Ingles Conversacional i

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El CONED agradece a: Mairene Durán Garbanzo por la elección y presentación de los temas de la presente antología, así como el aporte a la educación secundaria a distancia. Las denominaciones empleadas en esta publicación y la forma en que aparecen presentados los datos, no implican de parte del CONED o la UNED juicio alguno sobre la condición jurídica de personas, países, territorios, ciudades o de autoridades.


CONED Dirección General: Clara Vila Santo Domingo Coordinación Académica: Jessica Ramírez Achoy Coordinación Administrativa: Jéssica Vega Coordinador de área: Olman Alfonso Cantillo Badilla

Teléfonos 22-58-22-09 / 22-55-30-42 / 22-21-29-95 Página Web: http//

© 2010



Descripción General Esta antología de Inglés Conversacional nivel 1 tiene como objetivo general desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas, cognitivas y de comunicación efectivas para que los estudiantes del modelo a distancia logren hablar en Inglés en diferentes situaciones de la vida real en donde ellos se desempeñen. Para lograr este objetivo es necesario que el aprendizaje se desarrolle en un ambiente natural, positivo de bajo estrés y mucho entretenimiento y sobre todo alta calidad en la participación en clase. Además el estudiante debe ser constante y responder positivamente al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Estar comprometido a trabajar en las diferentes actividades del contenido y desarrollar los temas de cada sección. Las cuales cumplen con los objetivos y el contenido propuesto por del Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP) con el único fin de que el aprendiz llene las expectativas y las necesidades educativas que el país requiere de los futuros profesionales bilingües.

Aprendizaje con el Contenido de la Antología La antología está dividida en 7 temas diferentes que a su vez se relacionan para reforzar el proceso de aprendizaje comunicativo. Las actividades de cada unidad están diseñadas para que el estudiante practique e interactué con sus compañeros y su profesor. Estas actividades son orales, la escritura y la lectura también se desarrollan pero en menor nivel. Los temas se deben de realizar en clase; tipo taller participativo para que el profesor guié y monitoree el conocimiento interactivo y comunicativo.

Descripción Específica del Contenido La antología de inglés conversacional nivel 1; tiene un enfoque comunicativo. El aprendiz desarrolla mucha práctica oral para adquirir el vocabulario, la expresiones, la gramática y el contenido de las diferentes trabajos prácticos que ofrecen las secciones por medio de los temas y las situaciones reales en cada caso.



FIRST UNIT________________________________________________5 Building Personal Interaction at the Company ____________________5 SECOND UNIT ____________________________________________16 Daily Life Activities ________________________________________16 THIRD UNIT ______________________________________________39 Working Conditions and Success at Work ______________________39 FOURTH UNIT ____________________________________________55 Talking about Plans, Personal and Educational Goals_____________55 FIFTH UNIT_______________________________________________70 Communicating Effectively and Giving Presentations ______________70 SIXTH UNIT ______________________________________________78 Raising Economic Success__________________________________78 SEVENTH UNIT ___________________________________________88 Travel __________________________________________________88 BIBLIOGRAPHY __________________________________________108 Electronic Resources ______________________________________108



Building Personal Interaction at the Company THIS UNIT INTRODUCES YOU TO DIFFERENT SITUATIONS AT THE COMPANY FUNCTIONS: • Identifying oneself to others in the company. • Expressing likes, dislikes and preferences and personal qualities in a professional environment. • Asking for and giving information about personal skills. • Exchanging information about personal interaction at the company, ways of interacting, meeting people, ethics, personal skills, cultural aspects. • Expressing opinions and concerns. • Approving or disapproving different practices in a working environment. • Asking for and giving information about occupations. • Solving problems. • Agreeing and disagreeing. TOPIC: Personal Interaction at the Company Building LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Perform instructions given by the teacher or partners. 2. Participate in oral tasks such as oral interaction scenarios or other types of role playing to fulfill the topic by giving the sets of rules. 3. Listen to input language. 4. Identify basic vocabulary from oral and visual stimuli.


Section A: Perform Short Role Plays in Random Business Situations to Talk about Your Abilities. Activity A.1. Job Interview Instructions: work in pairs, get divided into student A and student B. Student A: you will ask all the questions below from 1 to 6. Student B: you will answer all the questions orally. Student A asks these questions to student B.

1. Can you speak another language? 2. Are you hardworking? 3. Are you good at making sales? 4. Are you able to work on Sundays? 5. Do you know how to use Excel? 6. Do you have a driver’s license? 7. Do you like swimming? 8. Do you like talking on the phone? 9. Do you like working as a team? 10. Do you like reading books, news? Student B: you might give positive or negative short answers to respond to student A. 1. Yes, I can / no, I cannot. 2. Yes, I am / No, I am not. 3. Yes, I am / No, I am not. 4. Yes, I am / No, I am not 5. Yes, I do / No I don’t. 6. Yes, I have / No, I don’t.


Activity A.2. Build questions and answers with the information in the chart below and continue with the job interview. Skill or Ability Can you . . .

Your Answer

Your Partner’s Answer



Extra Info

Extra Info

use Power Point? face new challenges? speak advance English? Are you . . . neat? organized? punctual? Are you good at . . . statistics? writing business letters? making sales? Are you able to . . . work alone? work under pressure? translate correspondence? Do you know how to . . . use Microsoft Excel? prioritize tasks? use a word processor? Do you have . .. any experience?


Activity A.3. Client and Secretary WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEAVE A MESSAGE? Take Roles A= Secretary and B= Business Client

Instructions: act out the sample conversation. Student A: you work for the Stellar Corporation. You are a secretary. Your boss is Mary Jenkins. She is at a meeting. She is expected back at 1:30.P.M. Student B: you are a business client of the Stellar Corporation. You want to call the manager, Mary Jenkins, to let her know some important information and to discuss some details. If she is not there, leave a message with her secretary.

Sample Conversation: Would You Like to Leave a Message? A: Good Afternoon. Stellar Corporation. B: Hello. Can you put me through to Mary Jenkins please? A: I’m sorry. She’s at a meeting with a client. B: Do you know when she’ll be back? A: She should be back by 2:00.P.M.Would you like to leave a message for her? B: Yes. Could you tell her the new ads are finished? A: Certainly. Can I have your name please? B: My name is Jack Felspar. That’s F-E-L-S-P-A-R. I’m with Spectrum Printers. And could you have her call me when she has a spare moment. I need to discuss the billing details. A: Does she have your number? B: I think so, but I better give it to you just to be sure. It’s 314-274-5464. A: All right, Mr. Felspar. I’ll have her call you when she gets a minute/she’s back in the office.


B: Thanks. I appreciate it. Have a nice day. A: You too.

Activity A.4. Conversation on the Phone Student A = secretary / Student B= Client Instructions: Student A: you work for the Stellar Corporation. 1. You are a secretary. 2. Your boss is Mary Jenkins. 2. She is away on maternity leave. 3. She is expected back at the beginning of next month. 4. The client wants to leave her a message. 5. Take notes of his/ her message to complete the chart. 6. Ask questions to get the information from the client. What is your Name? Client ’s name

Extra Information

Company that he/ she represents. Company location Client’s phone number Time and day of the meeting Place for the meeting.


Student A’ sheet Questions to ask to client What is your name? What company do you represent? What is your phone number? What time do you need to settle the meeting? Which day are you available for the meeting? Where would you like to meet?

Student B: you are a client of a company calling Mary Jenkins. She is not in her office. You want to leave a message Explain the situation to secretary that you need to have a business meeting with her as soon as possible to discuss the new advertising campaign.

Student Student B: give this information to the secretary Name:………………….. Company: BPC Technology Phone Number: 345-67-897 Meeting time: 7.A.M. next Monday only. Place: at the Hotel Royal and Arts, room 34, 10th, floor.


Activity A.5. Banking Role - Play (class activity) Instructions: Your teacher will divide you all into Bank tellers and Bank clients.

Bank Tellers Activity Sheet:


You are a teller in a bank. Bank clients are going to enter your bank and make transactions at your window. Write down their name, the transaction, the amount, and their ID in the table below.

Bank Transactions: Name………. the transaction…………. the amount………. ID………..

© 2007 Lanternfish ESL


B=Customer Activity Sheet: Sample Conversation A: Good Afternoon. How may I help you today? B: Hi. I’d like to cash this check. • • • •

deposit this money into my account withdraw $500.00 from my account. change this into American money. pay this bill.

A: Can I have your bankcard please? B: Ok. Here you are. A: And, I’ll need some picture ID as well. B: Is my driver’s license OK? A: That’ll be fine. Thanks.

…Teller Counts money… A: Here is your ID and here is your money ….your receipt… A: Will there be anything else for you today? B: No, that’s all thank you. A: Have a nice day. B: You too.



