
July 23, 2018 | Author: juan prieto | Category: Linguistics, Languages, Wellness
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Pregunta 1

Monday, 11 de September de 2017, 11:13 Finalizado Monday, 11 de September de 2017, 11:33 19 minutos 52 segundos 13/20 195 195 de 300 (65 (65%) %)

I _________ to bed very late last night.

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Seleccione una:

 A. ... have gone B. ... went C. ... go D. ... was going

You need the past simple for an action that happened in finished time (last night). Elaborado por: HERAZO DEL TORO JOSE CARLOS.

Pregunta 2

In the text, the expression ‘of course’ can be replaced by

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…The Phoneacians had contact with another nation of sailors, the Greeks, with whom they fought and traded. The Greeks also started to use the Phoneacian alphabet. They changed the names so aelph and beth became alpha and beta. The shapes of the letters are the same but they have been turned sideways. If you know any Greek, you can try turning the letters around again, and see how they look. You will see that the curve on the right of the Greek A becomes the horns of a little bull. Of course, course, the first two letters of the alphabet give it its name. Over the years there have been changes. Latin developed an alphabet with some different letters to the Greeks, and other letters have been added since. But really westerners are using the same system of writing which has served them so well for thousands of years. Seleccione una:

 A. obviously. obviously. B. even though. C. however. D. in addition.

It is easy to deduce that the name of the alphabet was given after the first letters, because in the previous paragraph they mention the names of the first letters.

Pregunta 3 Finalizado Puntúa 1 sobre 1

She asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema, but I ______ in the garden the whole day and all I wanted to do was go to bed. Seleccione una:

 A. ... was working B. ... had worked C. ... had been working D. ... worked

The past perfect continuous is the right answer here. Elaborado por: HERAZO DEL TORO JOSE CARLOS.

Pregunta 4

Read the sentence below and choose the correct word to complete it.


Yesterday Ahmed __________ his home for the first time in eleven years.

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Seleccione una:

 A. arrived B. departed C. left D. went

Lexically and grammatically is the best option because it is adjusted to the context and does not require a preposition.

Pregunta 5

Read the following sentences. Then, choose the most appropriate sentence.

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Seleccione una:

 A. Ellen pretended to be 18 but she wasn’t. B. Ellen pretended being 18 but she wasn’t. C. Ellen pretended to being 18 but she wasn’t. D. Ellen pretended be 18 but she wasn’t.

El verbo “pretend” necesariamente debe ir seguido por un verbo en forma infinitivo con preposición (to + verb). Elaborado por: Badillo Carrillo Héctor Fabián.

Pregunta 6

Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas,

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What did companies want to do in 1984? Seleccione una:

a. Build more tunnels. b. Continue building the project. c. Change the project.

Tomado de Guia de orientacion modulo competencias ciudadanas saber pro 2016 2 

Pregunta 7

The best option to answer the question “It is warm today, isn’t it?” is

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Seleccione una:

 A. no, it is going tomorrow. B. yes, it is a lovely day. C. you are right. It does. D. take your umbrella.

The question means that the weather is being so nice. o.

Pregunta 8 Finalizado Puntúa 0 sobre 1

Read the text and the question below. My only ambition is ‘to teach you how to eat’ says Michael Montignac, a French business executive. He has invented a method of healthy eating, which is based on the idea that we should not eat less, we should simply eat the right things – the right carbohydrates and eat the right fats-which are traditionally   part of a Mediterranean way of eating. The Montignac method is not a diet, it is a philosophy of life, which lets people be ‘fit, healthy, energetic and slim without counting calories’. In Montignac’s method you don’t have to worry about… Seleccione una:

 A. how you cook. B. how much flour you consume. C. how much fast food you have. D. how many calories you eat.

The last part of the text says: The Montignac method is not a diet, it is a philosophy of life, which lets people be ‘fit, healthy, energetic and slim without counting calories’.

Pregunta 9

Read the article and choose the best answer.

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MAKING DRUGS SAFER France and Britain have aggressive programs to get hospitals to report adverse drug reactions, says Dr. Jerome Groopman, a top medical researcher. By contrast our FDA waits for doctors to report bad reactions. Groopman is especially disturbed that 75% of the drugs given to children lack verified safety and dosage instructions for  kids. “No one collected this data, so sometimes pediatricians fly blind, forced to guess the best dose.” He notes.  A synonym of the word in bold ´researcher” is Seleccione una:

 A. doctor. B. physician. C. scientist. D. investigator.

Investigator is the best answer, because the person who investigates does research. Elaborado por : ROJAS OSORNO JOSE MARIA.

