Information Technology Project Report

September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Under the guidance of : SHRUSTHII BA!AI SHRUSTH &ASSISTA#T !R'F(SS'R)  

Submitted By: "HA#"HA$ SI#%H Roll #o*+,-,./--0/ Batch MBA !"#$%#&

1A2A#A#1 A"A1(32 'F 3A#A%(3(#T STU1I(S4 5A#!UR  AFFI$IAT(1 T'  A*!**AB1U$ 5A$A3 T("H#I"A$ U#I6(RSIT24 $U"5#'7

Ac'()*+,-,/,(t I would li8e to e9pre my incere gratitude and regard to my internal guide MS. SHRUS SH RUSHT HTII BA BAJP JPA AI for her cont contant ant inpi inpirati ration4 on4 uper uper;ii ;iion on and in;al in;aluabl uablee guidance for ma8ing the probuine?@ ';erall4 the anwer that firm ha;e faced mot of the challenge identified in the pat4 and that thi imply repreent the latet iteration of thee challenge* 'rganiation 'rganiat ion ha;e faced the challenge of integrating autonomou buinee* A "oniderable literature ha grown up around all of the problem in managing  probaed firm mut deal with de;eloping people 8ill among their Technical Te chnical manager4 be they engineer4 financial analyt4 or oftware de;eloper*

 3anaging acro generation i certainly not a new iue* And both the  buine today from managing in a bric8 bric8 and mortar buine*


Thee fi Th fir rtt fa fact ctor or di dit tin ingu gui ihi hing ng e> e>bu bui ine ne  fr from om tr trad adit itio iona nall bu bui ine ne  i th thee comple9ity of the problem*

 7hat eem different about managing e>buinee today tem from the Interaction of facing all of thee challenge imultaneouly* imultaneouly* 7hile organiation may ha;e faced each of thee challenge before4 they ha;e  probably ne;er faced o many challenge challenge at the ame time* time* Thi create a le;el of comple9ity eldom e9perienced before* A econd4 econd4 more important et of factor wa noted e9plicitly by the repondent* In fact4 when preed on thee iue4 repondent agreed a to the ditincti;ene of  two tw o of th thee ch chal alle leng nge e:: Un Unce cert rtai aint nty y an and d p pee eed* d* 6irt rtua uall lly y e; e;er ery y pe per ron on we inter;iewed firt noted that the bigget change in mo;ing to e>buine i the peed* Thing happen o much more quic8ly4 Requiring fater organiational repone than they had e;er faced before* Second4 while fewer noted it pecifically4 the uncertainty challenge wa at leat implicit if  not e9plicit*  They noted the concern with not 8nowing for ure how to manage in the preent en;ironment that wa accentuated by uncertainty regarding what might happen ne9t* It eem that the combination of uncertainty regarding the way in which certain factor will change change in the future with the !eople in the (>Buine 7! 7! --> ++ increai increaing ng pe peed ed at whi which ch the they y wil willl cha change nge pre preen ent t the mo mott for formi midab dable le management challenge unique to an e>buine* Thu4 managing an e>buine today require dealing with an unuual amount of  comple9ity4 uncertainty4 and dynamicity* Thi certainly require a new paradigm for organiing in term of how the tructure4 procee4 and people of the firm are


managed* Howe;er4 Howe;er4 before dicuing thi new paradigm4 we will firt e9amine the different differe nt e;olutionary path ta8en by different e>buine*

Ta3+, O4 C)(t,(t "o;er !age***************** !age********************************************** ********************************************************** ********************************************************** *********************************I ****I (9ecuti;e SummaryCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC*II Ac8nowledgement CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC**III "ollege "ertificate**** "ertificate********************************* ********************************************************** ********************************************************** *********************************I6 ****I6 #%I(t5)-6ct7)( +*+ %eneral Introduction about the ector* ector************************** **************************4*************************+ *4*************************+>>D >>D +*E $iterature Re;iew Re;iew********** *************************************** ********************************************************** *******************************************/>>+ **************/>>+ +*0 ( GBuine ************************** ******************************************************* ********************************************************** **********************************+>>ED *****+>>ED


I(-68t57,8 3a8,- F75/8 A/a9)(::::::::::::::::::::..!;%+-. Strategie*****************************D>> Strategie*****************************D>>DD DD Reearch and 3ethodology 3ethodology******** ************************************ ****************D/>>+-.

>++/ >>++/

$%  "oncluionCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC***C++. >%RecommendationCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC**++ A==,(-7@ 7ebliography 7e bliography********** ************************************** ********************************************************* ********************************************************** ************************************+E*******+E-


INTRODUCTION Thi turn toward Internet baed technologie generated a new tatu quo in the  buine world* (>buine wa defined by IB3 bac8 in +/4 a =the transformation of key business processes through through the use of Internet technologies @*

Accord Acc ording ing to Chaffey (2002)4 e>buine i decribed a = all the electronically mediated information exchanges, both within an organization and with external   stakeholders, supporting supporting the range of business business processes*@

(>Buine enable an enterprie to pread it wing to the global cutomer* To e9te e9 tend nd th thee a ale le pl plat atfo form rm to a fu futu turi rit tic ic di dime men nio ion4 n4 bu bui ine ne  ho hou ue e ha ha;e ;e


incorporated oftware that can run on platform offered by the 7orld 7ide 7eb* (>buine ha now penetrated into conumer good and other production and er;ice baed indutrie* I!SR olutionJ 7eb Application 1i;iion ha pro;en e9pertie in creating cutomied olution that can manage web baed Buine $ogitic perfectly*

+ SHORT HISTORY OF E%BUSINESS 1epite the fact that e>buine i a relati;ely new trend in the buine ector4 it  brief hitory i filled with contro;erial e;ent* The rapid growth of the popularity of the 7eb from + wa accompanied by a highly profitable period for e>  buine companie* Setting Setting up a fully functional functional e>Buine webite webite wa ;ery eay and cot eff efficien icientt and at that time it wa thought to guar guarantee antee ucce and profit &!Connor and "al#in, $%%&' anenko, 200) * The number of e>buinee 8ept growing in an attempt for e;erybody to ha;e a hare from the profit pie* 'n the turn of the century4 their number reached it pea8 and their profit opportunitie and  potential financial growth wa capped* Thi led to the huge toc8 mar8et collape of many e>buine companie which i 8nown a dot*com but* After a fi;e year   period where companie had to re;aluated their trategic approach toward e> commerce4 growth of e>buinee tarted to increae again4 reaching double digit le;el through the current period.  

LIMITATIONS LIMITA TIONS OF E%BUSINESS E%BUSINES S SYSTEM% SYSTEM % The limitation of e>buine can be claified a two factor which area below> +) Te Techn chnolo ologic gical al


E) #on #on>te >techn chnolo ologic gical* al*




$ac8 of u $ac8 ufffic icie ien nt y yttem communication protocol


tan t and dar ard d44

reli liaabi billit ity y4

ecu e currit ity y

and an d

 #ot enough telecommunication telecommunication bandwidth* bandwidth*  

KThe oftware de;elopment tool are till e;ol;ing and changing rapidlyK

Integrati Integr ating ng the In Inter ternet net and ele electr ctroni onicc com comme merce rce of oftwa tware re wit with h cur curren rentt databae and application difficultly

Additional cot to requet pecial 7eb er;er and other infratructure4 in addition to the networ8 er;er  

!oible problem of interoperability4 that mean ome e>buine oftware or application doe not fit with ome hardware4 or i incompatible with ome operating ytem or other component



$ac8 of feel and touch online

3any complicated legal iue

Rapidly changing and e;ol;ing e>buine


0 •

$ac8 of upport er;ice

Inufficiently Inufficie ntly large enough number of eller and buyer

Brea8down of human relationhip



  Incon;enient and e9peni;e acceibility to the Internet 


• • •

Impro;e er;ice* Sa;e time* >Time ta8en by cutomer* >(laped time for proce Reduce proce error* Reduce the cot of core er;ice pro;iion* Free taff to pro;ide ;alue added er;ice* er;ice*


Impro;e morale >gi;e people the tool and time they need




The benefit of implementing (>Buine tool i not o much in the ue of  technology4 a in the treamlining of buine procee and the eae in finding new mar8et* Some of the ad;antage include: •

quic8er and eaier communicatio communication* n*

trengthened mar8eting capabilitie and reach

increaed hour of operation &a webite pro;ide E, hour / day information to e9iting and potential cutomer)

acce to broader information through reearch

reduci red ucing ng the co cott of doi doing ng bu buine ine  by low loweri ering ng tra trana nacti ction on co cot t and increaing efficient efficient method for payment4 uch a uing online online ban8ing and reducing tationery and potage cot*


the opportunitie to adopt new buine model and de;elop  tailored cutomer  upport*



The cope of (>Buine i a wide a an ocean  there by the implementation hurdle* 7hen one thin8 of the (lectronic Buine e;en through final goal remain the ame a that of the traditional buine4 but the way in which they function in order to impro;e the performance i differ different* ent*     A information haring i the maBuine* Thi change in ;iew>point ha opened door for new opportunitie*  #ationalied and !ri;ate ban8 agree that adopting e>buine a a trategy i one of the the im impo port rtan antt t tep ep th thee ba ban8 n8 ha ha ta ta8e 8en n in it it de de;e ;elo lopm pmen entt du duee to the the tremen tre mendou dou ben benefi efit t e>bui e>buine ne ado adopti ption on pro;id pro;ide* e* Ac Accor cordin ding g to them them their  their   percei;ed benefit include con;enience to cutomer4 peed and quality of er;ice4 reduction of queue in ban8ing hall and reduction in the total o;erhead cot uch a red reduct uction ion in emp emplo loyee yee rec recrui ruitme tment nt and reduc reductio tion n in pace pace for cli client ent and cutomer *Thee factor that puhed their dri;e to adopt e>buine* A) The reearch pro; pro;ide ide powerful4 powerful4 real time (>Bu (>Buine ine report reporting ing to help (>Buine manager impro;e merchandiing and increae ale* B) Th Thee re ree ear arch ch i ;e ;ery ry much much u uef eful ul to ge gett the the life lifeti tim me ;a ;alu luee of yo your  ur  cut cu tom omer er ba bae ed d upon upon th thei eirr ac acqu qui iit itio ion n o our urce ce44 an and d incr increa eae e yo your  ur  e9penditure on ource that generate the bet cutomer o;er lifetime*


") It tr trac ac8 8 th thee perf perfor orma manc ncee of al alll yo your ur on onli line ne ma mar8 r8et etin ing g init initia iati ti;e ;e4 4 including !ay > per> clic8 8eyword buy4 doing tranaction online4 paying  bill uing net ban8ing4 banner ad4 e>mail and affiliate program and alo how it i effecti;e to implement*

1) It help the (>Bu (>Buinee inee to con;ert ;iit ;iitor or into cutomer


() It help to determine wh whether ether online competitor can ignificantl ignificantly y Harm your buine by pro;iding ome of the ;alue you currently 'ffer cutomer in the traditional way* It help the manager to impro;e the buine by enhancing their functionalitie a compared with their competitor*



Thi i one of the mot widely accepted tatement and applie for e;ery apect of  human acti;ity* Internet i an unlimited pool of information and benefit anyone who ue it properly*


According to *orter and +illar ($%&) information gi;e competiti;e ad;antage to a company in three diff different erent way: a) By changing indutry tructure and changing the rule of competition*  b) By pro;iding pro;iding companie with n new ew way to outpe outperform rform their com competitor* petitor* c) By creating new buinee4 e;en from within a company e9iting operation*

