Informe 4 Sistema de Particulas
March 3, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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DAJ@^KL 3 XDXSLKE CL YE^SDH\BEX B`plre Mlae` Bldcy B`rlae., Kehëes Xåahmlz Guea Keaulb., Ferhëe Fdrebc` Gm`s Geky .,Føklz ^lacøa Guea Lstlnea.,Ceadlb ^ekdrlz Febblf` Y`bdtähadh` H`b`kndea` Gedkl Dseze Hecevdc, Klclbbëa - H`b`knde Jehubtec cl Eckdadstrehdøa, Jehubtec cl dafladlrëe A`vdlknrl cl >9>9 ^LX\KLA La lstl køcub` eaebdzek`s be rlbehdøa c`s ` kås pertëhubes qul datlreht÷ea latrl së, lstucderbe cdaåkdhe a` cl uae pertëhube sda` cl ua sdstlke cl pertëhubes. DAS^@C\HHD@A Lb `ngltdv` p`r lb hueb mdhdk`s lstl køcub` ls h`a be datlahdøa cl eaebdzer, eprlaclr y seher h`ahbusd`als clb sdstlke cl pertëhubes qul la kuhmes sdtuehd`als jësdhes sl lkpble be epr`xdkehdøa clb dkpubs`. La lste epr`xdkehdøa, sl sup`al qul uae ua e cl bes julrzes qul eht÷ea s`nrl be pertëhube ls kuy freacl plr` cl kuy h`rte curehdøa. Lste epr`xdkehdøa ls cl frea utdbdcec hueac` sl lstucdea b`s hm`quls, p`r lglkpb`, cl uae plb`te h`a uae requlte ` uae pebe. Lb tdlkp` cl h`bdsdøa ls kuy plqulõ`, clb `rcla cl hlatäsdkes ` kdbäsdkes cl slfuac`, y be julrze pr`klcd` qul lglrhl be pebe ` be requlte ls cl verd`s hdlat`s ` kdbls cl alwt`as. Lste julrze ls kuhm` key`r qul be frevlcec, p`r b` qul sl pulcl utdbdzer be epr`xdkehdøa clb dkpubs`. Hueac` sl utdbdze lste epr`xdkehdøa ls dkp`rteatl rlh`rcer qul b`s k`klat`s bdalebls dadhdeb y jdaeb sl rljdlrla eb dasteatl eatls y clspuäs cl be h`bdsdøa, rlsplhtdveklatl. KESL^DEBLX T Y^@HLCDKDLAS@ B`s ketlrdebls qul utdbdzek`s la lste pråhtdhe jul lb sdkubec`r treholr qul ls ua pr`freke fretudt` cl eaåbdsds cl vdcl` y h`astruhhdøa cl k`clb`s mlhm` la lb ekndl ekndlatl, atl, sehåac`bl nesteatl utdbdcec clndc` e t`c` b` qul sl pulcl mehlr la äb, a`s nesek`s la t`ces bes hbesls qul a`s cd` lb pr`jls`r lxpbdhåac`a`s clscl cl scl lstl kdsk` sdkubec`r y tekndäa clscl b`s vdcl`s y lglkpb`s qul sl lahulatrea clatr` clb køcub` cl sdstlke cl pertëhubes.
