Instant Cashflow by Mark G Nolan

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,QVWDQW &DVK)ORZ How To Jump-Start Your Cash Flow: A Transcript Of The $1500 Seminar For Business Owners And Everyone Seeking Financial Freedom

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About The Author: Mark Nolan has many years of experience as a business owner, writer and consultant and has used the knowledge presented in this book to repeatedly generate cash flow for himself and for his clients. He has lectured at respected west coast colleges, has taught seminars and has been paid up to $1,500 per session to share his latest techniques and ideas in person. This workbook is based upon a transcript of his $1,500 full day consultation/seminar. Mark Nolan is listed in: • Who's Who in the West • Who's Who in California • Who's Who in the World • Who's Who in Advertising • Who's Who in Finance and Industry • Who's Who in Sales and Marketing • Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America • Who's Who Among Young American Professionals • Who's Worth Knowing — Gary Halbert's Golden Rolodex • 2,000 Notable American Men • The Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons He has been featured in scores of best-selling business books, such as: How To Get Rich In Mail Order by Melvin Powers, Homemade Money by Barbara Brabec, Tricks of The Trade by Jeffrey Lant, Ph.D., How To Fatten Your Wallet In No Time Flat by Lawrence Tabak, The Self-Publishing Manual by Dan Poynter, etc. Mark Nolan and his books have received media recognition in many newspaper, magazine and newsletter articles, on radio talk shows, and on television. 2

He was hailed as "a genius at helping average people make above-average money" by A.M.A.P.S., an independent financial publisher. He is a popular speaker at New Growth Financial seminars where attendees have paid up to $5,500 per person to be admitted and he is recommended to students of the Gary Halbert Seminars as "a man who goes the extra mile.” He has worked with celebrities such as Roberta Pacino, sister of Godfather star, actor Al Pacino; and Al Dixon, former star of the Harlem Globetrotters, etc. Mark is a member of the: • Chamber of Commerce • Better Business Bureau • Entrepreneurs of America • International Platform Association • The International Society Of Creative Minds • N.A.S.E., National Association for the Self-Employed • N.E.S.A., the National Eagle Scout Association

Mark achieved the top rank of Eagle Scout in The Boy Scouts of America, and is still an active supporter of the national Scouting program. He lives on the west coast, is happily married to his high school sweetheart and has two children.


Instant Cash-Flow

Mark G. Nolan

Published by The F.S.A.A.


Dedicated to those who focus their efforts on making progress instead of on making excuses. Copyright (c) 1996 by Mark G. Nolan. All rights reserved. Published by The F.S.A.A. 7405 Greenback Lane, Suite 330 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the author and publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other, without written permission from the author and publisher. PLEASE NOTE "This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered in it. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent, professional person should be sought." (From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers and Associations.) The author has attempted to provide accurate information on the subject matter covered. However, the readers are advised to conduct their own research carefully before investing time or money in any business. The author and publisher make no guarantees, warranties, or representations of any kind. Therefore, the author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the content, subject matter or use and application of any of the information provided herein, or otherwise; and this publication is sold with this understanding and none other. Although the sources listed in this publication are believed to be reliable, they are listed for purposes of example only and the author and publisher cannot guarantee the readers' satisfaction in dealing with any individuals and companies. Comparison shopping is always recommended. 5

Contents PROLOGUE: Getting Started On The Fast Track To Financial Freedom ………………….1 1.

CASH FLOW 101 - The First Fundamental Of Playing The Financial Freedom Game …………….7


LEVERAGE! - The Second Fundamental Of Playing The Financial Freedom Game …………….24


SCIENTIFIC ADVERTISING - The Third Fundamental Of Playing The Financial Freedom Game …………………………………….31


FIND A SUCCESSFUL MENTOR TO MODEL YOURSELF AFTER - The Fourth Fundamental Of Playing The Financial Freedom Game ………….45









GETTING STARTED ON THE FAST TRACK TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM "...the first step is what counts. First beginnings are hardest to make and as small and inconspicuous as they are potent in influence, but once they are made, it is easy to add the rest.” -ARISTOTLE Congratulations! You've just taken that important first step towards your own personal financial freedom. How does it feel knowing that what may be the hardest part is already half over? Yes, getting yourself started in the right direction is half the battle. I know, I wasted a lot of time on "wild goose chases" before I finally got on the fast track to financial freedom. Some time ago, for reasons you'll read about in a later chapter, I was in dire need of some reliable sources of income that were not dependent on the local economy. I sent away for every program I could find that promised a way to make an honest dollar at home in my spare time. I was soon buried under a mountain of ridiculous pyramid schemes, "Pie-in-the-sky" plans, chain letters, multi-level marketing hysteria, envelope stuffing offers, vague mail-order ideas and a seemingly endless variety of overpriced and useless gadgets I was supposed to push off on my friends and relatives. It was very frustrating.


I promised myself and my family that if I ever did find a legal, moral, and ethical business system that could bring in good money starting from scratch, I'd remember how life had been before my discovery and share this knowledge with others so they could enjoy the same success I had found. The business blueprint you now hold in your hands is my fulfillment of the promise I made that day. Does this plan work? Yes! I'm not a "Zillionaire"-but I am able to provide very well for my family without losing sleep over unpaid bills and still manage to take frequent days off to be with my loved ones. I have lots of financial freedom. The income can sometimes roll in so fast, some people have been calling this the "instant cash flow" system. Thus "the name of this book. This can work well in good economic times or bad. I never again need to worry much about money matters, because I finally have control over my cash flow. I've learned how to turn it on like a water faucet. Now I want to share my cash flow control secrets with you. Lots of people have been after me to reveal this plan. The problem was, what to charge for this knowledge. I've shared my knowledge at seminars for $1,500 per day, and I've planned to raise that price. You may agree I should charge more once you've read the interview with a shoe salesman from Cheyenne, Wyoming, who made a million dollars his first weekend with methods similar to many you are about to learn. I KEPT MY PROMISE That’s when a promise I’d made to myself and my family when we were in less fortunate circumstances came back to me. I started 8

thinking about all of the people who need this knowledge the most and who wouldn't be able to afford to pay big money for it. I thought about how difficult it would have been for me to come up with $1500 when I was getting started. So now I'm keeping my promise and sharing my business secrets with you – not for $1,500, but for less than what many people spend on one night out on the town. I only asked you to pay that small cost because, like one of the men who first helped me, I wanted to see if you really have what it takes: belief and commitment – enough to take a chance; enough to carefully absorb the information I've given you; enough to honestly put the secrets you'll discover into action. If you'll do just that, it will change your entire life! If you had paid the $1,500 price I've charged in the past to teach seminars, you wouldn't waste a moment getting the ball rolling to earn a return on your investment. Right now is the time to get into action. I'm ready to be your mentor-in-print, and help you along the road to financial freedom through the ideas I share in this book. ARE YOU READY? An ancient proverb says, "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for life." Now get ready, because you, my friend, are about to learn a new way to “fish.”. As we get going, I have just three requests: 1. READ IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT First, read and study every page of this manual, one by one, in the 9

order presented. Flip through the pages first if you like, but then get serious. Find a quiet place and read the material at your own pace and really think about what you are reading. Take your time to study and review it as many times as necessary until you've absorbed it all. I've tried to make this as easy and enjoyable to read as possible. Ann Landers once said, "I write the way I talk. People seem to like it." I, too, have tried to write like I talk – much as I'd talk to you in person, over a cup of coffee. 2. DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT’S COVER Second, please don't worry about the packaging – concern yourself with the content. My guess is, you don't need a fancy hard cover book that will look impressive on your coffee table. What you need is a workbook that can get you started on the road to financial freedom, fast! With that in mind, I purposely left out the "fat" and got right to the meat of the cash-flow boosting strategies. 3. BE OPEN MINDED Third, please keep an open mind. Arthur Koestler wrote, "The mind likes a strange idea as little as the body likes a strange protein, and resists it with similar energy. If we watch ourselves honestly, we shall often find that we have begun to argue against a new idea even before it has been completely stated." Be honest with yourself, and don't argue against the ideas that follow before you've learned them completely and given them an honest try. And don't listen to other people who will tell you "it can't be done." Those who say it can't be done should get out of the way of those who are already doing it!


FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT The secrets you are about to learn have made, and are right now making money for many, many people just like yourself. Now you, too, can enjoy a good measure of financial freedom and hopefully make a valuable contribution to the world in your own way at the same time. How? Read on my friend. And welcome to a rewarding new life of fun and financial freedom.