/ The autho author r cont continue inue by dicu dicuing ing the trat trategic egic ignifica ignificance nce that Informa Information tion Technology ha obtained for companie4 by affecting the ;alue chain4 thu the technological and economic acti;itie that a company perform to do buine* #ot only it tranform the ;alue chain4 but alo tranform the product or the er;ice that that the the co com mpa pany ny prod produc uce e** Add ddit itio iona nall lly y4 auth author or u ugg gge ett fi;e fi;e wa way y fo for  r  Information Technology to be uccefully implemented in buine procee* Thi can be done by:

a) Aeing the intenity of information* information*  b) 1etermining the role that Informatio Information n Technolog echnology y will ha;e in the indutry tructure* c) Und Under erta tandi nding ng the way way tha thatt it can cre create ate com compet petiti iti;e ;e ad;ant ad;antage age for the their  ir  companie* d) In;etigating the poibilitie of new buinee* e) 1e;eloping a trategic plan to ta8e ad;antage of Information Technology*



=(>buine and (>er;ice will mo;e to the forefront of technology prioritie* To ta8e full ad;antage of the (>er;ice4 you need to loo8 at your organiation from an alternati;e perpecti;e* The quetion i how to deal with thee change4 at what cot4 and at what peed* Thi i not the time to worry about KdiintermediationK* It i the time for cooperation4 integration4 and the conideration of cutomer loyalty4  profitability and competition ad;antage*@ . A we ha;e een4 e>Buine ha noticed remar8able growth and ucce o;er the lat year* 1epite the numerou e9ample of ucceful e>Buinee there are man any y e9 e9am ampl ple e wh wher eree e>Bu e>Bui ine ne  fa fail iled ed to u ucc ccee eed* d* By loo8 loo8in ing g at tho thoee characteritic e9ample4 thi report trie to undertand the factor that lead to a ucceful e>Buine but alo to figure out the danger that may lead to failure* Thee factor would form a helpful guideline4 which would help in ma8ing the IT employment webite a ucceful a poible*

HYPOTHESIS (>buine offer buyer and eller a new form of communication and pro;ide an opportunity to create new mar8etplace* Theoretical tudie ugget in general that the de;elopment of e>buine reult in higher firm performance a a reult of lower earch and head>to>head comparion cot*


 Howe;er4 there are a number of recent theoretical tudie4 which demontrate that the growth of e>commerce may lead to monopolitic pricing beha;iour o that firm engaging in e>commerce need not perform better compared to more Traditional enterprie* To da date te44 th ther eree e9 e9i it t li litt ttle le em empi piri rica call e; e;id iden ence ce on th thee im impa pact ct of in info form rmat atio ion n technology on economic performance* Thi paper i the firt that ue a large repreentati;e data et of Belgian firm to tudy empirically the impact of e>  buine on corporate corporate performance* performance*



Data 8)65c,



P57/a5? 6,8t7)((a75, S65,? O38,5at7)( E@=,57/,(ta+


I(t,5(a+ E@t,5(a+ Sa+,8 5,c)5-8 Ma5',t7( act77t7,8 C)8t 7(4)5/at7)( 4,,-3ac' 

P63+78h,- -ata



N,*8=a=,5 B))'8 P57at, 8t6-7,8


E%BUSINESS – TRANSACTION MEDIUM 3ot e>commerce i done o;er the Internet* But (" can alo be conducted on  pri;ate networ84 networ84 uch a #alue-added networks &./s, networks that add communication ser#ices to existing common carriers )4 on local area networ8

&$A#) or wide area networ8 &7A &7A#)*



&(>commerce tranaction tranaction can be done between ;ariou partie*)  B6 B687 87(, (,88 88%t %t)%3 )%368 687( 7(,8 ,888 B B!B !B  C)+ C)++a3 +a3)5a )5at7 t7,, c)// c)//,5 ,5c, c, c% c%c)/ c)//,5 /,5c, c,  B6 B687 87(, (,88 88%t %t)%c )%c)( )(86 86/, /,58 58 B B!C !C  C) C)(8 (86/ 6/,5 ,58% 8%t) t)%3 %368 687( 7(,8 ,88, 8,88 C!B C!B  C) C)(8 (86/ 6/,5 ,5%t %t)% )%c) c)(8 (86/ 6/,5 ,5 C C!C !C  I(t I(t5a% 5a%368 3687(, 7(,88 88 7(t5a%) 7(t5a%)5a 5a(79 (79at7 at7)(a )(a+ + c)//,5 c)//,5c, c,  G) G), ,5( 5(/, /,(t (t%t %t)%c )%c7t 7t79 79,( ,(88 G!C G!C  M) M)37 37+, +, c)/ c)//, /,5c 5c,, /%c /%c)/ )//, /,5c 5c, ,


Reduction in phyical boundarie and ditance*

Ser;e larger cutomer bae more efficiently*

Target pecific cutomer group*

The Internet i an interacti;e mar8eting medium* medium*

3ore detailed information on cutomer tranaction*


Impro;ed tranaction efficiency*




Abbre;iation for conumer>to>conumer commerceL that i4 commerce with no middle buine people The mot notable e9ample are 7eb>baed auction and claified a ite* 3ot large ;enue for uch model &for e9ample4 eBay and "laifiedE---) are quic8ly permeated by conumer who participate o acti;ely and regularly that they become mall buinee for them* "E" tand for conumer to conumer electronic commerce* The Internet ha facilitated new type of "E" although it i important to note that thi 8ind of  commerce >> in the form of barter4 yard ale4 flea mar8et4 wap meet4 and the


li8e >> ha e9ited ince time immemorial* #otably4 mot of the highly ucceful "E" e9ample uing the Internet actually ue ome type of corporate intermediary and are thu not trictly Kpure playK e9ample of "E"*



BEB tand for Kbuine>to>buine4K a in buinee doing buine with other   buinee* The term i mot commonly ued in connection with e>commerce and ad;ertiing4 when you are targeting buinee a oppoed to conumer* 'n the Internet4 BEB &buine>to>buine)4 i the e9change of product4 er;ice4 or information between buinee* BEB i e>commerce between buinee* BEB "ommunication uing M3$ o;er HTT! BEB > the baic Buine Bu ine> >to> to>bu buine ine  ele electr ctroni onicc com comme merce rce &BE &BEB) B) typ typica icall lly y ta8 ta8e e the for form m of  automated procee between trading partner and i performed in much higher  ;olume than buine>to>conum buine>to>conumer er &BE") application* +




Refer to buinee elling product or er;ice to end>uer conumer* BEB tand for tranaction acti;itie in;ol;ing two buine entitie &buine>to>  buine tranaction)* BE" tand for tranaction acti;itie in;ol;ing a buine and a conumer &buine>to>conumer &buine>to>conumer tranaction)*

(lec (l ectr tron onic ic co comm mmer erce ce co comp mpri rie e

comm co mmer erci cial al tr tran ana act ctio ion n44

in;o in ;ol; l;in ing g

both bo th

organiation and indi;idual* From the technical point of ;iew e>commerce i the  proceing and tranmiion of digitied data* (>commerce decreae the ditance  between producer and conumer* "onumer can ma8e their purchae without entering a traditional hop*

E%BUS E% BUSINE INESS SS CATEGORY CATEGORY E%3a('8 E%t5a-, E%c)(86+t7( E%,(7(,,5 E%+,a5(7( E%/a7+


E%/a5',t7( E%t5a(8act7)(8

+/ HOW SAFE ARE E%BUSINESS FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS  #ew ecurity technology li8e +E.>bit SS$ encryption enure the afety and  pri;acy of both you and your cutomer4 and i built into the latet e>Buine oftware tool* 2our ecurity and pri;acy i a top priority with all e>Buine  pro;ider*





Reduce Reduce adminitrati;e in;entory cot*and operating cot* Reduce the cot of procurement* Impro;e cutomer er;ice and atifaction* Streamline procurement procedure* Increae communication efficiency efficiency and interaction with employee4

;endor4 cutomer and trategic partner* Increae re;enue and profit margin*

• • • •


  + E%COMMERCE E%BUSINESS WHO E%CARE Some analyt and on>line buine people ha;e decided that e>buine iinfinitely uperior a a moni8er to e>commerce* That mileading and ditract u from the  buine goal at hand* The effort to eparate the (>commerce and (>buine concept appear to ha;e been dri;en by mar8eting moti;e and i dreadfully thin in ubtance*

AN E%DISTINCTION For the purpoe of clarity4 the ditinction between e>commerce and e>buine in thi boo8 i baed on the repecti;e term commerce and buine*

"ommerce i defined a embracing the concept of trade4 Ne9change of merchandie on a large cale between different countrie*++ By aociation4 e>commerce can be een to include the electronic medium for thi e9change* Thu electronic commerce can be broadl broadly y def define ined d a the e9c e9chan hange ge of merch merchand andie ie &wh &wheth ether er tan tangib gible le or 


intangible) on a large cale between different different countrie uing an electronic medium  G namely the Internet* Internet*

The implication of thi are that e>commerce incorporate a whole ocio>economic4 teleco tel ecomm mmuni unicat cation ion techno technolog logy y and comme commerci rcial al inf infra ratru tructu cture re at the ma macro cro>> en;ironmental le;el* All thee element interact together to pro;ide the fundamental of e>commerce*



Buine4 on the other hand4 i defined a Na commercial enterprie a a going concern*+E (>buine can broadly be defined a the procee or area in;ol;ed in the running and operation of an organiation that are electronic or digital in nature* Thee The e inc includ ludee di direc rectt bu buine ine  act acti;i i;itie tie uc uch h a ma mar8e r8etin ting4 g4 al ale e and hum human an reour re ource ce man manage ageme ment nt but al alo o ind indire irect ct act acti;i i;itie tie uc uch h a bu buine ine  pr proce oce  re> engine eng ineeri ering ng and cha change nge man manage ageme ment4 nt4 whi which ch im impac pactt on the im impro pro;em ;ement ent in efficiency efficienc y and integration of buine procee and acti;itie *





It i important to identify the 8ey dri;er of e>commerce to allow a comparion  between different countrie* It i often claimed that e>commerce i more ad;anced in the USA than in (urope* Thee 8ey dri;er can be meaured by a number of criteria that can highlight the tage of ad;ancement of e>commerce in each of the repecti;e countrie*

The criteria that can determine the le;el of ad;ancement of e>commerce *


# T("H#'$'%I"A$ FA FA"T'RS "T'RS   1 The de deg gree ree of ad ad;a ;an ncem cemen entt of the the

telecommunication telecommunica tion infratructure which pro;ide acce to the new technology for   buine and conumer* conumer* ! !'$ITI"A$ FA FA"T'RS "T'RS   1 in incl clud udin ing g th thee role role of go go;e ;ern rnm men entt in crea creati ting ng

go;ernment legilation4 initiati;e and funding to upport the ue and de;elopment of e>commerce and information technology* technology* < S'"IA$ FA"T'RS  G G incorporating the le;el and ad;ancement in IT education

and an d tr trai aini ning ng wh whic ich h will will enab enable le both both po pote tent ntia iall bu buye yer r and and the the wo wor8 r8fo forc rcee to undertand and ue the new technology technology** $ ("'#'3I" FA"T'RS  1 including the general wealth and commercial health

of the nation and the element that contribute to it* Since a ditinction ha been made in thi boo8 between e>commerce and e>buine for conitency4 the 8ey dri;er of e>buine are alo identified* Thee are mainly at the le;el of the firm and are influenced by the macro>en;ironment macro>en;ironment and e>commerce4 which include:  



'R%A#ISATI'#A$ 'R%A#ISAT I'#A$ "U$T "U$TUR( UR(  G G attitude to reearch and de;elopment &R1)L it willingne to inno;ate and ue technology to achie;e obclic8



