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1) The central central questions aresse !" the #iel o# chil e$elo%&ent e$elo%&ent A) are %ri&aril %ri&aril" " o# scienti#ic scienti#ic interest interest'' () ha$e a%%lie, a%%lie, or or %ractical %ractical,, i&%ortance i&%ortance'' C) are !ase eclusi$e eclusi$el" l" on research research conucte conucte !" %s"cholo*i %s"cholo*ists' sts' D) in$ol$e all chan*es a %erson %erson e%eriences e%eriences throu*hout the li#es%an' li#es%an' Ans+er ( Page Ref: 4 Skill: Remember Objective: 1.1 -) .hich o# the #ollo+in* #ollo+in* state&ents state&ents re*arin* re*arin* the &a/or o&ains o&ains o# e$elo%&ent e$elo%&ent is true0 A) The o&ains o# e$elo%&ent e$elo%&ent are se%arate an istinct' istinct' () Each %erio %erio o# e$elo%& e$elo%&ent ent is &ae &ae u% o# a ne+ set o# o&ains o&ains'' C) The %h"sical %h"sical o&ain has little little in#luence in#luence on the other o&ains' D) De$elo%&e De$elo%&ent nt is i$ie i$ie into three !roa !roa o&ains' o&ains' Ans+er D Page Ref: 5 Skill: Remember Objective: 1.2 ) Durin* +hich %erio o# e$elo%&ent oes oes a sense o# &oralit" &oralit" !eco&e e$ient0 e$ient0 A) in#anc" in#anc" an tolerho tolerhoo o () earl earl" " chilh chilhoo oo C) &ile &ile chilh chilhoo oo D) aol aoles esce cenc ncee Ans+er ( Page Ref: 6 Skill: Remember Objective: 1.2 2) .hich o# the the #ollo+in* state&ents a!out e&er*in* e&er*in* aulthoo is true0 A) It is a %erio o# e$elo%&ent e$elo%&ent that s%ans #ro& a*e 13 to -1 "ears'
() It is a %erio o# e$elo%&ent e$elo%&ent unique to unere$elo%e unere$elo%e nations' C) Althou*h e&er*in* e&er*in* aults ha$e &o$e &o$e !e"on aolescence, aolescence, the" ha$e not "et #ull" assu&e assu&e ault roles' roles' D) It is a %erio %erio o# e$elo%&ent &ostl" li&ite li&ite to "oun* %eo%le %eo%le in e$elo%in* nations' nations' Ans+er C Page Ref: 6 Skill: Remember Objective: 1.2
3) Theories Theories are are $ital tools tools !ecause !ecause the" the" A) %ro$ie or*ani4in* or*ani4in* #ra&e+or5s #ra&e+or5s #or our o!ser$ations o# chilren' chilren' () %ro$ie %ro$ie the ulti&ate ulti&ate truth a!out a!out chil e$elo%&e e$elo%&ent' nt' C) o not require require scienti scienti#ic #ic $eri#ic $eri#icatio ation' n' D) are resistant resistant to the in#luence o# cultural $alues $alues an !elie# !elie# s"ste&s' Ans+er A Page Ref: 7 Skill: Understand Objective: 1. 6) In +hat i&%ortant i&%ortant +a" +a" o theories theories i##er i##er #ro& &ere &ere o%inion or !elie#0 A) The" are are in#luence in#luence !" cultura culturall $alues' $alues' () The" e%en e%en on scienti# scienti#ic ic $eri#ica $eri#ication' tion' C) The" e%lai e%lain n all as%ects as%ects o# e$el e$elo%&en o%&ent' t' D) The" cannot cannot !e teste teste usin* research research %roceur %roceures' es' Ans+er ( Page Ref: 7 Skill: Understand Objective: 1. 7) Rei !elie$es that the the i##erence !et+een !et+een the i&&ature an the &ature &ature !ein* is si&%l" one o# a&ount a&ount or co&%leit"' co&%leit"' Rei $ie+s e$elo%&ent as A) iscon iscontin tinuou uous' s' () eter& eter&ine ine !" nature nature'' C) cont contin inuo uous us'' D) eter& eter&ine ine !" nurture' nurture' Ans+er C Page Ref: 7!" Skill: #$$l% Objective: 1. 8) 9essica !elie$es that that e$elo%&ent ta5es %lace %lace in sta*es +here chilren chilren chan*e ra%il" as the" ste% u% to a ne+ le$el le$el an then chan*e $er" little #or a +hile' 9essica $ie+s e$elo%&ent as A) iscon iscontin tinuou uous' s' () eter& eter&ine ine !" nature nature'' C) cont contin inuo uous us'' D) eter& eter&ine ine !" nurture' nurture' Ans+er A Page Ref: " Skill: #$$l% Objective: 1. :) In sta*e sta*e theori theories, es, e$elo% e$elo%&ent &ent is A) a s&ooth, s&ooth, continuous continuous %rocess' %rocess' () *raua *rauall an an on*oi on*oin*' n*' C) li5e cli&!in* cli&!in* a stair staircase case'' D) a *raual *raual aition aition o# the sa&e sa&e t"%es t"%es o# s5ills' s5ills' Ans+er C Page Ref: " Skill: Understand Objective: 1.
1;) In her research, Dr' Dr' Rosen!lu& e%lores +h" +h" sh" chilren e$elo% i##erentl" i##erentl" #ro& their their out*oin* a*e&ates' Dr' Dr' Rosen!lu& &ost li5el" e&%hasi4es s chilren>s sense o# sel#?e##icac" sel#?e##icac" *uies *uies their res%onses res%onses in %articular %articular situations' C) chilren acti$el" acti$el" construct construct 5no+le*e as the" &ani%ulate &ani%ulate an e%lore their their +orl' D) chilren>s chilren>s learnin* e%ens on rein#orcers, rein#orcers, such as re+ars re+ars #ro& aults' Ans+er C Page Ref: 1& Skill: Understand Objective: 1.5 2) The !iolo*ical !iolo*ical conce%t o#
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