly as bad as it was. Before the session it was just horrible! D: On a scale of 1 to 10, where was your pain in your knee before? L: Oh my god! (pause) Definitely a 10! D: Okay, it was at the "Oh my god!" level. It was at a 10. Where is it now? On a scale of 1 to 10? L: It's at a 3. 3 or 4. I'd say a 3. D: So the pain is a lot less? L: Oh, yes, definitely. D: Good. You did excellent work. Thank you.

The “Searing Pain in Left Kneecap”... changed from an Intense 10 to a Mild 3. – THIS IS THE END OF THE LIVE SESSION TRANSCRIPT – To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


How Does “Instant Healing Meditation” Produce Such Fast Results? On the cover of this book, based on my actual experience in guiding people, I claim that this method received from the enlightened monk works in just 30 minutes. This “30 minutes” (or less) time period refers to when the person is doing the actual work. The person who taught me this method, Robert Hover, was quite successful with it. His results from guided sessions with clients included instantaneous healing of arthritis, cancer and schizophrenia. He worked with over 1,500 people. Some had a strong meditation background. Others came right “off the street.” Everybody could do it. When working with me, some people experience "miraculous" improvements in just one session. Most people experience some kind of significant improvement, such as improved mobility, less pain or relief of psychological symptoms. Some issues require more than one session to finish the job, but improvement begins at the first session. A session lasts about an hour. Inside that hour, the actual "work" to get rid of the "stuff" – the “taking out the garbage” step – may take only 10 minutes or less. It takes some time to get there, and it takes some time to clean up the area, smooth it out and exit. That's how you end up with the session taking an hour. You have a detection phase. You have a direct action phase. You have a cleanup phase (smoothing included). But the actual time it takes the DO-er to work on and directly eliminate the problem once it is located is, usually, just minutes. I’d say that's pretty close to "instant"! Things feel better after one session. Some stuff got eliminated, and you can feel the difference for yourself. The felt benefit is immediate. If you are carrying a bucket of dirt that weighs 50 pounds, and suddenly you get a chance to carry a bucket that weighs 25 pounds, you will feel the difference immediately. Nobody has to tell you. You know it for yourself. You will feel a wave of relief. True, you're still carrying around the 25 pounds, but the change is welcome and very noticeable. Even if the entire "network" of "stuff" – I talk about the advanced topic of "networks" in the Instant Healing Meditation Home Study Course – takes several sessions to dismantle, there will still be actual improvement right away that brings you relief. If a person shows up with a difficult condition, a condition that has lasted for years and has tortured them for years, and that condition is completely gone or greatly improved after a one hour session, that's pretty doggone fast. If this sounds too good to be true, remember this: the key to healing is the Life Force. This skill liberates that Life Force. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


Every “Stuck Energy” Structure Wants to Return to Pure Space As powerful and fast working as the Instant Healing Meditation Method is, it is also true that some conditions will respond better to other methods of treatment. Instant Healing Meditation is complementary to any alternative or mainstream healing strategy. Even so, I would never say give up with the Instant Healing Meditation Method. Based on my experience, if something doesn't move or change at first, just give it some time. Every stuck energy structure has one or more weaknesses that you can attack. Every stuck energy object “secretly” wants to return to space, to its open source. It does not want to stay stuck forever. It, too, wants to be free to just be and joyfully flow with life. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. But maximum power requires a constant laser-like focus during your Instant Healing Meditation session. If you keep working on it, eventually the stuck stuff will succumb to your focused will and sustained effort. I can't guarantee that for every person and every situation, but it has been true for me. You are working at a deep level. You are working at the level where stuff “appears.” Stuck Energy Objects Want to Return to Space (Galaxy NGC-1414)

