Inglese 3 Unita 2-10 Answers

January 26, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UNITÁ 2 Esercizio 1 You seem really confident when you are sky diving but you come across as quite shy when you are with new people. He Always carries off about base jumping – he never talks about anything else If being let down from the outside world doesn't bother you, try a session in an anechoic chamber a soundless room. My vow of silence seemed to bring out unusual behaviour in people I met with. The mountainside was covered in ice and I had to  slide down on my bottom. I enjoy the speed of a rollercoaster but I hate floating round those giant loops. He didn't want to talk about his volcano-boarding experience so he tried to soar  quietly upstairs hoping nobody would notice. Zorbin Zor bing g can make you dizzy dizzy because because it involves involves rolling  over and over downhill inside a giant  plastic ball.

Esercizio 2 Learners always bombard the instructor instructor with lots of questions questions about parachute safety before they start. I've vowed to be silent tomorrow but I'm sure a few words will slip out when I'm not thinking. Adam joined thewhen skydiving thinking it would help himmanages to relateto  better to other back people. Jess gets angry peoplegroup, criticise snowboarders but she hold herself - she just keeps quiet. You  leap leap energetically off a platform high above the valley, count to 20 and then open your   parachute. Could you walk upright in the cave, or did you have to crawl on your knees along the floor? The noise from all the cars as they zoom round the race track is deafening. Sarah hurt her foot volcano-boarding and had to limp back to the campsite in pain.

Esercizio 3 Thirty sports club members went skydiving yesterday and the same number did a base jump.

as Thirty sports club members went skydiving yesterday and just as many of them did a base jump. My speed increased as I snowboarded down the mountain


I went increasingly faster and faster in speed as I snowboarded down the mountain. If you are so frightened when you go zip-lining, why do you do it?

Such If you find zip-lining to be such a frightening thing to do, why do you do it? If standards of safety are not satisfactory, the roller coaster will be closed.

sufficiently The roller coaster will be closed if standards of safety are not sufficiently high. I've never been zorbing and I have no intention of starting now.

about I've never been zorbing and I am not about to start now. We haven't decided yet but there's a possibility we'll go white water rafting next weekend.


We haven't decided yet but we might go white water rafting next weekend.


Chris Bond is expected to break the land speed record at next Saturday's race.

due Chris Bond is due to break the land speed record at next Saturday's race. Don't take your eyes off the girl on the base jump platform - she'll jump any second now.

About Don't take your eyes off the girl on the base jump platfor Don't platform m becaus becausee second now.

No makeup for a week 

she is about to  jump any

Esercizio 4

It might not seem an extreme extreme thing to do but, for me, living without makeup makeup for a week was a big deal. I recently went on a yoga retreat, where no makeup was allowed. I don't wear nearly as much lipstick or eye shadow as some of my friends, but my face is so spotty that I'm embarrassed about it and always try to cover it: the more makeup I wear,  the more confident I feel. But, at the yoga retreat, I had to show my naked face to other people. It was considerably easier than I'd expected expected and after a few days without makeup my skin was by far the healthiest it's ever been. So am I thinking of making a habit of going without makeup? I’ll see. The experience has changed my  priorities. In future, I  am going to greet  people with a smile and not worry whether my spots s pots are visible. Also, I'm keeping my face completely natural for two days a week. I'm not about to throw my makeup bag away but from now on I will be feeling less anxious about my appearance.

UNITÁ 3 Esercizio 1 Another jump in interest rates will leave borrowers facing financial hardship as they attempt to repay their loans. Many believe that it is right for people from more affluent societies to help those in poverty. Until I qualified for a pay rise, I used to struggle to live  within my means. The south of the city has long been its most  impoverished area with incomes well below average. Very little light penetrated the forest canopy far above us and it was nearly dark even at midday. The jungle was so dense at that point that we just couldn't go on any further. Our countryside is typically one of rich, green meadows, forests and gentle hills, and cows eating the grass. It's hard to believe there are any areas of untouched wilderness out there where people rarely set foot.

