Indikator Transparansi

July 28, 2018 | Author: Anonymous uCWpr8AmFH | Category: Public Finance, Budget, Taxes, Politics, Government
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 Transparansi  Transparansi adalah prinsip yang menjamin akses atau kebebasan kebebasan bagi orang


memperoleh informasi tentang


informasi tentang

kebijakan, kebijakan,


penyelenggaraan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan,

proses pembuatan

dan pelaksanaannya, pelaksanaannya,

serta hasil-hasil hasi l-hasil yang y ang dicapai. dicapai . Prinsip Transparansi Transparansi memiliki dua aspek: aspek : 1. komunik komunikasi asi publik publik oleh oleh pemer pemerintah intah 2. hak masyaraka masyarakatt terhada terhadap p akses informa informasi si  Transparasi  Transparasi merupakan salah satu prinsip good governance. governance. ardiasmo !2""#$ menyebutkan bah%a, kerangka konseptual dalam da lam membangun memb angun transparansi transpar ansi dan akuntabilitas organisasi sektor publik dibutuhkan empat komponen yang terdiri dari: 1. 2. #. &.

adanya adanya siste sistem m pelapo pelaporan ran keuang keuangan an adanya adanya siste sistem m penguk pengukuran uran kinerja kinerja dilakuk dilakukanny annya a auditing auditing sektor sektor publik publik berfungsi berfungsinya nya saluran saluran akuntab akuntabilita ilitas s publik publik ! channel of accountability  accountability $. $.

ardiasmo, ardiasmo, 2""#, menyebutkan anggaran yang disusun oleh pihak eksekutif  dikatakan transparansi tran sparansi jika memenuhi me menuhi beberapa bebe rapa kriteria krite ria berikut: 1. 2. #. &. (.

terdapat terdapat pengum pengumuman uman kebij kebijaka akan n anggaran, anggaran, tersedia tersedia dokumen dokumen anggaran anggaran dan mudah mudah diakses, diakses, tersedia tersedia laporan pertangg pertanggungj ungja%ab a%aban an yang tepat %aktu, %aktu, terakomoda terakomodasiny sinya a suara'us suara'usulan ulan rakyat, rakyat, terdapat terdapat sistem sistem pemberian pemberian inform informasi asi kepada kepada publik. publik.

Parameter transparansi anggaran !)ndia$: 1. *vailabilit vailability y of the +ocuments +ocuments' 'epor eports't ts'tatem atements: ents: a. hether hether all relevan relevantt documents documents / including including the the main budget budget documents documents !as re0uir re0uired ed by the onstitu onstitution tion$, $, supporti supporting ng budget budget documents documents,othe ,otherr related related docume documents nts !e.g. !e.g. the *nnua *nnuall eports eports and Plans Plans$, $, docume documents nts on speci special al budge budgetar tary y practi practices ces !e.g. !e.g. ender ender 3udget 3udgeting ing,, P for s, s, TP$, TP$, inter internal nal b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

evaluation reports, and audit reports / are produced in the tate4 hether hether these these documents documents are availab available le to the general general public4 public4 hether hether these these documen documents ts are are available available to to the media4 media4 hether hether these these documents documents are availab available le to the 5egislator 5egislators4 s4 6o% easily easily are these these documents documents accessi accessible ble to the general general public4 public4 6o% easily easily are these these document documents s accessi accessible ble to to the media media4 4 6o% easily easily are these these documents documents accessi accessible ble to the 5egislat 5egislators4 ors4 hat hat are are the strateg strategies ies adopted adopted by the tate tate over overnme nment nt in distribu distributin ting g

these documents4 i. 6o% many many of of these these documents documents are available available on the the )nter )nternet4 net4 2. ompleten ompleteness ess of the )nforma )nformation tion

a. hether the information given in the main budget documents and the supporting budget documents provide a complete picture ofthe 7scal situation of the tate4 b. +oes the tate overnment produce speci7c budget documents %hich capture the magnitude and composition of ta8 revenue foregone due to ta8 e8emptions' deductions' incentives !if any$4 c. +oes the tate overnment bring out speci7c budget documents %hich capture the 9o% of such funds from nion 3udget to the tate that are bypassing the tate 3udget !i.e. funds being transferred by the nion overnment directly to the bank accounts of the autonomous programme implementing societies in the tate$4 d. hether the main ' supporting budget documents provide a complete picture of the allocations and e8penditure on important development sectors !e.g. education, health, agriculture$4 e. hether the main ' supporting budget documents provide information on the submissions made by the tate to the nion overnment or central f.

institutions !like the ;inance ommission and the Planning ommission$4 hether the main ' supporting budget documents provide information on the agreements 'os signed by the tate %ith the nion overnment or any other agency !like the orld 3ank, *sian +evelopment 3ank$ on matters

pertaining to public 7nance4 g. hether the tate Treasury is computerised and linked to the internet4 #. ;acilitating nderstanding and )nterpretation of the )nformation a. hether the budget documents'reports'statements enable an ordinary citi
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