Industrial Court Rules

May 24, 2018 | Author: mheshmiwaalekikim | Category: Service Of Process, Pleading, Costs In English Law, Lawsuit, Evidence (Law)
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IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred b y section 21 (4) of the Labour Institutions ct! 2""#! the Ru$es %oard! in consu$tation with the Chief &ustice! 'aes the fo$$owin Ru$es*+  ,-E IN./S,RIL C0/R, (R0CE./RE) R/LES! 2"1" 1 Citation ,hese Ru$es 'ay be cited as the Industria$ Court (rocedure) Ru$es! 2"1" 2 Interpretation In these Ru$es! un$ess the conte3t otherwise reuires+  5affida6it of ser6ice7 'eans an affida6it of ser6ice in the for ' prescribed in these Ru$es8 5appea$7 'eans an appea$ 'ade to the Court by a party aainst an order! a decision or proceedins under any written $aw8 5appe$$ant7 'eans a party who initiates an appea$8 5c$ai'7 inc$udes any c$ai'! co'p$aint! app$ication! reference! 'otion or trade dispute referred to the Court by a party for ad9udication under any written $aw8 5c$ai'ant7 'eans a party who fi$es a c$ai'! with the Court under any written $aw8 5Court7 'eans the Industria$ Court and inc$udes a 9ude of the Industria$ Court du$y appointed under the ct8 5di6ision7 'eans a di6ision of the Court! estab$ished by the rincipa$ &ude! under section 1: (1) of the ct8 5&ude7 'eans a &ude of the Court appointed under the ct and inc$udes the rincipa$ &ude8 5'e'ber7 'eans a 'e'ber of the Court appointed under section 1# of the ct8 5notice7 inc$udes a notice of 'otion8 5notify7 'eans to i6e a notice in writin8 5party7 'eans a person! a trade union! an e'p$oyer! e'p$oyer;s orani set out in the irst Schedu$e 2" Notice of hearin (1) ,he Court sha$$! with due reard to the con6enience of a$$ parties! fi3 a date! ti'e and p$ace for hearin (2) ,he Court not $ess than twentyDone days before the date fi3ed for hearin! cause to be sent to each  party a hearin notice specifyin the date! ti'e and p$ace of hearin* ro6ided that the Court 'ay for r easons to be recorded! fi3 an ear$ier hearin date or 'ay proceed with a case on priority basis 21 .eter'ination by docu'entary e6idence ,he Court 'ay! sub9ect to an aree'ent by a$$ parties! proceed to deter'ine a suit before it on the basis of   p$eadins! affida6its! docu'ents fi$ed and sub'issions 'ade by the parties 22 roceedins in the absence of either part y @here a hearin notice was ser6ed on the parties! the Court 'ay proceed with the case before it in the absence of any party thereto if+ 

(a) that party has indicated that! that party does not wish to attend the hearin8 (b) that party fai$s to appear for the hearin without pro6idin any reasons8 or  (c) the Court is satisfied that the reasons forwarded to it by that party are not of such a nature as to  pre6ent the attendance of that party 2= Conso$idation of cases ,he Court 'ay conso$idate suits if it appears that in any nu'ber of suits (a) so'e co''on uestion of fact or $aw arises8 or  (b) it is practica$ and appropriate to proceed with the issues raised in the suits si'u$taneous$y 24 -earin procedure Cap B"  (1) ,he Court sha$$ i6e directions as 'a y be necessary to enab$e the parties to prepare for the hearin (2) ,he Court sha$$! at the beinnin of the hearin! e3p$ain the order of the proceedins which the Court  proposes to adopt (=) ,he Court sha$$ not be bound by ru$es of e6idence under the E6idence ct* ro6ided that the c$ai'ant or the appe$$ant sha$$ be i6en the first opportunity to present that c$ai'ant;s or  that appe$$ant;s case (4) E6idence before the Court 'ay be i6en ora$$y or if the &ude so orders! by affida6it or a written state'ent and the Court 'ay at any stae of hearin! reuire the attendance of a deponent or an author of a written state'ent if the attendance is reuired for the purposes of e3a'ination of the facts deponed or written (>) ,he Court sha$$ conduct the hearin in a 'anner it considers 'ost suitab$e to the 9ust hand$in and recordin of proceedins and sha$$! if appropriate! a6oid $ea$ technica$ities and for'a$ities (:) ,he Court 'ay use e$ectronic 'odes of presentation and recordin of e6idence (#) ,he Court 'ay reuire a witness to i6e e6idence on oath or affir'ation and the Court 'ay! for that  purpose! ad'inister the oath or the affir'ation (B) ,he Court 'ay at its own reuest or at the reuest of a party to a suit be pro6ided with 6isua$ de'onstration faci$ities for the disp$ay of any 'aps! photoraphs! charts! diara's and de'onstrations or i$$ustrations of te3ts and any other docu'ents that are to be used for the purposes of 'ain a findin in the 'atter for deter'ination before it 2> C$ose of hearin (1) /pon co'p$etion of the hearin and presentation of the facts and e6idence and state'ents by parties! witnesses and e3perts! if any! the Court sha$$ dec$are the hearin c$osed (2) ,he Court sha$$ not reDopen hearin or re6iew facts un$ess it! for sufficient reason! considers it fit to do so or as pro6ided for in ru$e =2(1) 2: Sub'issions