Esercizio 2 Recent government policy has been to raise people's disposable income through cutting taxes to  put more money in their pockets. These days I only make ends meet by doing a second job - without without it, I'd have big money  problems. We were a comparatively well off family - we were the only ones in the street with a car, for example My grandmother's childhood was so deprived that her parents couldn't even afford shoes for her. Chile's Atacama desert is the most arid in the world, receiving as little as 1mm of rainfall annually. We struggled through the mosquito-infested damp swamp, hoping to reach dry land la nd by nightfall. What first attracted visitors to the island were its pristine beaches, so peaceful and pleasant and completely unspoilt by any tourism industry.


Esercizio 3 Surviving in a Desert Island Paradise. Could you survive on a deserted island? Travel writer Martin Hewings decided to find out! I'd always wanted to escape, to get back to nature. But not until last year did I manage - briefly - to make my dream come true when, with an equally crazy friend, I found myself on a beautiful deserted island somewhere in the Philippines. Never before had I felt so alive. It was everything I had dreamed of: stunningly beautiful, long pristine beaches and nobody in sight! This was just what we had been talking about back home! But on our first night we wanted to set up camp, cook our rice and watch the sunset. Little did we know that swarms of starving mosquitos had other ideas. Forced into hiding, we went hungry for the night! Only when morning came were we finally able to eat. But we learned and things got better - our days were spent swimming, making fires and cooking. Occasionally I would attept to catch fish, usually unsuccessfully. Time almost ceased to exist. We had no commitments other than surviving and home seemed a world away, but reality inevitably caught up with us. No sooner had we arrived, it seemed, than we had to leave.

Esercizio 4 You should never be late for your classes at school for any reason.

circumstances Under absolutely no circumstances should you ever be late for your classes at school. I never realised Rebecca would be so upset about me forgetting her birthday.

Realize Little did I realize how upset Rebecca would be about me forgetting her birthday. We didn't have any calls at all from Carrie while she was away.

Once  Not once did she call us while she was away. We didn't know the concert was over until the lights came on.

when Only when the light came on we know the concert was over. From take off to landing, our flight to Australia took 16 hours.

Flying By the time we landed in Australia

we had been flying for 16 hours.

The horse Steve was riding kicked him, leaving a large bruise on his leg.


There was a large bruise on Steve's leg where he had been kicked by the horse he was riding. My childhood dream of visiting the jungle had come true and now here I was.

would When I was a child  I would dream of visiting the jungle and now here I was. When she got to the airport check-in desk, Alison suddenly remembered her passport needed renewing.

forgotten It wasn't until she got to the airport check-in desk that Alison realised that renew her passport.

she had forgotten to

UNITÁ 4 Thomas is counting an experiment to discover wheter people manke judgments about others subconsciously or logically Jamie had a hunch that his favourite team would win tha championship.


It is believed that same people, when assessing the character of others, are particularly sensitive to  body language. When trying to decide between two job offers, it’s best just to go with your gut instinct. I vaguely remember waiting to become an astronaut I have some quite painful memories of my first ever job interview. Before going to a job interview it’s sensible to refresh your memory of  what you write in your application. I have a distant memomry of being read to every night as a child.

Esercizio 2 Sam’s really rational – he’s a very logical thinker, but I get go with instinct. It’s wise to weigh up the pros and cons in your mind before taking a decision. When Bill asked me to marry him I didn't think twice about it - I said yes straightaway. We decided to spend New Year in Australia; we didn't hesitate for a second - it was a spontaneous decision. I have extremely vivid memories of dancing on the beach with my friends which means I can remember every detail. Fred and I will both always treasure the memory of our wonderful wedding. So many things slip my mind - I just can't remember things. My sister has a lasting memory of who all her teachers were - she just doesn't forget them.