Name: Nationality: France

Expiry Date: 2007 Number:AB35242

© 2007 Lanternfish ESL

Personal information What is your name? Which is your place and country of birth? What is your Nationality? Are you male or female? What job position are you interested in? What is your email address? What is your postal code? What is your mobile number? Education: Which is your highest academic or technical degree? Language Skills Do you speak basic, intermediate or advance English? Do you speak other Languages? Working Experience What did you do in your last job? What are your salary expectations in a new job?


Section B: Outbound Call Center. General Instructions: Read and answer the quiz by

discussing the questions. Directions: answer the questions by writing a check mark. Activity B.1. Above Average

1. Are you efficient problem solving?


Below Average


2. Do you engage to clients?

3. Are you persisten?

4. Do you have adaptability during a call?

© 2006 Psichometrics Internati.



© 2007 Lanternfish ESL


Interpreting and communicating information. Participating as a member of a team. Acquiring and evaluating information. Making appointments. Communicating schedule information at home, school and work. Identifying and listing daily activities. Responding to basic information in the target language.

TOPIC: Daily Life Activities LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Identify sounds, words, and vocabulary to carry out actions. Participate in dialogues and role-plays. Describe activities and routines. Identify clues, and main ideas from texts. Use vocabulary to make descriptions in a written way. Use information in contexts. Produce short pieces of writing.


Section A: Classroom English Important “vocabulary terms, phrases and questions” in the classroom to communicate with the teacher and classmates Activity A.1. Important Questions in the Classroom Instructions: the students ask the questions below to their teacher a. b. c. d. e. f.

What does “Do you agree with ...” mean? What is the meaning of “Find arguments”? What is the meaning of “Give good reasons for your opinions”? Can you give me an example of “Swap your folder with your partner”? How do you spell “chart”? Can you explain what does “Make up more conversations with a partner” mean? g. What does absence mean?

Now ask More Questions 1. What does the term “statement” mean? 2. Can you repeat that please? 3. How do you spell ________? 5. What does __________ mean? 6. Can you give me an example? 7. How do you say _______ in (my Language)?


Section B: Classroom Vocabulary

Activity B.1

Instructions: Repeat these words after your teacher. If you do not understand the meaning of a word use the questions above to get the information from your teacher.

For Example: 1. What does_________ mean? 2. How do you say … (my Language)? 3. Can you give me an example of………….? friends exams
























Activity B.2. Back to School Instructions: fill in the spaces with the words given above. Back to School In North America, sometimes at the beginning of _________________, the summer ________________ ends and kids go ___________ to school and enter a new _____________. Although many students will miss the _____________ they had during the vacation, many of them are eager to see their ______________ again.

Getting Ready for School To get ready for the new school _____________, students will need to buy some school __________________. They will need ____________ to write with, ________________ to write in, _________________ to color with, _________________ to cut with, ________________ to erase with, and ______________ to paste things together. Finally, they’ll need a _____________ to carry everything in. The New Teacher Most students are anxious to meet their new ______________. Generally speaking, they don’t want a teacher that is too ______________. The teacher usually writes her or his name on the ________________ before introducing herself or himself. Then the teacher takes _______________ to make sure everybody is in the right room. Some teachers assign their students a ___________. Other teachers let the students ____________ where they want to sit.

The New School Year Once the class is settled in, the teacher _____________ the class rules. Then to get things rolling, the teacher has the students write a ______________ of their vacation or write a list of their _______________ for the coming year.


Game Board All About You!. Play with a classmate. Use a dice to split it and advance on the board. side…

Start here!

How old are you?

Where do you work?

What’s What are your your favorite hobbies? color?

Do you want to get married in the future?

Do you have your own room?

Do you have an mp3 player?

What color are your eyes?

Where are you from?

What is your favorite place?

How manypeople are in your family?

Does your Do you work computer for the government? have skype?

What is the best car for you?

What do What is your you do to favorite relax? sports team?

What Can television you fix programs do a car? you like?

Is there something you don’t like eating?

Can you Do like to Do you use the travel? play ? computer?

Have you ever swum in the sea?

Do you surf the END interent?


Section C: Questions to Know about Common Things in Class. Instructions: walk around the class and ask the next questions to your classmates.

1. What time do you leave your house for school in the morning? 2. How do you get to school? 3. Are you ever late for school? 4. How many hours a week do you study English? 5. Do you make excuses when you don’t do your homework? 6. Have you ever cheated on a test? 7. Are you good at sending text messages? 8. Are you good at making new friends? 7. Do you get nervous when you have a test?

Now what are some things that your classmates have in common among them? Make a list class of names and things in common. (1) __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Complete the space with things you have in common with three persons in the class. Name of the Person: Things we have in common: ___________________________________ Name of the Person: Things we have in common: ___________________________________ Name of Person: 21

Things we have in common: ___________________________________ Now present your results to the class: I have a lot in common with ____________________ We both leave. . .

We both play make. . . We both are. . .

Section D: English at Home. Activity D.1. Read Home Situations

Make Sure You Turn Off the TV

A: I’m going to bed. B: Make sure you turn off the TV before you go to bed. And don’t forget to set your alarm.

Now name two things that you should remember to do before you . . . go to the airport to catch a flight leave your house go to school go hiking


go swimming go to a birthday

Now practice the dialogue starting with “I’m going . . .”or “I’m heading for . . .” © 2007 Lanternfish ESL

Activity D.2 The Phone is For You/ Wrong Number

A: Hello. B: Hello. Can I speak to Chris, please? A: Just a minute please. Hey! Chris! The phone is for you!


A: Hello. B: Hello. Can I speak to Wyatt, please? A: I’m sorry you have the wrong number. B: Oh. Sorry to bother you.

Now write the names of your group members down and then write the names of some people that are not in your group. When you pick a name call somebody in your group and that person will have to answer with one of the above conversations.


Activity D.3. Comment what is happening in the picture below. I’m Fed Up with the Mess

A: Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute? B: Sure. What’s on your mind? A: I’m fed up with this mess. B: Oh. Sorry. I’ll tidy up tomorrow. If you are ‘fed up with’ something, you can’t stand it anymore. Here are some similar expressions: I’m fed up with I’m tired of I’m sick of I’m sick and tired of


Now imagine you are roommates with someone. What do you think roommates get fed up with? Make a list: (1) I’m fed up with . . . . (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Now using your list pretend your partner is your roommate and write similar conversation using the expressions: I’m fed up with I’m tired of I’m sick of I’m sick and tired of Student Write a dialogue expressing that you cannot stand situations anymore.

Now present your conversation to the class. 26

Activity D.4. Home Phrases and Expressions Instructions: read the conversation in the bubble. Are there expressions that are

strange for you? For example: “I’m heading for home” or “Pick Up something” ask your teacher for the meaning of those phrases by using the next questions. 1. What does_________ mean? 2. How do you say … (my Language)? 3. Can you give me an example of………….? On Your Way Home

Practice the conversation

A: I’m heading for home. Do you need anything? B: Yes. On your way home, could you stop by the bakery and pick up some bread?


Now what could you pick up from these places? bakery


toy store


fruit market


post office


coffee shop


music store


pet store


computer store


butcher shop




bike shop




hardware store




Practice the conversation “On Your Way Home” by using the places and items above.


Activity D.5. Asking for Items at Home Practice this conversation with some friends from your class:

A: Do you know where the juice is? B: It’s in the fridge next to the milk. A: Thanks. I found it.

Now complete the sentences using it’s for singular nous or they’re for plural nouns. It’s/They’re in the fridge next to the ________________. It’s/They’re in the cupboard next to the ________________. It’s/They’re on the stove next to the ________________.

Now create different conversations to answer the following questions: Do you know where the grapes are? Do you know where the butter is? Do you know where the peanut butter is? Do you know where the salt is?


Activity D.6. Getting information at Home Pretending to Sleep

A: Honey. Are you asleep? Or are you just pretending to sleep? B: I’m really asleep. A: If you can hear me, you must be faking it. Good. You can give me a hand with the chores.

