Industrial Training Report on php
Short Description
7th sem major project for cs student...
________________________________________________ 1.1 PROJEC PROJECT T SUMMA SUMMARY RY A Studen Studentt Manage Managemen mentt System System (SMS) (SMS) for Hospit Hospital al Manage Managemen mentt Inform Informati ation on System (HMIS) is a System that manages the records of student regarding admission and examination part. A Stud Studen entt Mana Manage geme ment nt Syst System em (SMS (SMS)) is desi design gned ed to help help coll collag ages es for for manage managemen mentt of dental dental studen student. t. Extens Extensive ive inform informatio ation n is availa availale le at your your finger fingertip tipss thro throug ugh h this this Syste System. m. !ie"in e"ing g stude student nt data data## mana managi ging ng admi admissi ssion on and and reshu reshuff ffli ling ng## managing managing seats# $uota# $uota# oard# oard# semester# semester# faculty# faculty# category category and for examination examination## loc% allocat allocation ion## su&ect su&ect manage managemen ment# t# schedul scheduling ing exam# exam# result result and related related issues issues are made made simple and easy. 'here are custom search capailities to aid in finding student information and "or%ing on student records. 'his can ma%e the system easier to navigate and to use maximiing the effectiveness of time and other resources. SMS allo"s the %eeping of personnel data in a form that can e easily accessed and analyed in a consistent "ay. 'he SMS module is a component covering many other student aspects from applica applicatio tion n to retirem retirement ent.. 'he 'he system system records records asic asic person personal al inform informatio ation# n# admissi admission on information information## education education information information regarding student. eading edge systems provide provide the aility to *read* applications and enter relevant data to applicale dataase fields# notify student and provide result. Student management function involves •
Manage ne" admission and enrolment
Manage $uota
Manage oard
Manage category
Manage +ees Structure
,oll numer generation
+ees payment
student -asic Information
Manage faculty
Manage designation
Manage course and specialty
Manage semester and year
admission seat management
Exam scheduling
,esult management
Su&ect management
-loc% management
In SMS# every user has a ogin I/ and 0ass"ord. Also all the users have different permission rights to access the applications. 'hese rights are /ynamic and can e changed. 'here are three main roles in the system. Admin# accountant and operator. Admin has complete access to the "hole system# "hile accountant is only concerned "ith payment of fees for the admission of the student. 1perator is the role that is responsile for the use of the system. 'he Admin Admin role can e as follo"2 •
Introduce ne" $uota# oard# category# course# etc
Set fees structures
Manage faculties
Manage su&ects
Seat management
Management of semester
3eneration of student roll numer
Set examination
'he operator role can2 •
5e" admission and enrolment
Search student
-loc% allocation
,esult# etc
5o" "hen the user "ith the particular role ogs on he can see only those pages "hich are allo"ed to them.
1.2 1.2 PURP PURPOS OSE E 'he 'he pro& pro&ec ectt is aou aoutt to hand handle le all all the the info inform rmat atio ion n of the the stude student nt rega regard rdin ing g admission and examination. Also it manages resources "hich "ere managed and handled y manpo"er previously. previously. 'he main purpose of the pro&ect is to integrate distinct sections of the organiation into consistent manner so that complex functions can e handled smoothly y any technical or non6technical persons. 'he pro&ect aims at the follo"ing matters2 •
Automation of admission and enrolment as per oard# $uota# category and availale seats.
Assistance in decision6ma%ing.
'o manage manage information of student# s tudent# faculty and courses.
7onsistently update information of all the students.
,eports6 'o gather gather all the related information aout a out any application of the H,MS.
All the aove6mentioned matters are to e incorporated in the application along "ith some additional re$uirements. 'he main purpose of the Admin Module is to introduce ne" things and configure important aspects. +or e.g. only admin is authoried to introduce $uota# oard# su&ect# category category## etc. and only admin is allo"ed allo"ed to configure configure exam and set fees structure. structure. So the master screens for all these are visile to only admin role. 'his is done y the Admin
Module. It also can create the users and 0hysical and ogical ocations. 'hus the main purpose of the Admin Admin Module is to managing the dynamic dynamic "or%ing of the system.
1.3 1.3 SCOP SCOPE E 'he scope of the pro&ect includes the follo"ing •
Any college can use this system as it is not client centric.
All admission and examination related "or% for the student can e done using this system.