Esercizio 3 A terrible storm There were some terribly strong winds in our town last week. Many house which are located in the historic centre were badly damaged. The windows of lots of house now need repairing. One of the oldest buildings in the town even had its roof blown off. Also many trees got blown down by the wind, causing a large number of traffic problems the following morning. What is normally a halfhour drive to work took me two hours on the morning after the storm. It was particularly bad for   people living in the north of the town. Fortunately, it happened at night and no one got injured by the storm. However, now people are arguing about how best to get everything fixed. The local government is working on a plan to deal with all the problems. But it's certainly going to take a long time before they can get everything repaired.

Esercizio 4 decided to employ more staff and this was very well received. The company Decision The company’s decision to employ more staff was very well received. It took twenty minutes to get to the station.

 journey It was a twenty-minutes journey to get to the station. Jane suspected Peter of lying to her.

feeling Jane had the feeling that Peter was lying to her. They made the decision to go somewhere where they could spend a few days relaxing.

to They made the decision to go somewhere to relax for a few days. When the plumber comes, please make sure he repairs the shower too.



Please the plumber have repair the shower as well when he comes. It's not difficult to lose your way in an unfamiliar town.

lost It's not difficult to get yourself lost in an unfamiliar town. We must arrange for someone to service our car before we go on holiday.

have We must arrange to HAVE OUR CAR SERVICED by someone before we go on holiday. John has the ability to make people do things they don't want to do.

getting John is good at getting people to do things that they don't want to do.

UNITÁ 5 Esercizio 1 Following a short trial, the girl was convicted of possession of a controlled substance and sent to  prison. Think very carefully before you make an allegation of corruption against the police. The two teenagers are being held in custody at the local police station. Employers were reluctant to give Jane a job because she’d served a prison sentence. Jobs in the financial sector are extremely well paid, especially for investment bankers Conditions for workers in the retail sector need improving, especially for cashiers in supermarkets. The energy sector deals with the exploration and development of oil and gas reserves. Opportunities in the agricultural sector, particularly in dairy farming and fishing, are expected to decline.

Esercizio 2 The accused decided to plead guilty to speeding on the motorway and left court with a fine. Charges of bribery and corruption were brought against the head of financial services for accepting money illegally. Mark agreed to give testimony in court that he had witnessed the incident. Does anyone know the reason why the woman is being held in custody until her trial? Zero hours contracts are becoming more common in the industrial sector as factory owners are struggling to make money. The sector has suffered due to the decline of traditional industries, such as steel and coal.manufacturing Matthew worked in the construction ector all his life until he was injured on a building site. Do you think it should be illegal for public sector workers, like government workers or the police, to go on strike?

Esercizio 3 Working as a hotel receptionist  Naomi made her way through the the entrance of the hotel and mentally prepared herself for work. The reason that she'd taken the hotel reception job was because there was nothing else available. There  just didn't seem to be any vacancies in the field in which she was trained - that of an events manager. She didn’t mind spending a few months being nice to people on reception, but she certainly wasn't prepared to stay beyond the summer, by which time she hoped there would be a more suitable job available. If not, she would go travelling. The friend whose flat she shared had said she'd come with her. The worst thing about the job was the night shifts she had to do, as a result of which, some weekends, she was no longer free to go partying with her friends. She was


also supposed to look fresh and alert through the night! Her boss  had no objection to her taking  breaks, of course, but she still found it hard.

Esercizio 4 Tonia’s boss was happy to give her a day off. Problem Tonia’s boss didn’t have problem with giving her a day off  James is willy to work late occasionally. Against James isn’t against to work  late  late f the guilty person confesses, the witnesses can leave.

case The guilty person may confess, in which case the witnesses can leave. The only thing we can do is ask Mark to resign.

choice We have no choice but ask for Mark's resignation. Legally, the name of the youth in custody cannot be made known.

named The youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is in custody. Talk to the person who has the job of dealing with complaints.

whose Talk to the person whose job it is to deal with complaints. The rules say that all employees should wear helmets.

supposed The rules say that helmets are supposed to be worn by all employees. I was surprised that Jon didn't want to speak in public.

mind I thought Jon would not mind speaking in public, but he did.

