Infinite Anima Rum
July 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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THE INFINITE ANIMARUM The Infinie Animarum is a chaoic cabal o culiss ha sow chaos or pleasure and profi: capializing on and rejoicing in he wake o esablished saus quos. The members o he coecive are obsessed wih noions o enropy, uiliy, and pursuing heir heir base desires wih wi h reckless abandon. And, A nd, like any idea, he Animarum and is members are a persisen weed and impossible impos sible o compleely c ompleely eradicae. e radicae. This dangerous, growing coecive o arguably mad culiss is asand gleeuy or balance counless disrupive pranks hijinksresponsible ha upse u pse he bhe alance o day-oday-o-day day lie as hey are responsible or he deahs, incurred coss, and anguish o he broken amilies and ransacked owns hey invariably leave in heir wake. Even now, he Animarum coninues o pursue is incomprehensible agenda in new, unsuspecing ciies ha remain unaware o heir presence, and o he horrors ha are bound o oow. Shrouded in mysery, is origins, purpose, and leadership remain unknown o viruay anyone... anyone...even even is erven er ven members. members .
AMBI AM BIENT ENT MO MOOD OD In areas where he Infinie Animarum is beginning o or has already aken hold, here are a number o varying and suble clues ha hin a heir presence. The ypical smes o ciy lie could be eclipsed bymay unexplainable noxious smes. Gossip and harsh whispers abound, ororinesaions o vermin and insecs could increase drasicay. Overa, he area becomes hos o a disinc eeling o unease, unpredicabiliy, and conusion. Even he local ashion and own mainenance can rend owards he exremes o cleanliness and color or filh and blandness. When walking hrough he aeyways o areas wih w ih an Animarum presence, characers may noice unusual shadows, urive glances over shoulders, oddly placed or designed buildings, or an odd number o cloaked and hooded figures who, when spoken o, are compleely ordinary. Many ciizens embrace heir more eclecic endencies in behavior and dress, aing ino in o rus o exreme cleancle anliness or wanon slobbery. Some wear mismached or brighly-colored brighlycolored clohing, cl ohing, while wh ile ohers appear o lose a sense o hygiene or sel-presenaion. Even more so han usual, ciies under Animarum siege are plagued by he sme o ro, noxious gasses, and oher oul bu unidenifiable scens. The sources or hese aromas are ofen difficul o place, and end o cloy he nosrils even when a resh breeze passes by. Those who ravel wihin hese ciies ofen repor an overabundance o whispers and gossip among he common olk, as we as he scrapes and scutles o insecs, ras, and oher pess. Someimes hese sounds wi become loud or echo srangely, regardless o he space’s normal acousic properies. Characers in an area o inense Animarum corrupion, which are ofen compleely comple ely indisinguishable indisi nguishable rom any
oher space,hey may do, eeleven a srong sense o unease and paranoia. When normal evens or ineracions may seem conusing or suspicious.
Alhough he precise mehod varies drasicay rom ciy o ciy, mos locaions affeced by he chaoic presence o he Infinie Animarum experience sudden and serious sebacks o heir economic sabiliy and rade nework.
THE THOUSAND VOICES, SUPREME SOUL VORTEX When a soul dies di es and is diamerica di americayy orn beween b eween muliple mulip le possible aferlives af erlives or ouer ou er planes, hey may become rapped r apped wihin a Soul S oul Vorex. The souls so uls prevened rom reaching reac hing such a resingroil place have heir desires, and anguish ogeher. The lingering Thousandhoughs, Voices is he oldes and larges o he Soul Vorices, composed o many powerul and ancien specasers, ravenous warriors, and mad scholars. Foowing he Thousand Voices is common or individuals who eel ha he deiies have orsaken hem and seek o upend heir so-caed sysems o judgemen. Desperae and power-hungry people someimes choose o orge a pac wih he Thousand Voices. Those who do end o become obsessed obs essed wih he enropic enrop ic decay, carnal desires, desir es, and sheer uiliy o lie, and ofen find hemselves awash in he houghs and memories o he spiris ha make up he Soul Vorex. Over ime, hese people peop le can even orge orge which whic h evens were a par o heir lie li e as opposed oppo sed o one rom r om he Thousand Th ousand Voices.
ORIGIN AND HISTORY The mos powerul oower o he Supreme Soul Vorex is Ochre Elson, Animarum Maestro (see Infinie Animarum Sa Blocks). Elson was an inamous gambler and orever indebed o any number o lenders a a given ime, bu always managed o escape rouble wih an uncanny charisma and charm. Seeking a way ou o deb once and or a, Ochre began o ake advanage o impressionable locals by promising hem vas riches: hey simply needed o pay a sma ee up ron, and or each new member hey enlised in his way, heir wealh would grow. To exend his reach and deend his growing coecive, Elson decided o seek he help o exraplanar power. Drawing upon he coecive knowledge and arcane srengh o his early oowers, Elson successuy conaced and ormed a pac wih he Thousand Voices. Elson’s now praciced rheoric combined wih he guidance o he Thousand Voices earned him a larger oowing, promising new members wealh, communiy, commu niy, and he meeing o heir chaoic c haoic desires. desi res. Wih he guidance gu idance o he he Thousand Voices o help him, Elson expanded his order and grow his oowing beyond he reaches o his own, assembling new members whose selfishness and skewed moraliy could be exploied. As his oowers grew in number and volailiy, Elson and he Thousand Voices deermined ha a slighly differen ap proach would wou ld be needed—one needed— one ha would wou ld ensure his hi s saey and anonymiy, while also mainaining his oowers’ erven serviude. From hen on, Ochre Elson’s whereabous are compleely unknown, even o his highes ranking members. Even rom hiding, Elson’s cabal began o ake shape and became known, hrough hushed whispers, as he Infinie Animarum. Layered in secrecy, coded messages, and blind aih, he now
cul-like group is simply srucured: anonymous anonymous members, caed Iniiaes, repor o one o dozens (or possibly hundreds) o local Leaders. These Leaders ofen have hidden offices, hideous, or lairs rom which hey operae, using larger spaces o conduc meeings or oherwise hide wihin as heir prominence grows. Leaders alone are aware o Elson’s connecion o he Thousand Voices, and by exension are orced o orge a similar pac wih he Soul Vorex. Using his shared magical connecion, Leaders are able o carry ou he direcives as given by Elson, alhough many simply rely on he wans o he Thousand Voices direcly. As a resul, some o he cul’s aciviies can seem asynchronous or purposeless, purposeles s, as each sec’s orders order s can depend depe nd on which pars o he Soul Vorex influence is Leaders mos.
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Member Memb erss o o the the cu cult lt in inci cite te ri riot otss wit with h sub subtl tle e rhe rhettoric in specific locations near other pr ime targets or crimes. For instance, a riot outside a brothel to mask the disappeara disappearance nce o several nearby shop owners and their valuables.
Citize Citi zens ns ar are e mu mugg gged ed bu butt no nott ro robb bbed ed—i —ins nste tead ad,, victims later discover that a new item is on their person, implicating them as having stolen om a wealthy denizen o the city.
Cultis Cult ists ts re rele leas ase e doz dozen enss o o er eral al ra rats ts in pe peop ople les’ s’ homes at night, resulting in general mayhem and hysteria among the populace. Despite the efforts o an influx o ratcatchers and adventurers, adventurers, the rats seem to multiply aster than they can be caught.
The Ani The Anima maru rum m spu spurr cit citiz izen enss to to pub publi licl clyy den denou ounc nce e various laws and regulations on the basis o restricting their eedoms, calling or new leadership. A particularly charismatic member o the cabal can then rise to the occasion and offer a silver-tongued silver-tong ued solution.
Cultis Cult ists ts ad add d tra trace ce am amou ount ntss o o a po pote tent nt ha hall lluc uciinogenic poison to wells throughout the city. The
OTHER SETTINGS Sects o the Infinite Animarum equently find themselves at odds with the Circle o Dragons and the Cartographerss Guild o Antronec. They’ve also been Cartographer completely unsuccessl unsuccessl in their attempts to infiltrate Heavensteppe and Orostead. Monks om the Durheim Monastery,, who have a specific creed o dispatching Monastery lost souls, may take it upon themselves to destroy the Infinite Animarum and the Thousand Voices.
citizens become slowly lost in their reverie that the cult can accomplish whatever they desire unopposed.
OPERATIVE TACTICS Each spliner sec o he Infinie Animarum behaves differenly due o heir loose power srucure and discordan orders. Very litle inormaion is shared wih individual mem bers, and an d even he Leaders Lea ders ha repor r epor direcly dir ecly o Elson El son ofen have litle indicaion as o he movemens o oher nearby secs. Mos o he Animarum’s communicaions, especiay rom is Leaders o heir Iniiaes, ranspire in a hick cloak o secrecy, wheher by magical or mundane means. For example, a member could hear a disembodied whisper or find a myserious scrap o parchmen in heir pocke ha compels hem o perorm some new and unpredicable ac o disrupion. When he Infinie Infi nie Animarum Anima rum begin o ply heir he ir rade in a own or ciy, hey lead wih a series o bizarre and seemingly disconneced acions ha slowly increase in requency in order o sow uncerainy and disrup any sense o local normalcy. You can use he oowing able o deermine which specific acics he Infinie Animarum migh employ.
