@HSK]OLIBÙG AMO ^SHCOMKL Ol `lsm am bgstlolibùg amo lsimgshr ms ugl mtlpl irëtbil mg mo prhimsh, ol iulo rmqubmrm am dmstbùg y am ug mxjlustbvh smdubkbmgth aurlgtm ol mfmiuibùg am ohs trlclfhs. Mg ol litulobala shoh plrl prhymiths drlgams am kìs am 0 lsimgshrms y prhymiths ihg pmglobalams sm mstlcomim ug irhghdrlkl am litbvbalams, pmrh gh plrl ohs prhymiths ahgam sm bgstlolg am < l = lsimgshrms qum ms ahgam bgtmrvbmgmg ohs ihgtrltbstls, `bglo amoqum prhimsh am bgstlolibùg b gstlolibùg y am ihgtrholam ilobala mg ilal prhymith smlokumstrl mg vlrbhs ilshs gh sm iukpomg ilclobala ohs polzhs plitlahs gb mstìg sbdubmgah ohs prhimabkbmgths lamiulahs phr `lotl am supmrvbsbùg mg mstl mtlpl, y phr öotbkh gh jly ug ihkprhkbsh amo pmrshglo tmriblobzlah ol mkprmsl phr ohs trlclfhs qum rmlobzlg. Qhals mstls am`bibmgibls dmgmrlg ugl absihg`hrkbala phr plrtm am ol mkprmsl y sm trlauimg mg ug drlah am bgsltbs`liibùg am ohs iobmgtms lo khkmgth am ol mgtrmdl amo lsimgshr.
KLQSBV AM IHGYBYQMGIBL @HSK]OLIBHG AM ^SHCOMKLY ^SHCOMKL DMGMSLO ¸Am quâ klgmrl sm pumam ohdrlr ol m`bibmgibl mg ol bgstlolibùg am lsimgshrms l `bg am h`rmimr ug smrvbibh am ilobala8
^SHCOMKLY MY^MIB@BIHY l. ¸Iuìo ms mo gbvmo am ihghibkbmgth qum pmrkbtm shouibhglr ols bgibamgibls mg ol bgstlolibùg8 c. ¸Iuìo ms ol o l klgmrl lamiulal am trltlr ohs phsbcoms mrrhrms y rmtrlshs mg ol bgstlolibùg am lsimgshrms8 i. ¸Iuìoms shg ohs `lithrms qum bg`ouymg shcrm ohs rmsuotlahs mg ols bgstlolibhgms8 a. ¸Iuìoms shg ohs hcstìiuohs qum mg`rmgtlg ohs sucihgtrltbstls mg su trlclfh8
HCFMQBPH DMGMSLO Ohdrlr ol m`bibmgibl mg mo prhimsh am bgstlolibùg am lsimgshrms mg mab`bibhs rmsbamgibloms hrbmgtlah l ug smrvbibh am ilobala
HCFMQBPHY MY^MIB@BIHY l. Kmabr mo gbvmo am bgibamgibls y mo gbvmo am ihghibkbmgth, mg ohs iuloms sm pumal lglobzlr ol am`bibmgibl mg ol bgstlolibùg.
c. Lglobzlr ohs prhimabkbmgths y ol tâigbil uslal lo khkmgth am rmlobzlr ols ihgmxbhgms moâitrbils y mo mgslkcolfm am ols pbmzls mg ol `lsm am bgstlolibùg am lsimgshrms. i. Bamgtb`bilr ohs `lithrms qum bg`ouymg mg ohs rmsuotlahs. a. Amsirbcbr ols prbgibploms ilrlitmrëstbils qum dmgmrl ohs hcstìiuohs l ohs sucihgtrltbstls mg sus trlclfhs.
JB^ÙQMYBY DMGMSLO Ol m`bibmgibl mg mo prhimsh am bgstlolibùg pmrkbtbrì loilgzlr ug smrvbibh am ilobala.
JB^ÙQMYBY MY^MIB@BIL l. Mvloulr ols bgibamgibls y kmabr mo gbvmo am ihghibkbmgth pmrkbtbrì bamgtb`bilr ohs pugths irëtbihs qum dmgmrlg am`bibmgibl. c. Ohs prhimabkbmgths y ol tâigbil uslal lo khkmgth am rmlobzlr ols ihgmxbhgms moâitrbils y mo mgslkcolfm am ols pbmzls ihgtrbcubrìg mg ohdrlr ol m`bibmgibl am ol bgstlolibùg b gstlolibùg am lsimgshrms. i. Mo absmüh lamiulah, ol prhdrlklibùg am polzhs mg ilal prhimsh y ol dmstbùg am ol ilobala kmfhrlrìg ol prhauitbvbala mg ol bgstlolibùg. a. Ol supmrvbsbùg ihgstlgtm, ol ihkugbilibùg m`mitbvl y ol khtbvlibùg smrìg iolvms plrl bgimgtbvlr lo pmrshglo l supmrlr ohs hcstìiuohs qum mg`rmgtlg mg ilal hcrl.
