Ynovirsomfm leepirftovf mi Legekjof Cflugtf mi onhinoirëf Onhinoirëf lovog Kilænolf mi cguomes :0::
EJBI]OSE HINIZFG2 Cfjrolfr un sujkfrone lfsire len igoli y un keter gf lufg ge pumoirf kevir
Mikestrfr ges pronlopoes mi cgetfjogomfm (Pronlopoe mi Pfslfg y Pronlopoe mi
Frquëkimis) fpgolfmes in gf lenstrulloün y kfnibe mi un sujkfrone
Lrifr mistrizfs in ig kfnibe mi dirrfkointfs pfrf insfkjgfr ixpirokintes
. utogozfnme kftirofgis rilolgfmes
KFZLE ]IÜZOLE PZONLOPOE MI PF\LFG Mijome f gfs lfrfltirëstolfs mi ges cguomes, is milor, ges gëquomes, is okpesojgi fpgolfr prisoün in fghòn punte sejri igges. Pfrf iste, is nilisfroe qui gf cuirzf si ibirzf sejri unf supircoloi. Istf cuirzf, si ixprisf leke gf cuirzf per unomfm mi ærif, gf prisoün.
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