MINDWARPING INFLUENCE In areas with a heavy Animarum presence, the latent magic o the Thousand Voices can suse the area in beguiling magic. This usually helps cover the cult’s tracks by lulling citizens into a alse sense o security. Calmed and distracted, the townsolk are kept ignorant o the chaos in their midst. Creatures within areas with this influence have disadvantage on Wisdom and Intelligence checks and saving throws. Characters that are aware o the cult’s activity in the area are immune to this effect.
A lar large ge nu numb mber er o de dead ad bo bodi dies es tu turn rn up in th the e basements and attics o innocent amilies, spurring intense euds and possibly open warare in the streets as accusations fly.
The cit The city’ y’ss rum rumor or mi mill ll is ov over erwh whel elme med d by by new new an and d insatiable gossip about the nobility, leading to calls or a change in style o government. Regardless o changes, rumors move aster as every citizen’s dirty laundry is inevitably aired.
A lar large ge nu numb mber er o mi misl slea eadi ding ng qu ques estt pos posti ting ngss appear on notice boards, luring adventurers into cultist ambushes so the Animurum can operate without worrying about intererenc intererence. e.
CORRUPTIVE IN FL FLUENCE UENCE You can use he oowing o owing able abl e o randomly randoml y deermine how he various secs o he Infinie Animarum migh currenly be affecing affec ing owns and ciies in your world. w orld. Each o hese influences presens a unique opporuniy or your pary o be led o discover and invesigae he Animarum.
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Corr Co rrupt uptiv ivee Inf Influe luence nce The tow The town n has has be been en at attr trac acti ting ng mo more re wi wild ld mo mons nste terr attacks than usual. The party’s avorite tavern closed or repairs aer one such monster attack, but everyone in town reses to explain what the monster was, and why it may have attacked.
All o th the e cit city’ y’ss soc socks ks ha have ve va vani nish shed ed ov over erni nigh ght. t. No home or storeont has been le unturned, leaving everyone superstitiously concerned.
Aer a harr Aer harrow owin ing g nea nearr-de deat ath h exp exper erie ienc nce, e, a character eels compelled to investig investigate ate the ate o all the lost and anguished souls they saw: a mysterious vision o the Thousand Voices.
The reg The regio ion n is is bei being ng un unus usua uall llyy pla plagu gued ed by bi biti ting ng insects that don’t seem bothered by either cold or hot weather and mysteriously vanish during the daytime. Most citizens are annoyed but healthy, but the elderly are beginning to die om malnutrition, despite eating normally. There’ Ther e’ss bee been n a ra rash sh o od odd d dis disap appe pear aran ance cess o o people considered easy to miss: mostly the homeless and those involved in illicit trades. Now the merchants are vanishing, and as businesses suffers, city officials are concerned.
PASTT RUIN S PAS You can use he oowing oow ing able o randomly deermine a locaion ha he Infinie Animarum have previously desroyed or corruped. E X A FF TT EE R ZO T A X AM MP PL LE E RM MAT TH H O NE NE BBLLEE
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Afte Af term rmat ath h Zo Zone ne The cit The citiz izen enss o o Ash Ashva vale le,, a sm smal alll fish fishin ing g vil villa lage ge,, have mysteriously vanished. The day-to-day tasks are perormed o their own accord, with no indication as to their means o l ocomotion. The Th e cit cityy o o Glo Gloom ombe berrg has has be beco come me a wal walki king ng ghost town. The denizens ignore outsiders, don’t eat or sleep and perorm repetitive activities with soulless, unblinking eyes.
The cit The cityy Rub Ruban anio ioll has has be been en bu burn rned ed to the the de deep ep-est oundations, and all subsequent attempts to resettle it have ailed due to the inability to grow crops in the charred and salted soil.
The pri The prist stin ine e vil villa lage ge o Th Thor ornc ncli liff ff is is now now po popu pula latted only by puddles o slow-moving ooze. Though they always had a reputation or cleanliness, things seem to have escalated beyond reason.
Blor Bl orff ff, a on once ce-b -bus ustl tlin ing g tra trade de ce cent nter er ob obse sess ssed ed
People Peop le ha have ve be begu gun n to to al alll ill ill wi with thou outt war warni ning ng,, despite all their precautionary medical measures. The city’s workorce has been halved, making them desperate or relie and drastically increasing tensions between classes.
The cit The city’ y’ss vic vices es ar are e bec becom omin ing g mor more e pro prono nouc uced ed,, causing bars, brothels, and gambling dens to overflow. Further, more o these places seem to appear each week, and are rapidly becoming the only establishments with any coinage.
Dwefflst Dweffl ston one e has has be been en al alll but but aba aband ndon oned ed ov over er the past ew months, as rumors o lycanthropic massacres abound. Despite this, the local temple stalwartly proclaims the city ee o any shapeshiing curses.
Cropss and Crop and trad tradee-pu purc rcha hase sed d oo ood d have have be been en rotting beore they’re ripe, and even insects die eating them. Lest they starve in the middle o harvest-time, the village desperately seeks a solution om sages, mages, and adventurers.
The tow The town n o o Far Farsc scop ope e has has be been en o orc rcib ibly ly va vaca cate ted d as each and every building, oundation, and basement is now gently spinning and hovering fiy eet in the air. All attempts to dispel the eect without damaging the structures have ailed.
Baro Ba roth thri riam am wa wass com compl plet etel elyy swa swall llow owed ed ov over erni nigh ghtt
An en enti tire re ci city ty ha hass van vanis ishe hed d om om re real alit ityy and and th the e memory o every creature except the party members—apparently bers—appare ntly they’re the only ones who can find out where they’ve gone and why.
Random Rand om ar arso sons ns ar are e tak takin ing g pla place ce an and d leav leave e odd odd ashes behind. The guard ask or assistance, stating that they are too busy with other matters.
Each day Each day,, all all the the stor stores es in in town town mys myste teri riou ousl slyy sell sell out o a seemingl seeminglyy random item like candles, wax, caltrops, or simple chairs. There are no records o sales om any o the merchants, nor evidence o typical the.
The town The towns sol olkk are are beco becomi ming ng noc noctu turn rnal al,, work workin ing g through the night and sleeping all day. All but the soest moon and starlight seem to cause them to lash out with pained, guttural cries.
with its largest public image and reputation, is now the world’s heat-proo wax museum. Perhaps even more curiously, each statue appears to have an expression o contentment or rapture.
by a massive, cratered sinkhole. Researchers are puzzled, as the region has no history o seismic activity and the crater is perectly uniorm in shape.
You can use he oowing o owing able abl e o ideniy ideni y quirks and clues abou poenial Animarum Leader hideous in a own or ciy.
When populaing populai ng he Infinie Infi nie Animarum Anima rum wih characer c haracerss o inerac wih your world, consider using he oowing ables o deermine heir personaliy.
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Anim An imar arum um Hi Hide deou out t Access Acce ssed ed by wa wayy o o a na name mele less ss gr grav aves esto tone ne in th the e city cemetery, this catacomb hideout is decorated with countless human bones on the walls, ceiling, and rniture. Notes or the Leader are buried just behind the headstone. Loca Lo cate ted d in in an an aba aband ndon oned ed an and d squ squal alid id st stab able le,, thi thiss hideout has wards that amplif the horrendous scent or everyone but the cultists. The Leader collects messages engraved into rusty horseshoes and hung on various stalls o the stable. This li This libr brar aryy hid hideo eout ut is co cove vere red d om om ro roo o to flo floor or in mold and mildew, with every book rendered illegible by water damage. Coded messages to the attending Leader are dropped off as various quills and bookmarks within the damaged books. As a car carpe pent nter er’’s sho shop p hid hideo eout ut,, thi thiss sto store reo ont nt claims to sell artistic rniture that comes pre-rotten. The artistic Leader receives communication carved into esh lumber, then causes it to decay or secrecy and to provide additional art supplies. This sm This smit ithy hy hi hide deou outt all alleg eged edly ly pr prod oduc uces es na nail ilss or or woodworkers, but each and every nail or sale is bent out o shape. The Leader sends and receives their encoded messages by tying numerous bent nails into twine. This al This alch chem emyy lab lab hi hide deou outt see seems ms to cat catch ch fir fire e on a weekly basis, but it’s only clever illusion magic. The Leader uses bouquets o flowers and packages o blended herbal teas and poultices to transmit the cult’s communiques. Locate Loca ted d in in an an ecl eclec ecti ticc and and ov over erpr pric iced ed ha habe berd rdas ashhery, this hideout conveys inormation using it’s vast collection o intricate masks and other headwear. The Leader’s ace has never been seen, and all members o this sect ollow suit. This ga This gaud udyy th thea eate terr ha hass be beco come me ho home me to a se sect ct that delights in song and elaborate productions that occasionally eature real gore and violence or authenticity. The Leader directs swelling crescendos and brutal marches, each one conveying secret inormation to the clever listener.