Smvbsbùg am ohs polghs am ol hcrl y amo auith
Smvbsbùg amo msqumkl momitrbih
Qrlsolah am pbmzls amo lsimgshr l hcrl
Bgspmiibùg amo auith
Qrlsolah am jmrrlkbmgtls y qubphs
Ihgtmh am kltmrbloms
Lrklah am lgalkbh m bgstlolibùg am phobplsth
Bgstlolibùg m bgspmiibùg bgspmi ibùg am rbmoms
Khgtlfm am ohs lkhrdulahrms amo lkhrdulahrms ihgtrlpmsh
Ihohilibùg am pohklal y Ihohilibùg rmpolgtmh amo auith
Ilcomlah moâitrbih am `hsh l iulrth am klgbhcrls y ilcbgl
Bgstlolibùg am klrihs ihkpomths
Bgstlolibùg am ol `lfl
^umstl mg klrijl
Mgtrmdl amo lsimgshr
Qms am limptlibùg m bgspmiibùg
Iukpom ihg ohs mstìgalrmss am mstìgalrm ilobala8
Lrrlgqum am rbmoms y lrklah am ilcbgl
ABLDSLKL AM BYJBELTL Mstl jmrrlkbmgtl am dmstbùg ghs lyual mg ldruplr ols ilusls mg iltmdhrëls y ms iolvm plrl `lsms am lgìobsbs5 pmrkbtm hcsmrvlr ugl rmprmsmgtlibùg drì`bil, mvbamgiblgah ols ilusls am ohs prhcomkls mg bgstlolibùg am lsimgshrms y ghs `libobtl ol bamgtb`bilibùg am ohs prhcomkls qum amcmkhs shouibhglr plrl ohdrlr ol m`bibmgibl.
Kâthah amslitulobzla
@lotl am supmrvbsbùg
Yucihgtrltbstl s gh
Ghrkltbvbala ^hil polgb`bilibùg Kâthah ihkpobilah, gh ms
^bmzls ihg am`miths am `ìcrbil
Gh jly sthie am thals ols
Smtrlshs mg ol mgtrmdl am pbmzls
Lokliâg amslitulobzlah ^bmzls `lotlgtms Ilobala am kltmrblo
@lotl am khtbvlibùg am pmrshglo tmriblrbzlah
^mrshglo gumvh ^mrshglo bgmxpmrth
Amsihhrabglibù g mg ol bgstlolibùg @lotl am ihghibkbmgt Bgiukpobkbmgt h am ohs polzhs
@lotl am ilplibala
Mrrhrms mg ols
Lsimgshrms bgstlolahs am `hrkl am`bibmgtm
Bgiukpobkbmgth am smiumgibl am bgstlolibùg Lilclah m`bibmgtm
ABLDSLKL AM ^LSMQH Mg mstl Drì`bil sm hrdlgbzlg ols ilusls y am`miths qum sm prhauimg ihg klyhr `rmiumgibl, hramglals phr hramg amsimgamgtm5 ahgam vbsulobzlkhs lspmiths sbdgb`biltbvhs am prhcomkls trbvbloms, ms bkphrtlgtm rmslotlr qum lo rmlobzlr mo abldrlkl am Bsjbelwl ghs pmrkbtm tmgmr ugl lkpobl vlrbmala am ols ilusls y phstmrbhrkmgtm lo uslr mo Abldrlkl am ^lrmth mstlkhs bamgtb`bilgah ols ilusls kìs bkphrtlgtms qum amcmkhs shouibhglr plrl kmfhrlr gumstrl m`bibmgibl mg ol bgstlolibùg am lsimgshrms. Ol `lotl am supmrvbsbùg lo pmrshglo tmriblrbzlah hilsbhgl amshramg, rmtrlshs m bgiukpobkbmgth am polzhs mstlcomibahs, ols phils ilplibtlibhgms y ol `lotl am ihghibkbmgth dmgmrlg amkhrls mg ol bgstlolibùg y hrbdbglg mrrhrms mg ols bgstlolibhgms moâitrbils5 sm mvbamgibl qum ihg thals mstls ilusls kmgibhglals ol amsihhrabglibùg mg ol bgstlolibùg ms plrtm amo prhcomkl y algah shouibùg h kmfhrlgah msths lspmiths sm ohdrlrì ol m`bibmgibl.
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