◀ H`bdsdøa latrl bes keses E y N7 La lstl vëcl` sl eprlhde qul be ke kese se E sl cdrdfl h`a hdlrte vlb`hdcec mehde be kese N qul sl lahulatre la rlp`s`. Xl eprlhde ua` cl b`s hes`s pertdhuberls lxpulst`s la hbesl, equlb la be hueb ua` cl b`s c`s hulrp`s lstå la rlp`s` y `tr` hulrp` bl pr`v`he uae h`bdsdøa, ls clhdr h`a y . Jdaebklatl, vlk`s qul hueac` b`s hulrp`s datlrehhd`aea p`r be julrze clb hm`qul, lb hulrp` E sujrl ua heknd` la su heatdcec cl k`vdkdlat` p`rqul qulce la rlp`s` y b` kdsk` suhlcl h`a lb hulrp` N qul lkpdlze e k`vlrsl, clk`streac` qul b`s hulrp`s datlrhekndea sus vlb`hdcecls, eb `hurrdr lst` sl h`aslrve be lalrfëe hdaätdhe clb sdstlke, p`r b` qul ls uae h`bdsdøa lbåstdhe. ◀ H`bdsdøa latrl bes keses H y E7 La lstl hes` be kese H ls key`r qul be kese clb hulrp` E, eclkås, lb hulrp` H bblve kås vlb`hdcec y p`r b` teat` tdlal ua k`klat` bdaleb kuhm` key`r qul lb qul bblve lb hulrp` E. Eb h`bdsd`aer, be kese H bl treasjdlrl k`klat` y lalrfëe hdaätdhe e be kese E, pr`v`heac` qul be cdrlhhdøa cl be vlb`hdcec la E sl davdlrte, kdlatres qul la H rlcuhl su vlb`hdcec h`asdclrenblklatl. Ecdhd`aebklatl, b`s hulrp`s a` sujrla clj`rkehdøa, p`r teat`, be lalrfëe hdaätdhe clb sdstlke sl h`aslrve y tlalk`s tlalk `s uae h`bdsdøa lbåstdhe ◀ H`bdsdøa latrl b`s hulrp`s E y H7 Be kese clb hulrp` E ls kla`r qul be clb hulrp` H. Yulst` qul e plser cl qul lb hulrp` E tdlal uae vlb`hdcec key`r, eb h`bdsd`aer h`a H lstl davdlrtl be cdrlhhdøa cl su vlb`hdcec y bl treasjdlrl lalrfëe y heatdcec cl k`klat` bdaleb eb hulrp` H. Lste ls uae h`bdsdøa lbåstdhe ye qul a` mey clj`rkehdøa cl b`s hulrp`s y be lalrfëe hdaätdhe h daätdhe clb sdstlke sl h`aslrve. ◀ H`bdsdøa latrl b`s hulrp`s H y E7 Aulveklatl lb hulrp` H prlslate uae key`r heatdcec cl k`vdkdlat`, pulst` qul eb h`bdsd`aer h`a lb hulrp` E bl dkprdkl uae vlb`hdcec sehåac`b` cl su lstec` cl rlp`s`, e plser cl lst`, lb hulrp`s H h`atda÷e h`a ua blvl k`vdkdlat` la be kdske cdrlhhdøa la be qul vlaëe mehde E. Be lalrfëe hdaätdhe sl treasjdlrl clb hulrp` H eb hulrp` E, p`r b` qul sl be llalrfëe alrfëe hdaätdhe la lb sdstlke sl h`aslrve y sl tdlal uae h`bdsdøa lbåstdhe. ◀ H`bdsdøa latrl hulrp`s E y N7 La lste `hesdøa sl tdlal uae h`bdsdøa plrjlhteklatl dalbåstdhe ye qul be lalrfëe hdaätdhe heknde eb j`rkersl ua s`b` hulrp` h`a uae kese key`r, p`r b` qul sl r`kpl lb prdahdpd` cl h`aslrvehdøa cl be lalrfëe hdaätdhe. ◀ H`bdsdøa latrl b`s hulrp`s E y H7 Xl eprlhde cl aulv` uae h`bdsdøa plrjlhteklatl dalbåstdhe ye qul sl r`kpl lb prdahdpd` cl h`aslrvehdøa cl be lalrfëe hdaätdhe la lb sdstlke, ye qul bulf` cl be h`bdsdøa sl tdlal ua hulrp` cl kese key`r. Xl vl qul eb hm`her E h`a H, be vlb`hdcec h`k÷a cl ekn`s hulrp`s ls kuy nege, p`r b` qul sl pulcl datudr qul be kese cl H ls key`r qul be cl E. ◀ H`bdsdøa latrl H y E7 Xl tdlal uae h`bdsdøa plrjlhteklatl dalbåstdhe ye qul clspuäs cl be h`bdsdøa be lalrfëe hdaätdhe clb sdstlke heknde, pulst` qul ye s`b` mey ua hulrp` cl key`r kese, p`r teat`, sl r`kpl lb prdahdpd` cl h`aslrvehdøa cl be
; 9 ≩ 9
lalrfëe hdaätdhe. Be vlb`hdcec qul ecqudlrl be kese clspuäs clb hm`qul ls key`r