INFINITE INFI NITE ANIMARUM ANIM ARUM MAPS Maps are available or ee, courtesy o Cze & Peku, at
Perso Pe rsonal nality ity Tra Trait it
I’m su I’m supr prem emel elyy co confi nfide dent nt in th the e mi migh ghtt o o th the e Infinite Animarum and by association, my own power.
I str strug uggl gle e to to oll ollow ow ru rule less o o any any ki kind nd,, eve even n the the ew rules within the Infinite Animarum.
I am am a de devo vote ted d mem membe berr o o the the In Infin finit ite e Ani Anima maru rum m and obey their commands without question.
I joi joine ned d the the In Infin finit ite e Anim Animar arum um o orr the the ab abil ilit ityy to to completely let loose my urges and cravings.
I lik like e to to per persu suad ade e com commo mon n peo peopl ple e to to low lower er th thei eirr guard and mislead them. They’re so easy to ool.
I’ve o I’ve oun und d the the per pere ect ct amo amoun untt o st stru ruct ctur ure e with within in the Infinite Animarum to eel ee but still be a part o something grand.
Freedom. Nobody can tell me what I can or can’t do. (Chaotic)
Rebellion. I rese to submit to the laws o the establishment: establishme nt: I owe them nothing. (Chaotic)
Aspiration. I’ve ound the path to success, and now walk down it confidently. confidently. (Any)
Power. I crave ultimate power, regardless o those who stand in my way. (Evil)
Recognition. I’m tired o going unnoticed—they’ll rue the day they ignored me. (Evil)
Entropy. I just want to have n, and it’s not my ault that n comes with collateral damage. (Evil)
I’ve o I’ve oun und d a se sens nse e o o bel belon ongi ging ng in th the e Infi Infini nite te Animarum, and I’ll never let it go.
The wor The world ld nee needs ds to ex expe peri rien ence ce ch chan ange ge,, and and I wil willl be part o the orce orce that brings it.
My ow own n inc incli lina nati tion onss and and cr crav avin ings gs ar are e all all th that at matter.
The Infi The Infini nite te An Anim imar arum um to took ok me in an and d pro promi mise sed d me wealth and eedom, when everyone else said I wasn’t worth their time.
I wil willl prov prove e tha thatt eve every ryon one e was was wr wron ong g to to und under eres es-timate me. They will rue the day they mocked me.
Chaoss kee Chao keeps ps th the e bal balan ance ce:: we we are are th the e one oness tha thatt keep the uptight olk in line.
Fla w
I’m so I’m so dev devot oted ed to ch chao aoss tha thatt I st stru rugg ggle le to o oll llow ow orders om my superiors.
I like like to ad add d ins insul ultt to to inj injur uryy, and and ev even en in inju jury ry to insult.
I’m suc I’m such h a sk skil ille led d lia liarr tha thatt I’v I’ve e beg begun un ma maki king ng it a game, purposely leaving clues behind that point to mysel.
I hav have e bec becom ome e so so acc accus usto tome med d to to spe speak akin ing g my mind openly that I struggle to keep secrets once engaged in conversation.
I’m hau I’m haunt nted ed by th the e car carna nage ge o ou ourr mos mostt rec recen entt event.
I was was rai raise sed d as as a mem membe berr o o the the In Infin finit ite e Ani Ani-marum, and don’t know anything about lie outside o it. I am unsure o what it means to be independent and hardly trust my own judgement.
Morath, Scepter of the Soul Vortex Vortex
EXAMPLE TREASURE Advenures relaed o he Infinie Animarum can be rewardAdvenures ed wih paron-relaed iems like he bloodmage dagger , hefire pichfork , hydra charm, hydra flail, medusan lavalier , soul-searing scyhe, soul pendan, or riden of he hydra, or warlock-specific iems like he gaunles of eldrich ferociy feroci y, shared burden, grasping saff , hexaxe, mask of he pac bearer , or ring of eldrich ire. O course, any cursed iems could also be a perec fi or advenurers dealing wih he Infinie Animarum. The oowing ariac has a direc link o he Thousand Voices, and could be b e ound in he hands o Ochre Elson or similarly imporan oower o he Thousand Voices.
This orch-like sceper almos hums wih necroic energy and appeared when he firs soul was reurned o he Maeri-
Random Properties. Morath, Scepter of the Soul Vortex has he oowing random properies: 1 minor beneficial propery 1 minor derimenal propery 1 major derimenal propery Spel ls. The rod has 8 charges and regains 1d3 + 1 expended charges daily a dawn. When you reduce a humanoid o hi poins, he he rod regains rega ins 1 expended expen ded charge. While holding he rod, you can use an acion o expend 1 or more o is charges o cas one o he oowing spes rom i, using your spe atack bonus and spe save DC: bestow curse (1 (1 charge), circle of death (4 (4 charges), confusion (2 (2 charges), insect plague (3 (3 charges), ray of enfeebleme enfeeblement nt (1 (1 charge), or speak with dead (1 charge). Bestow Greater Curse. When you cas cas he bestow curse
al Plane aferis isgruesome, deah. Since hen,hisory. i has been los and ound hroughou soried While atuned o o he rod, you have resisance resi sance o necroic damage, and you know he chi touch canrip canrip as i i were rom your class’s spe lis. I you are a warlock, you also gain a +3 bonus o your spe atack ros and saving hrow DCs o your warlock warloc k spes while holding he rod. An eerie, green flame erups rom he head o his rod when you hold hol d i, shedding shedd ing brigh ligh l igh in a 2-oo 2- oo radius and dim ligh or an addiional 2 ee. While holding he rod, you can use a bonus acion o menay snuff ou or religh he flames. While he flames are li, you can use an acion o make a ranged spe atack wih i, using your spe atack bonus and spe save DC, ou o a range o 3 ee. When you do, he h e flaming rod ro d emis a phanasmal p hanasmal sku s ku ha flies ou o atack he arge. On a hi, he arge akes 3d8
spe while holding rod using eiher he orhe a spe slo, you can choosehe o orce he creaure o rod make saving hrow wih disadvanage. On a ailed save, he arge is simulaneously cursed by a our o he spe’s lised opions. Once his propery has been used, i can’ be used again unil he nex dawn. Death Grip. While holding he rod, you y ou can use an acion o cas he finger of death spe spe rom i, using your spe save DC. Once he rod has been used o cas his spe, i can’ do so again unil he nex dawn. Sentie Sen tience nce.. Morath, Scepter of the Soul Vortex is a senien chaoic evil rod wih an Ineigence o 17, a Wisdom o 13, and Charisma o 14. I has hearing and darkvision ou o a range o 12 ee. The rod communicaes elepahicay elepahicay wih is wielder and can speak, read, and undersand Common. While you are ar e atuned o i, i , i also al so undersands undersand s every lan-
necroic heamoun arge isoa creaure, you regain hi poinsdamage, equal oand halihe necroic damage deal. The sku disappears immediaely afer he atack.
guage youby know. I can choose o communicae wih oher creaures maniesing he phanasmal sku above he rod and using i o speak.
Morath, Scepter of the Soul Vortex
Rod, arifac (requires (requires atunemen by by a sorcerer, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
y y y
Personality. The rod is possessed by Morah, he firs human o ever die, and is an independen spiri rom wihin he Thousand Voices, he larges coecion o discordan los souls ound wihin he muliv erse. Morah’s ime on he Maerial Plane was shor, bu fied wih pain and conusion. As a resul, Morah seeks o experience humankind’s mos base desires vicariously hrough he acions o he rod’s wielder, ofen atemping o compel he wielder o give in o such urges in momens o weakness. Curse. The rod bears a curse ha affecs any non-human ha becomes atuned o i. Even i he atunemen ends, he curse remains. When you die while cursed in his way, you mus make m ake a Charisma Char isma saving hrow agains aga ins your own spe save DC. On a ailed save, or i he rod is more han 1 ee away rom you when you die, your soul is immediaely siphoned ino and becomes a par o he Thousand Voices, leaving your body a vacan husk and unable o reurn o lie by any means m eans shor o a wish spe. spe. On a successul save, your soul leaves your body and eners he rod, as i you had cas he magic jar spe, spe, using he rod as a conainer. You can only reurn o your body i i’s holding he rod, bu can oherwise gain he benefis o he spe as normal. I your soul reurns o your body, you reurn o lie wih 1 hi poin. While your soul is deached rom your body in his way, your atunemen o he rod is carried over o any oher creaure you possess or he duraion. Destroying the Scepter. The only way o desroy he rod
is orod. desroy Morah while soul is conained wihin or he When you do, use your original body’s saisics your soul, wih he excepion e xcepion ha ha your hi hi poin maximum ma ximum is halved. Morah’s soul has he saisics o an archmage. From ouside he rod, his comba resolves insananeously, regardless o how much ime passed wihin he rod during he batle. I you die while wihin he rod in his way, your soul is los o he Thousand Voices. I Morah dies, he rod is desroyed and you reurn o your body wih 1 hi poin, regardless o where your body is a he ime.
The ollowing creature stat blocks contain five new, powerl patron options or warlocks o The Many. Even i you aren’t a warlock, these creatures may prove to become a valuable ally or terrifing adversary along on your adventures.
