Influence Marketing
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Influence Marketing: How to Create, Manage, and Measure Brand Influencers in Social Media Marketing. Authors: Danny Bro...
Infuence Marketing | Danny Brown & Sam Fiorella How to Create, Manage, and Measure Brand Infuencers in Social Media Marketing Summary by Leone Salom
1. Logic and Reason Infuencer marketing is a orm o marketing that has emerged rom a variety o recent practices and studies, in which ocus is placed on specic key individuals rather than the target market as a whole. It identies the individuals that have infuence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these infuencers. Infuence is a orce created by one person or entity that causes a reaction in or by another.
1.1 The !""1 Rule In most communities 90% o users are ollowers who seek inormation but never or rarely contribute, 9% o the users contribute a little, and the nal % account is the holy grail o traditional infuence marketing marketing because this small active group commands the attention o their larger community. !evelop specic content marketing and sales attics based on the immediate need o the community in order to identiy" #primary market" target all infuencers and invite them to an e$clusive event #secondary markets" markets" include specic call to action to shar share e inormation. the result is that the awareness is high but the sales low because there is a disconnection between audience willingness to accept a recommendation recomm endation and their willingness to take action on it.
1.# $ocusing on the Custo%er, not the Infuencer #hat is the e$act prole o the target customer ready to buy& # hat are direct line infuencers in the lives l ives decision makers& # hat are the emotional, social, political, and nancial actors that play in the decision making process&
#. Infuence and the Hu%an &s'che 'iming, placement, product, product, and revelance revelance all play a key part in whether whether a brand message is accepted and shared by the infuential targets. e make decision based on logic yet allow these decisions to be overr overridden idden when emotion comes into the e(uation because people are emotional emotional creature. 'he using o emotional triggers in promotional messages is twice successul as rational messaging )respectively )respectively *%, +%
The Ikea ()ect # 'he perception o value increases on pro-ects that people build on their own versus buying prebuilt products and placing them in a household instead. e do not do something because we love it love comes rom the act o doing something / eel pride and accomplishment. 'he connected connected consumer preers preers pull marketing marketing techni(ues that are" are" #simple #make them eel involved #involve researching their purchase decision 1#*or1#k and (%otional +uilt # make customers eel emotionally guilty or doing something. (%otional Marketing # the ability or the marketers marketers to connect with customers on an emotional level can result in both longevity or a business and ongoing loyalty and advocacy rom customers. the problem is how to identiy the opportunities and connect meaningully. how to measure online emotions" # break down distinctions between key grammatical areas #identiy emotions linked linked to each part o the sentence #learn the intent behind someones statement #determine #determ ine i intent converts in action (%otional Resource wins oer Controersial -isconnect # when a person in emotionally invested in a brand or product because o the positive sentiment invoked invoked within them, this can result in them choosing to continue their relationship with that brand despite controversy around some o the brands other activities. 1uccess comes rom 2dvocacy" #reer riends, amily and colleagues
#improve and satisy the customer lie cycle with your brand 'he rise o social media has provided provided anyone anyone who wants wants to be heard heard with the tools and platorms to be heard. this has created an ecosystem o various layers o infuence. hich infuencers is the right one& humans do not all in love because someone tells them they have to all in love it simply happens one the right emotional connection has been made. #rst level" awareness but not strong connection to the brand or its product #second level" emotional resonance / connection with the customer and true advocacy.
. The Rise o* Social Media 'he correlation correlation between between word#o word#o#mouth #mouth and and social media has seen many businesses implement social into their overall marketing strategy.
.1 Logic, Branding, and Infuence 2 social media e$pert e$perts s should invest the centre o his time on content because it is the type ound on blogs where it is transmitted the e$act kind o messaging or which it wants to be recogni3ed an respected.hile 'witter ' witter restricts restricts messaging messaging to short short staccato bursts o inormat inormation, ion, a blog post can be as long or as short as the publisher eels necessary. 'he bloggers are allow to benet o a ar stronger editorial point o view, which in turn helps attract the e$act.
.# / 0uestion o* Two Cultures In 404, one o the astest growing markets in 5urope was e#commerce and the online sales totalled was -ust over 6477 billion acros across s the main 5uropean 5urope an countries in 40. I one thing has changed signicantly in recent times, its the way we shop as consumers.
. The Shi*t to Social Media and Rise o* Citien Infuencers
'here is no (uestion social media has has introduced introduced some some key actors into todays business world # on dialogue, increased consumer awareness, and accountability, or e$ample e$ample # but the truth is, social media is still -ust an added component to the bigger business picture. 8usinesses 8usinesses now actually measure campaigns eectively and determine where their social media e$penditure is successul and where they can cut budgets or weaker result. 'his integrated approach yields impressive result or the brands that approach social media marketing holistically.
.2 The 3ew &ersonal Relationshi4 -'na%ic :onsumers have become more interconnected with each other through social channels, with create myriad opportunities to disrupt the path, si3e, speed, and impact o that snowball. e have identied three ma-or shits in communications" degree o separation, degree o relationship, and degree o publicity. 'hese shits have dramatically impacted how people engage with each other and played a disruptive role in not -ust word#o#mouth but general marketing eectiveness. *.;. !egree o 1eparation 'oday, thanks 'oday, thanks to technology technology and social social networking, the ochen. 1ocial =edia has amplied this concept by providing more immediate immediate connection between people. ?o-an
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