December 23, 2016 | Author: Nextbigthings | Category: N/A
The Expert Guide to Under-The-Radar Fortunes for Microbrands and Product Managers. Covering Land, Air and Sea....
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Profitable Distribution Systems via Land, Air, and Sea!
Special Report Instant Distribution Empires The Expert Guide to Under-The-Radar Fortunes for Microbrands & Product Managers 10 Ways to.... Outwit Outmaneuver & Outsell ...your competition during any economic climate J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication Copyright © All rights reserved. Copyright Notices Copyright © 2010 by Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to:
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Contents Why do you need an effective marketing strategy? …................................ 6 Marketing Strategy Defined............................................................................. 7-10 Why you might be offering the right product to the wrong market without even knowing it. …..............................................................................................11-16 Unconscious incompetence................................................................................17-18 Randomly presented nugget about me............................................................19 Plus failure is a great teacher …........................................................................21 10 Distribution Zones That You Probably Never Thought Of Which Could Be Earning You A Large Quiet Fortune: …......................22-33
10 Ways to Outwit Outmaneuver & Outsell your competition during any economic climate!
Winding Down …................................................................................................34
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Genuine Income Autopilot …..............................................................................35-37
[email protected] ….........................................................................38-39 Distribution Maverick; The Raw Like Sushi Guide To Explosive Profits...40 end of Special Report
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Why do you need an effective marketing strategy? The first foundational point is why you even need an effective marketing strategy to begin with. And the reason you need it is because modifying your marketing strategy is really the key to increasing sales and profits in any economic conditions, and particularly during an unstable or unpredictable economy. Most companies are astute at developing marketing tactics but they’re not as astute at creating effective marketing strategies. And the outcome of this is producing less than optimal results. Because even an average marketing strategy carried out properly will always outperform the best tactics that are driven by a mediocre strategy.
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Marketing Strategy Defined The second foundational point is to define exactly what I mean when I say “marketing strategy.” Many definitions exist for marketing strategy. If you pick up twenty different books, you'll discover 30 different definitions. And it’s just by an act of God that two “experts” agreed on their definition. So allow me clear up the confusion and give you my definition of marketing strategy. But let me start by expressing to you what marketing strategy is not. Marketing strategy is not business strategy. Business strategy is analytical, it’s logical and it’s undeviating, and it needs to be. But marketing strategy is a calibration of emotional and logical components. It’s creative rather than analytical and it’s the result of fusion analysis and Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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innovation together rather than just analysis alone. Okay, so having said that, let’s get to my definition of marketing strategy and you might want to make a note of this. Here’s my drum-roll please definition of marketing strategy: Marketing strategy is the dominant strategically designed plan that gives your business a substantial advantage over all your competition. And the key there is that it’s a dominant game plan — it’s the big picture strategy. An example that I frequently use to explain the difference between strategy and tactics is one that everybody understands, because the company that engineered it is so famous. And that company is Bugger Thing (Sorry I have a Burger Bias) AKA Burger King. ;-) To this day, many people think that Burger King’s strategy was to sell customized hamburgers, and their tag line was “Have it your way.” You could come in and order your Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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hambugger any way you wanted, when all of the competition forced you to take it the way they made it. With the competition, there were only three or four choices and you chose between those. So you were locked into those choices. No customization, no substitution. But customizing buggers for each customer was not Burger King’s strategy. That was the tactic they used, and it was a brilliant tactic. Their marketing strategy was much more BIG PICTURE and much more important. Because in the restaurant industry, the most important factor for success is location. And determining the ideal location is very expensive. It takes a lot of research, a lot of time, and it can run into six, seven figures to come up with the right location. So what Burger King did was absolutely Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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brilliant strategically. They decided to place every one of their stores within two to three blocks of an existing McDonald’s. And by doing this it eliminated all the costs of determining location. They didn’t have to do any of that research. This also allowed them to open up more stores more quickly because they didn’t have to take the time to do the research. What they knew was that obviously people were going to those areas to buy hambugers, so they had customers waving their hands and saying, “Here I am, I want to buy a hamburger.” Now, along with their location strategy, they used the tactic of allowing you to “Have it your way,” and they captured a tremendous market share in a very short time. So that’s a good example that shows you the difference between strategy and tactics. Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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Why you might be offering the right product to the wrong market without even knowing it. What I find with 100% of my clients is that few companies do enough research to identify who the ideal customer really is for their product lines or services. Many reasons exist for this, a common reason is that small brands or product developers don't have the resources that big budget companies devote towards proper research and market strategy. Framed another way, it takes a desperate obsessive focus and know how to unravel Distribution profits at the speed of light, and most smaller companies are inspired more by an idea or a concept, and less on a proper strategy. This probably explains why the small business startup failure rate hovers around 85% within the first 12 months.
