Inspection of The Mast and Substructure

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Service Report SR 105-12 Thermasource Rig 108, Arbuckle, California Lee C. Moore Order 15301 26 October 2012

5416 S. Yale Avenue, Suite 500 Tulsa, OK 74135-6243

(t) +1-918-523-9191

(f) +1-918-523-0854 


Service Report SR105-12 

  Date: Owner / Rig: Description: Descripti on: Mast Manufacturer / Model: MastService Serial Number: Orders: Technician Report:

26 October 2012 Thermasource / Rig 108 142ft. Cantilever Mast with 8ft. Extension Drilling Structures International, Inc. M1000-142-5049-8232 15301 E-4907

This report is written following service on the described equipment by Mr. Ryan Baxter during 22 - 24 October 2012 at the rig location near Arbuckle, California. Califor nia. The purpose of the service was to perform an API RP 4G Category III inspection of the mast and substructure. At the time of arrival, the rig was lowered and partially assembled. The following items are recommended or were noted: A. Crown Assembly 1. Install safety cables on crown saver blocks. No safety cables were present. 2. Greased number 1 (one) crown sheave, drawworks side, to facilitat facilitate e rotation by hand. 3. Recommend padeyes under crown frame be identified with Safe Working Loads (SWL). Existing padeyes have no identification. 4. Replace sheave mounting plate on climber assist due to wireline cuts and poor condition. Recommend replacement with plate of improved design. 5. Replace bolts at climber assist due to inadequate length.

B. Mast Stem 1. Replace wireline survey sheave padeye on drawworks side spreader with one of proper design and machine-made holes. 2. Replace tong counterweight sheave padeyes due to torch-cut holes.

C. Racking Platform 1. Repair wirelin wireline e cuts on front of racking racking platform tube tube frame, driller’s and and off-driller’s sides. sides. Fill with E-7018 electrodes and grind smooth.

D. Substructure 1. The substructure substructur e appears to be in good condition.


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15301 SR105-12 Service Report


Service Report SR105-12 


The mast and substructure appear to be in generally good condition. Upon completion of the corrective action recommended above, the structures will be recommended for operation. Our inspection was made in conformity with field inspection procedures generally accepted in the drilling industry as necessary and appropriate for maintenance and operation of equipment of this kind and included visual examination to the extent extent practicable in the field. Such inspection, because of its nature, will not necessarily disclose every item requiring corrective action and this report is not to be construed as a representation by us that no item requiring corrective action other than those listed above exists. LEE C. MOORE, A WOOLSLAYER COMPANY

Ryan Baxter

Steve Ellis

Technician, Field Services

Director, Field Services


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15301 SR105-12 Service Report


15301 E4929 ANNEX A

 Ann ex A Drilling Mast Mast Category III / IV - Visual Field Inspection Form Type of inspection performed (check one box only): Initial - Category IV Inspection   Category III Inspection 

Final - Category IV Inspection 

MAST DEFINITION:  A structural tower comprised of one or more sections and then raised to the operating position. If the unit contains two or more sections, it may be telescoped or unfolded during the erection procedure.

PURP PURPOS OSE E & SCOP SCOPE E OF IN INSP SPEC ECTI TION ON:: Th This is re repo port rt fo form rm an and d in insp spec ecti tion on pr proc oced edur ure e wa was s de deve velo lope ped d as a gu guid ide e fo forr maki making ng an and d re repo port rtin ing g field inspection in a thorough and uniform manner. The procedure is intended for use by operating personnel (or a designated repr repres esen enta tati tive ve)) to the the ex exte tent nt that that it its s use use sati satisf sfie ies s cond condit itio ions ns fo forr whic which h an in insp spec ecti tion on is in inte tend nded ed.. More More de deta tail iled ed an and d cr crit itic ical al in insp spec ecti tion ons s may be sc sche hedu dule led d peri period odic ical ally ly,, or or orde derred to supp supple lem men entt a prog progrram of the hese se in insp spec ecti tion ons, s, if mas astts ar are e us used ed in th the e up uppe perr ran ange ge of the heir  ir  load load li lim mits, its, or if st stru ruct ctur ures es ma may y ha have ve been been su subj bjec ecte ted d to crit critic ical al cond condit itio ions ns whic which h co coul uld d ef effe fect ct sa safe fe pe perrfo form rman ance ce.. This This form form is pr prov ovid ided ed strictly as a guide, and the API accepts no liability whatsoever for its use or scope.

