Metrobank-MTAP-DeplEd Math Challer:ge 2Ot3 Individual Finals o Third Year c Category A Naune:
Part I' trVrite your arrswer on thc spa.e be.fore each itenr. Lqlve radicals turd n in a|lswer eaJrs 2 points_
ans\eers. Each correcr
B are positive integexs, where ,4 is between 3 and tg (inclusive). B is bctwc, 5 r*rd 20 (inclusive). Find the positive differeiic€ betwee. the lareiest and srnalitxr^nd pussibre v;rrucs ,r z1/,iJ. ,4 arr(i
2- A rectangle
h&s area
3. Find the rrnrdinates
i[NINP 4. t'iud
of a point
N on thc
_ 2/3.
thc arca of
segment connecting .id(-3,4) and
.P(2, 1f)
snch that
r.rtaDtle wirl width 18 (,rr if ir is irscribexl iD a circle with radius 15 cln.
5. Insed two arithmctic T
c-.21) co2. n'ind its pe.ri:netcr if itiasabaseof (s*lt)
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