/eliver Electronic 9or%place 9or%place
0rovide -i6lingual support
Application Support : Maintenance after deployment to production
'he Admin Module can e reused for pro&ects as "ell "hich have many users "ith different rights. Hence it is reusale.
1.4 TECHNOLO TECHNOLOGY GY & LITERAT LITERATURE URE REVIEW 9e are not having any past "or% system. 9e are designing this pro&ect for the the first first time. time. So "e are are free free to use use any any tech techno nolo logy gy that that "e "ant "ant.. 1nli 1nline ne ,ecruitment is a "e application developed using 0H0 using 7;# H'M# Auota to e added. (8) 1n clic%ing GSave utton# the >uota is added to the /-.
Alternate +lo"2 () If the user clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# then no changes are reflected in the /-. (4) If the admin did not provide the mandatory fields then alert is sho"n.
R>- A// C$!e'or,
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 7ategory details that is to e added. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he enters the proper details of the 7ategory to e added. (8) 1n clic%ing GSave utton# the 7ategory is added to the /-.
Alternate +lo"2 ()If the user clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# utton# then no changes are reflected ref lected in the /-. (4)If the admin did not provide the mandatory fieldsP then alert is sho"n.
R1?-Se! 7ee S!r5!5re
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on and he must e Admin Input2 fees details of the particular year# course and semester. semester. 1utput2 'he changes of the fees structure are reflected in the /+lo"2
() Admin clic%s on the Q+ees MasterP Mas terP lin%. (4) He then selects s elects the 7ourse# ear ear and Semester. (8) He then sets various fees for it. (B) 1n clic%ing Gsave utton# the /- is saved for the fees structure. Alternate +lo"2 () () If the the admi admin n clic% clic%ss on Q7an Q7ancel celPP utto utton n then then no chan change gess shou should ld e reflected. (4) If mandatory mandatory fields fields are empty empty then then alert is sho"n. sho"n.
R11- A//5"/$!e De'%$!o%
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 /esignation details that is to e added. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he entersLupdates the proper details of the /esignation. (8) 1n clic%ing GSave utton# the data is saved to the /-. Alternate +lo"2 ()If the user clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# utton# then no changes are reflected ref lected in the /-. (4)If the admin did not provided the mandatory fields then alert is sho"n.
R12- Mo/+,M$%$'e 7$5#!, De!$#
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on
Input2 +aulty I/ 1utput2 'he changes as per modification of the +aculty details in /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he enters the I/ of the +aculty to e modified. (8) 'hen he modifies the details as re$uired. (B) 'hen he sumits to effect the changes. Alternate +lo"2 () If the Admin Admin clic%s the Q7ancelP utton utton## then no changes are reflected in the /-.
R13- M$%$'e S"e$#@$!o% De!$#
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 /etails as per Specialty 1utput2 'he changes as per modification of the Specialty details in /-
+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he enters the /etails of the Specialty to e addedLModified. (8) 'hen he sumits to effect the changes. Alternate +lo"2 () If the Admin clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# then no changes are reflected in the /-. (4) If the mandatory fields are not provided then alert is sho"n.
R14- Co%+'5re Se)e!er De!$#
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on and he must e Admin Input2 /etails of the Semester to e configured. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin%. (4) then He selects Semester to e configured. (8) /etails of the Semester are provided. (B) 1n clic%ing GSave# information is saved to /-. Alternate +lo"2 () If the Admin clic%s on Q7ancelP utton then no changes should e reflected. (4) If semester /etails are not valid then alert are sho"n. (8) If mandatory fields are empty then alerts are sho"n.
R1:- Se$! M$%$'e)e%!
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on and he must e Admin Input2 5o of Seats for the particular course. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin clic%s on the QSeat Master P lin%. (4) He then selects the course for "hich the seat is to e set. (8) He then sets the numer of seat for the course and save the details.
Alternate +lo"2 () () If the the admi admin n clic% clic%ss on Q7an Q7ancel celPP utto utton n then then no chan change gess shou should ld e reflected.
R1;- Ge%er$!e Ro## N5)0er
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on and he must e Admin Input2 ear# 7ourse and Semester are selected for "hich roll numer are to e assigned. 1utput2 'he Students are assigned "ith roll numers. +lo"2 () Admin clic%s on the Q,oll numer Master P lin%. (4) He then selects s elects the 7ourse# ear ear and Semester. (8) He then clic%s on Gassign roll no utton. (B) ,oll numer and student are saved in /-. Alternate +lo"2 () () If the the user user clic clic%s %s on Q7an Q7ance celP lP utto utton n then then no chan change gess shou should ld e reflected.
