Installation documents for Goautodial.pdf

May 26, 2016 | Author: Abu Mukaddas | Category: N/A
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Installation of Goautodial with CentOS 64bit (CentOS 5.8) Download the pre-requisite of asterisk 1.4.x.x and Goautodial. Below mention module will install all the dependencies you need for Goautodialer. Just- cut and paste from here if you're happy to install things you may or may not need. yum install openssl mod_ssl screen sox subversion mysql mysql-server mysqldevel httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-cli php-mcrypt php-mbstring php-cli phppdo php-pear php-devel phpmyadmin lame ploticus mpg123 htop iftop munin munin-node vim-enhanced rsync gcc-c++ fail2ban ntp perl-Data-Dumper perl-String-CRC perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Proc-ProcessTable perlArchive-Tar perl-Test-Tester perl-Spiffy perl-HTML-Template perl-RPM-Specfile perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel perl-Proc-Daemon perl-IO-Compress perl-Set-Scalar perl-HTML-Parser perl-XML-Parser perl-Crypt-DES perl-TermReadLine-Gnu perl-Digest-SHA perl-TermReadKey perl-URI perl-Net-Server perl-Digest-HMAC perl-IO-Zlib perlHTML-Tagset perl-Error perl-IO-stringy perl-Module-Install perl-Test-Base perl-Net-Daemon perl-Date-Manip perl-PlRPC perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel perl-Net-Address-IPv4-Local perl-File-Which perl-Net-Telnet perl-ExtUtilsCBuilder perl-Mail-Sendmail perl-XML-Writer perl-File-HomeDir perl-Text-Glob perl-Text-CSV_XS perl-libwww-perl perlUnicode-Map perl-DBD-MySQL perl-Net-SSLeay perl-rrdtool perl-DBD-Pg perl-DBI perl-Digest-SHA1 perlCurses perl-BSD-Resource perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib perl-OLE-Storage_Lite perl-Net-SNMP perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-YAML-Tiny perl-YAML perl-Test-NoWarnings perl-Archive-Zip perl-Proc-PID-File perl-Jcode perl-Text-CSV perl-Net-Address-IP-Local0.1.2.tar.gz.noarch perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC perl-Spreadsheet-Read perl-Tk perl-Tk-TableMatrix Individual application specific dependencies We've got to be able to compile it! yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ Note that you may need to use the following if you are running a Xen enabled kernel: yum -y install kernel-xen-devel If you want the 'zttool' application, you'll need to: yum -y install newt-devel Other things you may find useful (if they're not already installed): yum -y install mlocate lynx tar wget nmap bzip2 mod_ssl crontabs vixie-cron

Install Asterisk and Dahdi packages yum install asterisk asterisk-perl dahdi-linux kmod-dahdi-linux

asterisk-sounds-core-en-alaw asterisk-sounds-core-en-gsm asterisk-soundscore-en-ulaw asterisk-sounds-extra-en-alaw asterisk-sounds-extra-en-gsm asterisk-soundsextra-en-ulaw

Install Install Vicidial and Goautodial packages yum install vicidial vtigercrm goautodial-ce goautodial-ce-config

Reboot reboot

Installation Complete!

Configurations Of Dialer from Admin panel System Configurations Goautodial does not have a desktop manager installed so you need to access it via network from your workstation, the server's default IP Address is Open using Firefox (We highly recommend using Firefox web browser)

Click ADMIN LOGIN username: admin password: goautodial

Configure Default Gateway Default Gateway is not configured by default so you have to manually configure it, you can also change the IP Address from the same menu.

Click on Systems/Network > Configuration > eth0 config

Set the default gateway and click Go

Update Database IP If you changed the IP address of the server you also need to update the IP addresses entries in the database: Click on Systems/Network > Configuration > Update Database IP

Carrier Configuration Before you can start dialing, you need to configure your carrier/trunk, if you do not have your own carrier yet you can sign up for an account at Click in VICIDIAL Admin > Admin > Carriers > Add A New Carrier Below is a sample carrier configuration: Registration String: register => username:[email protected]:5060/username

Account Entry: [goautodial] disallow=all allow=g729 allow=gsm allow=ulaw type=friend secret=password username=username dtmfmode=rfc2833 context=trunkinbound qualify=yes insecure=very nat=yes

Dialplan Entry: US: exten => _91XXXXXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi:// exten => _91XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@goautodial,,tTo) exten => _91XXXXXXXXXX,3,Hangup

UK: exten => _944.,1,AGI(agi:// exten => _944.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@goautodial,,tTo) exten => _944,3,Hangup

Australia: exten => _961.,1,AGI(agi:// exten => _961.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@goautodial,,tTo) exten => _961,3,Hangup

Activate Newly created Trunk by setting Active = Y and click Submit

How To Load Leads 1. If this is the first time you will load leads, you need to create a List first, go to Lists > Add a New List and make sure you select the campaign you will use, for this guide you can use the default campaign TESTCAMP See below for a sample .csv format list/leads file: "PHONE NUMBER","FIRST NAME","LAST NAME ","ADDRESS1","CITY","STATE","POSTAL CODE" 2127773456,"first1","last1","Address 1","city","NY",12345 2127773456,"first2","last2","Address 2","city","NY",12345 2127773456,"first3","last3","Address 3","city","NY",12345 2127773456,"first4","last4","Address 4","city","NY",12345 2127773456,"first5","last5","Address 5","city","NY",12345

2. Go to Lists > Load New Leads > Browse the list file in .csv format > type the Listid you created in the List ID Override > type 1 in the Phone Code Override if you are calling US

numbers > Select Custom Layout > Submit

3. Select the appropriate fields via the drop down menu then click OK TO PROCESS

If the loading of leads is successful you will see something similar to this:

Go to Campaigns > TESTCAMP You can see that the leads are successfully loaded and there are currently 5 leads in the dial hopper.

If the dial hopper is not being populated try to set the Local Call Time to 24hours: Campaigns > TESTCAMP > Detail view> Set the Local Call Time to 24 Hours > Submit

Softphone Configurations Below is a link for 2 of the most popular freely downloadable softphones, for this guide we can use the following SIP account: Username: 8001 Password: goautodial Realm/Domain: 1. Xlite 4 Configuration 2. Zoiper Classic Configuration

Agent Login 1. Open and click the AGENT LOGIN link:

2. Login using one of the default user accounts. Phone Login: 8001 Phone Password: goautodial User Login: agent001 User Password: goautodial Campaign: TESTCAMP

After clicking on SUBMIT your phone/extension will ring, ANSWER the call and you will hear “You are currently the only person in this conference” DO NOT HANG UP. 3. If the campaign is configured as Manual/Preview dialing you will see the agent screen below, Click DIAL NEXT NUMBER > DIAL LEAD , If the campaign is configured for

Predictive Dialing Mode just click the RESUME button to start receiving calls.

If the call is successful you will see the LIVE CALL indicator turn to GREEN, If you are in Predictive Dialing Mode you will hear a short beep sound every time a call comes in.

4. After each call click HANGUP reverse phone lookup and select a CALL DISPOSITION.

Note:- If you have any suggestion then just drop me an e-mail at [email protected].

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