Unli8e other 3ail 'rder or "atalog retail companie4 Amaon Amaon can ta8e ad;antage of the Internet and ue email a a form of communication4 both to confirm order and purchae a well a to contact cutomer with deli;ery information* Being an online retailer4 retailer4 Amaon Amaon ha ta8en ad;antage of the the eae of ue of the Internet Internet in it buine dealing* dealing* Intead of relying relying on the mail er;ice er;ice to end out catalog4 Amaon can let cutomer arri;e at it home through word of mouth and can alo contact former cutomer ;ia email to entice them bac8 to  purchaing* The Internet i i certainly the way way for catalog elling elling to mo;e4 becaue it ha many ad;antage and can till maintain it character of eae and con;enience* In creating a databae for Amaon Amaon44 we need to 8eep thi eae and con;enience in mind a we deign and create a fle9ible4 eay to ue4 adaptable databae* E

> C)/=,t7t7, F)5c,8 M)-,+ I(-68t5? A(a+?878 A(a+?878 'ne of the maeller

collaboration are are relati;ely wea8* wea8* 7hile in many many cae upplier can create create a challenge for a company by forcing them to accept higher cot for material4 Amaon began mall and built up it upply chain to wor8 with multiple upplier*


7ith 7i th multiple upplier4 each upplier trength wea8en againt that of Amaon* Amaon * For e9ample4 if one boo8 boo8 upplier want to get a >cent charge charge on each  boo8 ordered but but Amaon Amaon can get mot mot of the ame boo8 boo8 from upplier E for only 0 cent per boo84 upplier + wont wont get a contract with Amaon Amaon** Amaon ha ha created a broad upply chain to 8eep it upplier from acquiring too much trength and forcing price too high* high* Therefore4 Amaon ha been able able to pa thoe a;ing on to the cutomer cutomer44 creating a bargaining chip againt indutry ri;al and creating a hedge againt upplier dependency* B6?,58. Buyer power i relati;ely relati;ely trong within thi indutry* indutry* %i;en that

witching cot between competing brand or ubtitute i generally low4 conumer may4 without incurring any lo4 chooe one er;ice o;er another if deired* Addition Additionally4 ally4 buyer may potpone purchae from online eller uch a Amaon if they do not agree with the price a;ailable at the preent time* time* Such  preure require Amao Amaon n to dico;er new way way of paing on a;ing a;ing to their cutomer without decreaing the profit neceary to maintaining their current economic tanding and mar8et mar8et poition* Therefore4 while while the power of buyer in thi indutry i trong Amaon Amaon ha found effecti;e method to retain attracti;e  price for conumer* conumer*



  E n


i B v & 3" ( er r s3

r n


S & # s   &  e s


A ;iual model of !orter  Force 3odel

(>commerce offer offer product and er;ice through webite4 a cutomer imply ha to ;iit an e>commerce webite and browe ;ariou offering through brower catalog4 a cutomer can elect multiple offering offering and can add them to the hopping cart4 once the hopping i done the cutomer can chec8out and proceed to payment ection where ;ariou online payment option are a;ailable li8e internet ban8ing4 credit card4 debit card etc* 'nce the payment i done the cutomer i notified about the order and order i hipped on the potal addre pro;ided by the cutomer* 00  REVIEW OF LITERATURE  The firt approach on how to upport query operation on encrypted data with  buc8etiation4 after after the data i encrypted4 encrypted4 the cipherte9t cipherte9t i concatenated to a buc8et number4 which which i aigned to a pecific range that include the data* 7hen a uer requet a query operation4 the er;er ue the buc8et number to e9ecute the query operation* For e9ample4 if a client program want to  Abhi "ommerce in India>A Re;iew@4 International ournal of 3ar8eting4 Financial Ser;ice  3anagement Reearch* "oncluded that The (>"ommerce ha bro8en the geographical limitation and it i a re;olution>commerce re;olution>commerce will impro;e


tremendouly in ne9t fi;e year in India*  1*5*%angehwar* &E-+0)4@ (> "ommerce or Internet 3ar8eting: A Buine Re;iew from Indian "onte9t@4 International ournal of u> and e> Ser;ice4 Science and Technology* "oncluded that the (>commerce ha a ;ery bright future in India although ecurity4 pri;acy pri;acy and dependency on technology are ome of the drawbac8 of (>commerce but till there i a bright future to (>commerce*  3artin 1odge* &+)4@Finding the ource of Amaon*com: e9amining the hype of the earth bigget boo8 tore@4 "enter for Ad;anced Spatial Analyi* "oncluded that Amaon*com ha been one of the mot promiing (>commerce companie and ha grown rapidly by pro;iding quality er;ice* E%COMMERCE IN INDIA  The e>commerce introduced to India in mid>+-4 many of them were either matrimonial or commerce progreed ;ery lowly in Indian mar8et* In mid>E--- the e>commerce indutry in India grown rapidly offering online er;ice li8e tra;elling4 many airline companie tarted pro;iding the tra;el er;ice online to cutomer4 e;en today online tra;el boo8ing hold a maemployee of Amaon*com* Amaon*com* Flip8art i an e>commerce company  baed in Singapore4 Singapore4 it operate in India* India* According According to ale9ia ale9ia internet4 Flip8art Flip8art i one of the mot popular webite ;iited in India* Flip8art ell good in India through a company called 7S retail* The other third>party trader or companie


can alo ell good through the platform of Flip8art* Initially in E--. Flip8art old  boo8 but oon it etablihed etablihed itelf wide wide and tarted elling product li8e conumer conumer electronic4 clothing4 home decoration product4 appliance4 beauty and fahion  product etc* 1ue to the powerful networ8 all o;er India and effecti;e effecti;e cutomer relationhip management4 management4 Flip8art ha earned a topmot poition in India* Flip8art allow payment method uch a cah on deli;ery4 net ban8ing4 debit or credit card tranaction4 e>gift ;oucher and card wipe on deli;ery The founder of Flip8art Sachin and Binny Banal4 now ha ta8en the combined net worth in e9ce of +  billion4 reaching reaching cloer to that of #arayana 3urthy and #andan #ile8ani #ile8ani of Infoy* The ;alue of Banal combined combined ta8e ha croed o;er R* D--- due to the freh + billion fund raie* The 3urthy family ha a net worth of near R* .4/-- crore  being India India econd larget larget it er;ice er;ice company4 company4 while the the #ile8ani familyJ familyJ net worth hold at R D4-- crore* Infoy too8 about four decade to reach mar8et cap of about 0- billion while Flip8art raied the ;aluation of / in billion e>commerce "ompany*  



In a report dated #o;ember E4 E-+,4 a leading media outlet reported that Flip8art were operating through a comple9 buine tructure which included nine firm4 ome regitered in Singapore and ome in India* In E-+E Flip8art co>founder old 7S Retail to a conortium of in;etor *


E-+-: 7eRead 7eRead44 a ocial boo8 dico;ery tool*

E-++: 3ime0D-4 a digital content platform company*

E-++: "ha E-++: "ha8pa 8pa8*c 8*com4 om4 a Bol Bollyw lywood ood new new it itee tha thatt of offe fer r upd update ate4 4 new new4 4  photo and ;ideo* Flip8art acquired the right to "ha8pa8J digital catalogue which whi ch inc includ lude e ,-4 ,-4----- fil filmo mogra graphi phie4 e4 +-4 +-4----- mo; mo;ie ie and clo cloe e to -4 -4----rating* Flip8art hanot categorically aid that it will not be in;ol;ed with the original ite and will ue the brand name*


E-+E: $etbuy*com4 an Indian e>retailer in electronic* Flip8art ha bought the company for an etimated USE million*$etbuy*com wa cloed down and all traffic to $etbuy ha been di;erted to Flip8art* E-+,: E-+ ,: Ac Acqui quired red 3yntra*com 3yntra*com  in an e eti tim mat ated ed ₹ E- bi bill llio ion n &E &E44---- crore crore44 about US0+ million) deal*

E-+:: Fl E-+ Flip ip8a 8art rt ac acqu quir ired ed a mo mobi bile le ma mar8 r8et etin ing g t tar art> t>up up App ppit iter erat atee a to trengthen it mobile platform*


In EE-+ +44 Flip Flip8a 8art rt boug bought ht a mi mino nori rity ty t ta8 a8ee in a #a #a;i ;iga gati tion on an and d rout routee opti op tim mi iat atio ion n t tar artu tup p 3a 3apm pmyI yInd ndia ia to he help lp im impr pro; o;ee it it de deli li;e ;ery ry u uin ing g 3apmyIndia aet*




Ini Initia tiall lly4 y4 the they y had pe pent nt ₹ ,,--4 -4---- on only ly fo forr ma ma8i 8ing ng we web bit itee to e ett up th thee  buine*Flip8art ha later raied funding from ;enture capital fund Accel India &US+ India  &US+ million in E--)and Tiger %lobal &US+%lobal &US+- million in E-+- and USEmillion in une E-++)* 'n E, Augut E-+E4 Flip8art announced the completion of  it ,th round of +- million funding from 3IH &part of #aper of  #aper %roup %roup)) and I"'#IO "apital* The company announced4 on +- uly E-+04 that it ha raied an addi ad diti tion onal al E E--- mi mill llio ion n fr from om e9 e9i iti ting ng in in;e ;et tor or in incl clud udin ing g Tige gerr %l %lob obal al44  #aper4 Accel !artner and !artner and Iconiq "apital* Fli lip p8a 8art rtJJ rep epor ortted a alle wer eree ,- mil illi lion on in F2 F2  E-E--.GE .GE-- --44 E-- mi milli llion on in F2 F2 E--GE  E--GE-+-+- and /- million million for for F2 F2 E-+-GE-++  E-+-GE-++ In F2 E-++GE-+E4 Flip8art i et to cro the  billion &US+-- million) mar8 a Internet uage in the country increae and people get accutomed to ma8ing purchae online* Flip8art pro+0* E-+E>+0* In uly E-+04 Flip8art raied US1 +D- million from pri;ate equity in;etor* In 'ctober E-+04 it wa reported that Flip8art had raied an additional +D- million from fr om ne new w in in;e ;et tor or 1r 1rag agon onee eerr In In;e ;et tme ment nt %r %rou oup4 p4 3or 3orga gan n St Stanl anley ey 7ealt alth h 3anagement44Sofina 3anagement Sofina SA  SA and 6ulcan Inc* with Inc* with participation from e9iting in;etor  Tiger %lobal* 'n ED  E-+,4 Flip8art that it ha raied E+-#aper millionand from 2uri 3ilner  3ay  1ST %lobal and itannounced e9iting in;etor Tiger %lobal4 Iconiq "apital* In early uly E-+,4 it wa alo highly peculated that Flip8art wa in negotiation to raie at leat -- million4 for a li8ely liting in the US for E-+D*