INFINITE ANIMARUM STAT ST AT BLOCKS BLOCK S BUTCHER DRAY, THREE-HEADED ETTIN According o legend, he very apesry o ae warps when a hree-headed etin is born. Indeed, he birh o Dray was a ime o calamious upheaval and magical chaos. Since ha ime, he Bucher has gahered hundreds o oowers among gian-kin and sma-olk alike, unified by heir voracious hunger or war and riualisic blood magic. Found mos commonly in mounainous regions, he Three-Headed Etin and his disciples coec and offer sacrifices or enhanced srengh and powerul blood-wrough spes. Poorly organized, oowers o he Bucher are ypicay milian and quick o begin conronaion. The same magical boons ha make hem erocious warriors also end o ampliy heir emoional insabiliies and push hem oward he bloodies soluion. Despie a o his, he Three-Headed Etin has numerous oowers and is considered one o he mos generous warlock parons. Excepionay gifed and skied in his complex riuals and hemocraf, Dray fighs wih noorious ruhlessness. Many o his abiliies are empowered by he blood o his enemies, and recovery rom he deadly wounds o his knie is incredibly difficul. Advenurers ha make he misake o heavily wounding he h e Bucher wi be aced aced wih addiional erociy e rociy as he etin’s hunger or violence is eclipsed by unetered rage.
Dray magicay causes an avalanche o engul he area wihin a 12-oo square squ are he can see. Each creaure in he area mus make a DC 15 Dexeriy saving hrow. On a ailed save, a creaure akes 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and 14 (4d6) cold damage and is knocked prone and resrained. On a successul save, a creaure akes hal as much damage, and isn’ knocked prone or resrained. Dray cass he circle of deah spe (save DC 15). Dray regains hi poins equal o hal he oal damage deal by he spe. Dray magicay summons 1 etin o aid him in batle. The etin appears in an unoccupied space wihin 3 ee o Dray and acs as his ay. I Dray uses his lair acion again, he previous etin disappears.
High in he rigid mounains, he Bucher paienly gahers orces and influence hrough his vas nework o oowers and grisly magic. Here, he sheer number o sacrifices has bound Dray’s Dray’ s rigid hear o he land, land , aowing him unparaeled conrol over he elemens and increasing his magical migh. Lair Actions
When fighing on he Sacrificial Sacr ificial Peak, on iniiaive coun 2 (losing iniiaive ies), Dray akes a lair acion o cause one o he oowing effecs:
Three Heads. Dray has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells.
Butcher Dray Dray,, Three-Headed Ettin Huge gian, chaoic chaoic evil
Touch o Death. When damage Dray deals reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it automatically suffers one death saving throw ailure.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 375 (30d12 + 180) Speed 40 . STR
25 (+7)
13 (+ 1)
23 (+6)
10 (+ 0 )
22 (+6)
1 5 (+2)
Saves Con +13, Int +7, Wis +13 Skills Perception +13, Religion +7 Damage Resistances radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing om nonmagical attacks Condidition Immunities blinded, charmed, deaened, ightened, stunned Perception 28 Senses darkvision 120 ., passive Perception Languages Giant, Orc Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Innate Spellcasting. Spellca sting. Dray’s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 21, +13 to hit with spell attacks). Dray can innately cast any cleric cantrip as a 20th-level spellcaster, spellcaster, as well as the ollowing spells, requiring no material components: At will: bestow curse, (as a 4th-level spell) curse, blindness/deaness blindness/deaness (as 3/day each: harm harm,, heal 1/day each: divine word , resurrection
Hungering Frenzy. When Dray scores a critical hit with a weapon attack or reduces a creature to 0 hit points, his spell save DC increases to 23 and he has advantage on all attack rolls until the end o his next turn. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). I Dray ails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. Dray has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Magic Weapons. Dray’s weapon attacks are magical.
Wakel. When one o Dray’s heads is asleep, his other heads are awake. In addition, magic can’t put him to sleep.
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Multiattack. Dray makes two attacks: one with his fist and one with his dagger. Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ., one target. Hit: 28 Hit: 28 (6d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage. I the target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on DC 22 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Ritual Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ., one target. Hit: Hit: 22 22 (6d4 + 7) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Dray regains hit points equal to hal that amount. The reduction lasts or 1 hour. The target dies i this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS Dray can take 3 legendary actions, choosing om the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end o another creature’s turn. Dray regains spent legendary actions at the start o his turn.
Cantrip. Dray casts a cantrip. Move. Dray moves up to hal his speed. Move. Punch. Dray makes one fist attack. Punch. Summon Minions (Costs 3 Actions). Dray magically summons 2d4 orcs or 1 ogre. A summoned creature appears in an unoccupied space within 60 eet o Dray and acts as his ally. It remains or 1 minute, until it or Dray dies, or until Dray dismisses it as an action.
Grihoo, the Superhydra Garganuan monsrosiy, neural Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 612 (35d20 + 245) Speed 40 ., swim 40 . STR
28 (+9)
10 (+0)
25 (+7)
1 4 (+2)
19 (+4)
18 (+ 4 )
Saves Str +18, Wis +13, Cha +13 Skills Athletics +18, Perception +22 Damage Resistances acid, cold, lightning, thunder Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing om nonmagical attacks Condidition Immunities blinded, charmed, deaened, ightened, poisoned, stunned, unconscious Senses blindsight 30 ., darkvision 300 ., passive Perception 32 Languages Deep Speech, Draconic, telepathy 300 . Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Hold Breath. Grihoo can hold its breath indefinitely. Infinite Heads. Heads . Grihoo has an infinite number o heads. Whenever it takes 60 or more damage in a single turn, one o its heads dies. On its next turn, the number o attacks it makes as part oand its Multiattack decreases byFrenzy. one (toAt a minimum o three) it can’t use its Snapping the end o Grihoo’s turn, it replaces all o its missing heads that died since its last turn. throw, Legendary Resistance (5/Day). I Grihoo ails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. Grihoo has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Magic Weapons. Grihoo’s weapon attacks are magical. Reactive. Grihoo can take one reaction on every turn in a combat.
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Multiattack. Grihoo makes five bite attacks. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 Attack: +18 to hit, reach 30 ., one target. 20 (2d10 + 9) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) orce Hit: 20 Hit: damage.
Snapping Frenzy. Grihoo unleashes a flurry o bites in its vicinity, making one bite attack against any number o creatures within 30 eet o it, with a separate attack roll or each target. Transpositional Swallow (Recharge 5–6). Grihoo chooses one creature it can see within 120 eet o it. The target must succeed on a DC 21 Charisma saving throw or be teleported inside o Grihoo’s stomach. While inside Grihoo, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside Grihoo, and it takes 28 (8d6) acid damage and 28 (8d6) orce damage at the start o each o Grihoo’s turns. I Grihoo takes 60 damage or more on a single turn, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the end o that turn or expel all creatures that were teleported inside o it, teleporting them to a random space on the ground within 60 eet o Grihoo. I Grihoo dies, a creature that was teleported inside o it is no longer restrained and can escape om the corpse by using 60 eet o movement, exiting prone.
REACTIONS Counter Conjuration. When a creature Grihoo can see or hear within 300 eet o it casts a conjuration spell or magically summons a creature, Grihoo interrupts the casting or summoning, causing it to ail and have no effect. Grihoo then regains hit points equal to 15 times the spell slot’s level, i it interrupted a spell, or equal to the challenge rating o the creatures being summoned, i it interrupte interrupted d a summoning.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS Grihoo can take 5 legendary actions, choosing om the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end o another creature’s turn. Grihoo regains spent legendary actions at the start o its turn.
Bite. Grihoo makes one bite attack. Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). Grihoo magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 eet to an unoccupied space it can see. Crushing Infinity (Costs 3 Actions). Grihoo channels the overwhelming weight o infinity, crushing each creature inside o it. A swallowed creature must make a DC 24 Constitution savingorthrow, (10d10) damageone. on a ailed save, hal astaking much 55 damage onorce a successl
A rue ian among creaures, he Superhydra is an ancien and erriying eniy. Wih powers o conjuraion magic and a seemingly infinie and unahomable number o heads, Grihoo maniess as a massive purple-headed hydra. Regardless o disance or relaive size, he Superhydra manages o dwar everyhing, leading scholars o believe
Compared o many oher parons, Grihoo can ofen seem aloo rom his oowers, only bonding wih hose i deems compeen and hen leaving hem o end or hemselves. Because o, or perhaps in spie o his deachmen, he ew warlocks devoed o he he Superhydra Superhy dra are earsome e arsome oes. They end o be quick learners in comba prowess and magical ski, especiay in he ar o conjuraion magics like hose employed by heir paron. Their aal oy ends o be an
ha i exiss pariay ouside our realm oand realiy. Foowers o Grihoo end o be vengeul, voracious, violen, and occasionay seem driven o madness by heir insighs ino infiniy.
abundance o overconfidence heir and a sub born unwi ingness unwiingness o rus orinrely on abiliies o hers around ohers hem. Those able o push pas his weakness are o be observed wih cauion, and preerably preer ably rom a grea disance. dis ance.