What do I mean by a deep level? You are working at the level where the “stuff” comes and goes, at the level of the stuff’s source, which is “space” itself. Space is not “empty.” Space is full – of potential. Stuff comes out of space. It hangs around for awhile. Then it goes back into space. It “appears” and then it “dis-appears.” Flowers and rain, problems and pain – they come and they go. The great ocean of Life Force moves silently and invisibly behind it all. Just because the Instant Healing Meditation method is simple, does not mean it is shallow. It is not shallow. It works at a very, very deep level. It is very powerful. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


But What If You Can't Feel or See Any of This "Stuff"? If you really can't feel, sense or see any stuck "stuff," if you really cannot make contact with it, then take your pain or discomfort as the object. What should become obvious to you quickly is that the pain has a kind of substance or density to it. Obviously, the pain is "there" (or "here"). There is nothing vague or abstract about the pain at all. You are not having any difficulty "sensing" the pain! Think about it. You are feeling something there, something that feels substantial. According to the Instant Healing Meditation Method, that is congested "stuff." Use the boundaries of the felt pain sensation as your region to be at and to act upon. Your felt pain has a definite location in your body. That localized area has distinct edges to it. Your pain shows you the region to work on.

There are different kinds of headaches. After you get good at the Instant Healing Meditation Method, the type won't matter. What matters is detecting what is there. Stuff is stuff. You will be able to just go in there and remove the stuff. You don't need to know the label. But you do need to detect it first. You just DETECT ==> DESCRIBE ==> and Make It DISAPPEAR.... 1. Be in the head region. 2. Feel, sense, touch, see with mental sensing ability inside the body. 3. After detection, first try to PUSH the stuck stuff right out of the body. 4. If possible, just push it out all the way until it cannot be detected anymore. If it helps, push it out into space until you lose contact with it. 5. Nibble, squeeze, scrub, plane through it as needed. (These skills are explained in much more detail in the complete Instant Healing Meditation Home Study Course). 6. Check for residual "stuff." 7. Do gentle rotary spinning smoothing soothing motion through the region. That’s it! To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


Here is the IHM sinus headache strategy. Allergy flare-ups are treated the same way. 1. Choose a side of your head. 2. Push the stuff to the middle of your forehead. 3. Go to the other side of your head. 4. Push the stuff to the middle of your forehead. 5. Squeeze the stuff collected there into a ball. 6. Push the ball out of your nose. 7. Do an ecology check. Plane through any stuff that is left over. The common pattern to all of these situations is, of course, that wherever there is discomfort, there is some kind of stuck energy "stuff" there. A rephrase of our Big Rule: "If it’s feeling ROUGH, then there is some STUFF!" The resourceful attitude behind the Instant Healing Meditation Method is that you do direct detection, not knowing what you will find. Based upon what you find, you take immediate action according to the way the stuff presents itself. Action is the key.

Let's say you hit your finger with a hammer or worse. As a result, you experience sudden onset of intense pain. Whether it is a minor accident or a major accident, this variation of the Instant Healing Meditation Method for emergencies will help you a lot. The steps are basically the same as for self-healing a headache. The difference is you just jump right in. You already know exactly where the problem is located. It's located at the place where the PAIN is! Once you have targeted the exact area of concentrated pain, do fast strong mental planing or sweeping or scrubbing through the area. Just keep doing it until the pain subsides. If that is not possible, do intense hard planing as long as possible. You should notice right away that it doesn't hurt as much. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