'n E uly E-+,4 announced it raied + billion from 3anagement Tiger %lobal 3anagement $$"4Flip8art Accel !artner4 andthat 3organ Stanley In;etment and a new in;etor Singapore o;ereign>wealth o;ereign>wealth fund %I"* 'n D 'ctober E-+,4 Flip8art old product worth I#R  D-"rore  D-"rore in  in +- hour in a pecial one>day e;ent > KThe Big Billion 1ayK4 claiming they had created e> comme com merce rce hi hitor tory4 y4 but the their ir har hard>w d>won on re reput putati ation on for goo good d cu cutom tomer er er er;ic ;icee uffered becaue of technical problem4 and angry reaction on ocial media from  buyer diappointed with the pricing and a;ailability of product* It claimed to ell a who whoppi pping ng  la8 la8h h mo mobil bilee han hande det4 t4 fi; fi;e>l e>la8h a8h clo clothe the and ho hoe e and E4 E4----tele;iion tele; iion et withi within n hour hour of opening it dico dicounted unted ale at . A3* In 1ecem 1ecember  ber  E-+,4 After it recei;ed /-- million from another funding4 Flip8art had a mar8et cap of ++ billion or R*DD--- crore* In 3ay E-+ Flip8art ha raied - million


from ome of it e9iting in;etor4 in a deal that raie the ;aluation of the  pri;ately held Indian Indian tartup to about about + billion or R* -4--- crore crore 'n E- 1ecember E-+,4 Flip8art announced filing application with Singapore>baed companieJ regulator A"RA to become a public company after raiing US1 /-million fore9ceeded long term-* trategic in;etment in India itadded number of  in;etor The US1 /-- million fund following raied by which Flip8art new in;etor > Baillie %ifford4 %reenoa8 "apital4 Stead;iew "apital4 T* Rowe !rice Aoci A ociate ate and Oat Oatar ar In; In;et etmen mentt Au Autho thorit rity y > on com compan panyJ yJ boa board* rd*It It e9i e9iti ting ng in;etor 1ST %lobal4 %I"4 I"'#IO "apital and Tiger %lobal alo participated in thi latet financing round* By Augut E-+4 after raiing /-- million4 Flip8art had already raied a total of  0 billion4 o;er +E round and +D in;etor*


The %o;ernment 'f India informed the parliament in E-+E4 that it had a8ed the (nforcement 1irectorate to in;etigate Flip8art 'nline Ser;ice* In Augut E-+,4 the (nforcement 1irectorate claimed that it had found Flip8art to be in ;iolation of  the Foreign (9change 3anagement Act* Act*



'n #o #o;e ;emb mber er 00-44 EE-+E +E44 Fl Flip ip8a 8art rt of offi fice ce we were re ra raid ided ed by the the (n (nfo forc rcem emen entt 1irectorate* 1ocument and computer hard dri;e were eied by the regulatory agency* 1elhi Hig 1elhi High h "ou "ourt rt ob ober; er;ed ed ;io ;iolat lation ion of for foreig eign n in; in;et etme ment nt reg regula ulatio tion n by (> "ommerce firm including Flip8art* In anuary E-+D4 a public interet litigation came up for hearing which allege Flip8art of contra;ention of foreign in;etment norm* The court a8ed the Reer;e Ban8 of India to pro;ide the latet circular on foreign in;etment policy*


In an anuar uary4 y4 E-+D4 the 1ep 1epart artmen mentt of Ind Indut utria riall !ol !olicy icy and !r !rom omoti otion on &1 &1I!! I!!)) clarified that it doe not recognie the mar8etplace model of online retail* In February E-+D4 Health 3initer4  ! #adda4 informed that the 3aharahtra F1A had ta8en action againt Flip8art4 among other4 for elling drug without ;alid licene*


In 'ctober and #o;ember E-++4 Flip8art acquired the webite 3ime0D-*com and "ha8pa8*com* $ater4 $ater4 in February E-+E4 the company re;ealed it new Flyte 1igital 3uic Store*Flyte4 a legal mu uiic dow ownl nloa oad d er;ice in the ;ein of iTune iTune and  and Amaon*com Amaon*com44 offered 1R3 1R3>free >free 3!0 download* But it wa hut down on +/ une E-+0 a paid ong download did not get popular in India due to the ad;ent of free muic treaming ite*


3obility4 pre;iouly owned by %oogle 3otorola 3obility4 %oogle but  but then old to $eno;o $eno;o44 in an e9clui;e tie up with Flip8art launched it budget martphone 3oto % in % in India on  Februa Feb ruary ry E-+ E-+,L ,L mo more re tha than n E-4 E-4----- un unit it wer weree ol old d wit within hin hou hour r of lau launch nch on Flip8art* After thi Flip8art wa loo8ing for a long term tie up with 3otorola 3obility4They 3obility 4They alo launched their Android Android  martphone martphone44 the 3oto M4 M4 on + 3arch E-+,* Flip8art later old the 3oto (4 cheaper than 3oto %4 from +0 3ay E-+,* The ale of high>end high>end martphone  martphone Mi Miao aomi mi 3i 3i0 0 pro produc duced ed by Mia Miaom omii Tech ch wa  wa launched in India on an e9clui;e tie>up with Flip8art* The firt batch wa old out within 0 minute  on EE uly E-+,4 the econd in  econd on E uly E-+,* The ale wa proceeded on pre>regitration mode where more than +-4--- buyer  boo8ed for the  Augut E-+, ale* Thi got old off in le than E econd*Following thi Miaomi Tech old E-4--- unit in the ne9t ale on +E Augut E-+,* 'n E September Flip8art held a flah ale in of uly the Miaomi Redmi +S budget +S  budget Android martphoneE-+, which wa launched in India E-+,* ,-4 ---


unit priced at R  each were old within econd*A further ,-4--- unit were old within ,* econd on Sept 4 E-+,*The third Redmi +S ale on Sept +D4 E-+, old ,-4--- unit in 0*, econdL In the ,th round of ale of Redmi +S4 D-4--- unit old in *E econd on Sept E04 E-+,*'n 0- September E-+, D-4--- unit old in +0* econd* Redmi #ote in #ote in India e9clui;ely through Flip8artL -4--- unit old in D econd on E 1ecember E-+,*


In u uly ly EE-+, +, Fl Flip ip8a 8art rt la laun unch ched ed it it ow own n e ett of ta tabl blet et44 mo mobi bile le phon phone e  !hablet !hablet** The firt among thee erie of tablet phone wa 1igiflip !ro MT /+E Tablet* In uly E-+, Flip8art launched it firt networ8ing router4 under it own  brand name named named 1igiFlip 7R--+ 7R--+ 0-- 3bit 7irele 7irele # Router* Router* In Sep Septem tember ber E-+ E-+, , Fli Flip8a p8art rt lau launch nched ed it in in>ho >houe ue hom homee app applia liance nce and  peronal healthcare brand "itron* The label include a wide range of coo8ing utilitie and grooming product*


+0 bad*Th Sept Se ptem embe r e E-+, E+,4 4 adJFl Flip ip8a 8art rt er deli de li;e ;ery rybee boy bo mole mo let ted edaga aint hou ho eip8art maid ma id for  in 'n Hydera Hyd erabad *The e ber houe hou maidJ mai employ emp loyer ha been ny fig fighti hting ng again t ue Flip8 Fl art  E-+, E+>'ct>E-+, to +.>#o;> E-+,* a) Stoc8 5eeping Unit: 7hen the Stoc8 5eeping Unit &S5U) of both Flip8art and Amaon compared for four popular electronic product mobile4 laptop4 tablet4 camera* Following reult were obtained from the data* Flip8art hold total +/-D S5U under the abo;e four category while Amaon hold only +0 S5U for the ame product* E* Flip8art ha ,+/E offer for the +/-D S5U while Amaon ha EE,, offer for the +0 S5U b) 'nline !roduct "ategorie and Sub>"ategorie: !reently Amaon*com offer +D main categorie of product online while thee +D main categorie can be further di;ided in to +.D ub>categorie* 'n the other hand flip8art*com offer .D main categorie of offering offeri ng which are e9panded into a huge ,EE ubcategorie much more than amaon*com pro;iding a wide range of product which are quite eay to acce through webite* c) "omparion of 3anpower 3anagement and 7or8


Satifaction : "onidering the gender wie ditribution of employee in both Amaon*in and Flip8art*com4 following information i obtained "ompanie  Se9 Ratio 3ale Female Flip8art*com .-Q E-Q Amaon Amaon India ./Q +0Q Sr* #o* 1ecription Flip8art*com Amaon India + ob 7or8$ife Balance 0* 0* E Salary Benefit 0 , 0 ob Security 0* 0 , 3anagement 0* 0  ob "ulture , , Total +/* +/* W 1ata Showing 7or8 atifaction*





Thee e> Th e>Bu Bui ine ne  mo mode del4 l4 li li8e 8e an any y bu bui ine ne  mo mode del4 l4 de dec cri ribe be ho how w a co comp mpan any y functionL how it pro;ide a product or er;ice4 how it generate re;enue4 and how it will create and adapt to new mar8et and technologie* It ha four traditional component a hown in the figure4 The e>Buine 3odel* Thee are the e>  buine concept4 ;alue propoition4 propoition4 ource of re;enue4 re;enue4 and the required acti;itie4 acti;itie4 reource4 and capabilitie* In a ucceful buine4 all of it buine model component wor8 together in a cooperati;e and upporti;e fahion*



(>BUSI#(SS "'#"(!T:


 -345I 45I55 55 CC CC*6  *6  decribe The -3  decribe the rationale of the buine4 it goal and

;iion4 and product or offering from which it will earn re;enue* A ucceful concept i baed on a mar8et analyi that identifie cutomer li8ely to purchae the product and how much they are willing to pay for it

%'A$S A#1 'B("TI6(S:

The e>Buin e>Buine e concept concept ho hould uld be ba baed4 ed4 in par part4 t4 on )a+8 uch a Kbecome a ma8no nown wn fi firm rm in ea each ch of th the eee in indu dut tri rie e*K *K 'bBUSI#(SS "'#"(!T


  !RI"( !ricing i an important part of the e>buine concept and hould be etablihed on the bai of mar8et reearch* !rice i often et with an eye on the competition and can ha;e a direct effect on mar8et hare* In traditional commerce in the U*S*4 the eller et the price* 'nline pricing4 on the other hand4 may include negotiation or  auction pricing4 where the interaction of eller and buyer can affect the price* 5nowledge of competing price i alo readily a;ailable online4 and will 8eep downward preure on price*  


7hen i it '5 to increae price? It depend on the buine* If a company ha high fi9ed to ;ariable cot4 price hould be changed cautiouly* If cutomer are Kloc8ed>inK4 and the product or er;ice i le eniti;e to price4 then price may be


changed4 to a degree4 with le ri8* But all change hould be chec8ed beforehand with mar8et reearch and financial analyi* A potential problem for ome product i that the mar8et may change fater than thee e th ell ller er ca can n ch chan ange ge th thee pr prod oduc uctt or e er; r;ic ice* e* 'n 'nee wa way y to u ur; r;i; i;ee in th thi i en;ironment i to ell at the minimum price that allow a profit4 a;oid price change and continuouly upgrade the product* Thi approach i often ued in computer hardware and oftware ale* At the ame time the eller hould in;et in finding how to horten the de;elopment cycle4 and put in place a mar8et reearch  program that will will quic8ly identify identify trend and change* change* Thee t Th tea eady dy de de;e ;elo lopm pmen entt of a pr prod oduc uctt ha ha ot othe herr ad ad;a ;ant ntag age e** It e; e;en en ou outt th thee re;enue tream rather than ha;ing the Kboom or butK cycle of a ingle product* It alo how that the company i teadily de;eloping and upgrading product for the cutomer who hould begin to buy into the companyJ ;iion* And cutomer4 analyt4 and in;etor will de;elop confidence that the company i going to be around for the long>term* The price mut alo pro;ide real ;alue to the cutomer cutomer44 that i the cutomer mut be  pleaed with the purchae of the product or er;ice* In addition to price4 the buyer  may alo be intereted in how the product can be of aitance to hi company* In thi cae4 comparion of price and R'I may be ued to how that the offering add more ;alue than a competitorJ* The price can alo be a bai for building long>term cutomer relation4 which can lead to multiple ale* For e9ample4 a retail cutomer become more comfortable hopping on a ite4 it hould be eaier to get them to migrate to higher margin product*