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With the internet being what it is today, many small brands do the smart most economical thing, which is throw up a website and a digital shopping cart, and that's all good, the beauty of e commerce is that it enables any small brand to go from concept to profitability in a very short amount of time, to a po!nt. This in turn results in a sort of a “seat of yourpants” Distribution or marketing strategy. More often than not, a seat of your pants approach will yield some level of revenue or notoriety, (to be expected since over 300 million people shop online & even more offline) but it does not by any stretch of the imagination deliver the potential revenue profit model which can skyrocket a product line, the reason? The approach is too imprecise. And often, switching the focus of your brand marketing from one type of customer to another type can result in a dramatic increase in sales, typically with little involvement or very little additional financial resources, the outcome can yield a distinct life changing experience. Always remember that the right product, sold to the Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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right customer, at the right price, using the right message, is really the key to successful marketing. I recently worked with a client and I profiled their customers to determine who their ideal customer was, and who the ideal customer segments were since multiple customer segments existed. The client was shocked to discover that their product was used by a significant market segment for purposes totally different than their product line was originally intended to be used for. Truth be told, entering into the engagement I had pre existing knowledge that 46 customer segments existed for this product line, yet the client only exerted
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energy towards 5. Unfortunately, because this is their proprietary information and they’re using it right now, I can’t expose what their product line is or specifically how it’s used in a different manner by a different customer segment, but I can tell you that switching their focus to this new segment is yielding a 200%+ increase in sales which will likely continue to increase by the end of the next financial quarter and beyond. For microbrands who are serious about their businesses and are open minded to proven alternative Distribution methods, there is no such
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thing as a recession. So it’s really important that you have a precise customer strategy and that you identify your ideal customer or groups of ideal customer segments and that you use that knowledge to create tactics for each segment that is going to improve your sales and profits. Proper customer strategy in the instant case of this client will likely transform this microbrand into a quiet under-the-radar multimillion dollar company within 24 months. This microbrand is less than 2 years old and has never grossed more than $200,000 in sales, not a bad way to strategically extend their brand during a so called economic downturn.
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For many years, in one way or another I've operated in an ownership and leadership capacity in what I refer to as a “Designer of product or service Distribution models”. I tend to have a habit of seeing cracks or gaps within existing Distribution models, cracks which are usually worth millions in revenue and brand extension opportunities if properly managed and executed. Often times companies are profitable under their current operating profile, more often than not however their profit models are under- developed. My definition of an underdeveloped profit model is any model that leaves at least $500,000 uncollected dollars in profits on the table so to speak. And it's shocking to see how many small companies, microbrands, and handmade artisans neatly fit this profile. Not surprisingly I've noticed that a lot of microbrands of all design disciplines have a very underdeveloped sense or narrow view of profit modelling. Most of it is due to their native lack of interest in all things business. Creative types tend to be more focused and interested in well... creative things. Natural of course, but detrimental to the business side of well... their business. Often an even larger problem exist with creative types in that their lack of business sophistication prevents them from seeking professional help from someone who can actually transform their profit modelling. It's a classic case of unconscious incompetence. You don't know what you don't know.
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Unconscious incompetence During my 20 years as a Distributionist, I've noticed that business owners and brand managers fall into 1 of 4 categories as far as their competence and skill in marketing & distribution is concerned. By recognizing which category you reside in & taking the action steps suggested below, you can move up to the next level and significantly increase your profit from your marketing initiatives. The lowest level of marketing competence is "unconscious incompetence." You don't know what you are doing, but it gets worse, you don't even know that you don't know. You may even think you are a pretty astute marketer, even though to others, that is clearly not the case. Egotistical small business owners who star in their own TV commercials and entry level employees in "creative" positions at Madison Avenue ad agencies can easily fall into this category. Do you think you are highly educated or great marketer or brand manager, and blame the lack of sales action derived by your marketing always on external forces or factors out of your control, such as bad timing, a bad economy, or badluck? If you do, you are probably guilty of dwelling within the unconscious incompetence zone. Hopefully you will find a quick way out.
