March 18, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Internet
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TEST I. 1) I know what you mean, but it's fun! 2) In my opinion, it's boring. 3) That's what I think too. 4) Me too! 5) I'm not so sure. 6) I guess it would be better to talk. 7) I know exactly what you mean! 8) Yeah, that's right. 9) We have to answer our emails quickly - my managers insist on it! 10) It isn't easy to communicate well in a foreign language, but I don't think it's impossible. 11) If you say what is wrong in a polite way, you can complain without upsetting people. 12) Sam left me a note, but the writing was so tiny I couldn't read it. 13) Email is useful, but there are times when it is better to communicate face to face. 14) I am awful at writing letters - I always phone people or send a text message instead. 15) My phone bill is enormous I must find a cheaper way to communicate with my parents! 16) It is easier to keep in touch with my grandparents now that they are on Facebook. 17) Please give me your honest o-p-i-n-i-o-n - what do you really think? 18) At the beginning of lessons, my teacher likes to t-e-l-l a j-o-k-e to make us laugh. 19) With no heating on, the office was f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g and so we all had our coats on. 20) What does your English teacher do to e-n-c-o-u-r-a-g-e quiet students to speak in class? 21) We stayed up all night talking - it was great fun but this morning I'm absolutely e-xh-a-u-s-t-e-d! 22) With a good friend, you can express your thoughts and f-e-e-l-i-n-g-s easily. 23) Lucy has invited everyone except Paul to the party and so he feels absolutely m-i-se-r-a-b-l-e. 24) You might have an expensive phone, but it's u-s-e-l-e-s-s if the battery doesn't work. Three generations under one roof 25) isn’t working , which is quite often, 26) does Amy want for breakfast?’ 27) needs sandwiches for lunch today?' 28) think it's difficult for a married 29) makes the decisions?' Actually, 30) do they buy most often?' Well, 31) is looking for a flat of his own in our city. 32) have dinner together every 33) What happened last weekend?' she asked. 34) How many text messages do you send every day? Max sends lots. 35) Rachel is having a party at her house now. 36) I'm sorry but I don’t remember when our appointment is. 37) Who answered George's phone? It wasn't him,' said Isobel. 38) How was your first meeting with your new boss? 39) What are you thinking about at the moment? 40) My friend goes online every Friday to chat with me.

TEST II 1) That's brilliant! 2) That's a good idea! 3) Why not? 4) OK, I'll give it a try. 5) What about turning on your phone alarm? 6) How awful! 7) Have you tried looking online? 8) How about improving your CV? 9) Can you show me how to install this new game on my computer? 10) Where do I need press to turn the computer on? 11) I've got a qualification in business studies but without work experience can't get a job. 12) Do you prefer to work on your own or as part of team? 13) I think most women want to have children and an interesting career. 14) I often upload photos to a website so my friends around the world can see them. 15) If you work online a lot, you should change your password quite often. 16) Lots of people will apply for that job, but I hope I get it! 17) Typing and driving are examples of these useful everyday abilities to include on your CV. p-r-a-c-t-i-c-a-l skill. 18) This is a program that lets you get information from the internet. b-r-o-w-s-e-r. 19) This person works for another person or a company. e-m-p-l-o-y-e-e. 20) This is what you know from your studies and experience. k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e. 21) This means to copy a file or program from the internet to a computer or phone. d-ow-n-l-o-a-d. 22) This means to cut something from a document or a computer's memory. d-e-l-e-t-e. 23) To open an app. on a computer you click on one of these. i-c-o-n. 24) During this meeting, some people ask you questions and decide whether to give you a job or not. i-n-t-e-r-v-i-e-w. Interviews and Technology: Happy Together? 25) have been working for the same company 26) have seen many good interviews, but also a few disasters. 27) did a good interview. 28) phoned a friend and then complained 29) realised we could hear him, but it was too late. 30) been trying to do interviews 31) have been writing this blog for more than an hour, 32) have you learned something 33) I have been waiting for his email since 1:00. 34) Last month, I learned how to use my new computer - it was easy. 35) This time, I did not forget to turn off my phone before my interview. 36) Technology has changed a lot since I was a child. 37) Have you ever worked in the marketing department? I did once for a few weeks. 38) Louise went to Paris last night on the 6 o'clock train. 39) We have been living in Rome for a few years now. 40) He looks dirty because he's been trying to fix his bike.