MARKIN MA RKING G DA DAMA MAGE GE:: At the time of in insp spe ect ctiion, da dam maged sect sectiions or eq equ uipm pme ent must be cle clear arlly an and d visi sibl bly y marked so that need ede ed rep epai airs rs may be made. ade. A br brig ight ht,, co cont ntrrasti asting ng spr spray pain paintt is sugg sugges estted fo forr th this is.. Wh When en rep epai airrs ar are e mad ade, e, th the e visi visibl ble e mar arki king ngs s sh shou ould ld be rem emov oved ed by pain paintting ing ov over er them hem. It is al also so nece necess ssar ary y fo forr th the e in insp spec ecttor to writ write e "N "Non one" e" when when no da dam mag age e mar arki king ngs s ar are e ne need eded ed,, as th this is is hi his s ind ndiica cattion that the item item ha has s pa pass ssed ed insp spe ect ctiion. It is recom ecomm mende ded d tha hatt ins nspe pect ctiion be made with ass ssiist stan ance ce of man anu ufa fact ctur ure er's as asse semb mbly ly dr draw awin ing g an and d op oper erat atin ing g in inst stru ruct ctio ions ns.. Fo Forr it item ems s no nott acce access ssib ible le or th that at do no nott ap appl ply, y, dr draw aw a line line th thro roug ugh h th the e item item pert pertai aini ning ng to th the e component.





Rig #:




MAY 2007

Date of Manufacture:

Manufacturer's Drawing Available for use in Inspection:


N o: Height:

Mast Position:





Mast Nameplate on Structure:




Component Numbers Present:




Inspected By:


10/25/2012, 8:05 PM

X 142' + 8' EXT


Mast Serial #: Mast Type:


Mast Manufacturer:



 API RP 4G, 4th Edition Edition  April 2012

LCM Hi-Floor: Lying down:


Lee C. Moor e, A Wool sl ayer Comp any

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15301 E4929 ANNEX A

Drilling Mast Mast Items that do not need attention should be checked to indicate that the item was inspected. Items that are not applicable should be OK If okay X1 Requires immediate attention "Provide Comments Regarding Inspected Items"

Requires attention next move NA Not applicable U Unable to access M Missing

X2 X3 X4

Requires attention next maintenance Requires attention when convenient COMMENTS REGARDING INSPECTED ITEMS


Cr o w n As s em b l y Make / Model: UNKNOWN DSI?


Sheaves Number of Fastline Sheaves: 1 60 Fastline Sheave Dia: Cross Over Sheaves: Cross Over Sheave Dia: Main Cluster Sheaves: 6 60 Main Cluster Sheave Dia: Deadline Sheaves: Deadline Sheave Dia: Condition: #1 SHEAVE DWKS SIDE REQUIRED GREASE TO MOVE BY HAND - OK OK Sheaves: OK OK OK OK OK


Grooves in Gauge: Spacers or Seals Grease Fittings: Bearings: Drilling Line Guards:

C r ow n P Pllatform: OK Decking: OK Holes Covered: NA Safety Gate: OK Ladder Access: OK Handrails: OK Frame Straight: OK Welds: OK Bolts and Nuts:



C r ow n S Su upport B Be eams: OK Beams Straight: OK Pins & Bolts: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds:

1.4 1.4

Addi Additi tion onal al Shea Sheave ve Asse Assemb mbli lies es in Cr Crow own: n: Name: NA Condition:

1. 1.5 5

Pa Padd-ey eyes es Und nder er th the eC Crrown own P Pla latf tfor orm m: X4 SWL Marked: NOT MARKERD FROM OEM. OK Welds: OK Pin Holes