Answer these questions in pairs. 1. Have ever pretended to be asleep? 2. Have you ever faked an injury? 3. Have you ever pretended not to know about a homework assignment because you didn’t do it? 4. Have you ever faked being sick so you didn’t have to go to school or work? 5. As a child, what did you pretend to be? (a) (b) (c)


Activity D.7 Likes and Dislikes Instructions: work in pairs to practice the Conversations of This Topic. 1 A: Whoa, look at all those ice cream choices! B: Yes, that is a lot of choices. What is your favorite? A: I love anything with chocolate the best. B: I like chocolate myself. A: Is there any kind of ice cream you don't like? B: I really don't like any ice cream with nuts in it. A: I haven't ever cared for that myself. B: Have you ever had garlic ice cream? A: That sounds absolutely disgusting! B: It was. Let's stick with the regular choices today, though. 2 A: There are so many flavors of ice cream to choose from! B: Yes, there must be about a hundred. Do you have a favorite? A: I love fruit flavored ices the best. B: Yes, fresh fruit flavored is the best ever. A: What is your least favorite ice cream? B: I don't like peppermint ice cream. A: Yeah, I know what you mean. B: One time, I tried garlic ice cream. A: That could be interesting. B: That doesn't sound like a good choice for today. Let's order! 3 A: I have never seen so many flavors of ice cream in one place! B: There certainly are a lot. Can you choose a favorite? A: Vanilla with toppings is my favorite. B: Is there anything as good as a hot fudge sundae? A: No way! B: I don't like ice cream with too many different flavors in it. A: I agree with that, it just doesn't work for me. B: I saw garlic ice cream on the menu once. A: I think that that would be horrible! B: I think I'll stick with a more traditional choice today! 31

Section E: English At Work Activity E.1. Could You Do Me a Favor?

A: Could you do me a favor? B: Sure. What do you want? A: Could you pass me a brush?

Now what favor would you ask for in these situations? Practice the conversation using each situation below.

You are broke. You are cold. You are late. You are out of milk. You are wet. You are bleeding. You are sick.


Activity E. 2 At the Airport: Customs Airport Role-play Instructions: you are going to be a traveler going through customs. Visit as many countries as you can and write down which countries you visited.

A: Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please? B: Sure. Here it is. A: Where are you coming from? B: I’m coming from Seoul, Korea. A: What is the purpose of your visit? B: I’m here on business. •

visiting relatives.

here as an exchange student.

here as a tourist.

A: How long are you planning to stay? B: I’ll be staying for three weeks. • for 1 month. • until tomorrow. • until next Tuesday. A: Where will you be staying? B: I’ll be staying at a hotel. • at my aunt’s house. • at a dormitory.


A: Have you ever been to Canada before? B: No, this is my first time. A: Do you have anything to declare? B: No, nothing. A: Enjoy your stay. B: Thank you. Countries Visited:







Section F: English to Solve Problems at the Hotel Activity F.1. Problems and Solutions Problems: One problem is that . . . (sentence) One problem is . . . (noun) Solutions: One solution is to . . . (verb) We could . . . (verb) I think we should . . . (verb) I recommend that . . . (verb) Agreeing:


I think it’s a good idea.

It’s a good idea but ___________

I agree with _______.

I disagree with ______ because

I am for __________.

I am against it because ________ 34

The problem with that is . . .

Activity F.2. Solving a Problem at the Hotel Instructions: you are the management staff of a large resort hotel. Lately, you have had a lot of problems. You must discuss these problems with the other managers and then come up with solutions. Description of the Hotel The hotel is on an island surrounded by beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and mountains. It seems like the perfect place to have a hotel but . . . .

Problem Cards Theft: There is a lot of theft at the hotel. Someone is stealing food from the kitchen, money from front desk, and sports equipment from the gym. Guests have also complained that somebody stole their wallets.

Guests are bored: Guests have complained that there is nothing to do. There are no activities at night. In the day, there are few sports and nothing to see. Complaints about the food: The guests have complained that the food tastes terrible. They also complained that the food is the same every night. Some vegetarians were very angry because every dinner has meat.

There are few guests: Very few people know about the hotel. And the guests who do come say it is too expensive. Complaints about the staff: Many guests say that the staff is rude and unhelpful. The staff members argue with each other. Sometimes they swear at the managers.

Many things are broken: The roof leaks and many TVs in the room don’t work. Sometimes there is no electricity or hot water. The hotel is difficult to get to: There are no buses coming from the airport to the hotel. The taxi from the airport to the hotel is very expensive.


Activity F.3. Management Discussion Instructions: walk around the class and to six of your classmates for the next information.

Problem: Management Recommendation: Possible Solutions:

Problem: Management Recommendation: Possible Solutions:

Problem: Management Recommendation: Possible Solutions:

Problem: Management Recommendation: Possible Solutions:

Problem: Management Recommendation: Possible Solutions:

Problem: Management Recommendation: Possible Solutions: 36

Activity F.4. Management Meeting Instructions: Take role and Practice the Sample Dialogue Manager 1: Thank you for coming. I wish to discuss the problems that we have been having recently. And then if anybody has some ideas, please share them.

Manager 2: One problem is theft. Somebody is stealing money from the front desk and food from the kitchen. As well, somebody is going into the guest rooms and stealing their luggage.

Manager 3: One solution is to change the locks. If we do that the thief won’t be able to get in.

Manager 4: I disagree. The problem with that is that we already have locks and the thief can get into the rooms. Even if we change the locks we may still have problems.

Manager 2: We could hire a security guard for each floor. Then we would have no problems.

Manager 4: I think that’s a good idea.

Manager 3: That’s a good idea, but security guards are very expensive. We can’t afford one security guard on each floor. I think we should hire a few security guards and install some video cameras.

Manager 1: I agree with installing cameras. It’ll be a lot cheaper.

Manager 2: I am for installing cameras too.


Manager 3: Good. Then why don’t we recommend installing cameras and hiring a few security guards.

ActivityF.4. Identify Solutions, Agreement and Disagreement Instructions: underline the phrases on problems, solutions, agreement and disagreement and fill in the spaces of the letter below.

Dear Mr. Gunn, At the latest management meeting, we discussed the problems we are having at the hotel and possible solutions to these problems. I am writing this letter to give you our recommendations.

One problem we have is ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Another problem we have is ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

I hope this discussion will help to solve our problems. I look forward to hearing your decision.

Yours sincerely,



Working Conditions and Success at Work THIS UNIT INTRODUCES YOU TO KNOW ABOUT SOMEONE’SJOB, WORKING TASKS, JOB POSITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITES FUNCTIONS: • Expressing likes, dislikes, preferences and personal qualities in a professional environment. • Exchanging information about the company structure and working conditions. • Identifying important issues. • Solving problems. • Describing facts and situations. • Contrasting and comparing information.

TOPIC: Working Conditions and Success at Work LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. Practice having a job interview. 2. Participate in oral tasks such as oral interaction, scenarios or other types of role playing to fulfill the topic by giving the sets of rules. 3. Ask and answer questions about work responsibilities, schedules, benefits and requirements for jobs. 4. Read newspaper job ads. 5. Negotiate and communicate information. 6. Acquire and evaluate information. 7. Organize and maintain information. 39

Section A: Likes and Dislikes, Preferences and Personal Qualities in a Professional Environment Activity A.1. Practice having a job interview. Instructions: practice each of these conversations with three different classmates. Greeting by Receptionist 1. A: Hi, I am here for my job interview. B: Fine, have a seat. May I get you some water or coffee? A: Sure, thank you. B: I’ll get that for you right now. A: Thank you. What a nice office this is! B: Yes, could you come in now? I am going to take you back to meet your interviewer, Mr. Gotcha. 2. A: Hello, I have an appointment for an interview today. B: Great, have a seat. Would you like some tea or coffee? A: I’d love some tea. B: The coffee area is right over there. Please help yourself. A: Thank you. What a beautiful view from this office! B: Yes. Oh, here comes Mr. Gotcha now. I’ll show you to his office. 3. A: Good morning. I have an interview scheduled this morning. B: The interviewer will be with you in a moment. Would you care for some water? A: Yes, that would be great. B: Just help yourself to whatever you would like from the table in the waiting area. A: Thank you. This is a very lovely office building! B: Yes. Why don’t you come straight through the door and we’ll walk down to Mr. Gotha’s office together. Now underline the different phrases and expressions in each dialogue with the same meaning. 40

Activity A.2. Working Scenario Instructions: interact in the job scenario by taking roles of student A and B A: Hello, I really appreciate the opportunity to interview for this position. B: I was wondering if you like team projects, or projects that you work on alone. A: I like to work on group projects that value and need each individual’s contributions. B: Are you most interested in a good steady job with benefits or one that will allow you to quickly advance? A: I have children so a steady job is important but I would like a chance to advance. B: How would you feel about relocating to another state? A: I could not relocate in the next year, but might be open to it in the future. B: Do you know how much this job offers per year? A: A minimum of 75,000 per year. B: OK, well, that’s all I need to know for now. If something comes up, we’ll be contacting you. Now complete the dialogue by using the expressions and phrases below; then, present it in class. A: ……………………Thank you for the opportunity to interview for this position. B:……………… I’m Bill Gotcha. I am assuming you found your way here with no trouble? A: Actually, …………………………. so there was absolutely no problem. B: I am curious as to why you want to leave your current employer. A: ……………………….switching fields. B: Do you feel that you are exceptionally good at anything in particular? A: ……………………..pulling together teams of people to accomplish a task. B: What are you not good at? A: ………………………………….at times and I am hard on myself. B: We appreciate hearing that about you!

Good afternoon.