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With design and creative professionals often you are dealing with a tricky mix of Ego & their destructive inclination to micromanage aspects of business that they don't fully understand. It's just the nature of things, yet if many would simply idle their egos and focus on what they do best which usually involves CREATING, they could develop amazingly lean and highly profitable successful microbrands, some could even transition into global megabrands. My experience and observation within the design world has repeatedly proven that the biggest commercial opportunities exist as a result of the good old fashion mantra of “That's not how it's done in our industry”. It's also shockingly ironic how in an industry which is so pregnant with creativity, the idea of wildly profitable distribution makeover opportunities are sometimes treated as if you are trying to deliver stinky explosive diareah! It reminds me of how in the book “The Ultimate Success Secret” Dan Kennedy instructed, “don't waste your time trying to present these materials to the people who need it the most. They won't buy it. You should focus on selling to successful people who want to get even better”.
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Randomly presented nugget about me: Admittedly I have a soft spot for all things design and a big part of my outreach inclines towards smaller indie designers or microbrands, in a sense the design world takes me back to my roots. When I was in my early teens I wanted to pursue a career in fashion design and fashion merchandising, but my father absolutely did not support my design inclinations and aspirations. He was ultra homophobic and whenever he attended any function of mine which was artistic or design oriented he noticed the presence of my teachers and many of my design peers who had a little “too much sugar in their tanks” so to speak. That was not the influence that my dad wanted me to surround myself in, it didn't matter that I was a card carrying skirt chaser, it was the environment that was undesirable to him, plus “God” and my mother were on his side, so I was outvoted, and I ended up in business and trade. End of Random nugget about me
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Larger companies are not immune from maximizing their profit models either, knowledge gaps and cracks abound within companies with teams of highly educated and experienced commercial minds. Regretfully from one of my larger clients, I've professionally witnessed some of the coolest Distribution ideas, executed in the worse possible way, all because of entrenched corporate egos and a stubborn and fatal resistance towards unconventional change, more of that “That's not how it's done in our industry” mindset. This supersized ego joined with a committed refusal to adjust properly cost this one corporate client over 2 million dollars which can never be recovered from that specific Distribution model again, a Distribution model which I co developed from the ground up, not to mention millions lost in future earnings. Luckily for the client, the loss was barely noticeable. Note to self: It's more pleasant to work with smaller companies, less entrenched dysfunctional egos, plus microbrands cannot afford to “write off”, over 2 million dollars in Research & Development at the behest of the almighty ego. Sometimes even when someone makes an investment in your information assets, for whatever reason they ignore your recommendations and “strategery”. I'm not complaining I'm just explaining. In life the truth is you get the good and the bad, the successes and the failure, the important aspect is finding the positive beyond the negative.
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Plus failure is a great teacher, when you experience failure your entire thought process becomes atypically superior, si.nce you obsess over not repeating the emotion of failure. The flip side to that negative client experience is that I've been involved with another client who trusted me to design and implement a strategic int'l Distribution strategy which increased his sales by over 300%. This was a Distribution Strategy & Zone which never crossed his mind, nor entered the thoughts of his management team, yet within 90 days this single & ignored under-the radar Distribution Zone matured to represent 70% of his companies entire sales volume. Did I mention within 90 days! This represents just one example and the power and possibilities of how a lean elite Distribution Strategy Zone can increase your profitability when a fresh set of experienced eyes or unconventional thinking is involved.