CHAPTER ONE CASH FLOW 101 THE FIRST FUNDAMENTAL OF PLAYING THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM GAME Question: I'm starting a business. I have a thousand things to think about – but what's the most important? Answer: Two words: Cash Flow. --C.D. Peterson in SUCCESS Magazine

To achieve financial freedom, you need cash flow; positive cash flow; lots of positive cash flow; a raging river of positive cash flow. You get the idea? You want to get much more cash flowing in than what is flowing out. The difference between the two is called "profit." Obvious? You bet. Yet it's amazing how many people forget this one, all important, basic fundamental, or never learn and completely understand it in the first place. Sure, money isn't everything – but neither is oxygen. Try living without one or the other for a period of time, and you quickly come to appreciate both. Whether you are brand new to the business world or a long – time veteran, your business will live or die by its cash flow. Cash flow is to your business what oxygen and food are to your body. When starting out in business, cash flow can skyrocket you to success. When your business reaches its adolescent stage, cash flow 12

can boost it over the hurdle to becoming a mature and thriving venture. Cash flow can also come to the rescue of a struggling business. A sudden, unforeseen shortage of cash flow can strangle even the most successful business. It happens every day. (It happened to me-twice!) Even the richest, most successful people can have cash shortages at times. Look at what happened to Donald Trump, for example. Remember when Chrysler had to go to the government with hat in hand and ask for a special loan? The problem with a loan is – you have to pay the money back! That's no fun. Besides, being in debt "up to your eyeballs" is a form of servitude. That's not what financial freedom is about. Forget about loans. What we want are – PROFITS! Money you earn and keep. Real spendable income. YOU are reading this book for one reason: You need cash flow. Maybe your money is all tied up in real estate or investments. Maybe you lost a bundle somehow or slowly went deeper and deeper into debt until one day you realized you were in over your head. Maybe your business is suddenly running rough, sputtering along, starved for a fuel injection of instant cash flow. Maybe you have simply worked hard for years and years but with inflation, taxes, health care costs, etc. eating up your earnings faster and faster, you just never seem to get ahead. Or maybe you're making good money already, but you want control of your cash flow. You know that controlling your cash flow and 13

being able to turn it on like a water faucet is the key to achieving total financial freedom. Whatever your reason for needing cash flow, you no doubt need it NOW. Fast. Right away. Not "someday" or maybe soon. You need – INSTANT CASH FLOW! Sure, long-term gains are great. But what about today? How are you going to pay off that pile of overdue bills? What about your longdelayed vacation? When will you be able to afford the new car you've always wanted to be driving? What about that big house your spouse loves so much and wants to live in “someday?” What about a private school for your kids. How would you like a housekeeper and a gardener, or a few other luxuries, such as a new wardrobe. Maybe a boat or a country home with some fresh air and several acres of land for horses. Or, best of all-why don't you fill in the blanks:

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ In Hong Kong, when speaking of money they sometimes use a Chinese word which, roughly translated, means “the fragrant grease.” They call it that because they know that money can grease the wheels of life and make the ride a lot easier and more pleasant. They know that – HAPPINESS IS A POSITIVE CASH FLOW! 14

As bestselling author Robert J. Ringer once wrote, “To those in the know, the game is cash flow.“ I'm going to give you a step-by-step, cash-flow-boosting, and wealth-building blueprint to follow; but first be absolutely sure you understand your #1 priority: a steady stream of positive cash flow. Once you have this fundamental firmly planted in your mind, you'll find it much easier to put detailed plans into action. Take care of your cash flow, and other business challenges can usually be handled. Even if you are an “old timer” in business and you already know more than Einstein, go ahead and breeze through the next three fundamentals, anyway. It will be a good refresher course on what you're supposed to be doing (remember?), and it will help keep you on the financial fast track. FUNDAMENTALS WIN THE GAME When Vince Lombardi started each season's coaching routine, he would begin by saying, “Gentlemen, this is a football.” He wanted his players to absorb the very basic fundamentals of the game, right down to their bones. While fancy footwork makes for interesting talk among Monday morning quarterbacks, fundamentals win games. My fortune and the fortunes of my many friends have been built upon four fundamentals. These four fundamentals form the cornerstones of a solid foundation. Whatever business you build, it will only be as solid as this foundation. So far I've told you the first fundamental concept to permanently burn into your brain is that most earnings come from positive cash flow created by the exchanging of goods or services in the free mar15

ket. This is known as free enterprise. Please note that I'm not talking about the redistribution of income (getting something for nothing). No, I'm talking about the creation of income. Earnings that are created from thin air, from ideas, from thoughts, from effort. I'm talking about free men and women voluntarily trading value for value. Forget about making a killing in the stock market or some other risky investment scheme. As Harry Browne says, “You will most likely make far more money from your profession than from your investments, so don't take risks in complicated investment schemes in the hope of multiplying your capital many times over.” Harry is an investment expert and author of the bestselling books Why the Best-Laid Investment Plans Usually Go Wrong and How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World. (I highly recommend that you read them both.) As an example of how a profitable business compares to many investments, one man I know of has reportedly made several millions of dollars by marketing various products. Yet when he tried his hand at gambling in the stock market investment casino, he lost over $300,000 fast. That can ruin your whole day! MOST CASH FLOW IS CREATED BY SELLING A PRODUCT OR SERVICE! Simply speaking, most of the big money being made today is earned by selling a product, or service, and not from investments. This does not mean you must personally go out and knock on 16

doors and become a salesman. I've done that and it's not much fun. Your goal is to trade something of value to other people in exchange for something else of value (their money); and you can do this in many different ways, often by “remote control.” There are basically four ways to do it: 1. LET OTHERS SELL THE PRODUCT AND PAY YOU A ROYALTY You can let someone else do most of the sales work and simply pay you a small royalty on each sale. That's how inventors and book authors often “sell” their products. A 79-years-young friend of mine, Woody Hall, has dozens of crazy novelty product ideas on the market that are paying him royalties. He lets manufacturers have the rights to these product ideas, and the manufacturers do all the selling and send him 5% of the gross income. If you have some ideas, and that way of doing business appeals to you, you should read Woody's book: Your Ideas Could Be Worth A Fortune (see resource section). How hard is it to come up with an idea that sells? Woody simply looks at a popular item and asks questions such as, "What if it was bigger? Smaller? Flat? Square? Round? For example, when the happy face buttons and stickers were all the rage, Woody asked himself’ "What if it was round?" He spent one afternoon "working" on the idea. He took a Ping-Pong ball, painted it yellow, drew a happy face on it and sent it to a manufacturer along with a special idea submission form he created which protects his ideas. The company promptly sold 3 million of them-and paid Woody 5%. Yahoo! He has over 147 similar goofy ideas on the market. This is a fun way to make extra cash flow. It is not as fast as some methods you'll learn about in a later chapter, 17

but it's very easy "work" if you enjoy it. This book is highly recommended and it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. To order, send $12.95 plus $2 shipping (California residents add $1 sales tax) to Sterling Enterprises, 944 Cheltenham Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. Richard Bach is the author of the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. He turned in his manuscript to the publisher and went on vacation, flying his barnstormer biplane across the Midwest. One day, a few months later, he called his publisher just to check in. They asked him to come to New York immediately. His book was #1 on the bestseller list, and he was wanted on the television talk show circuit. Oh, and by the way, there was over a million dollars in his royalty account. Where should they send the check? The publisher and bookstores did all the selling for Bach. They also kept 90% of the money, but so what? While he was flying and having fun, they were manufacturing and selling his books. I'm sure he felt a million dollars was a fair royalty. Wouldn't you? Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a great little book, by the way, for people interested in freedom. Here's a quote from it that I read when I need an attitude adjustment: “What he had once hoped for the Flock, he now gained for himself alone; he learned to fly, and was not sorry for the price he had paid. Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a gull's life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.”


2. HIRE SALES PEOPLE ON STRAIGHT COMMISSION TO SELL FOR YOU Another leveraged selling method is to hire people to go out and sell for you and pay them a commission. Run an exciting ad in the classifieds under "sales help wanted,” and you'll be stunned by the response. There are plenty of sales people out there looking for a hot product to Sell. You could have one, ten, or a hundred or more salespeople working for you. Put them on straight commission. Only pay them for what they sell, as a percentage of the cash flow they bring in. This is a powerful way to duplicate your own effort through the efforts of other people. Just remember, it is a big challenge and can be a lot of hard work to manage a sales force. 3. WHOLESALE YOUR PRODUCT TO RETAILERS You can sell wholesale to retail stores and/or mail order catalog companies and let them sell the product to the public for you. I helped one of my clients force distribution of his sports product to retail outlets by getting news articles written about it saying the product was available at sporting goods stores. (It was available, in about three.) People read the news stories and mobbed the stores, most of which didn't have it in stock. The stores simply had to order it pronto or miss out on all of those sales. And he was more than happy to help them out. The stores do the selling. He simply wholesales the product to them in gross lots of 144 units each. Yahoo! I helped another client sell 500,000 units of his product, wholesale, to mail order catalog companies. He came up with the idea of tak19

ing little two inch pieces of rubber tubing, sealing one end and using them to replace the coating on dishwasher prongs. All automatic dishwashers have racks for cups and these racks have metal prongs covered with a rubber coating. The coating can come off after a few years and the metal prongs poke through. This can scratch your dishes, etc. What do you do? The dishwasher still works, the only problem is with the prongs. Now, thanks to my friend, for a few dollars you can slip these little rubber tubes over the prongs and they are as good as new. He sent the catalog companies a sales letter and sample ad for the item, and a few of them put the ad right into their catalog. Soon after it had shown up in the pages of a few catalogs, many of the remaining catalog companies saw it and jumped on the bandwagon too. They all seem to copy each other. A friend of mine sells wristwatches with pictures of various dogs on the faces of the watches. His watches are among the top five bestselling products in several catalogs right now. He doesn't manufacture them, he imports them from Asia, wholesales them to catalog companies and lets them do all of the selling for him. 4. SELL BY "REMOTE CONTROL" WITH SCIENTIFIC ADVERTISING! In my opinion, the very best way to sell is to use scientific advertising. That's what I do. I let the advertisement act as my “salesman in print.” It works for me night and day and while I play! And it can work for you too! Now relax because I won't tell you to run classified ads or display ads in magazines. Those cost money and are risky at best. Instead, I'll show you how to get free coverage in magazines and newspapers. Yes, free. It's far easier than you may think. 20

Don't worry if you've never done this before and don't know how. I'll teach what I've learned about it to you right here and now. If you do it my way, you'll discover that not only is it simple to do, it can be a lot of fun, make a good amount of money for you, and give you more financial freedom. It's far easier than you may think. A FUN AND EXCITING GAME YOU GET PAID TO PLAY! Albert Einstein once wrote, "If I had my life to live over again, I would elect to be a trader of goods rather than a student of science. I think barter is a noble thing. I need to know more about it." No Kidding. We all need to know more about it. Where can we learn the secrets of this "noble" game? In college classrooms? Well, yes and no. College is a wonderful place to learn about philosophy, science, the arts, literature – even business. However, in the business category, you must look out for three potential problems that might crop up: 1. Many people believe that when they leave the classroom, they are through with learning. In reality, the day you graduate is just the beginning. It's the first day of your life-long, continuing education. 2. When you leave school, you know the same information all of your classmates also know. To make more money than the rest of the crowd, you need to know more than they do. You need to know some of what multi-millionaire businessman and author Mark McCormick calls “street smart” business skills (as he describes them in his #1 New York Times best-selling book, What They Don't Teach You At Harvard Business School).


