Industrial Security Management

April 15, 2017 | Author: botiod | Category: N/A
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INDUSTRIAL SECURITY MANAGEMENT Part 1. Historical Background of Industrial Security in the Philippines PADPAO – stands for the Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators. It is a non-stock private organization, and it was formed in May 1958. R.A. 5487 – is an act that regulates the organization and operation of the private detective, watchmen or security guard agencies. - it is known as Private Security agency Law. Before R.A. 5487 there is no law, what they need is only a permit from the city or municipal mayor to hire a security guard. PCSUSIA – Philippine Constabulary Supervisory Unit for Security and Investigation Agencies – was formed as a result of the approval of R.A. 5487, which directs the Chief PC to issue rules and regulations concerning the implementation of R.A. 5487 - later was change to PNPSOSIA- when the Philippine Constabulary was dissolved and the personnel was merged to the PNP. PNPSOSIA – PNP Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies – before it is responsible for the issuance of implementing orders regarding the rules and regulations affecting security agencies operation. At present PNPSAG/SD – PNP Security Agency Guards/ Supervision Division – for national and PNP FE/SAGS – PNP Firearm and Explosives/ Security Agency Guard Services – for local - it directs the Chief of PNP to issue rules and regulations concerning the implementing rules of R.A. 5487. Effectivity date – Oct. 3, 1972 and Jan. 17, 1975 and amended by P. D. # 11 and 11A - and again amended in 2003 with Title 2003 Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. 5487 as amended. Part 11. Security. Purpose of Security – is to protect the establishment from any form of losses as a result of theft, robbery, pilferage, sabotage, espionage, accident, fire and subversive activities. What is Security? Security – means the defense against crime. - or a state of being free What is a Victim? - is the crime target What is Victimology? - is the study of victim Different Types of Security: 1. Physical Security – is a system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the matter to be protected. It is considered as the broadest type of security.

- is concerned with the physical measures adopted to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, material, and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage and theft. Types of Physical security; 1. Active- by using different types of barriers. Methods used; a. Overt method b. Covert method 2. Passive- by using psychological approach 2. Communication Security – is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which prevents or delay the enemy or unauthorized person in giving information through the communication system. 3. Hotel Security – is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which safeguards hotel guests and personnel, hotel property, and functions in hotel restaurants, bars and clubs. 4. Bank Security – is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which safeguards cash and assets which are in storage in transit and during transactions. 5. Document Security – is physical security that involves the protection of documents and classified papers from loss, access to unauthorized person, damage, theft and compromised through disclosure. 6. Personal and VIP Security – involve in the protection of top ranking official the government, visiting persons of illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries. 7. Crisis Security- is the protection of the rich person, industrial magnates, political leaders against kidnapping for economic, political, emotional or nationalistic purposes. 8. Industrial Security- various measures to safeguard factories, manufacturing establishment, etc. 9. Operational Security- is physical which deals with the protection of processes, formulas, patents and other activities. 10. Other special type of security- these type of security are adaptations, variations, innovations and modifications of physical security which are follows, to wit: a. Air cargo security b. Supermarket c. School Security d. Personnel security Security Hazard- is any act or condition, which may result in the compromise of information, loss of life, loss or destruction of property, or disruption of the objectives of the installations. Types of Security Hazards: 1. Natural Hazards- types of hazard, which the mere cause is the natural phenomenon. Ex. Storm,