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15301 E4929 ANNEX A

1.6 1.6


COMMENTS REGARDING INSPECTED ITEMS Fa Fall ll Arre Arrest st / Clim Climbi bing ng Assi Assist st Devi Device ce Moun Mounti ting ng:: OK Support Pole: OK Base: WIRE ROPE WEAR ON THE SHEAVE ATTACH PLATE X1 Sheave Attachment: BOLTS TOO SHORT X1 Weight Bucket Attach: OK Welds: Crown Saver Block(s): OK Safety Mesh:

NA Safety Cable: OK Block(s) Condition: OK  Attachment Strapping: OK  Strapping Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 2.0 2.1

Mas t L eg s : Front Le Leg, Dr Drillers S Siide: OK Leg Straight OK Pin Connections: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds:


Front L Le eg, Off Off Driller ers s Si Side: OK Leg Straight OK Pin Connections: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds:

2 .3

Rear Leg, Drillers Si Side: OK Leg Straight OK Pin Connections: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds:

2 .4

Rear Leg eg,, Off Off Drillers Side de:: OK Leg Straight OK Pin Connections: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pin(s) OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds:


Number of Visible Marks Applied:

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Sp re read er er s (B a ac c k Pan el el T Trr u us s se ses )):: OK Members Straight: OK Bolts: OK Pin/Bolt Hole(s): OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied:

4.0 OK Members Straight: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 5.0

Mas t Feet o r Pi v o t s : OK Condition: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 6. 6.0 0

Dea eadli dline ne Anch nchor or M Moun ountin ting: g: (Refe ferr ence ence AP APII RP 8 8B) B) OK Supports:

OK Bolts: OK  Anchor Mounting Welds: Welds : OK Brass Inserts: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 7.0 7.1

7 .2

A - Fr am e / Gi n P Po o l e: Driller's Side Legs: OK Leg Straight: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds:


Off Driller's S Siide Legs: OK Leg Straight: OK OK OK OK

Pin Hole(s): Pins: Safety Pins / Keepers: Welds:

7 .3

Spreaders Or Trusses: OK Members: OK Welds:

7 .4

Upper Connections: OK Members: OK Welds:

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Lower Connections: OK Pin Connections: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied:

See Section Section 10. 10.0 0 for Raising Sheave C Check heck L ist. 8.0 8.1

Wo r k i n g P Pll at f o r m s : Pipe Racking Platform: OK Frame Straight: OK Pin Hole(s): OK Pins OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Frame Welds: OK Working Platform: X2 Landing Platform: OK Handrails: OK Ladder Access: OK Fingers Straight: OK Finger Welds:


OK Finger Safety Line(s) OK Hoist Mounting: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 8.2

Casing Stabbing Board: NA Frame Straight: NA Welds: NA Handrails: NA Working Platform: NA Hoisting Assembly: NA Hoist Mounting: NA Lower Travel Stops: NA Pin or Bolt Holes: NA Pins or Bolts: NA Safety Pins / Keepers: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 8. 8.3 3

Tubin bing S Sup upp por ortt / Belly Boa Boarrd: NA Frame Straight: NA Welds: NA Handrails: NA Pin Holes: NA Pins: NA Safety Pins / Keepers: NA Support Cables: NA Cable Connections: Number of Visible Marks Applied:

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L ad d er s : OK Vertical Rails Straight: OK Rails In Alignment: OK Ladder Stand Offs: OK Stand Off Connections: OK Rail Welds: OK Rungs: OK Rung Welds: OK Rung Spacing: U  Access at Rig Floor: NA Cage: OK Toe Clearance: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 10 10..0 10. 10.1 1

Raisin aising g a and nd Telesco lescopin ping g S Sys yste tem m Rai Raisin sing g Line Line Sy Syst stem em:: (Ref (Refer erenc ence e API 9B) OK Wireline OK Wireline Sockets: OK Pins: OK Safety Pins / Keepers: OK Sheaves Turn Freely: OK Sheaves: OK Grooves in Gauge: OK Spacers or Seals

OK Grease Fittings: U Bearings: NA Line Guards: OK Welds: OK Equalizer Assembly: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 10 10.2 .2