I am interested in

Hello, have a seat.

I am impatient with myself

I am eager to get the job I am impatient with other people I am very familiar with the area

I am good at


Section B: Company Structure and Working Conditions Activity B.1. Exchanging information about the company structure and working conditions.

Instructions: ask and answer questions about work responsibilities, schedules, benefits and requirements for jobs.

Benefits and Qualifications

A benefit is something you receive from a job A qualification is something you need to do a job.

Look at the following list of vocabulary items. Classify them into benefits of a job or qualifications for a job? __________________ promotion __________________ work experience __________________ medical insurance __________________ vacation __________________ bachelor/masters/doctor degree __________________ references __________________ salary


__________________ wage __________________ housing __________________ license __________________ commissions __________________ tips __________________ bonus __________________ being well-spoken __________________ being hardworking __________________ discount on goods __________________ training courses __________________ dental insurance __________________ creativity __________________ report card/transcript __________________ raise __________________ neat appearance/dress

Now in a group, decide what the most important qualifications and benefits are? Most Important Benefits

Most Important Qualifications


Activity B.2. Work Responsibilities, Schedules, Benefits and Requirements for jobs. Job Requirements

Instructions: look at the list of jobs below and check off the requirements for the jobs. Finally, list the benefits and drawbacks of the jobs. Job

Requirements have to have must be need a have a to physically license university wear fit degree a suit

can’t must be have a sociable criminal record

have Need to to be be good Creative at math

Teacher Taxi Driver Farmer Police officer Scientist Graphic Designer Engineer Pilot Now in a group decide what the benefits and drawbacks of each job are. Ask your teacher: What does it mean “drawbacks”? Benefits


Job Teacher Taxi Driver Farmer Police officer Scientist Graphic Designer Engineer Pilot


Activity B.3. Identifying Important Issues Instructions: read newspaper job ads. Look at the newspaper classifieds then share information about the help-wanted ads with your partner.

A Sheet

See Anything Interesting in the Paper?

1. What jobs are there?

2. How much does the job pay?

3. What are the requirements?

4. What are the drawbacks of the job?

5. Which are the benefits?


B Sheet See Anything Interesting in the Paper? Complete the following job adds with the information that student A will give you.


Section C: Acquire and Evaluate Information Activity C.1. How to Find a Part-Time Job Part-Time Jobs Part-time jobs are available for teens, college students, moms, retirees, and anyone seeking to earn extra money. Employers often prefer to hire part-time workers since they typically don't have to provide benefits. Many leading employers of part-time workers accept online applications. In other cases, it's better to apply in person. Here are part-time jobs to apply for. Now your teacher will divide you all into teams: employees and employers. Employers: you are going to hire people for the jobs above. You need to ask questions to the workers depending on the job requisites to select the best candidate for the job. Workers: you are looking for a part time job. You are interviewed by the employers you will answer many questions the best you can to get the job.


Job Descriptions Job Title: Volunteer teacher in Africa

Job Title: Tree Planter

Description: Volunteer teachers teach children in small villages in Africa.

Description: Tree planters go into the wilderness and plant trees in areas that have been logged.

Benefits: The job satisfaction is high.

Benefits: The location is great!

Requirements: You must have a university degree. You need to have all of your shots.

Requirements: You must be physically fit. You have to enjoy working outdoors.

Drawbacks: The pay is low.

Drawbacks: You have to spend long hours working alone.

Job Title: River Rafting Guide

Job Title: Flight Attendant

Description: Rafting guides take groups of people down fast flowing rivers.

Description: Flight attendants serve people food and help people on airplanes.

Benefits: It’s an exciting job.

Benefits: You can travel the world for free.

Requirements: You have to know first aid. You must be physically fit.

Requirements: You have to be clean. You have to be friendly.

Drawbacks: It’s dangerous work.

Drawbacks: You have to spend a lot of time away from family and friends.

Job Title: Bank Teller

Job Title: Lawyer

Description: Bank tellers help customers in a bank.

Description: Lawyers help people with legal problems.

Benefits: It’s a stable job.

Benefits: The pay is high.

Requirements: You have to wear a suit. You have to be polite and friendly.

Requirements: You have to wear a suit. You need to pass an exam.

Drawbacks: It’s a bit boring.

Drawbacks: You have to work long hours.


Job Title: Graphic Designer

Job Title: Tour Guide

Description: Graphic designers make images for books, ads, websites, and magazines.

Description: Tour guides take tourists to interesting places.

Benefits: It’s interesting work.

Benefits: You meet a lot of people.

Requirements: You have to be creative. You must know how to use computers.

Requirements: You have to be friendly.

Drawbacks: You sit in front of a computer all day.

You need to have a driver’s license. Drawbacks: It’s not a stable job. The job ends when the tourist season ends.

Job Title: Logger

Job Title: Currency Trader

Description: Loggers cut down trees.

Description: Currency traders buy and sell foreign money.

Benefits: The pay is high. Requirements: You have to be physically fit. You need to have your own equipment. Drawbacks: It’s dangerous.

Benefits: The pay is high. Requirements: You have to keep up with the news. You must understand financial markets. Drawbacks: It’s very stressful.

Job Title: Librarian

Job Title: Middle School Teacher

Description: Librarians help people find books and information in a library.

Description: Middle School teachers teach teenagers.

Benefits: It’s a low stress job.

Benefits: You get lots of vacation time.

Requirements: You must know how to find information. You have to be computer literate.

Requirements: You must have a teaching license. You must enjoy working with teenagers.

Drawbacks: The pay is low.

Drawbacks: It’s very stressful work.


Job Title: Security Guard

Job Title: Play School Teacher

Description: Security guards protect people and property.

Description: Play school teachers teach young children.

Benefits: It’s an easy job (most of the time).

Benefits: You work short hours.

Requirements: You have to have special training. You can’t have a criminal record.

Requirements: You have to enjoy working with children. You can’t have a criminal record.

Drawbacks: You have at work at night.

Drawbacks: The pay is low.

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Section D: Describing Facts and Situations Activity D.1. Reading Instructions: Read the dialogue in pairs.

The Meeting (Two workers in an office) James: Hi Alice. How are you today? Alice: Hi James. I'm fine, and you? James: Great, thank you. Remember, the meeting is at 3 o'clock. Alice: Excuse me, which meeting?


James: Which meeting?! The meeting with the boss! Alice: Are you sure there is a meeting today? James: Alice, Alice, every month there is a meeting with the boss. This month that meeting is this afternoon. Alice: Calm down. OK, there's a meeting this afternoon. What time is it? James: Alice, this is important. The meeting is at three o'clock sharp! Alice: Thank you James... By the way, what time is it now? James: It's quarter past eleven. Alice: It's time for lunch! James: Lunch, now? Lunch time is at twelve. Alice: Well, I'm hungry now. James: You're funny Alice. This is an office. Alice: I'm hungry ... it's just a snack...

Now describe the situation between the two employees. What is wrong with one of the workers? Has it happened to you? Explain.


Activity D.2. Solving Problems Instructions: Read the next story and discuss a solution to the problem with someone in your classroom. Then report your solution to the class. Diego works as a cleaner. He usually works 40 hours a week. Last week his supervisor asked him to work overtime, and he agreed. When he got his pay stub, he noticed a problem. The overtime work was not paid.

© 2007 Lanternfish ESL at

Section E: Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases of Frequency Activity E.1. Reading and speaking about works at an advertising company Instructions: Read about Robert’s day, and fill in the table below. Robert’s day I usually get up very early - at about 6 o’clock. I have breakfast with my wife, and then leave for work at 7:15. I go to work by train, and get to the office just before nine. When I arrive at the office, I always check my email. I get a lot of messages from our overseas offices. Then I usually have a meeting with my team from 11 to 12 o’clock. 52

I have lunch in the office cafeteria at 12. The food isn’t very good, but it’s cheap. After lunch I sometimes meet clients, or write reports. I usually finish work at about 6 o’clock, although I occasionally work overtime. I get home about an hour later, and have dinner with my family. In the evening, I help my children with their homework, and watch television with my wife.

Now complete the Time Activity At 6:00 He gets up. At: 7:15 At:11:00 - 12:00 At:12:00 At: 6:00 At:7:00 Preposition check. Cover the previous exercises, and fill in the blanks. 1) Robert gets up ……… 6:00. 2) He goes ……… work ……… train. 3) He has a meeting ……… 11 ……… 12 o’clock. 4) He has dinner ……… his family. 5) He watches television ……… the evening.