qul be clb vëcl` eatlrd`r, p`r b` qul sl vlrdjdhe be mdpøtlsds cl qul be kese cl H ls key`r qul be cl E. ◀ Ylb`te cl pbåstdh`7 Lstl ls ua lglkpb` cl h`bdsdøa dalbåstdhe, la be hueb sl pulcl vlr qul e klcdce qul sl flalre ua rln`tl cl be plb`te, prlslate hece vlz kla`s vlb`hdcec cl eshlas` y p`r b` teat` kla`s lalrfëe hdaätdhe, p`r b` teat` sl dahukpbl lb prdahdpd` cl h`aslrvehdøa cl be lalrfëe. Clndc` e be cdjlrlahde tea kerhece la bes keses cl be plb`te y be suplrjdhdl, be suplrjdhdl plrkealhl la rlp`s` y s`b` verëe be heatdcec cl k`vdkdlat` cl be plb`te. Ecdhd`aebklatl, lstl sdstlke a` lstå h`kpblteklatl edsbec` clb lat`ra` ye qul be plb`te lstå dajbulahdece p`r su pls`, be hueb rlprlslate uae julrze lxtlrae eb sdstlke. ◀ Ylb`te cl sdbdh`ae7 La lstl hes` `hurrl uae h`bdsdøa dalbåstdhe, la be hueb be plb`te ve plrcdlac` hece vlz kås vlb`hdcec eb e b eeshlaclr, shlaclr, p`r b` qul be lalrfëe hdaätdhe a` sl h`aslrve eatls y clspuäs clb hm`qul. Ecdhd`aebklatl, be plb`te a` lstå h`kpblteklatl edsbece clb lat`ra`, ye qul ls dajbulahdece p`r uae julrze lxtlrae, qul la lstl hes` ls lb pls` cl be kdske clndc` e be ehlblrehdøa cl be frevlcec. ◀ Yuhos H`bbdcl7 Lste ls uae h`bdsdøa la lb pbea`, be hueb pulcl cljdadrsl h`k` lbåstdhe clndc` e qul bes plb`tes a` sl clj`rkea ad sl jusd`aea la uae s`be kese, p`r teat`, be lalrfëe hdaätdhe sl treaskdtl cl uae e `tre y sl h`aslrve be lalrfëe hdaätdhe clb sdstlke, eb dfueb qul su k`klat` bdaleb.
5. H`bdsdøa latrl bes keses E y N7 Be vlb`hdcec dadhdeb cl be kese E sl mebbe nusheac` la be tenbe cl cet`s h`astrudce p`r lb s`jtwerl Sreholr. Lb kdsk` pr`hlcdkdlat` sl rlebdze pere h`a`hlr be vlb`hdcec cl be kese N. B`s `tr`s cet`s sl `ntdlala cl be daj`rkehdøa clb vëcl`. ,
; 5== ; 5== (/) (/) (/) (/) Zlb`hdcec
Senbe 5. H`kperehdøa cl b`s veb`rls ve b`rls cl vlb`hdcec pere lb sdstlke cl pertëhubes E y N.
Cl ehulrc` e b` lstucdec` la hbesl s`nrl eaåbdsds cl h`bdsd`als pere c`s hulrp`s h`a dfueb kese, sl ce ua datlrheknd` cl vlb`hdcec latrl eknes pertëhubes. Zek`s e h`kpr`ner lst` p`r klcd` cl bes lhuehd`als ketlkåtdhes qul rdfla bes h`bdsd`als plrjlhteklatl lbåstdhes.
; (>+);9(5=5===>(5== ++ 5=5==)=) ; 9
) ; (>+);(5,9:4 /)(5==>(5== + 5== ) ; 5,:4 //
Zlk`s puls, qul lb datlrheknd` cl vlb`hdcecls ls vlrëcdh`, eb tlalr dfueb kese lknds hulrp`s, hueac` sl ce be h`bdsdøa lb hulrp` E pese e lster la rlp`s` y lb hulrp` N ecqudlrl be vlb`hdcec qul tlaëe E dadhdebklatl. Sekndäa p`clk`s vlr la be Senbe 5 qul lb veb`r tlørdh` cdjdlrl clb lxplrdklateb, vek`s e hebhuber lb lrr`r rlbetdv` p`rhlatueb la be vlb`hdcec jdaeb cl be kese N.
; ∞ ;5,9:4∞5,93=;9,9>5 , ; ∖599% , ∖599%;5, 4 :%
Lstl veb`r cl lrr`r rlbetdv` sl lxpbdhe p`r be p`sdhdøa clb sdstlke cl h``rclaeces undhec` p`r a`s`tr`s kdsk`s la lb s`jtwerl Sreholr, eclkås cl b`s p`sdnbls ljlht`s qul tlafe be këadke jrdhhdøa clb rdlb s`nrl lb qul sl clspbezea bes keses. B` kdsk` suhlcl h`a be vlb`hdcec jdaeb cl be kese E, lstl lrr`r a` sl hebhube p`rqul eb epbdher be lhuehdøa cl lrr`r rlbetdv` sl bblfe e uae cdvdsdøa p`r hlr`, sdlac` lst` uae dacltlrkdaehdøa ketlkåtdhe.
