Insect Unit - Bugs Bugs Everywhere

December 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Summer Curriculum Work 2011 Unit Template All of the units designed to align with the “Common Core” standards will be formatted in the same manner in order to facilitate usage of many teachers over time. The following template includes five components and provides p rovides the required format.

Component 1: Overview 1. Abstract:  In this unit, students will be able to…collaborate to…collaborate with each other to learn about the characteristics, habitats, geographical locations, and behaviors of different inds of bugs. !tudents will also learn about safety precautions when handling bugs and equipment during observations.   2. Grade ade Ra Range: ge: "st#$nd grade 3. Big Big Idea Idea! !T" T"em eme: e: %ugs, %ugs, &verywhere' #. $e $ent ntia iall %ue %ueti tion on: a. (hat (hat are are the char charact acteri eristi stics cs of an insec insect) t)  b. (here do insects live) c. *ame *ame the the par parts ts of of an inse insect ct.. d. +ow are are inse insects cts the the same samedif differ ferent ent)) e. (hat (hat is is tthe he life life cycle cycle of an inse insect) ct) f. -esc -escrribe ibe sym symmet etry ry &. Scope: Content!Skill!'ement! 21t Centur( Skill T"eme ). (riting Content: eading, !cience, (riting Skill:  Reading:  Reading:   listen to and re#tell important facts about spiders and insects. Science: various Science:  various insectspider observations

 Writing: Writing:    Comparecommunicate and contrast learned insects and spiders, spiders, write a parent questionnaire, effectively nowledge 'ement: /0ndividual assessments will align with each lesson eading1predications, comprehension questions, compare and contrast !cience1hands#on observations and activities (riting1story (rit ing1story writing, parent questionnaire, 2ournals 21t  Centur( T"eme: &nvironmental 3iteracy *. !equence: Appro4imately 5 wees


Component 2: Standards/ Desired Outcomes *See each lesson plan for appropriate and specic standards

Component 3: Lesson Plans T"e leon plan pro+ided in t"e unit "ould ,e +aried and deigned in uc" a -a( a to engage all tudent in t"e learning proce.

equirements: $SS/ 'S 0nquiry 3esson1%ugs, %ugs, &verywhere' 3et6s tal about spiders and bugs • 73esson "#wee "8 • 0nquiry 3esson1%ugs, %ugs, &verywhere' (hat 0nsect Am 0) 73esson $#wee "8 0nquiry 3esson#%ugs, %ugs, &verywhere' +abitat Collage 73esson 9#wee $8 • -irect 0nstruction#%ugs, %ugs, &verywhere' The ery ery +ungry Caterpillar • 73esson 5#wee $ and 98 • •

!0;#wee 58

Notes on Diferentiation Diferentiation

$plain "o- t"e ollo-ing component o dierentiation are incorporated in t"e unit: ". ?se of a meaningful pre#assessment: pre#assessments will be administered before all lessons in order to obtain obtain prior nowledge and reading levels. This will be done through, whole class discussions, 2ournal writing, and T#charts. T#charts.

$. Combination of whole#class, fle4ible fle4ible groups, and individual instr instruction uction will occur throughout the unit. !tudents will be engaged in small small group, hands#on e4periments and activities. 9. ariety ariety of materials used and learning styles addressed through viewing ?nited !treaming videos, hands#on e4periments, small group interactions, whole group activities, writing 2ournals, art and dancing will be incorporated. 5. %alance between teacher#assigned and student#selected student#selected activities: activities: 0ntroduction to the unit and new vocabulary and concepts will be done during whole group instruction. The remaining e4periments and insect observations will be done by students in groups. =. 0nterventions and e4tensionsmodifications e4tensionsmodifications as appropriate: see each les lesson son for specifics.


 Notes on 21 st  Century Skills

21t Centur( T"eme: &nvironmental 3iteracy 21t Centur( Skill!: earning and Inno+ation  Skill   Communication and Colla,oration •

• •

?se communication for a range of purposes pu rposes 7e.g. to inform, instruct, motivate and  persuade8 Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication sills in a variety of forms and conte4ts ?tili@e multiple media and technologies, and now how to 2udge their effectiveness a priori as well as assess their impact Assume shared responsibility for collaborative wor, and value the individual contributions made by each team member  (or (o r creatively with others -emonstrate ability to wor effectively and respectfully with diverse teams

  Student application o 21t Centur( kill during t"i unit: synthesi@e and mae connections between information o interpret information and draw conclusions o


4I5$ 6$7 $SS/ '8 INQUIRY   $SS/ TIT$: TIT$: Bug9 Bug $+er(-"ere8et Talk ',out Spider and Bug T;$ /4 $SS/:



rades "#$

$'RIG G/': !tudents will be learning about spiders and insects. (e will focus on their differences and how spiders are not really considered c onsidered true insects. ?$; %U$STI/:  

+ow are spiders and insects different)

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