A Day in the Life… Vocabulary Choose a verb, and write it in the correct form. GET WRITE HAVE CHECK WORK MEET 1) He ………….. breakfast with his wife. 4) He sometimes ………….. reports. 2) He ………… his email. 5) He occasionally ……………. overtime. 3) He ……………. clients in the afternoon. 6) He …………. home at about 7 o’clock. Question Writing Practice Write the questions to the following answers 1)……………………………………….. .? He gets up at about 6 o’clock. 2)……………………………………….. ? He has breakfast with his wife. 3)………………………………………... ? He goes to work by train. 4) ………………………………………...? He gets to the office just before nine. 5) …………………………………………? He has lunch in the office cafeteria. 6) …………………………………………? The food isn’t very good, but it’s cheap. 7) …………………………………………? He meets clients in the afternoon. 8) …………………………………………? He finishes work at about six.


Activity E.2.Speaking Practice Instructions: Interview your partner about his/her day! Make notes below. When……………………………………….? Where………………………………………? What time………………………………….? Who…with………………………………....? Why………………………………………....? How…………………………………………? Do you………………………………………? What time does your…................. usually get up? © Handouts Online

Activity E.3. Reading to discuss I usually go to the supermarket about once or twice a week to buy groceries. Since I do a lot of shopping, I often need a shopping cart to carry everything. I first stop by the deli counter to pick up some sliced cheese. Then, I look for some fruits and vegetables in the produce section, but I make sure they are fresh. My kids like milk, so I swing by the dairy section and grab a few gallons of milk. Also, there are times when I don't have much time to cook, so I always pick up some microwaveable meals in the frozen food section. If the store is out of stock of any of the items I need, then I drop by a different supermarket on my way home. I generally pay with cash at the checkout counter. Now form groups and discuss the following questions 1. How much grocery shopping do you do every week? 2. How concerned are you about a healthy diet and is your concern reflected in what you buy? 3. What tips can you think of to make sure you are getting the best buy at supermarkets (e.g., testing the products, using coupons for items, comparing prices at different stores, etc.)





Planning for the immediate and long term future activities. Setting personal and professional goals. Setting a schedule for leisure activities with friends and family. Applying for enrollment in college.

TOPIC: Talking about Plans, Personal and Educational Goals LEARNING STRATEGIES

1. Use prior knowledge to carry out tasks. 2. Use expressions to talk about something. 3. Extract main points and details in written and oral texts. 4. Present short speeches about holidays and celebrations in English speaking countries. 5. Produce short pieces of writing, descriptions, and others. 6. Identify cultural features and values in different cultures from a written text. 55

Section A: Planning goals for the Immediate Future Activity A.1. Reading to Discuss Instructions: Read the text about Judith’s free time activities. In my free time, I really enjoy watching movies with my friends or alone at my house. In most cases, I drop by a local movie rental shop and rent a few DVDs for the evening. Before I rent a movie, I usually read some reviews to find out what critics think about the movie. I recently joined an online movie rental club, and the company delivers the movies directly to my house. However, if I go to a movie theater, I try to arrive a few minutes early so I get a good seat. I generally like to watch science fiction or classic movies; I can't stand horror movies. I really like movies with a good story line, great acting, and realistic special effects.

Now discus these questions: 1. What are you going to do in your free time? 2. Would you rather watch a movie at home or go to a movie theater? Give at least three reasons for your answer. 3. What kind of movies will you watch in your free time, why? 4. When do you watch TV? 5. How often do you watch TV? 6. Who do you watch TV with?

Activity A.2. Talking about the Future Instructions: write two sentences after each pattern. I’m going to … I’m going to visit my Grandmother on the weekend. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


I’ve decided to… I’ve decided to buy a new computer. I intend to… I intend to move to Seoul. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ I’m planning to …I’m planning on - ing I’m planning on getting a part-time job. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ I’m thinking of … ing. I’m thinking of learning Japanese. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ I might … I might go fishing. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I may… I may study math. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________


I will … I will visit my friend in U.S _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Activity A.3. Setting Future Goals I will Make a Decision Instructions: Ask your teacher for the meaning of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A king-size mattress saggy a life-time warranty good brand a ten percent discount a very good financing plan.

Now: carry out the following conversation between John and Lucy. Look at the different ways to refer to the future. John: Hi, can I help you? Lucy: No, thanks. I'm just looking. John: All right. If you need any help, just let me know. My name is Greg. Lucy: Sure. I'll let you know if I need anything. (A king-size mattress attracts Karen.) Hm, this mattress is very firm. Jack will probably like it. John: Did you find something you like? Lucy: Yes, this mattress is very good. It's pretty firm. The mattress I'm now sleeping on is saggy. I may buy this one. John: You're right. This is a very good brand. It doesn't sag easily. And we are going to offer a life-time warranty, so you don't have to worry about its quality. Lucy: Does it come with a frame?


John: Unfortunately, it doesn't. However, we might offer a ten percent discount on that. And also, if you're really interested, we will have a very good financing plan for our clients. There's no payment, no interest until next November. Lucy: That's an attractive plan. I'll think about it. John: Well, you've got to hurry. This mattress sells pretty well and this promotion is going to end tomorrow.

Activity A.4. I Want to Rent an Apartment Introductory Telephone Conversation A: Hello. B: Hi, I’m calling about the apartment for rent. I want to know if it is it still available ? A: Yes, it’s available. Do you want to see it? B: Yes, I need to see it. But would you mind if I ask you a few questions over the phone first? B: No, not at all. What do you need to know?

Questions to for B to Ask: I want to know where it is located. I need to know how much the rent is I want to have an idea of how big is it. I need to travel to school so I want to know how far it is from the school I really need to get the bus so how close is it to public transportation? I have a dog, therefore I need to know if pets are allowed. I also need to have facilities in the building. I need to park my car so is there any private parking?


Now start your discussion about what you need to know before renting or buying an apartment or a house. Use these expressions: I need to know … and I need to…

Activity A.5. Planning Leisure Activities with Friends Instructions: Read the dialogue and infer the meaning of: “I want to browse” “I am broke” “You're such a dog”

I am broke Spencer: Doris, do you want to come to the mall with me? Doris: I'd love to, but I'm broke. Spencer: So am I, but I like browsing through the music store there. Doris: Are you sure you only want to browse? Spencer: Yeah. I like to listen to new albums there. I don't have money to buy them, but I can go there and listen. You know you don't have to pay for listening. Doris: You're such a dog. 1. What is the meaning of browse? 2. What is the meaning of “I am broke”?

Activity A.6. Describing Personal situations Instructions: Divide the class into Psychiatrists and Patients. Psychiatrist’s Worksheet: Listen to each patient. Record their problems and advice them on what they need to solve their situations. (1) Patient’ name…………………………………………….. (2) Problem: Psychiatrist’s Advice: you need to……………………………………………………. • If you want to…………………… you need to ……………………………………..

Patient’s Worksheet: You have the following problems: (1) You have been drinking a lot. (2) You have a test tomorrow but is playing computer games. 60

(3) Your mom is gambling all her money. (4) You want to go hiking but it looks like snow. (5) You want to go fishing but heard a hurricane warning. (6) You are in trouble because your spouse overuses credit cards.

Activity A.7. Survey What are your classmates going to do?

-What are you going to do after class? -I’m going to play soccer.

Now walk around the class and get the answers of the following questions from all your classmates. Start by: A: Excuse me, I’m doing a survey on __________ Would it be OK if I asked you a few questions? B: Sure. Go ahead.



What are you going to do after class? I am going to meet with my friends


What are you going to do tomorrow?

3. What are you going to do on the weekend?


When are you going to go to bed tonight?

5. What are you going to read? I’m going to read a comic book.


Who are you going to meet?



What are you going to eat for dinner?


Where are you going to go tomorrow?


What are you going to study tomorrow?

10. What are you going to watch tonight?

11. When are you going to get up tomorrow?

12. What are you going to wear tomorrow?

13. Who are you going to meet tomorrow?

14. When are you going to go home today?

15. What are you going to read tonight?


Reporting Results: The majority of the people in this class . . . Most people in this class . . . Quite a few people in this class . . . About half of the people in this class . . . Hardly any of the people in this class . . . Almost no one in this class . . .

Write up your results:

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

ActivityB.2. Personal Goals Instructions: Complete the Blanks with your Goals

This time next year, I will ___________________________ In five years, I might _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ To achieve these goals, I need to ________________________ In ten years, I will_____________________________ _____________________________ To achieve these goals, I am going to ________________________ I want to have _________ children. When I have a family, I will raise them in __________. When I retire I will live _______________________. 64

ActivityB.3. Write a short composition about your future plans and report it orally to the class. _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________


Activity B.4. Expressing Dreams of the Future Instructions: complete the letter to Santa with your personal dreams

Dear Santa Claus, Christmas is coming and I am looking forward to your visit. This year, I want to have many things for Christmas: First of all, I need_____________________________________ As well, __________________________________________ Finally, I am asking for _________________________________________ I have been a good ________ this year, so I think I deserve these presents. Three good things I have done are: (1) ______________________________________________ (2) _____________________________________________ (3) _____________________________________________ When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I am going to leave ________ and ________ on the table for you to have. Thank you Santa, I am very excited.