earthquake, typhoons, floods, fire, lighting etc. 2. Human/Manmade Hazard - which is actually the act of omission or commission both overt/convert by an individual or group of an individual. Ex. Espionage and sabotage-because of the state of mind of an individual Different types of barriers/Obstacles 1. Natural- mountain, forest, water or in nature. 2. Human 3. Animals 4. Structural- manmade obstacles 5. Energy- alarm system Factors to be considered in providing the kind and degree of security. 1. Relative Critically- the importance of the product or services that the company is giving or producing. 2. Relative Vulnerability – how susceptible the establishment for the particular sabotage, espionage, etc. Factors to be considered in providing security for the establishment. 1. Size, shape and location 2. Number and character of people 3. Kind of product Espionage- an act of gathering information Espion – French word- which means spy - This is used to estimate or determine the best possible means of sabotage. Spy – is the agent of Espionage. They are very dangerous because of their skill in deception and undercover works. Methods used by the Agents of Espionage. 1. Stealing or buying information from the employees. 2. By using various form of threats or extorting information’s. 3. By means of blackmail. 4. Obtaining or gaining information from social gathering. 5. By the use of fake organization as a front. 6. Stealing records or documents. 7. By means of subversive activities. Sabotage – is an act of destroying, damaging or any evil motives that will lead to stoppage of the normal operation of the company, factory, plant and or establishment. Sabot- French word – that means Wooden Slipper. Saboteur – is the agent of sabotage. 3 types of Saboteur

1. Enemy agent 2. Traitorous person 3. Irresponsible person Types of Sabotage 1. Mechanical Sabotage 2. Psychological Sabotage Mechanical Sabotage – is an act wherein they used the object or substance within the area of an establishment. Types of Mechanical Sabotage 1. Contamination – is a type where they used foreign materials to apply in the establishment. 2. Breakage – destroying the vital parts of a machine. 3. Substitution – Substitution or changing of formula to another, which will cause damage or destructions. 4. Omission – this is committed by means of a doing by an individual, which can cause destruction inside of the company or establishment. 5. Abrasive – a special type of contamination, by using a type of material that will grind metals. Explosives – substances that are easily exploded by means of heat, friction, jarring or sparks. They are highly dangerous because of its damaging effect. Reasons Why Explosives becomes popular to the Saboteurs; 1. Because of devastating or damaging effect. 2. Because of the availability of delaying devices/detonator. 3. Evidence will disappear and very hard to find. Types of Explosives: According to their sensitivity. 1. Low Intensity Explosives – It is very sensitive to heat. It can be exploded by means of fire, friction or spark. 2. High Intensity Explosives – is detonated by means of shock, jarring or shake. These are from liquid. Types of High Intensity Explosives; 1. Dynamite – from liquid it is manufactured and usually homemade and popularly used by illegal fisherman and miners. 2. TNT (Trinitrotoluene) – popular in the military. 3. Plastic Explosives 4. Molotov Bomb 5. Stench Bomb – Chemical that is carried out by the racketeers and with disagreeable odor. Nitro-glycerin – contains of nitro-acid, sulfuric acid and glycerin. Types of Stench Bomb 1. Zinc Valerate – mix with alcohol, ether or warm water and place it in a vial or bottle. (White Powder) Valeriana Acid – white crystal – Valeriana Officinales 2. Butyric Acid - double fermentation of sugar and milk. 3. Hydrogen Sulfide – it has a rotten eggs, or rotten fish smell or odor.

Arson – is the malicious burning of one’s property. Objectives: 1. Fraud- losing- by burning the property they can recover from losing. 2. Revenge/Spite 3. Pyromaniac- a person who is fond of looking fire Combustion- a chemical process by which the heat and flame will comes out. Causes of fire 1. Flame 2. Gas or Electricity 3. Chemicals 4. Heat of the sun 5. Bacteria 6. Spark Fire is classified according to their classes. 1. Class A Fire - are those disposed by ordinary combustible material – Fire extinguisher used is water. 2. Class B Fire - is disposed or composed of petroleum product- it serves as blanket to burning material. 3. Class C Fire - is disposed or composed of electrical energy or from electricity related fire- Fire extinguisher used are dry chemicals and carbon dioxide 4. Class D Fire - composed or disposed by combustible metal-Fire Extinguisher used are powder talc and dry seal. What is the reason in classifying fire? The reason is that in order to determine the types of fire extinguisher to be used. Fire Fighting- to reduce the burning material. Subversive activities- dealing with the weakness of a person. Economic sabotage- activities of the business establishment against the government. Objectives of Subversive activities: Is to determine the authority, to under weaken the organization in order that they can manage or take over the organization. Parts of Subversive activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rumor mongering Propaganda Legal Action Arm threats – used of force Murder, Kidnapping, corruption of a certain employee or employees

