Indolence of Filipinos Discourse Analysis Workshop

July 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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University of San Jose - Recoletos Department of Social Sciences & Philosophy GE-Rizal Course: Life and Works of Jose Rizal

DISCOURSE ANALYSIS WORKSHOP Jose Rizal’s ‘The Indolence of Filipinos’ Name: Adrian Paul G. Astorga

Course & Year: BSBA-MM2

ID No :2019013311

Instrucons: Complete this workshop individually using the template provided. Submit your output within the week. Submit via the Online Learning Plaorm I.

CONCEPT MAP - In nss tr truc uc ons ons:: Fill in the table provided with relevant informaon gathered from the essay “Indolence of Filipinos” o o o

Only ve (5) factors needed to outline, choose accordingly. Total Score = 50pts

Factor 1

NAME/CONCEPT (3pts) (one word or a phrase will  sufce) QUICK SUMMARY (2pts) (P (Pro rov v id id e 2-3 2-3 se en n te ten ce ce su summ mmar ary y o th the e a act ctor orss idened)

Factor 2

Factor 3

Spain did not protect the people against foreign invaders and pirates.

There was a crooked system of  religion.

Lack of a national sentiment unity among them

Implementation of forced labor.

protect ct the There is only limited training The Spain did not prote Filipino people against foreign foreign and education education Filip Filipino ino native natives s Filipino receives. Mostly Filipinos did invaders and pirates with no not not re rece ceiv ive e the the same same arms to defend themselves, opportunitie opport unities s that are availa available ble most of the natives were killed to foreigners because the and their houses were burned. Filipino Filipino natives are taught as  As a result of this the Filipino inferiors. Resulting there are no people had lost interest in students that have the ability to cultivating their land and were lead lead the work that’ that’s s why they labeled as lazy. don’t have the motivation.

The friars in the Philippines taught the Filipino people that it was easier for poor man to enter the heaven. Since the Filipino people believe the friars and most of them were religious people. Some of the Filipino people preferred not to work and remain remain poor poor so tha thatt the they y could easily go to heaven.

Since the Filipino Filipino believe that they they are inferior inferior they tend tend to copy the foreign culture and do everything everyt hing to imitate them. Because of this they are easily get discriminate discriminated d and because because of discrimination their motivation got low.

The Spanish leaders would let all the Filipino native do the difficult task and forced them in working labors with low return return income.. This problem leads to income procrastination of some Filipinos because they had felt that they were abuse and was taken for  granted.

Limited training and education Filipino natives receive





Factor 4

Factor 5


EFFECTS (3pts) (Asides rom Indolence, what  else did change with Filipinos?)

Filipino Filipino peopl people e was easily  Aside from the indolence, The  Aside from indolence, The  Aside from indolence, The  Aside from the indolence, The abused by the Spanish people Filipi Filipino no peo people ple had also Filipino Filipino had also change they Filipino people would follow Filipino learned how to fight since they don’t have the become more submissive to the tend to believe the things what what the Foreign people or the back for their equal rights and knowledge knowle dge of their rights as a mercy of God and got angrier to the higher ups tells them. Spaniards told them what to do some of them were awakened citizen in the country. the Spanish authorities. Sometimes Someti mes they even believe and they feel that they are because of this abuses the Spaniards have done to them. fake fake new news s and that leads to inferior to the Spanish people. them get easily abused.

PERSONAL INSIGHT ( 2pts) (pro (provi vide de 1-2 1-2 se sent nten ence ce to arculate arcul ate your thoughts on the actor idened)

For me I think it is only normal why the Filipino people that time were not motivated to work since they don’t have the knowledge of how to implement it just like agricultural works.


For me If I was in that situation it is normal that we tend to save our lives first than to work. It’s also just normal that they had to abandon their works if their lives is at stake stake if they they choose choose to stay.

Well most of Filipinos do believe their superiors. They tend to believe in superstitious stuffs so that’s why they believed the friars about the easiest way to go to heaven is being poor.

Yes, I do believe that this is one of the key factors why the Filipino Filipino are Indolence. It’s because they are not proud of  being Filipino by that time and it had damaged their self-stem and feels unmotivated.

This is the most most of th the e ma main in factors why the Filipino are Indolence Indole nce its because because the Spanish Spanis h people treat them as laborers labore rs and they forced them to do some of the difficult tasks.  Also there is a high tax and low income at that time the Filipino natives felt that they were abused resulting to unmotivated works.

SHORT E ES SSAY - Write a brief essay of no less than 5 sentences, aach it here to the Rubric Total Score = 66 points o o

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1 . 5s pa ci ng

Key Queson: o Why did Rizal recommend the fostering of Naonal Consciousness as a remedy to the Filipinos’ Indolence? (66pts)

As a remedy to the Indolence of the Filipinos, Rizal proposes the promotion of National Consciousness to raise awareness not only to the Filipino people but also to the people in the neighboring countries that Filipino is not an unmotivated individual. It is such that there are some reasons why Filipinos lack the motivation to work, such as limited educational preparation, resulting in a lack of expertise in the performance of their jobs. Second, at the time of the Spanish colonization, the friars made the Filipino people believe that it was better for a poor man than a rich man to reach heaven. The Filipino citizens also lacked incentive to work because they thought that they were only taken for granted due to the enforcement of force labor law for Filipino natives with low return income but a high tax. The main reason is to raise awareness of these factors among Filipino individuals.





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