>. H`bdsdøa latrl bes keses H y E7 Seat` be kese H h`k` be kese E p`slla uae vlb`hdcec dadhdeb, p`r b` teat` sl clnla mebber bes vlb`hdcecls dadhdebls y jdaebls h`a eyuce clb s`jtwerl Sreholr. ,
; >39 ; 5==
(/) (/) (/) (/)
-9,88> -9,88>
Senbe >. H`kperehdøa cl veb`rls cl vlb`hdcec v lb`hdcec pere lb sdstlke cl pertëhubes H y E.
La lstl hes` tlalk`s c`s pertëhube h`a vlb`hdcecls dadhdebls, em`re, h`a b`s veb`rls dadhdebls cl vlb`hdcec err`gec`s p`r lb s`jtwerl hebhuberlk`s b`s veb`rls tlørdh`s cl bes vlb`hdcecls jdaebls, pere p`clr mebber lb lrr`r p`rhlatueb.
; ( ∞+ ) + (>+)
; (>39 >39 ;∞+ ∞9∞9,5== 5==,53:)(5,//543>399>(5== + 5=5==)= )(∞9,88>/) ; (>+) + ( ∞+ ) >(>39 ) 5=5=== ∞∞ >39 ; (>3>399 ;+ 5,5=5==88== // )(5, 543>399 + 5=5=== )(∞9,88>/)
Lst`s veb`rls tdlala slatdc` ye qul clshrdnla b` qul sl kulstre la lb vëcl` cl be h`bdsdøa, la be hueb bes vlb`hdcecls cl ekn`s hulrp`s sl davdlrtla, prlslatåac`sl lb key`r heknd` la be heatdcec cl k`vdkdlat` s`nrl lb hulrp` E, qul ls qudla tdlal kla`r kese y rlhdnl kås lalrfëe hdaätdhe clb hulrp` hu lrp` H. Lb lrr`r rlbetdv` p`rhlatueb es`hdec` e bes vlb`hdcecls jdaebls cl ekn`s hulrp`s hul rp`s ls7
; 9,5=6∞9, 9,53:53: ∖599%;>=,5%
> 6: ; 5,8=∞5, 5,8= ∖599%;6,39 Zlb`hdcecls Slørdh` Lxplrdklateb
(/) (/) (/) (/) 5,>5>
Senbe 8. H`kperehdøa cl veb`rls cl vlb`hdcec v lb`hdcec pere lb sdstlke cl pertëhubes E y H.
Yere hebhuber b`s veb`rls tlørdh`s cl bes vlb`hdcecls jdaebls vek`s e user bes lhuehd`als pere h`bdsd`als plrjlhteklatl lbåstdhes. Yere mebber b`s veb`rls tlørdh`s jdaebls userlk`s bes vlb`hdcecls dadhdebls err`geces p`r Sreholr.
; ( +∞ ) + (>+) ) ; (5=5==5=5==== ∞+∞+ >3>3>39>3999 )(5,>5>/)+(5=5===>(>39 + >3>399 )(9) ;∞9,536 / > ∞ ; ( + ) + ( + )
>39 >3 9 ∞ ∞ 5= 5== = ) )(9);; 5,9955 // )(5, )( 5, >5> > 5 > / /) ) + ( ; (5=5===>(5== 5=5=== ++ >3>399 )(9) ++ >3>399
B`s sdfa`s cl b`s rlsubtec`s h`rrlsp`acla h`a lb sdstlke cl h``rclaeces qul sl lsh`fdø, bes vlb`hdcec clb hulrp` E sl davdlrtl y lb hulrp` H ecqudlrl uae vlb`hdcec cl 9,=86 k/s bulf` cl be h`bdsdøa. B`s lrr`rls rlbetdv`s p`rhlatuebls latrl b`s veb`rls tlørdh`s y lxplrdklatebls cl bes vlb`hdcecls jdaebls s`a7
5 36 ; 9,539 ; 5== (/) (/) (/) (/) Zlb`hdcec
Senbe 3. H`kperehdøa cl veb`rls cl vlb`hdcec v lb`hdcec pere lb sdstlke cl pertëhubes H y E.
Yere hebhuber b`s veb`rls tlørdh`s cl bes vlb`hdcecls jdaebls vek`s e user be lhuehd`als pere h`bdsd`als plrjlhteklatl lbåstdhes.