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10 Distribution Zones That You Probably Never Thought Of Which Could Be Earning You A Large Quiet Fortune: Below:
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1) Cruise Lines: Through a client engagement which included a retainer and share ownership, I've made a lot of money in this market segment, and I would wager that I learned more about successful global operations than any London or Wharton Business School graduate could hope for in such a compressed amount of time. Like all other disciplines of business, winning the game requires a skill that is metaphorically equivalent to swimming in a pool of sharks without being eaten alive. There is an incorrect way of doing things, which normally involves some measure of strategic inexperience , and commercial predators who will eat you alive if you're not extremely careful. Conversely there's a correct way of doing things where if you are scrupulous and know exactly what you are doing, participation in Distribution within this industry is metaphorically similar to investing in a winning lottery ticket! This is an industry which accounts for over 30 Billion dollars annually in worldwide sales with a steadily increasing growth factor which hovers around the 8%-10% range. Every major retail consumer category, and every design discipline is represented there, from all varieties of jewellery to alcohol, all kinds of art, fashion, furniture and accessories, encompassing all categories of style and design. Cosmetic procedures, dental procedures, casinos, galleries, special exhibitions, entertainment etc. The best way to visualize the opportunities in this industry involve imagining a thriving floating city. With the right access and partner, the Residual Distribution opportunities are massive, reliable, Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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steady and profitable. And what would a thriving city be like without it's endemic politics? This industry is hyper political, as are most industries with massively profitable opportunities. Aligning yourself with the right political dimensions is the only way to gain access to, succeed and to avoid regrettable outcomes. A true sleeping giant, under-the-radar absolute money while you sleep cash cow. The authentic epitome of profit autopilot. 2) International Chain Retailers: The top 250 world-wide retail chains account for over $3 Trillion of sales, that's Trillion with a “T”. Approx 1/3 of the estimated $9.0 Trillion retail sales world-wide. The largest retailers outside the US tend to cover many categories and are multi channel and multinational. US companies account for 36% of the number of companies on the list and 44% of the sales. 3) Joint Ventures: (with any other type of company who currently sells a product or service to your market are well worth considering if you have experience and know how.) There is a strategic approach to succeeding in joint ventures and with few exceptions most of what I've seen published online is outdated and materially misleading.
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4) Resorts: These are worldwide and highly segmented many by affinity interest, another true under-the-radar gem if you know what you are doing. 5) Hotels: These are worldwide and highly segmented, another true under-theradar gem if you know what you are doing. Rinse and Repeat, sound familiar. 6) Credit Card Inserts: Have any idea how many people receive and respond to solicitations within credit card inserts, there is a HUGE % of people who purchase goods and services via the convenience of Credit Card Inserts. There are over 600 million Credit Cards in circulation in America alone. 1 in 7 Americans hold 10 cards. Have you ever put together a lucrative targeted residual sales campaign with a credit card services provider? I have. 7) Infomercials & Direct Response Television: I'm sure it comes to a complete shock to you that there is in fact a very good reason why infomercials and DRTV never seems to go away, “if it aint broke don't fix it” comes to mind. A multichannel, multibillion dollar Global industry hungry and constantly on the prowl for innovation for the sole purpose of creating Distribution Blockbusters and a lot of profit for the DRTV investors. 8) Affinity Group Marketing: Very segmented & enables premium targeting opportunities for many design oriented and product categories if you know what you are doing.
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9) Catalogue Merchants: OK so maybe you've thought of this already but you'd be surprised at the amount of microbrands, self representing artisans, soloprenuers, crafters who don't embrace this billion dollar Distribution channel. More disturbing yet, is the amount of those who have embraced this method of Distribution and embracing it in the wrong way, a way that makes it a very high maintenance undertaking and barely worth the effort in time , profitability, or brand extension. Years ago I pioneered a single handed way of receiving a 100% product placement rate for my own products within prestigious major national catalogues. But more importantly the method that I use encourages the actual owner of the company, or top buying decision maker to ring me back within 48 hours to place a large product order, pre pay for the order, and place the product on the COVER of their catalogue. I call it The Magazine Cover Strategy Method, and this elite distribution method can be used to land guaranteed placement of your product or service on the most desirable area of catalogue merchant real estate, which is of course the cover! The best news is this “strategery” can also be used for targeted digital newsletters owned by large comapanies and ezines! The top most desireable catalogue retailers distribute millions upon millions of mail order catalogues annually, for a microbrand using this method, the value of succeeding with this one strategy alone can very rapidly convert a low revenue producing microbrand into a lean massive under-the-radar low maintenance Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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cash cow. Given the optimal choice, which microbrand or product developer wants their product to be buried between the pages of other vendor's products within a major retail catalogue or magazine of proven buyers , when you could strategically guarantee landing the cover and optimize your brand recognition and sales output! Moreover theres an added benefit in sales trajectory and distribution echo when your product or service is “profiled” by the magazine or catalogue in editorial format instead of just being placed along with other products. Imagine for a second if you have that killer design, product or service that you just know would sell, and imagine what impact it would have on your life and your brand if your creation was on the cover of one of the worlds most prestigious catalogues , a publication where more than 18 million women use as an absolute “must have” shopping guide! Close your eyes for 20 seconds and imagine howthis level of FREE exposure would change your life. The Magazine Cover Strategy Method can be used to target any industry publication traditional or digital, and is very adaptable to any design discipline and product invention. All that is required is an easy change to a small part of your operating pardigm. It's the ultimate inside information guide that could genuinely and quickly change your life forever.