Signed _________________

Now: Report your letter to the class. Discuss: do you usually write letter to Santa? Do the children of your country write letters to Santa? 66

Activity B.3. Use of Will for future Predictions


Activity B.3. Getting out on Town Instructions: You are going to walk around the class and make plans to get together with friends sometime in next week. Suggest a good restaurant/café/pub/bar to meet at. Do You Feel Like Getting Together? Introduction: A: Hi, Chris. Long time no see. B: How have you been? A: Good. Keeping busy. You? B: Me too. I could use a break! Name: Suggesting Dinner or Drinks: A: Do you feel like getting together . . . . . . for dinner/coffee/drinks? B: Sounds good. Do you have a place in mind? A: Yes. I know a good café/pub/bar. . . . . . in/near/around (the university)


Get together for/ Location/ Date

Food and Drink Served/ Atmosphere


chicken wings/ burgers

pub near the university next Wednesday

draught beer lively/ usually packed

Describing a Restaurant/Café/Pub B: What do they serve there? A: They serve . . . chicken wings/pasta/burgers, draught beer/wine/coffee. You'll like the chicken wings. They are really good/spicy/cheap /fantastic. The atmosphere good/lively/quiet/relaxing. It's usually crowded/packed/empty. Arranging a Time: B: When do you want to meet? (What day is good for you?) A: I'm free on Tuesday. B: Tuesday is good for me. Or: B: I'm busy on Tuesday. How about Wednesday? A: Wednesday is good for me.


Section C. Using English Expressions in Public Places Activvity. C.1. English in the Bus Instructions: write a list of the expressions used in the bus: example: This bus ride is thirty minutes of so…

Now create your own conversation between you and your classmate. Ask for different places to go and to get off. A: Does this bus really go to the mall? B: It goes all the way there. A: Are you sure? B: I know it does. I catch this bus a lot. A: How long does it take for the bus to get there? B: The bus ride is only thirty minutes or so. A: Where do we get off the bus? B: Right behind Macy's is a bus stop. A: The stop is really at the mall? B: It's in the middle of the parking lot. A: That's perfect. B: I know it is.



Communicating Effectively and Giving Presentations THIS UNIT INTRODUCES YOU TO INTERPRET AND COMMUNICATE INFORMATION ABOUT: DAILY ACTIVITIES AT HOME, SCHOOL AND JOB FUNCTIONS: • Getting people’s attention and introducing a speaker. • Talking about improving English skills when giving a speech. • Making a short speech. • Distinguishing speeches for different occasions. • Responding to criticism when giving a presentation. TOPIC: Communicating Effectively and Giving Presentations LEARNING STRATEGIES 1. 2. • •

Prepare a presentation by using all the material presented by the professor. Give oral performances by speaking from notes. Gain audience attention through the use of words and visuals. Listen carefully to the material presented by the professor to identify specific information. • Complete dialogues by using specific information. • Practice oral interaction using proper pronunciation and language. • Apply background and new knowledge to interact in interviews, dialogues, and speeches.


Section A. Improving English Skills when Giving a Speech Activity A.1. Oral Presentations Instructions: 1. In pairs Investigate one of the following Topics: 2. “Friends A Man’s Best Friend is His Dog” 2. “Successful Relationships” Instructions for Topic # 1. “Friends, A Man’s Best Friend is His Dog” Orient this topic to answer the following questions and present it to the class. 1. Who is your best friend? What is he or she like? Describe him or her to your partners. 2. Why is he or she your best friend? 3. What special qualities does he or she have? 4.What is more important to young people nowadays, friends or family? 5. Which is more important to you, and why? 6. Are you a good friend? What qualities do you offer your friends?

Instructions for Topic # 2 “Successful Relationships” Try to orient your topic as much as you can be based to the next information. 1. What do you think the most import factors are for choosing a partner? 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. Having a successful relationship with your partner? MES-English - ESL/EFL resources for teachers


Section B. Interact Fluently Activity B.1. Sleep, Dreams and Nightmares Instructions: walk around and ask these questions to your classmates as fast as you can Sleep, Dreams and Nightmares Can you sleep during the day? 7. What time do you usually go to bed? 8. What time do you usually get up? 9. Do you ever stay up all night? Why? 10. Do you usually sleep in on the weekend? 11. Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? 12. Do you snore? 13. Do you ever drool in your sleep? 14. Do you use an alarm clock? What time is it set for? 15. Who usually wakes you up in the morning? 16. Do you ever have insomnia? 17. What is a good cure for insomnia? What do you usually do when you have insomnia?


18. What do you usually do just before you go to bed? 19. What do you usually do as soon as you wake up? 20. Do you ever take naps during the day? 21. What do you do when you are tired but you have work to do? 22. Do you drink coffee in the morning? 23. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 24. When you were young did you sleep with a stuffed animal? 25. When you were young did you sleep in the same bed as your parents? 26. Describe your bed: 27. Describe a nightmare that you have had: 28. Describe a pleasant dream that you have had?


Section B. Indentify Specific Information Activity B.1.Getting Specific Information to Solve Riddles.

Instructions: Listen carefully to the riddles presented by the professor and identify specific information to solve the riddles.

Crossing the River Riddles # 1. A family was hiking in the forest. In the family there was the father, the mother, and two children. They came to a river and wanted to cross the river.

They looked for a way to cross the river. At last, they found a small boat. But the boat was too small to carry the whole family. It could only carry one adult or two children. How can the whole family cross the river? Write your answer below: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


# 2. There was a farmer who wanted to go across a river. The farmer had a dog, a goat, and some cabbage. The farmer’s boat was very small so the farmer could only take one thing across the river at a time. The problem was that if the goat were left alone with the cabbage, then the goat would eat the cabbage. If the dog were left alone with the goat then the dog would eat the goat. How can the farmer get everything across the river? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _______

Note: check out for solutions on:


Section C. Reactivating Background and New Knowledge to Interact. Instructions: Take one of the jobs below and prepare a role play to present it. EXPERIENCED Farm Caretaker Experienced farm caretaker. Costa Rican male looking for full time live in employment. Excellent references. Please call Olber 88223183 or 8330-1242 [email protected]

HEAD CHEF Head chef for popular Tamarindo restaurant. Formal culinary training, experience. English required. Send resume to [email protected]

Seeking Bilingual Office Manager Contact Info [email protected] Phone: 2643-2174.Established full service Interior Design firm Palm Coast Interiors in Jaco is seeking full time bilingual (spanish/english) Office Manager for immediate employment. Must have strong customer service skills and be proficient in computers (Mac preferred). Experience needed. Starting Base Salary $800. Please send Resume to [email protected]

Note: While you are performing your job role play; your classmates are going to criticize your performance by completing the following evaluation rubrics: 76

Critics’ Sheet The presentation had a good ending because ……… The language was easy to understand because …………. The topic had good content because…………………. The presenter had a good sense of humor because……… The vocabulary was appropriate and accord to the topic because…….. In my opinion the presentation was: Sufficient / insufficient, deficient because…………………………



Raising Economic Success THIS UNIT INTRODUCES YOU TO USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE FOR COMPARING GOODS, DISCUSSING ADVERTISEMENTS, DESCRIBING PRODUCTS AND PREFERENCES. FUNCTIONS: • Shopping for appliances. • Interpreting job ads. • Examining alternatives and choosing. • Discussing advantages and disadvantages of borrowing money to different sources. TOPIC: Raising Economic Success


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Listen actively using prior knowledge. Use expressions to talk about advertisements. Present short speeches contrasting and comparing products. Speak fluently so others can understand. Read a list of risks and distinguish daily risks from business risks. Use prior knowledge to read with understanding. I extract main points and details in written and oral texts 78

Section A: Talk about Products and Compare its Prices Activity A.1. Contrasting and Comparing Products Instructions: Work in pairs asking your partner for prices and products.

EANTES What did Dan buy for his big date? What did he buy at London Rolls Bakery? How much was it? How much was the total? How did he pay for it? He bought a chocolate cake and two pastries. It was $12.50 for the cake and $2.00 for the pastries? With tax, the total came to 13.25? He paid $20.00 cash and got $6.75 change. (He put it on his credit card/He wrote a check.)

Comparing Information: So if a chocolate cake costs $12.50 and and pastries $2.00. It means that a cake is more expensive than pastries. Now in pairs compare the rest of the products below and form sentences like the one above.


Section B: Talking about Shopping Activity A.1. Vocabulary about Products Instructions: Read and the paragraphs to fill in the blanks with the words in the box below: (1) reasonable cheap expensive

(2) cash

(3) fit



credit card


(4) discount

(5) than





(1) The price: If something costs a lot of money then it is ____________. But if it’s on sale then it is usually ____________. A ____________ price is the price that you would expect to pay for something. (2) Payment: When you pay for something, if you have enough money in your pocket you can pay with ___________. If you don’t, you can put it on your _____________ or write a _____________.