Hy Hydr drau auli lic c or Te Tele lesc scop opin ing g Sy Syst stem em:: Hydraulic Cylinders - Raising: NA Seals: NA Main Ram: NA Cylinder Hinge Points: NA Hinge Pin Hole(s): NA Hinge Pins: NA Safety Pins / Keepers: NA Hoses: NA Hydraulic Hose Connections: NA Bleed Valve: Hydraulic Cylinder(s) - Telescoping: NA Seals: NA Main Ram: NA Cylinder Hinge Points: NA Pin Hole(s): NA Pins: NA Safety Pins / Keepers: NA Hydraulic Hoses: NA Hose Connections: NA Cylinder Stabilizers: NA Bleed Valve: NA Lubrication:

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 API RP 4G, 4th Edition Edition  April 2012

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15301 E4929 ANNEX A COMMENTS REGARDING INSPECTED ITEMS Mast Guides: NA Cleaned: NA Lubricated: Number of Visible Marks Applied:

11 11.0 .0

Lockin Locking gD Dev evice ice & S Sea eats ts - Telesc elescoping oping Ma Masts: sts: NA Pin Hole(s): NA Pins: NA Safety Pins / Keepers: NA Bars / Dogs or Pawls: NA Seats: NA Mechanism: Number NA 12.0

To n ng gC Co ou un n tte er we wei gh gh tts s: OK Guides: OK Weight Device: OK Sheaves/Shafts: OK Wirelines: OK Cable Clamps: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied:


13 13..0

Misce iscella llane neous ous She Sheav ave eA Asse ssembl mblie ies: s: OK Clevis/Shackle: X3 Mast Pad-eye: TORCH CUTS IN TCW PADEYES, WIRELINE PADEYE HAD BAD WELD AND TORCHED OK Sheaves: TURNS FREE U Bearings: TURNS FREE U Shafts: OK Sheave Bolt: OK Side Plate Bolts: OK Bolt Safety Pins: OK Grease Fittings: NA Safety Line: NONE ONSITE DURING THE INSPECTION


Mas t B Bo oo om m As s se em b bll y: y: NA Mounting Brackets: NA Sheaves:

NA Boom Pole: NA Support Cable/Clamps: NA Bolts/Nuts: NA Sheave Shaft: NA Bolt Safety Pins: NA Grease Fittings Number of Visible Marks Applied: 15.0

An c cii llll ar ar y E Eq qu uii pm pm e en n tt::

1 5 .1

Mud Line Clamps: OK Pipe Clamps: OK Leg Clamps: OK Welds: OK Bolts / Nuts:

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Ve Vent Li Line Cl Clam amp ps: Pipe Clamps: Leg Clamps: Welds: Bolts / Nuts:

15 15.3 .3

Clim Climbe berr As Assi sist st Sy Syst stem em:: OK Cable: X1 Cable Attachments:

(Se See e User User's 's Ma Manu nual al fo forr Sp Spec ecif ific ic In Insp spec ecti tion on Requ Requir irem emen ents ts)) WIRE ROPE WEAR ON PLATE, BOLTS TOO SHORT

OK Counter Weight: OK Sheave/Control Descent Device: 1 5 .4

Fall Arrest System: (See User's Manual for Specific Inspection Requirements) OK Cable: OK Cable Attachments: OK Device Attachment: OK Sheave/Control Descent Device: SALA I-SAFE 34006-10


Derrick Escape Device: OK Derrick Attachment: OK Cable: OK Device Condition:


Windwalls / Frames and Attachments OK OK OK OK

(See User's Manual for Specific Inspection Requirements)

Frame Condition: Frame Welds: Frame Bolts/Pins Metal Wall Sections:


Top Drive Mounting System: NA Rail(s) NA Pad-eyes: NA Mounting Brackets: NA Pins / Bolts: NA Safety Pins / Keepers: NA Cables: NA Block Dollies: NA Welds:


Paint / Coating OK Condition:

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Comm omme ents nts,, Ske Sketch tche es, a and nd / or P Pict ictur ure es:

Our inspection made in conformity withof field inspection procedures in the drilling industry necessaryinand appropriate for was maintenance and operation equipment of this kind andgenerally included accepted visual examination to the extentas practicable the field. Such inspection, because of its nature, will not necessarily disclose every item requiring corrective action and this report is not to be construed as a representation by us that no other item requiring corrective action other than those listed above exists.