3. Many teachers, schools, and textbooks are helpful. Some are not. One textbook, that is required reading at a college I won't name, is titled Up Against The American Myth. The first two words of the introduction are "Capitalism stinks." The text begins with this statement, "We can only solve our social problems…. by doing away with capitalism and the institutions that support it." "This," the authors stress, "is the point of this book, and we make it again and again." Whatever your own personal views are, you must agree that you obviously won't learn much about how to profit from America's capitalist system by reading that particular textbook. Good grief. By all means go to college and get the full, rich education our schools offer. Just be extra careful in selecting your teachers and textbooks when it comes to business subjects. If your goal is to learn how to earn money within our American free enterprise system, choose a teacher who believes there is merit to our system, rather than one who thinks free enterprise "stinks" and should be done away with. One very good example of a business teacher who really knows his stuff is Julian L. Simon, Professor of Business Administration at the University of Maryland. Julian L. Simon started, successfully operated, and profitably sold his own mail order firm. He has been a consultant on business and economics to some of the largest firms in the U.S. as well as many small firms just getting started. He has also advised many U.S. and foreign government agencies. Dr. Simon is the author of hundreds of books on business and economics, several of which have been used as texts at almost every major U.S. university, and his 17 writings have been translated into fifteen languages. If you can go to the University of Maryland and learn from Dr. Simon you will get an excellent business education. If you can't attend his classes, find out if any teachers at your university use his books as classroom texts. One of his best books is available at your local library or bookstore. It is ti22

tled How To Start And Operate A Mail Order Business. It's an amazing source of ideas. And don't worry if you never went on to "higher" education. I'm only a high school graduate. The only formal training I've ever received was on how to drive a fork-lift. I learned everything I know from reading the right books, trying things myself and copying others who were successful. You can do the same. So don't worry about it if you don't have a college education. In fact, it may actually give you an advantage. Some college graduates have told me that in the real world it has sometimes worked against them to have a head full of theoretical textbook teachings. They've had to unlearn their college theories and overconfidence, and relearn the facts of life in the real world. Whether you have a masters degree, or never finished high school, it doesn't matter. One of the most successful people I know of has a third grade education. If you learned to walk, talk, ride a bike, read a book, and drive a car – you can learn to make money with the methods I'm teaching you in this book. Virtually anyone can do this. It will work – if you work. I believe it was economist George Gilder, author of the bestseller Wealth And Poverty, who once said, "The greatest antipoverty agency of all time is a business that turns a profit." That's exactly the kind of antipoverty, cash-flow producing agency I want to help you build. Your own business that turns a profit. And not just any kind of profitable business. One that gives you true financial freedom. You may have heard a business owner say, "I'm working sixteen hours a day for myself, so I don't have to work eight hours a day for someone else." 23

It's true. Many business owners work twice as hard for twice as many hours to earn the same pay they could in half the time working for someone else. That's not financial freedom. That's being caught in the rat race. As Lily Tomlin said, what's the point in "winning" that race if you become a rat in the process? Let's talk about true financial FREEDOM: Don't you want – FREEDOM from money worries. FREEDOM to spend more time with your loved ones. FREEDOM to live anywhere in the nation you want. FREEDOM to buy the home you choose. FREEDOM to take days off whenever it suits you. FREEDOM to be yourself and live your life your own way. FREEDOM to buy that car you’ve always wanted. FREEDOM to spend your time with whoever you choose. FREEDOM from working with anyone who drives you crazy. FREEDOM to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t infringe upon the rights or other people.


FREEDOM to finally get some real living out of life! I've earned the kind of freedom in my life now where I can pretty much wake up in the morning and decide whether or not I want to go to “work” or not. I usually do go in to the office, and I enjoy myself because I love my work. Yet I am still free to take the day off and stay home with my wife and children, or go fishing, or donate some of my time to a nonprofit group, or whatever, just about any time I choose. I also enjoy the freedom to spend time with only those people I enjoy spending time with – the positive, happy, optimistic people of the world who have a sense of humor, a smile on their face, and some bounce in their step. Thanks to my control over my cash flow, I no longer need to endure as many hassles and headaches from negative people. Is there a boss, a co-worker, or a customer who is slowly driving you crazy right now? I hope not. However, it is all too common for many businesses to have that one person who just can't seem to get along with anyone. But everyone has to put up with them because they need their paycheck to pay their debts. Imagine how nice it would be to be able to go into work tomorrow and tell that person, "Goodbye and good luck!" Financial freedom gives you the power to tell people, "No." Most of the people I've worked with have been wonderful folks, many of whom were and still are good friends of mine. There were only a very few people along the way who seemed to have a talent for bothering everyone who came into contact with them. No one was safe from their constant negative attitude. I call these "mad at the world" types, the "P.U. people." ("P.U." stands for "permanently unhappy.") The best way to deal with these sad souls is not to deal with them at all. Simply walk away if you can. 25

Financial freedom will help you to do just that. HOW DO YOU DEFINE TRUE SUCCESS? I like Christopher Morley’s definition, “Success is being able to live your own life in your own way.” Yes, it's great to have a healthy income so I can provide for my family's needs; but the best part of all is, I have the freedom to live my own life in my own way. Now I want you to experience this same prosperity of material and spiritual riches too. To do so, you must gain control of your cash flow. Remember: To gain true financial freedom, you must be able to turn on the cash flow, like you'd turn on a faucet, and make the money flow whenever you need it. You need control of your cash flow. Most cash flow comes from selling a product or service. If you don't want to do the actual selling yourself, you can use other methods, such as scientific advertising (covered in chapter 3). Yes, selling a product or service can pay you a nice income, but money isn't enough by itself. You also need the freedom and the free time to enjoy your new – found prosperity. So what's the rest of the secret? The way to make a lot of money without getting stuck on a treadmill in the rat race is by using the principle of cash flow in combination with the principle of –


LEVERAGE! I don't mean financial debt leverage, as in borrowing and investing. Being in debt is not financial freedom. I mean leverage of your time and leverage of your energy and leverage of your marketing so you get ten times as much results and income with only one-tenth the investment of time and effort and money. Isn't that what you really want? To make a lot more money while doing a lot less "work"? Now you can, when you combine: CASH FLOW + LEVERAGE = FINANCIAL FREEDOM I'll show you how to gain plenty of this powerful leverage in the next chapter. Let's go!


RESOURCES FOR CHAPTER ONE SUCCESS Magazine: (A bargain.) Available at any news stand or by subscription. 1-800-284-4438. P.O. Box 3038, Harlan, IA 51537. One of the few magazines I read from cover to cover. How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World, by Harry Browne. A very important book for those seeking financial freedom and wanting to live their own life in their own way I can't recommend it highly enough. Available at many libraries or you can buy it at any bookstore for just a few dollars. Your Ideas Could Be Worth A Fortune, by Woodie Hall. $12.95 plus $2 shipping (California res. add $1 sales tax). Order from Sterling Enterprises, 944 Cheltenham Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. As Changing Times Magazine said, "It's not fancy but does reveal exactly how Hall makes money on goofy ideas – usually turning them over to manufacturers for royalties on sales." (See story on next page.) Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach. Any library or bookstore. Used bookstores often have it too, for less. The Enterprising Americans, by John Chamberlain. I can't think of a more lively, fun, and easy-to-read book on how the free enterprise system works, how it has made America the richest nation on earth, and how it can make YOU prosper too. $16 delivered, from the Institute For Christian Economics, P.O. Box 8000, Tyler, TX 75711. Or send $1 for their book catalog. What They Don't Teach You At Harvard Business School, by Mark McCormack. At most libraries and bookstores.


How To Start And Operate A Mail Order Business, by Julian L. Simon. Check your library as this book costs $50 (and is worth it) but at the library you can borrow it absolutely free. Note: If you don't have a library card (incredibly, only 5% of us do) and are not reading the books on business, marketing and personal finance they have sitting on the shelf for you to use free, then you’re just not making a 100% effort to help yourself!