UNITÁ 6 Esercizio 1 Ben’s photos are simple yet well-composed, created without using any complex equipment or elaborate technique. The painting was evocative of life in a rural village, and brought back many memories of my childhood. Darkness is a very gritty film exploring the violence and poverty of life in an overcrowded city. This photographer’s work is technically perfect – in fact, every one of his images is flawless. Katie was totally speechless when I told her that she’d the first prize in the dance competition. The play was so boring that the audience quickly became restless and stopped concentrating on it. I felt absolutely petrified the first time I had to sing in front of a live audience. It was wonderful to see the children’s gleeful smiles as they watched the film Toy story.

Esercizio 2 I like to take photos that can reveal something meaningful and important about the human situation. Some photographers have a dark serious style while others are more humorous and light. These photographic images are simple yet powerful, and leave a strong impression on you. His photos of landscapes are very  bleak and generally offer a rather pessimistic view of life. This photo really captures the protective behaviour of a mother lion looking looking after her young. In the photo he looks so guilty and ashamed, covering his face and looking at the ground.


The kitten in this photo looks so tiny and helpless you just want to take care of it. Although Bella is a talented musician, she's rather insecure and lacking in confidence, and needs constant reassurance.

Esercizio 3 Sunrise on the Coast As a professional photographer, I’m often praised for my skills. However in my career I’ve taken a hundred unsuccessful photos for every one that has turned out right. It always astonishes me how much my best photos involved an element of luck. Having won several of this year’s top  photography prizes, I suppose that sounds like false modesty but honestly it’s true. Take for example, my Sunrise on the Coast shot, which recently came first in the wild nature photograph of the year competition. How I got it is a simple story. Arriving at the beach early one dark morning in March, the scene looked uninspiring. I wondered whether it was actually worth unpacking my gear but decided to wait till sunrise and found a rock to sit on. Then, just as the sun rose, I saw a huge cloud approaching it, and at that moment I quickly took the shot. Using a fairly fast camera speed, I was able to capture the light on the rolling waves below in a way that created a totally magical effect.

Esercizio 4 Mel has got an appointment with her tutor at 9.30 tomorrow to discuss her art project.

seeing Mel is seeing tutor at 9.30 tomorrow to discuss her art project. Ben started playing volleyball at the end of the summer two years ago.

playing By the end of this summer Ben will have been playing volleyball for two years. It's annoying how often Kirsty takes photos of the people that she's with.

constantly Kristy is constantly taking photos of the people that she's with. Do you believe what Matt said about painting those pictures himself?

honest Do you think that Matt was being honest when he said that he painted those pictures himself? I saw how expensive the cost of living in London was and decided not to move there.

having I decided not to move to London, having seen expensive the cost of living was. The thief was able to get into the house after forcing the window open.

window Having forced open the window, the thief was able to get into the house. Anyone wanting to go on the theatre trip should sign the list on the notice board.

who Anyone who want’s to go on the theatre trip should sign the list on the notice board. As it was the first time Joe had been skiing, he found the lessons quite tiring.

been  Never having been skiing before, Joe found the lessons quite tiring.

UNITÁ 7 Esercizio 1

Some scientists believe people from cooler countries one more with different ideas.

open minded and tolerant of people


Digging the hard earth with old-fashioned tools was backbreaking word, but it was reading to be  part of a team. The jakes about Fred were just intended as a bit of light-hearted fun, but he look them seriously. It’s mind-boggling to image that robot could replace human nurses in hospitals one day. Online friendship can help people living in remote areas to overcome isolation and feel more connected. Being able to contact his parents easily gave Harry a sense of security when he first left hone. That’s great optimism Artificial intelligence scientists about their ability to develop a robot robot with human consciousness. After long on her own, less found it difficult to adapt to the intimacy of family life