6A$U( !R'!'SITI'#


The ./84 *7*5I6I  decribe  decribe the ;alue that the company will pro;ide to it cutomer and4 ometime4 to other a well* 7ith a ;alue propoition the company attempt to offer better ;alue than competitor o that the buyer will  benefit mot with with thi product*

 Reduced price

Impro;ed er;ice or con;enience uch a the K+ clic8K chec8out

Speed of deli;ery and aitance

!roduct that lead to increaed efficien e fficiency cy and producti;ity

Acce to a large and a;ailable in;entory that preent option for the buyer

!ro;iding ;alue in an e>buine ue the ame approach a pro;iding ;alue in any  buine4 although it may require different different capabilitie* capabilitie* But common common to both are the cutomer who ee8 out ;alue in a buine tranaction* The ;alue propoition help focu the buine on the well>being of the cutomer4 where it remain in ucceful companie*  









I#T(%RATI'# 'F 'R%A#IVAT I#T(%RATI'# 'R%A#IVATI'# I'# 'R (#T(R!RIS( '!(RAT '!(RATI'#S I'#S

The integration of ytem inide and outide the organiation can pro;ide ;alue for both cutomer and the organiation* 'ne of the requirement for e>buine i to lin8 front>end with bac8>end ytem in order automate the online operation of  the organiat organiation* ion* Front> Fro nt>end end act acti;i i;itie tie dea deall dir direct ectly ly wit with h the cu cutom tomer er whi while le bac bac8>e 8>end nd y ytem tem include all of the internal upport acti;itie that do not deal directly with the cutomer** Some enterprie ha;e differen cutomer differentt geographic location for 45)(t%,(- a(3ac'%,(- office acti;itie and rely on the integration of the aociated computer 

and networ8 ytem for ucceful corporate operation* FRONT-END > BA?=-END OPERATIONS@



(9ample of acti;itie that require integrated ytem are: •

'rder placement through point>of>a point>of>ale le ytem

"utomiation of product baed on uer requirement


!roduction trac8ing

"utomer order fulfillment

(MT(R#A$ I#T(% RAT RATI'#: I'#: TH( SU!!$2 "HAI#

'peration on the 7eb can alo e9tend to cooperating firm uch a partner in a 86==+? cha7( cha7(  4 alo 8nown a a K6alue K 6alue 7ebK* 7ebK* The 6alue 7eb may include a wide ,@cha(,  to procure range of participant a well a the poible ue of a -77ta+ ,@cha(, 

or ell product* 3any firm ha;e participated in a upply chain for year uing E+,ct5)(7c Data I(t,5cha(, EDI  EDI   technology to buy and ell component and

 product* Succ Su cce ef ful ul u upp pply ly ch chai ain n ar aree ;i ;ita tall fo forr ma manu nufa fact ctur urin ing g op oper erat atio ion n i inc ncee th thee timeline4 cot and ucce of the final product may depend on a component part made by a ingle upplier* The competence of upplier may now be demontrated through the IS' --- qualification proce4 which i critical when uing upplier from foreign countrie or when the final product are e9ported*



SU!!$2 "HAI# I#T(%RATI'#



7hen 7h en th thee u upp pply ly ch chai ain n tr tran ana act ctio ion n of th thee pa part rtne ner r ca can n be au auto toma mate ted d an and d integrated o;er the 7eb 7eb into the bac8>end ytem of each other4 then the reource of all the chain partner can be planned and managed for an efficient operation* An An emerg eme rging ing app approa roach ch to aut automa omate te tr tran anact action ion wit with h par partne tner r i to lin lin8 8 y ytem tem =)5ta+  4 which greatly reduce the integration requirement* through thro ugh the corp corporat oratee =)5ta+

!ortal oftware now ha potential connection4 or hoo84 where the ytem of  different differe nt enterprie can be lin8ed to ecurely tranfer data*

In addition to good technology4 it ta8e a trategy4 time4 reource and4 mot importantly4 trut between partner4 for the upply chain to function uccefully*


STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS TO DELIVER VALUE The effecti;e deli;ery of ;alue to a cutomer4 require that a company organie it tructure and function according to the type of product or offering deli;ered* The


./84 C9/I 4 a popularied by 3ichael !orter #4 decribe a linear et of tep4

which could be acti;itie or buine procee uch a deign4 production and ale4 whereby a manufacturing company deli;er ;alue* Thi ;alue chain deli;ery model tri;e for o;erall efficiency and cot reduction by increaing the efficiency and reducing the cot of each buine proce* (ach tep i independent and eparable4 and can be 46547C:4 or contracted out to another company* The ;alue chain become a upply chain when a company ue the input and acti;itie of other companie in it manufacturi manufacturing ng proce* Howe;er4 the ;alue chain doenJt appear to decribe how many er;ice>oriented  buinee operate* Stabell and Fbuine et up a a ;alue hop wor8 directly with the cutomer to pro;ide a neceary4 often unique4 olution*


The ;alue hop i geared to ol;e pecific client problem rather than to ma8e a commo com mon n ol oluti ution on mo more re ef effi ficie cient* nt* Som Somee ;al ;alue ue ho hop4 p4 uc uch h a lar large ge con conul ultin ting g companie4 will attempt to duplicate olution among client by introducing buine* 3any online buinee will ha;e a three or four of thee ource* A re#enue #enue mode model  l   but may be mi9 of re re;e ;enu nuee o our urce ce i of ofte ten n re refe ferr rred ed to a a re

mita8enly called a buine model* Some of thee ource of re;enue are:  

, •




Agent commiion


Sale commiion

Sale profit




Ue Fee

For lar large ge pub public lic>p >pri; ri;ate ate or go; go;ern ernme ment nt pro proBuine tartup4 in;etor often trac8 e9pected re;enue and re;enue growth and may ma8e change to increae re;enue* Howe;er4 after the D)t%C)/ boom ended4 more traditional meaure uch a cah flow and earning ha;e came bac8 into fa;or a mean of e;aluation*





The acti;itie4 reource and capabilitie of a buine are ometime 8nown a it /7887)(   of  requirement* In order to perform the acti;itie required to carry out the /7887)(

the buine4 certain reource are neededL for e9ample4 employee with certain 8ill4 or capabilitie4 are needed to perform acti;itie correctly and efficiently* 7(t,++,ct6a+ t6a+ =5)=, =5)=,5t? 5t?   may add to the Alo44 in Alo in;e ;ent ntio ion n44 pr proc oce ee e an and d ot othe herr 7(t,++,c indi;idual 8nowledge of an employee to de;elop a competence in the performance

of the required acti;itie*

A"TI6ITI(S Acti;itie are pecific buine procee or group of procee uch a deign4  production and ale ale that implement the buine concept* The operational operational buine model identifie the cot and output of each acti;ity* Acti;i Act i;itie tie dri dri;e ;e the nee need d for re reour ource ce** (9i (9iti ting ng act acti;i i;iti tie e ho hould uld be car caref efull ully y crutinied in order to coner;e reource and reduce cot* Acti;itie left o;er  from pre;iou initiati;e4 but not currently neceary hould be curtailed* Thi may ound elementary but buinee tart many acti;itie o;er time4 epecially if it  buine concept change* But one doenJt often hear of a large buine curtailing it acti;itie in order to focu on it current miion*


D (>BUSI#(SS !R'"(SS(S: Some So me fu fund ndam amen enta tall e> e>bu bui ine ne  ac acti ti;i ;iti tie e ma may y in infr frin inge ge on pa pate tent nt* * Bu Bui ine ne   procee4 or the Kmethod of doing buineK may be patented4 o that a buine model may unwittingly include the de;elopment or ue of intellectual property owned by another party* !atent ha;e been freely awarded for e;en the mot traight forward buine procee* •

Amaon*com ha a patent for Kone clic8K purchaing technology and it KAffiliateK program*

"yber%old ha a patent for pay>per>;iew ad where the cutomer enclic8 hopping allow the propecti;e buyer to bypa the ue of a Khopping cartK4 which i cumberome for many uer*

Amaon*com alo ha a patent for it KAffiliateK program4 which allow the comp co mpan any y to mar ar8e 8ett th thee pr prod oduc uct t of ot othe herr co comp mpan anie ie in re retu turn rn fo forr a commi com miio ion* n* Th Thi i bu buine ine  pr proce oce  ha bee been n ue ued d fr freel eely y by tr tradi aditio tional nal  buinee ince the beginning of recorded hitory and the fact that thi  proce ha been patented i ;ery contro;erial contro;erial** Alo contro;erial i !riceline*comJ patent for a re;ere auction method4 which it ue to ell airline tic8et*

In effect4 a few companie ha;e patented Internet buine model4 which are being ued by many other companie* If thee patent can be eaily licened at reaonable rate then there wonJt be a problem in the future


de;elopment of e>buine* But if not4 the reulting chao will inhibit the growth of the online buine world* .

(>BUSI#(SS (#6IR'#3(#T A#1 STRAT(%I(S STRAT(%I(S The rate of change in e>buine preent an enormou challenge to manager* Buine on the Internet i buine* The en;ironment of any organiation conit of all of the factor that are beyond it control4 but influence it in one way or another* (9ample of thee factor are hown in the fi hown figur gure4 e4 (>B (>Bui uine ne (n; (n;iro ironme nment nt and Str Strate ategie gie* * To cou counte nterr the  potential ad;ere affect of thee factor4 the e>buine can repond with trategie* An e9ternal trategy i an approach to deal with factor in the e9ternal buine en;ironment uch a competitor4 mar8et4 and technological de;elopment4 that are beyond the companyJ direct control* Thi i different from a corporate trategy4 which addree factor under the companyJ control uch a the approach to mar8eting4 ale4 and pricing* 'ther component of the buine model uch a the ;alue propoition and ource of re;enue may alo include trategie* Thee t Th tea eady dy de de;e ;elo lopm pmen entt of a pr prod oduc uctt ha ha ot othe herr ad ad;a ;ant ntag age e** It e; e;en en ou outt th thee re;enue tream rather than ha;ing the Kboom or butK cycle of a ingle product* It alo how that the company i teadily de;eloping and upgrading product for the cutomer who hould begin to buy into the companyJ ;iion* And cutomer4 analyt4 and in;etor will de;elop confidence that the company i going to be around for the long>term*




The price mut alo pro;ide real ;alue to the cutomer cutomer44 that i the cutomer mut be  pleaed with the purchae of the product or er;ice* In addition to price4 the buyer  may alo be intereted in how the product can be of aitance to hi company* In thi cae4 comparion of price and R'I may be ued to how that the offering add more ;alue than a competitorJ* The price can alo be a bai for building long>term cut cu tom omer er re rela lati tion on4 4 wh whic ich h ca can n le lead ad to mu mult ltip iple le a ale le* * Fo Forr e9 e9am ampl ple4 e4 a re reta tail il cutomer become more comfortable hopping on a ite4 it hould be eaier to get them to migrate to higher margin product*

TH( (>BUSI#(SS (#6IR'#3(#T A#1 STRAT(%I(S




(9ternal trategie may be dri;en by component of the buine model4 uch a finding wor8er with certain capabilitie to taff acti;itie* If the required wor8  force fo rce i not a;ailabl a;ailablee loc locall ally4 y4 the bu buine ine  con concep ceptt may ha; ha;ee to cha change nge44 and wor8er wor 8er br broug ought ht in4 or the wo wor8 r8 out outou ource rced* d* (;e (;en n tho though ugh trategi trategie e may be implicit in the buine model4 uch a hire wor8er at the indutry wage4 it i important to recognie them e9plicitly becaue they may ha;e to change a the  buine en;ironment en;ironment change* 

