USA industrial relations system consists two sectors: a. Unionized sector b. Non – union sector Non union sector of the American American workers are dominating the workforce.
Industrial Relations in USA
USA industrial relations system consists two sectors: a. Unionized sector b. Non – union sector Non union sector of the American American workers are dominating the workforce.
The national labor labor relations act 1!" guaranteed to labor the right to bargain through re#resentati$es of its choosing. This act had four im#ortant #ur#ose: 1. to #rotect the worker%s right to &oin a union of his won choice and to organize without interference from his em#loyers '. to com#el the em#loyer to recognize and bargain with the most re#resentati$e union !. to #ro$ide for election machinery to determine the most re#resentati$e union in any unit. (. to forbid certain unfair labor #ractices in order to coerce the em#loyers.
The most most common ty#e of American American union union is the business union. )t stresses stresses economic ad$antages ad$antages to be gained through collecti$e action. Ty#es of American unions: 1. *raft union '. )ndustrial unions !. A+, – *)- Affiliated unions/ )n 1""0 the congress of industrial organization organization *)-/ merged with the American American +ederation of ,abor A+,/. A+, – *)- affiliates re#resent a##roimately three – fourth of all union members in the USA.
The fundamental characteristics of the American labor mo$ements are : 1. goals which are largely those of 2bread and butter% unionism. '. a strategy that is mainly economic !. collecti$e bargaining as a central well de$elo#ed acti$ity (. relati$e bargaining as a central well de$elo#ed acti$ity ". strength $is3a3$is the em#loyer on the sho# floor 4. financial strength 5. ,eadershi# drawn largely from the rank – and – file 6. The etent of unionization $aries considerably by occu#ation0 industry0 geogra#hic regions and gender.
The U.S. has one of the lowest rates of unionization of any ad$anced economy0 and the rate of unionization has fallen faster in the #ast !7 years than any other industrialized country American management o##oses unionism more than most other countries U.S. unions are less tied to #olitics than other western nations The trade deficit has emerged as a critical #olicy issue in light of regional trade #acts in recent years
Industrial Relations in Great Britain (UK):
A labor agreement in 8reat 9ritain is not a legally binding contract iolations of the agreement by the union or by management carry no legal #enalties 9ritish unions are relati$ely #owerful and strikes are more #re$alent than in the United States 9ritish union membershi# has declined in recent years 9ritish labor agreements do not usually include #ro$isions for arbitration of disagreements or grie$ances
There distinctive characteristics of British industrial relations are:
1. the tradition of $oluntarism '. the re#resentati$e of workers through trade union officers at work#laces in the form of sho# stewards !. the organization of trade union membershi# along occu#ational rather than industrial lines. The normal method by which go$ernment assist conflict settlement are conciliation0 arbitration0 and in$estigation or formal in;uiry.
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