S.l. dr. ing. G Oprisan As. Ing. In g. V. Munteanu
Industrial !all "ro#e$t
Theme of the project %esign an industrial &uilding 'ade o( pre$ast and prestressed $on$rete 'e'&ers. T)is &uilding is 'ulti &a*ed +it) t+o spans, &eing a ground (loor stru$ture. T)e rein(or$ed $on$rete pre$ast $olu'n )as its end (i-ed in t)e (oundation. T)e upper ends o( t)e $olu'ns are used as su& uarts (or t)e prestressed transversal &ea's. T)e &ea's are )inged on $olu'ns. T)e roo( is provided +it) longitudinal s/*lig)ts 'ade o( steel (ra'es and glass +indo+ panels. Industrial )all is euipped +it) a traveling $rane +)i$) is supported on $rane girders. Given personal numerical data L012' t)e span4 T0' t)e &a*4 6rane t*pe: "$ 2 7un$tional group: III !eig)t to t)e $or&el level: .2' Lo$ation o( t)e industrial )all: 8raila Data taken from the STAS STAS 800/82 A
hi l 1
Qc G p
21 mm 9mm
mm =
39kg 15kg
T)e (ollo+ing dra+ings are reuired: 1. !ori !orio ont ntal al se se$t $tio ions ns 2. Tr Tran ansv sver ersa sall se$ se$ti tion onss 3. Long Longit itud udin inal al se$ se$ti tion onss ;ote: t)e transversal and longitudinal se$tions are $o'&ined +it) t)e (a$ades •
Determination of the height of the industrial building
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