Pregunta 10

My grandfather is an author. He __________ many books.

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Seleccione una:

 A. ... write B. ... wrote C. ... is writing D. ... has written

The present perfect is required here because of the connection with the present. The grandfather is still an author and may yet write more books. Elaborado por: HERAZO DEL TORO JOSE CARLOS.

Pregunta 11

Choose the correct word accordingly

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I was _______________not to get the job Seleccione una:

 A. appointed. B. disappointed. C. disappoint. D. disappointing.

Pregunta 12

Would you like to play tennis? - No, I _________ for my vocabulary test tomorrow.

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Seleccione una:

 A. ... am studying B. ... am going to study C. ... study D. ... will study

This is the usual way to express an intention. Elaborado por: HERAZO DEL TORO JOSE CARLOS.

Pregunta 13

Look at the following chart. Then, choose the most appropriate comparison.

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Seleccione una:

 A. Jimmy is heavier than Rick. B. Rick is as heavy as Jimmy. C. Rick is as thin as Jimmy. D. Jimmy is thinner than Rick.

La información en la tabla demuestra que Jimmy es más pesado que Rick. Entre ellos existe una diferencia de 3 kilos aproximadamente. Elaborado por: Badillo Carrillo Héctor Fabián.

Pregunta 14

I’d like ____________ fruit, please.

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Seleccione una:

 A. few B. a lot C. any D. some

We use "some" in questions when offering or requesting something that is there. Elaborado por: HERAZO DEL TORO JOSE CARLOS.

Pregunta 15

The Brookling Bridge_______ took thirteen years to complete.

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The correct words to complete the sentence are: Seleccione una:

 A. is in New York B. in New York C. it is in New York D. which New York

In New York, is the correct answer, because the other answers have more than one subject. Elaborado por : ROJAS OSORNO JOSE MARIA.

Pregunta 16

BREAKING THE ICE Michael Sharp visits an outdoor pool.

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It's just before 7 a.m. and I'm at an outdoor swimming pool in London, where the temperature the water is only 11 degrees above freezing! Amazingly, there are already eight people swimming. I had intended to discover, by taking a swim myself, why anyone would want to swim in such cold water. However, in the end, I decided to ask people instead. Peter Smith has been a swimmer here for three years, coming every morning before work. "It's wonderful on a cold winter morning", he says, "I thought it would make me healthier and haven't been ill once since I started".  All the swimmers here say the same thing. They all feel fitter. However, not everyone agrees with them. Some doctors say it helps fight illness, while others say it could be dangerous, especially for your heart. I asked Peter what they did on the days when the pool was frozen. "That's easy", he said. "There's a place in the middle where the ice is thin and easy to break. You have to avoid the sides where the ice is thicker. I did try to swim there once just to see what it was like, but I found that it was impossible to break throught the ice. I would like to be able to say that I too dived happily into the water and swam a couple of hundred metres. But the truth is, fearing the worst, I walked very carefully into the pool, stood there almost in shock and then got out again after 30 seconds before I became a block of ice! What does Peter Smith say about his morning swim? Seleccione una:

 A. It is the reason why he keeps well all year  B. He enjoys it when the pool is covered in ice C. It has helped him recover from a recent illness D. He thinks it makes him work better 

Pregunta 17

Indigo can be extracted from a plant, and then_________ to dye cloth blue.

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The correct words to complete the sentence are Seleccione una:

 A. it can be used. B. using. C. it. D. using it.

it can be used refers specifically to the answer because is well constructed. Elaborado por : ROJAS OSORNO JOSE MARIA.

Pregunta 18

When you drink juice, you can use this

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Seleccione una:

 A. glass B. coffee pot C. plate

Pregunta 19

Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas,

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The way in which the company built the tunnel was: Seleccione una:

a. A long one. b. Impossible to build. c. Completed in 13 years.

Tomado de Guia de orientacion modulo competencias ciudadanas saber pro 2016 2 

Pregunta 20

Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best complete the sentence.

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To Mike ______ was a big surprise. Seleccione una:

 A. when. B. really. C. funny. D. the party.

 A subject is needed in this sentence, the party is the correct one. Elaborado por : ROJAS OSORNO JOSE MARIA.

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