&KLFDJR 7ULEXQH (Reprinted by permission)

Woody banks on his Ideas


oody Hall invented and in four months sold three million copies of the famous three-dimensional “have a nice day” smile face, and you didn’t. Why? Probably for the same reason that when Hall’s latest novelty, Bald No More, goes into national distribution in two weeks, he will get the money, if there’s any to be made, and you won’t. Bald No More shows how Hall's mind works. Most remedies for baldness add hair to the bald part of the head. Why not take the opposite approach and subtract head from hair? The answer was obvious But it was a funny idea, and so the label on the jar promises that Bald No More will fit. Hall, who is 79 and lives in California, retired from a sales career 19 years ago and began inventing wonderful things like Chinese Chess, mink cufflinks, Executive Marbles, Socks Fifth Avenue credit cards and tiny animal statuettes mounted on pedestals inscribed with an appropriate sentiment: For the cow, it’s “I’m in the mooo-d for

love.” “Good ideas don’t care who they happen to,” Hall says. “And when one happens to you, you should do something about it. Most people don’t. They decide their idea is absurd; they think someone else already has thought of it; they don’t know how to protect their idea and fear it will be stolen; and they lack marketing know-how.” That calculation gave Hall another idea: Write a book about selling ideas. The result was “Your Ideas May Be Worth a Fortune.” He had it published and it has sold thousands of copies ($12.95 plus $2 shipping from: Sterling Entreprises, 944 Cheltenham Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105.) One of Hall’s ideas merely enacted a pun. For those who don’t like hard puzzles, he invented the Soft Puzzle – six oddly shaped pieces of sponge rubber than can be assembled to form a square. Though sponge rubber is anything but hard, Hall says the puzzle is exceedingly difficult to solve. Clarence Petersen


CHAPTER TWO LEVERAGE! THE SECOND FUNDAMENTAL OF PLAYING THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM GAME Go to work ON your business rather than IN it, and ask yourself the following questions: 1. How can I get my business to work, but without me? 2. How can I get my people to work, but without my constant interference? 3. How can I systematize my business in such a way that it could be replicated 5,000 times, so the 5,000th unit would run as smoothly as the first? 3. How can I own the business, and still be free of it? 4. How can I spend my time doing the work I love to do, rather than the work I have to do? - Michael E. Gerber in his book, The E Myth. Robert Louis Stevenson said, "Everyone lives by selling something." It's true. Everyone sells. A computer operator sells brain power. A comedian sells laughter. A model sells beauty. A dentist sells smiles. A laborer sells muscle. A book author sells ideas and advice. In fact, right now, you are selling. You are probably selling a service, and you may not even realize it. Do you work at a job for an hourly pay or salary? If so, you are selling your personal services by the hour to your employer. 31

The problem is, there are only 24 hours in a day. That puts a serious limitation upon your earning capacity. YOU NEED LEVERAGE! There was a time when I thought I was pretty hot stuff because I was getting paid $100 an hour for my consultation service. When I doubled it to $200 per hour and/or $1,500 per day, and people actually paid it, I was quite astonished at my own wonderfulness and my ego knew no bounds. However, when I stopped patting myself on the back long enough to check my progress, I found I was making less money as an "'expert" than when I was a simple businessman selling truckloads of a humble product. Oops. Back to basics for Mark, "the expert." Back to the fundamental of leverage. No matter how much money you earn per hour or per day, there are only so many hours or days you can work. There are plenty of attorneys, surgeons, and other various professionals who are happy to make $100 per hour. Yet if they work fifty out of the fifty-two weeks a year (taking two weeks off) and have paying clients about half that time, they'll put in twenty "billable” hours a week for fifty weeks a year. That comes to 1,000 hours of "billable" time. Multiply 1,000 hours at $100 per hour you get $100,000 per year, before taxes. Okay, that's a nice gross income. But to earn it, they often work sixty or eighty hours per week, because when they are not doing "billable” services, they have a mountain of other work that has piled up. And they can’t take time off.


Job-related stress and career burnout are just around the corner. It can take years off of your life. I know, a very good friend of mine collapsed face down on his desk and died of a massive heart attack one stressful Monday morning. (I sure do miss you old buddy.) More people die from heart attacks on Monday morning than at any other time of the week. No other day and time even comes close. The problem with the hourly pay situation, the same situation you may find yourself in right now, is that you cannot make money unless you are actually physically there, in person, working. No matter how much money you make, you are still getting paid by the hour in exchange for your time and energy. You're selling your life away, piece by piece. You don't have any leverage going for you. JUST LIKE YOU, MILLIONAIRES ONLY HAVE 24 HOURS IN EACH DAY I'm not a millionaire, but I've known a few and they taught me that even if you own your own service business, you can never make a million dollars in a year without leverage, because there are simply not enough hours in a year to trade for dollars. If you do currently own a business, try this test. Take your personal yearly gross income, the income you list on your personal income tax, and write it on a piece of paper. Let's use $52,000 as an example. Assume you have gross receipts of $300,000 and your personal net income is $52,000. Divide $52,000 by 52 weeks and you have $1,000 a week. Now divide that $1,000 by the five 12-hour days you work-60 hours totaland you see you are making $16.67 per hour. 33

Hey, but you have your financial "freedom." No boss for you. No sir. The truth is, you are working 60 hours a week for yourself, so you don't have to work 40 hours for some other guy. You can easily end up, as the late Joe Karbo described it, "too busy earning a living to make any real money." This was made crystal clear to me by something Joe Sugarman said. You've no doubt seen Joe on television selling his Blu Blocker sunglasses. Joe once said, "You are wasting your time working on any project for an hourly fee when you could be multiplying yourself a thousand times in that same hour." ( Or something to that effect, Thanks, Joe, you're a genius.) tm

“Multiplying yourself” may sound like a strange concept at first, but it simply means that you multiply your time and energy by duplicating your work and effort on a much larger scale. (No I'm not talking about MLM: multi-level marketing. It's not my cup of tea. THE WAY YOU MULTIPLY YOURSELF IS THROUGH LEVERAGE Leverage allows you to multiply your efforts, multiply your time, and multiply your energy. You virtually "clone" your "work," and this clone (duplicated effort) keeps on working for you while you are playing. Take me for example. Instead of sitting down in my office and talking to you in person for an hourly or daily fee, I've now put everything I'd tell you in that consultation, plus much more, into this book instead. The book is a clone of my consultation work. I've duplicated 34

my effort and can now multiply my number of customers. Now you get more than the usual hour or day's worth of information for a tiny fraction of the cost. It's a great value for you, and in return I get leverage. I can sell hundreds of my books in an hour or a day, "talk" to hundreds of different people all at the same time, make as much or more money as I would consulting, and take the next day off! (Okay, I know I take a lot of time off, but I believe money isn't everything. Time with your loved ones is priceless.) Another good example of how to multiply time and effort can be found in the story of Sol Stein, who founded Stein and Day Publishing Company, publisher of the novels of Jack Higgins. Stein's company was a success for 25 years, until one day a distributor stopped making payments. That created a domino effect and started a chain reaction of one cash flow crisis after another, until the bankruptcy lawyers closed in for the kill and picked him clean. He lost his business, his estate, and his life savings. Stein lost it all because of a shortage of cash flow! He was understandably depressed about his ordeal, so his daughter tried to cheer him up by buying him a home computer. It gave Stein an idea. "I could create software to do what I'd been doing for 36 years: helping people learn to write. I'd clone myself." Stein did “clone” himself. He duplicated his writing instruction; and instead of helping people learn to write one by one, he put what he knew into a software program called WritePro, which has sold over 25,000 units in just 25 months. Could he possibly teach 1,000 people per month in person? Probably not. But by multiplying himself he can do that and more. Stein is now earning $1 million a year. 35

He bounced back as a millionaire, thanks to leverage and cash flow. YOUR OWN AUTOMATIC CASH FLOW MACHINE When you have a product that is selling like hot cakes, you can put the business on auto-pilot, and while the cash flow is pouring in, you can be out on the golf course, or on the beach in Hawaii, or playing with your kids, or taking your sweetheart on a date, lying in your hammock, watching a game at the ballpark, sailing your boat, riding your bike, fishing, loafing, taking a nap, or – simply doing whatever YOU want to do! I'll show you a selling system you can use over and over and over, just like a cookie cutter. Think of the cookie cutter idea as being similar to the way a McDonald's hamburger franchise operates. Once Ray Kroc had perfected the ultimate burger-selling machine, he duplicated it all over the nation, just like a cookie cutter. All McDonald's restaurants are virtually the same. They all sell product the exact same way, just like a well-oiled selling machine. You, too, can have a well-oiled selling machine working for you, without paying a fortune in franchise fees. The way you do it is by using the two fundamental principles we've covered so far – CASH FLOW and LEVERAGE – in combination with a third principle: SCIENTIFIC ADVERTISING! If you have not found a product you can fall in love with yet, fear not, my friend, for I guarantee you will fall in love with the process of scientific advertising, the process of playing the cash flow game, and then almost any legitimate product can work for you. 36

I predict you'll soon be addicted to this "game" and want to play it every day for the rest of your life! And why not? You'll be having a ball doing it, and you'll be making a "packet of pesos" every time you "score." Here comes the fun part! Remember: Part I = Cash Flow; Part 2 = Leverage; Part 3 = Scientific Advertising.


RESOURCES FOR CHAPTER TWO The E Myth, by Michael Gerber. Check your library or bookstore. This book had an astonishing effect on my own business. It helped me to fine-tune my business so the engine purrs and the business almost runs itself. I now enjoy even more freedom and free time than ever before. Every business owner, or anyone who want to be one, should read this excellent book. WriteProTm, The Stein Creative Writing ProgramTm is available from the WritePro Corporation, 43 Linden Circle, Scarborough, NY 10510, or by calling 914/762-1255 from 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Standard Time. This highly-acclaimed creative-writing computer program is available in versions for the Macintosh and IBM compatible computers. The program guides you through the steps of writing fiction and makes writing a novel easier. If you've always thought you had the great American novel inside you, now you can have the help of the man who coached bestselling author Jack Higgins. Amazing!