Note that your planing or other action can be horizontal side to side or front to back. It can also be at an angle. Sometimes other angles work better. You may be able to detect that this area is congested due to the minor accident. If you are able to quickly detect it like that, you may notice that the energy "stuff" has really "ballooned" around the impacted painful area. You may see this or feel this or both. This pain "balloon" of congested energy is a common observation. I've seen it and so have other DO-ers. If your inner sensing or seeing is very good, then you will "see" that the original large balloon of congested energy is getting much smaller as a result of doing the technique. If you cannot see or feel any of this, you will just have to trust me on it! What you are doing is eliminating the congestion. This helps the healing process and speeds it up. As a result, it can heal as much as 600% faster. If healing would take a week to heal without IHM, it may take only a day or two with it. If it would take six weeks without it, then with IHM, it could take just one short week to heal instead. You will get the best results if you can keep up the planing throughout the day. Do short little sessions of planing, quick bursts of action. As long as there is pain in the region, feel free to plane and do the Instant Healing Meditation Method. If you do the work, you will get the results. The pain will subside faster than expected. The area will heal itself much more quickly than you had hoped. This swift action after a sudden onset of pain is comparable to cleaning a wound. Cleaning the wound removes the toxins to support and speed up the healing process. Cleaning the area clears the way for healing energies, for the free flow of Life Force. Always it is the body that heals itself. The body is wise beyond our understanding. The Instant Healing Meditation Method in this pain emergency situation is cleaning and clearing the way for the body's action. We are getting the obstacles, the junk, out of the way so that the body can do the job it already knows how to do.

To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


The “Instant Healing Meditation” Unblocks the River of Life In fact, that is the essence of how the Instant Healing Meditation Method works. It removes obstructions. It removes the temporary block to the body's healing power. A powerful river can be jammed by logs and stop flowing. Then all sorts of problems can arise because the river is no longer flowing in a normal way. Remove the logs, and the river surges forth as if there were never any logs. It returns to being itself. Likewise, inside of the body there is a powerful river of Life Force. When you unblock it and give it a chance, it just naturally flows. When it is given a chance, your body goes right back to its natural state of wholeness. Your body heals itself. The “Instant Healing Meditation” Unblocks the Flow of Life Force in the Body

You do the job of removing the obstacles to the body's naturally healthy flow of Life Force. You take out the garbage, the congested "stuff" that is stuck and in the way. The body does the rest. It knows what it's like to be effortlessly healthy and whole. If the flow of Life Force in the body is strong, healing can be “instant” – just 30 minutes. The difference between a human being who is alive and a human being who is not is the Life Force. Various ancient sources give this universal Life Force different names: prana, mana, chi, ki and so on. It is the source of life, and it flows like a river. The Instant Healing Meditation originated out of an ageless understanding of this River of Life Force. Since it is the source of life, there are no limits to its healing power. When you do Instant Healing Meditation, you set it free and let it do its work. When the river of healing within is unleashed., the results can be swift and surprising. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


What If It’s a Problem To Do the Pushing, Planing and Nibbling? The Instant Healing Meditation Method is a self-healing approach that you do yourself. In a guided IHM session, you are given helpful instructions – but you still DO the work! If you are not able to "just do" the actions like pushing, planing and nibbling directly with your mind, then it is permissible in the beginning to make up an object or symbolic animal or other image that does this work. But this is only to get started. The "pure" direct action is definitely best. Any image or fantasy creature you make up to do the work only divides your work energy into the effort to create the image and the effort to do the actual work. It's just plain better to just do the work.

After doing the Instant Healing Meditation Method for years and years, I'm convinced that the main challenge for most people is in the actual direct sensing or seeing or detection of the stuff. Why? Because it is NOT "creative visualization" or the imagination! You could say that the "mind's eye" is being used to detect the stuck stuff, but this use of the mind's eye is not imaginary. You are not making anything up. You are detecting and reporting on what is actually there. After actual concrete contact is made, the doing of the action to eliminate the detected stuff follows naturally. You Can Visualize An Animal Chewing or Nibbling

To pick up a pen on a desk, you must make concrete contact with it. You detect the pen and make direct felt contact with it. Then it is easy to pick it up and move it. So if you're having trouble with the method, work on your detection skills. I give special detection skill building exercises in the Instant Healing Meditation Home Study Course. Just as there is the "mind's eye," there is the "mind's touch." Is it not imagination. It is actualization – actual felt contact with the real stuck “stuff” that is actually there. Like I said, there just is no substitute for actually “doing” the Instant Healing Meditation. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


Where Did the “Instant Healing Meditation” Method Come From? I learned this technique face to face from Robert Hover, a Buddhist meditation teacher. About 30 years ago, I attended his “body sweeping” meditation retreat in Los Angeles. Later Hover wrote a book. From the feedback given to me, it is complex and difficult to understand. Mr. Hover learned the basic method in 1961 in Myanmar (Burma) from a mysterious enlightened Buddhist monk. His aerospace engineering knowledge and genius level insights enabled him to improve on the simple method the monk gave him. Mr. Hover passed away a few years ago. When nobody showed up to carry on this very special spiritual “speed healing” system, I decided I would do it. This book, the IHM Home Study Course and my private IHM coaching sessions are the happy result.