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Interested in the creative process and despise marketing and sales? Love marketing and sales but want to expand your Distribution zones? Interested in setting yourself up so you can finally live a stress free life? Interested in spending more time with your family and friends? Interested in playing more golf, tennis, whale watching in Hawaii? Chasing hula skirts & Maui surfer chicks in Hawaii? Interested in traveling the world for an impulsive amount of time? Considering an Eat, Pray, Love exit strategy? Julia Roberts shouldn't have all the fun “pretending” in that movie. The natural transition for a designer or product owner or marketer armed with the caliber of inside information presented within the Magazine Cover Strategy Method is a plush and happy life, filled with more lifestyle options and liberating opportunities. Applying this Magazine Cover Strategy Method is brilliant, effective and unique. But it's only for those who are genuinely motivated in making £ $, saving money, and saving lots and lots of time, our most valuable human asset.
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I stumbled across this method in my own head while attending a private invitation only meeting in California. I'll never forget it because I was having a meeting with one of Guthy Renker's head honchos who was interrogating me with interest about a gadget that I thought was great for DRTV. The Magazine Cover Strategy that I developed and have never seen used before or since, was really a cross -pollinated idea repurposed from another industry, (the DRTV industry to be exact) and it worked every time I used it without fail! Their was a bit of important “side irony” involved with this product in the few weeks before I had my private meeting with Guthy Renker and subsequently a different meeting regarding the same prodcut with Kodak corp. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT ASPECT TO PAY ATTENTION TO: The short version: During a buying season & after a well placed phone call, I was offered a lot of money from a mysterious company not to introduce one of my products to market, the reason? The product if widely promoted stood a greater than average chance of being commercially successful because of it's unique value proposition. Consequently my new product stood a chance to erode their market share significantly, that's a fancy way of saying that the company did not want my intended caliber of competition in a marketspace where they were dominant.
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Before that event, another Private Equity company contacted me and offered to partner with me for 51% of the company. In short, for controlling interest in the company, the offer was for them to supply the cash and sales vehicle and to acquire dominant control of the company. I injected this “side irony”into the mix because I want all of you to understand something. There are plenty of ways a deal can be cut, Angel Investors, Solo efforts, Private Equity, Complete buyouts, Licensing deals, JV's etc. But if you have a hit product which is properly protected, stick to your guns and always retain the controlling interest in your company. Some people don't agree with that positition for various reasons, and sure there are exceptions to my advice, but in a broad sense you're better off maintaining control of your product. I ended up shifting my original marketing focus and distributed the product through a cartel of top PMC (Private Military Company) suppliers.
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Another essential point is, by following my instincts I didn't accept a deal that would erode my majority ownership with this amazing product, and shortly afterwards I developed my own proprietary method for lazer targeting and attracting the exact caliber of partner that I wanted to do business with for ANY product or service that I'm attracted to. Even better, I managed the entire process where the deals are fair, risk free, and non predatory. Now moving along: One time I used the Magazine Cover Strategy for another one of my products which was not even a product at the time, in all honesty it was an IDEA for a product / a product concept that excited me after watching a movie! Gotta love that Hollywood inspiration. Using my personal Magazine Cover Strategy, the President of one of the worlds largest national catalogue merchandisers rang me within 20 minutes of receiving my message, his intent was to place an order worth $70,000 in profit to me on a $300,000 Prepaid Purchase Order. Not too shabby for a product design idea which I developed in only two hours time and after watching a movie. Anyone who has ever done business with a major national retail catalogue merchant knows that the idea of a company President ringing you is Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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abnormal, since there are many subordinates who deal with the likes of buying and product evaluation. The idea of the company ignoring their standard industry mantra of 30 or 60 days net (on ready-to-ship warehoused inventory) as their accounting rule is even more unheard of. After that experience the President of that company and I developed a direct friendship and commercial relationship.
