Inquiry Based Learning & Localization & Contextualization
Short Description
seminar science...
INQUIRY BASED APPROACH Mass Training of Teachers for Grade of !he " !o #$ Enhanced Basic Ed%ca!ion Progra& Ma' #( ) $#* $+#,
OBJECTIVES By the end of the session, participants will… • Identify the 3 domains of learning science, • Identify the core learning standards, st andards, • Describe the essential features of the K-12 cience curriculum, and • !ppreciate the signi"cant role of the science curriculum in de#eloping and producing a scienti"cally, technologically, $ en#ironme en#ironmentally ntally
SCIENCE CURRICULUM GOAL de#elopment of scienti"cally scienti"cally,, technologically,, technologically and en#ironmentally en#ironmentally literate literate and producti#e members of society who manifest s&ills as a critical problem sol#ers, responsible stewards of nature, inno#ati#e and creati#e citi'ens, informed decision ma& ma&ers, ers,
Filipino Learners
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK IN SCIENCE EUCAT EUCATION ION )he cience curriculum is designed around three domains of learning science%
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK IN SCIENCE EUCATION )he cience curriculum is designed around three domains of learning science%
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK IN SCIENCE EUCATION )he cience curriculum is designed around three domains of learning science%
"e#ons$ra$e %n"ers$an"in& o' (asi) s)ien)e )on)ep$s an" appli)a$ion o' s)ien)e*in+%ir, s-ills.
e/!i(i$ s)ien$i'i) a$$i$%"es an" 0al%es $o sol0e pro(le#s )ri$i)all,.
inno0a$e (ene'i)ial pro"%)$s.
CORELEARNING LEARNI NG A REAS TANDARDS CORE AREA STANARS • pro$e)$ $!e en0iron#en$ an" )onser0e reso%r)es. • en!an)e $!e in$e&ri$, an" 1ellness o' people2 • #a-e in'or#e" "e)isions. • an" en&a&e in "is)%ssions o' rele0an$ iss%es $!a$ in0ol0e s)ien)e2 $e)!nolo&,2 an" en0iron#en$3
FEATURES o' $!e S)ien)e C%rri)%l%# Learner* )en$ere"
Spiral pro&ression
In+%ir, *(ase" C%l$%re* sensi$i0e
*I+*+ *..I*/ 0
E0i"en)e* (ase"
Inuiry De"ned • In-%ir' is a ",na#i) approa)! $o learnin& $!a$ in0ol0es4 5 exploring the world, 5 asking questions, 5 making discoveries, and 5 rigorously testing those discoveries in the search for new understanding.
Essen$ial C!ara)$eris$i)s o' In+%ir, 1% tudents begin with a question that can be answered in a scienti"c way% 2% tudents gather evidence in attempting to answer the uestion% 3% tudents form an explanation to answer the uestion based on the e#idence collected% (National Science Education Standards, 1
Essen$ial C!ara)$eris$i)s o' In+%ir, % tudents evaluate their eplanation based on scienti"c &nowledge% 4% tudents communicate and justify their proposed eplanations% (National Science Education Standards, 19
IN6UIR7 BASE INSTRUCTION • More s$%"en$ )en$ere"2 1i$! $!e $ea)!er as a 'a)ili$a$or o' learnin& • E#p!asis on 8!o1 1e )o#e $o -no18 an" less on 81!a$ 1e -no18 • Assess#en$ is 'o)%se" on "e$er#inin& $!e pro&ress o' s-ills "e0elop#en$ in a""i$ion $o )on$en$ %n"ers$an"in& • Con)erne" 1i$! in*s)!ool s%))ess e+%all, 1i$! prepara$ion 'or li'e*lon& learnin&
Is In+%ir, E''e)$i0e 'or Learnin&9 • In $!eir re0ie1 o' li$era$%re repor$in& in0es$i&a$ions o' #i""le s)!ool in+%ir,* (ase" s)ien)e 'ro# :;;< $o =
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