; ( ∞+ ) + (>+)
) )(9);; 9,559>9> // /)) + (>39>(5== ; (>3>39>3>3999 ∞+∞+ 5=5=5==5==== )(9,)(9,==3:3: / +5== )(9) ; (>+) + ( ∞+ )
; (>3>399>(>39 ++ 5=5==)= )()(9,9,==3:3: / /)) + (5=5==>3>39=9 ∞+∞+ >539== )(9);9,43= /
B`s veb`rls cl bes vlb`hdcecls jdaebls h`ahulrcea h`a b` rlprlslatec` la lb vëcl`, lb hulrp` H sujrl uae clsehlblrehdøa e heuse cl be h`bdsdøa y treasjdlrl pertl cl su lalrfëe hdaätdhe eb hulrp` E, lb hueb ecqudlrl uae vlb`hdcec key`r e be qul tdlal H bulf` clb hm`qul, p`r b` qul su k`klat` bdaleb lxplrdklatø ua heknd` kås freacl. B`s lrr`rls rlbetdv`s sl hebhubea e h`atdauehdøa7
; 9,5>5∞9, 9,59>59> ∖599%;9,5=%
= 6= ; 9,43=∞9, 9,43= ∖599%;9,96%
Lst`s veb`rls cl lrr`r rlbetdv` s`a cl nege kefadtuc, b` qul qudlrl clhdr qul b`s håbhub`s mlhm`s p`r lb s`jtwerl julr`a ndla k`clbec`s, eclkås cl qul lb sdstlke cl h``rclaeces pulcl tlalr uae nulae p`sdhdøa y qul b`s puat`s s`nrl be fråjdhe cl vlb`hdcec la lb lgl ] sl lbdfdlr`a la ua nula puat` blg`s clb årle c`acl sl lxplrdklate be ehlblrehdøa p`r be h`bdsdøa.
EHSDZDCEC 8 ‒H`bdsd`als dalbåstdhes‛
Cet`s Slørdh`s7
Cet`s Slørdh`s7
Cet`s Slørdh`s7
Ylb`te 5 sdatätdhe Eb eaebdzer lb vdcl` cl be plb`te pl b`te 5 `nslrvek`s qul eb dadhder lb beazekdlat` be plb`te lkpdlze euklater su vlb`hdcec plr` e klcdce qul su k`vdkdlat` lkpdlze e sundr y e neger su ebture ve cdskdauylac` (vlr dkefla 5).
Dkefla 5(bëale cl hekda`s)
@nslrveac` be ebture 5 cl be (dkefla (dkefla >)
Dkefla > T eb h`kpererbe h`a be ebture > cl be dkefla 8.
Dkefla 8
@nslrvek`s qul su vlb`hdcec cdskdauyl. \tdbdzeac` be lxprlsdøa hdalkåtdhe cl be vlb`hdcec gust` eatls cl dkpehter h`a lb sulb` cl ua hulrp` la heëce bdnrl clscl uae ebture m5 p`clk`s clrdver su lxprlsdøa esë
>>>, 4 >=>,4
Ylb`te > pbåstdhe Eb `nslrver lb rln`tl cl be plb`te pbåstdhe p båstdhe h`a rlsplht` eb cl be plb`te sdatätdhe vlk`s qul lste tdlal ua rln`tl ua p`h` p`h ` kås slperec` y kås h`asteatl y cure kås su vlb`hdcec. @nslrver dkefla 5 plb`te pbåstdhe
Dkefla 5 plb`te pbåstdhe
@nslrveac` be ebture 5 cl be (dkefla (dkefla >)
Dkefla > T eb h`kpererbe h`a be ebture > cl be dkefla 8.
Dkefla 8
@nslrvek`s qul su vlb`hdcec ls kås cureclre y tdlal kås rln`tls.
\tdbdzeac` be lxprlsdøa hdalkåtdhe cl be vlb`hdcec gust` eatls cl dkpehter h`a lb sulb` cl ua hulrp` la heëce bdnrl clscl uae ebture m5 p`clk`s clrdver su lxprlsdøa esë
9.99..8933 ∗9.6::
Be vlb`hdcec cl bes c`s plb`tes p lb`tes a` s`a tea cdjlrlatls rlsplht` h`a lb rlsubtec` cl be lhuehdøa.
EHSDZDCEC < Hdlahde la hese H`astrudk`s ua päacub` heslr` la hese h`a ua tr`z` cl mdb` cl 5.>9k cl b`afdtuc hueat` b` p`alk`s e `shdber sl lahulatre h`a ua hbev` e uae cdsteahde cl 9.=9k, eb rlebdzer bes prulnes h`atuaclatls a`s lah`atrek`s qul7 pere qul lb pdv`tl cl be vulbte la lb hbev` ls alhlserd` ua åafub` cl 3
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