Industrial Sociology

January 24, 2019 | Author: Siladittya Manna | Category: Guild, Resource, Employment, Motivation, Self-Improvement
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1:  1st chapter


Industrial Sociology: Indus ndustr tria iall Sociol ciolo ogy is a com combi bina nati tio on of two words ds-Industry &Sociology. To Sociology.  To have a clear meaning of Industrial Sociology, two words “Industry” & “Sociology” should be understood.  The word Industry come from Latin word “Industria” which means “dr “droitness” oitness” & “!uent”. “!uent”. Industry Industry may be de"n de"ned ed as the the a##l a##lic icat atio ion n of com# com#le le$ $ & so#h so#his isti tica cate ted d methods to the #roduction of economic goods& service. Sociology is com#osing of two words- “Socius” which is Latin word &%eric word “Logos”. Socius means com#anion or associates & Logos means science or study. So we can say that Sociology is the science of society. Sociology is basically the study of #eo#le & how we enteract with each other. Indu Indust stri rial al Soci Sociol olog ogy y is the the soci sociol olog ogy y of relat elatio ions nshi hi# # betw betwe een em#l em#lo oyers yers& & worers or study tudy of im#a im#ac ct of  industry on social relation. ccording to 'harles ( S#aulding ) “Industrial sociology center it*s attention on social organi+ation of factory the store & the oce. This focus includes not only the inter-

2: action of #eo#le #laying roles in this organi+ation organi+ation but also the wage in which their wor roles are inter-related with other as#ects of their life.”

Scope of Industrial Sociology:  There is some sco#e of Industrial Sociology. Sociology. They are given below 1. Analysis of of bureaucratized bureaucratized industry: nalysis of bureaucrati+ed industry from the #oint of view of organ gani+ati +ation onal al rule rules s & the the beha behavi vio or& attit ttitud ude e of  #rofessionals.

2. Study of work work place: place: Stud Studie ies s of wor wor #l #lac aces es as com com#l #le e$ orga organi nic c or soci sociootech techni nica call sy syst stem em by whic which h in indi divi vidu dual als s achi achiev eve e some some balance between the demands of the wor situation and their own goals. 3. Studies of working groups: Studies of woring grou#s mainly formal/ & their system or relat relatio ionsh nshi#, i#, aims aims & believ believe, e, #artic #articula ularly rly where where this this contrast with those of management. management. 4. Analysis of of industrial industrial relations:

2: action of #eo#le #laying roles in this organi+ation organi+ation but also the wage in which their wor roles are inter-related with other as#ects of their life.”

Scope of Industrial Sociology:  There is some sco#e of Industrial Sociology. Sociology. They are given below 1. Analysis of of bureaucratized bureaucratized industry: nalysis of bureaucrati+ed industry from the #oint of view of organ gani+ati +ation onal al rule rules s & the the beha behavi vio or& attit ttitud ude e of  #rofessionals.

2. Study of work work place: place: Stud Studie ies s of wor wor #l #lac aces es as com com#l #le e$ orga organi nic c or soci sociootech techni nica call sy syst stem em by whic which h in indi divi vidu dual als s achi achiev eve e some some balance between the demands of the wor situation and their own goals. 3. Studies of working groups: Studies of woring grou#s mainly formal/ & their system or relat relatio ionsh nshi#, i#, aims aims & believ believe, e, #artic #articula ularly rly where where this this contrast with those of management. management. 4. Analysis of of industrial industrial relations:

3: nalysis of industrial relatio tion as com#le$ mainly des descri cri#tio #tion n of the the hi his stor torical ical deve develo lo# #ment ent of labo abour organi+ation bargaining #roducers & ty#es of trade-union. 5. Analysis of conseuence conseuence of industrialis!: industrialis!: nalysis of conse0uence of industrialism for the individuals including the enter-action between non-wor areas of life.

Factors to be consider in industrial sociology:  The factors that should be considered considered in industrial sociology are described below 1. Indu Indust stri rial al bure bureau aucr crac acy: y: If the #olicies of the bureaucrat are in the favor of the industry then the #roduction #roduction if the industry runs well. 2. "nion !anage!ent !anage!ent relation: relation: 1or increasing the #roduction of a industry, a controllable union-management relation is necessary. 3. #a!ily #a!ily::

4:  family serves to a industry in three ways- they #rovides worers, raw materials come from famity and member of  the family consume the #roduct of the industry. 4. $cono!y: 2conomy is another considerable factor of a industry because a good economic #osition of a country can hel# to establish higher develo#ed industry and to #roduce 0uali"ed goods. 5. %olitics: 3olitical in4uence is also a fact in a industry. The #olicies of a trade union have a great im#act on an industry. So #olitical environment of the industry must be favorable. &. $ducation ' training: n educated and trained worer has more #roductive ca#acity. This educated and trained worer can #roduce more #roducts and #erform his wor systematically. (. Social con)ict:  There are many worers of di5erent societies in a industry. They have their own social culture and they want to #ractice their social culture in the industry that may create a social con4ict among them. *. +ollecti,e be-a,ior: 'ollective behavior in an industry may create a dangerous #roblem between owners and em#loyers.