 (1) /pon hearin a$$ facts and e6idence and the consideration of the 'atters in uestion! the parties 'a y ora$$y sub'it or fi$e written sub'issions! su''in up their respecti6e cases before the Court (2) @here written sub'issions are 'ade! three oriina$ copies of the sub'ission sha$$ be fi$ed with the Court and additiona$ copies ser6ed on each party to the proceedins 2# .ecision of the court  (1) ,he Court sha$$! after considerin a$$ re$e6ant facts and supportin docu'ents and in accordance with the procedures set in these Ru$es+  (a) where the suit was oriinated by a state'ent of c$ai'! de$i6er an award! (b) where the suit was oriinated by a 'e'orandu' of appea$! de$i6er a 9ud'ent! or  (c) in any other proceedins! de$i6er a ru$in* ro6ided that! sub9ect to these Ru$es and to an y other written $aw! the Court 'ay at any ti'e in the conduct of its proceedins issue+  (a) an in9uncti6e order8 (b) a prohibitory order8 (c) a dec$aratory order8 (d) an order for specific perfor'ance8 (e) an order for pay'ent of costs8 (f) an order for pay'ent of interest on any principa$ su' awarded by the Court8 or  () any other order to 'eet the ends of 9ustice  (2)  decision of the Court sha$$ contain concise state'ent of facts and the reasons for the decision (=) ,he decision of the Court sha$$ be in writin and sined by the &ude sittin with two 'e'bers and du$y sea$ed* ro6ided that where the parties ha6e! by consent! areed that the 9ude sits a$one or with one 'e'ber! the  9ude sittin or the 9ude and the sittin 'e'ber sha$$ sin the award (4)  party 'ay appea$ aainst the decision of the Court on 'atters of $aw 2B Costs and Interest  (1) ,he Court sha$$ be uided by section 12(B) of the ct in awardin costs to a part y (2) ,he Court sha$$ not award e3e'p$ary or puniti6e costs (=) @here a suit in6o$6es a $iuidated a'ount that is c$ai'ed and specified at the ti'e of fi$in a state'ent of c$ai' and the Court orders that the a'ount c$ai'ed or part of the a'ount be paid to the

c$ai'ant! the Court 'ay in addition to that order! direct that interest be paid on the $iuidated a'ount awarded at app$icab$e interest rates as if the suit was fi$ed in the -ih Court 2A Record of proceedins and decision (1) ,he Reistrar sha$$ cause a record of the proceedins and the decisions of the Court to be 'ade (2) ,he record of the proceedins and decisions of the Court sha$$ be 'ade a6ai$ab$e to an y interested  person upon reuest and upon pay'ent of the prescribed fee (=) ,he record of proceedins and decisions of the Court referred to in pararaph (1) sha$$ be ept in accordance with the pro6isions of the ct and any other written $aw o6ernin the eepin of 9udicia$ records (4) n award! a 9ud'ent! a ru$in! an order or a decision of the Court certified! sined and sea$ed by the Reistrar sha$$ be conc$usi6e e6idence of the e3istence of the award! the 9ud'ent! the ru$in! the order or  the decision of the Court =" .ecree  (1) ,he Reistrar sha$$ draw! sea$! and issue an order and a decree of the Court (2) n order or a decree sha$$ be drawn in accordance with the decision of the Court and sha$$ specify c$ear$y in pararaphs the re$ief ranted and any other deter'ination and costs! if any =1 E3ecution and warrants (1) ,he Reistrar sha$$ issue an e3ecution order and a warrant of arrest (2) Ru$es on e3ecution of an order and a decree app$icab$e in the -ih Court sha$$ be app$icab$e to an order and a decree of the Court =2 Re6iew (1)  person who is arie6ed by a decree or an order of the Court 'ay app$y for a re6iew of the award!  9ud'ent or ru$in+  (a) if there is a disco6ery of new and i'portant 'atter or e6idence which! after the e3ercise of due di$ience! was not within the now$ede of that person or cou$d not be produced by that person at the ti'e when the decree was passed or the order 'ade8 or  (b) on account of so'e 'istae or error apparent on the face of the record8 or  (c) on account of the award! 9ud'ent or ru$in bein in breach of an y written $aw8 or  (d) if the award! the 9ud'ent or ru$in reuires c$arification8 or  (e) for any other sufficient reasons (2) n app$ication for re6iew of a decree or order of the Court under subpararaphs (b)! (c)! (d)! or (e)! sha$$ be 'ade to the 9ude who passed the decree! or 'ade the order souht to be re6iewed (=)  party seein re6iew of a Court decree or order of the Court sha$$ app$y to the Court in or' : set out in the irst Schedu$e