TH( "'3!(TITI6( "'3! (TITI6( (#6IR'#3(#T (#6IR'# 3(#T A#1 STRAT(%I(S STRAT(%I(S

The com competit petiti;e i;e en;ir en;ironme onment4 nt4 ome ometime time 8now 8nown n a the indu indutry try en;i en;ironm ronment4 ent4 reult from relationhip with other firm* Thee relationhip are with upplier4 cutomer4 producer of ubtitute product4 potential new entrant4 competitor4 KcomplementaryK4 and trategic partner4 which are decribed by !orter* 7hen upplier are limited4 they may 8eep price high and reduce the profit of a firm that buy from them* A trategy for the buyer i to find new upplier4 or   producer of ubtitute product* 'n the other hand4 if there are only a few buyer4 they can 8eep price low4 but a trategy for the eller i to find more cutomer to compete for product in order to raie price4 or to find a more profitable of their  indutrial capacity*  



Therefore the Internet er;e to increae the 8nowledge of price4 find producer of  ubtitute input4 and ubequently caue downward preure on price* !otential new entrant to a mar8et may alo dirupt price* (ither they enter the mar8et with low price to gain mar8et hare4 or they caue the e9iting firm to lower it price in order to create a entry barrier to the new firm* "ompetitor may alo caue price to drop through price war4 but can alo contribute to tability in the mar8etplace* Finally4 complementary4 firm that ma8e product that need the firmJ product to add ;alue &e*g* oftware de;eloper for particular !" operating ytem)4 a well a trategic partner can create demand for the firmJ product* In each cae the Internet may be ued to the ad;antage or diad;antage of the e>  buine* The point i that an e>buine mut ha;e an Internet trategy to be ucceful*

3AI#TAI# A#1 I3!R'6( "'3!(T(#"I(S

'ne ob;iou trategy i to de;elop the capabilitie4 and to build and maintain competencie in order to 8eep an ad;antage o;er other firm* To do thi4 one mut undertand mar8et condition and the firmJ trength and wea8nee* 'ther trategie to maintain competencie include: •

 3lock : The Kbloc8K trategy ma8e it difficult for other companie to copy

 buine procee and intellectual property property** Bloc8 can be achie;ed by limi li miti ting ng 8n 8now owle ledg dgee tr tran anf fer er ab abou outt cr crit itic ical al fe feat atur ure e or by re redu duci cing ng or  indicating a reduction in price* DE


 7un: The KrunK trategy mean the buine inno;ate fater than potential

competitor* To To pull it off the company need competencie in critical area* •

5trategic 5trat egic /lli /lliance ance: Th Thee e> e>bu bui ine ne  wo wor8 r8 wi with th ot othe herr fi firm rm th that at ar aree no nott

uually direct competitor* For mall e>buinee4 alliance may be eential ince e;ery facet of growth can be facilitated through aociation with a well>8nown and capable partner* Strategic alliance can ol;e immediate  problem of de;eloping capabilitie in ditribution4 hipping4 and billing4 and will allow the company to be Kup and runningK ;ery quic8ly* Howe;er4 the mall company hould be concerned about loing it autonomy and intellectual property to it larger partner* •

TH( T("H#'$'%2 (#6IR'#3(#T A#1 STRAT STRAT(%I(S (%I(S  Tec!n$$+  T ec!n$$+ ,"s "n i*,$r"n r$e in e-#&siness "n% *&s #e r"c7e% c$se I c"n s!i. ver 8&ic7 "n% +re" %isr&, "n &n,re,"re% c$*,"n c$*,"n

1ISRU!TI6( T("H#'$'%I(S 7hen a new technology create a different approach to performing a ta8 that i le cotl cotly4 y4 more eff efficien icient4 t4 or othe otherwi rwiee rela relati;el ti;ely y ad;a ad;antage ntageou ou and dip diplace lace  :I574*6I 4*6I. . 6C9 6C98 8"=  "= * Th e9i e9 iti ting ng te tech chno nolo logy gy44 it i 8n 8now own n a a  :I57 Thee ee


tech te chni nica call di dir rup upti tion on ca can n ca cau uee bu bui ine ne e e to fai ail4 l4 pa part rtic icul ular arly ly in th tho oee organiation organiati on unprepared to change their buine model*   &< E@a/=+,8 )4 -7856=t7, t,ch()+)7,8 a5, a 5, •

Alternati;e (nergy %eneration at low cot*

Artificial Intelligence including Autonom Autonomou ou Sytem*

(mergent "omputing: Biocomputing4 1#A "omputing4 'ptical "omputing4 3olecular or "hemical "omputing4 and Ouantum "omputing*

%lobal e>"ommerce with the (lectronic !roduct "ode &(!") and RFI1*

%rid %r id

"om ompu puti ting ng44

inc nclu lud din ing g

Bio Bi oin inffor orm mat atic ic

%rid %r id


(co (c ono nom mic

1e;elopment %rid* •

Human>3achine Interaction: Intelligent "ollaboration4 Intelligent 1eign4 and Intelligent Training Sytem*

 #anotechnology**  #anotechnology

'pen "oureware*

'pen 1eign  !roblem Sol;ing*

!arallel "omputing*

5nowledge Repreentation and the Semantic 7eb*



6oice4 Sight and Haptic &i*e* touch) Repone Sytem*

7irele Internet*


T("H#'$'%2 T("H#'$'% 2 STRAT(%I(S STRAT(%I(S (;ery e>buine concept baed on a technology brea8>through run the ri8 of   being replaced by a company with a newer technology technology** Therefore4 a trategy to mainta mai ntain in tec techno hnolog logica icall lea leader derhi hip4 p4 or to ha; ha;ee acc acce e to the lea leadin ding g app applic licabl ablee techno tec hnolog logie ie44 i e eent ential ial for the lon long>t g>term erm ur ur;i; ;i;al al of a tec techno hnolog logy>b y>bae aed d e>  buine*

A technical inno;ation trategy can be a imple a outourcing the technical ide of an e>buine rather than trying to maintain the competency in>houe* If it i large enough4 a firm can de;elop new technologie* But for mot firm4 an R1  program i too e9peni;e* 'ne option i to partner with an organiatio organiation n 8nown for  de;eloping new technologie4 o that they become a;ailable a they are de;eloped* "o>de;eloping and licening technologie are alo option* The ue of a trategic alliance can er;e a a technology trategy4 a well a a competiti;e trategy*


To a;oid falling ;ictim to a new technology4 a firm mut try to 8eep abreat of  techno tec hnolog logica icall de; de;elo elopm pment ent tha thatt ma may y af affe fect ct it ind indut utry ry** Any com compan pany y tha thatt i technology>dependent mut ha;e omeone in>houe who i 8nowledgeable about the latet technical de;elopment* But more importantly4 the company mut be willing to ta8e action when it appear that a mabuine4 e>buine4 epecially in the area of pri;acy4 patent and other intellectual property* (>Buine leader hould undertand regulation and the rational for local ta9e4 including how ta9 re;enue are pent* Unfair ta9 brea8 hould not be e9pected by an e>buineL neither hould buinee e9pect to compete unfairly with other buinee*

("'#'3I" "$I3AT "$I3AT( ( Sound financial trategie will help maintain cah flow and ol;ency during an econom eco nomic ic dow downtu nturn* rn* 3an 3any y ma mall ll bu buine inee e im imply ply run ou outt of mon money ey bef before ore  product begin to generate re;enue* (>buine hould ue the coner;ati;e accounting practice preferred by mot in;etor*

7'R5(R 7'R 5(R A6AI$AB I$ABI$IT I$IT2 2


The a;ailability of qualified employee i one of the bigget problem for an e>  buine attempting to grow from a tartup tartup into a mall or medium medium ied enterprie* enterprie* Although technical wor8er became a;ailable in the economic downturn after the 1ot>"om crah4 the a;ailability of foreign wor8er decreaed ignificantly after the terro ter rori ritt att attac8 ac8 of Sep Septem tember ber ++ ++44 E-E--+* +* $ar $arge gerr tec techni hnical cal com compan panie ie44 who had augmented their wor8 force through hire of foreign wor8er prior to K++K now feel that mut outource large number of bu bui ine ne  i a fo forg rgin ing g of a ne new w ec econ onom omy y of in> n>ti time me bu bui ine ne  mo mode del l44 (> whereby phyical procee are being upplanted by ;irtual operating dynamic* 2e4 e>buine i all thi*


Typically4 e>buine i decribed and dicued with more emotion than other   buine area4 and rightfully o* After all4 we are witnee to an e9citing re;olution*

To gain true inight and a conceptual undertanding of e>buine4 it need to be defined from both the BE" and the BEB perpecti;e*

Thi ection alo introduce Internet4 or digital4 upply chain and re;eal their  underlying ignificance to both the BE" and BEB e>buine channel*  




THE BUSINESS%TO%CONSUMER PHENOMENON 7hen conumer purchae good and certain clae of er;ice directly from the Internet4 online retailer are er;icing them* In other word4 online retailer4 or e> tailer4 ha;e initiated a conumer>oriented upply4 or ;alue4 chain for the benefit of  Internet conumer* Thi form of Internet>baed acti;ity i 8nown a buine>to> conumer &BE")*  


Supply chain i ued interchangeably with ;alue chain* Howe;er4 upply chain4 in the traditional ene4 refer to the upply and ditribution of raw material4 capital  purchased ased  by a gi;en enterprie to ue in manufacturi good4 and o on4 that are  purch manufacturing ng

or de; de;elo elopin ping g the pro produc duct t and er er;ic ;ice e for cu cutom tomer er or in reg regula ularr bu buine ine  operation*  


  In BE" di ditri tribu butio tion n mod mode4 e4 up upply ply44 or ;al ;alue4 ue4 cha chain in ref refer er to the ytem4 ytem4 or  infra inf ratru tructu cture4 re4 tha thatt del deli;e i;er r goo good d or er er;ic ;ice e dir direct ectly ly to con conum umer er thr throug ough h Internet>baed channel* BE" e>buine i a rich4 comple9 upply chain that bear no direct analogy to the  phyical world* In fact4 no supply supply chain chain in the phyical world compare to BE" ;alue chain uch that an apple>to>apple comparion can be made* Thu4 BE" e> channel are unique becaue they are pro;iding upply chain that  streamli  streamline ne and  enhance processes of the phyical world*

Internet>dri;en upply chain depend hea;ily on the coordination of information flow4 automated financial flow4 and integrated information procee rather than on the phyical procee that traditionally mo;e good and er;ice from producer  to conumer*




uni# i#er erse se,, or an un 1eli;ery of th the un unlim limite ited d num number berXpo Xpoten tentia tially lly

mill mi llio ion nXo Xoff go good od an and d e er; r;ic ice e wi with thin in e eta tabl bli ihe hed d ma mar8 r8et et4 4 by oper op erat atin ing g un unde derr a i ing ngle le br bran and d id iden enti tity ty or a a intermediary*

upe u pere reff ffic icie ient nt



E)* "reation of new market channels by le;eraging the the Internet*


0)* (limination of middlemen while treamlining traditional buine




Amaon*com and "1 #ow are e9cellent e9ample of the BE" cla indicated in cla cla  +* Am Amao aon n ha uc uccee ceeded ded by pro produc ducing ing an ef effi ficie cient nt con conum umer er pro produc ductt deli;ery ytem* The ;alue in thi e>buine channel i the uniting of many bac8treet dealer under  the banner of one popular brand name* "1 #ow i alo attempting to implement a imilar trategy* Furthermore4 no one boo8tore or muic tore in the phyical world offer +- million title li8e Amaon*com doe or 0E4--- "1 li8e "1 #ow doe* / Traditional boo8 or "1 retailer in etablihed mar8et could ne;er offer thi ;at array arr ay of me merch rchand andie ie44 bec becau auee of he helf lf pa pace ce and in; in;ent entor ory y con contr train aint* t* For  e9ample4 the typical uper boo8tore or muic "1 tore toc8 only +-4--- or D-4--- title4 repecti;ely*