Analeptic Lizard Tiny monsrosiy, neural Armor Class 12 Hit Points 16 (3d4 + 9) Speed 30 ., climb 20 ., swim 20 . STR
12 (+1)
1 4 (+ 2)
17 (+3)
6 (–2)
1 4 (+ 2)
10 (+0)
Skills Stealth +4, Survival +4 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing om nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses blindsight 10 ., darkvision 60 ., passive Perception 14 Languages Draconic Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Hold Breath. The lizard can hold its breath or 15 minutes. Regeneration. The lizard regains 1 hit point at the start o its turn. I the l izard takes fire damage, this trait doesn’t nction at the start o its next turn. The lizard dies only i it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
On he excepionay rare occasion ha morals deem hemselves oolhardy enough o chaenge he Superhydra in open comba, hey quickly learn ha he power and concep o infiniy is no jus amiliar o Grihoo, bu a praciced ool. I has a ruly unahomable number o heads, powerul conjuraion magic o ranspor insananeously and preven he escape o his oes, and a erociy ha simply canno be undersood wihou a firshand winess. Suffice o say, hose lucky enough o winess Grihoo’s migh and survive are, no mater wha hey migh say, exacly ha and nohing more: lucky.
ANALE AN ALEPTI PTIC C LIZA LIZARD RD Scholars hypohesize ha he Analepic Lizard iniiay spawned in he wake o one o he many conjuraion spes devoured by Grihoo. In mos respecs, i’s indisingui indisinguishable shable rom he average lizard or gecko. This repilian creaure has abnormay powerul regeneraive abiliies and keen ineigence ineigen ce or is size, making i surprisingly difficul o ki. Warlocks ha successuy orge or orce a bond wih one o hese srange lizards gain a enacious and opinionaed parner in i n crime.
Spider Climb. The lizard can climb difficult suraces, in-
The Analeptic Lizard as a Familiar
cluding upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
For rules on how you can use this and other patron-like creatures as a amiliar or warlocks who have sworn the pact o the chain, read the sidebar on page 18.
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. Invigorate (1/Day). The lizard regains all its hit points. Until the start o its next turn, the lizard has resistance to all damage and advantage on all saving throws.
LADY FELUCIANA, LEGENDARY MEDUSA SORCERESS Legends vary in heir accouns o Lady Feluciana, and wheher she sh e is he oldes o ldes medusa or simply he mos powerul o her h er kin. Like L ike a medusas, med usas, he Lady is said o have been cursed cur sed due o her he r obsession wih beauy and a nd cruely, bu unlike unlik e oher ales a les o such curses, nearly n early a accouns a ccouns o Lady Feluciana sae ha she mos cerainly deserved hers. Wih many years o omen o men plans and pracice prac ice her magic, ma gic, he Lady is now a ruly legendary sorceress and a error o behold. Hknowledge er oowers a repower are ypic over ypicay ay hose hunger or magical Her and oherha humanoids in heir lives. One o he mos organized coecions o warlocks, he Sorceress’s oowers ocus mosly upon he sudy o poen and orbidden magics. In his, heir paron seems o behave unpredicably, as he Lady’s worshippers seem uterly unable o deermine precisely wha behaviors she consiues as ideal. Some scholars speculae ha she enjoys seeing occasional in-fighing and squabbling, perhaps viewing i as a necessary or helpul means o weeding ou he unworhy and ideniying he ruly gifed. Regardless, hose cunning and cuthroa enough o survive he meaphorical snake pi are worh keeping a very careul and close eye on. Like many oher Medusas, Lady Feluciana employs liberal use o errain and her periying gaze o devasain devasaingg effec. However, be noed ha in sark conras o ypical Medusas, i heshould Sorceress seems o have unlocked a more poen orm or m o perificaion per ificaion magic, mag ic, aowing aow ing her o periy hose she concenraes upon even i hey aver heir gaze. She is also excepionay crafy, and repors indicae ha her enire lair is covered in enchaned mirrors so she canno be aken by surprise. However, i should be quie obvious ha a inormaion abou he Lady is hearsay, given ha no a single individual in recorded hisory has visied her lair and lived o e he ale. RE FLE C TI O N’S DO O M
Those oolish enough o encouner he Legendary Sorceress wihin her lair on a mis-en mis-enshrouded shrouded and unchared u nchared island i sland ypicay realize heir oy long afer he poin o no reurn. Coaedorinamirrors hacommand, canno be broken excep by powerul magic he Lady’s Reflecion’s Doom is home o poisonous albino snakes and is he final resing place o counless would-be heroes and marooned sailors. Lair Actions
When fighing in i n Reflecion’s Doom, on iniiaive coun 2 (losing iniiaive ies), Feluciana akes a lair acion o cause one o he oowing effecs: Feluciana unleashes a horrid shriek, causing he mirrors around her lair o shater in a painuy inense cacophony. Each creaure wihin her lair mus make a DC 15 Consiuion saving hrow. A creaure akes 45 (1d8) hunder damage on a ailed save, or hal as much damage on a successul one. A creaure made o inorganic maerial
such as sone, crysal, or meal has disadvanag disadvanagee on his saving hrow. A nonmagical objec ha isn’ being worn
or carried also akes he damage i i’s in he spe’s area. Feluciana can use anoher lair acion o magicay repair he mirrors, aowing her o use his lair acion again. Feluciana magicay animaes a saue wihin 12 ee o her. The animaed saue has he saisics o a stone golem and acs as her ay. I remains animaed unil i dies or unil Feluciana uses his lair acion again or dies. While wihin 5 ee o a mirror, Feluciana Felucian a creaes wo wo iusory duplicaes o hersel, each appearing wihin 5 ee o one o he oher mirrors in her lair. When Feluciana uses his lair acion, she can choose o simulaneously elepor wihin 5 ee o one o he oher mirrors in her lair, insead creaing one o he duplicaes in he space she lef. Each o he duplicaes has Feluciana’s Periying Glare rai, and as a bonus acion, Feluciana can move any number o he duplicaes up o 3 ee. A duplicae can be desroyed only by an atack ha his i (AC 15), bu i ignores a oher damage and effecs. A creaure ha uses an acion o examine a duplicae can deermine ha i is an iusion by succeeding on a DC 22 Ineigence (Invesigaion) check. I a creaure discerns he duplicae or wha i is, he iusion becomes ain o he creaure. I Feluciana uses his lair acion again or dies, any remaining duplicaes disappear.
Lady Feluciana, Legendary Medusa Sorceress
Virulent Weapons. Feluciana’s weapon attacks are magical. In addition, damage om her weapon attacks ignores resistance to poison damage.
Medium monsrosiy, monsrosiy, neural evil ACTIONS ACTIO NS
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 228 (24d8 + 120) Speed 30 . STR
12 (+ 1)
21 (+ 5)
20 (+ 5)
1 5 (+2)
17 (+3)
24 (+7)
Saves Con +12, Int +9, Wis +10, Cha +14 Skills Deception +14, Insight +10, Perception +10, Stealth +12 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing om nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities poison Condidition Immunities poisoned Senses blindsight 30 ., darkvision 60 ., passive Perception 20 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Innate Spellcasting. Spellcas ting. Feluciana’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell savecast DC 22, to hit with spell attacks). Feluciana can innately the+14 ollowing spells, requiring no material components: At will: charm person (as person (as a 2nd-level spell), ray o eneeblement 3/day each: bestow curse, (as a 6th-level spell), comcurse, blight (as pulsion 1/day each: oresight each: oresight , geas
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). I Feluciana ails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. Feluciana has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Petriing Glare. When a creature that can see Feluciana’s eyes starts its turn within 60 eet o her, she can orce the creature to make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw i she isn’t incapacitated and can see the creature. I the saving throw ails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that ails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end o its next turn, becoming petrified on a ailure or ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts until the creature is eed by a greater restoration restoration spell cast at 7th level or higher spell or other magic. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start o its turn. I the creature does so, it can’t see Feluciana until the start o its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. I the creature looks at Feluciana in the meantime, it must immediately make the save.
Serpentine Reactiveness. Once per turn, Feluciana can make an opportunity attack with her snake hair without expending her reaction.
Multiattack. Feluciana makes our attacks: one with her bident and three with her snake hair. When available, she can use her Petrifing Beam in place o her three attacks with her snake hair. Bident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 . or range 20/60 ., one target. Hit: Hit: 8 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison damage and 14 (4d6) necrotic damage on a ailed save, or hal as much damage on a successl one. The bident flies back to Feluciana Feluciana’s ’s hand immediatelyy aer making a ranged attack with it. immediatel Snake Hair. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) poison Hit: 8 damage. Petriing Beam (Recharge 5–6). Feluciana’s snakes ocus a beam o petrifing energy at one creature she can see within 90 eet o her. A creature that has averted its eyes om Feluciana gains no benefit against this effect. The targeted creature make a DC 20 Dexterity a ailed save,must the creature begins to turn tosaving stonethrow. and is On restrained. It must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the end o its next turn or become petrified until eed by a greater restoration spell restoration spell cast at 7th level or higher or other magic.