CHAPTER THREE SCIENTIFIC ADVERTISING THE THIRD FUNDAMENTAL OF PLAYING THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM GAME I know nothing of value which an advertising man can be taught in college. I know of many things taught there which he will need to unlearn before he can steer any practical course. I have read some of those courses. They were so misleading, so impractical, that they exasperated me. Once a man brought me from a great technical school their course in advertising, and asked me how to improve it. When I read it I said: “Burn it. You have no right to occupy a young man's most impressive years, most precious years, with rot like that. If he spends four years to learn such theories, he will spend a dozen years to unlearn them.” - Claude Hopkins in My Life In Advertising / Scientific Advertising Have you ever read Claude Hopkins' fine book Scientific Advertising? If you haven't, you simply must read it immediately after you read this one. If you have read it, congratulations! Now do the smart thing and go back and re-read it another half-dozen times over the next 12 months. David Oglivy, the amazing copywriter and head honcho of the super-successful Oglivy & Mather Advertising Agency, said, "Nobody should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until he has read this book [Scientific Advertising] seven times. It changed the course of my life." 40

Mine too, David, mine too. I still remember when, in my junior high school library, I discovered Claude Hopkins' second book, an autobiographical work titled My Life In Advertising. What a wise and wonderful book it was! I was held spellbound by the stories of this door-to-door salesman who went on to become the founding father of scientific advertising. I took the book everywhere I went, reading and re- reading it. Finally, I was caught reading the book in my math class (with the math book cover placed over it as a disguise). That was the last I saw of that copy, but I was hooked for life. I found my own copy at a used bookstore (an original 1927 edition) and still read and re-read it at least once every six months. The great news is, both books are now combined in one low-cost volume. You can get a combined copy of My Life In Advertising and Scientific Advertising for about twelve bucks! Or read it at the library for zero bucks. Just read it. That is the all-time best investment you could ever make in your financial future. Buy or borrow a copy today. Heck, buy two or three. I have one tattered, dog-eared, marked-up copy at the office, one at home, one in the trunk of my car, and one in my travel kit. Read and reread these two-books-in-one, and you'll learn more about tested selling and money-making methods than anyone could learn on their own two lifetimes. (See resource section at end of chapter.) Claude Hopkins worked so hard for so many hours a day that he once said he felt as if he were living two years in one. He finally had a 41

breakdown. You don't have to. He did it all for you and gives it to you on a silver platter. Here are some selected words of wisdom on the scientifically tested and proven money-making methods of the genius, Claude Hopkins: * * * Salesmanship-in-print is exactly the same as salesmanshipin person. Ad writers forget they are salesmen and try to be performers. Instead of sales, they seek applause. Our success depends on pleasing people. By an inexpensive test, we can learn if we please them or not. We can guide our endeavors accordingly. That is about the only way to advertising success. Perhaps one time in fifty a guess may be right. But fifty times in fifty, an actual test tells you what to do and avoid. Almost any question can be answered cheaply, quickly, and finally by a test campaign. And that's the way to answer them-not by arguments around the table. It is not uncommon for a change in an ad's headline to multiply returns from five to ten times over. Superlative claims do not count. To say that something is "the best in the world" makes no impression whatever. The reader naturally minimizes whatever else we say. Give actual figures, state definite facts. Take the tungsten lamp as an example. Say that it gives more light than other lamps, and people are but mildly impressed. Say that 42

it gives 3-1/2 times the light of carbon lamps, and people will realize that you have made actual comparisons. They will accept your claims at par. Frivolity has no place in advertising. Nor has humor. Spending money is usually serious business. Money represents life and work. It is highly respected. Nobody can cite a permanent success built on frivolity. People do not buy from clowns. No other factor compares with curiosity. Describe a gift, and some will decide that they want it, more will decide that they don't. But everybody wants a secret gift. Whenever possible, we introduce a personality into our ads. By making a man famous, we make his product famous. To apply scientific advertising, one must recognize that ads are salesmen. One must compare them, one by one, on a sales man's basis and hold them responsible for cost and result. Every great move I have made in life has been ridiculed and opposed by some of my friends. The greatest winnings I have made, in happiness, in money or contentment, have been accomplished amid almost universal scorn. But I have reasoned in this way: The average man is not successful. We meet few who attain their goals, few who are really happy or content. Why should we let the majority rule in matters affecting our lives? *




TESTED BY THE BOY SCOUTS! I first used the methods I learned from the hero of my youth – Claude Hopkins – when I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. We Eagle Scouts organized a candy sale to raise money to help the younger boys who were just starting out in the Scouting program. I was selling chocolate candy door to door and was very successful, but I remembered Mr. Hopkins and how he used advertising to act as his salesman in print, and I wanted to try his methods. So we ran an ad in our church bulletin, asking the congregation to stop by our table outside on their way home and buy some chocolate. We were mobbed! Next, we mailed letters to each Scout's neighbors, saying that the Scout would be coming by on Saturday with his chocolates. It doubled our sales per weekend! With the same effort! Finally, we made up a list of the "good guys," the names of people who had bought candy before; and we mailed to the people who had not bought any, and we asked them if they'd forgotten or been missed? Well, we ended up selling so much candy, we had to reorder three times! WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "SCIENTIFIC" ADVERTISING AND "'REGULAR ADVERTISING? 44

Scientific advertising is the process of carefully testing the market with a measured-results advertising until it “clicks” and makes a nice profit. Then you simply duplicate the process over and over and over. It’s a lot like fishing (and just as fun). You try different “bait” until the fish start biting like crazy. Then you stick with the “lure” you know is working, and you just keep throwing your hooks into the water again and again. Can you imagine getting paid to go fishing? That’s what it’s like! Most advertising is not of the measured results type and should therefore be thought of as “gambling.” If you want to gamble, go to Las Vegas. Most advertising agencies absolutely do not want the ads that they create for their clients (you), to be measured by results. No way. They want to win awards for “art” - created with your money – that may or may not sell anything. The last thing they want is for you to know exactly how well your investment in advertising is paying you back. Egads! We can’t have that, can we? You might realize the ads don’t work and fire the as agency. Scientific advertising isn’t always “pretty,” just effective. It is not designed to win artistic awards. It is simply created to work as your “salesman in print” and make you rich. You work out a proven sales “talk,” write it down, and get it in front of the eyes of thousands of prospects. In so doing, you are duplicating your sales efforts thousands of times.


You are in effect making a perfected sales call, and you never hear a “no” from anyone. You only hear from the people who say “yes” and buy! And remember, you will be getting free advertising. We know that Claude Hopkins first coined the term “salesmanship in print” for measured-results advertising but now that we also have so much salesmanship on television and salesmanship on radio, many of my friends in marketing are using the term salesmanship multiplied. That’s all advertising is supposed to be — SALESMANSHIP MULTIPLIED! Instead of knocking on dozens of doors in one day to make a few sales presentations, you "clone" yourself – or clone your superstar salesman or a good copywriter – and then have your sales message delivered and/or broadcast to thousands of people or even millions of people in one day. Now that's LEVERAGE! That's SALESMANSHIP MULTIPLIED! Instead of running all over town and knocking on dozens of doors in person, you copy your sales pitch into printed form – as a sales letter – and mail it to thousands upon thousands of prospects. This "salesman in an envelope" can “knock” on millions of doors and give your sales – "talk" to millions of people for you. It goes out and sells for you so you don't have to! It duplicates your sales efforts and multiplies them thousands (or millions) of times. I use salesmanship, multiplied, to sell this book. I didn't knock 46

on your door and give you a sales pitch, did I? No way. I sent my salesman in an envelope to you, or maybe you read about this book in a magazine or newspaper article and – you responded with a check. (Thank you!) How many of these books would I sell if I knocked on doors and sold them one by one? Not many. And I wouldn't enjoy it one bit. So I use direct mail to multiply my sales efforts. Next I plan to let bookstores do even more selling for me by remote control. You can also present your sales message to the public in the form of magazine or newspaper publicity. Some magazines have millions of readers. At one time, one of my clients was running her display ads in 17 different magazines, at a nice profit. How is that for leverage? But why pay for ads when you can get your message into these same publications at no charge? Television and radio are additional ways to present your sales message to thousands or even millions of people at one time. you can also get your message onto radio and TV absolutely FREE. (More about how to do it, step by step, in chapter seven). What if your first marketing effort doesn’t work? No problem. You do small, inexpensive tests until the marketplace/laboratory tells you exactly what you need to do to get the money rolling in. That’s why it’s scientific. Any theory is just a guess, until you test. Now, with the proof in front of you, there is little worry or risk involved in expanding your sales as fast as you can. You are simply doing what the market has told you to do and what your own tests have proven really work! It's a fun game to play. YOUNG MARK’S SALES CALL IN AN ENVELOPE 47

When I was in my early 20s, I was offered a commissioned sales job with a large printing company. I thought it would be a smart move to learn everything I could about printing since I used salesmanship-inprint so much. So I took the offer. Then I proceeded to use scientific advertising to sell the printing. The president of the company once told me I was the only salesman in the company's 60-year history who never had his sales go up and down, only steadily up. Most new salesmen in any industry go through a time when their sales go up and down, like an elevator. Mine just kept climbing, bit by bit, every day. I did it thanks to the use of leverage and scientific advertising. Rather than making "cold calls" on businesses, I tested several sales letters until I found one that worked like a charm. Next, I began mailing out a blitz of sales letters every week to companies I found in the yellow pages. I'd pick an industry, such as all the travel agents, or all the video stores, or all the cleaners, etc. Then I'd send a letter saying they could save time, save money, and save hassles by buying their printing from the guy in town who specialized in their industry's printing needs. I'd talk to no one but, say, video store owners for a month, and I'd almost become one of them. I'd walk and talk and breathe video store business, and they'd buy, buy, buy. Then I'd go on to the next group, such as the cleaners, and duplicate the process all over again. I kept the follow-up letters going out non-stop too. I tested urgent reminders to reorder before they ran out. I tested ideas for other printed 48

products that would "take the work out of your paperwork" (the slogan I invented for the company, and the one they are still using successfully to this day). I was constantly testing, testing, testing. It became a game to me and I had fun playing it. THE IMPORTANCE OF A BIG PROSPECT LIST I was on a roll, and then – I suddenly hit a dead end. There is nothing worse than testing and finding a letter that pulls a good profit when sent to a mailing list of prospect names - and then running out of prospect names! It's like shooting fish in a barrel and running out of ammo! When you test a list, test a big one. Then when you find the magic letter that makes those people open their wallet and give you their money – you have a giant supply of those wonderful people to mail it to. I made the same mistake when I was selling "medical transcription" paper. The paper which is used by medical transcribers, who type a doctor's notations onto it so it can then be attached to a patient’s medical chart. I improved the product, then I found a mailing list of people who did the transcription and sent them a sales letter and a sample of the new, improved paper. You know the rest. That was quite a fun and profitable project. It came to an end because I ran out of prospects to mail the offer to. If you use the direct mail technique, be sure you do your homework and find out if there are plenty of large mailing lists in your target market before you go to all the trouble to develop a winning promotion.