5: . /anufacturing plan: %overnment #olicies of a country also have an im#act to set u# some industries. Some #olicies of  the country forbade #roducing some good.

Role/ importance of industrial sociology:  There is some im#ortance of industrial sociology. They are given below 1. Sound production:Industrial sociology develo#s a good relation between owners and em#loyers that facilitate to sound #roduction. 2. 0oal ac-ie,e:Industrial sociology hel#s to #roduced more #roducts that also hel# to the industry to achieve its desired goal. 3. educe labor con)ict:Industrial sociology always analysis






em#loyers and attem#ts to develo# relation among them. 4. 0ood relations-ip establis-ed between !anage!ent  ' workers:%ood relationshi# between management and worers is established by industrial sociology that hel#s to mae a controllable environment in the industry and to increase #roduction of the industry.

&: 5. Satisfaction of custo!ers:Industrial sociology attem#ts to serves the 0uali"ed to the customers. If  the consumers get good #roducts, they become satis"ed. &. /ass production ' cost !ini!ize:Industrial sociology hel#s in mass #roduction and determines how to reduce the cost of #roduction. (. Increase skill:Industrial sociology analysis the #roduction ca#acity of the worers and trains them to increase their sill.

*. e,elop ' utilization of -u!an resource:Industrial sociology attem#ts to develo# and utili+ation human resources that increase the #roduction of goods and also increase the national income.


2nd chapter Industrial Society & Industrial Sociology

Hawthorn eperiment:  The hawthorn e$#eriments were groundbreaing studies in human relation that were conducted between 6789 & 67:8 at ;estern 2lectronic 'om#any in .S., between 678K and 67:@. ccording to them, behavioral science methods have many areas of  a##lication in management. The im#ortant features of  nhealthy woring condition may decrease #roduction. So healthy service must be needed. iiiB Cas-ing ' bat-ing facilities: If there washing and bathing facilities are available, then the #roduction rate will be high. (ecause em#loyees will be motivated. i,B Industrial training:  There should be industrial training available for the worers. (ecause it develo# worers eciency. ,B +anteen: nother im#ortant thing is the canteen facility. If it is available & good, then worers will be motivated to wor. vi/ ecreation club Decreation club is the association in which worers may share their feelings and many cultural activities. It is very much needed.

b0 External:  These are given below

5*: iB 0eneral education: It is very im#ortant to ensure general education. It may hel#ful to develo# #roduction. iiB $ntertain!ent: ;orers are tried for doing their wors for long time. If  there is any o##ortunity for entertainment, worers motivated to do wor enthusiastically. iiiB Acco!!odation facilities: ;orers want to live near the industries and if they stay near to the industry, the #roduction cost will be decrease and #roduction rate will be ultimately increase. i,B /edical ser,ice:  There should be availability of medical facilities for the worers. ,B %ro,ident fund:  There should be #rovident fund for every em#loyee. ,iB Social security:  To do wor freely and seriously, social security of  em#loyee and their family must be ensure. ,iiB ransportation facilities: If any organi+ation #rovide its em#loyee trans#ortation facility, then the em#loyee of the industry or organi+ation so much motivated. ,iiiB Insurance facilities: Insurance facility is must for every em#loyee. 2very em#loyee*s life and other things must be in insurance facility.

5: (y following the above ste#s, an organi+ation can develo# its activities and can increase their #roduction.

th !hapter  $he Social Structure of Industry

e3nition of the eecuti*e role in industry: (y e$ecutive role is meant here that role or set of roles in which resides ultimate authority for the administration of  day to day a5airs of an organi+ation, both internal and e$ternal of the industrial bureaucracy.  The ultimate authority is that #lace where decisions cannot be referred to some other role. In industrial

&6: organi+ations, The ultimate authority may rest in the hands of an owner or family, in the directors of the organi+ation or in a chief e$ecutive.  The nature of the e$ecutive role is directly sha#ed by the nature of the organi+ation in which it is embedded. s we have seen, modern industrialism is mared by a com#le$ machine, technology and by a bureaucratic ty#e of social organi+ation.

Roles or functions of eecuti*e:  The function of an e$ecutive is very much essential to achieve goal for an organi+ation. The roles or functions of  e$ecutive are given bellow 1. S-aped by t-e o,erall ai! of t-e organization :  The roles of the e$ecutive are in the "rst #lace sha#ed by the overall aim of the organi+ation. This overall aim is the #roduction of #ro"ts. It has been shown that all other goals of the industrial organi+ation even the goal of  #roduction is subordinate to the overriding demand for #ro"t. 2. Setting t-e general policy of t-e organization:  The e$ecutive must formulate two maBor ty#es of #olicy. Qi+a4 Set the #ur#ose and obBectives of the #lant as a whole

&1: In general the aim of any industrial #lant is set for the e$ecutive by the culture. This aim as we have seen is the #roduction of #ro"ts through the manufacture and sale of  a #roduct or services. b4

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