An e9ampl e9amplee of BE" cl cla a E i eB eBay ay44 which which create created d a new mar8et channel in etablihing an online auction facility facility** Through thi e>buine channel4 buyer and


ellerXe;eryday conumerXcan interact to ell peronal item in a ;enue that did not e9it pre;iouly pre;iouly**

1ell*com 1ell *com i an e9am e9ample ple of the third BE" e>buine e>buine cla cla** 1ell* 1ell*com com i ucc uccefu efull  becaue it incorporate the principle of dis disint interm ermedi ediati ation, on, or th thee ab abil ilit ity y to eliminate intermediarie from the ;alue chain* In other word4 diintermediation in;ol; in; ol;e e di dieng engagi aging ng mid middle dleme men4 n4 who uu uuall ally y com comma mand nd a ha hare re of the ;al ;alue ue chain* Reearch ha hown that intermediarie add a large percentage to the final  price of product* product*

!ercentage range from . percent for tra;el agent to more than /- percent for a typical apparel retailer* 1ell i a buine cae e9ample of effecti;e deployment of  dii di int nter erm med edia iati tion on be beca cau uee it it di dire rect ct co con num umer er mo mode dell de deli li;e ;er r custom-built  computer ytem at reaonable price by le;eraging Internet channel*

In the future4 other online upply chain will uccefully remo;e middlemen4 reulting in e;en lower price for other clae of good and er;ice*  


In u umm mmar ary y4 th thee In Inte tern rnet et upp upply ly ch chai ain n cr crea eate ted d to u upp ppor ortt BE BE" " e>bu e>bui ine ne  init in itia iati ti;e ;e ha ha;e ;e no di dire rect ct an anal alog ogy y in th thee tr trad adit itio iona nal4 l4 or ph phy yic ical al44 wo worl rld d of  commerce*

True4 Tr ue4 the two cha channe nnel l ha; ha;ee im imila ilarit ritie ie** Th Thee goo good d and er er;ic ;ice e of offe fered red in  phyical bric8>and>m bric8>and>mortar ortar retailer become e9y multimedia preentation and transa tra nsacti ction on data> (>t (>tail ailer er and con conum umer er con connec nectt ;ia 7eb por portal tal in intea tead d of 

dri;in dri ;ing g to ma mall ll or to ;ar ;ariou iou bu buine ine  con concer cern* n* In In;en ;entor tory y bec become ome onl online ine


tranaction data that flow from the conumer shopping cart of the online toreX  7eb 7e b iteXto fulfillment houe or directly to the producer themel;e*

B!C Va+6, Cha7(8 C5,at, Th, F)++)*7( Th5,, T?=,8 O4 E%B687(,88 R,a+7t7,8

digi gita tall su supp pply ly ch chai ains ns that eliminate +* In e eta tabl bli ihe hed d mar ar8e 8et t44 cr crea eati tion on of di middlemen and enable

the a;ailability

of a unique er;ice4 uch a 1ell direct deli;ery of cutom>built !"*

market cha channe nnell that did not not exist exist in the phyical uni;ere4 E* "reation of a new market uch uc h a eBa eBay y cre creati ation on of the onl online ine auc auctio tion n fac facili ility ty for th thee con con;en ;enien ience ce of 

e;eryday conumer*

0* 4niting of bac8>end4 ued or rare>product dealer under the banner of a popular  namee bra nam brand* nd* In eff effect ect44 thi thi cre create ate a con conor ortiu tium m of bu buine inee e und under er a  single branded identity, or under a new4 uperefficient intermediary4 that did not exist in

the phyical world*




BEB commerce growing from +- billion in + to /*, trillion by E--,Y !reently44 the median tranaction for BEB ite i three to four time the ie of the !reently median tranaction for BE" ite4 or .-- ;eru E,,*

Impo Im port rtan antt dr dri; i;er er of th thi i pr pro< o

 buine function

BEB channel can eliminate e9traneou or redundant

and related infratructur infratructure4 e4 reulting in the reduction of 


By eli elimi minat nating ing ope operat ration ional al wa wate te and the

automation of inefficien inefficientt buine practice4 organiation organiation can realie producti;ity producti;ity gain* P ENHANCE PRODUCT AND SERV SERVICE ICE OFFERINGS .  7ith economie of 

cale4 reduction of o;erhead4 operating efficiencie4 and lower operating cot4 uch gain may be paed on to the cutomer through through lower lower price or a enhanced enhanced or additional feature of product or er;ice*   P


CUSTOMER CUSTOME R SA SATISF TISFACTION ACTION..  A t tra ratteg egiic be ben nef efit it of the u ucc ccee fu full

impl im plem emen enta tati tion on of dy dyna nami micc BE BEB B

bui bu ine ne  mod odel el i im impr pro; o;ed ed cu cut tom omer  er 

 perception of the the tranaction*

Thi metamorphoi will not occur unle companie undergo radical change* (nterprie will begin with critical elf>e9amination and compreheni;e proce


analyi to determine what internal operating function4 underlying infratructure4 and critical practice are neceary to tranform into a BEB channel that i capable of le;eraging the Internet*

 Thi in turn will lead to the reengineering of procee4 elimination of operational inefficiencie4 and4 ultimately4 increaed producti;ity* If companie are ucceful4 they will rein;igorate their ;alue chain4 incorporate technology>dri;en procee that become the foundation for BEB4 and increae tranaction with cutomer*  

END%TO%END SOLUTION inco corp rpor orat atee e>b compan comp any y ca cann nnot ot me mere rely ly in e>bui uine ne tec techno hnolog logie ie int into o an e9i e9iti ting ng ytem &that &that i4 write omething omething in a;a) a;a)** Rather4 it mut bec become ome an e>buine


 To reap full ;alue4 e>buine methodologie hould be uni;eral throughout the organiation4 organiati on4 from interaction with upplier to tranaction with cutomer*

.3ore importantly4 an e>buine focued organiation integrate thee e>function with core buine application to ma9imie efficiencie at all operational le;el* Buine intelligence i alo 8ey to the e>buine model ince4 without the benefit of buying pattern analye4 companie tend to imply open a 7eb catalog and compete on price X often with diatrou reult* 7ithout a ;alue add4 an e>  buine i dead on arri;al* arri;al*


7ith thi undertanding4 iSerie pro;ide an ideal end>to>end olution platform* From cutomer relationhip relationhip mana manageme gement nt &"R3 &"R3)) to upp upply ly chain management management &S"3)4 &S" 3)4 it app applie lie ana analyt lytica icall bu buine ine  int intell ellige igence nce to bet better ter tar targe gett e>b e>bui uine ne efficiencie* (mphaiing both BE" and BEB practice X e>buine on iSerie i o much more than imply an electronic hopping cart application*





By anyone meaure4 embar8ing on a miion to etablih a cohei;e e>buine  procritica miion>criticall application area* ., E+,ct5)(7c Data I(t,5cha( I(t,5cha(,,2t,(873+, ,,2t,(873+, Ma5'6= La(6a, &(1IM3$)

refer to tool that allow for the mo;ement4 ;ia the Internet4 of data between  

;endor and ytem with the upply chain*

Pa?/,(t Pa?/ ,(t S,5 S,5,58 ,58 are tool that ;alidate charge card purchae by contacting the

holding card company to confirm the a;ailability of credit for the purchaer* Thee tool alo pro; tool pro;ide ide truted truted ecurity and confidenti confidentialit ality y routi routine4 ne4 a i dema demanded nded more and more by conumer when pro;iding peronal and pri;ate information*

P)5ta+8  P,58)(a+79at7)( tool allow the creation of web portal and creation of 

 peronalied uer interface* Uer are gi;en the capability to a;e their  configuration for future web ite ;iit*


W,3 Acc cc,8 ,888 t) DB DB! ! UD UDB B 4) 4)55 AS S$" $"" " i deli;ered ;ia tool and utilitie that

 pro;ide acce from the brower to 1BE U1B for AS,-- table* Thee tool may imply pro;ide databae connection dri;er ;ia 1B"4 or they may be higher le;el tool with their own %UI for building querie againt 1BE U1B for AS,--* W,3 R,=)5t V7,*,58 are tool that allow the end uer to ;iew iSerie or AS,--

 print pool file ;ia a brower brower** Thee tool hold promie for wor8er whoe mail tool*  


W75,+,8 W75 ,+,888 Ac Acc,88 c,88 S)+6 S)+6t7)( t7)(88 can be achie;ed by uing tool for writinge9tending

appl ap plic icat atio ion n to ha hand ndhe held ld de de;i ;ice ce* * A an in inte tere ret tin ing g i ide de po poin int4 t4 th thee pe per ron onal al information management &!I3) indutry &which include !alm !ilot and Hand Spring Spr ing 6i ior or tha thatt lin lin8 8 to e>m e>mail ail ;ia wir wirele ele  mo modem dem) ) i e9p e9pect ecting ing rec record ord>>  brea8ing ale in the the lat quarter of E---* 7irele acce i becoming a maintream a the cellular phone4 both of which will wi ll ac acce cele lera rate te de dema mand nd fo forr wi wire rele le  ac acce ce  o olu luti tion on* * Th The eee to tool ol al allo low w th thee  programmer to deploy a E- application to a tier- de;ice with no change to the underlying R!% application in mot cae*  



  A method method of doing buine by which a company can generate re;enue to utain


P Spell out where the company i poitioned in the ;alue chain

P Buine model are a component of a buine plan or a buine cae

  .D THE CONTENT CONTE NT OF A BUSINESS PLAN 3iion tatement and company decription*

P The management team*

P The mar8et and the cutomer*

P The indutry and competition*

P The pecific of the product andor er;ice

P 3ar8eting and ale plan*


P 'peration plan*

P Financial procommerce allow companie to conduct buine 24-by-7 4 all day e;ery day , worldwide*

P An e>commerce torefront hould include:

P 'nline catalog of product

P 'rder proceing


P Secure payment

P Timely order fulfillment


P An order>proceing technology allowing cutomer to accumulate lit of item they wih to buy a they continue to hop*

P !roduct catalog



P 3erchant er;er  P 1atabae technology

P "ombine a number of purchaing method to gi;e cutomer a wide array of  option  

ONLINE SHOPPING MALLS P 7ide election of product and er;ice*

P 'ffer greater con;enience than hopping at multiple online hop*

P "onumer can ma8e multiple purchae in one Tranaction*


AUCTION MODEL P ONLINE AUCTION SITES P Act a forum through which Internet uer can log>on and aume the role of

either bidder or eller*  P "ollect a commiion on e;ery ucceful auction* P Seller pot item they wih to ell and wait for buyer to bid* RESERVE PRICE P The minimum price a eller will accept in a gi;en Auction* Auction*



Allow the buyer to et a price a eller  eller compete to match or e;en beat it*




P %i;e ;iitor the chance to find almot e;erything they are loo8ing for in one  place

 HORIZONTAL PORTALS P !ortal that aggregate information on a broad range of topic* P 2ahooY4 2ahooY4 Alta6ita4 %oogle* % oogle*


P !ortal that offer more pecific information within a ingle area of interet* P 7eb31*  





P The 7eb ha changed the way product are priced and purchaed*


P 7eb 7eb ite uing hopping hopping both technology to find the lowet price for a gi;en gi;en Item*