The way to find mailing lists is to go to your local library and look in a special list directory entitled Direct Mail List Rates And Data. This is a catalog of virtually every mailing list available on the market. This directory is published by the Standard Rate And Data company. Look for it at your library. THE FIRST THREE STEPS TO "AUTOMATIC WEALTH" Now if you combine the three tools of the trade I've covered here – 1. Cash Flow 2. Leverage 3. Scientific Advertising - you have all the makings of an automatic income-building machine. One that can pump dollars into your bank account fast, forever and ever! (Well, okay, for a long, long time, anyway.) The alternative is to slave away by the hour at some kind of work you don't really care about and end up tired and broke at the end of the game. Life is too short to live that way. You owe it to yourself to get into the game and play it well. Have a ton of fun "serve your customers well and make good money at the same time. Besides, if you really have something of value to offer, as I believe I do with my cash flow techniques, you are cheating the world and cheating yourself if you only share your valuable commodity with a few people at a time. 50

Duplicate and multiply your efforts and you can provide something of value to thousands, perhaps millions of people. And you get handsomely rewarded for doing so. The world is a little bit better place thanks to your efforts, and you're a much richer person, richer financially and richer in peace of mind. Have I told you everything about how to implement scientific advertising? Not at all. I'm simply explaining the fundamental here. In the pages ahead, I'll teach you step-by-step instructions on exactly how to successfully use and profit from scientific advertising that you can put to work for you virtually free. OK, MARK, BUT WHAT PRODUCT DO I SELL? Good question. In my product chapter, I give you many places to look for one. I even tell you how to get a red-hot exclusive product absolutely FREE. Right now, let's put the next fundamental cornerstone into place and complete the rock-solid foundation that will support your financial fortress. Fundamental number four is "modeling" yourself after a successful mentor. I'll explain it in detail in the next chapter. NOTE: At this point you may be thinking that this sounds wonderful, but will it work for ME? The answer is – yes! I know people in their seventies doing this. It will work if you work. If you have doubts and questions and concerns – good. That shows you have good business sense. You should be a bit doubtful at this stage, because you know you still need more information. The per51

son who worries me most is the one who is overconfident and dives into the water without putting in a toe to test the water first. You may not be able to start right this minute, but you will be ready soon. At this point, I haven't taught you enough of the specific information you need to go out and take action. First, I'm getting the basic fundamental concepts across for you; and after that I will give you specific, step-by-step instructions. You'll be able to follow them just like the recipe on a box of chocolate cake. I'll also show you exactly how to use scientific advertising and carefully navigate your way to success, using scientific, measured-results data. Ready? Let's go!


RESOURCES FOR CHAPTER THREE My Life In Advertising & Scientific Advertising, by Claude Hopkins. Now you can get both titles combined in one easy to read book at one super low price! This rare book is usually not found in bookstores, but it is easy to get from the following very reliable booksby-mail company. I strongly recommend that you call the Carl Galletti Company at 609-896- 0245. Ask for the set of "My Life In Advertising and Scientific Advertising" combined in one book. Remember, this book is pure gold and it's an incredible bargain. Get your copy now! Remember, you should read it at least seven times! Oglivy On Advertising, by David Oglivy. Available at most bookstores and many libraries. This is a very helpful book for making the most money from your ads at the least cost. Oglivy gives you plenty of good nuts-and-bolts knowledge here. Jay Abraham's Business Breakthroughs, 800-424-3700. Wouldn't it be great if Claude Hopkins were still alive and he wrote a monthly newsletter that revealed the very latest ideas about Scientific Advertising? Jay's newsletter comes pretty close. Jay really delivers the "news you can use" if you want to make money with scientific advertising. Call for current subscription information. Direct Mail List Rates And Data, by Standard Rate And Data Service. Check your library for this big 1900-page reference book filled with over 30,000 different mailing lists you can rent. Or, to buy your own copy call SRDS, 708-256-6067




CHAPTER FOUR FIND A SUCCESSFUL MENTOR TO MODEL YOURSELF AFTER THE FOURTH FUNDAMENTAL OF PLAYING THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM GAME If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded. That is, find out what actions they took – to produce the results you desire to duplicate. If you want to be a better friend, a richer person, a better parent, a better athlete, a more successful businessman, all you need to do is find models of excellence. All you have to do is take a proven system and duplicate it – and maybe even better, improve upon it. People who do this are virtually guaranteed success. - Anthony Robbins in his bestselling book UNLIMITED POWER You learned how to walk, talk, ride a bike, throw a ball, and drive a car by modeling yourself after someone else who already knew how to do each activity you wished to learn. This same method of modeling works in the financial freedom game! Don’t go out and try to reinvent the wheel. Simply model your business after one that is already a proven success. Find coaches to help you.


Find mentors to model yourself after. You'll not only succeed faster, you'll enjoy the company of a whole new circle of nice people! One of the best added benefits of making money this way is that you meet so many terrific people and make so many new friends. People who are winners and who think along the same lines as you do. Your circle of friends grows and grows. It's great! Johann W. von Goethe said, "The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, and who though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden." YOUR NEW MASTERMIND ALLIANCE Napoleon Hill strongly believed in the importance of associating with the right people. In his book Think And Grow Rich, he wrote, "Ally yourself with a group...for the accumulation of money. Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of people who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid. This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of every great fortune." Many of the new folks you'll be meeting soon will become your extended "family," your very own “mastermind alliance” of positive, upbeat, can-do people. These folks (unlike the pessimistic crabby types who can hold you back and drag you down) will actually help to pull you forward and give you a helpful boost on your journey to success. The crabby types, on the other hand, will pull you down any chance they get. 56

Does that sound paranoid to you? Well, remember, just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you! To understand why crabby people want to pull you down it is illuminating to look at real crabs, the kind that live in the ocean. Some crabs are very smart and nimble and hard to catch, yet every day thousands of them are harvested and turned into crab cocktail. They are caught in crab traps which they could easily climb out of, if it weren't for the other crabs pulling them back down. One crab enters the trap and starts eating the bait. Other crabs soon follow. Even when the food is all eaten, more crabs will keep "following the herd" into the crab trap. If any crab tries to climb out of the trap the other crabs all gang up on him and pull him off the wall of the cage and back down to their level. If he keeps trying they will rip his claws off and if that doesn't stop our hero they will actually kill him to keep him from rising above the crowd. It is majority rule, underwater. Crabby people are different than crabs though. Crabby people usually don't use physical force to pull you down, they use negative talk. When they see you trying to rise above the rut they may believe they are trapped in, they will often gang up on you with arguments, doubts, criticism, ridicule and gossip. Whatever it takes to keep you down at their level. Sad, but true. As Michael Korda said, "The secret of success is to accept the world as it is and then rise above it." Keep your dreams and goals to yourself and share them only with positive people who are also trying to climb higher in life and can help pull you along. How do you tell the difference between the people who can really 57

help pull you up and the people who may try to pull you down? I've found the best strategy is, instead of listening to what people say, simply watch what they do. People can be divided into three groups, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. You want to associate with people who make things happen. THE BEST PLACE TO LEARN ABOUT SUCCESS IS FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE ALREADY SUCCESSFUL William Hazlitt said, “The most sensible people to be met within society are those of business and of the world, who argue from what they see and know, instead of spinning cobweb distinctions of what ought to be.” Be careful that you are not learning theory about the way things ought to be from some "expert" who says, "I've never really done it m’self ya know, but theoretically you should...blah, blah, blah." Learn from real-world people, only. Remember, practice does not make perfect if you practice the wrong way. MODEL YOURSELF AFTER PLAYERS, NOT PRETENDERS In the game of cash flow, as with most sports, there are a few people who are actively playing the game. These people are called Players. Next you have a group of people who study and/or offer informed opinions and advice on the game. These people are known as Coaches and Commentators. 58