Riot- refers to the unlawful assembly that resulted to violent disturbance of peace. Causes of riot: 1. Panic 2. Strike 3. Mob- a promiscuous multitude of people, rude and disorderly. Types of mob: 1. Aggressive mob 2. Escape mob 3. Acquisitive mob 4. Expressive mob 4. Crowd – Temporary congregation of people. Types of crowd: 1. Physical crowd – temporary congregation of people without interest 2. Psychological crowd- temporary congregation of people with common interest in a certain thing. Types: a. Casual psychological – common interest only for short duration b. International Psychological- common interest in a long duration Pilferage- Petty theft - one of the most annoying and common human hazard - These activity must be immediately put in control Types of pilferage: 1. Casual pilferage- one who steal due to inability to resist the unexpected opportunity or has little fear that there is detection - for souvenir 2. Systematic pilferage – one who steal with preconceived plan and take away things for all types of goods, supplies or merchandise. - for economic gain Methods used: 1. Classic method 2. Uses fake documents 3. Removal of items 4. Disposal of the same Limiting factors of pilferage: a. Value of the item- very expensive b. Ease of concealment – easy to cover c. Transportation KLEPTOMANIAC – The person who is fond of getting the property of other people. - there is satisfaction on the part of the person committing a crime. Theft- is committed by any person who with intent to gain but without violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things shall take personal property of another without the

latter’s consent. Simple theft- without violation of trust and confidence Qualified Theft – taking the property of another with violation of trust and confidence; Example: maid, houseboy, salesgirl, or employees or any person that the victim has trusted. Shoplifter- is those people or somebody who gets the things or property displayed in the store without payment. PROTECTIVE BARRIERS AND SECURITY LIGHTNING: PERIMETER SECURITY- is the first line of security or defense. - by establishing structural barriers fence, to protect the entire establishment. Different enclosures used in the perimeter security. 1. Solid – they cannot see what is in the inside and those who are in the inside they cannot see also what is in the outside. 2. Full View- you can see through the fences, or what’s going on inside and out. Safety measures to be used. 1. 7 feet minimum height of the fence, on top is a barbwire. 2. Security Guard- to check the in and out of building and the people. 3. Protective lighting for safety protection. Poor lighting – indirect action- lack of protection Well lighted- psychological barriers- it gives more protection. - so that they can notice and familiarize, they can immediately detect the particular intruder. Factors to be considered in protective lighting. 1. Size, shape and location 2. Kind of product-variable, critical or plenty of loses 3. Protective advantage 4. Management policy-for security consciousness Types of lighting system: 1. Continuous- non-stop 2. Stand by- operated manual by security guard or operated by an alarm system 3. Movable- search light 4. Emergency- use in case of emergency Position of the protective lighting 1. Always focus on the approach 2. Must focus on the people not on the guard Preventive measures- is the best approach. 1. Perimeter security 2. Carefully select the workers and employees; a. Initial security