P %roup buying reduce price a ;olume of ale increae*




P #ame>your>price for product and er;ice*

 BARTERING MODEL P Indi;idual and buine trade unneeded item for item they deire*


P Site offer rebate on product at leading online retailer in return for commiion or ad;ertiing re;enue*


P Free product and er;ice  er;ice generate high traffic*


E%BUSINESS ADVERTISING P Traditional P Tele;iion4 Tele;iion4 mo;ie4 newpaper and magaine P (tablih and continually trengthen 35a(-7(

B5a( a(- i a ymbol or name that ditinguihe a company and it product or  P B5

er;ice from it competitor and hould be unique4 recogniable and eay to remember*

  E P !ublicie UR$ on direct mailing and buine card P 'nline ad;ertiing

P !lace lin8 on other ite4 regiter with earch engine

BANNER ADVERTISING P BANNER ADS P $ocated on 7eb 7eb page4 act li8e mall billboard4 uually contain graphic and an ad;ertiing meage*

P Increaed brand recognition4 e9poure and poible re;enue*



P Ad;ertiement that lie ;ertically on 7eb ite

P !lace logo on banner4 enhancing brand Recognition




P In;enti;e color cheme and mo;ement*


P Flahing4 crolling te9t4 =)=%6= 3)@,8 and color change*

P P)=%6= 3)@ i a window containing an ad;ertiement that appear eparate from   the creen the uer i ;iewing4 pop up randomly or a a reult of uer action   &can ha;e a negati;e negati;e effect due to their intrui;e intrui;e nature) nature)

P 1etermine the bet poition on ite for a banner 



P 7eb ite cluttered with ad annoy ;iitor P Space can be more e9peni;e during high traffic P (9changing banner with another ite

BUYING AND SELLING BANNER ADVERTISING P Buy ad;ertiing pace on ite that recei;e a large number of hit and target a

imilar mar8et* P Selling ad pace pro;ide additional income* P 3onthly charge for online ad;ertiing rarely ued*

 CPM COST PER THOUSAND P A deignated fee for e;ery one thouand people who ;iew the ite on which your ad;ertiement i located*  ADVERTISING PA PAYMENT YMENT OPTIONS

P Pa?%=,5%c+7c' you pay the hot according to the number of clic8>through to your 


  ite P Pa?%=,5%+,a- you pay the hot for e;ery lead generated from the ad;ertiement* P Pa?%=,5%8a+, you pay the hot for e;ery ale reulting from a clic8>through* P Selling ad;ertiing pace* P !ro;ide appropriate contact information on your 7eb ite* P Regiter with organiation that will ell your pace for you* P Thee companie typically charge a percentage of the re;enue you recei;e from   the Ad;ert Ad;ertiement iement placed on your ite*  



To be ucceful in e>buine4 an organiation mut mater the art of electronic relati rel ation onhip hip*T *Tra radit dition ional al mea mean n of cu cutom tomer er acq acqui uiiti ition on uc uch h a ad; ad;er erti tiing ing44  promotion4 and public relation are buine e>buine include:

P 3AR5(TI#% SA SA$(S P FI# I#A# A#"I "IA$ A$ S( S(R R6I" I"(S (S P !R'"UR(3(#T P "U "UST ST' '3(R S(R (R6 6I" I"( ( P I#T(R3(1IARI(S



1ire rect ct e ell llin ing g wa wa th thee ea earl rlie iet t ty type pe of e> e>bu bui ine ne  an and d ha ha pr pro; o;en en to be a 1i teppingtone to more comple9 commerce operation* Succee uch a eBay4 Barne and #oble4 1ell Inc*4 and Tra;elocity ha;e par8ed the growth of thi egment4 pro;ing cutomer acceptance of e>buine direct elling* 3ar8eting and ale department are initiating ome of the mot e9citing e>buine inno;ation* "incinnati 7"!'>T6 wa a rating blip in E--E and i now the number three AB" af affi filia liate te in the nat nation ion** 7" 7"!'> !'>T6 T6 cre credit dit it uc ucce ce lar large gely ly to dig digita itall  billboard that promote different programming depending on the time of day* The  billboard are updated updated directly from from a 7e 7eb b ite*  ite*  


 The tation quic8ly noticed that when current e;ent for the early>e;ening new were plugged during the afternoon4 rating pi8ed*The digital billboard let e;eral companie hare one pace and can change meage directly from the company computer* In the morning4 a department tore can ad;ertie a ale4 and in the afternoon4 a retaurant can ad;ertie it pecial*

(;entually cutomer will be able to buy billboard ign time in hour or minute incr in crem emen ent t*" *"ur urre rent nt co cot t to h har aree a di digi gita tall bi bill llbo boar ard d ar aree , ,-4 -4---- a mo mont nth4 h4 compared with +-4--- for one tandard billboard*


Financial er;ice 7eb ite are enprocurement application i to lin8 organiation directly to preappro;ed upplier catalog catalog and to proce the entire purchaing tranaction online* $in8ing to electronic catalog ignificantly reduce the need to chec8 the timeline and accuracy of upplier information*

An electronic catalog preent cutomer with with information information about good and er;ice offered for ale4 bid4 or auction on the Internet* Some electronic catalog manage large number of indi;idual item4 and earch capabilitie help buyer na;igate quic8ly to the item they want to purchae* 'ther electronic catalog emphaie merchandie preentation and pecial offer4 much a a retail tore i laid out to encourage impule or add>on buying* A with other apect of e>  buine4 it i important important to match electronic electronic catalog deign deign and functionality functionality to a company buine goal*



(>buine e


cutom omeer







communication capability of a traditional cutomer repone ytem with the content richne only the 7eb 7eb can pro;ideXall a;ailable and operating E,9/* A a reult4 conducting buine ;ia the 7eb offer cutomer the con;enience they want while freeing 8ey upport taff to tac8le more comple9 problem* The 7eb alo allow an organiation to pro;ide better cutomer er;ice through e>mail4 pecia pe ciall me mea age ge44 and pri pri;at ;atee pa pawo word> rd>7 7eb acc acce e to pe pecia ciall are area a fo forr to top p cutomer* "utomer er;ice i the buine proce where the mot human contact occur  between a buyer and a eller* #ot urpriingly urpriingly44 e>buine trategit are finding that cutomer er;ice ;ia the 7eb i one of the mot challenging and potentially lucrati;e area of e>buine*  


Thee pr Th prim imar ary y i iu uee fa faci cing ng cu cut tom omer er e er; r;ic icee de depa part rtm men ent t u uin ing g e> e>bu bui ine ne  i conumer protection*


An organiation that want to dominate by uing uperior cutomer er;ice a a competiti;e ad;antage mut not only conider how to er;ice it cutomer4 but alo al o ho how w to pr prot otec ectt it it cu cut tom omer er* * 'r 'rga gani nia ati tion on mu mut t re reco cogn gni iee th that at ma many ny conumer are unfamiliar with their digital choice4 and ome e>buinee are well aware of thee ;ulnerabiliti ;ulnerabilitie* e* For e9ample4 +/>year>old 3iami high chool enior Franci "ornworth offered hi =2oung 3an 6irginity@ for ale on eBay* The offer attracted a +- million phony  bid* 1iana 1uyer of Hollywood4 Florida4 old half of a grilled cheee andwich


that reemble the 6irgin 3ary to the owner of an online caino for E.4--- on eBay* eBa y*Hig Highli hlight ght the dif diffe feren rentt pro protec tectio tion n ar area ea fo forr con conum umer er** Reg Regard ardle le of  whether the cutomer are other buinee or end conumer4 one of their greatet concern i the ecurity le;el of their financial tranaction* Thi include all apect of electronic information4 but focue mainly on the info in form rmat atio ion n a ao oci ciat ated ed wi with th pa paym ymen ent t &e &e*g *g*4 *4 a cr cred edit it ca card rd nu numb mber er)) an and d th thee  payment themel;e4that i4 the =electronic money* money*@@ An organiatio organiation n mut con co nid ider er u uch ch i iue ue a en encr cryp ypti tion on44 e ecu cure re o oc8 c8et et la laye yer r &S &SS$ S$)4 )4 an and d e ecu cure re electronic tranaction &S(T)




Recent buine model that ha;e arien to enable organiation to ta8e ad;antage of the Inte Internet rnet and crea create te ;alu ;aluee are within e>go;ernme e>go;ernment* nt*  E-government in;ol;e the ue of trategie and technologie to tranform go;ernment&) by impro;ing the deli;ery of er;ice and enhancing the quality of interaction between the citien conumer within all branche of go;ernment* cutomer> cutomer>focued focued lin8 connect uer to mi mill llio ion n of 7eb pa page ge4 4 fr from om th thee fe fede dera rall go go;e ;ern rnme ment nt44 to lo loca call an and d tr trib ibal al go;ernment4 to foreign nation around the world*



In a few year4 year4 Int Intern ernet> et>ena enable bled d mo mobil bilee de; de;ice ice wil willl out outnum number ber !"*  Mobile commerce 4 or m-commerce 4 i the ability to purchae good and er;ice through

a wirele Internet>enabled de;ice* The emerging technology behind m>commerce i a mobile de;ice equipped with a 7eb>ready micro>brower* To ta8e ad;antage of  the m> m>com comme merce rce ma mar8e r8ett pot potent ential ial44 han hande dett man manuf ufact acture urer r #o8 #o8ia4 ia4 (ri (ric con4 on4 3otorola4 and Oualcomm are wor8ing with telecommunication carrier ATT 7irele and Sprint to de;elop martphone* Uing new form of technology4 mart  phone offer fa94 e>mail4 and phone capabilitie all in one4 pa;ing the way for m> commerce to be accepted by an increaingly mobile wor8force* Figure 0*00 gi;e a ;iual o;er;iew of m>commerce*



Amaon*com ha collaborated with #o8ia to pioneer a new territory* 7ith the launch of it Amaon*com Anywhere er;ice4 it ha become one of the firt ma m>co comm mmer erce ce wi will ll u urp rpa a la land ndli line ne e> e>bu bui ine ne  &traditional telephony) telephony) a the method of choice for digital commerce tranaction*

According to the reearch firm Strategy Analytic4 the global m>commerce mar8et wa e9pected to be worth more than E-- billion by E--4 with ome 0- million cutomer generating almot +, billion tranaction annually*

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+--* Technology i a primary force dri;ing thee change* 'rganiation that wantt to ur wan ur;i; ;i;ee mu mut t rec recogn ognie ie the imm immen enee pow power er of tec techno hnolog logy4 y4 carry carry out required organiational change in the face of it4 and learn to operate in an entirely different way*

OFFICIAL SITES OF E%BUSINESS #.  F+7='a5t W,387t, ***.4+7='a5t.c)/ ***.4+7='a5t.c)/


Flip8art i an Indian e>commerce company headquartered in Bangalore4 5arnata8a* It wa founded by Sachin Banal and Binny Banal in E--/* In it initial year4 Flip Fl ip8a 8art rt co conc ncen entr trat ated ed on on onli line ne a ale le of bo boo8 o84 4 bu butt it la late terr on e9 e9pa pand nded ed to electronic good and a di;erity of other product* Flip8art offer multiple multiple payment method li8e credit card4 debit card4 net ban8ing4 e>gift ;oucher4 and the maE-++* mid>E-++* 'n ulyJ +-th E-+E4 Big Shoe Baaar India !;t $td* owner of Brand 2ebhi*com 2e bhi*com announced that it ha raied +-- "r in Serie " round of funding led  by Fidelity %rowth %rowth !artner India India and Oualcomm* Oualcomm*



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"aratlane i IndiaJ firt online uer*

ucceful implementation among early adopter which then reult in a fater and broader adoption proce*

greater fle9ibility for inno;ation and increaed re;enue*








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