Lastly, you have the hordes of people who simply watch the game, or criticize, or try to figure out what is going on. These are the Spectators. You want to associate with and model yourself after Players as much as possible. They are the only people who know what is really happening in the game at any given time. Coaches and Commentators may have plenty of past experience and may know all the statistics. However, this is an ever-changing game. The problem with past experience is just that: it's past tense, based on what was true "way back when." It may no longer be valid today. The problem with knowing all of the statistics and theory is that it can be helpful, but only up to a point. Sooner or later, you have to actually DO something. You can't learn to swim unless you get in the water. I have a sign on my wall that reads, "You'll always learn more through motion than you will through meditation." I look at it anytime I find myself getting bogged down with “analysis paralysis.” BUT, OFFICER, I PASSED THE WRITTEN TESTCompare learning how to play the financial freedom game with learning how to drive a car. With driving, you first read the driver's manual and learn all of the statistics and driving theory. Then you just hop right into the car and race down the highway at top speed, right? No way. Next, you carefully try your hand at actually doing some of the driving you've only read about. Driving sounds easy in the manual, but as you know it takes some 59

actual real-world experience and practice to learn how to really do it right and be any good at it. If all you do is read about it, and never actually do it, you'll know just enough to be dangerous, to yourself and other people. The same process holds true when playing the financial freedom game. There is no teacher that can equal real life experience. Sure, it’s important to get advice and read books, etc. I get new ideas all the time that way. You simply must make sure you are learning from people who are currently and actively playing the game. Too many books are written by what I call Pretenders, who have simply read lots of other books and regurgitated the same, tired, old, unfounded information in a new format. When it comes to your money and your financial freedom, what could be worse than this "blind leading the blind" activity of the Pretenders? These guys are happy to see you gamble your money and dreams to test their theories. IF THEY'RE SO SMART, WHY AREN'T THEY RICH? Remember, any theory is just a guess until you test. So the next time you read the opinions of some ivory tower “expert,” ranting and raving about the “facts,” ask yourself these questions: If a business "expert" is so smart, why isn't he enjoying financial freedom? If an "author" really knows his stuff, why doesn't he practice what he preaches and get into the game? If someone is a “consultant,” why doesn't he spend his time put60

ting his money where his mouth is instead of preaching to you and me to “do what I say, not what I do?” Think about it. Doesn’t it make you wish they’d be quiet? OKAY, SO HOW DO I FIND GOOD MENTORS? Very carefully. I'm not saying you can't learn anything from retired players who are now coaches, or from journalists and writers who do their homework. You can, and I do. Yes, I've found that usually the best people to learn from are players who also act as part-time coaches. These people are very busy playing the game, yet they also have this real need to share their ideas and knowledge with others. Part of that need comes from simple ego gratification, part of it comes from the normal human desire for recognition, part of it comes from the enjoyment of gaining the friendship and respect of other players, and part of it is simply the logical pursuit of making extra money from sharing their hard-won, battle tested and proven knowledge, which is an extremely valuable commodity. You can tap into this knowledge by allowing these players and part-time coaches to be your mentors-in-print, just as I am acting as your mentor through this book. READ THE BOOKS I RECOMMEND IN EACH CHAPTER I've sifted through literally hundreds of books, audio tapes, newsletters, etc., looking for valuable information. When I recommend a 61

book to you, I'm saving you the trouble of reading the ninety-nine other books on the same subject that weren't as good. Please read and study all of the materials I've recommended. Those good people are some of my own mentors and friends. They can be your mentors too, just as I can, by teaching you what we know through books and tapes and newsletters. I'm attempting to act as your mentor right now. I'm a player. I've repeatedly generated cash flow for myself and helped many of my friends do the same – by doing exactly the same thing I've outlined for you in these pages. It's what I do every day. I enjoy it and it's a fun game I get paid to play. As I've said before, I'm not a hot shot millionaire. I'm just a regular who is making a good living playing the game and having fun doing it. I'm not the biggest player (I purposely keep my business small, fat, and happy), but I am a very successful player who is willing to share my secrets with you. MR. NICE GUY'S WIN-WIN SOLUTION An ever-growing number of people are constantly requesting my help these days, and I simply don’t have time to help everyone personally. The obvious answer was to put my secrets down on paper. This way I can be helping you, while at the same time I can be doing what I really love to do… PLAYING THE GAME! YAHOO! And, yes, I'll probably make a few extra dollars from sharing my knowledge through the sales of this business plan with a segment of the population. It's a win-win situation for you and me.


HAVE YOUR MENTORS COACH YOU IN YOUR CAR Sometimes you may want more than a mentor-in-print. In that case I suggest you listen to audio cassettes while driving in your car. If you are like many people, you waste hours upon hours of time every week sitting behind the steering wheel. Turn that time into a visit from your mentors! Listen to your coaches on audio cassettes! This can bring dramatic changes to your life. To get a free catalog featuring a varied selection of tapes recorded by some of the greatest mentors in the world, contact the NightingaleConant company by calling 1-800-525-9000. HOW I FOUND ONE OF MY MANY PERSONAL MENTORS Learning one of the cash flow techniques I'm sharing in this book cost me over $10,000 just to get started – but in the process I had the opportunity to meet and become personal friends with a very helpful mentor, and we've been good buddies ever since. Here's how it happened. A number of years ago, I was forced to close down a small business I owned due to a sudden cash flow problem. I was lucky and got a job working as a delivery driver, which allowed me to keep food on the table. But all of my savings were gone; and all I had to drive was a beat-up pickup truck that was so old, it was actually built three years before I was born. My monthly debts added up to more than my paychecks did. The state economy was really suffering, too. A local car wash had over 150 applicants show up to interview for a minimum wage position. Times were tough and getting tougher.


The last straw came when I returned home from work one day to find my wife in tears because our rent check had bounced. The landlord had given us notice we had 24 hours to pay up or we'd be out on the street. I met the deadline. And I made a decision to find reliable sources of income that were not dependent on the local economy. I sent away for every program I could find that promised a way to make an honest dollar at home in my spare time. I was soon buried under a mountain of ridiculous pyramid schemes, "pie-in- the-sky" plans, vague mailorder ideas, and an endless variety of worthless products I was supposed to push off on my friends and relatives. It was very depressing, but I kept on looking. Then, I stumbled upon one very powerful secret of financial freedom by accident, through a chance meeting with a wealthy older gentleman in the state of Washington. This man revealed that he was making $500 a day, and more, without ever leaving the comfort of his own home. His story haunted me for weeks. I was so determined to uncover his secrets, I devised a plan that, looking back now, was so crazy it just had to work. I remembered reading about how Napoleon Hill, the author of Think And Grow Rich, had taken his first step on the road to wealth and fame when, as a broke and struggling journalist, he'd been granted an interview with the famous multi- millionaire Andrew Carnegie. The generous Camegie shared all of his secrets of success with Hill and introduced Hill to other successful men. Eventually, another 500 wealthy people revealed the source of their riches to him. Hill then went on to become wealthy himself by enriching the lives of 40 million 64

people through his excellent book, Think And Grow Rich. Encouraged by these thoughts, I called the wealthy gentleman on the phone, reintroduced myself, and told him I wanted to start a career in journalism. I asked if I could interview him for an article I wanted to sell to Modem Maturity magazine! It must have sounded like a line from some "Private-Eye" television show, but he was a good sport and agreed to meet with me for a few minutes the following Saturday morning. It meant I would have to get up before daylight and spend several hours driving just to meet with him for a few minutes – but I jumped at the chance. Luckily for me, we hit it right off. We ended up talking all day and late into the night. The man had lost his only son in the Vietnam War, and he sort of took me under his wing. After revealing just a few of his secrets to me, it was obvious he'd only begun to scratch the surface. The potential for making money in his business was virtually unlimited. He was even kind enough to offer me a job so I could learn the ropes, if I was really serious about wanting to have my own business. I t was a very generous offer; but being young, I was impatient and wanted to be my own boss immediately. THE DEAL I COULDN'T REFUSE Some time later he offered to sell me a small part of his business, complete with all of his inside secrets, ready to profit from immediately. The catch was, I would have to pay him a lot of money – at least $10,000. Ouch! Why? Because he didn't want such valuable knowledge wasted on a curiosity seeker. He wanted to be sure I had what it takes: belief 65

and commitment – enough to take a chance; enough to really study and learn the secrets; enough to honestly put the system into action. He said if I'd do just that much – no more, no less – I'd gain the financial freedom I'd dreamed of. And, in my own way, I’d be making a small, but valuable contribution to the world at the same time. THE PROFIT TEST I didn't see how I could raise $10,000. But the man was absolutely sure his business system had the potential to work for almost anyone, living anywhere, in any kind of circumstances. And to prove it, he offered to let me test his system on credit. First, I had to pay him $1,000 in advance as a good-faith deposit, which I barely raised by taking out cash advances on my credit cards. (This required working overtime hours in the evenings and on weekends just to pay them off.) He told me to follow the system step-bystep and pay him 50% of the income. What happened next was amazing. I carefully followed his instructions, and the cash flow started pouring in. First, an extra $1,000 per month, then $1,000 per week, and more. When I stopped and checked, I saw I'd paid him over $10,000. I ended up paying him $11,470, to be exact. He couldn't help but say, "I told you so." But he let me keep all of the income for myself from then on. I've since learned much, much more about this and other cash flow formulas. I've also found many even easier ways to generate profits, all of which I'm sharing with you in this book.


It is my sincere hope that you will achieve financial freedom, and then go on to become a mentor for someone in your family or for a close friend. POP QUIZ-WHAT ARE THE FOUR FUNDAMENTALS? Here you have the four fundamental cornerstones to act as a rock solid foundation on which to build your financial fortress. 1. Cash Flow 2. Leverage

3. Scientific Advertising 4. Modeling a Mentor

Now let’s find a hot product for you to sell!


RESOURCES FOR CHAPTER FOUR UNLIMITED POWER, by Anthony Robbins. Any bookstore or library. His audio cassette program is excellent, also. I've listened to it repeatedly and recommend it highly. To order, call 800-525-9000. Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. The landmark work by Dr. Napoleon Hill. It has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide in the past 50 years. In 1990 it still ranked as the #1 bestselling financial advice book in America. If you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for? Available at your local library. The Napoleon Hill Foundation donates copies to libraries so anyone who wants to read it has the opportunity to do so at no cost. If your library doesn't have a copy call the Napoleon Hill Foundation at 800- 237-7967. To purchase your own copy visit your bookstore or send $8 to Wilshire Book Co., 12015-F Sherman Road, No. Hollywood, CA 91605-3781. Think And Grow Rich Newsletter, P.O. Box 1746, Clemson, SC 29633. 1-800-237-7967. $39 per year. A monthly update published by the Napoleon Hill Foundation.