Inspector's Signature:

Da Date: te:

Ow n er Rep r es en t at i v e' s Si g n at u r e:

Dat e:

10/25/2012, 8:05 PM

 API RP 4G, 4th Edition Edition  April 2012


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15302 E4929 ANNEX D

 Ann ex D Substructure Ca Category tegory III / IV - Visual Field Inspection Form Type of inspection performed (check one box only): Initial - Category IV Inspection  Category III Inspection 

Final - Category IV Inspection 

PURP PURPOS OSE E & SCOP SCOPE E OF IN INSP SPEC ECTIO TION N: Th This is repo report rt form form and and insp inspec ecti tion on proc proced edur ure e was was deve develo lope ped d as a guid guide e fo forr ma maki king ng and and repo report rtin ing g fi fiel eld d in insp spec ecti tion on in a th thor orou ough gh an and d unif unifor orm m ma mann nner er.. The The proc proced edur ure e is inte intend nded ed for for use use by oper operat atin ing g pers person onne nell (or (or a desi design gnat ated ed repr repres esen enta tati tive ve)) to the th e exte extent nt th tha at its use sati satisf sfiies cond condiitio tions for for which an insp spe ecti ction is inte ntende nded. More deta taiiled and criti ritica call insp inspe ect ctiions ons ma may y be sc sch hedule uled peri period odic ical ally ly,, or orde ordere red d to supp supple leme ment nt a prog progra ram m of thes these e insp inspec ecti tion ons; s; if subs substr truc uctu ture res s ar are e used used in th the e uppe upperr rang range e of th thei eirr load load li limi mits ts,, or if  st stru ruct ctur ures es ma may y have have been been subj subjec ecte ted d to cr crit itic ical al cond condit itio ions ns wh whic ich h coul could d effe effect ct safe safe perf perfor orma manc nce. e. This This fo form rm is prov provid ided ed st stri rict ctly ly as a guid guide, e, and and the API accepts no liability whatsoever for its use or scope.

MARKIN MAR KING G DA DAMAG MAGE E: At th the e time time of inspe spectio ction n, dama damag ged sect sectiions or equipme ipmen nt mu must st be clearl early y and vi visi sib bly ma mark rke ed so th tha at need eeded rep repairs ma may y be ma mad de. A bri bright, con contra trasti sting spra spray y paint int is sugg uggeste sted fo forr thi this. Wh Whe en rep repairs airs are are ma mad de, th the e vi visi sib ble ma mark rkiings sh sho ould uld be remo remove ved d by pain painti ting ng over over th them em.. It is al also so ne nece cess ssar ary y for for the the insp inspec ecto torr to wr writ ite e "N "Non one" e" wh when en no dama damage ge ma mark rkin ings gs are are need needed ed,, as th this is is his his indi indica cati tion on th that at the the ite tem m has has passe assed d insp nspecti ectio on. It is reco recomm mme ende nded tha that inspe nspect ctiion be ma made de with ass ssis ista tan nce of ma manu nufa fac ctu ture rer' r's s asse assemb mblly draw rawing ing and operating instructions. instructions. For items not accessible or that do not apply, draw a line through through the item pertaining to the component.


Company: Location:


Date of Manufacture:

108 23-Oct-2012 DSI

Rig #: Date: Manufacturer:

Mar-08 20' (2, 10' BOXES)

Height: UNK

Substr. Serial Number: Substructure Type:

Substructure Position:

Box on Box:


Self Elevating:





Manufacturer's Drawing Available:




 Assembly Drawings Drawings Used iin n Inspection:




Nameplate on Structure:




Component Numbers Present:




Inspected By:

10/25/2012, 7:44 PM



 API RP 4G, 4th Edition  April 2012



Lee C. Moore, A Woolslayer Company

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15302 E4929 ANNEX D


It Item ems s th that at do no nott need need at atte tent ntio ion n shou should ld be chec checke ked d to indi indica cate te that that the the item item was was insp inspec ecte ted. d. It Item ems s th that at are are not not appl applic icab able le sh shou ould ld be ma mark rked ed in the the box box as "NA "NA" (not (not appl pliicab cable) e).. Ite Items tha that are warped rped,, worn, rn, dama mage ged d, crac cracke ked d welds, ds, rust rusted ed,, bent nt,, in need of repa repaiir or repl repla aceme cemen nt, or  otherwise in need of further attention, mark an "X" "X" in  in the box and provide comments on the inspected items. OK NA U M