Esercizio 2 It's heartbreaking to think some people have no family or friends to talk to when they are old. I'm very absent-minded so I'd love a robot who could remind me to do things when I forget them. It amazes me how Lifelike robots look these days; their hair and skin is almost like a human's. The chef created a mouth-watering selection of dishes from different countries. Once Tom got over his initial nervousness  about singing in front of an audience, he gained confidence. Many elderly people suffer from loneliness with some spending days or even weeks without seeing family or friends. One example of innovation in this company has been the creative use of social media. When I worked abroad, my reluctance to speak the local language was mistaken for rudeness by colleagues.

Esercizio 3 THE VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT The Voynich manuscript is an illustrated, handwritten book. What is so fascinating about this book is the fact that it is totally unique. Virtually the only thing that is certain is that, it dates from the  period between 1404 and 1438. 1438. The book may have been created in northern Italy, but nobody knows for sure. It is full of strange pictures of plants, animals, people, stars and planets, but it is the writing in it which really fascinates people. It is written in an unknown language. There are a few Latin words, but experts can't tell whether these were added later or not. Although the Voynich manuscript is centuries old, it wasn't until the early twentieth century that its existence was revealed. At first, many people were convinced that it must have been created by an art forger in recent times. It was only after the manuscript had undergone carbon dating that it was proved to be a genuine Mediaeval artefact. But what is it? Some people believe that it was written as a guide to herbal medicine. However, nobody has yet deciphered the strange script, and there is only a slim chance that anyone ever will.

Esercizio 4 This article couldn't have been written by a professional journalist.

way There's no way that this article could have been written by a professional journalist. I'm certain that Milly is going to make friends quickly at university.

bound I think that Milly is bound to make friends quickly at university. I'm sure that David was lonely when he first left home.



David must have been lonely when he first left home. I guess Emma didn't enjoy the party much – she left early.

couldn't Emma couldn't have enjoyed the party much – she left early. In his presentation, Josh said something really interesting about social networks.

said In his presentation, what losh said about social network really interesting. Technology concerns me because it's making us more disconnected from each other.

is The reason why tecnology concerns concerns me is that it's making us more disconnected from each other. Above all, more time is needed for scientists to develop conscious robots.

need What scientists need is more time to develop conscious robots. I only realised I'd lost my mobile when I got home.

until It was not until I got home I realised I'd lost my mobile.

UNITÁ 8 Esercizio 1  Now she’s had a cup of coffee, she’s wide awake! I read in bed but I often drift off and wake up with my book on my face! If you’re tired, why don’t you have a nap for about twenty minutes? Do you find that in hot weather you just toss and turn in bed and can’t get to sleep? He looked very young for years, but now he’s beginning to show his age. David’s hair is thinning at the front and on the top of his head ; he'll be bald soon. Veronica’s husband has just discovered that he’s got heart trouble and may need an operation. She was born with fair hair and lots of freckles  on her face, which get darker in the sunshine.

Esercizio 2 She's such a light sleeper that the slightest noise wakes her up. People who regularly don't get enough sleep are said to suffer from I felt so stressed I didn't sleep a wink  last  last night!


My son is really restless in bed; he moves around so much, his sheets keep falling on the floor! He was so unhappy with the shape of his nose that, in the end, he had plastic surgery Some people use face cream to try to prevent wrinkles My grandmother hasn't had her injection against flu yet this winter. You should be doing regular cardiovascular exercise like cycling and running to keep your heart healthy.