(4) n app$ication under pararaph (=) sha$$ be acco'panied by a 'e'orandu' supportin the app$ication and the Court sha$$ proceed to hear the parties in accordance with section 2: of the ct (>) ,he Court sha$$! upon hearin an app$ication for re6iew! de$i6er a ru$in a$$owin the app$ication or dis'issin the app$ication (:) @here an app$ication for re6iew is ranted! the Court 'ay re6iew its decision to confor' to the findins of the re6iew or uash its decision and order that the suit be heard aain (#) n order 'ade for a re6iew of a decree or order sha$$ not be sub9ect to further re6iew == Correction of errors ,he Court sha$$ cause any c$erica$ 'istae! incidenta$ error or o'ission to be rectified without reference to the parties and sha$$ notify the parties of the 'istae! incidenta$ error or o'ission =4 Sea$ of the Court (1) ,he Sea$ of the Court sha$$ be authenticated by the sinature of the Reistrar (2) In the absence of the Reistrar! a .eputy Reistrar desinated by the rincipa$ &ude for that purpose! 'ay authenticate the Sea$ of the Court => Co$$ecti6e ree'ents  (1) n e'p$oyer or an orani)  co$$ecti6e aree'ent sha$$ not tae effect unti$ it has been reistered by the Court =: Court to reu$ate its procedure Sub9ect to these Ru$es! the Court 'a y reu$ate its own procedure =# Reistration of Co$$ecti6e ree'ents ,he ees chareab$e by the court for fi$in p$eadins! instru'ents and procedures sha$$ be as set out in the Second Schedu$e as a'ended fro' ti'e to ti'e* ro6ided that the court 'ay! on app$ication by a party! wai6e a$$ or any fee chareab$e =B LN No 1B:F1A:> LN No 11BF1A#= Industria$ Court (rocedure) Ru$es and ,he ,rade /nions (ppea$s) ('end'ent) Ru$es are re6oed


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%efore 'e  Co''issioner of 0athsFaistrate P.e$ete as necessary  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  0R 4 (r11 (B)) REQ/ES, ,0 ,-E C0/R, ,0 EEC, SER?ICE ,o the Reistrar  Industria$ Court of Genya 1 ,he PC$ai'antFppe$$antFRespondent hereby reuests the Reistrar to effect ser6ice of process on the PC$ai'antFppe$$antFRespondent 2 ,he hysica$ address of the PC$ai'antFppe$$antFRespondent for purpose of this suit is as fo$$ows*     = ,he PC$ai'ant Fppe$$antFRespondent has paid the reuisite fee for ser6ice .,E. at NIR0%I thisday of2" PC$ai'antFppe$$antFRespondent P.e$ete as necessary 0R > (r1A (>)) IN ,-E IN./S,RIL C0/R, 0 GENH 0R 0 LE.INS IN./S,RIL C0/R, C/SEFEL N0P0 IN ,-E ,,ER 0 EL 0 C/SEFEL %E,@EEN JNE 0 CLIN,FELLN,PKCLIN,FELLN, N. JNE 0 RES0N.EN,K RES0N.EN,S S/0NS 0R ,,EN.NCE Hou are hereby su''onsed to appear in person before the abo6eDna'ed Court at