ROBERT HOVER’S SYNOPSIS OF THIS HEALING TECHNIQUE “Experience with relieving pain and upsetting emotion in about 1500 people since 1970 has revealed the following: Most physical pain, mental affliction, emotional outburst, psychic disturbance or hereditary aberration – trouble in general – is accompanied by a tenuous substance (or a faint matter) inside, on the surface of or outside but near the body of the troubled person. With eyes, closed, the troubled person can mentally detect that substance, then mentally induce a change in it and relieve or eliminate the trouble. Almost anyone can do this. It is consciously triggered the first time by following a simple 5-6 thousand word-level instruction from one who has done it. Once learned, the troubled person can bring up the mental detection and action on any later trouble without the instructor, then, if they wish, instruct others. No diagnosis is needed; the history or label of the trouble is of little or no importance. This mental detection and action is strictly subjective; the troubled person does it all within him/herself by their perception of the tenuous substance without crippling or muffling imagination, and the results are here and now.” – ROBERT HARRY HOVER, La Mirada, California, August, 1988

To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


SPIRITUAL “SPEED HEALING” Guided “Instant Healing Meditation” Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale

Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A. (aka “Healer David”)

To set up a Guided “Instant Healing Meditation” session with Healer David, the author of this book, please go to There you will find the latest contact, scheduling and rate information. David’s wife Linda will contact you by telephone or email to arrange a time. Payment is in full in advance via PayPal. Since results completely depend on individual effort, there are NO REFUNDS. Sessions are conducted via telephone. A Session lasts about one hour. NOTE: There is a waiting list. Please act now if you want to work with David.

Healer David performs this spiritual healing service in his capacity as Reverend David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., a licensed Minister of the Universal Life Church based in Modesto, California. Reverend Ramdale does not diagnose, treat or prescribe. Always consult with your physician or licensed health professional regarding any physical, emotional or mental issue. Reverend Ramsdale is a spiritual consultant. To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


A SELF-HEALING REVOLUTION! Get Results in Just 30 Minutes... “Instant Healing Meditation” THE COMPLETE HOME STUDY COURSE “Now you can be your own spiritual ‘speed healer’!” 1. Part 1: Basic – Remove Stuck Energy Stuff (PDF) 2. Part 2: Intermediate – Deconstruct Objects (PDF) 3. Part 3: Advanced – Dismantle Networks (PDF) 4. Part 4: Addiction, Panic, Phobias, Depression (PDF) 5. Part 5: Maintain Health & Prevent Problems (PDF) 6. Quick Guide: “How to Help Family & Friends” (PDF) 7. Quick Guide: “How to See Into Your Body” (PDF) 8. “Larry’s Knee” Live IHM Session Recording (MP3) 9. The “Instant Addiction Cure” Talk (MP3) 10. The “No Story? No Problem!” Talk (MP3) 11. “Instant Addiction Cure” Talk Transcript (PDF) 12. “No Story? No Problem!” Talk Transcript (PDF) Bonus #1: Guided Relaxation - Rain Sound (MP3) Bonus #2: Guided Relaxation - Forest Sound (MP3) Bonus #3: Kundalini Brain Booster - Rain Sound (MP3) Bonus #4: Kundalini Brain Booster - Pink Sound (MP3) The IHM Home Study Course Is 100% Guaranteed! To Schedule Guided IHM Sessions with Rev. David Alan Ramsdale, M.A., Go To


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