(3) Sizes: If you have gained some weight, your clothes might be a little ____________. On the other hand, if you have lost some weight, they might be a little _____________. If your clothes ___________, then they are not too big and they are not too small.

(4) The Bill: When you go to a restaurant, it is nice to get a ____________. It’s also nice to get service. But if the service isn’t good, then you don’t have to leave a ___________. In some countries, when you order food you also have to pay a _____________.


(5) Comparison Shopping: Forty dollars __________ a meal is a little expensive. Of course, there are some restaurants that are much more pricey ____________ that. On the other hand, there are some really good restaurants that are not as costly ________ that.

Section B. Expressions Talking about Shopping Activity B.1. In your Opinion Instructions: discuss the following questions. (A) (money) for (something) What do you think is cheap? (1) Ten dollars for a shirt is cheap. (2)

What do you think is expensive? (1) (2)

What do you think is a reasonable price to pay for a pair of shoes? (1) What do you think is a reasonable price to pay for a dinner with a date? (2)


Activity B: be (adjective)+er than, Instructions: Make three sentences using some of the following adjectives: cheap












(1) Fish is healthier than beef or pork. (2) (3)

Section C. Comparatives Activity C. Be more (adjective) than Instructions: Make three sentences using some of the following adjectives: delicious








environmentally friendly comfortable

(1) Compact cars are more environmentally friendly than gas guzzlers. (2) (3)

(D) be not as (adjective) as Using any adjectives from (B) and (C) above, make three sentences: (1) Motels are not as expensive as hotels. (2) (3)


Activity C2. Going Shopping Instructions: work in pairs to complete and discuss the sentences: (1) If something is ______________ than you have enough money to buy it. (a) affordable

(b) cheap

(c) expensive

(2) A ______________ product is one that lasts for a long time. (a) powerful

(b) environmentally friendly

(c) durable

(3) When you buy software you want something that is ___________________. (a) unreliable

(b) easy to install

(c) roomy

(4) If a building has a lot of space than we say it is _________________. (a) comfortable

(b) roomy

(c) tight

(5) When you wear stylish clothing, you are _________________. (a) fashionable

(b) snobby

(c) cozy

(6) A _____________ friend is a friend who doesn’t break their promises. (a) powerful

(b) important

(c) reliable

(7) When your clothes are too ______________, maybe you need to go on a diet. (a) comfortable

(b) baggy

(c) tight


(8) A ____________ blanket is very comfortable. (a) tight

(b) cozy

(c) itchy

Now use the adjectives and the comparatives from the sections above to form conversations for each bubble


Section D. Shopping Expressions Activity D.1. English in a Store “That’s like comparing apples and oranges”. What is the meaning of this expression? This means that two things are so different that you can’t compare them.

Now Look at the conversation below.


So that’s about an $8.00 difference. That’s right.

I’ll take the Cool Walkers. How would you like to pay?

I’ll put it on my credit card. ... Alright, here’s your receipt. Have a nice day. Thanks.

Activity D.2. Role Play Shopping Instructions: Divide the class into clients and salespersons The sales persons open a store with different products (1) The sales: You are going on a vacation and you need to do some shopping before you go. (2) Make a shopping list: include as many different products as you can.


(2.1) Write down the items on your shopping list:

(1) ______________________

(5) _______________________

(2) ______________________

(6) _______________________

(3) ______________________

(7) _______________________

(4) ______________________

(8) _______________________




Finding out about a city.

Making recommendations.

Travelling for business and pleasure.

Making flight reservation.

Renting a car.

• •

Giving and asking for directions. Attending business events.


1. Listen to statement about what people are doing in a business travel. 2. Role play about a visitor that is coming from abroad to your international marketing company and you are going to help organize her/his visit. 3. Discuss with a partner about entertainment and leisure activities for a visitor in a foreign country. 4. Develop different reading skills interpreting information related to travelling 5. Write a short note suggesting what someone might enjoy in Costa Rica and offering your help while a business travel. 88

Section A. Flight Reservation Activity A.1 Calling your Travel Agent Instructions: Use the words to complete the dialogue: Take, Need, flight, see, time, help, have, airport, direct, check, seats, leave. Agent: Cathay Pacific Airways. Can I______ you? Ani : Yes. I ______ a _____ from Tokyo to New York on Friday. Do you have any_______? Agent: Let me ____. Yes. I ______one on the 5: 30 flight. Ani: Five thirty! What’s the check-in _____? Agent: One hour economy. Thirty minutes business class. Will you ____that? Ani: No. I won’t get to the________ in time. When will the next flight ______? Agent: There won’t be another ______ flight on Friday. There will be one on Saturday at the same time. Ani: Fine. I’ll _____ that. Agent: Just let me ______. Oh, I’m sorry, that flight’s full.

Phrases to make flight reservations Phrases Can I help you? Do you have any seats? Check-in time Direct flight Let me check Be in time

New Words Flight Airport Direct Check-in Check Economy Business


Now check and Practice your Dialogue Agent: Cathay Pacific Airways. Can I help you? Ani : Yes. I need a flight from Tokyo to New York on Friday. Do you have any seats? Agent: Let me see. Yes. I have one on the 5: 30 flight. Ani: Five thirty! What’s the check-in time? Agent: One hour economy. Thirty minutes business class. Will you take that? Ani: No. I won’t get to the airport in time. When will the next flight leave? Agent: There won’t be another direct flight on Friday. There will be one on Saturday at the same time. Ani: Fine. I’ll take that. Agent: Just let me check. Oh, I’m sorry, that flight’s full.


Section B Checking in At the Hotel At the hotel Useful Vocabulary at the Hotel checking in, hotel reservation, passport, car license, number, nationality, company address, zip code, date of arrival, date of departure, method of payment, signature, date.

Instructions: Interview another student and fill in the form below. Create the questions to get the information you need to complete the form. Guest Registration Card Room Number: Family Name: First Names: Home Address: Street: City: Zip code: Nationality: Passport number: Company name: Company address: Car license number: Date of Arrival: Date of departure: Method of payment: MasterCard American Express Visa card Cash Check Other

Signature: Date:


Section B: at the Airport Activity B.1. Role-play

Instructions: You are customs and immigration officers at an airport. Fill in the blanks with the information according to the conversation.

Welcome to _________. …………………………………………… Where are you coming from? ……………………………………………. What is the purpose of your visit? …………………………………………… How long are you planning to stay? …………………………………………… Where will you be staying? …………………………………………… Is this your first time to ________? ……………………………………………… Do you have anything to declare? ………………………………………….. Enjoy your stay. ……………………………………………


Activity B.2. Reservations (airline) Instructions: In pairs read this dialogue Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?

Reservations clerk:

— Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?

Mary Jones:

— Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?

Reservations clerk:

One moment, please... Yes. There’s a flight at 16:45 and one at 18:00.

Mary Jones:

That’s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I’ll be staying three weeks.

Reservations clerk:

— Economy, business class or first class ticket?

Mary Jones:

— Economy, please.

Reservations clerk:

— That would be $346.

Mary Jones:

— OK. Could I make a reservation?

Reservations clerk:

— Certainly. Which flight would you like?

Mary Jones:

— The 16:45, please.

Reservations clerk:

— Could I have your name, please?

Mary Jones:

— My name is Mary Jones, that´s M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.

Reservations clerk:

— How would you like to pay, Ms. Jones?


Mary Jones:

— Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?

Reservations clerk:

Mary Jones:

— I see.

Reservations clerk:

Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at — 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 476.

Mary Jones:

— Thank you.

Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.

Now use the following information in the cards to complete the missing information from the conversation. “At passport control” A: You are on a plane heading for Chicago. You have some business there. Introduce yourself and your business to the person sitting beside you. Here are the details of your business: You work for a pharmaceutical company. The name of your company is Glebco.

B: You are on a plane heading for Chicago. You have some business there. Introduce yourself and your business to the person sitting beside you. Here are the details of your business: You work for a law firm. The name of your company is Black & White. You specialize in corporate law

You specialize in vaccines for diseases

such as mergers and acquisitions.

such as Malaria and West Nile Virus.

You are based in Bombay

You are based in Madrid.

Your company has offices in Karachi and Kabul.

Your company has offices in Paris and Hamburg.

You are a lawyer

You are a researcher. 94

C: You are on a plane heading for Chicago. You have some business there. Introduce yourself and your business to the person sitting beside you. Here are the details of your business:

D: You are on a plane heading for Chicago. You have some business there. Introduce yourself and your business to the person sitting beside you. Here are the details of your business: You work for a construction company.