10) Licensing: Accounts for over 100 Billion dollars annually worldwide. Ok so maybe you've thought of this already, but the reality is less than 10% of entreprenuers get products licensed. According to the USPTO 2009 report, about 2% of inventors succeed in licensing inventions. Licensing is great if you have the right approach. Do keep your eyes open for opportunities which might fall beyond your comfort zone because that's probably where your most success will come from. Naturally the 10 Distribution Zones mentioned above are highly lucrative and highly competitive. Most of these Distribution Zones use vendor qualification methods which most microbrands don't even qualify for, or the sheer amount of paperwork presents a barrier of bureaucratic impediments. For these reasons, we have established A Free access platform for strengthening Distribution and sales profitability within unexpected under-theradar profit zones. If we love what you do we can do a deal, cut through all of the high level bureacracy and get your product a lot of sales and profit velocity. No matter how you slice it, no one is in “business” to lose money. You might Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
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not have grand Distribution ambitions but chances are if you are ready this report, you at least recognize that there is room for improvement for your existing Distribution strategery. Often the catalyst that can deliver the most positive outcome takes nothing more than a little bit of extra effort, or small baby steps towards the right Distribution direction. Some industrial designers and microbrands are attracted to Dawanda, Shopflick, Gnr8, Unicahome, Etsy, BigCartel, Artfire, Yanko Design, Trendyindie, Ponoko, Bonanzle, etc as a Distribution platform, and these are excellent Distribution platforms. But the reality is, creative types of all stripes can profit substantially from their own creativity and land lucrative distribution contracts if they know what they are doing. Most could honestly profit enormously by simply having a more academic approach to their online marketing strategies. And regarding handmade stuff. Just because something is “handmade” does not mean that it cannot be “mass produced” in a hand made manner, by your handmade standards, and Distributed on a mass scale. Sure some things are just too intricate to mass produce, but the majority of handmade gear that I've seen in many category classes can be more aggressively distributed in any number of under-the-radar Distribution Zones, and at a substantial profit to the product creator. And who doesn't prefer more profits for less work; at the end of the day you are in business to be successful.
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Winding down: I personally am of the view that there are a lot of progressive things that can be done for most microbrands, designers, and product innovators. Lucrative Distribution Zones which are being completely ignored by traditional thinking, the redundancy of boring “me too” marketing, institutionalized tunnel vision & suboptimized Distribution concepts. These are Distribution Zones that can advantage your brand extension or product line with noticeable and often times under-the-radar profitability, and any idea that you shouldn't pursue them I think would be unwise. In this report I've listed 10 Distribution Zones, however over 50 exist that I'm aware of, my 2 favourite Distribution Zones I have not even list here, I'll save them for another occasion. During a 20 year active leadership role in designing and managing profitable Distribution strategies, I have a clear sense of what will work with your product or service. Invest quality time in examining these alternative Distribution Zones strategically, I'm certain you will discover compatability with your product line or service, better yet find an amazing Distribution Zone that you would like to access and develop a product which is compatible with that specific Distribution Zone.
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Think positively and think creatively. Instant Distribution Empires is an excellent resource guide to stimulate thinking which can lead to extraordinary under-the-radar profits for your microbrand or company.
J. Kennedy, MBA* Editor: Y.B. Adam A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication Copyright © All rights reserved.