b. Background investigation c. Analysis of previous employment or employment history d. Personal investigation e. Establishing rules and regulation f. Regularly check the pulse of your workers Preventive measures to help in the establishment free of hazards 1. Intelligence 2. Solved Grievance 3. Prevent the organization of opposition 4. Develop working relation with other local authorities. Different entries that are need to be controlled by the security guards. a. Restricted area- is an area access to which is subject to special restriction to the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic to safeguard property or material. b. Limited area- a restricted area containing a security interest or other matter in which uncontrolled movement will permit access to such security interest or matter; but within which and controlled. c. Exclusive area- a restricted area containing a security interest or matter, which is of such nature or of such vital importance that access to the area of proximity resulting from access to the area, constitutes access to the security interest or matter. Clear zones- the exterior and interior parallel area near perimeter barriers of an industrial compound to afford better observation and patrol movements. Perimeter barriers- is a system of protection designed to restricted areas by unauthorized person. Purposes of perimeter barrier: 1. Outline the perimeter of the area to be protected. 2. Create a physical and psychological deterrent to unauthorized entry. 3. Delay intrusion, thus facilitating apprehension of intruders 4. Assist in a more efficient and economical employment of guards 5. Facilitate and improve the control of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Opening in perimeter barrier. 1. The number necessary to handle peak loads of pedestrian and vehicular traffic 2. Gates- locks (seals) and seals - Frequent inspection by guards - Key control 3. Windows 4. Other openings 1. Sewer 2. Air and water intake 3. Exhaust tunnels 4. Electrical and common tunnels 5. Clear zones- exterior – 20 feet - Interior- 50 feet - If minimum clear zones is not possible a. raise height of fence b. add more lights c. increase patrol

Types of physical barriers a. Natural barriers- mountain, rivers, seas and terrain b. Manmade barriers- structural construction, like fences, walls, floors, muffs and grills Common types of physical barriers are; a. Wire fences b. Building walls c. Bodies of water Types of fencing 1. solid 2. full view- chain-link, barbwire Security Planning: Security Planning- is a corporate and executive responsibility. It involves knowing the objectives of security and the means and methods to reach those objectives or goals must then be evolved. In short, security planning is a decision-making process. Contents of Security planning: 1. The situation- this part of security planning explains the historical background of the organization of its security picture 2. The mission- this part of security will cover what the plan is all about and what it intends to do, This mission is further subdivided into: a. Purpose b. Goals c. Objectives 3. Execution- this part of security plan will explains and outline the concept of the security project 4. Administrative and Logistics- This part of the security plan involves listing of security equipment 5. Command and signal- this last portion of the security plan pertains to the channel of communication needed, when implementing to the project until in full view. SECURITY SURVEY Security Survey- is the process of conducting an exhaustive physical examination and thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures of a facility. Purposes of Security Survey a. To determine existing state of security b. To locate weaknesses in defenses c. To determine degree of protection required. d. To produce recommendations, establishing a total security program Persons responsible to conduct security survey a. Staff security personnel b. Qualified security specialist A Security Survey is known by a number of different terms such as; 1. Risk analysis

2. Risk assessment Key step in a risk assessment process; - to determine value, impact and cost of any asset should it be lost due to natural or man-made forces. - To determine the degree of probability that natural or man-made forces will strike at any given facility. Information necessary in conducting a survey: 1. A plot plan of the area to be surveyed 2. A map of the city or locality in which the facility is located, this becomes very important if the facility consist of more than one location. 3. The number of employees working on each shift by category 4. The operational flow plans of the facility if they are available in writing 5. Maps and description of guard tours and stations if available 6. Guard orders and the facility’s security manuals if there are such 7. Locations of the nearest fire department and police headquarters Security Inspection- is a process of conducting physical examination to determine compliance with established security policies and procedures as a result of a security survey. Comparisons Security Survey and Security Inspection. Security Survey. - Defensive type process/service - Detailed study of the existing security measures - Conducted to determine the level of security required consistent with the mission - Broader in scope - Non-recurring type of service Security Inspection. - Defensive type service - Limited check of the security measures already adopted - Conducted to determine the degree of compliance with directed security measures - Limited in scope - Recurring type of service Types of Guard Forces a. Company guard- proprietary or in house security, and they are directly under the payroll of the company. b. Agency guard- they are hired by an agency, and they are paid by contract c. Government Guard Forces- they are considered as government employees and paid by the government Security Guard Forces- maybe define as a group of forces of men selected, trained and organized into a functional group for the purpose of protecting operational processes from those disruption which impede efficiency or halt operations at a particular plant, facility, institution or special activity. The Essential Qualities of Security Guards: 1. Alertness 2. Judgment