on day ofand thereafter to re'ain in attendance unti$ e3cused by the Court in reard to a$$ 'atters within your now$ede re$atin to the 'atter pendin before the Court wherein the C$ai'antFppe$$antFpp$icantP is seein as fo$$ows*     H0/ RE REQ/IRE. to brin and produce to the Court the fo$$owin8 Jinsert accurate$y the docu'ent! boo or thin to be producedK 1 2 %E IN0RE. that shou$d you on any account ne$ect to co'p$y with any of the  pro6isions of this su''ons the Court wi$$ be $eft with no option but to resort to the  pro6isions of Ru$e =2 of the Industria$ Court Ru$es (Pde$ete whiche6er is not app$icab$e) Sined and dated at thisday of  Reistrar  0R > (r=2 (=)) C/SEFEL N002" IN ,-E ,,ER 0 LIC,I0N 0R RE?IE@ %E,@EEN JNa'e of pp$icantKpp$icant JNa'e of RespondentKRespondent ,he Reistrar  ,he Industria$ Court 0 %o3 4#:":  NIR0%I RE?IE@ 0 @R. @eFIthe pp$icant party  bein arie6ed by the award! in Cause Nodated sub'it(s) that the ward reuires re6iew and enc$ose herewith the reuisite 'e'oranda in support of the app$ication for re6iew ,he pp$icant party wishesFdoes not wish to be heard in respect of the app$ication for re6iew and intendsFdoes not intend to ca$$ witnesses in support of its c$ai' .ated at thisday of2"  pp$icantFd6ocate .rawn  i$ed by*

(pp$icant on the re6iew app$ication) ,o be ser6ed upon* (Respondent to the re6iew app$ication) SEC0N. SC-E./LE (r =#) EES  No $eadin GSh 1 Sa$e of for's* per for' per >" for's 1>" 2 0n fi$in a State'ent of C$ai' (a) Indi6idua$s e'p$oyees (i) ee on State'ent of c$ai' (ii) Supportin affida6it (iii) nne3ure (b) ny other party (i) ee on State'ent of C$ai' (ii) Supportin ffida6it (iii) nne3ure (per docu'ent) (c) i$in Rep$y to C$ai' (d) Rep$yin affida6it (e) nne3ure (per docu'ent) 2"" #> 2" >"" #> 1"


>"" #> 1" = (a) 0n fi$in Inter$ocutory pp$ication (b) ffida6its in support of pp$ications (c) nne3ure ( per docu'ent) 2>" #> 1" 4 (a) 0n fi$in rounds of 0pposition (b) Rep$yin ffida6its (c) nne3ure (per docu'ent) 2>" #> 1" > (a) 0n fi$in pp$ication for Re6iew of the ward (b) ffida6its in support of pp$ication (c) nne3ure ( per docu'ent) >"" #> 1" : (a) 0n fi$in Response to pp$ication for Re6iew (b) ffida6it in support of pp$ication (c) nne3ure per docu'ent >""

#> 1" # (a) 0n fi$in ppea$s fro' the .ecision of Reistrar of ,rade /nions (b) ffida6it in support of ppea$s (c) nne3ure per docu'ent >""" #> 1" B (a) 0n fi$in ppea$s fro' the decision of the inister (b) ffida6it in support of ppea$ (c) nne3ure per docu'ent 2!""" #> 1" A (a) 0n i$in ppea$s other than ppea$s fro' the decision of the Reistrar of ,rade /nions or the inister (b) ffida6it in support of ppea$ (c) nne3ure (per docu'ent) 1!""" #> 1" 1"  (a) 0n fi$in e'orandu' of Rep$y to any ppea$ (b) Rep$yin ffida6it (c) nne3ure per docu'ent 1!""" #> 1" 11 (a) 0n fi$in ffida6it of Ser6ice! Supp$e'entary or further ffida6its #> 1" 12 Issue of su''onsFNotice of ppearance >" 1= ,ain out witness su''ons or any other su''ons not pro6ided for 1"" 14 i$in e'orandu' of ppearance of Notice of ppoint'ent of ad6ocates 1"" 1> or fi$in any docu'ent for which no fee is prescribed under this schedu$e #> 1: CertificationFattestation of docu'ents #> 1# or swearin an affida6it (Cap 1>) >" 1B CertificationFattestation of docu'ents #> 1A or swearin an affida6it (Cap 1>) >" 2" 0n fi$in 'atter under certificate of urency >>" 21 0n app$ication for ad9ourn'ent at ti'e of hearin 4"" 22 0n fi$in consent orders 1>" 2= (a) 0n fi$in app$ication for e3ecution (b) Issuance of e3ecution order  (c) Notice to show course (d) Issuance of Notice to show course (e) Issue of attach'ent warrant (f) Issue of sa$e warrant2>" 1>" 1>" 1>" >" >" 24 pp$ication of decree 1"" 2> 0n fi$in a bi$$ of costs 2>" 2: pp$ication for 9ud'ent =" 2# pp$ication to drawFbe issued with Court order >"

2B 2A

Issue of a certificate by reistrar after award is i6en by the Court 1"" 0n fi$in any app$ication for which no pro6ision is 'ade under this schedu$e

.ated the 4th ay! 2"1" C-RLES C-E/,,/,! Chair'an! Ru$es %oard


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