Esercizio 3 Frozen in time Medical science in constantly improving and can offer patients better treatments every year. Suppose a friend of yours Went to see a doctor – but 200 years in the future! Can you image what that Would be like? In 1948 a scientist called Robert Ettinger wrote a short story for a magazine about a man brought back to life after centuries of Being frozen, then in the early 1960s, Ettinger wrote a book, The Prospect of Immortality, about Freezing  people in the hope that science will advance enough in the future to bring them back to life, a process known as ‘cryonics’. The book also described how ageing could Be reversed. In 1967, a retire psychology professor became the


first cryonics volunteer. volunteer. He mightn’t have done so if he Hadn’t read Ettinger’s book. In 1976 Ettinger founded the Cryonics Institute. When he died, aged 92, he became the 106th person To be frozen there. Cryonics enthusiasts believe cold storage gives them hope of a wonderful afterlife: the future. Should they be right, they will be part of a remarkable adventure!

Esercizio 4 You can tell John to eat a varied and balanced diet but it won't help – he just refuses!

point There's absolutely no point telling John to eat a varied and balanced diet – he just refuses! When Jane's dentist gave her a free tube of whitening toothpaste for her yellowing teeth, she was rather surprised. be  Jane was rather surprised to be given a free tube of whitening toothpaste for her yellowing teeth by her dentist. Sleeping for eight hours a day is not something you actually need to do, according to some scientists.

necessary It's not actually necessary to sleep for eight hours a day, according to some scientists. I didn't take regular cardiovascular exercise when I was younger, and I really wish I had!

taken I very much regret not having taken regular cardiovascular exercise when I was younger! I'll try that moisturising cream on condition that you never tell me what's in it!

as I'll try that moisturising cream as long as you never tell me what's in it! For younger-looking skin, would you like to try snail slime cream or emu oil?

Rather For younger-looking skin, would you rather try snail slime cream or emu oil? Hopefully, with enough money in the bank, I’ll have some plastic surgery next year.

afford Hopefully, if I can afford it, I’ll have some plastic surgery next year. The only reason she lost all that weight was because she went on a calorie-controlled diet.

if  She wouldn’t have lost all that weight if she hadn’t gong on a calorie-controlled diet. UNITÁ 9 Esercizio 1  Now that it’s been restored, the statue looks as good as new. This was once known as the cleanest town in the region, so let’s try to regain that title. I really believe the council should reinstate the parking restrictions in the centre, there were fewer  problems before.  New cafès and fashionable shops have helped to rejuvenate this area There’s a growing trend to turn old warehouse , previously used for storage, indo residential accommodation. I’d love to be very rich and live in a huge historic mansion in the countryside! The new town hall is so nondescript – it’s just like any other office black. That style of architecture was very fashionable sixty years ago. Now it just looks a little

Esercizio 2



The flat's in poor condition, so the new owner's going to Renovate it before moving in. They're going to Recreate a nineteenth-century classroom in the museum. What can be done to Redevelop the area around the station and provide more shops? Cleaning it up and planting some trees and flowers should be enough to Revamp the town square. I can't stand the way that 50-floor Skyscraper  blocks out all the sunlight from the street. That ugly modern building looks Out of place in this beautiful old part of town. The castle is so Imposing, it makes all the other buildings look really small and insignificant. The new apartment building has a luxury penthouse overlooking the river.

Esercizio 3 Living in a shipping container  Reporter Nola Grant visits visits an unusual unusual home home Shipping containers are giant metal boxes used for transporting goods from one side of the world to the other. Imaginative homeowners are proving that they can also be fantastic places to live. In London's Container City, around 70 people live in multicoloured shipping containers which are  piled up on top of One another, four storeys high. I met two of the residents, designers Susie and Alan Froom, Relaxing in their forty-square-metre container home. Don't they get in each other’s way? I ask them. ' Not a bit,' says Susie. 'It's a great place to live, although we were a little nervous about it at first, because it is such a small space. It's very cosy and we often Feel as though we're living in a small boat. We both have to make quite an effort to keep it tidy, but That’s not done us any harm. I wasn't very well-organised before moving here, and Neither was Alan.' I wonder whether they'll stay if they have children. 'I Expect so says Susie. 'But maybe we'll need two containers!'