3. Confidence 4. Physical Fitness 5. Self-control SECURITY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM – facilities provided for signaling, alerting or alarming workers at any location through out the installation as occasion demands. These includes telephone and radio. PROTECTIVE ALARM SYSTEM- provide an electrical and mechanical means of detecting and announcing proximity of instruction which endanger the security of a restricted area, a facility, or its components. Kinds of Lock: 1. Warded lock- old type where the key is open and be seen through 2. Disc tumbler lock- used in car doors, desk, drawers, etc. 3. Pin tumbler lock –widely used I doors of offices and houses - irregular in shape and the key 4. Lever lock- used in locker 5. Combination lock- has 3 deals which must be aligned in proper order before the lock will be open 6. Code-operated lock- this opens by pressing a series of numbers buttons in proper sequence 7. Card-operated lock- coded cards whether notched, embossed or embedded with magneticfuels are inserted to open 8. Padlock- a pad and a lock combination Terminologies: Private Detective – is refers to any person who is not a member of a regular police agency or the Armed Forces of the Philippines who does detective work for hire, reward, or commission. Persons – as used in this act, shall include not only natural persons but also judicial persons such as corporation, partnership, company or association duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Bureau of Commerce. Private Detective Agency – refers to any organization or corporation who is not a member as regular police agency or of the AFP. Watchmen/Security Agency – Any persons, associations, partnership or corporation who recruits training, masters, furnishes, and solicits individuals or business firms, private or government owned corporation, engaging his services those of its watchmen either residential or business premises, or both for hire or compensation thru subscription shall be known as watchmen or security agency. License or License Certificate – a document issued to a person by competent authority allowing such person to established direct, manage, or operate detective or intelligence and private watchmen/security agency. Advantages of an Agency Guard Services; 1. More economical

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Security administrative problems are reduced Problems related to recruiting, pre-employment investigation and training are eliminated Absenteeism and vacation leaves are eliminated Security personnel are separated from co-employees Incase of emergencies, extra guards are easily available Incase of company strike, the agency guards will be on duty to carry out their assigned duties.

Disadvantages of Agency Guard Services; 1. Lack of training 2. Low caliber employees 3. No company loyalty 4. Project poor image 5. Large turn-over 6. Not familiar with plans Advantages of a company Guard Forces: 1. Generally higher caliber as they can receive higher wage 2. Generally they provide better services 3. Can be trained to handle of the more complex security duties 4. Less turn-over 5. Are more familiar with facilities they protect 6. Tend to be more loyal to the company Disadvantages of Company Guard Forces: 1. Cost more 2. Maybe required to join guard force 3. Problem of ensuring availability of back-up personnel Control of authorized entry: 1. Screening of personnel 2. Identification of personnel 3. Identification of visitors 4. Control of truck/vehicle 5. Control of packages 6. Container control What is the purpose of Key Control? 1. To control the issue, use and storage of keys and reserve key locks 2. To control reproduction of duplicate keys 3. to control lock rotation and or replacement 4. To maintain record on all of the above 5. To ensures proper supervisions of key control measures by responsible persons. The following areas needs to be inspected, to determine the degree of protection to be applied in the establishment 1. Perimeter 2. Building Security 3. Key Control 4. Protective lighting 5. Communication and alarm system 6. Personnel identification and control 7. Vehicular identification and control

8. Safety for personnel 9. Adequacy of existing guard forces SURVEY REPORTS – itemizes the condition which are conducive to breaches of security, records the preventive measures currently in effect, and when required--- makes specific practical and reasonable recommendations to bring the physical security to the desired standard. The Legal Basis on Security: 1. RA 5487 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations

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