Genuine Income Autopilot: Management By Absence or Management By Automation, Maverick Business Advancement: You decide which is more appealing. The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment. -Warren G. Bennis, University of Southern California Professor of Business Administration; advisor to Ronald Regan and John F. Kennedy. The 4-Hour Work Week, Timothy Ferris. Most interdisciplinary microbrands, entrepreneurs, designers, brand managers, product creators, and self representing artisans don't start out with automation as a goal. This leaves them open for mass confusion in a world where business gurus rarely agree. Consider the following: “A company is stronger if it is bound by love rather than by fear... If the employees come first, then
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they're happy.! -Herb Kelleher, cofounder Southwest Airlines. “Look, kiddie. I built this business by being a bastard. I run it by being a bastard. I'll always be a bastard, and don't you ever try to change me.” -Charles Revson, founder of Revlon, to a senior executive within his company. Miranda Priestly: ...You have no sense of fashion... Andy Sachs: I think that depends on... Miranda Priestly: No, no, that wasn't a question. -The Devil Wears Prada Quotes
After reading the aforementioned ideologies, define which you incline more towards. The conflicting advice rampant in many current publications normally applies to managing people or employees, managing the “human element”. Herb recommends a tree hugger approach to employees, Revson tells you to mash their nuts and show them no mercy, Miranda is an absolute uncompromising beyaaach, but I'm suggesting that you solve the problem by diminishing the human element. Once you have a product that sells profitably, it is wise to design a self-correcting business architecture that runs itself. Ideally the architecture will be a hybrid model which involves offline and online profit centers. Self-correcting a business architecture is really not as hard as it may seem. In today's world automation enables intelligent microbrands to operate at peak efficiency and with the productive force of an entire traditional physical staff, yet with greatly reduced administrative cost, and at an accelerated production rate. From my experience working with clients in various businesses, I've learned that as a result of knowledge-gaps, microbrands especially are inadvertently standing in the way of their own optimal success and profitability. I'll discuss this in more detail soon. No fluff, no fillers just facts based on failed and successful experience and observation. I got a bit off topic with that side rant about automation etc. The truth is
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the automation approach is not for everyone. Some people require a lot of social interaction with colleagues and people, and that's all good, you have to incline towards whatever works for you. As previously expressed, I've only listed 10 unique under-the-radar Distribution Zones commonly ignored by microbrands yet certainly accessible, however many more exist. The key involves a bit of “mental disruption”, or a strategic departure from the traditional way of doing things, especially as it relates to microbrands and interdisciplinary design. If you operate within the spirit of..“That's not how it's done in our undustry” It would not surprise me if you are missing out on a Distribution opportunity gap which could treble your sales capacity, and it's only a short matter of time before you get creamed in business by an enlighted competitor, then you will wish you had paid attention to this Special Report, this is opportunity knocking. If you require an extreme inspiration to take this Special Report seriously and to prioritize alternative Distribution opportunities, just Google “The dumb ass who sold 10% of Apple Computers for $800”. Short version of a long story... Ron Wayne, the co founder of Apple Computers didn't share the Vision of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, his then partners, and had Ron Wayne not sold his share of the company for $800 bucks, that share would have been worth 22 Billion dollars today! I did note that it was extreme inspiration. Most of us have a set way of solving any problem, a tunnel vision of sorts, some entire industries operate this way. So the solutions we come up with usually fall within a fairly narrow range and are not as muscular as they could be.
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[email protected] As a special thank you and a blatant bribe, by entering your comment, I'll send you a free copy of “Distribution Maverick: The Raw Like Sushi Guide To Explosive Profits For Microbrands & Inventors Like all of our Special Reports, this is a short concise publication. It also includes my personal 2 favourite methods of Distribution which are not listed within this report. Guranteed not to disappoint. If sky rocketing your microbrand and profiting during any economy appeals to you, then you'll apprciate this report.
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The strategies presented within Distribution Maverick can be applied to all Design disciplines, product managers, and product owners, and will elevate your ambitions and profits to a higher level. Discover my 2 favorite Distribution Zones which were not mentioned here, and get your free copy of Distribution Maverick: The Raw Like Sushi Guide To Explosive Profits For Microbrands & Inventors. Distribution Maverick is free for all members, Just send your uncensored comments to Sylvia about the report you just read to:
[email protected] Aloha, Jon
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Your Free Unlimited Product Reviews are Only A Click Away, Just Visit: J. Kennedy Editor: Y.B. Adam © A Direct Impact Ventures Ltd. Publication
Profitable Distribution Systems via Land, Air, and Sea!