Installing and Configuring Oracle® Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Fusion Edition 11.1..1 for Oracle® Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition !urpose This tutorial covers installing and configuring Financial Data Quality Management (FDM) for a Financial Management installation.
"ime to Complete Approimately 1 hour.
O#er#ie$ FDM is a pac!aged solution for finance users that includes a guided "e#$#ased user interface for leveraging standardi%ed financial data management processes& a data preparation server for integrating and validating financial data from any source system& and prepac!aged adapters for Financial Management to reduce data integration costs and data$mapping compleities. 'n this tutorial& you learn to install and configure FDM& create an FDM application& install and configure the Financial Management adapters& and then lin! the FDM application to a Financial Management application.
%cenario As an administrator& administrator& you you are tas!ed ith installing installing FDM& creating an FDM application& installing installing and configuring the Financial Management adapters& and integrating the FDM application ith a Financial Management application. ou ou plan on installing FDM on a "indos 2**+& ,-$#it system. FDM is delivered only ith 2$#it assem#lies/ hoever& Financial Management and FDM can coeist on " indos 2**+ ,-$#it systems #y using 'nternet 'nformation 0ervices (''0) .
!rere&uisites efore starting this tutorial& you should3
1. 4ave installed and configured Foundation 0ervices and Financial Management.
. 5no the data#ase creator account and passord.
' . 4ave access to or have created a Financial Management application that can lin! to your FDM application.
( . 5no the "indos account under hich D67M o#8ects run.
) . 5no the "indos account under hich the .9:T processes run.
* . 5no the user account in your authentication directory that is used to #rose the directory and perform authentication.
+ . 4ave installed the 7racle data#ase 2$#it client& and then the ,-$#it client. ou must install the clients in that order.
Preparing for Installation Financial Management and FDM can coeist on " indos 2**+ ,-$#it systems #y using ''0 / hoever& you must ena#le ''0 , compati#ility mode #efore installing FDM. 'n this topic& you ena#le ''0 , compati#ility mode& and then you donload and un%ip the FDM installation files.
1. 0elect %tart& %tart& then dministrati#e "ools& "ools& and then %er#er Manager .
* . 5no the user account in your authentication directory that is used to #rose the directory and perform authentication.
+ . 4ave installed the 7racle data#ase 2$#it client& and then the ,-$#it client. ou must install the clients in that order.
Preparing for Installation Financial Management and FDM can coeist on " indos 2**+ ,-$#it systems #y using ''0 / hoever& you must ena#le ''0 , compati#ility mode #efore installing FDM. 'n this topic& you ena#le ''0 , compati#ility mode& and then you donload and un%ip the FDM installation files.
1. 0elect %tart& %tart& then dministrati#e "ools& "ools& and then %er#er Manager .
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