Esercizio 4 Amelia felt extremely angry when they knocked down the house where she was born.

herself  Amelia was beside herself with anger when they knocked down the house where she was  born. Do you prefer visiting a new city alone, or with a guide?

by Do you think it's better to

 or with a guide? visit a new city by yourself  or

The tourists got very confused by the underground system, and ended up on the wrong side of town.

Found After getting very confused by the underground system, the tourist found themselves on the wrong side of town. You're all welcome to take a brochure with details of the new development if you want one.

help Please help yourselves to a brochure with details of the new development if you want one. The council failed to keep their promise to improve facilities at the library and that's why  people complained.

so The council promised to improve facilities at the library, but failed

to do so and that's why

 people complained. The problems with the local buses are the high prices and the lack of comfort.



The problem is the local buses are neighter cheap nor comfortable. I live in a semi-detached house, so my home and my neighbour's are mirror images, which feels strange when I visit her.

mine I live in a semi-detached house, so my neighbour's home is the mirror feels strange when I visit her. Olivia loves big cities and most of her friends love them too.

image of mine which

so Olivia loves big cities and

so do most of her friends. UNITÁ 10

Esercizio 1 The speech was interesting bit he went Into far too much detail about the latest figures. I’m going to curte to the manager to voice my Concerns about the poor customer service. Graphs and tables are an axellent way of Baking up your arguments. The best presenters Illustrate their points with well-designed slides. The anecdote the presenter told us was a bit Far-fetched no-one believed it was actually true In many cultures, it's  Customary for a couple to give each other a ring when they get married. I don’t want to Tempt fate, but it looks like we’re going  to win his contest! Even though it's sunny at the moment, bring a raincoat just to be on the safe  side

Esercizio 2 This document should Summarise the key points, but I am happy to give more detail if needed. The author says he wrote the biography because he wanted to  Pay tribute to one of the world's greatest actors. Let me Conclude by thanking all of you for attending the conference and for offering your valuable valuable contributions. Don't take any notice of his throwaway remarks – not everything in his speech was meant to be taken seriously.  Not everyone has the good Fortune to be born somewhere as beautiful as this. I don't believe in ghosts – there has to be a Plausible explanation for those noises. What the fortune teller said was certainly very Convincing – she almost made me believe I'd marry a millionaire! The weather should be perfect for the wedding tomorrow, touch wood.

Esercizio 3 The curse of winning the lottery How many people do you know who'd love to win the lottery? It Is considered by millions to be a dream come true and frequently regarded as the answer to all life's problems. Yet all too often winning turns out to be a curse. The Baynhams, who were revealed To have won over £7 million five years ago, are a typical example. It Has been reported that the couple have now lost everything. They have been forced to sell their dream home, which is understood To be worth £3 million. Mrs Baynham now says that the day they won the lottery was the unluckiest of her life. 'We Shouldn’t have spent so much money when we first won', she explains. 'We Could have used the money to help other people instead of wasting it on cars and holidays. I would much rather we Had given it all to charity and carried on with our normal life. It's high time people realised that winning the lottery creates as many problems as it solves. If only we Had known that.'


Esercizio 4 I can't hear the speeches because you're talking!

stop I wish you Would stop thinking so I could hear the speeches. It's wrong that they didn't invite you to the wedding.

ought They Ought to have invited you to the wedding. I went to the party in a suit, but no one else did – I felt a bit overdressed.

wish I Wish I hadn’t gone to the party in a suit – I felt a bit overdressed. We really ought to fix a date for the ceremony.

time It's Time we fixed a date for the ceremony. Please note that there will be no interval during this evening's performance.

should It Should be noted that there will be no interval during this evening's performance. At the end of the ceremony there was an announcement that drinks would be served outside.

it At the end of the ceremony It was drinks would be served outside. I understand that the invitations will arrive by the end of the week.

expected The invitations

Are expected to arrive by the end of the week.

People say that this is the best wedding venue in the country.

reputed This Is reputed to be the best wedding venue in the country.

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