If okay Not applicable Unable to access Missing

X1 X2 X3 X4

Requires immediate attention Requires attention next move Requires attention next maintenance Requires attention when convenient

"Provide Comments Regarding Inspected Items"


Shoe hoes, s, Pedes edesta tals: ls: OK Pin Connections: OK Pin Holes: OK Bolt Connection Connections: s: OK Bolt Holes: OK Pins / Bolts: OK Safety Pins: OK Support Beams: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 2.0

Fl oo oo r A Arr ea ea: OK Floor Plates: OK Handrails & Toe Boards: OK Handrail Connections: OK Setback Material: OK Floor Bracing: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 3.0 3.0

Su Sub b-S Spre pread aders ers a and nd R Rota otary ry Be Beam ams: s: OK Rotary Beams: OK Spreaders: OK Pin Connections: OK Pin Holes: OK Pins: OK Pad-eyes: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 4. 4.0 0

Deadlin eadline e An Ancho chorr Mo Mounti unting: ng: OK Supports: OK Bolts: OK Flooring: NA Breakover Assembly: OK Handrails: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied:

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Subs ubstruc tructure ture Comp ompone onents: nts: OK Beams Straight: OK Cross Braces: OK Pin / Bolt Holes: OK Pin / Bolts: OK Safety Pins: OK Pull Back Posts: OK Drawworks Tiedowns: OK Welds: OK BOP Anchor Pad-Eyes: OK Pad-eyes: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 6.0

En gi gi n e Fo un un da dati on on : OK Support Beams: OK Cross Braces: OK Pin / Bolt Holes: OK Pins / Bolts: OK Safety Pins: OK Pad-eyes: Number of Visible Marks Applied:

7.0 7.0

En Engine gine Founda Foundation tion Sprea Spreade ders: rs: OK Beams: OK Cross Braces: OK Pins / Bolt Holes: OK Pins / Bolts: OK Safety Pins: OK Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 8.0

BO BOP PT Tro ro llll ey ey Be Bea ams ms:: NA Beams: NA Pin Holes: NA Pins: NA Safety Pins: NA Welds: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 9.0

Rai si si n g E Eq q ui ui pme pmen n t: NA Pin Connections: NA Pin Holes: NA Pins: NA Wirelines: NA Sheaves: NA Bearings: NA Seals: NA Grease Fittings: NA Hydraul Hydraulic ic Winches: NA Hydraulic Cylinders: NA Hydraulic Hoses: NA Cylinder Hinge: Number of Visible Marks Applied:

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15302 E4929 ANNEX D COMMENTS REGARDING INSPECTED ITEMS 10.0 10.0 Sta Stairs irs / Landings / F Flooring looring / Ha Handrails: ndrails: OK Welds: OK Pin / Bolt Holes: OK Pins / Bolts: OK Floor Plating: OK Stair Tread Spacing OK Handrail Sockets: Number of Visible Marks Applied: 11.0 11.0 Pa Paint int / Co Coatin ating g OK Condition:

12.0 12.0 Sk Skidding idding E Equipme quipment nt OK Pad-eyes: OK Pins: OK Beam Clamps: NA Jacks: NA Jacking Motors: NA Jacking Rack:

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15302 E4929 ANNEX D 13.0 13.0 Comme Comments, nts, Dra Drawings, wings, and / or P Pictures: ictures:

Our inspection was made in conformity with field inspection procedures generally accepted in the drilling industry as necessary and appropriate for maintenance and operation of equipment of this kind and included visual examin examination ation to the extent practicable in the field. Such inspection, becaus because e of its nature, will not necessarily dis disclose close every item requiring corrective action and this report is not to be construed as a representation by us that no other item requiring corrective action other than those listed above exists.

Inspector' s Signature:

Date: Date:

Owner Representative's Signature:______________________________________ 


10/25/2012, 7:44 PM

 API RP 4G, 4th Edition  April 2012


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