4. Mko lks he hetks tks kdtn kdtnoihk oihkss y utilizeohk utilizeohk le gýrau gýraule le (5:) nom nomunot unotrn rn le veriemiýo veriemiýo hn le vnlkmiheh.
5. Hnse Hnserrklln rrklln llee rnle rnlemiýo miýo hn le mur murve ve pks pksimiý imiýoo vnrs vnrsus us tin tinapk. apk.
4. Nomu Nomunotrn notrn le rnlemiý rnlemiýoo notrn le emnlnrem emnlnremiýo, iýo, le aes aesee y le gunrze no ns nste te pråmtime. pråmtime. ]i, pere qun sn aunve nl merrk ssnn eplime uoe gun gunrze rze G.
Le rnlemiýo nxistnotn punhn hn le emnlnremiýo mko rnspnmtk e le gunrze ns qun sko ibuelns, ns hnmir hnpnohn hn le gunrze eplimehe e himfk kd`ntk snrå ibuel e su emnl em nlnr nrem emiý iýoo hi hivi vihk hk skd kdrn rn le ae aese se hn hnll kd kd`n `ntk tk.. No kt ktre ress pe pele ledr dres es,, nx nxis istn tn uoe rnle rnlemiýo miýo hirnm hirnmte te notrn le gunrz gunrzee y le emnl emnlnrem nremiýo iýo y uoe rnle rnlemiýo miýo iovn iovnrse rse notrn le aese y le emnlnremiýo. ]inaprn qun sn epliqun uoe gunrze nxistn uoe emnlnremiýo, qun pråmtimeanotn su rnsultehk ve e hnpnohnr hn mueote aese kmupn nl kd`ntk.
=. . E pertir hn le less gýrau gýraules les (8) y (2) y us useohk eohk nnll målmulk, målmulk, hnhuzme hnhuzme les les gýraules gýraules dåsime dåsimess hn le mionaåtime hnl AT^W
Le vnlkmiheh no guomiýo hnl tinapk sn kdtinon uoe rnmte perelnle rnmte perelnle el n`n hn edsmises (tinapk). edsmises (tinapk). Ehnaås, nl årne de`k le rnmte prkhumihe rnprnsnote le histeomie rnmkrrihe. Nl Akviainotk Tnmtiláonk ns uoe treynmtkrie rnmte, su vnlkmiheh ns mkosteotn y su emnlnremiýo ns oule.
Nl AT^W ok tinon oiobðo tipk hn veriemiýo no su vnlkmiheh, sio naderbk, le pksimiýo y nl tinapk tinapk sko prkpkrmikoelns prkpkrmikoelns notrn sá, el mmkotrerik kotrerik hn le emn emnlnremiýo, lnremiýo, ye qun ns iovnrseanotn prkpkrmikoel el tinapk.
Le veriemiýo hn pksimiýo k hnsplezeainotk sn he pkr le veriemiýo hn le repihnz hnl munrpk no nstuhik, nstk sn he per le iotnrvnomiýo hn uo gemtkr nxtnrok nl muel prkhumn uoe emnlnremiýo emnlnremiýo le mu muel el prkvkme nl me meadik adik hn vnlkmih vnlkmiheh eh
Zere rnelizer le mkaperemiýo hn hetks, iotnoter rnelizer tedles snperehes pere qun nxiste anokr mkogusiýo el akanotk hn su lnmture.
Zer le kdtnomiýo hn rnsultehks r nsultehks fey qun pleotner lks hetks kdtnoihks y rnelizer uo eoålisis aetnaåtimk emkrhn y esá pkhnr eplimer nl aétkhk aås gemtidln pere le rnelizemiýo hn lks n`nrmimiks
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