REACTIONS Retaliating Lash. When a creature within 15 eet o Feluciana deals damage to her, one o her snakes lashes out, coiling itsel around the creature. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or become grappled (escape DC 15) and be pulled up to 10 eet toward Feluciana.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS Feluciana can take 3 legendary actions, choosing om the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end o another creature’s turn. Feluciana regains spent legendary actions at the start o her turn.
Move. Feluciana moves up to her speed. Snake Hair. Feluciana makes an attack with her snake hair. Summon Snakes (Costs 3 Actions). Feluciana magically summons 4 (1d4 + 2) flying snakes or 1 swarm o poisonous snakes. A summoned creature appears in an unoccupied space within 30 eet o Feluciana, acts as her ally, and shares her Virulent Weapons trait. It remains or 1 minute, until it or Feluciana dies, or until she dismisses it as an action.
THE THOUSAND VOICES, SUPREME SOUL VORTEX The Supreme Soul Vorex is direcly responsible or he ormaion and disrupive acions o he Infinie Animarum, he widespread cul o disrupive and remorseless individuals ha spread like an odorless oxin hrough he Maerial Plane. They acively manipulae Ochre Elson, he group’s myserious leader, o achieve heir own ends. As one eniy ormed rom counless los spiris, he Thousand Voices seeks ulimae ulima e vengeance agains a gains he deiies, boh b oh evil and good, and o upend he meaplanar sysem haand caused is swirling souls o a beween he cracks o ime space. They acively recrui warlock oowers in pursui o his agenda, causing massive amouns o chaos and wanon desrucion as hey ry o deprive he gods o heir souls by making more Soul Vorices. Those unlucky enough o ace he Thousand Voices in open comba wi have o ace he combined knowledge and ski o hundreds o skied specasers, maserul acicians, and earsome warriors. Wih poen specasing abiliies and an ehereal orm ha aows hem o escape mos grasps, he Supreme Soul Vorex very rarely finds hemsel challenged enough o pu orh heir u srengh. Mos who chaenge hem are swifly pu down and, i hey’re lucky, are sen o one o he upper or lower planes. Especiay while in he space beween planes where Soul Vorices orm, he Thousand Voices reign wih confidence and migh. TH E SP A C E B E TWE E N
Though many believe his space o be simply an uncharable porion o he asral plane, here simply is no enough inormaion available eiher way. By a accouns, only hose unorunae enough o a ino he Space Beween or invied in by a Soul Vorex can access he space, as planar eleporaion has hus ar ailed on every occasion. I is described as a rue void, where whe re even asral asr al sarligh dares no venure. ven ure.
Lair Actions
On iniiaive coun 2 (losing iniiaive ies), he Thousand Voices can ake one o ne o he oowing o owing lair acions: The Thousand Voices magicay summons 1d4 wi-o’ wisps. A summoned wi-o’-wisp wi -o’-wisp appears in i n an unoccuunocc u pied space wihin 6 ee e e o he Thousand T housand Voices and acs as an ay o he Thousand Voices. I disappears i he Thousand Voices dies. The Thousand Voices cass he chi ouch spe, argeing every creaure o is choice wihin 12 ee o i. When i
cassand hedeals spe 18 in (4d8) his way, i uses +1, damage onaa spe hi. atack bonus o The Thousand Voices arges up o wo creaures i can see wihin 6 ee o i, atemping o hurl hem hrough he space beween he planes. A arge mus succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving hrow or ake 33 (6d1) orce damage as i is orcibly shuned hrough his exradimensional space, disappearing wih a ain popping noise. On iniiaive coun 2 on he nex round, he creaure reurns o he space i previously occupied, or he neares unoccupied space.
The Thousand Voices can cast firebolt cast firebolt and and burn 3. Sorcerer. Sorcerer. The
The Thousand Voices, Supreme Soul Vortex
ing hands as hands as a 3rd-level spell (at will). It can also cast and finger o death (1/day). fireball (3/day) and finger fireball (3/day) death (1/day). 4. Wizard. The Thousand Voices can cast shocking grasp and grasp and magic missile as missile as a 3rd-level spell (at will). It can also cast lightning bolt (3/day) (3/day) and plane and plane shi (1/day).
Garganuan undead, chaoic evil Armor Class 22 Hit Points 290 (20d20 + 80) Speed 0 ., fly 40 . (hover)
Turn Immunity. The Thousand Voices is immune to effects that turn undead.
5 (–3)
1 8 ( + 4)
20 ( + 5)
25 (+8)
1 8 ( + 4)
19 (+4)
Saves Str +5, Int +16, Wis +12, Cha +12 Skills Arcana +16, History +16, Investigation +16, Nature +16, Perception +12, Religion +16 Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, psychic, thunder Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing,, and slashing om nonmagical attacks piercing Condidition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, ightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned, unconscious Senses blindsight 120 ., darkvision 120 ., passive Perception 22 Languages all, telepathy 120 . Challenge 26 (90,000 XP) Deathly Chills. At the start o each o the Thousand Voices’s turns, creature within 10 eet o the Thousand Voices takes 5each (1d10) cold damage.
Incorporeal Form. The Thousand Voices can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa. The Thousand Voices can move through other creatures and objects as i they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) orce damage i it ends its turn inside an object. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). I the Thousand Voices ails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Limited Magic Immunity. The Thousand Voices is immune to spells o 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be affected. It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects. Multiversal Intellect. The Thousand Voices’s AC includes its Intelligence modifier. In addition, when the Thousand Voices takes damage other than radiant damage while concentratconcentrat ing on a spell, it automatically succeeds on the Constitution saving throw made to maintain concentration. concentration.
Necrotic Absorption. When the Thousand Voices is subjected to necrotic damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number o hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. Remembered Spellcasting. At the start o each o the Thousand Voices’s Voices’s turns, it rolls a d4 to determine which list o spells is available to it until the start o its next turn. The Thousand Voices’s innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 24, +16 to hit with spell attacks). The Thousand Voices can innately cast the ollowing spells as a 20th-level spellcaster, spellcaster, requiring no material components: or 1. Bard. The Thousand Voices can cast vicious mockery or thunderwave as a 3rd-level spell (at will). It can also cast thunderwave as hypnotic pattern (3/day) pattern (3/day) and power and power word wor d kill (1/day). kill (1/day). 2. Cleric. The Thousand Voices can cast sacred flame or flame or as a 3rd-level spell (at will). It can also cast guiding bolt as spirit guardians (3/day) guardians (3/day) and inflict wounds as wounds as a 9th-level spell (1/day).
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Multiattack. The Thousand Voices can use its Terrifing Visage. It then uses its Cacophonous Shriek or casts two spells o 3rd level or lower. Cacophonous Shriek. Each non-undead creature within 60 eet o the Thousand Voices must make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw, with disadvantage i the target is within 5 eet o the Thousand Voices. A target takes 28 (8d6) necrotic damage and 28 (8d6) thunder damage on a ailed save, or hal as much damage on a successl one. Extraplanar Shif. The Thousand Voices enters the space between the planes om the Material Plane, or vice versa. It can remain in the space between the planes or up to 1 minute, and when it returns to the Material Plane, it reappears in a space o its choice within 60 eet o the space it le. While it is in the space between the planes, it can’t affect or be affected by anything on any other plane. Terriing Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60 eet o the Thousand Voices that can see it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become ightened or 1 minute. I the save ails by 5 or more, the target’s speed is also reduced to 0 or the duration. A ightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end o each o its turns, with disadvantag disadvantage e i the Thousand Voices is within line o sight, ending the effect on itsel on a success. I a target’s saving throw is successl or the effect ends or it, the target is immune to the Thousand Voices’s Terrifing Visage or the next 24 hours.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS The Thousand Voices can take 3 legendary actions, choosing om the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time Voices and only at thespent end olegendary another creature’s The Thousand regains actions atturn. the start o its turn.
Shif. The Thousand Voices uses its Extraplanar Shi. Cast a Spell (Costs 1–3 Actions). The Thousand Voices casts a cantrip (1 action), a 3rd-level spell (2 actions), or a spell it can cast once per day (3 actions). Shriek (Costs 2 Actions). The Thousand Voices uses its Cacophonous Shriek. Maddening Outburst (Costs 3 Actions). Each creature within 10 eet o the Thousand Voices must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a ailure, a target takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage, can’t take reactions until the start o its next turn, and rolls a d4 to determine what it does during its next turn. On a 1 or 2, the target alls prone and then ends its turn. On a 3, the target takes no action or bonus action and uses all its movement to move in a randomly determined direction. On a 4, the target uses all o its movement to move within reach o a random creature, and then uses its action to make a melee weapon attack against that creature; i the target can’t move within reach o another creature, it drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.
