MED1022: MBBS Year 1 Introduction to Rural Health 2015
Rural Communities: Voices of the Region Introduction Rural Communities ‘People living in rural areas tend to have shorter lives and higher levels of illness and disease risk factors than those in major cities. It is also true that, on average, people living in rural Australia do not always have the same opportunities for good health as those living in major cities. For example, residents of more inaccessile areas of Australia are generally disadvantaged in their access to good and services, educational and employment opportunities and income. In contrast, rural Australians generally have higher levels of social cohesiveness, for example, higher rates of participation in volunteer work and feelings of safety in their community!. Australian Institute of "ealth and #elfare http$
Learning Outcomes Following the Rural Q! "e""ion# $ou will ha%e a &etter a''reciation o( the 'eo'le who li%e and wor) in rural co**unitie" a" well a" the ad%antage" and challenge" the$ (ace li%ing and wor)ing out"ide a *etro'olitan area+ area+ PLEASE NOTE: This session includes a live Twitter feed so that all students in the audience can oin in the conversation!
Areas of "ocus Rural conte,t !d%antage"-challenge" o( wor)ing in a rural area Bene.t"-di"ad%antage" Bene.t"-di"ad%antage" o( li%ing in a rural area !cce""-a%aila&ilit$ !cce""-a%aila&ilit$ / euit$ i""ue" he nature nature o( rural rural 'ractice Social (a&ric o( rural co**unitie" c o**unitie"
PREPARATION Make a list of things/questions that will help you to get the most out of this session 'don!t forget to include (uestions related to your assignment)
MED1022: MBBS Year 1 Introduction to Rural Health 2015
Rural Communities:
*he next three pages provide a rief description of the areas that will e covered in the +ural "ealth -A session following presentations y guest speakers from rural communities. ou will e assigned one of these areas to focus on for the -A session. You will be required to submit one question (related to your assigned area by !R"#$Y %&th $ugust' uestions are to be submitted )ia the *$ database that has been set+up on Moodle (under $ssessment' *hese (uestions will e reviewed y an academic panel and a selection will e used in the -A session. Please ensure your name appears at the end of the (uestion so that the moderator can identify you and to clarify that the (uestion has een addressed.
he health "tatu" and *ortalit$ rate" o( 'eo'le li%ing in rural area" tend to &e wor"e than their cit$ counter'art"+ eogra'hic location to a large e,tent deter*ine" the nature and deli%er$ o( healthcare "er%ice"+ In rural area" where 'o'ulation den"it$ i" low 3co*'ared to *etro'olitan area"4 acce"" to and the a%aila&ilit$ o( health "er%ice" i" %er$ li*ited+ %o &ou thin' limited access to and the availa(ilit& of health services in rural areas is the maor contri(utor to the health disadvantage of rural communities) $ive reasons for &our answer! on"ider Rural conte,t 6 geogra'hic location# 'o'ulation den"it$# euit$# acce""# a%aila&ilit$ Rural co**unitie" 6 co*'are-contra"t characteri"tic" 3di%er"it$# de*ogra'hic"4 Social deter*inant" o( health 3education# e*'lo$*ent4 De*and (or health "er%ice" 3increa"e in rate o( chronic di"ea"e4 htt':--www+a&c+net+au-health-(eature"-"torie"-2007-07-08-19771+ht* htt':--www+a&c+net+au-health-health$li%ing-$ourhealth-ruralregionalhealth-de( ault+ht* htt':--www+hreoc+go%+au-hu*an;right"-rural;au"tralian"-inde,+ht*l *
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