R1=- S*e/5#e E$)
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on and he must e Admin Input2 () ear ear## 7ourse and Semester details (4) Su&ectsP Su&ectsP "ise time and and date allocation allocation for exam. exam. 1utput2 Exam is Scheduled and stored in /-. +lo"2 () Admin clic%s on the QSchedule ExamP lin%. (4) He then selects s elects the 7ourse# ear ear and Semester. 4B
(8) He then add details li%e su&ect# date# time. (B) 1n clic%ing GSave -utton /- is saved "ith scheduled exam. Alternate +lo"2 () () If the the user user clic clic%s %s on Q7an Q7ance celP lP utt utton on then then no chan change gess shou should ld e reflected. (4) If mandatory mandatory fields are are empty empty then alert alert is sho"n sho"n..
R1>-De#$re R1>-De#$re Re5#!
Actor2 1perator 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 ()ear# ()ear# 7ourse and Semester for "hich result to e set. (4)Exam type for "hich result is to e declared. (8)Mar%s details of student as per su&ect. 1utput2 'he Students mar%s and status of Gpass or Gfail is stored in /-. +lo"2 () Admin clic%s on the Qset resultP lin%. lin%. (4) He then selects s elects the 7ourse# ear ear and Semester. (8) He then selects type of the exam. (B) He then add mar%s of each student as per su&ects. (@) Status of student is automatically set. Alternate +lo"2 () () If the the user user clic clic%s %s on Q7an Q7ance celP lP utto utton n then then no chan change gess shou should ld e reflected. (4) If mandatory fields are empty then alert is sho"n.
R2?- Co%+'5re 50je! +or e$)
Actor2 Admin
0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on and he must e Admin Input2 Su&ects and type of exam to e configured 1utput2 /ataase is saved as per configuration. +lo"2 () Admin clic%s on the QSu&ect Exam master P lin%. (4) He then selects the Su&ects. (8) He then selects type of exam. (B) He then set duration# passing mar%s and other details. (@) /etails are saved in /-. Alternate +lo"2 () () If the the user user clic clic%s %s on Q7an Q7ance celP lP utto utton n then then no chan change gess shou should ld e reflected. (4) If mandatory fields are empty then alert is sho"n. (8) If entry is not found to e valid then alert is sho"n.
R21- A// S50je!
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 Su&ect details that are to e added. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he enters the proper details of the Su&ect to e added. (8) 1n clic%ing GSave utton# the Su&ect is added to the /-. Alternate +lo"2 ()If the user clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# utton# then no changes are reflected ref lected in the /-.
(4)If the admin did not provided the mandatory fields then alert is sho"n.
R22- A// #o
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 -loc% details li%e loc% numer# numer# I/# I/# floor# etc. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he enters the proper details of the -loc% to e added. (8) 1n clic%ing GSave utton# the -loc% is added to the /-. Alternate +lo"2 ()If the admin clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# then no changes are reflected in the /-. (4)If the admin did not provided the mandatory fields then alert is sho"n.
R23- S50je! Se)e!er )$!er
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 Su&ect details that are to place in particular semester. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he selects the Semester for "hich su&ect are to allocated. (8) 'hen he select of the Su&ect to e added. (B) 1n clic%ing GSave utton# the Su&ect is added to the /-.
Alternate +lo"2 ()If the user clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# utton# then no changes are reflected ref lected in the /-. (4)If the admin did not provided the mandatory fields then alert is sho"n.
R23-0#o $##o$!o% )$!er
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on Input2 () Exam that to e conducted. (4) -loc% to e allocated to exam. 1utput2 'he changes are reflected in the /+lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (4) 'hen he selects the exam type for "hich loc% is to e allocated. (8) 'hen he select of the loc% to e added.
(B) 1n clic%ing GSave utton# the data is added to the /-. Alternate +lo"2 ()If the admin clic%s the Q7ancelP utton# then no changes are reflected in the /-. (4)If the admin did not provided the mandatory fields then alert is sho"n. (8)If loc% is not availale then proper message is sho"n.
R24- E$)%$!o% re"or!
Actor2 Admin 0re 7ondition2 Nser must e logged on
Input2 criteria y "hich report is to e generated. 1utput2 3enerated report is sho"n. +lo"2 () Admin selects the lin% from the list. (8) 'hen he selects the criteria. (B) 1n clic%ing Gsho" utton# the report is sho"n. Alternate +lo"2 (4)If the admin did not provided the mandatory fields then alert is sho"n.