CHAPTER FIVE WHERE TO FIND BESTSELLING PRODUCTS "If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then to me..." - SHAKESPEARE Products are everywhere. They are right under your nose. Seriously. Products are everywhere you look. In fact., I give you plenty of ideas and sources for finding products in the pages to follow. Just keep one thing in mind. It's very important. You should sell something you LOVE. Something you have a real passion for. Something you enjoy working with. This can make or break your entire business career. If you sell a product just for the money, you won't be able to keep up your enthusiasm 100% of the time. You won't enjoy true financial FREEDOM if you are doing something you don't care to do, just for the money. That may be what you are doing now and, if so, you know that it can be a real "drag." Right? You bet it can. I know, I've been there many times. I sometimes teach at marketing seminars where people have each paid a big fee to attend. I always start off by asking the attendees if they are really excited and in love with the business they are in. I tell them, “If you are not excited and happy and glowing about 70

your product or service, how can you expect anyone else to get enthused about it and buy it?” The Small Business Administration did a study to find out what was the safest, most proven-profitable, and least risky business you could get into. They found one that looks great on paper. The owners are often very motivated and will sell to you with no money down. Plus, they often stay on a while to consult and make sure you keep the cash flow coming in. This business also makes money in good times or bad. It is recession proof, respectable and a much-needed service in every city in the nation. This business has been going “forever” and should always be in demand. Guessed it yet? It’s a funeral parlor. Now, if you are only interested in money, you can close this book and run, don't walk, to your nearest funeral home to talk terms about getting into this dream moneymaker of a business. Have fun! It's not my intention to say anything negative about funeral parlor operators. I have friends who are in that business. It really is a well respected and necessary service. It's just one that some people have no interest in doing. It's not their first choice anyway. What is your first choice? What would you do if you knew you could not fail. I love books and ideas. I work in a business area I enjoy, so should you!


My friend Ted Thomas has a sign above his desk that reads: ENJOY YOURSELF! THIS IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSALTHIS IS YOUR LIFE! He keeps it right in front of him every day so he never loses sight of the reason why he gets out of bed every morning and does what he does. Life is to be enjoyed, savored, lived with passion. When you enjoy the product and field you work with, your life and "work" become a game – a fun game you get paid big money to play. What could be better? Sure, some days almost everything seems to go wrong, but I keep on keeping on because deep down, I love my work and feel that it is important and that it helps people. That sense of purpose keeps me going in spite of life's many ups and downs. ALMOST ANY PRODUCT CATEGORY HAS PROFIT POTENTIAL Money is being made in every field imaginable. Take a copy of any big city yellow pages directory and read through it. Actually look at every single page. You'll be astonished at the amazing variety of businesses out there. If you don't sell a product you love just because it's more fun, do it because you're greedy. I guarantee you'll make much more money with a product you are excited about than one you don't like but are willing to peddle because you think it will make you rich. You don't have to take my word for it. A research study conducted by bestselling financial writer Srully Blotnick, Ph.D., dramati72

cally proves this strategy to be the best. He headed up a group of researchers, and they tracked 1,500 people over a 20-year period. The study subjects were divided into two different groups at the beginning of the project. Group 1 was made up of people embarking on a career they'd chosen for the sole purpose of making a lot of money now, so they could live the good life later. This group made up the majority, 83% of sample. Group 2, the other 17%, was made up of people embarking on a career path they'd chosen for the Strangest reason: They wanted to enjoy life right now, today. They wanted to make money too, but refused to sell out their dreams to get it. They had a purpose, a deep interest in a particular field, idea or subject. They were in love with and absorbed by their area of interest. The results will blow your mind: After 20 years, 101 people out of the 1,500 had become millionaires. All of the millionaires except for one, 100 out of 101, came from – Group 2, the 17%, the group of mavericks who followed their hearts and their dreams and chose to do what they loved rather than run the rat race. YOU belong in that 17% if you want to make money and enjoy the process! For more good information on this "do what you love and love what you do"' aspect of the cash flow game, see the book titled Getting Rich Your Own Way, by Srully Blotnick, Ph.D. It is out of print! Which shows you that 83% of the population is still thinking wrong. 73

Check your local library or a good used book store. This is well worth the effort it will take to find a copy. SOURCES OF IDEAS FOR BESTSELLING PRODUCTS See the next few pages for ideas and sources. One source is a directory listing all kinds of drop-ship products. It's copyrighted so of course I can't reprint the listings here but if you want one, copy the coupon on next page. Another source is a newsletter that always has lots of hot ideas.



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RUSH my copy of “American Drop-Shippers” Directory for $15 prepaid which is enclosed. Also include my FREE copy of “Wholesale Sources.” Name ______________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City _________________ State ____________ Zip ________ 75




If you have a few minutes, I’d like to tell you how I became a millionaire...maybe it will help you in your business. Back in the late 1960’s, I owned and operated a small, local retail shop. – Like so many small businesses, I managed to make a living and...sort of….survive from week to week. By 1986, I owned and operated a number of businesses in publishing, banking, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution. – I lived in a luxurious home with a swimming pool in the house (not a covered pool); I flew around in a Jet Commander airplane; and drove a Zimmer Golden Spirit automobile. But...I’m not going to lie to you and tell you I made it all “overnight” after discovering some mystical secret of success. I didn’t. I’ve worked long & hard to get to where I am today...and I still do! did I get there? all started when a young man walked into my retail shop with a list of merchandise for sale. I was absolutely amazed. The merchandise on his list was the same as what I had on my shelves – BUT – the prices were only one-fourth (1/4) of what I was paying for the same stuff. He explained that the merchandise was a close-out. Needless to say, I bought a bunch of my best sellers from him. And, each time I sold one of those items; instead of making the usual 33% to 50%, I made 75% to 90% profit. I was making twice the profits on the same amount of sales. Of course – not being a complete dummy – I called the young man to see if he could get me any more close-out merchandise. The next day, he came by to see me with lists of merchandise – ranging from Cashew Nuts to Bulldozers, but nothing I could use in my business. That’s when he told me he was a “finder” and, if I would give him a list of what I wanted, he would be happy to find it; for a fee. Since I had been a “finder” myself (and made some pretty healthy bucks doing it), I gave him a list of what I wanted... the same time, I helped him locate buyers for some of the other things he had available. (We split the finder’s fees.) Although I had been a “finder” for years, I was absolutely amazed at the variety and volume of deals this young man had available – everything from Sundry Goods to Machinery & Equipment... AND...a list of Financing Sources (for every kind of financing imaginable) that knocked my socks off. Every time I asked him where he got all this “good stuff,” he would only smile and say, “I’ve got my sources.” We worked together for almost a year – him providing the leads and sources – me buying merchandise for my retail shop at super-discounted prices and ‘finding” buyers & sellers for the stuff he had available and wanted. (We both made a bundle of money.) Then...he dropped a bombshell on me. Although I knew he was a Lieutenant in the US Army, I wasn’t really prepared for it when he told me he had just received his orders to go to Vietnam, but before he left, he gave me a bunch of copies of the source he had kept secret throughout our association.

There were businesses (of every kind) for sale...and...a list of people wanting to buy specific kinds of businesses. There were sales organizations and independent sales people looking for products to sell...and...companies looking for sales people and distributors. There were close-outs, liquidation's, and odd lots of all kinds of goods and merchandise available...and...people looking for specific close-out merchandises. (I even found the listing placed by the Lieutenant for the products I wanted.) There were also “Miscellaneous” columns – both “Available” and “Wanted” - that listed almost anything and everything you could imagine for and from the business community. And...on the back page of each issue was a “Free Advertising” form, so the subscribers could send in their own “Available” or “Wanted” listings. – The best of those listings were then published “FREE” in the next issue. Each and every issue was a hot, fresh list of opportunities. With new, exciting opportunities just waiting to be turned into cold, hard cash...and...most of them offered “finder’s Fees” right in their listings. I was in hog-heaven. I ordered my own personal subscription that day and began placing my own listings. My ads ran for “free” and the money I made from the leads those listings generated was phenomenal. I became a “real” millionaire. Of course, when you make a bunch of money, people start asking, “how did you do it?” my spare time...I began writing articles and reports about some of the things I had done to make money. – Not textbook stuff. Just my own personal experiences. In no time at all, I was publishing my own little “how to” newsletter (and making another fortune doing it) because business people really liked reading my experiences and using that information to make money themselves. But, since I was still making money from the leads and contacts in the business opportunities newsletter, I really anted a newsletter like it. As a matter of fact, I even told the publisher that I wanted a newsletter like hi – but – I didn’t want to be just another copycat. There were already a variety of copycats on the market (still are). I wanted to own the “real thing.” In 1975, I got my wish. The publisher decided to retire and called to ask if I was still interested. – Boy, I was thrilled. – I was on a plane to see him the next day. – On January, 1976, I officially became the editor and publisher. After I bought it, I cleaned-up its physical appearance by using modern typesetting equipment –BUT – I didn’t change the content one little bit; it is still what every real entrepreneur dreams of. And...I kept the “Free Advertising” for the subscribers, too. – It gives every subscriber a chance to offer what they have available, or request what they NO COST...because that’s what makes us a “reader’s publication.” Now...the “WorldWide Business Exchange” is America’s Leading Business Opportunities Newsletter.

It was a Newsletter. When I first saw it – frankly – I was not impressed. it was just 3 0r 4 sheets of paper with typewritten lists of business opportunities divided under various headings...both “Availables” and “Wanteds”...but it sure did produce exceptional results. There were companies offering financing – business & personal – of every kind you could imagine...and...people and businesses seeking financing; from “loans wanted” to “venture capital investors wanted.”



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