TEST III 1) What? 2) You won't believe what I did. 3) To make matters worse, I left my phone at home. 4) No way! 5) The next thing I knew, I woke up in bed. 6) In the end, we didn't go. 7) Wow! 8) Yes, and the best thing is, it was free. 9) My eldest brother is a doctor, but my other brother and I are still at school. 10) I get on well with my brothers and sisters - they're like my best friends. 11) We have the same background - we lived on East Street and went to the same school. 12) When I left home I started to grow apart from my sister as we found different interests. 13) My father worked abroad when I was young so my mother had to bring me up alone. 14) Jon and I have a lot in common - we both like fishing, football and computer games. 15) My grandmother thinks this generation of children should exercise more, like she did when she was young. 16) I get lots of support from my parents - they look after me and drive me everywhere. 17) Someone who has this likes jokes and is not serious all the time. s-e-n-s-e of h-um-o-u-r. 18) This is someone you don't know or have never met before. s-t-r-a-n-g-e-r. 19) This is someone who is a member of your family. r-e-l-a-t-i-v-e. 20) You do this when you want to have contact with friends who have moved somewhere different. K-e-e-p i-n t-o-u-c-h. 21) This is the part of your life before you become an adult. c-h-i-l-d-h-o-o-d 22) This is the daughter of your sister or brother. n-i-e-c-e. 23) You are this when you don't have any brothers or sisters. o-n-l-y c-h-i-l-d 24) You do this when you get older and become an adult. g-r-o-w u-p My childhood. 25) had had a happy childhood 26) used to play games in the garden 27) never used to rain. 28) hated school! 29) every day because I wanted to go home 30) was sitting in class and the teacher 31) had become a happy child again. 32) used to enjoy my time there. 33) My brother and I used to play a lot of football in our childhood. 34) I had finished my homework by the time my sister arrived. 35) My parents had bought a house by the time I was born. 36) Alain was studying art when he met Sylvie. 37) My brothers and I used to look the same as children, but we don't now. 38) Sarah usually phones her mother three times a week. 39) We were having a meal when my aunt called. 40) The boys used to share many interests when they were young but they don't now.

TEST IV 1) Yes, for three weeks. 2) How can I help? 3) Yes, of course. 4) Yes, do you need a hand? 5) It's OK, thanks. 6) Yes, of course. 7) That's right. 8) What do you need? 9) Do talented children always reach their full potential as adults? 10) At school my brother used to be brilliant at maths but I was never any good at it. 11) Ian always looks very serious even when he's telling a joke. 12) Rachel has the ability to play almost any musical instrument without any lessons. 13) I love listening to grandpa's fascinating stories about his childhood. 14) Katy is talkative and friendly but her twin sister is very shy 15) Successful people have usually worked very hard. 16) Martin said he wasn't satisfied with his meal and the restaurant gave him his money back! 17) I like to see the good side of things - a positive a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e is important in life. 18) My son has a real t-a-l-e-n-t for art - people pay lots of money for his paintings. 19) Sarah was very d-i-s-a-p-p-o-i-n-t-e-d with the film - it wasn't as good as she had hoped. 20) I often cook dinner for my family - I find it peaceful and r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g after working hard all day. 21) Don't g-i-v-e up - I'm sure you'll succeed in the end. 22) That film was t-e-r-r-i-f-y-i-n-g - it really scared me. 23) I like most lessons at school, but I sometimes get b-o-r-e-d in maths and fall asleep. 24) My sister is very i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t and always does well in exams. My name is Daniela and I'm from Canada. I live in the countryside 25 25) the nearest town 26) able to get into 27) couldn't leave our house 28) the time. 29) wasn't able to get to school 30) a cook - she 31) the work I do is online. 32) be able to go to school 33) Until this year, I couldn’t swim. 34) Lewis can’t have driving lessons because he is not old enough. 35) We prefer to go on holiday to a different place each time. 36) In my job, I need to be able to use the internet daily. 37) Rob's father is a history teacher in London. 38) This isn't the computer I ordered. 39) Zara hopes her son will be able to find a new job soon. 40) Jake is the tallest student in our class.

TEST V 1) When, for instance? 2) Yes, due to my work with wild animals. 3) Just a second, I'll check. 4) Places like forests and jungles? 5) That's a good question. 6) Because of the bad weather. 7) I'm not sure. 8) Many things - such as my salary. 9) When you're cutting those branches, be careful not to damage the bird's nest. 10) The sea looked lovely and we took photos of the boats in the bay 11) Peter climbed up onto the branch of a tree so he could get a better view. 12) We walked along the coast, found a beautiful beach and went for a swim. 13) How can we prevent people from damaging the environment? 14) Have you seen that spider's web just outside the door? 15) The air pollution in the city is getting worse due to the increase in traffic. 16) I could hear a creature in the garden but I couldn't see what it was. 17) The old house was in a beautiful v-a-l-l-e-y with hills all around it. 18) Human activity like farming can d-e-s-t-r-o-y wild animals' habitat. 19) Did you see the documentary about sharks and other species that live in the o-c-e-an 20) There are too many cars and dirty factories - they're bad for the e-n-v-i-r-o-n-m-en-t 21) Are there any projects in your country that help p-r-o-t-e-c-t endangered species? 22) Joe had never been in a j-u-n-g-l-e before - he thought the animals, plants and trees were amazing. 23) It is good to r-e-c-y-c-l-e paper and glass and use them again. 24) As the bear had just been in the river, its f-u-r was really wet. A visit to a matinal park 25) is leaving from the town centre at 6 am 26) has got a problem getting 27) make arrangements for a taxi 28) won’t have time for breakfast 29) is bad, it won't take more than 2 30) when we arrive. 31) it is going to be very hot, 32) you will all have a fantastic time! 33) They probably won’t change the law to prevent air pollution. 34) These flowers grow best when it rains every day. 35) David said, 'Dad, shall I help you plant the potatoes?' 36) Don't worry, I promise we won’t go swimming if the sea is too cold. 37) OK, I’ll tell John about the recycling project tomorrow, I promise. 38) We go to the beach every week unless it rains. 39) Unless it feels scared, the lizard won’t bite you. 40) On Saturday, I’m leaving for the mountains.

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