Vaanor, aanor, Primeval Primeval Cerberus V Garganuan fiend, lawful neural Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 403 (26d20 + 130) Speed 60 . STR
23 (+ 6 )
16 (+3)
20 (+ 5 )
1 4 (+2)
25 (+7)
19 (+4)
Saves Wis +14, Cha +11 Skills Athletics +13, Perception +21, Survival +14 Damage Resistances cold, necrotic Damage Immunities fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing om nonmagical attacks Condidition Immunities blinded, charmed, deaened, exhaustion, ightened, poisoned, stunned Senses darkvision 300 ., truesight 120 ., passive Perception 36 Languages Abyssal, Inernal Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) Innate Spellcasting. Spellc asting. Vaanor’s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 22, +14 to hit with spell attacks). Vaanor innately cast the ollowing spells, requiring no materialcan components: At will: hellish rebuke (as rebuke (as a 3rd-level spell), locate creature, creature, locate object 3/day each: hold monster, monster, hold person (as person (as a 5th-level spell), hunter’s mark 1/day: orcecage 1/day: orcecage
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). I Vaanor ails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. Vaanor has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Soul Sentry. Vaanor’s weapon attacks are magical. When Vaanor hits an undead with a weapon attack, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) orce damage. Sure-Footed. Vaanor has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone. Three Heads. Vaanor has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, as well as Constitution saving saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells. Wakel. When one o Vaanor’s heads is asleep, its other heads are awake. In addition, magic can’t put it to sleep.
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Presence. It then Multiattack. Vaanor can use its Inescapable Presence. makes three bite attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage. I this is the first attack Vaanor has made as part o its Multiattack, the target must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. I this is the second attack, the target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start o Vaanor’s next turn. I this is the third attack, the target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed until the start o Vaanor’s next turn. Inescapable Presence. Pre sence. Vaanor magically restricts one creature it can see within 120 eet o it om fleeing. The target must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or become unable to willingly move or teleport away om Vaanor or 1 minute. Creatures that can’t be ightened are immune to this effect. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end o each o its turns, ending the effect on itsel on a success. I a creature’s saving throw is successl or the effect ends or it, the creature is immune to Vaanor’s Inescapable Presence or the next 24 hours.
Hellfire Breath (Recharge 5–6). Vaanor exhales debilitating fire in a 90-oot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) fire damage and 35 (10d6) psychic damage on a ailed save, or hal as much damage on a successl one. Summon Hounds (1/Day). Vaanor magically summons 4d4 hell hounds. A summoned hell hound appears in an unoccupied space within 60 eet o Vaanor and acts as Vaanor’s ally. It remains or 1 minute, until it or Vaanor dies, or until Vaanor dismisses it as an action.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS Vaanor can take 3 legendary actions, choosing om the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end o another creature’s creature’s turn. Vaanor regains spent legendary actions at the start o its turn.
Bite. Vaanor makes one bite attack. Move. Vaanor moves up to its speed. Trailblaze (Costs 2 Actions). Vaanor moves up to twice its speed, leaving a trail o fire in its wake. During this movement, Vaanor doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and it can move through the space o any creature that is Huge or smaller. Each creature in its path must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage and 22 (5d8) fire damage on a ailed save, or hal as much damage on a successl one. Until the end o Vaanor’s next turn, each space it moved through is filled with an opaque, 20-oot-high 20-oot-hig h wall o fire. Whenever a creature enters the wall or the first time on a turn or ends its turn there, it takes 22 (5d8) fire damage. Release the Hounds (Costs 3 Actions). Vaanor uses its Summon Hounds.
Cerberus Pup Tiny monsrosiy, lawful neural Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3) Speed 30 . STR
13 (+ 1)
1 4 (+2)
13 (+ 1)
8 (–1)
17 (+3)
12 (+ 1)
Skills Perception +5, Survival +5 Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing om nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities fire Condition Immunities charmed, ightened Perception 20 Senses darkvision 60 ., passive Perception Languages Inernal Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Three Heads. The cerberus pup has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being blinded, deaened, and stunned. Wakel. When one o the cerberus pup’s heads is asleep, its other heads are awake. In addition, magic can’t put it to sleep.
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Multiattack. The cerberus pup makes three attacks. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ., one target. 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. damage. Hit: 3 Hit: Hellfire Breath (Recharge 6). The cerberus pup exhales debilitating fire in a 15-oot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) fire damage and 3 (1d6) psychic damage on a ailed save, or hal as much damage on a successl one.
VAANOR, PRIMEVAL CERBERUS Alhough legends and lesser copies o he original abound, Vaanor is he one rue rue and ancien anc ien Cerberus. Cerb erus. He is a mighy and dedicaed guardian o he miions o souls oiling across he lower planes, and prevening unauhorized ravel. For cenuries, he Cerberus has been he quinessenial warden o souls, whoy dedicaed o his ask. Mos individuals ha oow or orm pacs wih Vaanor seek his skis in racking, vigilance, and a nd srengh. srengh . Vaanor has a diamerical diam erical opposiion op posiion o he Thousand Voices, as i and any oher soul vorex’s exisence is a blaan flauning o he comparaively ew souls ha have avoided his jurisdicion. Warlocks ha orge a pac wih wi h he Primeval Pr imeval Cerberus Cerb erus end o rais,They ofenrely behaving heembrace simplesheir and more mos animalisic efficien manner. heavilyinon heir enhanced senses o find heir quarry, and seem o ofen ake on an elemen o Vaanor’s persisence. As such, hey
are horoughly loyal companions so long as heir rus is mainained, and are absoluely impossible o dissuade once a course o acion is decided upon. The Primeval Cerberus appears o leave his oowers on a long and loose leash, aowing or orcing hem o oow heir inernal sense o direcion and purpose. Mos individuals ha find hemselves acing Vaanor in comba mee heir end quie abruply. By a accouns, he reuses o play wih his quarry, preerring insead o swifly pu hem ou o u o heir misery or grab and reurn hem he m o he lower planes as circumsances require. When necessary, he Cerberus can ca upon hehounds or a larger search patern or o corner his prey. Those rare ew daring or oolish enough o ace Vaanor mus ace his mighy breah atack, made rom he raging fires o he and he souls o he damned. As ar as he records show, he Cerberus has ye o ail in racking and apprehending a ugiive soul.
CERBERUS PUP No documenaion exiss enailing exacly where or when his miniaure cerberi firs appeared, and scholars can only speculae why. In wha seems an uterly sark conras o u-sized cerberi, he cerberus pup mos ofen appears in he orm o an adorable bu hree-headed puppy o any number o poenial breeds. Regardless o appearance however, a cerberus pup is always a skied racker wih ar more energy han normal or is size, as a leas one head is always awake. Those orunae enough o bond wih a pup ypicay earn heir lielong loyaly, unless he pup is sorely misreaed.
VARIANT: Alternative Familiars Warlocks that have sworn a pact o the chain and align with the chaotic nature o Grihoo and Vaanor can occasionally bind a cerberus pup or regenerative lizard amiliar.. They typically preer to bond with those who amiliar can provide or their physical and emotional needs— specifically high-enrichment activities activities like hunting with the pup or providing plenty o bugs or the lizard’s diet. A cerberus pup or regenerative lizard serving as a amiliar has the ollowing trait. Familiar. At the GM’s discretion, warlocks with the Pact o the Chain eature can choose a cerberus pup or regenerative lizard as their amiliar, in addition to the orms listed in their class. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the amiliar senses as long as they are within 1 mile o each other. I its master causes it physical harm, the pup or lizard will end its service as a amiliar, breaking the telepathic bond.
INFINITE ANIMARUM LE LEADER ADER The coecive members o he Animarim are eccenric in heir own righ, bu heir Leaders end o earn heir rank by ampliying heir personal quirks and whims. In his manner, hey spread heir unique brand o chaos and atrac likeminded recruis. From heir personalized hideous, hey direc he everyday acions o he Animarum members and relay messages o he Maesro.
OCHRE ELSON, ANIMARUM ANI MARUM MAESTRO MAESTRO Few individuals can sand agains he suave and charming aura o Ochre Elson—or a leas ha’s wha he believes. Secure in one o his dozens o sae houses, Elson orchesraes he larger movemens o he Animarum as direced by his paron. Due Du e o he culus c ulus relaive relai ve auonomy, he has pleny o ree ime o pracice his paron’s magic. In a figh, he specializes in manipulaing he expecaions o his oes— wih boh magic and as alking. alki ng.
Infinite Animarum Leader Medium humanoid humanoid (any race), chaoic evil Armor Class 14 (studded leather) Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18) Speed 30 . STR
9 (–1)
1 4 ( +2)
13 (+ 1)
1 5 (+2)
1 4 ( +2)
1 8 ( + 4)
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +7 Skills Deception +10, Investigation +5, Persuasion +7 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Inernal Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Eldritch Heads (3/Day). When the leader hits a creature with an attack, the leader can cause the target to take an extra 9 (2d8) psychic damage. Alternatively, as a bonus action, the leader can regain 9 (2d8) hit points. While the leader has at least one use o this trait remaining, it can’t be surprised and creatures with the Pack Tactics trait gain no benefit om that trait against the leader. Innate Spellcasting. Spellcas ting. The leader’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. It can innately cast the ollowing spells (spell save DC 15), requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, magic, disguise sel 1/day: compulsion compulsion,, confsion
Spellcasting. The leader is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). It regains its expended spell slots when it finishes a short or long rest. It knows the ollowing warlock spells: Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast , mage hand , minor illusion 1st–5th level (3 5th-level slots): arcane eye, eye, charm person, person, entangle,, enthrall entangle enthrall,, ear ear,, hypnotic pattern, pattern, mirror image, image, mislead , scorching ray , scrying scrying,, suggestion
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 . or range 20/60 ., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Ochre Elson, Animarum Maestro Medium humanoid humanoid (human), chaoic evil armor) Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor) Hit Points 182 (28d8 + 56) Speed 30 .