4.3. 4.3.2 2
S,! S,!ee) Re95 Re95r ree)e%! )e%!
,egistration details of the applicant.
ogin details of the applicant.
0ersonal details of the applicant.
Information of all the memers of the applicantPs group.
Information of all the friend list of the applicantPs account.
Educational and employment information
All information and rules regarding the e6forms must follo".
7ertain legal details of the applicant.
/etails regarding the purpose of user visit to academy.
'he statutory declaration of the applicant.
Ans"ers to the $uestionnaire for s%ill assessment of visitor.
4.3. 4.3.3 3
7ommunication "ith "hole system.
No%B No%B75 75% %! !o% o%$# $# Re95 Re95r ree)e%! )e%!
'he interface should use terms and concepts# "hich are dra"n from the experience experience of the people "ho "ill ma%e most of the system. +or example# map and date should e displayed in its traditional fashion. E++e%,
'he system must provide easy and fast access "ithout consuming more cost. Re#$0#!,
Nser should never e surprised y the ehaviour of the system and it should also provide provide meanin meaningfu gfull feedac feedac% % "hen "hen errors errors occur occur so that that user user can recover from the errors.
'he 'he aim aim of the the feasi feasii ili lity ty stud study y activ activity ity is to dete determ rmin inee "het "hethe herr it "oul "ould d e financially and technically feasile to develop the system or not. A feasiility study is carried out from follo"ing different aspects 2 O"er$!o%$# 7e$0#!,-
'he system has een developed for any user "ho "ants to use this system. 9e have given a demo of our pro&ect and the users found the system friendly and easy to use. 'he interoperaility "ith the existing system is also chec%ed after uploading the "esite. So they may face certain prolems prolems in using the user interface. interface. So %eeping %eeping this consideration consideration in mind "e have provided field for each and every field on the forms. 'he administrator also may e non6technical# so the user interface is designed in such a "ay that it gets comfortale for the non6technical person to operate easily. Te*%$# 7e$0#!,-
It determines if the system can e implemented using the current technology. 'his system has een developed using 0H0 as front end and S> as ac%end. 'his "as also ne" to us ut it didnPt ta%e much effort and time to get used to it. 9e had earlier "or%ed "or%ed "ith Access and not S> Server 4??@ ut getting familiar "ith it "as also easy. Eo%o)$# 7e$0#!,-
'he company eing a "ell6to6do company didnPt have any prolem in uying any soft"are that "as re$uired in developing the application. 'he soft"arePs "e used "ere readily availale. So as such "e didnPt face any economical constrains. Implementation Feasibility: Feasibility:
'his pro&ect can easily e made availale availale online "ithout much consideration consideration of the hard"are and soft"are. 'he only re$uired thing at the applicantPs side is the Internet connection and a "e ro"ser# "hich are a no difficult issue these days. A dataase server and application server are re$uired to set up at the admin side. After setting up the pro&ect online# even the administrator can access the system from any"here.
4.: 4.:
,e$u ,e$uir irem emen entt !alida lidati tion on exam examin ines es the the speci specifi ficat catio ion n to ensu ensure re that that all all syste system m re$uirements have een stated unamiguouslyT those inconsistencies# errors have een detected and corrected and the "or% products conform to the standard.
Source of the re$uirements are identified. +inal
statement of re$uirement has een examined y original source. •
,e$uirements related to main re$uirements are found.
,e$uirements are testale.
,e$uirements are clearly stated and are not misinterpreted. All sources of re$uirements are covered to get maximum
re$uirement. •
All methods of finding re$uirements are applied.
,e$uirements are not duplicated and each of them gives distinct idea of processes "ithin pro&ect. ,e$uirement associated "ith system performance#
ehavioural and operational characteristics are clearly stated. ,e$uirements are eing discussed "ith the client in
order to remove the misinterpretations if they exist. Each re$uirement is eing analyed to prove its
feasiility for the current system.
Ue C$e
'he use case model for any system consists of a set if Guse cases. Intuitively# use cases represent the different "ays in "hich the users can use a system. +ollo"ing is the use case representation of the advantage immigration system.
+ig B. Nse 7ase /iagram (Admission Module)
+ig B.4 Nse 7ase /iagram (Examination Module)
4.< 4.<
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