You work for a construction company The name of your company is Bob and Sons. You specialize in commercial development

The name of your company is Candu Builders. You specialize in residential development such as houses and condos.

such as shopping malls and restaurants.

You are based in Santiago.

You are based in Kuala Lumpur.

Your company has offices in Lima and Bogota.

Your company has offices in Jakarta and Hanoi.

You are a purchasing agent.

You are an engineer.

Activity B.3. At the Passport Control Instructions: Complete the missing part of the conversation

Do you have a return ticket?


— Good evening. Where have you come from?


officer: You:

— ...

Immigration officer:

— May I have your passport and form I-94, please?


— ...

Immigration officer:

— What’s the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure?


— ...

Immigration officer:

— How long are you going to stay in the United States?


— ...

Immigration officer:

— What is your occupation?


— ...

Immigration officer:

— Do you have a return ticket?


— ...

Immigration officer:

— That’s fine. Thanks. Enjoy your trip.


— ...

Activity B.4. Role Play Introducing your Business Instructions: 1. You are heading to Chicago on business. Find an empty seat on the plane and introduce yourself and your business to the person you are sitting beside. 96

2. Find out about their firm and get the missing information from the table below. Introducing Your Company A: Excuse me. Is this seat taken? B: No, it isn’t. Please have a seat. A: Thanks. John Burg. Pleased to meet you. B: Jenny Myers. Are you heading for Chicago? A: Yes, I have some business there. I work for a law firm. Henderson and Marly. B: Henderson and Marly? I’ve never heard of them. A: We’re a small firm. We specialize in intellectual property rights? Mostly copyrights and trademarks. That kind of thing. We are based out of Detroit, but we have offices in New York and Toronto. B: What do you do for them? A: I’m a lawyer. How about you? What brings you to Chicago? B: I have some business there as well? I work for . . .

Name/ Position

Type of Firm/





Law Firm

intellectual property


Henderson & Marley

copyrights, trademarks

New York, Toronto

Name of Firm John Burg Lawyer

© 2007


Activity B.5. Rent-A-Car Instructions: complete the missing information of the conversation: I’d like to rent a car

Rent-A-Car — Good morning. May I help you? Clerk: You:

— ...

Rent-A-Car — Okay. Full-size, mid-size or compact, ma´am? Clerk: You:

— ...

Rent-A-Car — 78 dollars a day with unlimited mileage. Clerk: You:

— ...

Rent-A-Car — Is there an additional driver? Clerk: You:

— ...

Rent-A-Car If you want full coverage insurance, it will be 8 dollars per day. It — Clerk: includes collision damage waiver and personal accident insurance. You:

— ...

Rent-A-Car Here is our brochure, ma´am. Err... full-size... OK. Please choose a — Clerk: model in this section. You:

— ...

Rent-A-Car — All right. How many days would you like to use it? Clerk: You:

— ...


Rent-A-Car — May I see your driver´s license and credit card please? Clerk: You:

— ...

Yes, it is. (...) Rent-A-Car — Thank you. Please fill in this form. Can you check this box, and put Clerk: your initials here, and again here.

Now use the cards below to create your own conversations: you can use the sample conversation above.

You are a businessman/businesswoman. You have an important business meeting in Osaka Japan next Thursday. You need a roundtrip ticket to Osaka Japan before Thursday. You are traveling alone and you would prefer a business class ticket since your boss is paying for the ticket. You would like to return the following Monday.

You are a student. You are flying to your home in Osaka for the holidays. You are broke so you need the cheapest ticket you can find. You would prefer to fly on Monday or Tuesday, but price is the most important thing. You would like to return in September.

You are a businessman/ businesswoman. You have some important business in Incheon, South Korea. You need to be in Incheon for a Tuesday morning business meeting. You are not sure when your business will be finished so you only want a one-way ticket, preferably business class. You are traveling with two other

You are an English teacher. You have a teaching job in Osaka, Japan. You need to be in Osaka next Friday to start your job. You want a one-way economy ticket.


people from your company.

Section C. Find out about Services in a Foreign Country

Activity C.1. Where Can I get some coffee? Instructions: Practice the following conversation by asking your partner where you can do the following and using the substitutions in the box.

A: Do you know where I can get a cup of coffee?


B: Sure. You could try the Starry Café.

get some hiking boots

A: Where’s that?

get some cat food

B: It’s on 2nd Avenue across from the pharmacy.

buy some milk

A: Thanks. B: No problem

buy some steaks. see a movie order some sushi rent a bike

work out

pick up a bathing suit

buy some pants

get some aspirin

grab a hamburger

purchase some software



Activity C.2. Giving Directions Use this map to give your partner suggestions and directions about the different places

Language Points Giving Street Names It’s on Pine Street It’s on 2nd Avenue. It’s on the corner of 2nd and Pine. Giving Nearby Landmarks


It’s across from the bank. It’s next to the park. It’s opposite the library.

Now make a conversation between a tourist asking for directions and a local person giving recommendations: use the sample conversation. A: Do you know where I can get a book? B: Sure. You should go to the library. A: Where’s that? B: It’s on First Avenue across from the hospital. A: Thanks. B: No problem


Section D.2. Recommending Touristic Places to the Foreigners

Katie Onheiber / Tico Times.

Wallflower: Cachí, about 15 km east of Cartago, offers a rock climbing challenge. Cachí, about 15 km east of Cartago, offers some of the best rock climbing in the country. Gear is available for rent and climbs cater to all abilities. The dramatic canyon set amid green hills creates a beautiful backdrop for a day of thrills.

Activity D.1. Places of Costa Rica to be Recommended to a Tourist Instructions: In pairs discuss the picture and the reading above: you and your partner recommend this sport and place to a tourist who wants to know more about Costa Rica.


Now: Discuss what you can see in the pictures: what do you think of them?

Monday, October 18, 2010 - By The Tico Times

Monday, October 18, 2010 - By The Tico Times


Sheet A: you are going to use this information to sell your house to student B who is a foreign coming to Costa Rica and is looking forward to buy a house. Student A: give this information to student B. Welcome to a Costa Rica real estate consulting company. With over 10 years experience in Costa Rica real estate, I can help you find your perfect place in paradise. Whether you are looking for a home or a business opportunity or to rent or buy in the Central Valley or the beaches in exotic and beautiful Costa Rica you have found the right place.

You can browse properties by the main provinces of Costa Rica, which are Alajuela, Cartago, Heredia, San Jose all located in the Central Valley, or beach properties located in the provinces of Guanacaste, Puntarenas and Limon. My name is…………………………………….. I am from Costa Rica. Please let me show you this property.

Monday, October 18, 2010 - By The Tico Times


Description of the house student A is going to sale to student B

• Located in country side in Montana de Luna, Santa Ana • 1020 sq. m. of construction • 2232 sq. m. of land • 3 bedrooms, all with walk-in closets and bathrooms. • 3 visitor bathrooms • Laundry room • Dining room • Living room • Eat-in kitchen with stainless steel appliances, island; all countertops with granite. • Lower level with panoramic views.

• One bedroom apartment with separate entrance • Heated swimming pool • Jacuzzi and sauna • 23/9 gated community with guard. • Convenient location to Forum/Multiplaza, etc.


B Sheet Student B: you are looking for a house with the following description.

One apartment with separate entrance.

• Heated swimming pool • Jacuzzi • Steam room • Pool area bathroom • Barbeque • Satellite TV with all U.S. channels • Panoramic views from all rooms • Fully furnished – move-in condition • Convenient location to Forum/Multiplaza, etc. • Three telephone lines. • Completely fenced in • Price: $1. million


BIBLIOGRAPHY Electronic Resources AudioNet.com avel_2.htm. October the 19th, 2010.

Chris Gunn. Information Gap, Survey, Simulation, and Vocabulary Worksheets. En Consulta: 6 de Octubre 2010.

EFL Activities for kids, ESL Printable Worksheets. Resources for ... 2010.19th OCTOBER 2010. Futonge N. Kisito, webmaster, Website Search. Quizzes/advanced/compound. 2009. OCTUBER10 11:22. .AM.

Frequency Adverbs Multiple Choice.Frequency Adverbs Multiple Choice.2007. 19th OCTUBER -

HostGator. Board game sheets for teaching ESL and EFL and science. 2002. Consulta: 4 de Octubre 2010.

Index of flashcards. ESL Season Flashcards. Parent Directory. Consulta 11 de Octubre.2010.


Lanternfish. Directions to a Restaurant: ESL Role-play. 2007. Practice for superlatives, nationalities, and directions. Consulta: 11 de Octubre 2010.

Match the jobs on the left to their definitions on the right ... 2010. Futonge Kisito, webmaster, 19th October 2010.

MES-English - ESL/EFL resources for teachers

Tico Times News Paper. Monday, October 18, 2010 - By The Tico Times

Travel English: English for tourists, English for travel, travel. Consulta: 17de October 2010.


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