VARIANT: OCHRE ELSON WITH MORATH, SCEPTER OF THE SOUL VORTEX Morath, Scepter o the Soul Vortex is Vortex is an artiact born om a agment o the Thousand Voices. At the GM’s discretion, Elson can wield the scepter, causing the ollowing changes to his stat block:
He has a challenge rating o 12 (8,400 XP). He has resistance to necrotic damage. He gains a +3 bonus to his spell attack rolls and
y y
11 (+0)
16 (+3)
1 5 (+2)
18 (+ 4 )
17 (+3)
20 (+ 5 )
Saves Int +8, Wis +7, Cha +9 Skills Deception +13, Investigation +8, Perception +7, Persuasion +9 Condition Immunities unconscious Perception 17 Senses darkvision 60 ., passive Perception Languages Abyssal, Common, Inernal Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Eldritch Heads (6/Day). When Elson hits a creature with an attack, he can cause the target to take an extra 11 (2d10) psychic damage. Alternatively, Alternatively, as a bonus action, Elson can regain 11 (2d10) hit points. While Elson has at least one use o this trait remaining, remaining, he can’t be surprised and creatures with the Pack Tactics trait gain no benefit om that trait against him.
Innate Spellcasting. Spellc asting. Elson’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. It can innately cast the ollowing spells (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks), requiring no material components: At will: alter sel , detect magic, magic, mage armor (sel armor (sel only) 1/day: bestow curse (as curse (as a 5th-level spell), compulsion compulsion,, glibness,, mass suggestion, glibness suggestion, plane shi , weird
Spellcasting. Elson is an 18th-level spellcaster. spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Elson regains his expended spell slots when he finishes a short or long rest. He knows the ollowing warlock spells: Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, lights, eldritch blast (4 (4 beams, +5 to each damage roll), mage hand , message message,, minor illusion,, prestidigitation illusion prestidigitation,, thaumaturgy 1st–5th level (4 5th-level slots): arcane eye, eye, blink , charm person,, entangle person entangle,, enthrall enthrall,, ear ear,, hypnotic pattern, pattern, mirror image,, mislead , nondetection image nondetection,, scorching ray , scrying scrying,, suggestion,, telepathic bond suggestion
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 . or range 20/60 ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. Eldritch Frenzy (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Spell Attack: +9 Attack: +9 to hit, range 120 ., up to our targets. Hit: 22 (5d8) orce Hit: 22 damage, and i the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw or become stunned until the end o Elson’s next turn.
spell save DC,save including histoEldritch option (spell DC 20,or +12 hit withRoar spellaction attacks). He knows the chill touch cantrip, touch cantrip, and can cast the spell once per day. finger o death spell death He has the Bestow Greater Curse and Morath, Scepter o the Soul Vortex traits, as well as the Phantasmal Skull action option (all described below).
Bestow Greater Curse (1/Day). When Elson casts bestow curse he curse he can orce the target to make its saving throw with disadvantage. On a ailed save, the target is simultaneously cursed by all our o the spell’s listed options. Morath, Scepter o the Soul Vortex. The rod has 8 charges and regains 1d3 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. When Elson reduces a humanoid to 0 hit points, the rod regains 1 expended charge. While holding the rod, Elson can use an action to expend 1 or more o its charges to cast one o the ollowing spells (save DC 20, attack bonus +12) om it: bestow curse (1 curse (1 charge), circle (2 charges), insect plague o death (4 death (4 charges), confsion confsion (2 plague (3 charges), ray o eneeblem (1 charge), or speak with eneeblement ent (1 (1 charge). dead (1
ACTIONS ACTIO NS Phantasmal Skull. Ranged Spell Attack: +12 to hit, range 30 ., one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) necrotic damage, and ElHit: 13 son regains hit points equal to hal the necrotic damage dealt.
you one o is esranged esrang ed or orgoten orgo ten heads, aowing you yo u o do as you please, or compel you o work oward a shared goal as one o is own. Those ha make a pac wih a paron such as his may find beauy in paterns or maching ses, or become plagued pla gued wih inernal bickering b ickering and indecisiveness. indecisi veness. Regardless, one hing is or cerain: wo heads are always beter han ha n one. Eniies o his ype include he Bucher Dray, ThreeHeaded Etin; Grihoo, he Superhydra; Lady Feluciana, Legendary Medusa Sorceress; he Thousand Voices, Supreme Soul Vorex; Vaanor, Primeval Cerberus; and oher exremely powerul or godlike muli-headed muli -headed or -consci -conscioused oused beings, beings , swarms, or hiveminds. E XP A NDE D SP E LL LI ST
The Many les you choose rom an expanded lis o spes when you learn le arn a warlock war lock spe. The oowing oowi ng spes are a re added o he warlock spe lis or you. Spellll Lev Spe Level el
Spells Spe lls
entangle, magic missile
magic mouth, scorching ray
blink, nondetection
arcane eye, black tentacles
mislead, telepathic bond
Warlock of the Many
NEW CHARACTER OPTION: WARLOCK No a who possess magic come by i nauray. A warlock orges a pac wih a powerul being in exchange or a porion o is knowledge and srengh. Some o hese arrangemens become cruel cr uel orms o indebed serviude, ser viude, bu b u mos are ar e closer o ha o an apprenice and is maser: he warlock learns and grows in srengh in exchange or rendering he occassional service on behal o heir paron. As a warlock, you may find fin d your paron par on by circumsance ci rcumsance or by hard ha rd work, bu regardless regar dless o your you r circumsance, circums ance, your yo ur need or power wi coninue coni nue o grow gro w and shape you as you benefi rom r om your pac and paron.
THE MANY Your paron is a powerul po werul eniy composed o a muliude o These heads provide o unique srenghs, as heads. he regeneraive properies a mighy hydra, such or he bewichingg gaze o a medusa. Your paron may bewichin m ay consider
A 1s level, you gain a number o eldrich heads equal o your proficiency profi ciency bonus. b onus. Only you y ou and creaures cre aures wih ruesigh can see hese heads, which sprou rom your shoulders as represenaions o your paron. You can choose o ignore he heads and cause hem o vanish rom your vision. These eldrich heads provide you wih moes o power rom your paron ha can be expended o gran you he oowing benefis: Once per urn, you can expend 1 head when you hi a creaure wih an atack o cause ha creaure o ake exra psychic damage equal o wice your Charisma Chari sma modifier (minimum 2).
When you make ma ke a Charisma Chari sma (Inimi daion) (Inimidaion) chec k, you can expend 1 head o gain advanage on he check, ro. When you do, your eldrich heads become becom e briefly visible v isible o everyone. When you ail ai l a deah saving sa ving hrow, you can expend e xpend 1 head o succeed insead.
When a head is expended, is appearance appea rance becomes bec omes wispy and gaseous, bu is glowing eyes remain. You regain a expended heads when you finish a long res. In addiion, you can use a bonus acion o beseech your paron o resore r esore one o your expended ex pended heads. Once you use his abiliy, you can’ use i again unil you finish a shor or long res.
Also a 1s level, while you have a leas 1 eldrich head remaining, you can’ be surprised, and i a creaure would gain advanage on an atack ro agains you due o having is ay wihin 5 ee o you, i makes he atack ro wihou advanage. I MP RO VE D E LDRI TC H H E A DS
A 6h level, you’ve devised more ways o use your eldrich heads. You gain he oowing benefis: You can use a bonus acion o expend 1 eldrich e ldrich head, hea d, reabsorbing i o regain a number o hi poins equal o 1d8 + your Charisma modifier. Once per urn, you can expend 1 head o ake a reacion even i you’ve already used your reacion. You can’ use his benefi on he same urn ha you ake your normal reacion. When you ail ai l a saving hrow agains aga ins being charmed, righened, righene d, or pu o sleep by magic, you can expend 1 head o rero he saving hrow. I you do so, you mus use he new ro.
Saring a 1h level, your eldrich heads are always here o suppor your moral mind and body. You gain a bonus o Ineigence checks, Wisdom (Percepion) checks, and Inelligence saving hrows equal o hal your proficiency bonus. I your proficiency bonus already applies o he ro, you si add his bonus o i as we. E LDRI TC H FRE NZ Y
Saring a 14h level, you can use an acion o expend 1 or more eldrich heads o cause hem o lash ou a nearby creaures, becoming visible or he duraion as hey release a shuddering roar audible ou o 3 ee. For each head you expend, make a ranged spe atack agains a differen arge ha you can see wihin 12 ee o you. On a hi, a arge akes 5d8 orce damage and mus make an Ineigen Ineigence ce saving hrow agains your warlock spe save DC. On a ailed save, he arge is sunned unil he end o your nex urn as is mind is flooded wih oherworldly energy. Once you use his eaure, you can’ use i again unil you finish a long res.
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